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    Friday, November 20, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Made this to celebrate the series and my favorite chapters of this incredible saga. Enjoy!

    Assassin's Creed Made this to celebrate the series and my favorite chapters of this incredible saga. Enjoy!

    Made this to celebrate the series and my favorite chapters of this incredible saga. Enjoy!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:36 PM PST

    There is a nudity option in the menu.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:33 AM PST

    And yet, in the 60+ hours I've played in Valhalla, the only nudity I've seen is from the Daughters of Lerion and even then it was only 1 titty from 2 of the 3 daughters.

    Hell, there was even a "nudist camp" I found early on and they still wore primitive bikinis, essentially covering everthing up.

    Now I'm not here to fap (this kinda nudity wouldn't do anything for me anyway) but if I hear about some sort of nudity, I expect to see it dammit.

    submitted by /u/AmLikelyDrunk
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    Female Eivor cosplay by Amazoniancos

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 11:49 AM PST

    Odyssey has a really sad side quest.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 11:14 PM PST

    I just played the side quest called Making Friends. It's the mission with the little girl who makes friends out of clay. I hope she finds some one day. I feel so sorry for her.

    submitted by /u/ProjectVisible5862
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    Would love a setting set in the world of the ancient Mayan civilization.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:04 PM PST

    With assassin's creed leaning more into mythical and open game play and the new console generation getting a stupidly dense foliage open world setting akin to when AC3 had featured a tree parkour system but a whole new level to that. Mayans are legendary warriors and have their own belief system and lifestyle that i think would be a perfect fit.

    submitted by /u/UltraInstinctJ
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    Detection in ACV is fundamentally flawed

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:39 PM PST

    The Detection system in Valhalla frankly ruins stealth in many scenarios and this comes mainly due to one single feature: The "yellow" state of detection is not like the old games, in say anything before origins, Enemy would go through 3 states to detect you, first there's the yellow bar the "suspicious" stage, the guard will stare at you during this stage and usually that's when you can run away or hide, The second stage is "alert" which is a red bar that fills up and that's when the guard actively goes to look for you and detection is very fast here, Third stage is obviously combat, which is full red bar.

    Valhalla's issue here is that it skips the second stage entirely, Stage 1 very rarely works as guards almost instantly detect you if you get in their range and Stage 2 which should be the red bar filling up stage is simply removed in this game, you go from being slightly seen to full combat instantly and this causes huge issues to the pacing of stealth, There is no room to run and hide because an enemy caught a glimpse at you, there's no room really to do anything, once you get into that yellow stage you're locked into combat, Now Valhalla has tried the MGS5 approach here which is once you're in yellow stage you have to kill your enemy with the bow, the issue here is unlike MGS5 not every enemy dies with a single shot, and you're not always ready to aim and shoot for example when you're aiming so this system is extremely flawed and unless you're an absolutely perfectionist you will mess up at least a few times in your playthrough, Now you're thinking "Well just play it safe and don't get out in the open, always stick to hiding spots" The issue is the game doesn't want you to play like that due to how many amazing skills they've added to enhance stealth and allow you to experiment but when detection is so aggressive there's no room to use these new tools at all, This system actively discourages experimenting despite the game giving you all the tools to do so.

    The solution to this is a simple one, Add the classic 3 Stages of detection system back into AC, I believe if this is a game that's gonna continue to get DLC and updates into the future, I truly hope they change this system with a patch one day, And if not, Maybe in the sequel, as for now, I recommend setting Stealth to the easiest if you want to have room to experiment and use all the tools provided to you in the skill tree which enhance stealth a lot but sadly rarely used due to how detection works.

    Edit: Just wanna add this is all only covering the RESTRICTED ZONES and how stealth works in them, I believe distrust areas and social stealth all works really well and don't have much feedback on that aside from it also seems random at times how fast enemies detect you

    submitted by /u/The_Synth_Potato
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    Ubisoft needs to bring back traditional cutscenes

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:24 PM PST

    I am playing Valhalla right now and most of the cutscenes are horrible, with robotic and unnatural movements that completely break the immersion.

    I hated it in Oddysey and I hate it here, this trend needs to end, they to bring better cutscenes with motion capture and better facial animations like old games.

    It's really hard to get into the story with these horrible animations

    submitted by /u/Gonzito3420
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    How would you feel about an Aztec or even Mayan assassin?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 10:48 AM PST

    I'm not sure how they would be in contact with the assassins, I was thinking before Spanish Inquisition though. Maybe there is a secret route that the assassins use across the ocean, but obviously I'm not making the game. But my reasoning is that we know a lot more about Aztec mythology (I'm not sure about the culture though) than the Norse, or Greek.

    submitted by /u/Shmooka
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    I REALLY love the low-profile assassinations in this game

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 10:12 PM PST

    If you're cloaked, slowly walk up to an enemy, and perform an assassination, Eivor does it so much more subtly than I've seen in past titles. It feels even cooler if you do it and then watch a guard come over to investigate, look around, and be absolutely clueless as you continue to slowly walk away

    submitted by /u/TheFlyingRazzberry
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    [VALHALLA] Oh my god the flying paper!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:50 PM PST

    Okay so I just had to rant. I accept the parkour is shoddy and janky in this game, but imagine designing pre designed parkour routes that are buggy or don't work?

    I've done them all so far with minimal rage, but I'm doing one in Lunden on the Abbey and there are two occasions where the pathfinding just doesn't break, meaning I've failed about 10 times straight.

    You jump and eivor goes the wrong way, misses the obvious connection, jumps on the ground or doesn't climb the right way.

    I can't jump on a tree branch I need to because the game throes eivor past the branch on to a nearby wall every time..

    TLDR: Fuck the artifacts Side TLDR: Fuck making it mandatory to get 708 collectibles to plat a game.

    Anyway 60hours in and loving it otherwise

    submitted by /u/Mysterious_Dealer_
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    After Ezio, Connor and Edward. Eivor is the only protagonist that piqued my curiosity for this franchise again

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:30 PM PST

    So i have taken abit of hiatus from this series after Syndicate not because the games lazy writing and bland protagonist but also i was feeling bit burnt out, but after skipping few titles and checking few walkthroughs of Valhalla im growing to like Eivor(male) so much more, he is charismatic cocky and ruthless, dude feels like a life of the party to me. I haven't played the game yet but i will get it once i get my PS5 soon i feel like even if the story isn't upto the mark i still can't miss out on Eivor's journey.

    submitted by /u/xiDeliriouSx
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    i wish more games did something similar to AC embers

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:56 PM PST

    you know a short film thats about a character's final days?

    now i know some people werent a huge fan of embers but me personally knowing that in the end of his life ezio finally managed to find peace, start a family, and find happiness and died of a heart attack watching regular people live their lives near where he watched his father and brothers die so many years before is just really damn nice...

    if companies did things similar to embers where its a short film about the final days of a fan favorite character i would be pleased and im sure many others would be as well

    submitted by /u/CrazyUncleCrispy
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    Just feels like assassins creed is back.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:43 PM PST

    This feels like assassins creed again

    I cannot articulate how much this just feels like assassins creed again and it is glorious.

    Origins and odyssey were fun and I enjoyed them but it's so refreshing to have the order back, the ancients, the dark historical realism. It's been absent for so long the return is just a breath of fresh air.

    The Vinland arc had me more excited than a person ought to be at the connections to the Desmond story. It's a bit of the lore that I didn't even know I wanted.

    submitted by /u/TheArtfulDodger518
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    [SPOILERS] Funniest mystery quest I've come across so far

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:00 PM PST

    Granted I'm not that far into the game yet, but I thought this was pretty funny. In Grantebridgescire southeast of Meldeburne, there's these two little kids talking about how great their grandpa is at "walloping". Gramps comes out and backs up the fact that he is indeed a master walloper. You then proceed to wallop his ass in about 5 seconds, and apparently this is the first time ever that anyone has successfully walloped him. He gives you access to his amazing riches, which is just a bag of teeth from his past walloped foes, but after you loot it you proclaim how fine of a treasure it truly is. I got a good chuckle out of this.

    submitted by /u/Ijeko
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    Not an AC fan but in love with Valhalla

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:25 PM PST

    I bought odyssey but after 30ish hours i felt kind of tired and tedious, for some reason the game was beautiful and well made but it cannot hold me

    I was skeptical about Valhalla but my wife bought it thinking I would like it so I try anyway... wow! Im 30 hours in and having so much fund raiding.

    Something about this one just feels different, it feels so crisp killing enemies and playing dice games or just ride around and explore. I can really feel the gruesome and harshness of what Vikings had to go through in this game

    Love it!

    submitted by /u/allbutluk
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    [AC:Valhalla] Rant: Ubisoft, why so greedy with Opals?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:01 AM PST

    So I unlocked contracts and I realized that even if you do all the weekly & daily contracts, you'll not be able to consistently buy a set-item per week.

    In one week you can earn a grand total of 90 Opals (20 for the weekly, 7x10 for the dailies = 90 total). Now, an armor-set-item costs 100, weapons cost 120.

    Am I the only one who considers this a little scummy? I mean even if you're dedicated enough to start up the game daily to do all the weekly & daily contracts you're forced to skip the weekly set item on offer?

    Now obviously i left out the fact you can collect Opals in the open world - but those are finite, so in the long run that won't be viable.

    It's no biggy, no riot needed, but still it feels like a minor F U to the playerbase.

    /Sidenote: The 300 Helix-credits all players got for free is transparently scummy as well considering all the useful items cost 350 H-credits. Facepalm

    submitted by /u/insrr
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    [Spoiler] Holy donut I hate the people of Ravensthorpe

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 11:12 PM PST

    I just reached the part I have to fight Dag. I'm baffled with how this was written and handled. It made me do a full 180 degree on my opinion of the settlement.

    I spent entire evenings risking my life and going all around England to gain alliance for Ravensthorpe. By the time I had done 5, Sidgurd only managed to meet what, one person? Two? The dumb guy was naive enough to let himself be bewitched about some baseless prophecies just because he thought it was about him and got himself captured... All while being a complete arrogant douchebag and ass about it toward us while we had LEGITIMATE DOUBTS. Yet I still continued to gain alliance and tried to find him nonetheless.

    I spent hours doing raids and gathering resources to upgrade buildings and shops from Ravensthorpe while I was in no obligation to do so.

    I bothered to do the numerous side quests of people from Ravensthorpe and helping this person's brother/sister/whatever, because I'm helpful.

    Yet, for reasons never properly worded, Dab started to doubt me, ignored all the travels, effort I did and raids we did together. He went all drama queen mode.

    He humiliated me publicly, insulted me, forced my hand into killing him...

    And nobody from Ravensthorpe intervened. None of them defended me. None of them tried to calm Dag down. Nobody acknowledged all I did. They all silently stared like deers in front of car lights... And despite the insults and disrespect Dag did to me, I bothered to give him his axe and... yet again, nobody did anything, nor noticed the nice gesture I gave him despite how much of an ass he turned out to be. They just stared and then... left?

    What the f?

    Screw all you Raven Clan, I'm done with this settlement.

    submitted by /u/Chabb
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    Assassin's Creed in The Mali Empire

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:23 PM PST

    I really enjoy the Assassin's Creed games and I've been thinking about a new point in history the series could go to. Feudal Japan and World World II are popular periods that I also want the series to go to, but I've never heard anyone suggest the Mali Empire as a time period to go to.

    I'm by no means a history expert, but the Mali Empire has always been very interesting to me. Mansa Musa Keita is often said to be one of the richest people in history and maybe the game could take place shortly after his pilgrimage to Mecca when tales of his wealth spread across northern Africa and even into Europe. Maybe the Templars hear about his wealth and get word that he's got a Piece of Eden hidden among his riches and send spies to infiltrate the Mali Empire. Maybe they are pissed that his wealth even destabilized the economy of the places he traveled through on his pilgrimage.

    It would be cool to play as an Assassin/Hidden One who is maybe a soldier who traveled with Musa on his pilgrimage and accepted The Creed along the way. The assassin returns home to find Templars attempting to infiltrate their home. Sorry if my time periods are off but I'm pretty sure the Ottoman Empire was around back then; maybe this Mali Assassin has some help from their comrades in the Ottoman Empire or even from the Egyptian Brotherhood.

    I think it would be cool to have an AC game set in West Africa; a place the series has never been before with an entirely different type of architecture and city layout to have players explore. The cool mosques like Djinguereber and the University of Sankore would be awesome to climb and explore in the game.

    Let me know what you guys think about a setting in the Mali Empire!

    submitted by /u/PantherGod772
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    Parkour is more buggy than ever?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:34 AM PST

    Is it just me or parkour in Valhalla is pretty much copy n paste from the past 3 series? Character don't respond well to inputs when climbing or Evior just do not want to climb the way you want him/she to climb. Honestly Unity parkour has ruined me, nothing beats it. I would periodically play it just for the amazing parkour

    submitted by /u/TotallyAPie
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    [AC-Valhalla] Wishlist For Gameplay Features

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:40 PM PST

    This thread is meant to collect much wanted features and suggest them to Ubisoft.

    Let me start with a handful of features I would like to see:

    Transmog: I'm aware that transmog is supposedly making a return to this game. However since I was unable to find an official confirmation on this, I still wanted to include it. I hope this feature will make use of all the gear visuals we can already apply to our Jomsviking (including superior visuals for items we could only find in flawless or mythical condition previously)

    Dye System: I'm aware that this one is unlikely to be added with a patch, but I do hope we get the option to dye our armour in one of the future expansions in form of a new type of merchant. Ideally we'd be able to alter the main colour of the outfit as well as accent colours individually. Who wouldn't love a white and red version of the mentor's set?

    Seperate Hood/Cape Toggle: I like the cape and love the hoods. I'd love to be able to wear my hood regardless of the situation however, even in combat. An easy fix would be the addition of a menu-option that seperates hood and cape toggle. Simply put: the hood would always stay on, stealth mode would only affect the cape.

    Gear Chest: Although every piece of gear is truly unique this time around, I don't really need all of it in my inventory. As the game progresses the inventory tends to get messy. The implementation of a gear chest to deposit "unnecessary" gear would be greatly appreciated.

    Seperate Gender Customisation: This one is pretty self explanatory. I'd like to get different hairstyles for my female and male Eivor and changing them around in the tattoo shop is time consuming.

    That's it for now, promised. Make sure to add your ideas to this thread, let it gain momentum and with a bit of a luck we might find some of them in the game!

    submitted by /u/poisondwarf2000
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    a location in Norway (spoilers for the early game)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:25 PM PST

    i just noticed that if you had to this location in norway https://imgur.com/V9Nm04d , eivor will have a little dialogue in his old home, just something i thought i'd share with you all.

    submitted by /u/liad12
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    The Jomsviking you recruit from story missions will tell different stories and sing different songs while sailing if you make them a part of your crew.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:59 PM PST

    So there's incentive to put them on the team when you get them.

    submitted by /u/svenhoek86
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    Assassins Creed Brotherhood is 10 years old today

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:06 PM PST

    Brotherhood was released 10 years ago today.. and it really got me thinking about cinematic animations. Do you all remember the crazy counter kills in that game? The double hidden blade combat? So many amazing executions and assassinations.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying Valhalla. But I will never understand how a game 10 years older has a wider variety and cleaner animation style of executions.. Valhalla improves upon Odyssey in this regard, but come on..

    submitted by /u/LaidByTheBlade
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    Several games this year have released big post launch updates that added cool features into the game so I hope this one does too

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:03 PM PST

    Off the top of my head Mortal Shell and Ghost of Tsushima released big updates that brought new features to the game. Just wanted to list some of the things I want to personally see.

    1. Transmog or loadouts. I've seen a ton of people want transmog and personally I wouldn't care that much but I hope they decide to add loadouts. I have a couple of nice builds and it would be nice ro be able to keep them setup and be able to quickly swap to them.

    2.Armor colors/More cosmetics- i feel like this game kind of lacks alot of customization. It would be nice to be able to change the color of armor sets . Also more hair colors would be nice. Maybe White and Black.

    1. Preview shop items. That's it. It just makes no sense to not be able to see what we're buying.
    submitted by /u/Lord_Despairagus
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