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    Thursday, May 27, 2021

    Assassin's Creed I painted Damascus from Assassin's Creed!

    Assassin's Creed I painted Damascus from Assassin's Creed!

    I painted Damascus from Assassin's Creed!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    Scrolled through my old Origins screenshot and I was inspired to paint the Nile

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:35 PM PDT

    Notice the massive contrast between Damascus from the very first AC game and Winchester in Valhalla. I really miss the lively big cities from the older games they were much more realistic.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:06 AM PDT

    What if the Cristina Vespucci missions were in Revelations instead of Brotherhood?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    I've recently been playing through the Ezio Trilogy for the 3rd time over the past few months (BTW Brotherhood >> 2 imho), and this time around, I finally decided to do the Cristina missions in Brotherhood. I don't know what took me so long, but I'm really happy I did them this time. Even though they're only like 6 minutes long each, they provide another level of complexity and texture to Ezio's story. As someone that had issues with II's plot, this definitely helps it, even if it's a retcon. It's seriously fantastic.

    But why is it in Brotherhood? I never got that, from a storytelling standpoint at least. The game doesn't have many overarcing themes of romance or Ezio having many feelings of guilt for being in the Order. It seems off to me.

    That got me thinking about how much more impactful and moving these missions would be if they were in Revelations. Not only would it tie into Sofia and Ezio's conflicted feelings of moving into a romantic relationship while being an Assassin - but it would also help tie the game better into the other games of the trilogy. The game hosts pretty much NONE of the other characters in Ezio's story, and seeing them and how they fit into his internal conflict at the time of Revelations would be REALLY cool.

    Even if I got it wrong and the Cristina missions are entirely intentional AND had Revelations in mind, I'm still set on this. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/BohemianStairway
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    6 years ago I recorded this track as a tribute to Altair. Hope you will enjoy it

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    I hope we get a modern day like AC 1 again.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    AC 1 still has the best modern day in my opinion. It's honestly incredible. There's so much mystery and eerines to it all. reading the emails just honestly makes me so scared and paranoid for Desmond. I love how we never know what's going to happen at the end, it's all so mysterious. We also get the really well written dialogue with warren vidic and Lucy. The philosophical arguments with vidic are super interesting. I also love the conversations with lucy because they unravel a bit more of the mystery and we also learn more about lucy and desmond. This game still has the best dialogue alongside revelations. I love this game.

    submitted by /u/mr_reserve
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    Why is there no Assassin's Creed game set in Persia?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    I feel like it would be the perfect setting. Especially considering the Hashashin started there and if the game took place in the high Middle Ages, you could explore Baghdad which was the most advanced city at it's time and could offer really nice visuals and gameplay.

    And you could make it take place around the time of the Mongols or Turkic arrivals there and be in the middle of the that conflict.

    I think it could be very interesting. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/ILoveRashford
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    No sense of time passing in Valhalla. [Minor Spoilers for WotD & Valhalla]

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:04 AM PDT

    In AC2, Brotherhood, Unity & particularly ACIII there is a great sense of time passing, reflected through a changing political landscape, seasons & the protagonist ageing and maturing.

    Valhalla has geographical seasons, Ravensthorpe was snowy for 2 weeks and the snow literally stopped on the outskirts of the village and looked ridiculous. In ACIII you start with Haytham before Connor is even born, then you play as Connor as a teenager, a young man and then an adult. The revolution provides context for time passing with the redcoats slowly being replaced by the colonial militia as does the start-of-sequence Animus screens that actually show you what year you are now in. Valhalla does basically nothing like this beyond the occasional token line of dialogue.

    I'd hoped the Wrath of the Druids DLC would expand on the story of the main game like the Hidden Ones DLC for Origins, where it is made clear that time has passed and that we aren't in the same landscape that we left - but no. WotD could take place at any point in the main story, Eivor swerves answering the question on Sigurds state for this purpose and also says "it's no time for me to leave England" - why not, Eivor? I've done everything there is to do in England, so actually it's the perfect time to go to Ireland. Isn't that the whole point of story DLC? I fear the same for Siege of Paris, a tangent rather than an extension.

    Tldr; the whole story of Valhalla (so far) feels like it could have taken place within a month.

    submitted by /u/SCOfaisal
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    Assassin's Creed: Guild; An idea for a dystopian modern day Assassin's Creed that goes back to its well loved roots.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    My personal outline for a dystopian modern day Assassin's Creed that goes back to the roots of the franchise. Social stealth, grounded parkour and movement, slick assassinations and the precise way a blade in the crowd operates, and ancient battle between secret societies. Please let me know what you think and feel free to give me ideas and ask questions to further deepen the game.

    ASSASSINS CREED Dystopian sci fi world, fashion has gone to elegant and simple, think simple but silky materials, with technological advances. Buildings are brutalist and made mostly of metal, and so the assassins create magnetic gloves for scaling these buildings. Most buildings still have hand and footholds but you will need to scan the building as you climb with your Shroud Visor for the optimal route that will not deplete your stamina as fast. Fold out handle that when activated becomes a laser blade capable of piercing templar knight armor. Hidden blade: upgraded assassin tool capable of DNA breaking into important individuals to uncover data regarding the politics of Abstergo. Insert it into a target and the blade will extract blood, giving you an animus vision of the events. Blood is vital, find assassin "animus" rich candidates which could be just civilians walking around and either take their blood for your own skills and stats to be upgraded, or recruit them to your team. Hooded energy shield, pull up an energy cloak over your body for extra damage absorption if you don't wish to adorn the heavier plastic armor. Useful when running from ranged enemies. Left arm has a wrist gadget with another hidden blade of course but also a wrist computer and grappling hook, capable of tripping enemies and stealing weapons. Melting armor dart, shoot at a templars plate to melt and weaken the plate. The grappling hook can also tear off weaker armor plates allowing for deadly strikes. As you move, ping your Shroud Visor to see the optimal path of incognito movement, yellow and red will indicate detection while gray is safe to glide through and blue will render you unnoticable. You will gain invisibility activated by your wrist computer allowing you to strike deadly from the shadows, but the usage is tied to your energy. Abstergo has handed out Animus' available for public use or in cafes, you can hack and rig them to instead transport them to an "animus hell," where you interrogate them through the animus as the infamous "Animus Phantom," a name given to you by those who fear you in Abstergo. Some become addicted to the animus and in the slums violently seek out animus rich people to steal their blood in order to access their memories and ancestors. Those with rich blood use their ancestors memories to discover the ways they made money, because of this, the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor unless they black market DNA trade.

    STATS Agility Health Energy Stamina Precision Armor

    STORY The Assassins Guild has all but disbanded, smaller groups opt to assemble for smaller goals. The Assassin Council must be reformed and sought after. The Templar order seems to have gone dormant, but there are certainly other players in this political game. Call in members of your own personal Brotherhood to help you. You will need to find connections and study the people of this living breathing world to discover if and where there is something behind the curtain.

    Before executing an assassination you must scan the templar for armor and ideal points of attacking, this will ensure a deadly kill.

    Your armor is also of a hard plastic alloy, wearing too much will effect your agility stat.

    Citizens can discover Causes which they will then form an uprising to make change for. If you don't agree with a cause then you may shut it down or change their belief with falsified documents and infiltration.

    There are factions which your guild may target or not agree with which can become strong in regions, making certain crimes or activities skyrocket.

    Even merchants can group up to have their prices or stocks changed if they believe they deserve it.

    FACTIONS Thieves, pickpockets, workers (smith's, tailors)

    THE OPEN WORLD Viewpoints: still very important locations, climb up one and points of interest will be highlighted in your view, targets, Brothers, etc. Rats: people with information can foil or inform your targets of an attempted assassination. Either they heard you conspire or are an enemy you have encountered you before and not killed. You may even pay Rats to give information to a target, either telling them that you are coming for them, to amp up the possible loot grab and security, or to scare them into not doing their Rally, which gives them followers and a closer step to rule. BROTHERHOOD SKILLS Assemble: gather all or a select few of your Brotherhood to gather around you, giving you concealment and security. Assassinate: mark and execute targets and your Brothers and Sisters will swoop in, killing/maiming or distracting your targets. Gather intel: call in Brothers to sweep the area, mapping it and giving you points of interest, radius is dependent on the size of your Brotherhood. GUILD Your very own Assassin Guild is a branch of the Assassins Council which has somewhat dissolved but still is active. You set the goal of your Guild. Politics in the 5 Regions are fickle, and your assassinations will change the law, the look, and the lay of the land. Kill the only progressive leader of a region and you will see a more strict dictatorship arise. Or kill every single leader, and plunge the region into Anarchy for a Governmental Reset. Council missions will occur and are playable only by you, these are main story missions. Your Guild House is a personal and personalized space where you can recruit NPC allies, or employ your own friends to complete missions for you or with you. Missions will appear according to your Guild's own goals. You have a grand map table, detailing the political conditions of the 5 regions. WEAPONRY Hidden blade: has length, launch and retracting speed length. Can attack any limb of the enemy, can choose to simply maim targets. Some enemies have specific weak spots due to armor. Assassination fluidity and level of high profile attack will depend on your blades sharpness and stats. If you need to plunge your blade for a clean kill then you will have to do so without others hearing and seeing. Line of sight very important, both for you and against you. Recognize who may see you commit actions. NPCS will also have their own pyramid of thought before reporting your actions, in a poor village, characters will most likely turn a blind eye to you killing a rich target that they envy. Guards also show restraint or abuse in their power dependent on who they are. Look closely at people to "read" them and know what they would do. When the target is being viewed you can use the opportunity assassinate to slow down time, and choose the perfect moment to make your attack when the others line of sight is not on your target. Eavesdropping is back, and listening for information is vital to know where to find the target. Hidden pick pocket hook: allows you to dig into the pockets or bags of any individual for valuables. Hidden line trap:attach to two surfaces to create a trip wire, explosive or incapacitating. Run through a room threshold and use it for tactical purposes. Lockpick hidden blade: tool used to break into chests, drawers, doors etc. Clean blade. Climbing stats: boots, gloves, Grip, speed, jump length, fall damage, Weather will affect your climbing, don't climb when raining. Poison with hidden blade dipped in poison Bring proof of the kill. Find out who they are, weaknesses. Use your brotherhood. They will kill and steal what they need to in order to serve you. Animus blade: the hidden blade now has a DNA tracking porta Animus capable of finding prime candidates with untapped potential, alongside the ability to tap into memories of enemies in order to uncover passcodes, intel, etc.

    Time button presses for faster and more efficient climbing, running and falling. Use balance, much like Death Stranding. Your eagle vision is now a more tech-enhanced version of the genetic ability and will allow you to see optimal pathways and terrain structure.

    Don't lose footing when running. Dodge enemies and obstacles when running to keep momentum.

    You can plunge a templar target into the bleeding effect, throwing the area into a time period that they're heritage is in, it will disorient and terrify them.

    Set piece: masquerade ball, dancing with target. Assassinates her when you dip her down and hold her.

    Templar agents can have weapons checks at the gates so you will need to acquire plastic hidden blades they can go through detectors or disassembled hidden blades that you can take time to piece together or assassinate the Templar district leader there has policies on checkpoints

    The Eagle: the assassins advanced aerial reconnaissance hub and fast travel unit. Leap of Faith out of the jet to drop into your desired location. use the fold out metal eagle wings for gliding descent, the wings can also be used when diving from skyscrapers.

    assassin grip gloves: high rank gear item, allows the grip and climbing of any surface with thermal suction technology assassin eavesdrop gloves: press against a door wall or window to eavesdrop on the interior.

    Fold out weaponry dystopian much like dishonored -Silenced hidden gun -hidden bola launcher -digitized wanted posters dna database find them in the world and erase them to become anonymous again -Assassin's creed Guild is in the poorest district To start -Sit in a heavily modified animus to sync with YOUR assassins ancestors and acquire new abilities, randomly generated times specific to each player -Templar transit systems, trains and buses that go all around the district sometimes targets will be in there and also is a great place to become anonymous -Animus Dens: underground ancestor addict houses where they plug in obsessively. maybe some can be recruited if you can ween them off of the animus. -bleeding effect becomes a rage mode, where you kill all enemies with one hit but appear in YOUR assassins specific time period -plenty of in city crowds to disappear in -maim feature if you don't want to kill a person -place rats in the templar ranks to feed information, but they may eventually be found out and executed -abstergo labs still exist, infiltration can result in fantastic gear and -templar knights -templar enemies can have red duraplastic armor which you will need to circumvent by using the new weakspot targeting system/ stabbing under armor/ripping off armor/going for vulnerable areas

    submitted by /u/MeatonKeaton
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    After playing Valhalla odyssey and now origins

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:49 PM PDT

    I'm currently playing origins and I think I can honestly say it is my favorite Valhalla second and I still can't get into Odyssey maybe I'll have to try again but origins is amazing now that I've played this one it seems like they really went downhill with the last one from this one

    submitted by /u/LSD_is_awesome225
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    Hood toggle & Combat Suggestions

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:56 AM PDT

    Having additional options for the hood and cloak.

    • hood toggle set to dynamic is like it is as of now, while set to manual means the player controls the hood. So hood stays on during combat and isn't automatic in combat and restricted areas.

    • Having hood and cloak seperate.

    • D-Pad down could have a quick select option. The ability you marked can then be activated by pressing instead of using the wheel.

    PS: Legacy outfits like Altair's should have the weapons visible when using the hood. And the movement change is unnecessary.

    Edit: Hoods should be accessible on the longboat and using the raid horn too.

    submitted by /u/ShenL0ngKazama
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    Layla Hassan's medical conditions

    Posted: 27 May 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    I've recently re-played Assassin's Creed Origins and I had a lot of fun playing it, but there was one thing that I can't stop thinking about. When we're firstly introduced to Layla Hassan, when she gets out of the Animus, her co-worker Deanna Geary wants her to take cyclosporine for her kidneys. This substance is used for patients after having a transplantation, for example of kidneys, which got me thinking, did Layla have this operation? Also Deanna says that Layla's kidneys will shut down, unless she takes the cyclosporine, which is only adding to this thought, because if patients don't take this medicine, their newly transplanted organs might not work properly and be rejected by patient's body.

    What do you guys think? Is it possible? Love to hear your opinion on this

    submitted by /u/_qbaprzezq_
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    Help with the AC audio books

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:09 PM PDT

    Hey guys so I been trying to collect all the Assassins creed audio books, so far I have AC1, Ezio trilogy,black flag,underworld,desert oath. but im currently missing unity, haven't been able to purchase it from audible, im not sure if its region locked or not. If anyone knows how to get it please let me know. thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Only_Champion_8895
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    PSA: Black Flag's Steam release has been quietly updated so you can't buy the normal version of the game- you HAVE to buy the Gold Edition with the Season Pass.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Thread here on /r/pcgaming discussing it, and here's a link to the Steam page so you can see for yourself that the Gold Edition is the only one available.

    As a heads up as well, the Gold Edition has not seen a price reduction, meaning that (barring right now as Black Flag happens to be on sale) it now will cost 40 dollars to buy the game again on Steam.

    submitted by /u/GoneRampant1
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    How to get the small chest from the house right outside Winchester?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    Not able to take a screenshot at the moment so hopefully someone knows the one I'm talking about. There is a house to the northeast right outside of Winchester. The door is barred and the only way to access the inside is a breakable wall near the roof. The problem is, you can't climb through it and you can't stand anywhere I could find to get an angle on it. The only thing i could think of is that you had to jump off the roof and aim your bow to slow time and try to shoot it as you are falling. If anyone knows the chest I'm referring to, is this how you are supposed to get it?

    submitted by /u/Ohiostate124
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    If you have, when did you abandon the series and why?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:04 AM PDT

    I absolutely loved this series back between 2010 and 2017. It was without a doubt my favorite series in video games. I am one of those AC fans that really dislike the current RPG-direction that the series has taken. I do not think that either Origins, Odyssey or Valhalla are entertaining games. They are below average AC games, below average RPGs and all the elements and features that made the series so unique and interesting are just gone or poorly implemented – in my opinion. However, the funny thing is that I have completed all three games and their DLCs nonetheless. Maybe it's because I have been clinging onto the hope of some of the content eventually would focus on elements that once made the series so unique and interesting. Maybe it's because it only dawns on me how mediocre these three games and their DLCs were a few days/weeks after I finished them. But all of that changed a few weeks ago, while I was playing Wrath of the Druids. For the first time while playing AC content, I asked myself: "why am I actually wasting my time with this crap? Why have I spent so many hours playing through these mediocre games over the last 7 years?" (yeah, also did not like Rogue, Unity and Syndicate).

    My answer? I did not really have one…

    I uninstalled Valhalla after finishing Wrath of the Druids and I do not plan on playing Siege of Paris or any other potential third DLC. So yeah, after having played this series for a decade, Wrath of the Druids was my breaking point – and honestly, I am completely fine with that. It has simply taken me far too long to realize that the series is not made for me anymore. It's aimed at a new type of audience that thoroughly enjoys this new RPG/historical tourism-direction and that is obviously great for said audience.

    I'm really interested in hearing from other people who doesn't play the series anymore but still follow along on the subreddit. Which piece of content made you realize that the series was not really your thing anymore? And what was the reason?

    submitted by /u/SirChrissaster
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    I've changed my mind about Unity and now play it tons

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    I've honestly mostly hated Unity from the beginning. Not counting the technical problems, which were mostly gone by the time I got around to playing it, just so many things about it bothered me to no end. Taking away stealth features the older games always had like the whistle, moving bodies, being able to use eagle vision for a very limited about of time. Plus most of the skills they added were just things the older games had by default, liked blending or both types double assassinations or even having to get a skill to use a gun. Gunners are impossible to deal with, the game doesn't explain how a lot of the rules work, like how cherry bombs work or how different enemies behave, plus the terrible characters, story and the waste of the french revolution always prevented me from having a good time.

    But lately, with some research and practicing a lot on my skills I've decided there's enough good or fantastic things in this game that have made me play it a ton.

    First is the combat. At first I hated it like everyone else but now I love how it feels. This is the only game where I can actually parry, and I can use spears, my favorite weapon, and they actually fight like spears, unlike the later AC games. Because the combat is intentionally so hard and unfair that really forces you into the mind set of "don't get seen." The disguise ability overcomes a lot of the game's problems with with the old stealth aspects they took out, and I just found out that poison bombs have way more range then your guns and they one shot snipers, so those awful enemies can now be trivialized.

    Plus the customization options are endless. You can truly mix and match all sorts of stats and equipment endlessly. Also because clothes offer a defense rating that's separate from how the health skills work, you can get the highest rated defense clothes very early, well before the game allows you to upgrade your health skills, or even let's you save your upgrade points on health and rely on the defense offered by your clothes. To me that's an amazing amount of options the game allows you to work with.

    Side missions are for the most part take place in much larger and multiple areas then Syndicate. I think only the Darwin, Marx and Dickens side missions in Syndicate are of the same scale of Unity. Also the difference in difficulty get's really huge in Unity , whereas the escalation of the side missions in Syndicate is not nearly as dramatic. I do much prefer how in Syndicate every side quest uses full cutscenes, as Unity does not.

    Unity definitely has the prettiest graphics in an AC game. And finally the parkour. I've talked before about the differences in the parkour between Unity and Syndicate. While I still prefer the weighty realism of Syndicate's parkour, I can't deny Unity let's you move a lot freer and I rarely get stuck on things like what happens all the time in Syndicate.

    So there's my reevaluation of Unity. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    The perfect setting for a napolenic AC game: the peninsular war

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    I was thinking about how they were going to have the open world of the new games and the large cities of the old games and I landed on the peninsular war for two reasons.

    Reasono Uno is that it's map shape lends it self well to land and sea combat, while Gibraltar may prove a challenge for naval combat the Baleric island and moorish islands will still be nice to see as well as being able to satisfy the Black Flag itch well to piracy as privateering Experienced a second wind during the Napoleon of wars

    Reasono dos is the setting, Spain was a lit with guerillas at the time hell the name guerilla came from this war, you could make French marshal Jean Lannes a Templar and make the guerillas assassins

    Reasono tres cities many people have been asking for the return of cities and his would offer the perfect return as well with a variety of cities weather it be the broken Lisbon still reeling from its earthquake, Barcelona right on the Spanish coast or Toulouse if you wanna go French.

    Reason quatro SHARPE

    submitted by /u/The_Great_Madman
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    It's unreal how much better outfits look when you remove the capes.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    There's a mod for PC on nexusmods which gives an option to remove the capes from outfits.


    Up until now, I could only ever use the base Ravenclan outift, because it was the only one that didn't look comepletely ridiculous and at least somewhat resembeled an assassin robe, but it still had the issue that the cape made Eivor look extremely bulky when you wanted to have the hood up for maximum AC vibes.

    With this mod, alomst every single armor set in the game can give you this feeling (as long as you transmog it down to level 1 appearence), even some of the more exotic ones such as the Iberian or Egypt armor sets from the DLC. The outfits now all look at least kind of like something that should be in an Assassin's Creed game and even the more fantasy-esque armors don't look that much more out of place than outifts we had in previous games (for example the Armor of Brutus).

    This should honestly just be an option in the settings, just let us remove the capes so I don't have to mod my game to enjoy the different outfits.

    submitted by /u/veico_cm
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    Assassin's Creed Black flag of 2021

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    If anyone is still playing this great game I'm looking social chest and been looking for about a week with no award. I'm using a map I found for social chest but have had no luck and having no friends who play this game is not helping lol. Ty to any1 who can assist.

    submitted by /u/Trueshot_alpha91
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    How many 2 handed swords are there in the game? Spoilers

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    I am about 80 percent done with the main story i think. I just killed dag and i have only seen the one sold in the settlement and the one im using. Its called carolina something i think but im wondering did i miss something? Iv done a ton of treasure hunting and everytime i either get a shield which is useless to me or armor that isnt as good as what iv got even once its leveled up. Anyone have any advice?

    submitted by /u/rommie30
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    Wait, are WE they bad guys?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:18 AM PDT

    Just working my way through AC:Valhalla and at present, I am currently battering my way through some bothersome Picts.


    I myself am Scottish. And while there is a very strong Irish contingent in my genealogy, I am to all intents and purposes, a Scot. I was born here, I grew up here, I speak fluent Glaswegian and some broken East Coast, I even like haggis.

    The idea of skelping my fellow ancient people feels really weird. I think it's the first time I've played a game where this has happened.

    I'm not complaining, just making an observation given that I've played every single AC game, I stay spoiler free re story and now I'm at Valhalla, I was thinking there might have been a nod to the Scots/Viking history, the 500 years in the Northern Isles to us eventually kicking them out at the Battle of Largs in 1263, these ties are still celebrated to this day. But thus far, there's nothing north of the wall. Aye, our wall, we had one first! 😉.

    Granted the events of AC:V take place way before all that, but come on Ubisoft, let's flash that artistic licence and give us some fleshed out Scots!

    Cheers for reading this.

    submitted by /u/Mukables
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    In your opinion, which AC game has the most iconic main theme of any assassin's creed game?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:09 AM PDT

    From the first game, all the way to Valhalla. Where do you see that main theme really POP?

    By main theme, I mean those 8 notes you can hear in most the themes. Every theme seems to have them, but some of them really bring it out with different feelings.

    Even odyssey has the theme, but it's much more subtle than some of the others.

    So which of the themes, in your opinions, is the one that makes it super obvious that it's assassin's creed?

    submitted by /u/Dienowwww
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