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    Thursday, April 15, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Wrath of the Druids delayed to Thursday May 13th

    Assassin's Creed Wrath of the Druids delayed to Thursday May 13th

    Wrath of the Druids delayed to Thursday May 13th

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:05 AM PDT


    Official AC tweet for reference.

    To deliver a more refined experience, we're sharing that:

    ⛰️Wrath of the Druids will now release on May 13 📝We're working on an article to provide transparency and share insights on our dev process

    Thanks for your patience. Keep an eye on our social channels for future news!

    submitted by /u/IndieGizmo3
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    Altair finding wall relief of Bayek and holding Senu (fan art)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    Cool little detail in AC:O. When you visit shrine of thoth, you can find dead kids body with a letter from his worrying parent, saying that bandits roam these areas. If you rest in there, bandits actually will ambush you, and you'll get a chance to avenge the kid.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    The newer ac titles need to have more events like this. These type of implements really bring a city/game to life.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    Why are Vikings/ Norse soldiers designed so weirdly in this game?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    Especially after looking at some of the concept art of this game that had some pretty historically accurate and badass designs, instead we ended up with poorly armored soldiers that just look odd and bland. They look nothing like what was shown in the trailer and concept art.

    No one in the game looks remotely like the artwork here which was really well done, the Vikings in game look more like the Picts at this age rather than legitimate Norse warriors. Also the concept art for female Eivor looks much better than what we got too.


    submitted by /u/TheWezzalt
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    Why AC will probably never be set in India

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 10:01 PM PDT

    I've been thinking bout it for a long time, assassins creed is never gonna visit India,coz it will just take one flaw in the lore that contradicts hindu belief and they will make a big mess,they dodged a bullet with ac chronicles...me being a hindu in India can say this without getting 500000 angry DM's

    submitted by /u/BARBARIC_MONKEY
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    New Assassin's Creed novels announced. Will be released in late 2021-early 2022 in France after the Blade of Aizu.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 04:19 PM PDT

    I loved Assassins Creed Valhalla’s narrative [spoilers]

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    I finally beat Valhalla after owning the game since it's release. I played/cleared every region and arc, and overall, I'm happy with the series and it's future. Im not saying the game was perfect, and I would absolutely like to see stealth and parkour get some more love in the next title.

    That being said, Valhalla really brought the series back into scope for me. The ISU lore, the callbacks from previous games, and the feel of conspiracy chasing really showed in this game for me, and I loved it. The Eivor/Sigurd/Basim ending was awesome and I was genuinely shocked when I got to the ending. Great stuff.

    submitted by /u/Itwasdoneforfun
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    Ubisoft shouldnt have given us the option to choose a gender

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    Title says it all. I think the gender of the protagonist should be set in stone. Giving us the option to choose between Alexios and Kassandra in Odyssey and between male and female Eivor was a mistake IMO. For multiple reasons. Firstly the fact that the gets crippled in a way that he cant develop based on his/her gender. Or that some good plotpoints are missed. In Odyssey for exampke Kassandra wouldve been discriminated in Athens because shes a women, so there couldve been a storyline abput that, but no. Alexios is a man who wouldnt be discrminated so Athens is suddently woke now. Your sex is also a part of your personality and since Ubi had to be neutral in that Eivor just doesent feel as fleshed out as if he/she was defined female/male.

    But secondly and most importantly it led to sone real toxicitity in the community. Since people who played with Alexios or male Eivor just got a middle finger and the Kassandra female Eivor stans didnt really make it better. Hell I used he when I talked about Eivor and another user immediatly was like " Its she, Eivor was a woman" or the countless artickes by scum like Buzzfeed and co "10 reasons why Kassandra is superior to Alexios as protagonist" shit like that just puts a rift in our community.

    It also feels super lazy by Ubisoft. They proudly say we have a female lead in Assassins creed while about 40% of the players played with a dude.

    submitted by /u/Noah_the_Titan
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Wrath Of The Druids DLC Delayed, New Footage, Official News and More

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    The joys of throwing money around

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    Does anyone else throw money around constantly JUST to hear the joyous exclamations of the townspeople? Particularly in the earlier ones like AC2. It always puts a smile on my face to hear those excited voices (especially with those adorable italian accents):

    I hear mahhney!

    Mahhney, mahhney, mahney!

    Sì, wow!

    My lucky day!

    That's more than I make in a month!

    Che buona fortuna!


    Va bene!

    Now that's more like it!

    The easy way!

    Mi piace!

    submitted by /u/GarySevenOfNine
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    50 hours of play and I've just finished AC Origins - Superb!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    Now this is officially the longest time I've spent on an AC game, Unity would be the nearest second place with around 40 hours.

    Its my firm opinion that Origins started off entirely as an Aya origin story, but somewhere along the production line they swayed a lot of her mission to Bayek, assuming a mostly male audience needed an male protagonist. Aya is at a lot of the key moments throughout the game, Aya is the only one involved in the sea battles, Aya is eventually revealed to be the founder of the first assassins bureau too.

    The game is about 70/30 Bayek/Aya and it could easily have substituted Aya into a significant number of Bayeks quests without having any impact on the game, but the key story where Aya is involved couldn't have been as easily converted for Bayek in my opinion.

    Aya is the first to mention a creed

    Aya becomes Amunet

    Aya sets up the assassins' bureau

    Aya is involved in all of the sea battles

    Regarding the game experience as a whole, they simplified the control scheme compared to unity and the older AC games, so at first I thought this might ruin it for me, but overall I can see the benefits in what was done.

    The core story itself and is strong and you can see a proper reason to take out each target. This was much stronger than Syndicate for me. The scenery is beautiful from start to finish and I mean this, for example I was still finding new places with new stunning views as I reached the final stages of the main game. I assume there would still be new things for me to find opening the game today.

    Despite my Aya theory I still enjoyed every second of my time as Bayek, he is such a solidly designed character and impressively acted.

    I hope people continue to go back and replay this game, its another solid part of the AC story everyone should experience

    submitted by /u/Birdinhandandbush
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    Valhalla’s been “Assassins vs. Templars” the whole time, and we’ve been a Templar [HEAVY SPOILERS AND SPECULATION]

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    This is pure interpretation and a loose theory, but so many have been upset that there weren't enough Assassins in our Assassin's Creed game, and while totally fair to point out, let me posit the concept that Assassin's Creed was the first thing on the table, and the Viking mythology had to fit.

    The "gods" had to fit. So, what if the mythology was where they hid the Assassin-Templar conflict, where they spent considerable time making the Isu align? Strange, I know, but hear me out on this loose SPOILER-FILLED list for things that are explicit, and what could be implicit:

    • Basim is an Assassin. A powerful, high-ranked Master Assassin. Basim is of course the Reborn form of Loki, who is notable as a Jotun, one side of the Aesir-Jotun war.

    • Eivor is not the Templar I mean, but rather her rejected assimilator Odin, her progenitor. A fitting end for the Mad One, the destroyer of his progenitor Ymir to create the 9 Realms. Somewhat irrelevant anecdote aside...

    • Odin is shown to be megalomaniacal in his hunger for power, dominion over all, even in death, and the lengths he's willing to go to see his machinations through are selfish and self-serving, such as seducing the daughter of his generous host before stealing from them.

    • The Aesir - and by decree, Havi - kept the Jotuns "penned" while they toyed with their new human cattle. They kept humans docile, subservient, delusionally complicit in their infinite spot as tools to be used.

    • Loki, the crafty bastard, bounced both sides of the Aesir-Jotun war long before Havi ventured over, and obviously learned a great deal of tricks from both sides, but he and his family were always against the Aesir...or...the Templars...and their tyrrany over people's lives and families. Sounds kinda Assassin-y to me.

    • I'll toss in that Gunlodr and Suttungr (Minerva and Jupiter) were both correctly apprehensive of Havi's parlay, and were grateful for Loki's confession of Havi's crimes as they were happening. Both of whom became...Assassin...allies?...in the modern day in their own ways.

    • Then Loki gets Reborn, joins the actual Assassins because their Creed lines up well enough with his and might get him closer to his kin. Doesn't quite go so well for him, losing to the same "foe" in Eivor a second time, when Loki gets shoved into the Yggdrasil Device.

    • Skip past his intro to Layla, when he quietly disappears from the Gray to shunt back out into Modern Day, and crafty as ever, tracks down and "joins" the modern Assassins first thing, and then smirks at the grave of his fallen Templar foe.

    Like I said, very loose, not much here, but if you look a little harder, there's a fair amount of Jotun vs. Aesir...err...Assassin vs Templar oozing from this game, and IMHO a fair amount more than other posts like to lambast...

    Your thoughts?

    • Your Friendly Neighborhood Mentor
    submitted by /u/IMHOZen1
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    New setting regarding rumours about future games and the AC writer comments on a setting in Brazil and Conquistadors.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    Following hunders of suggestions in this subreddit - and I do enjoy to read them - here goes another one.

    Alain Mercieca said he is feeling a Brazil setting, stated the Conquistadors period "fascinated him" (source). Recent rumours state that Medieval France could be one of the settings - again, just rumours. Some AC fans do want the old narrative back, others love the current system and the RPG approach - which follows the path that Ubisoft is building (source). Thus, I would enjoy to have a future AC game as the following:

    1. Time period: Game split by sequences, similar to old Assassin's creed games, but with longer timings – ~1300 to ~1500
    2. Epilogue ~1300: The game would begin in France, during the referred Medieval France, we would play as an assassin following the steps of the French Master Assassin Thomas de Carneillon – the killer of Jacques de Molays advisor, the one you play with in the beggining of AC Unity.
      1. During this time we would meet Philipe IV of France and Joan of Navarre, as well as Pope Clement V and King Denis of Portugal – this last one follows the dissolution of the Templar Order in 1312: the templars were received in Portugal, under the protection of the King, and stablished themselves in Convent of Christ (until today) (source)).They had to "re-name" this order as the following: Military order of Christ
      2. The modern-day passages would be nearby Tomar, Portugal ("The templar city")
      3. We would be able to follow the templar knights to Portugal, and spy their operations after the "dissolution" of the order.
    3. Main game and sequences ~1500: similar to some errors in the animus, we would need to use the animus to revive the memories of the Epilogue's assassin's great grandson, to check upon the advances and development of the templar order in Portugal and in Spain.
      1. Following the treaty of Tordesillas, that divided the newly-discovered lands, the Portuguese expeditions were heavily financed by the Templar order/order of Christ. The goal of the Portuguese king was to expand the empire and Christianism, but the Templar order would see these discoveries as an opportunity to develop their power as well as way to find the Eden pieces/artifacts. As an Assassin, the point is to dismantle this and supervise the growth of slavery and templars power.
      2. We would meet: Vasco da Gama, Columbus, King John II of Portugal, King Ferdinand II of Aragon, Afonso de Albuquerque.
      3. For naval travelling – with map limitations similar to AC Origins or Black flag – we would have the opportunity to use the Portuguese Caravel and the famous Spanish/Portuguese Galleons.
    4. DLC: Madagascar or India during the expedition to India (Vasco da Gama)
      1. Other interesting historical facts to explore: Portuguese "discovery" of Australia or the first European contact with Japan; Battle of Diu (One of the most important battles)

    Main Locations: Paris (Visual from Knightfall Series), Tomar (Unesco - Convent of Christ), Lisbon (Painting from ~1500), Brazil (the potential locations resembling Black Flag)

    Main weapons concept: Sword Of Eden (mentioned in Unity); El Cid Sword;

    Would to have an AC during the Conquistadors time, either from the spanish or portuguese perspective. A setting in Brazil, mexico or central america in geral, would be fantastic. Love it or hate it, historical games produced by ubisoft are quite enjoyable.

    TL;DR: AC setting in medieval France, during the templar dissolution - followed by their stablishment in Portugal. Second part of the game would have aconnection with the Discoveries. Hope I did not type here any historical mistake.

    submitted by /u/sobe_leixoes
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    Assassin's Creed: Origins Complete Lists of All Equipment

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    Assassin's Creed: Origins Complete List of All Equipment

    So the lists are to long to all post together so I have compiled everything in two separate lists. Here they are.

    Part 1. Part 2.

    I've tried to give explanations for everything. Feel free to send me a chat or DM me you need any help.

    submitted by /u/CurrentlyEatingPies
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    AC Rogue really puts into perspective how good each Protagonist is.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    Sure, we've all counter killed 15 guards at some point. But Shay stops assassinations that have anywhere between 4 to 8 assassins working a low tier target. Each Protag from their respective games would ordinarily carry out missions of greater importance completely by themselves. It was cool to get that perspective on what "Legendary Assassin" means in this universe.

    submitted by /u/MannyGrey
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    Who do you think is the strangest assassin in terms of pure strength.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    For I think it's Connor because this attacks are brutal and you can see the force he has.

    submitted by /u/funnboyy
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    Odyssey question regarding how to get the ending.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    I never got around to completing Odyssey when it came out 2 years ago. I had finished up Valhalla recently & figured to delve back into Odyssey to understand the present day story.

    My question is: I just finished the main quest by getting alexios to turn away from the cult. We got the dinner of the family, but no proper ending.

    Do I have to complete killing all of the cultist members & collect all 4 artifacts & return them to get the proper ending?

    submitted by /u/halfback26
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    Analogous Norse and Isu characters?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    My question is; who or what does Fenrir represent in the Isu representation of history?

    Loki, Odin for example are directly represented in both Asgard and the Isu pantheon. We find out that Alethia is Angerboda, and it's likely that Gunlodr is Minerva and Hyrrokin is Juno. If there is a consistent alias or analogy for the Norse representations in Valhallas vision sequences, who or what does Fenrir represent? Humans?

    submitted by /u/NinjaMidget76
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    For those interested, The digital Gold Edition of Origins is on sale for $20 on Amazon

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    [AC1] Why does every single existing guard attack me on sight?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:16 PM PDT

    Just after the first time we get to mount a horse, I was trying out what the game said, that walking slowly with the horse was acceptable by the guards. Didn't understand why the hell would guards get triggered by walking normally with the horse (not running), so I tried it out. What a mistake. Since that part until almost getting to Damascus, it's always beeping when there is a guard in the vicinity, and nothing I do makes them stop aggroing me, and it was a chain reaction:

    One guard got triggered because I walked normally with the horse besides him, then I ran, and some random guards on the kingdom were aggro too, I presumed they were enemies since the guards at the first landmark didn't attack me. Then every single guard until this part is attacking me like I'm the doombringer, what's going on?

    submitted by /u/divayth_fyr_
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    AC Brotherhood - when to play which content?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    Hi all!

    I think this game has too little story-content relative to the "optional" content. I'm e.g. now supposed to go to the vatican to confront a villain (I guess I'm near the end, as I'm like 88% synched) and I have still 2 Leonardo's Machines to do, the Leonardo Disapearance, after I did many guild missions, a templar lair, The Truth and other stuff the last evenings, postponing, rather artificially, the main mission for hours. I think it's not easy/intuitive to balance optional/story-stuff and there seem to be some dependencies. You get your double blades and that grapple after you meet with Leonardo, but only after a certain sequence, while you can already do some missions where this stuff would be at least useful - so, in that case, moving forward is beneficial, while doing side quests gives money which is useful for equipment or reinvesting. Or the disciples - if you do optional stuff after you get them you can use them there or send them on missions to train them while you are occupied, so they are fully trained later on...

    Did I miss something?

    Perhaps there's a recommendation out there when to do optional stuff. Perhaps for Revelations, too :-)

    submitted by /u/cor0nad
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