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    Thursday, September 26, 2019

    Assassin's Creed A beautiful character moment in AC2...

    Assassin's Creed A beautiful character moment in AC2...

    A beautiful character moment in AC2...

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    I've been slowly replaying AC2 on the Ezio Collection, and this is my first time re-experiencing the story since I was in middle school (I'm 21 now), so there's a lot that I didn't remember. A particular scene that I just finished was such an awesome character moment for Ezio. After you've just spent the last 1-2 hours killing all nine of Savonarola's lieutenants, you finally see the man himself face his consequences as he is put to the stake.

    Now, let's think about this. Ezio's whole journey began when he watched half of his family get publicly executed. There is, objectively, no reason why he should feel compelled to show mercy when a similar fate befalls Savonarola. If anything, it should be quite the opposite. However, Ezio's perspective on vengeance and suffering has evolved so much over the course of the story up to this point that, in spite of everything, he decides to spare Savonarola from the unspeakable suffering of burning alive and ends him swiftly and gracefully (or at least as gracefully as a hidden blade to the neck would allow).

    This moment, to me, shows how mature Ezio has become, not just in wisdom, but in his emotional nuance. And to top it off, he then offers his remarks about his changed worldview to the gathered audience in a moving speech about self-determination. The character writing in these games is so wonderful, and I just wanted to share my insights and thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Hidanidas
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    How did AC go from "stabby stabby parkour enthusiast libertarian bois" to whatever it is now?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 01:54 PM PDT

    AC went from a great, and beautiful story about the importance of freedom, to historical fiction RPG with barely anything to do with the actual Creed of the assassins.

    I don't like this change, personally. Do you?

    I also prefer the older gameplay style.

    What are everyone else's thoughts?

    1 - Revelations shaped a big part of my world view, and who I am as a person. Those game's stories resonated with me more than any other before or since. So I'm going to be biased of course. But even without bias, I think the older ones are better. But I want to see what other people think.

    submitted by /u/SilverSmoke45
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    I hope that with the new consoles we do get literally a Unity inside a Odyssey like Yves said

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 11:24 PM PDT

    As many of you probably know, the CEO of Ubi said in an interview that the new games will have multiple Unitys inside a Odyssey, he was talking of course about side missions. Btw if the next game will have the same quality of side missions that Odyssey we are doomed.

    And yeah I would love a good story and some great side stories as well (Unity was a poor example for a good story Yves... Just saying)

    I would actually love to have a map like Paris, inside a game like Odyssey, (I would rather have a Origins more than an Odyssey , but money is more important and Odyssey's kind of RPG gives Ubi more money)

    Imagine having a big, dense and detailed city, with social stealth, and also a big beautiful world in the same game. That would be amazing, my first setting that comes to mind with this kind of map is Imperial Rome, imagine having the city of Rome, recreated in a 1:1 scale. And having another separated map with any, or several of its regions, like Gaul, Judea, Britania or Hispania. It would be epic.

    submitted by /u/andazo122
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    Confessions or loads of targets?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    I've been wondering what people's opinions are on the removal of confessions and the addition of many more targets and if its a good trade or not.

    submitted by /u/Idefkaiawtkms
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    What do you guys think are the chances of AC Origins and Odyssey being on the switch?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 11:58 PM PDT

    There's a port for Black flag and Rouge coming out soon and I was thinking, what are the chances of a Origins and a Odyssey for the switch? The ezio collection might come to the switch since it came before 3, BF and Rouge so it should be easier no?

    Graphic wise the ports for Origins and Odyssey might be toned down but gameplay could remain the same. Switch has the dark souls games, Witcher 3 and Skyrim and they seems to run pretty well (Witcher looked amazing in the presentation video.) Do you guys think a port of Origins and Odyssey would be possible to the switch or they would just look/play like crap.

    submitted by /u/Knightwolf58
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    Favorite Assassin’s Creed games

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 12:21 AM PDT

    So i'm curious, if you guys had to make a top 5 of Assassin's Creed games, what would it be?

    Mine would be;

    1. Assassin's Creed 4: Black flag
    2. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
    3. Assassin's Creed 2
    4. Assassin's Creed: Revelations
    5. Assassin's Creed 3
    submitted by /u/MasterGamerNL
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    Hidden Movement in AC1?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:41 PM PDT

    I was playing the first Assassin's creed earlier today and I was in Jerusalem, I

    1) Climbed up a wall 2) Jumped onto a chimney (RT+A) 3) Then went immediately into drop (RT+B)

    I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it looked almost exactly like the vault animation in Syndicate/Unity where they place their arms on the object and swing their legs around. I wasn't able to get a capture, unfortunately. The movement was very quick and much faster than climbing and then dropping. Has anyone seen something like this before? Is this intended or a glitch? Any answers would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/BadLuckPotion
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    I FINALLY finished my AC: Brotherhood 100% run

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    Yes, finally, it was much more frustrating than i ever expected. The world, compared to AC: 2, is filled with much more various side missions and objectives and collectibles, so even with only about 4-6 hours of Main Story, it took me a mind-boggling ~28 hours and 30 minutes to finish this run.

    By the way, it seems i never properly introduced myself, it is me, the guy with the 100% AC: 2 run from 10 days ago. Some of you might remember me, and I need to give BIG thanks to every single one of you for such amazing positive feedback <3. As I said, I finally came back with AC: Brotherhood. Took me 10 days because of school and stuff but i finally did it, And by the way, I didn't tell you how many hours it took to complete the ac2 run, so it took 21 hours and 1 minute. P.S. it was only a 97.88% run just because i couldn't do the templar lairs (ugh!).

    Some of you said my ac2 post was a great read, and i thank you for the compliments, but the original review was riddled with mistakes and it took a lot of edits to reach (almost) perfection, and also many of these were kind of obvious and right in the face so... yeah (also in my ac2 post i missed the fact that you can train in long weapons, two-handed weapons and multiple-knife throwing at monteriggioni for a load of money). Compared to ac2, ac brotherhood required a lot more attention and there were not as many little details and tips (that there isn't a 90% chance for you to know) to point out and some of them were either completely scrapped or became pointless. So this is going to be a combination of tips and fun facts you may have missed. So let's start:

    Here's a list of the e-mails I made if you're interested

    1. A great starting tip is pickpocketing. This is literally the most beneficial thing to the whole session and it is a must-do to have a good budget later on. In sequence 2 and in sequence 3 before the thieves guild mission your notoriety doesnt raise at all and this can be kind of abused at the start of the game. Watch out not to do too many missions in sequence 2 though, cause you'll not be able to get access to the centro district anymore. I feel like the most balanced amount you can get is around 20000 f to 22000 f from pickpocketing - 12000 f are going to be invested into a crossbow (which is also a must-have to do the stealth optionals later on) and 8000-10000 f to whatever renovations you can do. Be sure to get at least one art merchant shop so you can get a treasure map for the centro district early on (time-wasting and shop item collecting blah blah...). Not to mention that there is a small chance to get ~800 f from one guy by stealing, and also if you get spotted stealing by the guardia, they will almost immediately attack you so be ready to get into some fights (it shouldnt be a problem but i just wanted to mention it).
    2. The more shops you renovate, the more benefits you get from them. For example: renovating enough art merchant shops will get you the third treasure map for all 3 main districts, which has the rarest and most expensive items, renovating enough tailor shops will grant you more pouches (like knife belt upgrades), and renovating enough blacksmiths will grant you weapons like the butcher knife, which has 5/5 speed and is really not that expensive (around 4700 f if im correct).
    3. Collecting 40 borgia flags grants you the ability to buy maps for the rest of the borgia flags and even the feathers. So its not as much a grind as the feathers in ac2 (although it didnt really feel like it because youre collecting 7-9 feathers per sequence and in ac brotherhood youre collecting 70 at least lol). But DAMN theyre expensive as fuck and they will suck you dry of your money. 17000 f per map... yeah if you wanna save money for the landmarks later on i recommend looking at a map online.
    4. Speaking of landmarks... they only give you 770 f every 20 minutes if you own them all... and with every other renovation ever you'll be granted a total of 16680 f every 20 minutes. 1680 f more than in ac2 but this time things like paintings and weapons and armor sets and leonardo davinci models are merely objects of collection (because duh your hideout is supposed to be a HIDEOUT and not a tourist hotspot). Anyway, if you have that number on your screen (16680) then congratulations, you got the auditore cape, in sequence 7 most probably... Which could be described in an antithesis with the ac2 auditore cape (which you get from collecting all 100 feathers): In ac2 the cape is granted by Maria as family heritage and wearing it causes the guards to see you as troublesome and be suspicious on sight. In AC Brotherhood the cape is granted by some borgia guy who rewards the assassins for their hard work and time spent renovating rome. Kind of a weirdo if you ask me, and also the borgia cape looks better imo (but you can only get it in sequence 8).
    5. When you take breaks, do not pause the game. It pauses the "timer" for the rome global economy and you will be at a loss of money.
    6. Speaking of Rome Global Economy... yeah, investments. If you're curious about how much time you have left before your next set of shiny, clinky coins comes, just go to the investments menu and that "xx:xx min" number signifies the amount of time left. Also, apparently the popularity of a zone (investment wise) is based on the amount of investments other players have done, hence the fact that Tiber Island is the most popular zone and hence the fact that you get connected to a server even when playing story mode. Investing in Tiber Island is how you get the "Rome Global Economy Gold Medal" achievement (which i failed to get btw because after 28 hours of playing a 5 hour long game i was kind of tired). Youll be at a loss of money everytime though so make sure to do it when you dont care about the money anymore.
    7. Speaking of achievements, they aren't on uplay like any normal achievement, they are in the Options > Stats > Achievements menu, as I said, I have done all of them except that investment one because i was in no mood to get it.
    8. Now let's talk about the modern day a little bit. Im sure most of you know that getting out of the animus every sequence or so gets you about 2 (well-done) cutscenes for each one of our mates, but there's at least three more you might have missed: One that will give you stage 14 testicular cancer and that you can do pretty much right away by pressing any button in front of altair's statue. This cutscene basically consists of desmond's body being suddenly controlled by the spirit of a mental man-child and getting into a pointless argument with his mates, it made me die in my chair of cringe and also you can spam the first line however many times you like, but Shaun, Rebecca and Lucy will get no reaction ( sadly :(( ). The second one being right after they talk about getting food, by going to the table full of food (obviously), and the third and final one i found by going outside in sequence 7 (when no one gets any dialogue lines) and right by the entrance stands Lucy, which you can interact with.
    9. Speaking of outside, there are 5 artifacts hidden in m.d. monteriggioni, which do nothing really except satisfy all of the completionists out here.
    10. There is a morse code line in one of the Clusters (Subject 16) that says "darkness lost dnumb", if anyone can get the meaning of it i'd be really thankful. Also the achievement for completing The Truth is in morse code as well and says "I am alive". The icon for the achievement is also morse code but i dont know if its also supposed to say something. ALSO completing The Truth before Lucy dies will grant you yet another cutscene, mine broke tho and i got stuck in the animus, so i had to re-enter the animus right away, maybe there were some extra lines of dialogue available but i can't really test that theory anymore, not reliably.
    11. As you can see at the start of the game, the canon armor that ezio is wearing is not the unbreakable one, it is a full set of seusenhoffer (?) armor (yes the quest one). if youre wondering about the shrunken heads: for the first one just buy the 3rd treasure map for the antico district. For the second one, in the mission "The Sixth Day" just do all the zig-zagging to get to the main room. Your first objective when entering that room is to go to the big ass metal door. Well, just go to the right of it and youll get your second shrunken head. Also this is not to justify the fact that the romulus lair missions are not canon, cause in fact they are cannon (hint: the code sheet for that encrypted letter at the start of the game).
    12. I paid a bit of attention to the end credits and there are 2 very notable things in there: Listening like 2/3 through you'll hear an alternative version of the soundtrack that plays at the very start when you attempt to enter sequence 9. And the second one is that the name of the Quality Control Team Manager of the Ubi Bucharest Team is called George Enescu...
    13. About the DLC, starting it before the ending will happen like this: you receive an e-mail from your dad at the start, and you receive another e-mail from your dad at the end stating that "we have what we need". Starting it after the ending will happen like this: Hearing his actual voice and the voice of another random guy that we won't talk about, both at the start and at the end. That what they need is actually the "perfect number" which turned out to be meaningless in the pythagoras temple. It's actually not one number, but 6, and 2 letters in between and at the end. Which turn out to be the coordinates of the ancient temple which we see in ac3.

    I think that's about it folks. I personally ended up with around 400.000 f at the end, but that number is almost meaningless (hah... im so funny) and varied compared to ac2, which really defines how easy it is to get money in that game. This post is notably longer than the last, but stay tuned for edits, because i'm 40% sure i forgot one or two things. Gbye.

    submitted by /u/TheRealSADDE
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    Why Shay wasn't in the homestad armory portraits (My interpretation)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    This has most likely been said before, but the answer to this is quite simple(Not because Shay didn't exist in the makings of AC 3, which basically is the reason, but I will try and explain it for the story).

    In the ending of AC Rogue, Shay makes Haytham spare Achilles. One of the reasons is that he now understands the precursor sites, and without him the assassins could continue their search. Achilles admitted that Shay has been right all along to Liam just moments before. It is apparent that Achilles recognises his mistake now. In the whole of AC3 he never tells Connor to look for the sites, since he knows more about them now. He also does not tell Connor about Shay, protecting the cabbage farmer, because without Shay's precursor knowledge, the Templars with their resources could meddle with the sites and make the same mistake the colonial brotherhood once did, and thus create another Haiti or Lisbron event. He might have made an attempt to hunt the templars before, but never Shay. That's why he wasn't down there in the first place.

    On the other hand, Shay has been tasked with locating the box for a good part of the AC 3 main events, so he would be busy doing something that isn't hunting Connor. After that though, he probably has no reason to go after him either. The assassins under Connor now do not harm civilians (most days of the week) and have a somewhat more noble cause. It could be that Shay was away doing other work for the templars as well.

    submitted by /u/ZedGenius
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    What would your custom Hidden Blades be?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 12:57 AM PDT

    Throughout the various games in the series, we've seen plenty of customized and specialized weapons, armor, and tools used by the Assassins and Templars over the years. The Hook Blade, the Hidden Pistol, Connor's flippy knife, etc. If you were to design your own period Assassin's gear, what would your loadout look like? Would you go with a single Hidden Blade, double blades, or none at all and have a different weapon?

    For me, I'd go with two Hidden Blades. Primary would be include the crossbow from Unity while the secondary would have the Hook Blade from Revelations and the zip line launcher from Syndicate, a useful pairing I'd think.

    submitted by /u/Sere1
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    In this rumored Vikings game, wich would be the big city?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 11:29 PM PDT

    In Origins we had, Memphis, Alexandria and Cirenaica. In Odyssey Athens. Wich would be the biggest and most important city in the Vikings game, I don't know a lot about Scandinavia, but we're there big cities or it was only little villages with wooden huts. I think York will be the most safe bet, It would be cool because it would have both Roman structures with some medieval huts and little castles and Christian churches with romanir architecture.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/andazo122
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    Why cant i pick up nomad points? Ac unity

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 02:27 PM PDT

    Whats up with that? Is that a glitch or does it simply not work? Are those needed for the plat trophy?

    submitted by /u/Lesi159
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    Question: Did Edward go to Rome and Italy or am I missing something?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 12:41 AM PDT

    I'm currently playing Rogue, and in one of the war letters, Birch mentions that he found the diary of Edward in 1735. He says he readed in the diary about the search of Edward for precursor temples. There was one in Italy(the one in Rome) that the templars already knew about and there was another place located in Alamut(Masyaf). These locations were from general knowledge of the assassins? Or did Edward go and rediscovered these places? Idk I think I'm misunderstanding everything. Edit: I confused Masyaf and Italy in the title for some reason

    submitted by /u/Doppel178
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    Is there a guide for all historical locations in Discovery Tour: Ancient Greece?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 01:46 AM PDT

    As I was playing this game, I found myself coming across those historical locations which are not marked on the map. They are sort of like a kind of collectible, so I wonder if there is a guide telling me how to get all of them?

    submitted by /u/Frank_N1ng
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    AC Collection for PS5 and Next Xbox?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 12:26 AM PDT

    It seems pretty clear that they'll remaster the original Assassin's Creed and with that, every game will be available on current consoles.

    With the release of the next generation of consoles, do you think it likely that Ubisoft will port them onto PS5 & XBox2 in a collection?

    submitted by /u/DarthManius
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    Why is AC Identity so bad?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 04:58 AM PDT

    I realize it's just a spinoff and it's a mobile game, but even though it could've been a fun game or at least interesting for the fans.

    The graphics are good, but the story is terrible and inconsistent, based completely on the Ezio games (which wouldn't be bad if it wasn't so poorly made), and the controls are awful since there's no counter attack and if you just keep tapping the attack button you will definitely win.

    The RPG elements are quite interesting actually, but in every other aspect it seems like Ubisoft was trying to save money: The game itself is not an open world (and it's not because mobile can't handle it since you can just walk around in the missions), there is no cutscenes (the story is told in little texts which you unlock after each mission) and although the game is paid, you also have to pay if you want to get any cool outfit (like Ezio's or Edward's).

    Again, I know it's not supposed to be as good as the main games or even Liberation, but Ubisoft could easily have made it a game that adds something to the AC franchise. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/leo19283746
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    Is this an accurate way to describe the ship progression over these three titles?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    I got Rogue remastered recently, but havent began playing it uet because Im doing other things at the moment. I was just wondering if this would be an accurate statement... AC3 is to AC Black Flag as Black Flag is to Rogue in terms of expanding the naval combat and other "ship stuff".

    submitted by /u/casjr85
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    AC Odyssey DLC Appreciation Post

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 02:54 PM PDT

    So I just finished all of the additional DLC including the free updates. All said and done I logged about 252 hours into Odyssey. And I gotta give AC Odyssey this, it is WAY more content than any title up until this point.

    I have to admit, I have had many of the same complaints most of us here share regarding the direction Odyssey's core game took. That being said, I have a completely renewed appreciation for the game after putting it down for a few months and completing all of the additional content after it was all released (as opposed to playing episodically).

    In the core game I finished the modern day narrative well before I finished the family story arc, which was confusing to say the least. But I enjoyed the story so much and hunting down those artifacts of Eden that I just mowed through that first. It felt abrupt and anticlimactic which in turn altered my approach to finishing the rest of the game. The Isu narrative and how the protagonist actually fit into the larger AC universe was the story I cared about most, and uh... that was over? Seeing the modern day story end didn't really encourage me to finish the rest of Kassandra's story, but ya know.... I'm going to because it's Assassin's Creed. I also didn't love the dialogue "options" as most of them weren't "options" at all. I personally don't think many studios pull off dialogue trees very well as it is, and they usually come at a cost of the quality of the cut scenes. There is so much freedom with the new combat mechanics in how you want to approach taking out your targets, in my opinion that is enough to scratch that "play it your way!" approach to the game. Not to mention the freedom of the open world and multitude of side quests I felt that moral and dialogue options didn't add much to the game. My number one complaint, like many of you was the option to chose your character. I picked Kassandra as she is somewhat the canon lead, but I always felt like I was missing part of the experience.

    All of that being said, I absolutely loved the DLC, especially the Fate of Atlantis. Most if not all of my complaints regarding characters and narrative were addressed in the post game content. What we didn't get in the core game Ubisoft delivered in spades via the season pass. Ever since Odyssey released I was concerned the modern day focus would almost solely be shoehorned into the comics and or optional journal entries in the games, but boy oh boy did the DLC deliver. Not only was the story extremely accessible, but it really gave the Isu race a much more concrete presence in the lore of the games. In addition to getting more of the background I was looking for, the world design and game play were incredible. Elysium was an incredible yet flawed paradise. Hades always felt uncomfortable, especially when your vision would be limited by a hellscape sand storm. And of course Atlantis was the Isu environment I've always wanted to explore since the Adam and Eve glyph footage in AC2. The fortresses in Atlantis were a really fun challenge. I would spend upwards to half an hour clearing some of those things out and then sweeping back through to take out anyone I may have missed.

    At the end of the day, I'm a loyalist to the series like many of you. Even though I'm not going to love every game equally I consider myself lucky to be a fan of a franchise that has given us at least 11 core triple A games and hundreds of hours of fun. If you're still on the fence about the Odyssey DLC because you didn't love the vanilla game, I really recommend the season pass content. Its strange and its meta as hell, but its fantastic.

    submitted by /u/KristophPWarhol
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