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    Wednesday, July 15, 2020

    Assassin's Creed [Spoiler] Ubisoft wouldn’t allow footage of the animus anomaly to be shared with the public, but they said I could draw it in MS Paint

    Assassin's Creed [Spoiler] Ubisoft wouldn’t allow footage of the animus anomaly to be shared with the public, but they said I could draw it in MS Paint

    [Spoiler] Ubisoft wouldn’t allow footage of the animus anomaly to be shared with the public, but they said I could draw it in MS Paint

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    Darby McDevitt confirms confessions/Memory Corridor sequences will be back in AC: Valhalla

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    Jesper Kyd - Out Of The North - Assassin's Creed Valhalla

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    Loading screens are back and they are beautiful

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    I've heard some complaints about Male Eivor's voice, but I actually like that he's a softly spoken Scandinavian rather than a stereotypical gruff Viking

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    The actor Magnus Bruun is great in The Last Kingdom as the sly and sarcastic Cnut. I think he will make an interesting character in Eivor.



    submitted by /u/WolverineKuzuri93
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    Connor Kenway Meets Arno Dorian

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    'Faces of Siwa' - a portrait project showcasing the faces across society throughout Ptolemaic Egypt in Assassin's Creed Origins

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    I just ended my 3 hour session with AC Valhalla about an hour ago. AMAA

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    I was one of the lucky few to get an at-home play session of Valhalla! I'll be posting content related to it once my footage is sent over, but until then, I'll be answering your questions here!

    submitted by /u/Turul9
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    Can we round up some support to have the damage numbers have a toggle on/off setting.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I would like to see if there's any support for getting a toggle option on the damage numbers, I'm sure devs lurk the sub and hopefully consider it. I think it would really help with immersion.

    Watching the videos it seems to really ruin the experience and makes it feel arcade like and that will just diminish the whole feel the game used to provide.


    submitted by /u/mouldy123
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    Man, some of y'all care way too much about female eivor.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    I'm a longtime fan of assassins creed and I'm just happy that they gave us the option to play as a Male or female character. Here are my counterpoints to some of the arguments I've occasionally seen1: Eivor is a female name so it makes sense that there is a female version. 2: woman can have deep and gruff voices, my sister naturally has a very deep and gruff voice and she hasn't smoked since high school and does not take testosterone supplements and is not trans. 3: shieldmaidens may or may not have existed so please don't use a possibly fictional role as an example of why fem-eivor should be more female looking or even why she shouldn't be in the game. 4: women can be very muscular without taking testosterone or steroids, just look at female bodybuilders, sure some of them might have done shit to boost their gains but surely with the sheer number of female bodybuilders they cant all be taking roids. Honestly I'm just happy we have the option to play as a realistically portioned female warrior. Note: these are just some arguments I've seen from individuals, this is in no way intended to encapsulate the entirety of the ac community and I sincerely apologize if it came off that way. Most of you are really cool about it, there's just always going to be assholes.

    submitted by /u/Bilbo238
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    If Ubisoft wants Assassin’s Creed to become their own Witcher-quality RPG series, then they need to nail the DLC’s as well.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    Let me just get one thing out of the way. I'm very excited about Valhalla. I'm completely fine with the direction the series is going, as long as the Assassin v Templar conflict is still at the heart of the experience, social stealth is re-introduced, as parkour is improved at some point from the crap we're seeing in Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla.

    It's pretty clear that Ubisoft have looked at the success of The Witcher 3 and thought to themselves that it would be really nice to have a series that could achieve the same level of acclaim. Did they succeed in doing that with Origins? No. Did they succeed in doing that with Odyssey. Definitely not. While I do not think that Valhalla will end up being as amazing as Witcher 3, I do think that it has the potential to get closer to the quality of Witcher 3 than the previous two installments.

    However, if Ubisoft truly want to achieve this, then they also need to seriously re-think their post-launch strategy. Instead of spending time on constantly releasing mount and costume packs, they should instead focus on delivering a post-launch content pack that truly feels different from the base game, and in my opinion, both Origins and Odyssey failed in this manner. While I personally do think that Witcher 3's Blood and Wine DLC was the weaker of the two DLC's, I did love the fact that it felt very different from the base game. Toussaint has a very different feel from Velen and Skellige. This is what I would personally want from Valhalla's post launch content as well.

    The Hidden Ones from Origins was great, and while I did like Curse of the Pharaohs, I personally thought that it felt way too much like the base game. It was clear that pretty much every single asset in Valley of the Kings was just taken straight from the base game, and that just made it a boring region to explore. In terms of Odyssey? Legacy of the First Blade was terrible, and Fate of Atlantis focused too much on mythology for my taste. Yes, the maps felt very different from Greece, but all of them were just empty shells, with almost no content (if you exclude the "bandit" camps).

    Even though it's highly unlikely, I hope that Ubisoft will utilize the fact that Vikings were travelers to make some interesting settings for the a big DLC. Let Eivor travel to other lands that were influenced by Viking expansion. I'm completely fine with the first (smaller) DLC taking place somewhere where assets can be re-used. Maybe take some assets from Norway and let us explore Iceland during the 880's. The second DLC however, has to feel fundamentally different from England in terms of visual, atmosphere and so on. Personally, I would love to see Eivor travel to Kievan Rus in the second DLC.

    And yes, this means that I don't want the second DLC to focus on mythology and fighting Norse Gods. Please stop doing that, Ubisoft.

    submitted by /u/SirChrissaster
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    For anyone flustered by the news you can change gender at any point in AC Valhalla

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Chill. It isn't a political statement. It isn't woke. It isn't anti-woke....asleep? I don't know. Whatever.

    It is a gameplay mechanic. A customization feature. One that is perfect for any open world RPG. How many times playing a big open world game do you want to change how you look? I've restarted games just for the feature to change. Or get into a game a few hours and realize you'd rather play as a woman or a man?

    For the indecisive gamer or one that wants to customize and control every feature this is a great addition. And if you know exactly what you want then nobody is forcing you to change part way through. But you'll always have the option.

    Stop saying it's transphobic to explain it with science fiction. A woman in that era could not change her eyes, hair, and suddenly grow a beard and penis while crouched in a bush stalking a target. That is 100% sci-fi bullshit. And it's fine. This game has ancient aliens. Enjoy it. It looks like a fun game for everyone to play.

    And this is 1000000% a gameplay mechanic. Not a statement. Not something you're forced to do. It's a feature for player customization. Why it could possibly offend anyone is sad. You fought a cyclops on the last game. Come on now. Let's accept how silly these games are and enjoy them together please?

    submitted by /u/ThePoppycockPodcast
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    The Codex tab seen in the AC Valhalla gameplay video

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    Fear is Back in Valhalla as an Ability

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    I just got done watching this video:


    that was thankfully posted by /u/TeaBagHunter. In it I noticed some extra skills and gameplay that other reviewers hadn't touched on. The most notable being the fear mechanic. I remember a post being here not too long ago asking for this back so I hope that OP finds this!

    It just states that enemies will flee as you start killing their comrades.i always thought that was a neat mechanic and it's pretty cool they brought it back as an unlockable skill. Thought I'd share since it seemed like a decently requested mechanic!

    submitted by /u/AcidikDrake
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    Valhalla combat looks a lot deeper than the last 2 games.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:11 AM PDT


    Highly recommend this video. And the combat looks really good, especially with some polish. I didnt expect dual wielding to really matter much beyond animations, but it seems to even have a dominant hand mechanic.

    submitted by /u/AC4life234
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    I get that having both genders is good, but I’d like to be able to make my character left handed.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    I'm left handed and even though it's just a game, sometimes during combat I wish my character could be left handed so it would feel more like me. And with Valhalla coming up and being able to customize which weapon goes in which hand, the left hand doesn't look like it can be made the primary hand.

    submitted by /u/L4t3r41u5
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    Burning all the cobwebs in AC Origins!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    Okay so I recently started playing AC Origins and I absolutely LOVE this game! I'm about level 21 and I am just now exploring all the tombs in Giza and realizing something, I am obsessed with burning all of the cobwebs!! Please tell me I'm not alone in this!

    submitted by /u/MountKelemanjaro
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    Ok, I might have been too harsh on Valhalla

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    I wrote a pretty scathing message after seeing the new Valhalla videos because I was seeing so many Odyssey-like things I just don't like and don't want for the franchise, but after watching a few more videos and getting a bit more information, I can see the devs have at least taken several steps to try and improve things and take a few lessons from the past. I will always have a soft spot for the AC series so I think it's important to try and be positive and encouraging about things that deserve it. Here are a few things I've seen I've liked:

    - a better focus on stealth, including the return of social stealth, blending in and eavesdropping and even the option to stealth bosses. I still don't think making AC a combat and loot-focused game is the right way to go (AC gameplay should be equal parts combat, stealth and parkour) but at least they're giving us more of an option.

    - You can chase down collectibles, and it seems like you actually have to use parkour to get them. To stealth the bosses looks like it will also require parkour. It still looks pretty simplistic, but any kind of parkour-based gameplay is good.

    - Areas actually seem to be more unique and don't have a bunch of copy paste clear-out objectives anymore. Locations even have notes scattered in them to tell a bit of a story. This is really good in my book, having gotten sick of clearing out identical camps and forts in Odyssey after the 15-hour mark like any normal person. That kind of bloat and repetition kills games stone dead for me, so I'm glad to see I don't have to burn x number of supplies and kill y number of polemarchs anymore.

    - There are some story hints going around that all is not well with Layla and that the game's narrative may actually be acknowledging the fact that she's not exactly a likable character or at least that she's made some bad decisions. If the series actually does this, It will immediately go up 10 points in my book. To go along with that, there seems to be a nice focus on the modern day stuff, with sections in and out of the animus, and some old characters returning.

    - Looks like there is a codex again. Great news.

    - I just saw on here that confessions and memory corridor sequences are back too, and that the game will have a lot of AC lore woven in. Awesome.

    So yeah, this stuff is all good if true, and it seems like at least someone at Ubi has a general idea of what actually makes this series tick. It makes me hopeful that Valhalla will be a much more enjoyable experience than Odyssey.

    Having said all that, someday someone at Ubisoft is going to make the decision to totally take the series back to its assassin-y roots and it's going to be glorious.

    submitted by /u/RickJones616
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    I'm very interested to find out their "satisfying" explanation for how both male and female Eivor are canon.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    If Eivor was a real person that existed in the past, Eivor would have to be either male or female.

    My guess is Eivor never existed, and the "new animus upgrades" are literally creating a character for Layla to play as to infiltrate helix data of the Vikings.

    submitted by /u/hamburger_please_
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    Some facts about the stealth

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Just finished AC Brotherhood! (Spoilers for the game)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    I have mixed feelings so I'm just going to do Pro and Cons Pros: - I loved the Brotherhood aspect, building up the mercenaries and other factions as well as recruiting assassins was great and this game definitely made me feel the most connected to the brotherhood of the games I've played so far (2, 4, Unity, Origins, Odyssey) - The side missions were the best of any game I've played, they fleshed out the story and Ezios character and made me understand the extent the Borgia were willing to go to gain total power - I actually liked Cesare as a villain, after having Rodrigo who was incredibly methodical and cold, it was an interesting contrast to see his son who was temperamental and brash, and relied on the family name to achieve his goals (I have other feelings on how this was actually carried outthough) - Ezio of course is great, I liked his relationship with his sister and the progression of his character, I'm excited to start Revelations to finish his arc. I'll admit I'm still a huge Bayek fan, I don't know if I can choose between them for which one is my favorite - The graphics I believe were a huge step up, and I didn't mind being constrained to one city as much as I thought I would, I think it helped the story a lot, and it was really pretty - The PARKOUR oh my god I didn't realize how much the parkour was missing from the newer games (Unity was my first ever AC game) until I went back and played AC 2, it's sad to see Valhalla doesn't really focus on this. Either way I love jumping around Rome and how big of a part of the game it is

    Cons: - Easily the biggest con for me is how Sequences 8-9 and the end present day are all one big long stretch. Made the narrative seem so rushed especially being 3 sequences shorter than it's predecessor, and given that the narrative wasn't as strong they should've spent more time giving it a good ending. It was also annoying because you couldn't really buy supplies or repair armor, you were in it for the long haul. By the end I just wanted to be done because I was disappointed in the development and it became redundant - Even though Cesare was a pro he was also a con. I like the idea of his character but how the writers fleshed him out wasn't great. I think it would've been more interesting to see his contrast with his father and their interactions. Somewhat like a Cersei and Joffrey situation I think, there was a lot of potential for him to be really frightening and unpredictable but it just failed and he seemed like a brat. It almost felt lazy Ezio couldn't kill him sooner. - The Templar vs. Assassin narrative is very strong in the story yet so weak, in the previous game there were so many people to kill in order to reach Rodrigo for vengeance and you saw the reach the Templar's bad and how complex it was. In this game, they SAID their reach was extensive but you didn't have the web or the conversations or planning, they just told you. It wasn't as clear and they didn't really attempt to reinvent the Borgia narrative in an interesting way - The fact that the game takes so long to let us reach the level we were at in the previous game. I know obviously they had to make it easier for first time players but it took like four sequences to get back all the factions, Leonardo's inventions, weapons and anything else. It should've been a couple sequences at most, but I did think they did it in a creative and interesting way.

    Overall before the very end I thought I might like it more than AC 2, but the pacing just really threw me off. I'll definitely recommend it to friends but narratively it's not as strong as it's predecessor but still makes a really good game

    submitted by /u/bernp986
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    AC: Valhalla For PS5 - Fan Mockup (Source in comments)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    AC Valhalla England map Size calculated from gameplay footage it's larger than Origins.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Why does AC Unity paint the revolutionaries as the bad guys?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    In the trailer of the game Arno is shown helping the revolutionaries and fighting the national army. But during the main story, Arno fights the revolutionaries and tries to help the Assassins who have secretly allied themselves with the monarchy.

    Historically the monarchy was awful and even worse for the people so it doesnt make much sense for an assassin who fights for the people to be against the revolution. Also the idea of defending a monarchy is pretty unappealing to me considering how terrible authoritarian rule has been in history.

    submitted by /u/Pringle65
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