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    Thursday, January 30, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Whoever 'designed' the Erymanthian Boar needs to be demoted.

    Assassin's Creed Whoever 'designed' the Erymanthian Boar needs to be demoted.

    Whoever 'designed' the Erymanthian Boar needs to be demoted.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 01:25 PM PST

    So yeah, I know I'm not the first to complain about this fight (or boars in Odyssey in general) and the salinity of this post should be fairly obvious.

    But seriously - how does an enemy like this make it through the hands of dozens of playtesters?! So alright, boar hitboxes are broken, we all know that. I've had Predator Arrows just... phase through the boar's mouth, chin and forehead. I could've lived with that, even though it's pretty much an objective flaw of the game.

    I also get that the fart gas AoE is this fight's gimmick, which would be fine by itself.

    But then the boar also has an invisible knockdown (its roar I suppose?). Then it simply breaks the game's rules by flat out canceling my Slow Time. Then it hits me with its bodycheck if I'm standing in the opposite direction of its attack?

    It's like the Erymanthian Boar is a case study on how many design flaws you could fit into a single boss fight.

    submitted by /u/Slevin_Kedavra
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    Replaying the games for my fiancée: Part 1 - Assassin's Creed

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:12 AM PST

    Quick background, my fiancée had only played Origins and Odyssey and so wanted to see the older games and what made them so special to me (and many others). She was familiar with the names Ezio and Altair, but beyond that knew very little of the earlier games. So, this was a perfect opportunity for me to play them for her as I was very familiar with them and she was able to watch but also focus on her painting/drawing. So, without further ado, let's get started with my thoughts replaying through a game franchise that is very dear to me.

    Assassin's Creed:

    This is where it all began. I remember watching my friend play it the week of release and was in love immediately with the world. I waited a few months until I could get the PC version with the improved mission additions and spent so many hours in the "holy land". The concept was novel and the open world parkour that required tactical thought and planning but also served you with on the fly running was brilliant.

    Replaying, it certainly shows it's age when compared to all the quality of life improvements the newer games have had. Combat is sometimes tedious and favors countering, and the platforming more deliberate and slow. And yes, the investigations before a main assassination do get very repetitive. That being said, the experience was still quite enjoyable. Playing the Xbox One X enhanced edition and seeing the world in 4K, it held up really well. Even my fiancée remarked that for 12 year old game, it looked really good! And syncing from a viewpoint while camera spins and the music cue plays? Still amazing.

    The best parts of Assassin's Creed for me is still the story and atmosphere. The game is oozing with a sense of mystery and ambiguity. Altair, who starts off as an arrogant and brash assassin, slowly learns and grows beyond his narrow view and begins to question he once held as doctrine. He and Malik coming to respect each other near the end and support each other was also fantastic. Special props to the writing team on this one. Between the philosophical discussions with Al Mualim or the different targets each justifying their actions, I was always hooked on every word.

    Overall, My fiancée enjoyed the first Assassin's Creed. It wasn't anything special or groundbreaking for her (understandably so, it's over a decade after the fact now), but she appreciated the story of Altair's arc and also liked the dark and heavy atmosphere that permeated the game. She definitely noticed that it really lacked an RPG feel from the newer titles and that it Altair truly felt like an assassin. All in all, a good start to the replay.

    Up next, the Ezio Collection!

    submitted by /u/Longsword007
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    I would gladly have another game in Constantinople

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:09 PM PST

    The City was the biggest and most beautiful during the late antiquity and the middle ages, there are interesting things that happened in that beautiful city as well, like the sack of the city by the crusaders (templars!!) or even the Siege of Constantinople in 1453 by Mehmed II, damn they can even make the city as a big ass AC Vikings game coming this year (supposedly)

    submitted by /u/andazo122
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    Ideas for an Australian version of AC

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:17 AM PST

    I have 2 ideas for this:

    1. the dreamtime stories are the stories about the golden artifacts and how the creed started.
    2. there is a boomerang that has something to do with uniting some tribes, and each tribe will carve their symbol on the boomerang and grant it special powers. e.g: make it sharper so it can cut ropes, or make it fireproof so you can burn down huts or cause chaos.
    submitted by /u/ultragameguy
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    Do you think the recent changes at Ubisoft have any influence on Ragnarok?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:41 PM PST

    So as you all know after the breakpoint fiasko pretty much all Ubisoft games that had been announced have been delayed. Do you think Ragnarok got delayed as well? And do you think they will make specific changes to Ragnarok based on the negative reception of breakpoint?

    And more recently we've learned that they changed up their editorial team, the team that was responsible pretty much for the Ubisoft formula and how it affected every Ubisoft title. Apparently the games will now be more individualized and less subject to a overarching formula. What do you think that means for Ragnarok? Do you think that Ragnarok will still pretty much continue what Odyssey did or do you think they will go away from the loot/grind formula?

    Or do you think the game is too late in development that the breakpoint fiasko will have any influence in it's development?

    submitted by /u/zuluportero
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    Compared to AC3, how long does each game in the Ezio Collection take to 100%?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:38 PM PST

    Just got the Ezio Collection for XBONE, wondering if these games have the same meandering that AC3 did for 100%

    submitted by /u/TheHarryman01
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    Looking for people to play AC Unity with.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:43 PM PST

    I love this game and never got to finish it when I had an Xbox. I'm playing on PS4 now and would love some people to play with, anyone interested?

    submitted by /u/WoodenPiper
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    Does difficulty setting affect blacksmith items/quality?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:40 PM PST

    Hey all, just curious, started playing AC:O for the first time. I started on Normal difficulty since i had no point of reference and figured why not. The very first blacksmith i go to by the water had all blue/purple items for sale. Later i changed to the next step up difficulty and since i've gone back its now all white con, etc.

    Wasn't sure if this was related to the difficulty settings or something else entirely?

    submitted by /u/Hrimnir
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    When should I play legacy of the first blade (AC Odyssey)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:16 AM PST

    I have already played the main story twice, so I'm not concerned with spoilers. However, I haven't played the dlcs and for my third play through I was wondering if it makes more narrative sense to play the first chapter of legacy of the first blade before completing the game, thanks.

    submitted by /u/xxDeathwish
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    Rome and Vikings ?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 04:16 PM PST

    Ubisoft in 2018 : We want to have several historical periods in the same world for assassin's creed and different countries for far cry and watch dogs be connected through fast travel . What if we get both for assassin's creed ? Wouldn't it be great to play as a Viking and also have revelations esque flashbacks as Bayek in Rome ?

    submitted by /u/esiokles
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    For odyssey, why does it takes forever for the game to load up?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:31 PM PST

    This is the first im running this game. Been waiting for more than 10 minutes and it's still loading. What the fuck? I'm using pc btw.

    submitted by /u/anaqi420
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    [Spoilers] AC Odyssey's Choices/Consequences is a joke

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:27 PM PST

    Played through 50h of the game, I've did everything correct except probably the conversation with Deimos outside the vault (starting of the game I'd say).

    I've played other choice-based games like Detroit: Become Human, Life is Strange, etc but AC Odyssey is the weirdest.

    I did everything to convince Deimos yet he still remained under the Cult's influence. Smh. May have to replay it.

    Does anyone know whats the correct sequence? Fyi, I did spare Nikolaos, refuse to fight him, tell him the Cult is using him, and so on.

    submitted by /u/maxpayne3zz1
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    Black flag's ending leaves much to be desired

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:18 AM PST

    As I'm playing through the series for the first time (out of order admittedly), I finally decided to play black flag on the rebel collection. The game was fine, but it's ending really left a sour taste in my mouth.

    The lead up to the final boss was wayy more interesting than the fight itself. I jumped into the platform and did a normal 3 got combo and the fight ended in less than 30 seconds.

    Even the other games which get ripped on for their endings (syndicate, origins, Odyssey good ending) gave me more emotion and challenge with their final bosses.

    I won't even talk about the modern day section, since, like every other one in this game, i found it boring compared to desmond and even Layla's stories.

    The only good thing i felt from the ending was seeing Edward and his children interact and seeing how the connection to syndicate is made in the game, but besides that i think black flag had a very poor ending. Maybe when i play the other games in the American subseries it will feel more fulfilling, but not as it is now, i am not impressed.

    submitted by /u/Monic_maker
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    I don’t understand something about the shops in Brotherhood

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 04:57 PM PST

    So every time I rennovate a new type of shop for the first time, it says its my second rennovation. For example I just rennovated my first tailor shop and it says I have 2/12 of them rennovated. Why is this?

    submitted by /u/stefanv1997
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    [Origins] what just happened in "present of gods"

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 04:54 PM PST

    sorry if thats not the real quest name i try to translate it. i went there, had to solve a sunclock puzzle and then a weird guy looking more like final fantasy came down with like 100 swords. my rewards are a shield a sword and a horse, all 3 also looking like final fantasy. the horse is literally a chocobo. wtf just happened, will i ever see the guy again and should i rush to the other weirdly colored quests on the map? (this one was green and my level is finally high enough to enter the area)

    submitted by /u/Kaitrii
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    Could Ragnarok be about Charlemagne being the grandfather of the Templar Order?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 10:50 PM PST

    His campaign during the Saxon Wars was at the beginning of the Viking era and if there would ever be a historical figure to be responsible for kicking off the Templars it's him. He became an almost biblical figure in his own time so I think it would fit very nicely within Assassin's Creed.

    submitted by /u/BombDuder47
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    Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag on Switch vs PS4

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 10:21 PM PST

    I'm considering getting Assassin's Creed Black Flag on either the PS4 Pro or the Switch. Obviously the PS4 version will look better, but is it by leaps and bounds? I'm happy to play on either, but if the performance/appearance differences aren't major I'd probably pick the portability of the Switch.

    submitted by /u/drakwof
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    Bayek is the first Assassin rogue

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:49 PM PST

    I think, peharps Bayek is really a first traitor of the Assassin's, in the way , the dlc : Hidden ones is receive the bad fake ending and the real truth end for this episode is Amunet kill Bayek and Kill Cleópatra , the reason of Bayek betrayal is because he was in defense of Gamilat , this explain why Bayek is Forgotten by Assassins in future ,because Aya(Amunet) decide Delete The importance of the Bayek Actions

    The reason of Ubisoft change the end of Hidden Ones DLC is because shes wanted sale another dlc Unimportant to the plot

    submitted by /u/Vicnoss
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    I am so excited for drop in co op

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:05 AM PST

    I've been playing breakpoint recently and the drop in co op is pretty dope. I recently went back and tried unity's co op and it leaves something to be desired. I think if ubisoft implements their ghost recon co op into ac 2020 it'll be pretty damn good.

    submitted by /u/oakpizzaria
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    I think that Unity could have been better if it allowed Arno to get revenge on Shay for his fathers murder.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 04:56 PM PST

    Like it says in the title, I would've liked some closure for what happened to Shay. Maybe if Arno got a lead on his location and went through a sequence just to find him, and at the end of the sequence he assassinates Shay, getting answers in the prosses of fighting like; why did he betray the brotherhood, why did he kill Arno's father, why he became a Templar. It would have been nice to see that.

    submitted by /u/Foxy_Pirate_Man68419
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    Something I realised about the Animus and how it works

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 04:40 PM PST

    I don't think this has been explained throughly, and it may be very obvious, but hear this out.

    So, if we go back to AC1, we learn that the animus decodes the DNA that holds the memories of one's ancestors.

    For one's genetic memories to be passed down, they would be inside their DNA that is itself passed down to their descendants.

    Let's take Edward Kenway as an example. After Haytham was born, Edward's last child, Edward's memories shouldn't be anywhere to be found. For that to happen, Haytham's DNA would have to be somehow be evolving, adding his father's memories, while Haytham is growing up. This should be impossible.

    This is exactly why in the Acre bit of AC2, Desmond stops following Altair when his child is conceived.

    Thus, we know that Darim's(Edit: Not Darim, the other child) Bloodline is the one that leads to Desmond's mother.

    Therefore, the way Layla's animus works would be the only way to learn about the Creed's origins, since the entire story happened after Khemu was born (Unless Bayek or Aya had another child after the events of the game).

    Obviously the whole animus project is just video game logic, but I am pretty sure that this is how it canonically works.

    tl;dr : A person's genetic memories are only passed down to the next generations up to the point where their last descendant was born, because their DNA would not be passed down after that point

    submitted by /u/ZedGenius
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    AC Odyssey single most significant change

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:40 AM PST

    So the fandom was quite divided when it comes to ACOd. Some love it, some hate it.

    The other day I noticed which was the single detail that made all the difference. This detail was the lore foundation to the RPG elements: the protagonist had access to a Piece of Eden from the very start.

    We, the players, are accustomed to fight those who have POE. We´re so very familiar to wrestle for those pesky artifacts. But in Odyssey we´re given it from the get go. The spear can cast illusions (shadow of styx and vanish), energy push (ring of chaos), enhance the protagonists strength (bull rush) and so on.

    This is made evident on the New Game+, when you keep your skills and upgrades. I could easily become invisible and infiltrate a fortress without a single casualty, to push the polemarch silently from the highest point, steal the valuables and set fire to the war supplies. Or, if swarmed by and army, use vanish and shadow of styx to hide and pass in front of them, invisible.

    We never got that in previous games. The closer we got to this kind of stealth was Ezio and his hired courtesans. Now that I´m re playing Unity I have to clear an entire garrison to get to the valuables without losing momentum in random, sloppy kills. Same logic applies to melee combat: since when we can make force field pushes, supernatural enhanced strength and speed? Its all because of the spear.

    On the franchise, we could marginally use these artifacts: we were denied the staves, Ezio´s and Arno´s apples were available just for a couple of fights, and Altair´s was usable only in one secuence. Connor´s shard, Edward´s and Evie´s armors were passive. The sword and Bayek´s apple got deactivated when we got to use them, and the shroud was lost. We never got to play with one of these toys until now, and this is why using the spear (and its powers) feels off for a lot of long time players.

    submitted by /u/klauszen
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    I have a game idea.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:17 PM PST

    What if after AC Ragnarok they make one set in 79 A.D. set right in Pompeii. For the last mission you have to run from the lava as it flows in and all around you. It would have the story of the Romans and you would be able to see the events that happened before the volcano. Maybe make it where you have to choose who to save in the volcano part. Or make multiple possible stories sorta like in AC Odyssey. If you have any other ideas please leave them in the comments. Im excited to see what other people think.

    submitted by /u/DemonikSpirit
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