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    Friday, April 16, 2021

    Assassin's Creed I've made the ACV Raven Clan Light Shield out of steel and timber... What do you guys think?

    Assassin's Creed I've made the ACV Raven Clan Light Shield out of steel and timber... What do you guys think?

    I've made the ACV Raven Clan Light Shield out of steel and timber... What do you guys think?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:39 AM PDT

    An AC game based in Mexico would be cool

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:29 PM PDT

    Is it just me or would anyone else like to see an AC game based in Mexico during the Mexican revolution which is roughly around 1800s time period idk it just would seem interesting to me

    (if you don't want one in Mexico where would you guys/girls want a AC game to be in?)

    submitted by /u/aldo-skyline
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    I noticed that there are barely any mods for Assassin's Creed 2 so I said "fine, I'll do it myself". Here's my attempt at making Ezio's outfit more like the one on the poster, in E3 2009 demo and in all those early promotional screenshots.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    Valhalla’s side content is the best

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    For me personally I think this game has the best side content, I'm currently just starting the Snottingham arch and I've just bashed side content the past few days and not touched the main story, finding gear, starting raids and killing the order members is just really fun, fair play credit to Ubisoft

    submitted by /u/clade-18
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    According to J0nathan a know leaker, the rumoured 2022 AC game focusing on King Richard may have been delayed out of 2022 due to COVID production issues. Ubisoft might be filling in this gap with a third dlc for Valhalla or a smaller stand alone game i.e far cry new dawn or primal.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    Link to the video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wkNUioPl3kU&feature=youtu.be

    Translation from user Boo_User over on gaming leaks and rumors

    High possibility no new AC opus in 2022

    -A small episode (small scale game?) about Richard coeur de lion (a former king of england) was (apparentlky) initially set to be out on 2022, however there were some changes between the time he got the information (months ago) and now.

    -Rumored third DLC "Meteor" is real, but barely started development.

    -"meteor" may be a standalone game (like Far cry new dawn), and it may in fact either replace or fuse with the Richard Coeur de Lion project.

    -Yada yada covid came in, and screwed project richard, which was in pre-production.

    -a small ubisoft studio was in charge of project richard, covid screwed it up, will be taking charge of the third DLC

    -good Valhalla sales made them rethink post launch and potentially add a third DLC. Post launch support will be more important for valhalla than even Odyssey

    -Project richard probably put on stand-by/forgotten for a bit or potentially given to another studio, still need time to get confirmations from his sources.

    -He thinks in E3, Ubisoft may announce/talk about it, he will refrain from giving direct informations and instead only hints, since any Project may be delayed/canned in those times.

    That's it.

    submitted by /u/Out_Worlder
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    I Didn’t love Origins that much

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    I completed the main story in odyssey then went back to play origins before Valhalla and I didn't think it was amazing as everyone says it is. The story was definitely better than odyssey, but I had a lot more fun in odyssey and now Valhalla though I just started it. It might just be because I didn't like ancient Egypt as a setting but I had to grind more in origins to complete the story than I did in odyssey by far. Idk how I feel about Valhalla's combat yet it's kinda slow but I liked odyssey's combat so much more than origins. I could see how people don't like the spongey combat but it never really bothered me while I was playing it. I think odyssey and Valhalla get hated on a lot more than they deserve IMO. I've also seen a lot of people think origins has better graphics than both and that just isn't true. ( The last couple hours I played origins I encountered some bug that wouldn't let me run without stopping to a walk like every two seconds so that really agitated me and made me want to be done with it as well, so frustrating)

    submitted by /u/jmills8455
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    There is an Assassin's Creed manga chapter

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    So, Ubisoft partnered with shueisha (Dragonball, One Piece) and they released some chapters to Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Watch Dogs and The Division. The Assassin's Creed chapter is about an old friend of Ezio. But there is also a chapter about a mangaka who loves video games and travels through Ubisoft's worlds of their famous franchises with his cat. In the first chapter they are in the world of Assassin's Creed and they mention an AC game set in Japan. Is this a tease?

    You can read all the chapters for free on manga plus.

    submitted by /u/P_UDDING
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    Assassin's Creed III would have worked better as a linear game. [SPOILERS from a 9 years old game... God I feel old]

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    I have been thinking this for a while, and although I know a lot of people will disagree with this, it's something that has been sticking on the back of my mind as I replayed ACIII (The Remastered, played the original back in 2012) and started to more deeply analyze this game. Beware, this is a massive wall of text. And excuse any grammatical errors, English is not my first language.

    For starters, the obvious: ACIII maps are devoided of any kind of interesting content. The overworld side missions are boring and lack any kind of structure or significance. Take Assassination contracts for example. In II and Brotherhood (and Black Flag afterwards) these missions not only were further contextualized in the game as hits on conspirators, military generals, corrupt figures or the likes, but each mission was different from each other. Sure they were far from being the most complicated thing in the world, and some of them just amounted to killing someone in the street, but at least you could see the effort by the game designers to make a mission that could be done in multiple ways or that certain difficulty built in them.

    In ACIII you just bump in the street with some way, maybe wait for him to be outside the guard's sight, and then kill him. There's no effort on the game's part to tell us why we ought to murder these people. It just drops them on the map when you interact with a random pedestrian and once you killed them all nothing happens. No head of a gang searching for the murderer of his men. No special mission. Nothing, you just completed the checklist!

    This very same problem is also present in the delivery missions of the game, which don't even give you the option to read the letter you deliver and don't have any urgency as the ones in ACII had. The Boston fight club is somewhat better, with it being properly introduced to you, but at the end it still boils down to go and kick some random's ass. The NPCs don't have personality, don't have interesting stories, you just beat them and continue until you beat them all.

    The forts are another thing that are completely lacking. It doesn't help that ACIII has somehow worst stealth than the Ezio games (more insulting taking into account that Revelations' bomb system opened up the gates for new and interesting stealth opportunities), but the fact that forts are broken so much so that it's easier to kill everyone on sight than to be patinet and take each soldier one by one speaks volumes to the priorities during the development of the game. Also the way in which once you are spotted by a lonely guard EVERYONE knows your location makes stealth more of a nuance rather than something that I want to git gud at. The game obviously doesn't care about it, why should I?

    This is saying nothing about the collectibles scattered around the map. I know that they were a meme back in the day, but I couldn't care less about Ben Franklin's pages. I just don't. And even if I did, I could only think about the fact that why on green Earth is Connor fetching these when it was Haytham the one who spoke to Franklin about them BEFORE Connor was even born? The only ones that have any kind of gameplay utility are the trinkets, which create their own dissonance when you stop and ask yourself "ey this guy is an asshole for making me go all over the place gathering USELESS stuff for him".

    The only side-content based on the overworld that I could somehow defend are the Frontiermen's missions, as they offer some interesting mysteries more often than not, and SOME of the Recruits missions, which are still overshadow by the system presented in ACR.

    Are these my only reasons to claim what I did on the title? Far from them. As one thing that would have been heavily benefited by a linear experience would be the story of the game. Think about it, out of all the AC games, this has to be the one with the most urgency placed on the player to finish the story as fast as they can: there's a war going on and Connor makes it clear all throughout the game that his only worry is the wellbeing of his tribe, and nothing else. Not only that, the first three sequences with Haytham barely give you any reason to do anything but the main missions, and once you get your hands with Connor we go to even more restrictive tutorials and even after we are finally able to run around the world the second target locks us in an enclosed space for the remainder of the sequence. This doesn't fit with the open nature of the world, which doesn't really start to shine until sequence 7, more than halfway through the game.

    A more linear experience in the story would have also meant that the devs would have had more time to polish some missions (and maybe remove some entirely): the great battles in open fields could have been something more spectacular instead of nothing but a missed opportunity materialized in covering behind rocks. The walk with Paul could have been either shortened or cut entirely. It would have also meant that we could have gotten more attention to the pairing of Connor and Haytham, and also Connor and Achilles.

    Once compromise my vision has would be to still offer the Homestead as the only "open playground" for the player, maybe making it a bit bigger to justify all the Homestead missions taking place in an encloused space (Although most of them already do). Maybe there could still be missions that sent you to some cities, but always with a clear objective. It would also give the player access to the naval missions without changing the system in the slightest.

    All in all I know that this would be a controversial stance to take. After all part of the appeal of Assassin's Creed has always been the historical tourism one experience when you can freeroam around important cities of human's history. I also know that the Frontier can be appealing to some (and although I can see that it's very well done and pretty, it still pretty much empty of content), and the whole taking things at your own pace. Maybe this has more to do with both the fact that I don't find anything appealing about the British colonial architecture (i.e. the map we traverse in the game) to the point of not knowing whether I'm in NY or Boston by looking at two screenshots, or by the fact that I actually like the story as it challenges a lot of precognitions about the founding fathers to the point that I would have liked that it had more of a focus. Overall I can see good in the game, but it is oftentimes eclipsed by a feeling of boredom with the world around me, and the thought that I would be better off playing Black Flag instead.

    submitted by /u/BenFormity
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    UbisoftFoward announced for July 12 at E3 2021

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:04 AM PDT

    Ac titles most similar to syndicate?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:20 PM PDT

    I loved everything about syndicate I have played (Not to completion) Oddysey Valhalla Black flag And have completed 2 and 3 For me syndicates movement, combat, sneaking, world exploring and resource gathering and stories are fantastic I wouldnt even be making this post if there was a new game+ mode I love 3 but hate the sneaking and movement, I hated the boat combat in 3 and was eh in black flag Which one will I have to compromise the least? I realise there won't be one perfectly identical

    submitted by /u/Reinjecto
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    Are the passive money payout intervals in Brotherhood and Revelations longer than in AC2, or are they quicker than 20 minutes in AC2?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    I've been playing the games in the Ezio collection and getting their platinums on PS4, and after playing AC2 and moving on to Brotherhood I couldn't help but feel that it took longer for the passive money gains to be given to me in the bank than in AC2. And I feel the same in Revelations.

    In all 3 games it states that you get paid for these building renovations every 20 minutes, yet in Brotherhood and Revelations it feels longer than that, like double that at least.

    Earlier on I went and watched a 30 minute video while waiting for money on Revelations to buy the crossbow cause I couldn't stand how long the wait felt anymore, and I got paid in the amount of time the game says, so either for some reason it only feels longer in Brotherhood and Revelations for reasons I can't think of, or in AC2 its actually quicker than 20 minutes.

    Does anyone else feel this way, going from AC2 to Brotherhood and Revelations?

    submitted by /u/Joltyboiyo
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    Where can you see your progression in Black Flag?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    I'm playing through all of the old AC titles and I'm up to AC IV Black Flag. I've noticed that this is the only one that doesn't seem to sync with Ubisoft. I can see my progress in AC III and The Ezio Collection in the app or on the site, but nothing from Black Flag. Also, I noticed that it references a Companion App quite a bit, is that something that has been discontinued?

    submitted by /u/DogWith2Tails
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    Top 10 Oldest Brotherhoods of the Creed

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    1. Persian- 465 BCE
    2. Babylonian- 4th century BCE
    3. Chinese- 221 BCE
    4. Egypt- 47 BCE
    5. Roman- 46 BCE
    6. Greek- 44 BCE
    7. British- Late 1st century CE
    8. Indian- Late 1st century CE
    9. German- 5th century CE

    I have left a spot to compensate for if I have missed one.

    submitted by /u/Manu_Or_Adam
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    Are sages literal reencarnations from an ISU or do they contain the DNA and Genetic memories related to them?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    I am a bit confused about the concept of a Sage to be honest. Obviously the case of Aita and his connection to Roberts then John Standish makes sense.

    The thing about it is that Standish was a reencarnation of Aita that died around the same time Elija (son of Desmond Miles) was alive. So if the sage is the literal reencarnation having the same soul as the ISU itself how can two versions of the same guy (AITA) be alive?

    submitted by /u/HanSolo100
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    Is the Storm Fortress fight badly designed, or is it just that I’m bad?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:38 PM PDT

    (Disclaimer: I know I'm bad at the game, I'm just wondering if I'm alone in thinking it's a bad fight)

    I just wonder who at Ubisoft thought this was the fun kind of difficulty. The Storm Fortress itself is awesome. A fuck-off huge Man-o-War that moves like a brig and has like 50 guns a side, heat shot, and mortars that leave a patch of burning oil when they land, that's great superboss material. But then they decide to tack on two extra ships (basically reusing the Fearless/Royal Sovereign fight from AC4, but this time it's as the second phase to a bigger fight so you're worn down from the start) once the SF's health is low, and it just feels more mean-spirited than properly challenging. Like, with most hard things in games you can tell the devs want even the average player to beat it eventually, and the difficulty is there to make the payoff sweeter. But this doesn't feel like that. This feels like they wanted the average player to be frustrated and quit and for only the best to beat it. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing to have in a game, but since this is the only thing in the series (at least that I've played so far) that has that energy, I kinda assume it was unintentional. Either they went "let's make our last legendary ship battle using a ROMhack's design philosophy" and succeeded, or they went "okay, time for a tough finale to the legendary battles, the players are gonna be so pumped when they win this" and failed.

    submitted by /u/piperooo
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    Do you think we need an Assassin's Creed remake? Why?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    Well I'm preparing a video for my YouTube channel and it's about if we actually need an Assassin's Creed remake.

    I would love to hear you out and use your points in my video.

    Do you think we need one? And if you do, why? What do you think is outdated and needs to become state of the art as a remake?

    Please write :)

    I will share the video once it's ready.

    submitted by /u/Fariborz_R
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    Should I go completely murderhobo on every single enemy I come across in the first assassin's creed?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    I'm asking this cuz when you come to the crossroads coming from Masyaf there's these two enemies that are standing next to this horse carriage thing.

    So should I just go ahead and just straight up murder them or would it be just a waste of time? Is there like a benefit of me just slaughtering just random enemies I come across on the road?

    Sorry if it is a silly question. I'm kind of new to this game series since I was only able to play past the first mission as a child before my brother traded in for BioShock lol. So I don't remember all the ins and outs of this game.

    submitted by /u/theKayaKaya
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    I have never been as conflicted about a video game as I am about Valhalla (AC Or/Od/V spoilers)

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    I generally can tell whether I like a game or I don't like a game, but for Assassin's Creed Valhalla I can't really tell. I am a longtime Assassin's Creed fan. I don't generally have a huge problem with the switch to an RPG format (i.e., I really enjoyed Origins), but it really bothers me when they fuck with the lore like they did in Odyssey (e.g., you can play as Alexios for no canonical reason, no actual DNA source for Kassandra, retroactively making Aya have really high Isu ancestry). Valhalla was largely lore-compliant fortunately.

    I generally agree with JayVee's and Fizhy's takes on the game on their YouTube channels. Some of what I write here is reflective of some of the things they have said.

    I don't like the combat, but I have almost never liked the combat in Assassin's Creed. The whole point in my mind is to avoid combat and use stealth as much as possible, but then the stealth is so broken here...

    I really liked the story and how it wove together so many plotlines. Darby and his team did some Isu-level work here. But then it really bothers me that there is really only one Hidden One in the Animus story (Hytham), and that so many of the arcs had nothing to do with Hidden Ones or the Order of the Ancients.

    With Darby gone completely, I fear for what the modern-day storylines will be going forward. Valhalla ties up so many lose ends, so that they can have something new and fresh going forward. Does his team or whomever Ubisoft hires/promotes to replace him care about AC lore anywhere near as much as Darby did? If not, I also have a nagging feeling that William (and maybe even Shaun and Rebecca) might get killed off. I fear all the modern-day progress might get siloed back to transmedia again.

    The soundtrack is excellent, but the way it has been parcelled out for sale in overlapping segments reminds me how much Ubisoft is pushing microtransactions these days.

    I am going to play the DLCs, as I already bought them (Gold Edition). I don't have high hopes, but I hope I can be proven wrong.

    submitted by /u/leftisthominid
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    Is AC Odyssey still always online?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    I think I remember hearing the game was always online at launch which put me off from buying the game. Recently tho, I've become interested in the game again and I wanted to know whether its always online or not. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Ao_Kakesu69
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    So I just finished AC3 and I have no clue at what just happened

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 11:57 AM PDT

    I mean, I wasn't expecting anything deep, but there's no explanation at all for the whole plot.

    Desmond is dead as if it was nothing - besides the Sequence 12 being basically a walking simulator. Then you just move out and ghost in the wall tells that he should die to save humanity. He accepts with a smile and then his father, that was building a relationship with Desmond for two games, just go away knowing that his kid was about to die - as if it was nothing. No argument. The last scene was, at the best, rushed.

    And then Juno just go away for the next game and there's no further explanation about their civilization besides what we already saw at Ezio's games. Am I missing something? Because I feel that AC3 was just a filler since it doesn't move the out-Animus plot besides not letting Earth explode and killing off the main character.

    submitted by /u/blu_iceberg
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