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    Tuesday, March 24, 2020

    Assassin's Creed the Bayek Voice Actor spoke, is it relevant to AC Kingdom?

    Assassin's Creed the Bayek Voice Actor spoke, is it relevant to AC Kingdom?

    the Bayek Voice Actor spoke, is it relevant to AC Kingdom?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    I don't know how Bayek could appear, but it is curious that he says something like that out of nowhere, especially he who is well known for playing Bayek.

    So what do you guys think?

    Abubakar Twitter: "Although the world is turning to poop, and people are literally acting like the stupid people in zombie/contagion films (completely understand why there are so many Zombies in these films now)..."

    "There are some mighty reveals and announcements coming to you all this week"


    submitted by /u/EnenraX
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    How about a game set in east africa?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    All credit goes to u/solarnogg , I basically copy-pasted his post because it didn't get a lot of attention back then and I hope it does now because it's a cool idea

    Assassin's Creed series should go to the Horn of Africa

    The Conquest of Abyssinia (which mostly takes place in modern day Ethiopia) would be the perfect setting for an AC game. It's a seriously overlooked area of history that explains the hostilities between Somalia and Ethiopia today. It included people from Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea as well as Ethiopia. It was sort of like an African Crusade between Muslims and Christians that involved almost every ethnic group in the region. One of the reasons why it's so significant is the sheer damage it caused, damage that is still visible today with ghost towns and ruined churches.

    In the 1300s, the Christian Abyssinian Empire was expanding and ruled with an iron fist. Their new Muslim subjects began to rebel. The Abyssinians responded by using scorched earth tactics on the different Muslim kingdoms (even the ones that did not rebel) and pacified the rebellion but the resentment only grew. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amda_Seyon_I#

    In the 1500s, it culminated in a massive war between the Muslims led by the Somalis and the Christians led by the Amhara. A Somali Imam named Ahmed Gurey united the disparate Muslim kingdoms to destroy the Abyssinian Empire once and for all. The Muslim Adal Sultanate acquired firearms from their Ottoman allies and won their first battle. This was the first time guns had been used in Africa (outside of North Africa iirc). In the second battle, the Muslims were 12k strong but up against an army that was 5-10 times their size. The Muslim forces employed cannons for the first time in Africa and quickly cut down thousands of Christian soldiers causing them to panick and disperse as they had never seen this kind of technology before. The Muslims won battle after battle after that.

    There were several close calls for the Abyssinian emperor. On one occasion, Ahmed Gurey led his forces through an Abyssinian field of farms under disguise to sneak up onto the imperial encampment on the other side. They later employed the same strategy to sneak into the capital. Eventually, the Abyssinian queen wisely convinced the emperor to seek aid from their Christian allies but he died before the Portuguese arrived.

    With the empire in shambles, the new Abyssinian emperor ended up hiding in the snowy Mountain of the Jews with his wife. Ahmed Gurey chased after him but during the final stand he was killed by Portuguese muskateers that he had spared earlier (after killing their leader who was Vasco de Gama's son). With their charismatic leader dead, the Muslim army dispersed and the Abyssinians reclaimed their pre-war territory. Ahmed Gurey's successor waged war for decades after that but never got as close. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abyssinian%E2%80%93Adal_war https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmad_ibn_Ibrahim_al-Ghazi

    There are a lot of cool elements in this setting like how the army was made up of different ethnic groups further subdivided into different clans that had diverging interests. Keeping an army like that together was tough for Ahmed Gurey and some clans would ditch him or betray him in the middle of battle.

    There's also the pagan Oromos who waged war as a third faction from the south after the Somali Ajuuran Kingdom sold them horses in the decades before. The Oromos became skilled horsemen and conquered large amounts of territory from both sides, taking advantage of their weaknesses. They are the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia today. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oromo_migrations

    Here's a visual aid to understand the territory. https://m.imgur.com/a/f93Ei

    Other then the exciting political situation, there's also the legend of Prester John who can be a sage or something. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prester_John

    And there's the beautiful scenery. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhYd12fNCIQAEe3GWpy50cqs9aOTWJ51_7m_tstCqlQdzg_ZsREcZ_HjR4Y1wNo0ESwxmCwQM74XPSvulaBZV3uQ5l0AVQ8tK2tecsTFFH7XN_HaGSI6g4kpfMkePNTRtoKNqmZ9nhdw-1Y/s1600/ethiopia+Simien+Mountain+ethiopian+highlands+4.jpg

    There's also an awesome set of animals that includes camels, apes, lions, wolves, horses, elephants, rhinos, ostriches, giraffes, gazelles, zebras, hyenas, etc.

    The architecture is nice too. http://imgur.com/a/xDtq6 It's hard to get a sense of how the cities looked from these pictures but I think they should be good enough for AC. At worst, Ubisoft made AC3 and AC4 work. :P

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/_hudie_
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    Sheltering at home makes for a great time to actually play through the whole series again!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Finished replaying AC Brotherhood last night, now onto Revelations. Might just have to post a ranking when I'm finished with the series! At this point, I'm most excited to revisit Black Flag.

    Anyone else playing some AC during this COVID-19 chaos?

    submitted by /u/haydenmcallister
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    Was Syndicate moving in the right direction? Was it moving in the wrong direction?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Since the release of Origins and Odyssey (chiefly Odyssey), there is a gap in the fanbase created by whether or not fans believe that the changes in style, mechanics, stealth and map exploration were the right decisions to progress the series forward. The change in stealth mechanics has arguably been the most polarizing topic, but had Syndicate already found a happy medium between the two in addition to some of the other features (i.e side missions, unique gameplay options with the gang)? In other words, was Syndicate already making the right changes to appeal to a majority of the fan base?

    Syndicate is back to the large city feel which is an assassin's playground. With tall buildings to scale and in close proximity such that you can parkour easily around the city, London is one of the ideal locations for an AC game. Although the map might not have the grandiose to those of Origins and Odyssey, the size of the map was not a major concern in the AC series. More or less, the significance of activities within the map was the more pressing concern, in which the side missions in practically every AC game have been rather pointless unless you are wanting money or experience (except for Black Flag whose contract-based side missions were unique and quite fun imo). But, most of the Syndicate side mission follow 2 paths:

    1. Overthrowing Blighter districts in which missions gave you resources to upgrade the Rooks. In fact, the gang system is very interesting because it can definitely impact your entire game (Blighter health decreases or their weapons become duller, or costs at stores are discounted if you upgrade in the swindler category). Therefore, playing these side missions actually benefits to your all-around game depending on the type of player that you are.
    2. Storylines following historical figures. Now, this is not necessarily as influential to your game, but it is nice to follow a coherent story with people like Charles Dickens. You get rewards by completing the missions such as new gear, but I think this is unique because you aren't necessarily doing random side missions with random NPCs in the game (a reference to Origins and Odyssey). I do like that there is at least a backbone with these missions.

    Now to bring this back full circle with the main idea of moving in the right direction, these side missions proved that Ubisoft could make the side mission aspect of the game utilizable for increased player experience. In other words, you now had a reason to do side missions besides just gaining money, experience or gear.

    Next, the major assassination missions were exactly what an assassination should feel like. Having Jacob or Evie really interact with the surroundings and NPCs during the missions too, for example, create a unique assassination, in which you would have to steal keys from a guard in order to unlock the unique assassination. This setup for missions gives you the options to go full stealth, but you are also more than welcome to barge through the areas on your own which will have no negative impact on your game. In a more general sense, stealth was designed very well. The mechanics were simple, and I do appreciate that Jacob and Evie would automatically lock onto the edge of a wall or create to peak around the corner (in comparison to manually doing it in Unity which was a little clunky). I think it is clear that Ubisoft understood what good stealth implied in terms of mechanics, and really the next step would have been to smoothen some of the movement around facilities or adding more hiding spots to increase the stealth experience.

    Now, the major "drive" for Origins and Odyssey is the theme of exploration. Many other game series have begun to do this, so I suppose it was fitting that AC followed the trend. However, to fit along my thesis of moving in the right direction, Syndicate's use of the grappling hook was an implication that Ubisoft wanted the player to be able to traverse the landscape quickly, therefore able to explore the map without the hindrance of always having to run around or spend much more time manually climbing up buildings. Even though you have the hook, you still have to parkour around the city some. However, the grappling hook takes away the need to parkour in scenarios where parkour just adds unnecessary time to the user's experience (i.e. climbing up a building while being shot out versus shooting up with the grappling hook to evade trouble). Now, what the grappling hook enabled (or at least some item with a similar functionality to the grappling hook) was a larger map in future games, therefore increasing the number of activities while maintaining the ability to move around a large map quickly. AC had already unlocked a unique mechanic that indirectly achieved the idea of bolstering increased exploration.

    Lastly, it was nice to see Ubisoft create a relatable personality between the player and the protagonist (in this case protagonists). Jacob and Evie were fantastic. Both had a unique attitude and disposition to handling situations, and both had different strengths in which you were able to adjust how you tackled each mission. I wish both characters had an equal amount of game time, but the dynamic was fantastic. Also, I wish that more missions used both protagonists (like the final mission in the campaign or the Tower of London mission in the Last Mahajara). However, that doesn't take away from the fact that Ubisoft knows how to create relatable characters that are only featured in one game.

    Syndicate definitely had its downfalls of course, and I think it is important for games to have some of these in order to grow off of. Chiefly, the main campaign was rather bland. The sequence of assassinations was predictable, and the overall goal of the campaign was "let's just completely clear our the templars from this city" (this is also calling out AC Brotherhood who had a very similar style of campaign but with more of a revenge theme). I will say that this is something that Odyssey got more right than others, in which there was a main plotline with a separate main theme (reunion in this case) with sub-themes mixed in (i.e. revenge). Additionally, the fighting was a little too easy imo. I did like the mechanics and structure for fights, but I just wish they had added an additional aspect to the fights that prevented you from easily dominating a group of 5 other fighters.

    All-in-all, Syndicate was not perfect, and it is okay that it was not perfect. However, I think Syndicate did a great job with creating the environment and external aspects of the game that benefitted the franchise, and I do think that there was a solid base set by Syndicate (more so than Unity imo) that Ubisoft could have built off of even if the next game had gone back by a few centuries. Although I did enjoy Origins and Odyssey, I think that there was a dramatic shift in style just to compete with games like the Witcher. But, Ubisoft already had the foundation to continue making games like Syndicate had they adjusted a few important features.

    What do you think? Do you believe that Ubisoft needed to take the series into the direction that Origins took (more than Odyssey but I think Odyssey was more of an experiment in a popular historical time)?

    submitted by /u/Ar3mianK1d
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    Can the public see my photos in AC Origins...

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    Is there a way so no one can see them?

    submitted by /u/aloofwalker
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    Pierre Bellec was dumb

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    He killed Mirabeau by poison to make it as if Elise did it and make assassins turn against arno and elise but it doesn't make sense because why would Elise kill someone who was on his side. on top of that bellec disagreed with Mirabeau in front of others and he was the only person with a motivation to kill Mirabeau. there was no way he could get away with it.

    submitted by /u/Crazy_Beatz
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    In AC Origins, is it worth doing the sidequests and locations now or should I wait for NG+?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    I'm playing through for the first time, and I'm starting to level up faster than the main quests because I'm having fun going around doing all the locations and side quests. Is this worth it or should I just not bother with all the locations and stuff till NG+?

    Better yet, should I even bother with NG+ or go straight to odyssey? What extra benefits do you get by going through the game a second time?

    submitted by /u/Alfawolff
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    Small improvements that could really improve immersion in future AC games

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    I think there are some smaller details that AC games could improve to make a big difference overall but can be easily overlooked or not discussed as often, so I wanted to list a few here. With the new generation of consoles, I think a lot of these improvements are much easier to implement as well, such as dynamic weather systems, NPC realism, and the inclusion of denser/bigger crowds populating the world.

    • Closer/adjustable camera follow distance
      • I'd love to see this implemented. Plenty of 3rd person games offer adjustable camera distance (RDR2, FFXIV, Watch Dogs 2, etc). Games before Origins and especially Odyssey had the camera distance closer to the character, which I feel helped you feel more immersed in the open world around you.
    • Dynamic weather
      • Weather systems can be so beautiful and help make the world feel alive. AC games seem to be mostly or completely static, not really changing except for having a day/night cycle.
    • Better NPCs
      • NPCs in the past few games, especially Origins and Odyssey, seem mostly like props as opposed to being actual humans in the world. When you run into them, they have a minimal reaction and don't impede you at all, as if they aren't even there. I thought Unity did an amazing job with its NPCs. They felt more alive and apart of the world. They actually provided good stealth opportunities and got in your way when trying to run through them, which I believe keeps the world feeling more real and grounded. Also, Unity's crowds were super impressive and cool.
    • More weighted character movements
      • In Origins and Odyssey, the character movements feel too light and unrealistic. I don't want it to be a chore to move around and climb, but finding a proper balance by adding a little more weight and realism to the playable character's movements would be a nice addition imo.
    submitted by /u/oliviabergs
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    Robin Hood the Assassin

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Looking back it seems as though the legend of Robin Hood could easily be described as a Rouge assassin. I wouldn't actually mind seeing a game where you play as an Assassin in the time that becomes known as Robin Hood. Instead of just murdering people in a nonsensical war you fight for those who cannot, you steal from the rich and give to the poor. I personally thing that both the classic and modern gameplay styles would also work well for said game. Modern day 1v1 combat, classical style free running. Imagine exploring and climbing castles with the graphic of today, overlooking vast woodlands while wearing a leather green hood, an Assassin hood

    Robin Hood and Assass i be Creed could easily be one of the best AC games made.

    submitted by /u/PhazePalm
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    Why Black Flag is my favorite AC game

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    obviously Black Flag isn't a perfect game. The combat consisted of 3 buttons, the customization wasn't super exciting, and the parkour could be frustrating. The plot, and more specifically Edward and his journey, is what makes BF so great to me. He's a selfish asshole, and shouldn't be a likable character, but he has a roguish charisma that's common in AC protagonists but fits very well with Edward. Most AC stories follow a pretty basic revenge plot, which is fine because Ubisoft finds ways to use the different settings and times to keep them interesting. But Edward's drive was different from the start. He just wanted a better life which is something i can relate to far better than a desire to avenge the death of my son, father, etc. He gets mixed up in the Assassin/Templar conflict just because he wanted a bit of coin. He couldn't care less about either faction or their ideals, just as he didn't care about bystanders like Stede Bonnet, who's confiscated sugar Edward didn't spare a second glance for when he infiltrated the fort. As the story progresses, he uses anyone who can further his goals and kills anyone who gets in his way. One by one, often because of him and his desire to keep the Observatory all to himself, all of Edward's friends die, a few of them by his own hands. He rarely doubts himself while he follows this path, and when something goes wrong there's always somebody else for him to blame. But he does show growth, like when he reconnects with Stede Bonnet on Blackbeard's ship, or when he finds Jack Rackham and Charles Vane at the prison and expresses remorse for their fates. When Black Bart betrays him and he finally decides to choose a side, it's not a choice he makes for himself. Sure, everything about him indicates opposition to the Templar way, but it's the Assassins he makes amends with, and the Assassins who he joins in order to reclaim the Observatory Skull. No longer for himself, but because he can now see what kind of damage the artifact is capable of doing. By the end of the game, he's almost an entirely different character. But it's more of a subtle difference, shown by the way he comforts Anne after her miscarriage, or the way he treats people like Adewàle, Ah Tabai, and other Assassin borough leaders as comrades rather than tools to further his own ends. It's the kind of character progression we hadn't seen since Assassin's Creed 2. I never felt like Jacob and Evie, or Alexios/Kassandra were all that different or had become any wiser by the end of their respective games. Sure, twists happened that changed their outlook for the sake of the overarching plot, but Edward's growth from self-obsessed pirate to someone who serves something greater than himself out of a sense of duty rather than desire is what makes Black Flag a real standout game for me.

    submitted by /u/Red-Economy
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    Friends on Uplay for Black Flag

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Super late to the game but I just started playing black flag last weekend (I've been playing through the series from the beginning) and wanted to ask if anyone still playing me wants to add me to uplay? Uplay username is randomlyyj Thank you!

    submitted by /u/jiejiejjie
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    AC:O- [SPOILERS] Whatever happened to Kensa

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    Kensa is the lady you fight with in the arenas during the Crocodile quest line. As you probably know she ends up disappearing (or dying) in a shitty way. I saw on the fandom wiki and a few other places that Bayek forgives her and let's her join the hidden ones, but I also see ALOT more post of people saying the havent seen her or heard of her besides some sort of file in the hidden ones hideout or whatever.

    submitted by /u/KratosLeftNut
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    Altaïr, Darim and Qulan in an AC Mongolia

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    It is an idea that maybe a few years later will be used by Ubi.

    We know that in Assassin's Creed 2 we have a statue of Qulan Gal, a Mongolian killer toxophilite *, showing that Qulan made it huge to play a very important role in the murder of Genghis Khan.

    • A specialist in archery

    After a plan put into action with Altair, Darim and Qulan, Qulan fired his bow and arrow at Genghis Khan's horse, giving Darim the chance to assassinate him with a beast shot in 1227.

    This is pretty much just what the game gives us about information about Qulan Gal and the murder of Genghis Khan, I do not doubt that maybe, further ahead, is the idea for a new game of the saga, since in addition to telling about Qulan and Genghis Khan, would also tell more about what Altair, Maria and Darim did in Mongolia.

    The game would be between 1206 (Beginning of the Empire) and 1279 (End of Empire) * in Mongolia in the middle of the Mongol Empire, one of the largest that ever existed.

    • Remembering that Genghis Khan died in 1227

    Ubi would have a great opportunity to give a history lesson to the players (as it always did), besides the theme being sensational.

    Curiosity 1- Qulan Gal was represented as archer probably because of the Mongol army being famous for its long-range arches and mounted shooters.

    Curiosity 2- Genghis Khan possessed a sword of Eden, another very important element for the lore.

    Curiosity 3 - During the assassination, Qulan rescued Nergüi, who later assassinated Hulegu Kahn, grandson of Genghis Khan, around 1265.

    Curiosity 4- In 1241, in an alliance between countries and along with orders of cavalry, like the Templars, fought against the mongoles twice, and in its defeated.

    What is your opinion for that? v.a

    submitted by /u/oaharbaaa
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    My time during the Assassin's Creed Odyssey Weekend Trial

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    My time during the Assassin's Creed Odyssey Weekend Trial


    Last time when i played any assassin's creed was when black flag came out that was ages ago. Now i was able to try out this for weekend. In my 28h playtime I saw alot and not. This game amazed me alot and showed me how fun it can be. Killed some cult people by kicking them off high places, 1v4 mercenaries and dying over and over to snake man and his snakes. Also ability system is interesting thing in assassin's creed and hiring system. It was also hard to decide which build i should play with and what armor should i keep and what armor i shouldn't keep. This seems like i've done alot but i haven't. I still want to explore the map and finish my storyline and explore the DLC missions that i've heard and seen stuff about. But due to starting exam week for me and new semester soon I wont get the game any time soon because new school books Monthly bus ticket charge and alot of other things.. Hardest part of the game was when i had to choose which character i should play..

    submitted by /u/kermooo
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    Is assassins creed rouge open world after I finish the game?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    I bought black flag and rouge for switch and I'm going to be finishing black flag soon but when I start playing and eventually finish rouge will I be able to explore the world after the story of Assassins creed rouge.

    submitted by /u/jhammy91
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    [SPOILERS] Feeling empty after getting a bad ending in Odyssey

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I've been playing AC games for years, and I've only missed a couple of main titles (Unity & Syndicate). I bought Odyssey when it came out because I loved Origins, and I was especially excited to have the option to play with as Kassandra, too. I didn't make it beyond Naxos in my original playthrough, but I picked it up again recently.

    After 85hrs, I finished (only) the family storyline, and like the title says, it left me feeling hollow... I always try to get the best endings in games, so when Deimos, with a somber tone said "I've done terrible things..." I thought I'd gotten it, only for him to kill Myrrine, forcing me to kill him too. I reloaded to try the other speech option, only to get the same result. So, I'm left having an awkward dinner party with my guilt-ridden stepdad and my arrogant adopted stepbrother. "That wasn't so bad, was it? 😀" I'm not so sure, Barnabas.

    I'm actually considering restarting since that ending was so depressing. If so, I'm not sure whether I should do new game or new game+. Is there any benefit to the latter?

    TL;DR: Wanted the good ending, but got a bad one after 85hrs gameplay. Considering restarting as a result.

    submitted by /u/Not-Enough-Volts
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    Does anyone still play AC Unity Co-op?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    If you play then ping me, let's play together. Or let me know if there's any discord or any other group that i can join where people still play it.

    submitted by /u/aayudhghosh
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    AC Odyssey - New expansions

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    Is AC Odyssey going to have new expansions after Fate Of Atlantis? I already beat both expansions and don't have nothing to do now

    submitted by /u/yHacKx
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    Assassin's Creed set in 1920's?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    I know this is probably never going to happen and is pretty far fetched but wouldn't it be cool to have an assassin for the mob? Or just in general during that time? It'd definitely be a FRESH take on AC. With it's two most recent games taking place so long ago, maybe coming back to recent times would be a good jump. (Although the 1920 were literally 100 years ago) What's your thoughts on this? Would you care for an AC game set in the 20's? Any other ideas for it or for a time period you would like to see?

    submitted by /u/chirican0913
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    Bayeks Cover of Game Weapons

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Im trying to copy him and I have the Bow of course the robes but need the shield and sword I knoe it has to be a sickle sword and rn have a imitation siwan Khopesh and think thats pretty spot on but would like to know

    submitted by /u/clownin6969
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    Who’s the best free runner

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Personally I'd say Arno given his style and speed though I want to hear others suggestions

    submitted by /u/starkiller955
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    (Spoiler) So how is this all gonna play out (Fate of Atlantis)

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    Layla with the staff making her go insane, her killing her friend and crippling Otso Berg. What do you think will happen next? Would she be punished for killing a brotherhood member? How does the incapacitated Otis Berg come into play? What is the next "great catastrophe"?

    I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Bruhurb69420
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