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    Tuesday, January 5, 2021

    Assassin's Creed As a woman, I feel like the AC franchise did a really good job at incorporating women into the series.

    Assassin's Creed As a woman, I feel like the AC franchise did a really good job at incorporating women into the series.

    As a woman, I feel like the AC franchise did a really good job at incorporating women into the series.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 07:16 AM PST

    So many games that try for "female representation" do so in a way that feels really forced and weird. I've never felt that way with the assassins creed franchise. They didn't make a huge deal about it like "LOOK LOOK WE HAVE WOMEN THAT PLAY MAJOR ROLES IN THE STORY LOOK AT HOW WOKE AND GOOD WE ARE" they just placed solid female characters into their franchise where it ACTUALLY works/makes sense and I appreciate that.

    edit: i recognize that the idea behind adding more women into video game series shouldn't be about wokeness my whole point is that most series come off as self righteous and disingenuous but in MY opinion AC doesn't come off like that.

    edit 2: idk why some of y'all are downvoting me i just wanted to open a dialogue about something i find interesting and worth discussing :(

    edit 3: i didn't expect anyone to see this & these replies are awesome. they have given me a lot to think about so thank you all :))))

    edit 4: first off sorry for all the edits but a lot of your comments have made me examine my initial opinion and it's shifting a lot as i continue to read the replies. i am (relatively) new to the series and everything i say comes from that perspective. thank you all again because i feel like i can develop a far more well-fleshed out opinion. :)

    submitted by /u/tiredontheinternet
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    Murder Mysteries are honestly some of the best side activities in the whole franchise

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:21 PM PST

    I'm playing Unity right now, and they are by far my favourite activities in the game. The feeling of encountering a crime scene and putting together a story with more and more evidence you find, interrogating the witnesses and thinking about who could've had the motive and how they could've killed the victim. And then the feeling of getting the right suspect on your first attempt thanks to your investigating! Ugh! It's amazing!

    Syndicate had really amazing crime scenes as well. The best part of that game to me for sure.

    I seriously hope Ubisoft decides to include more of them in the next games. Could you imagine if there was a side storyline in the next game of hunting down a serial killer through analysing each of his crime scenes? It'd be amazing and would combine the satisfying gameplay with good storytelling.

    What did you think about crime scenes? Please do tell (Also mention if Valhalla has any. I haven't played that game yet!)

    submitted by /u/Waspy_Wasp
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    Assassin’s Creed 1984 - The Perfect Solution for a Modern Day Assassin’s Creed

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 09:15 AM PST

    Years ago, Nolan North discussed one of the original ideas for Assassin's Creed 3: a modern-day game where Desmond used the bleeding effect to see ancestors without the animus and using the skills to stop the launch of the eye and the end of the world. Despite the original ideas, this never came to fruition, leaving fans clamoring for a modern-day setting. Many other fans felt glad this never happened, due to failing to uphold some of the core series principles. Today I'd like to suggest a setting that is both historical and modern, something that could satisfy both fans. Unfortunately, Reddit is not letting me share any pictures with this post, so I'd encourage you to google some images after reading this post.

    Abstergo's Animus Project, headed by a young Warren Vidic, began in earnest in 1980 with Subject One being forced to relive the memories of Aveline de Grandpre before complications from the bleeding effect killed him in 1981. Warren Vidic volunteered himself as Subject 2 in 1981 while Abstergo searched for another candidate. An unknown Subject was experimented on before Subject 4, Daniel Cross, was delivered to Vidic in 1983. I think this would be a great time for an AC game.

    Imagine, if you will, 1980s Hong Kong. Business is booming, leading to the city of Hong Kong growing richer, while Kowloon and other cities quickly become overshadowed and filled with high rises and warehouses. Maoist revolutionaries attempt to subvert the region, silently from the shadows while a growing movement of unrest against British and Chinese rule surges. Inconsistency from both governments has allowed dozens of Triads to have turf wars as British authorities try to crack down on crime. They lack any real agency in the Kowloon Walled City, a 2 square hectare area in Northern Kowloon of 350 buildings built on top of each other 14 stories high, free from the rule of the Chinese or British. This city of darkness was a labyrinthian tangle of metal and concrete, dripping water and pipes. While most people see the squalid conditions and cringe, the children who lived there played normally and went to school carrying umbrellas, careful to avoid the gang wars within.

    This city alone at a 1:1 scale would be a surreal and fascinating setting for an AC game, a city whose infamy has gone on to inspire forms of fiction including cyberpunk. I would love this by itself but would go beyond that and recommend the entirety of the Hong Kong Territory. The territory contained nearly 30 cities and smaller towns including the city of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Aberdeen, Tsuen Wan, Kau Keng Shan, and Tai Po New Town. Streets were bustling with cars, and hanging low were street signs and wires connecting skyscrapers and apartment buildings making for perfect parkour routes through the metal overhangs and balconies. It may be wise for the player to retain a rope launcher ala Syndicate, though parkour wouldn't necessitate it. The dense urban sprawl of 1980s Hong Kong is matched by the rugged beauty of the mountains, shrines, and beaches that cover the other 50% of the area.

    Hong Kong itself is 427 square miles about 10x that of Paris, and 5x bigger than the map size of Odyssey, so while a 1:1 recreation may be out of the picture, for now, a scale such as 1:3 may be possible, allowing for the grime and glamor to truly shine. I'd imagine the main character could drive, though maybe a personal motorcycle may be better for the character, allowing for a sleek badass persona as they meet the assassins or deal with Triads. Gun control was tough, and while there were a few notable exceptions like Yip Kai Foon's gang that used AK-47s to rob stores, most Triads resorted to knives and the occasional handgun, allowing for combat to remain relatively unaffected and not turn into a 3rd person shooter.

    Syndicate shied away from using the real gangs of Victorian London to avoid lawsuits, and as a result, Triads like the Sun Yee On and 14K likely would not play a prominent role. Considering there were dozens of Triads in the 80s and still 50 active Triads today (with only 14 being tracked by police), it wouldn't be impossible for the Assassins and Templars to head Triads or have alliances and rivalries that can be implied without actually being named. Even then they can still play on real events, such as the former officer Anthony Chung turning on the Sun Yee On. Perhaps he was a Templar mole, or the Templars were threatening him and his family.

    There'd undoubtedly be comparisons to GTA, Sleeping Dogs, Cyberpunk, and a handful of other games, but I think that's okay. This setting allows for a really unique take on the Assassin's Creed story. Perhaps in 1982 the main character is kidnapped by Abstergo and forced into an animus in Hong Kong, reliving part of the life of a famous assassin like Wei Yu. From there the player uses the bleeding effect to break out and maybe joins the Triads for money before getting recruited by Assassins, with the dense jungle of the walled city acting as a base against the corporate elite Templars in the middle of Hong Kong. From there the player can choose to invest in new skills and perks by re-entering the animus and learning more from the bleeding effect. A system like this could allow the animus to take on more of a role in the story, not just a device for showing a story with parallels for the character in the 1980s. It seems likely that the Chinese government would be controlled by Templars, as they expelled 300,000 Triad members to Hong Kong in the 50s, perhaps a purging of the Chinese Brotherhood. That doesn't mean that the assassins would necessarily be against communism or the British government would be pro-assassin either, as assassins historically (in lore) were both in favor of and persecuted by communists and the British Crown. It does seem unlikely that Ubisoft would potentially offend China by calling them Templars, though. In 1982, Margaret Thatcher also visited Hong Kong, before signing a deal in Beijing in 1984 formally handing over the territory to China after 1997.

    There's a lot that can be done between the clash of cultures between the communists and staunch capitalists of 1980s Hong Kong while combining the terror of the Triads and 20th century Assassins fighting against Templars growing hegemony, and it seems to me that 1980s Hong Kong would be an ideal setting to tell a realistic cyberpunk-esque story that neatly fits in the AC universe and satisfies the itch for a modern AC. Perhaps it can even take a bit of a Rogue One approach, where the character steals data from Abstergo to aid the assassins in building their first animus. Possibly aiding a young William Miles (who stole the first blueprints for the assassins in 1977) and Warren Vidic, possibly even facing off, creating even more tension from William's capture in Ac3. This time before the safety precautions and guards against the bleeding effect within the animus project seems rife with potential, and something I want to be explored.

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    Bugs and jankiness not withstanding, the settlement should feel as alive as the Yuletide event all the time

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 11:28 AM PST

    Not necessarily celebrations and events, but just the general hustle and bustle. People drinking, fighting, doing work... It just overall feels way more alive than usual. Its how I actually envisioned the settlement to be.

    submitted by /u/WolverineKuzuri93
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    If Greatswords were scaled down (while in hand) to the size they are when holstered, they’d look a lot better and more akin to proper longswords.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 04:53 PM PST

    I understand they're meant to be two-handed swords but two handed doesn't mean the hilt should be so thick that you can't fit it in to a single hand because your fingers can't reach all the way around the dummy thicc grip. The scaled up version of these swords look rather chunky and almost Larp-y by comparison to their holstered versions and that is rather frustrating

    submitted by /u/jptrhdeservedbetter
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    How did the absolute mess that is the Cairn activity make it into the game past development?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 09:15 PM PST

    I know this is probably posted fairly often, but it is seriously disturbing how bad the physics are in the Cairn mysteries in Valhalla. How jaded could the developers be to say they are relaxing? They are the exact opposite, and make me want to pull my hair out. I seriously just can't imagine how this mess of game physics was considered fit for the final build.

    submitted by /u/wcbarrows
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    All of the Orphans in AC Valhalla

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 11:30 PM PST

    There should be an option to adopt all the orphans you meet in the game. I mean I Tun a city and there are A LOT of orphans that you help but thankfully I can adopt a fox I guess.

    submitted by /u/usernahm
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    I don't know how many know this but it might help you access some loot way faster

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:19 AM PST

    I'm certain a lot of people know this, so don't come at me, I just wanted to share it with whoever didn't since it helped me a lot.

    You know those obnoxius walls that you need to blow up with oil in order to access the loot? You can destroy them with the ability Incendiary Powder Trap, I discovered this pretty late into the game from a YT video I don't remember the name of.

    I can't quantify how much time this ability has saved me, instead of looking for the oil and a way to move it to the wall I just burst right through them and get my juicy loot, make sure to spread the word guys :)

    submitted by /u/Hektoplasma
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    Still kind of wish there is Japan Assassin's Creed game

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:18 AM PST

    I know there is Ghost of Tsushima, but its a PS4 exclusive and I'm not complaining. I just wish we get to explore the lore of the Japanese brotherhood or any other Asia brotherhood as well.

    submitted by /u/Tomichin
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    I think JoRaptor describes very well the current state of the game in this vid

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 12:05 PM PST

    The pet wolf is epic and I love it

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 06:34 AM PST

    I love my pet wolf man, I finished the mission where you get the ability a few days ago and it's so damn fun to use. When doing a stealth mission I just summoned my damn wolf and then jumped down to assassinate the next two guys next to it.

    AND OHHHH BOY. When I was fighting Rued and his wolf attacked me, I immediately smiled and said. "Well guess what? I got a wolf too buddy." AND BAM, he's on the floor getting chewed.

    So yes. Best. Ability. My second favourite ability would be the ground and pound one

    submitted by /u/JacksonCreed4425
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    Now that I'm done with Valhalla, I have some thoughts about the next location of the franchise. It is just a theory but I believe the hints are all over Valhalla [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:03 AM PST

    Just finished AC Origins, Odyssey next or jump into Valhalla?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:24 PM PST

    This past fall I finished a playthrough of AC Origins. Before moving on to the next commitment at the start of this year I wanted to get you guys thoughts. And that is about whether to commit to the 200 hour playthrough of AC Odyssey. From what I read it's notorious for being a grind, the enemies are sponges, there's no hidden blade, and no one shot kill. Or jump right into Valhalla? I heard that AC Odyssey doesn't really cover much modern day story either.

    submitted by /u/UncleIye
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    False Hope With Treasure ???

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 05:10 PM PST

    Anyone absolutely tired of finding some riches/abilities/gear on a map and spending 30mins trying to get to it before realising that it's inaccessible at that point for one reason or another (mainly being story mission based) ? Why can't they make it clear that it's inaccessible till later or just not show it??

    submitted by /u/LifestylePlusDS
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    Got 100% Sync in AC Brotherhood

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:56 AM PST

    I know the game is old now and there have been many new AC games after that. But brotherhood has been my favorite in the entire series. And today I just completed the 100% sync in it. Took me almost 55 hours to do it but I finally did it.

    Edit: Will start AC: Revelations soon. Planning on doing 100% sync in it as well.

    submitted by /u/gnexdnet
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    [SPOILER] MD story after Valhalla

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 09:26 PM PST

    I cannot get myself out of thinking about what Layla said on the ending... "What if you went back further, to 2012, when Desmond saved the world?"

    With all "Reality is simulation" thing, maybe next AC game will start at 2012, showing what if Desmond let the world be destroied?

    Or what if we go back just a little bit further and resume simulation from there, when Desmond first participated in Abstergo's experiment?

    I think that should be perfect setting to fit AC1 remake in... Where Desmond is only one that remembers(or forsee?) the future, through bleeding effect from future version of himself.

    submitted by /u/Aiqu_
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    Why Abstergo hates me/wants me dead? [AC:Origins spoilers inside]

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 02:54 PM PST

    Hi guys.

    I've read through some of the story tldrs for previous games but I still don't fully understand it.

    I am currently playing through AC:Origins and it's my first AC game. I enjoy the story of Bayek a lot and this game definitely bought me into the AC franchise, but the fragments of the story outside of animus are 1 big question mark for me. The story of Bayek was introduced from the beginning to the end in this game which is great, but I missed the out-of-animus story from previous games.

    Why does Abstergo want me dead? Who are they? Are they the templars who want to get artifacts for themselves?? Any other major plot points that I need to know?

    submitted by /u/macko939
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    Is there a "lore-friendly" way to hunt for Legendary Animals?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 05:11 AM PST

    I don't understand how I should find legendary animals on the map. Am I supposed to "stumble" upon them by chance?

    The description of the animals at the hunter's hut is extremely vague, and doesn't even point to what region they're located in. I like to play my games without resorting to external guides... does anyone have any recommendations? I might be missing something.


    submitted by /u/Juneauz
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    Wesberie Broch Key. AC Valhalla. NO SPOILERS.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:10 PM PST

    Couldn't find anything online so here's a quick hint to save you the 25 minutes I spent looking. In Wesberie there is a key in a grain silo. You have to blow the silo up to obtain said key, I just threw a torch at it and that did the trick. It then says Wesberie Broch key. I had no clue, Sýnin wasn't helping and neither was the Odin's sight. Basically just next to the tower is a crumbled hollow tower. Round the other side is an opening where the locked chest is and some other loot. I'm not sure if anyone has had the same issues as me but if they have then I hope this helps.

    submitted by /u/ShhMoaten
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    Can someone tell me what jomsviking are for?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 11:03 AM PST

    Can someone plz explain to me what jomsviking do and what are they for plz. Also in the barracks I can customize ppl are those the ppl who appear on my boat?

    submitted by /u/DMCdante96
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    Going full stealth but can't decide on weapons to use. What should I use?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 04:39 PM PST

    Using hidden ones armor if it helps. I've tried using double daggers. My problem with those are the limited range. I've tried using dagger and hammer and those weren't great. I'm stumped, basically.

    submitted by /u/ElderLyons2277
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