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    Sunday, April 18, 2021

    Assassin's Creed [Artwork] Female Assassin, Artist : Ningbo Jiang

    Assassin's Creed [Artwork] Female Assassin, Artist : Ningbo Jiang

    [Artwork] Female Assassin, Artist : Ningbo Jiang

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 04:56 AM PDT

    I've noticed a small but very cool detail in AC Valhalla that I've not seen in any other video game ever

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 10:27 PM PDT

    I LOVE seeing small and almost unnoticeable details in games that's never mentioned by its creators or marketing material and Valhalla is another game that has this. Again, it's a small detail but really cool and immersive.

    Basically, if you're in a cold/snowy region (take all of Norway for example) and you're not wearing footwear and standing still, Eivor will play a shivering cold idle animation loop! Equipping any footwear will make Eivor return to the normal idle stance.

    I know, not exactly mind blowing, but the fact a developer bothered to make this small visual change is immersive on a subtle level and that's enough for me to appreciate the game just a little more. Now there's a small difference when playing without certain armour slots equipped and a good reason for it to be a thing!

    submitted by /u/emmathepony
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    Stun kill animations get old really fast :/

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    Did ubi ever mention tweaking the animations a bit? I'm just so tired of stomping people's head over and over :/

    Is great the first couple times but after the first mission it already becomes a chore to keep watching the same animations over and over...

    submitted by /u/pralima87
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    SPOILERS VALHALLA: Swiping civilians with torches does not lead to desynchronization.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:27 PM PDT

    So I'm playing Valhalla for the first time, and SPOILERS I was pissed Goodwin was like "convert or die" so I'm currently burning everything possible in Wincestre. I discovered that swiping people with torches will kill civilians without counting as the civilian deaths that lead to desynchronization. I apologize if this is old news, but it was just too fun not to share for anyone who gets annoyed at a plot twist and goes full Heathen!

    submitted by /u/SadBear97
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    I just put your Ealderman on the throne. I'm on his fucking war council. Why are the guards still attacking me?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    Are Ubisoft so lazy that they can't program in a simple Ifplayer=known then Guards=dontattackonsight?

    I should be able to walk freely around Lincoln for example after putting the Ealderman on the throne and defending the city.

    submitted by /u/bettercallconnolly
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    A few basic suggestions to improve stealth in Valhalla

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    1. Let us chose which ability level we want to use. Raven harrass (which shouldn't be an ability in the first place but that's a different topic) unupgraded distracts guards for longer than upgraded. Level 2 raven harass drains an enemy's entire stamina bar, but if you don't arrive on time to kill them they'll just get up. Also, some enemies have more than one stamina bar and are unaffected by a single raven harrass. Level 1 is much more useful for stealth but the upgrade can't be reverted. A similar problem comes with the harpoon ability, but that's an issue with combat, not stealth.
    2. Enemies need to respawn in the same locations every time you reload your save file. Being unable to memorize enemy movement makes it a huge pain to clear out areas silently.
    3. Either let us wear Eivor's hood in combat or give us like a 5 second grace period before she pulls it down. In previous games, there were instances were a guard would detect the player, but could be killed before alerting anyone else. Technically, you were spotted, but it still felt like you took them out silently and in some cases this would allow you to continue missions with "do not get spotted" objectives. In Valhalla however, Eivor pulls down her hood and unsheates her weapons the moment an enemy's detection meter fills up. Even if you manage to kill the guard before they can alert anyone, it still feels like you were spotted and had to engage in combat. The system feels very binary, either you are undetected or you're in open combat, previous games gave you more leeway.
    4. Give light armour advantages in stealth and parcour, such as reduced noise from movement and assassinations. Also it would be very handy if there was a way to reduce recovery frames when jumping down high pillars or buildings.
    5. Lower detection speed and detection range. This is completly undebatable. Implementing a detection system similar to the one in Origins or Odyssey would be the single best thing Ubisoft could do to improve their game.
    submitted by /u/veico_cm
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    Replaying the series makes me think that there's a build-up to the modern era but then scrapped by devs.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    All the main series up to Assassin's Creed 3, it's all getting more and more modern. AC 1 set in 1911, AC 2 in 1476, AC:B in 1500-1507, AC:R in 1511, and finally AC3 in 1753-1783, but then they fucking killed Desmond and go back and forth (Black Flag in 1713-1722, Unity in 1789, Syndicate in 1868, Origins in 49-43 BC, and furthest back is Odyssey in 422 BC, because Valhalla is in 878 AD).

    At the point of Assassin's Creed III, in the middle of playing it, I was thinking "hey, this might be gonna continue into the modern era, and we'll control Desmond in the end". Heck, I'll take a chronological mess of games as long as there's some kind of conclusion.

    After AC3, they could've gone to Syndicate, make AC Chronicles: Russia which sets in 1918 a proper main game instead of a spin-off, then maybe a secret theatre of World War II, some unknown secret mission in Cold War, then as unknown entity in Vietnam War, and finally we're gonna be in 2012 playing as Desmond, maybe finally bringing the fight to Abstergo instead of running, maybe preventing the rebirth of Minerva, maybe activating ancient Isu device to prevent the 'Great Catastrophe', or all of the above, bringing the story to a conclusive end... but as we all know that's not happening, Assassin's Creed is a golden goose of moneycow ripe for milking, and those are some fucking delicious milk.

    And with each subsequent games the franchise still half-assed both sides: won't really commit to becoming a total fantasy by just ditching the animus, and really doesn't do much with the modern era side of things.

    Don't get me wrong, I love this series, it's what really scratch my itch after the vacuum of Prince of Persia, and I enjoy every single one of them, even though I dislike Odyssey for how stupidly big it is, I actually spend 100's hours in there, Ubisoft found a working formula and I can't blame them for using it over and over again (same with FarCry), I even just "feel" these things after my nth playthrough of AC2 to AC3 (can't replay AC1 for the 3rd time because the game lacks subtitle and boy the controls have changed a lot all these years).

    In short, replaying the main series (up to AC3) now makes me thought that there's some sort of culmination to the story that will ties everything together, past and present, but nope.

    submitted by /u/outerzenith
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    Stuck on quest | AC: Valhalla

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 10:53 PM PDT

    I'm on this side quest where I have to light up some stuff and there is a blind guy following me. I ran too far away from him and lost him, so I cannot complete the quest. Is there a way to restart the quest? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Ficho3006
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    What is up with Ubisoft’s obsession with killing parents off?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    I can't be the only one that noticed almost all the game protagonists have their parents killed. Like I don't understand Ubisoft's obsession with dead parents. It probably doesn't mean much but It's just something I've found strange.

    submitted by /u/Whyusertakenlied
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    Playing ac rogue made me appreciate ac3 much, much more (spoilers for both games)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    I finally finished my first playthrough of ac rogue (I know I'm super late), and it made me think about some scenes in ac3 that now means so much more to me than ever before.

    The first time I saw Davenport Manor through Shay's eyes, I literally gasp. Seeing so many assassins everywhere, training and hanging out was such a bittersweet feeling knowing how it looked like by ac3 times. Seeing the dilapidated, lonely manor through Connor's eyes hurts a lot more. The Colonial Assassins were really no more. Achilles was nothing like his younger self and I had to actually convince myself that it was him I was looking at in ac rogue. It felt like a completely different person.

    Achilles's line "In your haste to save the world Connor, take care not to destroy it!" has a whole new meaning now. When I first played ac3, I thought it was just a cute little line ubisoft added cuz it sounded awesome, but now.. damn. When Connor was yelling at him, storming out of the manor, while blaming him for the eradication of the Colonial Assassins, Achilles must have seen Shay in him at that moment. Connor's brashness must have reminded him of Shay's rashness to jump into conclusion that Achilles knew of the causality between precursor temples and earthquakes.

    Lastly, when Achilles told Connor, "all of them must die, especially your father". I thought, of course, he'd say that about Haytham, he's the Grand Master of the Templar Colonial Rite.. at first I thought he only wanted to emphasize it because he's Connor's dad. But after that scene in North Atlantic, man, I can def see why Achilles really wants Haytham dead.

    For those who've finished both games, what do you think?

    (On a lighter note, I get it Shay, you make your own luck, and Connor, even if Shay knows where Charles Lee is, he won't tell you so stop asking.)

    submitted by /u/MsSeichan
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    Ac Valhalla Hair and beard Customization

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Does anyone else feel like the hair and beard customization is a little bland? They keep releasing updates with new customization options yet no new hair and beard styles. NPC's have different hairstyles that you can't use and I find that kind of annoying. I know this is a small issue and doesn't take away from the game, but does anyone know if Ubisoft plans on adding in hairstyles? And am I the only one that feels this way?

    submitted by /u/cschramm95
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    How to get the tablets for Excalibur’s sword?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    So the tablet in the grimes grave in East Anglia isn't showing up for me, I go down to where the cursed object is and the icon for the key is there but there is no key. Also the door is covered up by rocks. I looked it up and it said I need the Beowulf quest but I don't see the quest anywhere

    submitted by /u/JewRepublican69
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    Assassin's Creed 2: secret codes found in glyphs

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 01:56 AM PDT

    In AC2 set of glyphs, we can find, in some of them, various types of codes, (from binary to Morse and more) I did my best to translate them, giving a bit of context with links and everything. I apologize in advance for any grammatical error.

    Glyph 3 (Pigpen cipher) "The masons brought it across the sea, George Washington passed it on." (The Apple of Eden) Every USA president, from Washington to John F. Kennedy had this Apple "passed" to him. However, JFK was not on board with this, and wanted to tell the truth. During his assassination in 1963, another PoE was used to create a diversion, meanwhile the driver, here described has "trained" with another PoE, shot Kennedy, taking the Apple.

    (- .... . -.-- .... .. - .... .. -- .. -. - .... . ... - --- -- .- -.-. ....) They hit him in the stomach (Houdini)Houdini death Harry Houdini, an illusionist, had in possession, and probably used an Apple of Eden to carry on with his exhibitions, until October 22, 1926, when two "boxing students" (Templars agents) hit him multiple times in the stomach, causing in him, quote, "acute appendicitis". He died three days after, during one of his shows.

    (- .... . -.-- -... ..- .-.. .-.. . - .... .. - .... .. -- .. -. - .... . -.-. .... . ... -) The bullet hit him in the chest (Gandhi) Gandhi cause of death Mahatma Gandhi also had an Apple. He was shot January 30, 1948 by an hindu fanatic named Nathuram Godse (another Templar agent).

    Glyph 4 (41 6e 74 69 6b 79 74 68 65 72 61 20 4d 65 63 68 61 6e 69 73 6d 2c 20 6d 75 63 68 20 6f 6c 64 65 72 20 74 68 61 6e 20 31 35 30 20 42 2e 43 2e 45 2e) "Antikythera Mechanism, much older than 150 B.C.E." Antikythera Mechanism This mysterious artifact, found in the Mediterranean near the island of Antikythera in 1908, is supposedly, in the AC universe, a PoE

    (65 110 99 105 101 110 116 32 99 105 116 121 44 32 82 97 106 97 115 116 104 97 110 44 32 73 110 100 105 97 44 32 105 114 114 97 100 105 97 116 101 100 32 98 121 32 80 111 69) "Ancient city, Rajasthan, India, irradiated by PoE" (Mahabharata text?/Brahmastra) Brahmastra In this hindu texts is described an ancient and destructive war. Taking place in India something like 12.000 B.C. The city now known as Rajasthan was under a different name, but in this context we can assume the site was the epicenter of a "great strike".

    (01010011 01110101 01101101 01100101 01110010 01101001 01100001 01101110 00101110 00100000 01001101 01100101 00100000 00110010 00110011 00101110) "Sumerian. Me 23." Me) A mythological concept that lies at the foundation of the Sumerian culture/civilization.

    Glyph 6 (- . -- .--. .-.. .- .-. - . -..- - ... .- -.. .- .--. - . -.. -... -.-- -- .-. .-.-.- ... -- .. - ....) (The mark of Cain)(Mahan) "Templar texts adapted by Mr. Smith." (Joseph Smith Jr.) Joseph Smith Jr Master Mahan In the Mormon religious texts, Cain (and his descendant Lamech after) assumes the name of Master Mahan.

    Glyph 8 (00110001 00110111 00100000 01001010 01110101 01101100 01111001 00101100 00100000 00110001 00111001 00110001 00111000) (Czar/Tsar Nicholas II) "17 July, 1918" (date of death) (wielder of a Staff of Eden) Romanov Execution Rasputin, a Templar, was instructed to take the Staff of Eden from the Czar (like the USA presidents, the Staff was probably passed from Czar to Czar). He delivered the Staff to a lab in Tunguska

    (00110011 00110000 00100000 01001101 01100001 01111001 00101100 00100000 00110001 00110100 00110011 00110001) (Joan of Arc) "30 May, 1431" (date of death) (wielder of a Sword of Eden) Joan of Arc trial The young lady somehow had a Sword of Eden. They burned her at the stakes and took it.

    Glyph 10 (Pigpen Cipher) (moon landing) "JOHNSONWASONEOFTHEMTHEBEESDRONETOOFOLLOWTHEMONEY" (Johnson was one of them. The bees drone too. Follow the money.) Lyndon B. Johnson was JFK Vice president, bees drone? (workers?) No idea Lyndon B. Johnson

    Glyph 11 (JG WUGF XV UQ FGXGNQR C DQVVQONGUU UQWTEG QH GFGTIA VGNGHWPMGP YKTG NGUU UVCUK QP) (Nikola Tesla Wardenclyffe Tower) "HE USED IT TO DEVELOP A BOTTOMLESS SOURCE OF ENERGY TELEFUNKEN WIRE LESS STATION." (He used it to develop a bottomless source of energy. Telefunken Wireless Station.) Telefunken Kind of a mess this one

    Glyph 12 (- .... . -.-- ..- ... . -.. .. - - --- -- .- -.- . - . ... .-.. .- --. --- .. -. ... .- -. . - .... . --- .-. --. .- -. .. --.. .- - .. --- -. - --- --- -.- .... .. ... .-. . ... . .- .-. -.-. ... .- .-.. .. . -. .--. .-. --- .--. . .-. - -.-- -.-. ..- ... - --- - .. .. .- -. --- ..-. .. -.-. .) (Nikola Tesla/Edison) "THEYUSEDITTOMAKETESLAGOINSANETHEORGANIZATIONTOOKHISRESEARCSALIENPROPERTYCUSTOTIIANOFICE" ("They used it to make Tesla go insane. The organization took his research (to) alien property custotdian office.") (Office of Alien Property Custodian) Office of Alien Property Custodian After Tesla's death, his documents were" taken custody" by the Office of Alien Property Custodian, under the "assumption" that they may contain dangerous informations for the States.

    Glyph 17 (AOL KVBISL DHZ RPSSLK PU AOL IBURLY A=H THE DOUBLE WAS KILLED IN THE BUNKER) ("The double was killed in the bunker") Hitler was a Templar agent. In one of the previous letters, they decided to give him an Apple, saying that (the war) "this kind of purges are good for Europe". It's believed that he escaped his bunker with the PoE, leaving the body double behind. The Assassins also inspected the facility shortly after.

    The Truth (01000101 01000100 01000101 01001110) (The Truth, final image) "EDEN" Simply Eden.

    submitted by /u/Carl_Lights0
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    Has there been any major advancements in stealth since the Ezio Trilogy?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    Hello. I'm a fan of the Assassin's Creed franchise but I've only played AC1. AC2, Brotherhood and Revelations. During my time in university, I had no time for gaming. I have now decided to start gaming again. I believe I have missed about 7 or 8 AC games since then, so I wanna start off with AC3, Black Flag and Unity.

    Has there been improvements in terms of stealth, or have some things been dumbed down or simplified? Has there been any new mechanics or tools added to stealth or is it much the same as before.

    PS: I am aware that the later games have taken an RPG route and stealth has been downgraded but they seem fun nonetheless. Do you recommend playing them?

    submitted by /u/pinknoscope
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    It there a way to get access to original audio files?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    I'm looking for "hidden" sountracks like synchronization music, or in-game adventure music. I care about odyssey the most, and I'm thinking about ripping music files from the game. I know guys in RDR2 subreddit did something like that with Rockstar game. Is there a way to do it? How

    submitted by /u/Leznis
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    Wouldn’t it be great to choose your preferred loadout before roaming/missions?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    This is just an idea, and I guess I'm not sure if limiting the player would necessarily be the best thing, but I like the idea of having to choose your weapons and armor in your hideout before going out to travel or complete an assassination mission.

    You could choose to wear heavy armor, carrying multiple weapons which would make you get detected more easily as you'd attract more attention. You'd also climb more slowly or just not be able to climb at all, however you can get through combat more easily.

    Or you can choose to just wear random civilians clothes or your assassin robes (provided that they don't look too flashy) with just a handful of throwing knives, smoke bombs and your hidden blades, with no visible weapons from the outside, so guards would be less suspicious of you, you can climb faster and excel in stealth, but it's riskier if you're detected as you can get killed in a few hits in combat.

    You might be able to mix the 2 play styles, or replay missions to try different loadouts. But I think this idea could enhance the gameplay as your choices would actually mean something instead of being able to do everything all the time. Stealth would actually mean something because you could actually get killed easily if you're detected instead of forcing yourself to play that way even though you can easily kill everyone in combat.

    I guess this could make the games less accessible but also more rewarding to play. Maybe there already are some games with such ideas in mind?

    submitted by /u/Eagleassassin3
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    What did black beard mean when he said "in a world without gold we might've been heroes"

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    It sounds badass and cool but what did it mean, in a world without gold they would still been Pirates and criminals, of course different Pirates had different motivations but the end result is that there are still Pirates and were outlawed and would struggle so how would they be heroes?

    submitted by /u/legz2006
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    my Japan theme track was a real success, but one of my greateast track I have composed is this one imagined during the Mongolian's Empire of Gengis Khan

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 12:51 AM PDT

    [AC3] Tip on spawning convoys

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 12:24 PM PDT

    I'm playing AC3 Remastered now, and I had difficulty finding enemy convoys to attack especially after finishing the main story and liberating the frontier forts. Tips already out there telling me to fast travel here and there didn't work for me.

    What worked like a charm for me was... send out your own convoys! To Boston, NY, and frontier. Then, all the spawning points kept generating enemy convoys. I would skip over to fast travel points and easily rake in 10 convoys to get the manor trophy, not to mention the challenge and the achievement.

    Here are some of the known spawning areas:

    1. Gateway to Boston, and ride north towards Lexington. As you pass by a tavern, convoy gets generated on your right.
    2. Gateway to NY, and ride north then west. Before you cross the wooden covered bridge, you will meet a convoy.
    3. Fast travel to Monmouth village, then ride north along the winding road. Convoy gets generated upon entering Packanack region.
    4. Fast travel to Concord, then ride north towards Fort Duquesne along the road. (While this worked several times, at some point onward I would only meet a peddler, not a convoy)
    submitted by /u/pointyhenry
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    Remastered Game Versions (Putting together collection)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    I'm currently putting together the whole collection and hoping for advice on which console to get them on.

    I currently have:

    PS4 Ezio collection (2, brotherhood, revelations) Origins

    Ps Vita Liberation


    Is it worth getting as many as possible for the 4 or are there are some where the remastering makes little to know difference or there's some bonus for having a different edition?

    submitted by /u/tomthecactus
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    What’s the difference between Black Flag and the newer games?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    I was around 13 years old when Black Flag came out. I didn't play many video games at the time and after putting in a few hours in I couldn't stand the game. I vividly remember it as being one of the most tedious/boring and un immersive experiences ever.

    Now years later i'm playing orgins and this game is awesome. Im wondering if I should go back and play the old ones, or there really is a difference in quality with these new ones?

    submitted by /u/Ewok333
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