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    Saturday, May 29, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Ubisoft's reasoning for not doing multi-game stories doesn't make sense

    Assassin's Creed Ubisoft's reasoning for not doing multi-game stories doesn't make sense

    Ubisoft's reasoning for not doing multi-game stories doesn't make sense

    Posted: 28 May 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    So as the title says, Ubisoft's refusal to make Assassin's Creed stories spanning across multiple games doesn't make any sense to me. They're explanation/reasoning is that they don't want to alienate new players. This excuse makes no sense. Literally all the Ezio(and AC3) games started out with a recap that summarized what happened previously. I myself started the series with AC2 and didn't feel lost at all because the intro told me what I needed to know. Basically what I'm getting at is Ubisoft's reasoning is BS. And tbh, while they continue to make more and more money off of Assassin's Creed because of microtransactions, they're probably selling less copies. You'd think if they provided a dedicated character across multiple games, people would be more invested and likely to buy sequels, and probably buy into their DLC/microtransaction BS.

    Edit: Completely forgot to mention the games all start with tutorial-like prologues/introductory missions anyways so mechanically speaking no way newcomers should feel alienated.

    submitted by /u/claytalian
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    I think that the 30 years war or Protestant reformation would be a good setting for an assassins creed game

    Posted: 28 May 2021 07:55 PM PDT

    It would pose a serious question for the brotherhood and templars, as religious differences might drive them apart (both do not have a set religion but we do know many are religious in both orders). It's also close enough to Ezio's death that we could see the aftermath of it on the order. We could also see how the Templars would use the religious conflict to their advantage, sort of like the Spanish templars during the reconquista.

    submitted by /u/Jaymoney72004
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    So Valhalla has been out for months. Whats the general opinion on it?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    Ive yet to play it. Got it for PS5 but decided to wait awhile since I have games I bought before it I havent even installed.

    Clearing out my backlog and I think I want to play this next. I personally love both origins and odyssey but understand why people may not like one or the other. How does Valhlla compare?

    submitted by /u/CzarTyr
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    How on earth am I supposed to avoid nonessential kills?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 07:06 PM PDT

    In Wrath of the Druids, several quests have optional objectives like "no nonessential kills". Is there even a mechanic for that? Do I just sleep arrow everyone? I tried unequipping my weapons, but Eivor just suplexed a guy into the floor and killed him that way.

    submitted by /u/ellamachine
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    Mario and Bartolomeo aren't good assassins.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    What I mean by "good assassins" is traditional assassins. None of the assassins in AC2 have hidden blades except Ezio. None of them wear hoods. Mario and Bartolomeo take pride in killing Templars. Both of them definitely don't hide in plain sight. They aren't real assassins.

    submitted by /u/WifParanoid
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    If Black flag was released today it would get trashed

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:42 PM PDT

    I want to start this off by saying I enjoy every game. But I've definitely taken a notice that the newer games seem to be getting bitched about more and more.

    That being said Assassins Creed 4 Black flag has nearly every problem that people complain about. Yet it is considered one of the best of the series.

    Anyway I'm going to make my case here.

    1. Huge map with either nothing to do or a bunch of repetitive stuff

    If I remember correctly 4 has the second largest map and was the largest until odyssey. There is a whole lot of ocean to traverse but a lot of it is empty. Or there are ships to fight but by about the half way point these are very repetitive and easy.

    1. Lack of parkour elements

    You can climb your boat. You can climb around in jungles. You can climb around in one of the 3 main cities but compared to earlier games and later ones the parkour element is very sparse.

    1. Lack of Assassiny stuff

    I mean you don't even become an assassin until the very end. Other than odyssey I'd say this is the least assassiny game. I'm giving a pass to rogue because you were an assassin turned Templar.

    1. Stealth isn't that great

    Sure you have your moments where you can do cool shit. But I swear this is the only game the enemies actually look up. Not to mention the range on their vision can be ridiculous especially snipers.

    1. Lack of weapon/armor options

    You are stuck with twin swords. Cant get boarding axes or hatchets or daggers just swords. The pistols are a bit better but still only pistols. You can change your armor but it's basically the same style just reskinned.

    1. Boat combat

    This ones a joke because 4 started it all but I mean come on boat warfare is fun and I think we missed out on some Viking shenanigans

    1. Lack of cities

    This one has come up a lot lately. With people comparing 1 cities to Valhalla. 4 is right up there it has two big cities where mainly the guards move and people stick to their spots

    1. Dumb side quests

    Most of the side quests are the same thing over and over just in new areas. Every once in a while it might be at a dive location.

    1. Fetch quests

    All the little collectibles scattered across every sandbar and inlet. Not to mean toon the ones in the real life sections.

    Anyway that's all I can think of right now but I'm sure there's more. Some of you guys will hate this some of you will agree either way I said what I said.

    Just keep having fun and enjoy what you enjoy

    submitted by /u/Stream1795
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    What's your percentage of kills to assassinations in Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 02:21 PM PDT

    Turns out in Origins and Odyssey I'm at about one third of all my kills are assassinations. Valhalla is about a one fifth. That's just a normal play through, not concentrating on trying to assassinate. Are my numbers pretty normal?

    submitted by /u/SparkyDelite
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    Buildmaking comparison: Odyssey vs. Valhalla

    Posted: 28 May 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    First of all, I want to highlight that the buildmaking fits each title. Odyssey gave you much more freedom to shape your own character through decisions, whereas Valhalla is simply "you're Eivor". This is why you cannot really specify your build in the latter, it all ends up in similar hybrid combinations - the way Eivor would have fought.

    But I'll also make a subjective comparison here, which parts I think work better for me from each system. Share your stance on it in a comment, and what YOU personally liked from each of the two!


    We have a similarity here, something both games share: You start at a set point, and the further away from there a skill is, the longer you will need to grind through the game until you can access your build. I personally dislike this. Picking your own starting point on a skill tree would allow you play your preferred way from level 1.

    In Odyssey, you would gain abilities and passives from the tree, but gained some passives by default. Valhalla turns this around: You now gain adrenaline abilities from books, but earn passives on the tree - some of which are active, but don't cost adrenaline.
    I favor Valhalla here, unlocking important passives step by step feels like real progression. Abilities, though, should be a choice. Find any book and you can unlock the ability you want.


    I also include the small passive nodes from Valhalla's tree here, such as +2.3 melee damage.

    Odyssey has a mastery system where you can pick which stat to boost. Ties into the build variety of the game. This is the best way to do it. Values should not be capped at a maximum. But otherwise, I hope to see this again as the main stat progression in an AC title - with important stats for each build coloured in Valhalla's red/blue/yellow pallette to make it more accessible for newcomers.

    In Valhalla, the small passives are necessary routes towards big passives. And the mastery system is a generalized base stat increase. This is poorly done. Having to pick up melee damage and axe proficiency as a bow player feels awful, and every build ends up with the same clueless mix of stats. Fits into the bigger picture of Valhalla, but denies all creativity.


    A major factor in any build. Odyssey gives you the possibility to find items with up to 3 different stats on them, plus a basic damage/armour-stat, from a stat pool for that item type. These are upgrade- and interchangeable through certain specific functions. There are also preset gear sets (the golden items) which offer an easy alternative to players who do not enjoy making builds and crafting gear. A very solid core. This system stands as an example for future AC titles. However, exchanging stats was difficult and the concept of a "stat pool" for each item type (this means not all items can have all stats, and some stats make it impossible to have certain other stats on an item) was WAY TOO DEEP for newcomers. But fear not, this is where RUNES come into play.

    In Valhalla, each item already has unique base stats and all armour pieces are a gear set. Additional stats are added via runes. The item pool here is much too limited for build variety - fits the theme. The base stats need to be streamlined, badly. Having a damage/armour number is much more accessible than having damage, speed, stun and three more. I believe keeping DAMAGE and SPEED as the only values for weapons, and armour as the only value for armour, is enough.

    But the runes are an optimal and elegant concept!
    Runes make it very easy to pick out the stats you want and put them on the item you want. Of course their impact is lower than the Odyssey stats because you can use many of the same rune, but the sheer ease of use allows for great buildmaking for beginners and veterans alike. This is easily the single best concept that has come with Valhalla, and I hope to see it in future games.

    I would personally want all armour pieces to have rune sockets, and the current special effects and set bonuses to also be runes (like the square runes). Minor runes and square runes should be easier to come by than they are now, to get builds started properly.


    There are great fragments and concepts in both games.

    Odyssey: Picking your desired stats in the mastery system ; simple base values on gear ; meaningful build specialization

    Valhalla: Passive progression on the skill tree, active abilities through books ; Speed as a weapon stat next to damage ; Runes for simple gear stat customization

    If these games combine these very best parts of each, then I believe the resulting buildmaking system will allow simple yet meaningful choices that make your character unique and fit for your playstyle.

    Am I a total Malakka? Or do you fully agree with what I wrote? Make a comment and tell me everything you disagree or agree with!

    submitted by /u/GN_des
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    These board game bots are outta control

    Posted: 28 May 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    Please is it just me or do i think these goddam board game bots are literal Gods

    I honestly can't play a solid game of checkers without fearing I'd get bodied by a bot

    submitted by /u/datboisus696
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    Assassin's Creed: JAPAN - Concept Art

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:15 PM PDT

    Differences between Odyssey and Valhalla.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    Hey, I've played a handful of AC games and I've enjoyed most of them.

    I really enjoyed Odyssey and I was considering buying Valhalla, so I was wondering how it stacked up.

    Is Valhalla just more of the same as Odyssey? Is it the same core game with some added mechanics?

    I'm probably gonna get it either way, but I just want to know how similar it is.

    submitted by /u/BonanzaBitch
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    Am I missing out by starting AC: Valhalla now?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 05:45 PM PDT

    As the title says I am about to start Assassin's Creed Valhalla for the first time. I know overtime Ubisift adds content to the game. I believe one was called the "Yule Festival" and there was an Easter related festival I think too. Do I still have access to these or did I miss out on them? And are they a big deal at all? Thanks guys, here's hoping my Viking journey is a fun one!

    submitted by /u/MikeandIke1992
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    [Spoilers] AC Rebellion Entry on Basim confirms my theory?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    So, a month ago I made this theory on Basim's real origin, suggesting that Loki did not fully take over his mind until late into the game when he realized that it was Eivor who was Odin and not Sigurd. For those of you who didn't read and don't want to read it, here I'll summarize it up:

    'Basim appears to be a practicing Muslim before people who wouldn't care or even know anything about Islam. He is later shown questioning his beliefs about the afterlife, suggesting Loki is influencing him. The crux of this theory is, telling Eivor about the death of his son would completely out him via a conversation with Hytham if it turned out he never had a son while reincarnated.'

    So, in modern day, it appears that Basim and Loki are merged to a degree. He wants to destroy Abstergo as Basim would have wanted but he also wants to reunite with Alethea as Loki would have wanted to do so.

    Now, I don't know if AC Rebellion is canon, but the wiki seems to indicate it is at least partially and if it is, then I believe the entry confirms this theory:

    Basim joined the Hidden Ones at a young age and trained to be a Master Assassin. Years later Basim became a father, but this was cut short when his son was taken from him by a close friend. This led to Basim masking his life in mystery unable to trust anyone again.

    Basim devoted much of his life to the Hidden Ones and was the mentor to many Assassins including Hytham, and to some extent Eivor. Basim met Sigurd on one of his many voyages through Europe, eventually allying with the Raven Clan in hopes of discovering and removing Order loyalists.

    Basim was described by allies as a person of danger and intrigue. He was a tactical genius often several moves ahead, or perhaps playing a different game entirely. His ultimate goal was unknown even to those close to him.

    Basim did lose a son in this life - very likely due to Rig Reidarasson - and the trauma of that is what caused Loki to start creeping into his mind. Just like Sigurd losing his arm made Tyr creep in his mind. Eivor got Odin via the wolf bite.

    Hopefully we'll get more information during the Siege of Paris, but given that Ubisoft seems to be making the DLC's time period vague so as to avoid all the bitching that came after Odyssey with people claiming they put the real ending in DLC, I really doubt we'll get definitive post game content.

    submitted by /u/TheLisan-al-Gaib
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    Eivor⚒️ | Odin is with us [Artwork by: @ExCharny]

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:01 AM PDT

    What is the one feature you would carry forward from the new style ACs (eg Valhalla) & the old style ACs (eg Unity)?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 01:05 AM PDT

    Big AC fan - 1st time post!

    I would love if they alternated between the styles each time as I enjoy them both but I doubt they would do that so what is the one feature you would like to see carry forward to the next title from both styles of AC?

    For me for the old style: The Free running. Went back and played Unity again for FPS boost and it feels so much better & fluid than the clunky free running of Valhalla. Probably would need the big cities back to accommodate it.

    For the new style: The Cult of Kosmos system This system is great and fits the world of AC perfectly. The original Odyssey version was the best with the cool unmasking feature and best visual design (In the Order and Children of Danu you can sometimes tell who it is through the silhouette - why? 🤔)

    submitted by /u/SupremelyPerfect
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    (AC2)Should I actively look for all the glyphs?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 04:19 PM PDT

    I just encountered the first glyph and did a little research to discover that there are 20 more. Should I look for them or just look up a video when I beat the game?

    submitted by /u/Constant-Mud-7995
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    considering getting syndicate need some info

    Posted: 28 May 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    hello ac fans. so i am heavily considering getting ac syndicate. it is the only ac game that i have not played that interests me. the newer ac games have too much rpg for me. and they are in settings and eras that i am not interested in. but the 19th century is my favorite era of history. although i dont know much about england during this time. as i am more into us history. i am still willing to get it. i played unity but i gave up on it halfway through the game as it got too hard. my question is how hard is syndicate. and how much stealth is involved. i usually like the run and gun combat. and since this game has gang wars and even more modern weapons. i feel like this game could have less stealth. let me know on that. and lastly what is the dlc like. i know there is the ripper dlc. is that any good? are there any other story dlcs with this game? overall would you recommend this game?

    submitted by /u/caninelover75
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    [SPOILERS] How many significant questlines are there in Odyssey?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    A couple weeks ago I finished a big chunk of AC Odyssey: I fully destroyed the Cult of Kosmos and I reunited my family fully, with everyone alive apart from brasidas (is it even possible for him to survive?). I didn't do many sidequests though because I assumed that any quests that are significant enough would be clearly marked as Odyssey quests. I then took a week break but decided to do the Atlantis campaign (I don't think the one from the DLC though). It then struck me that the Atlantis campaign was actually hidden behind a normal quest I picked up while doing my Odyssey quest, and it made me wonder whether there are any other major Odyssey quests or other significant questlines that I may have missed out on because I didn't do any side quests. I have done the legendary animal quests all over the world and I've just picked up the Atlantis quest right after Layla talks to the Isu inside the staff Cassandra gave her, but I haven't done many of the Tales of Greece, nor the Prince of Persia questline (mostly because I sped through Kephallonia and didn't have any fast travel points there).

    Are there any major questlines with lore significance I missed?

    submitted by /u/realnzall
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    AC4 Black Flag (Caribbean 2021 Reshade)

    Posted: 28 May 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    Heya, I figured I'd give black flag another go. Because you know, it's black flag. When i went looking for reshades however I found nothing to my taste so decided to make my own. I'm a visual effects student so i decided to apply some of my knowledge and artistic license to the reshade. It'll be an acquired taste.

    Some screenshots from this reshade;

    Caribbean 2021 Reshade at Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)

    The reshade;

    Caribbean 2021 Reshade at Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)

    submitted by /u/Vandosz
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    Vahalla doc children of danus

    Posted: 28 May 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    I've seen that 5 are related to main story missions but while exploring the game like I do before doing the main story I've already found most only missing 2... what happens now? The game should have them blocked then

    submitted by /u/Ok_Panic9748
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