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    Tuesday, January 5, 2021

    Assassin's Creed I can’t help but discover everything on the map

    Assassin's Creed I can’t help but discover everything on the map

    I can’t help but discover everything on the map

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:51 PM PST

    When I start an Assassin's Creed game, especially the newer ones with big worlds and lots of content, I'm always excited to explore the world and do the side quests and whatnot. I start out loving the game and having a grand time with all of the content. Over time, my exploration and content-hunting shifts from a fun drive to experience things into a tedious compulsion to clear the map of markers; checking off boxes, in a way. This always leads to me getting burnt out and not finishing the game. This happened with Origins and Odyssey and it's starting to happen with Valhalla. The obvious answer is to just don't worry about the side-missions and do that main story; just have fun and do what I want. But it's like an obsession or, like I said before, a compulsion to discover everything. So it's really hard for me not to do it. And it always leads to me getting burnt out on the game and dropping it.

    Does this happen to anyone else? How do you navigate it?

    submitted by /u/kolky12
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    Would love throwing knives as a ranged weapon addition

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:55 AM PST

    I mean to take up the slot of the bow. Given pulling your hood up makes your bow dissappear I usually just hide it from the inventory menu, but pulling it out of nowhere is just strange. I thought a cool addition would be throwing knives, as I try to mainly play as an Assassin style in the Huldufolk armor I think they'd be a great addition.

    submitted by /u/ljev21
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    I would be ok with the next AC game being 25-50% smaller if they made up for it with new mechanics, and a more focused story\world

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:55 AM PST

    Think something like god of war or the batman arkham games in terms of size and story. Their worlds had some crazy level of detail, and you didn't see the same fox\wolf\deer every 5 seconds. They were still big enough to get lost in, but not so big that it became repetitive. Their stories had a strong central focus, but still allowed for side quests that weren't boring "to clear out this settlement". Give me 2-3 characters I really care about, not 10 when I can't remember all their names.

    Also I would hope this would also allow more time for development and to make everything smooth and run as intended. AC I love you but you be glitchy as hell.

    Sometimes less is more, and even if the size of the map was 50% smaller there would still be an obsece amount to do!

    submitted by /u/Too-Far-Frame
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    I literally searched for this sub because we can now pet doggos.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:09 PM PST

    I've thoroughly enjoyed Valhalla, but I am OVERLY EXCITED that we can now pet the random puppers we see in the world. Do yall have any idea how many tears I've shed for accidently killing dogs (yes its problematic that I'm totally ok with assassinating various people but only feel terrible when its accidently a dog...) in the previous AC games?!?

    Id post one of the 18 photos i just took but i don't really know how.. Anyway, carry on.


    submitted by /u/joyification
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    Opinion - Valhalla has a legitimate claim to being the best game in the franchise.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:37 AM PST

    Now I know, no one hates a game more than that game's subreddit, and there's a significant amount of nostalgia associated with this franchise, but having played every single major entry in the series, I can honestly say that this game provided one of my favorite experiences of the lot.

    First, the gameplay: Ubi has been pretty set on turning AC into an RPG over the past 5 years, and while that decision hasn't sat well with many fans, it seems like it's now here to stay. And while the combat has changed constantly over the past three games, here is where the series gives you the best variety to use what you want and still have a good time. The combat is fast, interesting, and more brutal than it has ever been before (the toggle options for gore and nudity are nice QoL options for those who want them as well.) The way I see it there's a very healthy mix of the ability based combat of Odyssey and the wait/counter methods of the early games. The stance/stamina meter that Sekiro introduced is now pervasive in all similar games and this one also utilizes it to good effect, particularly with the weak point targeting system.

    Next up are the RPG elements. I've played two RPGs over the previous month, this and the other one (you know which one I'm talking about), and in most respects I've found Valhalla to be emphatically superior. Perhaps my favorite thing is the upgrade mechanics. You can carry the same weapon you started with all the way to the endgame, without having to either replace it with a different one at every level due to stats, or continually upgrade it at increasingly exorbitant prices. This, obviously helps a great deal with the "role playing" element, allowing you to pick form over function nearly every time. The game has also gone the Ghost of Tsushima path in compartmentalizing upgrade resources, so that everything has its own unique upgrade materials, with silver being used only for either cosmetic stuff, or to buy basic materials if you're running low. And the hair and tattoo options, while not terribly unique, all look suitably badass (pick short cropped blonde hair with regular beard for MCU Thor. Looks excellent)

    The World Design is excellent as always. I've always felt like with the new games it seemed Ubisoft was more interested in making these gorgeous, historically accurate worlds than they were in making the rest of the game, and that same level of quality is found in their depictions of Norway, England and Vinland. Asgard is probably the weakest part of it for me, I've never really liked Ubi's versions of mythical lands in these past games, they've always felt strangely dull and lifeless, but I do at least like it better than Odyssey's stuff. There's the lush countrysides and rolling hills, but the urban centers I also found to be a pleasant surprise, since there was a good amount of verticality and potential for rooftop traversal that has been absent from the games for quite a while. Sure it isn't quite as astoundingly awesome as Cyberpunk's Night City is, but within the franchise it holds its own.

    Which brings me to my final point, the story and characters. This honestly might just be the strongest AC has been in regards to its core cast of characters. Eivor is amazingly characterized. They're badass, they're likeable, they're remarkably funny when the situation calls, and most importantly they're very emotionally rich (if that makes any sense). AC has always wanted to tell stories about family, but Eivor and Sigurd's journey is in my opinion the best manifestation of that they've ever achieved. The way the story plays out with mini-arcs with their own unique characters and stories is very satisfying, and makes the story feel like a saga the same way Ezio's story did. This also serves to subvert the typical side-quest and level gating formula that was so annoying in the last two games, and where side quests do exist, they are short and sweet encounters that are resolved almost immediately. I'd say the pacing and cast of the game was better during the first half (Fulke, Ivarr and Ceolbert, nuff said) but the arcs in the latter half are still pretty good.

    Lastly, this game had the absolute audacity to end with "The real Valhalla was the friends we made along the way" and I can't help but respect it for that.

    Defeated Thor in a rap battle. 10/10

    submitted by /u/muhash14
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    Assassin's Creed, Watch_Dogs, Far Cry and The Crew take place in the same universe

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:32 PM PST

    • Watch_Dogs → Assassin's Creed
      • Watch_Dogs
        • In the Criminal Convoy mission Requiescat In Pace, you have to take down Oliver Garneau, who has "CEO Abstergo Entertainment" as his occupation and "Targeted by the Brotherhood" as his Profiler entry.
      • Watch_Dogs: LΞGION
        • One of the Profiler entries can be "Recently searched: Jacob Frye descendants"
    • Far Cry → Assassin's Creed
      • In Far Cry 3, there is a set of missions called Lost Expeditions that comes with the Insane Edition of the game. In one of the missions, titled "Ignition in the Deep," there are several references to Abstergo, even with Jason saying that the symbol looks familiar.
      • In Far Cry Primal, in the mission Urki The Thinker, Urki, in his attempt to fly, jumps off a cliff in the same style as a Leap of Faith. A blowpipe version of Ezio's Family even plays as he leaps.
    • The Crew (2) → Watch_Dogs
      • WKZ makes appearances in the game, such as during the Offroad race American Petrol Race, where WKZ is televising the event.
        • Seriously, this is all the proof I have, but at least it's something.
    submitted by /u/TlaribA
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    Really enjoying Syndicates historical side characters

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:08 AM PST

    I'm playing Syndicate for the first time and I'm really enjoying meeting all the historical side characters.

    Dickens is funny and it was sweet randomly helping Florence Nightingale.

    I loved the Karl Marx missions most of all. I felt like he fit in this games class struggle themes and playing as Evie made me feel like a badass assassin fighting for the workers lol.

    I heard this game has the same lead writer as AC2 and perhaps those two games have the best historical side characters in the series (from what I've played anyway.)

    submitted by /u/Common-Wedding-7264
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    [SPOILERS] About the Heir of Memories (Valhalla/Odyssey)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:14 PM PST

    What if Layla wasn't the intended Heir of Memories? What if it was supposed to be Basim all along, and the Layla only become necessary after Eivor trapped Basim?

    We know that Aletheia' s consciousness went into the staff, and Loki snuck his consciousness into Yggdrasil for reincarnation. If the end goal was for Loki to get the staff, why would their plan involve Kassandra carrying the staff around for 2500 years and then giving it to Layla in order to bring it to where Loki had been trapped for 1200 years? Why not...have Kassandra bring the staff to Loki? My theory is that this was the original plan, and that Eivor trapping Basim and shutting down Yggdrasil messed things up.

    Here's my thinking of the timeline:

    • Aletheia and Loki didn't know exactly when or where Loki would be reincarnated, so they agreed on a common meeting point - Yggdrasil. It would preserve Loki's reincarnated body in case they didn't get there in the same century, and/or it contained communication equipment that would let him communicate with the staff and call Aletheia there when he arrived.

    • The Yggdrasil chamber is locked with a password. Sigurd knew the password through Tyr's memories. Since Loki was not supposed to have been reincarnated, he never knew the password. Therefore, Basim couldn't had there directly when he regained Loki's memories. He had to find another reincarnated Isu and guide them into opening the chamber.

    • Once Eivor, Sigurd and Basim reached the chamber, Basim/Loki should have just hidden in the corner and waited for them to leave. But Loki wanted revenge against Odin, and so he tried to kill Eivor.

    • The original plan was for Loki to connect to Yggdrasil, which would remain powered on, then contact and/or wait for Aletheia to show up with the staff. Aletheia would present Basim as the Heir of Memories that Kassandra was waiting for, he takes the staff, and there is much rejoicing (except for the dead Kassandra, whoops). Presumably, once inside, Basim could open the door somehow to let Kassandra in.

    • However, Eivor sticks Basim into the machine and Sigurd immediately shuts him down. He loses the ability to communicate with the outside world. Aletheia has no idea what happened, so she and Kassandra continue to wait.

    • When Desmond activates the machine in 2012, Yggdrasil turns back on. Loki can finally communicate with Aletheia (through the human internet, if there's not some Isu means for Yggdrasil to communicate with the Staff). Unfortunately, the door is still locked, and Basim is now too dead to open it from the inside.

    • Kassandra isn't too useful in this situation, but Loki learns of the Animus through his apparently mad hacker skills. He and Aletheia cook up a plan to tell Kassandra that Layla is the Heir of Memories, then nudge her towards using Eivor's memories to bring the staff to the chamber. It's quite possible that the magnetic field that was causing problems after 2012 wasn't an intended feature of Yggdrasil, but rather something Loki intentionally did to motivate Layla to come there.

    I do not recall the details of Fate of Atlantis from Odyssey enough to know if this violates anything that was said there, but to me, planning to have Kassandra give the staff directly to Basim makes a lot more sense than some complicated plan that depending on Layla from the dawn of time.

    submitted by /u/Cellentel
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    Burnout from all the map items

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:44 PM PST

    As the title suggests, I want to have a discussion on how everyone is handling the burnout from trying to get everything done on the maps.

    I'm the same way where I want to clear out the entire map and can get easily side tracked from the main story because I want to clear out a city of any goods. To the point where I even get mild anxiety from looking at everything on the map.

    I think what would be different, is if the game rewarded exploration. But it doesn't. It rewards you for going to an already noted spot on the map, and maybe solving a puzzle or two. That gets boring, quickly.

    That being said, this is my first AC game since Bloodlines (PSP) but I'm loving the story so far. I just wish all the sideline stuff was a little bit more intriguing.

    submitted by /u/erickjm96
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    Ac Valhalla, late game skill points.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:54 PM PST

    Hey guys, I am around skill level 330 and I levelled up twice today but the first time I received no skill points and the second time I only received one skill point. My question is, do you just receive less skill points once you get to level 330 or is this a bug? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Ferg03
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    Crossbows should have been included

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:30 PM PST

    Crossbows are in the game and so are short swords so why can't I use them? I would love to offset the dumb/broken climbing mechanics with a crossbow launched grappling hook or the harpoon ability or a line launched from the bow like in tomb raider. I'm sure everyone can come up with ideas like this so why can't Ubi

    The biggest problem with this creed for me was that it is sometimes funny but not fun.

    submitted by /u/diesel1889
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    How To Defeat The Dice Champion

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:14 PM PST

    How in the hell do I beat the dice champion at Buckingham. I'll start doing good in the game and then she'll use her god favors and take out half my beans. Where do I get these god favors because it seems like it's going to be impossible to win without them. Or better yet, how do I beat this dumb champion. Don't understand why Ubisoft has us doing a mini game to get a clue for a main story component.

    submitted by /u/Jack-Arse
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    Bought the AC: origins gold edition on PS4 and am confused about the add on content. Help appreciated

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:28 PM PST

    So I just downloaded and installed everything that it offers me. On the add on list through the PS4 library it has 2 separate three episode downloads. In the in game menu store I had to separately click the dlc' , hidden ones and pharaohs, for them to install. I was thinking those episodes were the dlc but now I'm guessing it isn't. What are they? I can't find anything online

    submitted by /u/GBPackers412
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    ACR was such a great ending to both, altair's and ezio's character

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:28 AM PST

    The following 2 lines illustrates this perfectly for me. Summarizing their struggles in few words and them realizing their roles in life:

    Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (1165 – 1257): "When I was very young, I was foolish enough to believe that our Creed would bring an end to all these conflicts. If only I had possessed the humility to say to myself, I have seen enough for one life, I've done my part. Then again, there is no greater glory than fighting to find the truth."

    Ezio Auditore da Firenze (1459 – 1524) : "I have lived my life as best I could, not knowing its purpose, but drawn forward like a moth to a distant moon; and here at last, I discover a strange truth. That I am only a conduit, for a message that eludes my understanding."

    submitted by /u/aguero24
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    [SPOILERS] When should I do these territories?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:21 PM PST

    I just finished the Lunden Saga and I was wondering when should I go to Asgard, Vinland and Jotunheim. I know the latest unlocks after finishing Asgard but I don't know if I should do it right away or not. I'm planning to do Asgard - Sciropescire - Vinland - Cent - Lincolnscire - Suthsexe - Essex and so on according to Power Level.

    Anyways, where should I put Jotunheim? Also, is this order correct? (so I don't get spoiled by the game).


    submitted by /u/IDSQ
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    AC: Rouge / Violet is a terrible person

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:07 PM PST

    From the very BEGINNING she insults you and calls you "numbskull". She acts as if the virus spreading throughout Abstergo is your fault. I wish I were an assassin in present time so I could run my hidden blade through her, and never hear her call me "numbskull" again.

    submitted by /u/spencerthepoet
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    Is Odyssey really that bad?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:03 PM PST

    Hey all. For the holidays I bought myself AC Odyssey, hoping it'd solve a few problems I had with Origins. I have around 4.5 hours on it and I'm finding it just okay. I got to climb on Zeus' nutsack, which was interesting, but aside from that my experience has been meh. I've heard many others say the same, and how the game had some glaring issues. I'm currently trying to refund it, buy Doom 2016 and put the leftover cash into savings. Is there any reason why I shouldn't go about this? Is Odyssey really that bad? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/mozziemofo
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    Eivor is a slow-burn character, as time passes you will start loving her more. Can't NG+ come sooner I want to replay.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:23 AM PST

    So as soon as I saw the ending of Valhalla, I knew I liked Eivor a lot but not in the level of Edward or Bayek.

    But as time is passing and when I am seeing those small clips on YouTube showing some of the best moments of Eivor, I am starting to like her even more.

    A lot of those scenes show how badass Eivor can be and how she can exhibit her dry humour at times. Flyting and a lot of World Events too defines Eivor's character (that's how side contents should be, it should affect the character).

    I think I will soon start liking Eivor at Edward or Bayek level.

    submitted by /u/Ritesh_Mishra
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    Let us change the appearance of the hidden blade

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:43 AM PST

    Are there different finisher animations for dual wielding 2h weapons?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:46 PM PST

    As it pertains to greatswords and Dane axes is there a variety of finishers that play out differently when wielding them 1h vs 2h? If so, do the Shield's/offhand disappear when they play out?

    submitted by /u/Dvdmatsunaga
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    boat is stuck how do i get out?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:39 PM PST

    so i tried moving and calling the horn but it seems they are stuck as well I've tried to restart the game but that also didn't work i'm hoping there's a resolution to this without having to reinstalling the game? any advice will help thanks.

    submitted by /u/paulshaqz
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