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    Thursday, May 27, 2021

    Assassin's Creed The next game needs a bustling dense city, recent games urban environments have been very disappointing

    Assassin's Creed The next game needs a bustling dense city, recent games urban environments have been very disappointing

    The next game needs a bustling dense city, recent games urban environments have been very disappointing

    Posted: 26 May 2021 09:48 PM PDT

    The gameplay in Assassins Creed is meant to flourish in urban landscapes with stealth and mobility, which is why the older games were set in large cities like Damascus and Florence. These past 3 games though have had extremely disappointing city environments and I think this is definitely a reason why the stealth aspect of the series was basically just ignored in them. I admit that i do also enjoy the rural and natural landscapes in the games and I hated how you couldn't go outside Paris in Unity but I think there is a solid middle ground that can be met by focusing on smaller areas of a country rather than trying to make a ridiculously enormous map, like Odessey which tried to represent the entire country of Greece and comes of feeling kinda overstretched while also feeling diluted.

    The cities in Origins like Alexandria and Memphis were gorgeous but I feel like they should have been bigger, people have been living in Memphis for thousands of years by that point and Alexandria was supposedly one the largest cities in the world. Athens in Odessey imo was really lame and boring outside the Acropolis and felt really empty with its spaced-out layout and laxk or crowds. The other cities in Odessey were way too small and most of them look too similar with the lazy overused building designs.

    Valhalla is the worst probably, the Roman ruin cities liken London are cool but there is not much to do in it outside the breif main questline. Every other city in this game is basically just a boring group of wooden houses with a church, Winchester was honestly pathetic. I think they made a mistake by setting Valhalla in England during the Dark Ages long before it was a developed and strong nation. I know they wanted Vikings but tbh in my opinion Vikings are not really compatible with an Assassins Creed game. Instead they should have set Valhalla a few centuries later in the Middle Ages or Renaissance when England was actually a developed country with a sophisticated society and busy, densely populated cities

    Whatever they chose the setting to be for the next game i just hope it includes a massive, crowded busy City (or 2) with densely packed buildings to climbs on and tons of activities and missions to keep it interesting. The fact is these games were set too early at times when these countries were significantly underdeveloped and still lacked large cities and sophisticated economies. If they wanted so bad to do an Assassins Creed game in the accent world Rome should have been a no-brainer.

    submitted by /u/Frosty_Cheesecake864
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    Little Eivor <3 Cute, but very very deadly

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:20 AM PDT

    Which Assassin's Creed had the best dungeons?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 09:38 PM PDT

    I don't remember liking the catacombs from Unity (though I loved that game overall).

    Odyssey is an immediate no because of the snakes that take of a third of your life no matter what (also the caves sucked). Origins should have been the best given the setting but each was small and I think the auto-climb mechanic of that game hurt the overall design.

    I have just started replaying the Ezio trilogy. The dungeons in Assassin's Creed 2 were amazing; the ones in Brotherhood were slightly disappointing. Nero's tomb was excellent, by far the best in either game, but then the later dungeons were just extended chase sequences.

    I don't remember black-flag but I assume it had plenty. I didn't like any of the level design in three. I am excited to replay Revelations since I heard those were the best.

    submitted by /u/butterweedstrover
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    What are some of your weird ticks/habits while playing assassin's Creed? (No spoilers please!)

    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    If you're going to add spoilers, please hide it!

    1. When synchronizing to a viewpoint, I must be at the very edge of the platform.
    2. After finishing a game and before uninstalling, I'll always bring the assassin back to their homebase.


    submitted by /u/MsSeichan
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    (ODYSSEY) Can someone explain to me how I received all these new items?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    Booted up ACO for the first time in about 8-9 months...maybe? I opened up my inventory and much to my surprise id seemed to have received quite a lot of new items. Ezio's Roman set, Northern Travelers set, some legendary weapons and some new crew skins from past AC games.

    Its worth noting that just recently Id uninstalled the game from my ps4 for space only to reinstall after changing my mind. Still, I didn't expect this.

    submitted by /u/CappyTaan
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    My assassin creed Outfit through 7 years of fandom!

    Posted: 26 May 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Help a complete noob understand the controls

    Posted: 26 May 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    So I am a very novice gamer, the only rpg style games I've finished are the Witcher and AC Origins, my boyfriend recommend AC2 and I'm having a very hard time controlling Ezio. He keeps throwing himself off buildings when I'm trying to climb and punching guards when I'm trying to run from them. Am I bad at the game or are the controls really weird?

    submitted by /u/lunarkitty554
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    Statistic about Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    The common complaint with this game is that there are too many tailing missions. I agree with those who say this but this is a post towards those who disagree. In Black Flag, there are 45 main story missions. I looked through each mission and found that there are 11 missions with a tailing section. They are:

    ...And My Sugar?

    Sugarcane and Its Yields

    Proper Defenses

    Traveling Salesman

    The Siege of Charles-Towne

    We Demand a Parlay

    Do Not Go Gently

    Imagine My Surprise

    Black Bart's Gambit

    A Governor No Longer

    Tainted Blood

    This means that out of all the missions in Black Flag, 24% are tailing.

    That's too many.

    submitted by /u/Quizwizzash2
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    Valhalla needs a storage chest!

    Posted: 26 May 2021 06:20 AM PDT

    Valhalla does a much better job than its predecessors with not overfilling my inventory with armor and weapons; but, because each is unique and can't be sold, the inventory becomes overwhelming - especially with all the armors in WotD. There needs to be a storage chest in the longhouse to drop off unneeded armors. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Thespis41
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    Shay Cormics belt buckle as assassin [Spoiler]

    Posted: 26 May 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    Has anyone else noticed, that Shays belt buckle from his first appearence shows the same tree (supposidly Yggdrasil) as the medallions from the order of the ancients in AC Valhalla?



    It just seemed like a nice little detail that they reused the asset, which i noticed while playing Rogue again.

    submitted by /u/FeuerTeufel13
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    Parallels Between Brasidas, Apollodorus, and Yusuf

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    I just finished AC Odyssey and Origins and absolutely love both of them. Origins especially. What I noticed is my favorite npcs have a lot in common with each other. Apollodorus and Brasidas were both so genuine and helped the main characters in so many ways but ultimately met tragic deaths. It made me think back 10 years ago to Yusuf in revelations how he helped Ezio. I wanted to see if anyone else felt this way about these characters. I really wish I saw more of all of them especially Brasidas, he had such great chemistry between Alexios/Kassandra and it was sad to know no matter what actions you took you can't save him.

    submitted by /u/bhope95
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    The Valhalla world events suck

    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:26 PM PDT

    I have been playing the game for a 10 odd hours now. I have a habit of doing almost every side quest before the main quests. Mainly coz I can play to relax and side quests generally don't need much active effort.

    As such I don't pay all that much attention to some of the dialogue. And you can't really expect every player to concentrate all the time. And the world events are my bane.

    They have been overly simple but also needlessly complicated. Essentially, it sucks that they give you no option to repeat the dialogue, it sucks that there is no quest log or journal that records data and it sucks that there are no saved records of the notes we read.

    Look at horizon zero dawn. An arguably far better game. The quests arent straightforward and the quest markers don't always just point you where you need to go or do. And everything you read is stored. You can go through all the dialogue again and again and figure it out.

    Essentially Valhalla hates people with ADHD or similar conditions who don't always have the notion to pay 100 percent attention.

    I'm not asking for Skyrim style quest markers. Just give me a journal to tell me what quests are pending and what has occured with each quest

    submitted by /u/Imnotsomebodyelse
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    Just finished Assassins Creed Unity and enjoyed every bit of smooth gameplay

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:16 AM PDT

    Hey there fellow assassins. I ve just finished Unity for first time and i can say it was enjoyable journey. Gamplay is main reason i enjoyed it, Paris was created so good for parkour, it was pure pleasure to run over so many rooftops while executing fancy moves with Arno. Story was average, at the start it had some momentum but after mid game it just vanishes. Sooo there are my grades for it:

    Gameplay: 8/10 Story: 6/10 Music 6/10 Overall 7/10

    I can understand why it was so hated when it was out, but for now Unity is one of the best AC game that i played. I tougt to skip Syndicate and start Origins right away, altough i am not very big fan of RPG elements they added i am eager to try it. Also i see that Odyssey doesnt have much love here but i would gladly try that one too... Greek setting looks so beautiful.

    Feel free to share your memories of this great sequel too.


    submitted by /u/LamiNeZe
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    Very interesting mechanic i remember

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:11 PM PDT

    I haven't played an assassins creed game in a while, but theres this one cool feature of the first game that I can't find anyone talking about.

    If my memory hasn't failed me, this is how it goes.

    When the player, altair, defeats an enemy npc through combat (excluding stealth kills and counterattack), the downed enemy would enter a kind of dynamic "painfully squirming" state based on how they landed on the ground . I was about 12 at the time when I first saw this and thought it was genius game design. It might look stupid now, but it felt REAL, man. It seemed like a real person was holding onto his life.

    submitted by /u/Outrageous_Horror562
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    What are some of your favorite outfits in the earlier games? (AC2-AC Syndicate)

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    This is a question that is asked often, but I love reading the discussions about it. I personally have a favorite for every game that I will go for no matter how many play throughs I go for.


    The Armor of Altair wins for me. I don't think that any of the clothing dyes are better than the iconic black armor.

    AC Brotherhood

    The Armor of Brutus is the endgame armor, but I'm not a big fan of the red hood and furs. I like the Roman Stone dye, but it's not really fantastic. Open to trying something different for sure.

    AC Revelations

    I'm not a big fan of the face mask on the Armor of Ishak Pasha, but the ability to take less damage from projectiles and even deflect some is awesome. The Master Assassin Armor is neat, but not being able to dye it kind of sucks. Honestly, I'm a huge fan of the Mediterranean Cobalt dye. The blue and gold works beautifully together and is a great representation of how colorful the city of Constantinople is.

    AC 3

    To me, nothing matches the Charleston outfit. The dark blue is gorgeous. Connor's default Assassin robes are great too though.

    AC Liberation

    I won't go into the slave and lady persona as I hardly ever played with them, but as for Aveline's Assassin persona, I think that the Bayou Hunter outfit is one of the most wicked in the franchise.

    AC4: Black Flag

    Lots of great outfits here. I don't think that the Templar Armor suits Edward very well, so I generally pick and choose between the Stealth outfit and the Mayan armor. I'm not a big fan of Edward's regular outfit or its colored variations at all, so I really only like the specialty ones. I played most of my second play through with the Stealth outfit, which really is fantastic at reducing guard detection visibility. Also, my favorite non-playable Assassin in the franchise, Ah Tabai, uses the Stealth outfit, so it's definitely my favorite.

    AC Rogue

    Lots of great outfits here as well. I think that the Templar Enforcer outfit is awesome, because of its deep scarlet, but I have to give an honorable mention to the Frontiersmen outfit. It's super cool as well and really makes me want an Assassin's Creed game in the American Wild West. I doubt Ubisoft could pull that off as well as RDR2 though, so I doubt they'll ever try.

    AC Unity

    Arno's Master Assassin outfit is great, but after playing through the Dead Kings DLC, I started to really prefer the Guard of Franciade outfit. The bold blue and red contrast is awesome, plus, I think the tattered cape is really cool. Makes me feel like a man of the Revolution, rather than a noble. The armor pieces on their own are generally good, unless you tend to mix and match, or like me, wear all Sans Culottes gear (and Military Bracers), which looks horrible without an outfit covering it up. Special mention to the Thomas de Carneillon outfit though, it's basically a dark mode Altair outfit, but still pretty cool to wear and even cooler to flex in public Co-op.

    AC Syndicate

    Arriving at my favorite outfit in the entire franchise, it's Evie's Lady Melyne's Gown. With the Wine color and Royal Clock, I've never loved an outfit more in the series. I think it looks absolutely fantastic on Evie. Also, the extra 3 bullets, knives, smoke bombs, hallucinogenic darts, and voltaic bombs are exactly what I prefer, rather than extra damage dealt or reduced damage received. I hardly played as Jacob unless necessary, but Baron Jordane's Finery is neat as well, with the Wine color.

    Those are my favorite outfits for each game, but what are yours?

    submitted by /u/TeaInUS
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    [SPOILERS] Valhalla and Odyssey Endings

    Posted: 26 May 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    Was anyone else disappointed in the similarity in the revealing of the 'Grandmasters' of the respective Orders in Odyssey and Valhalla (Aspasia and Aelfred)? Seemed a bit lazy to recycle that again... at least with Aspasia I hadn't seen it coming, but with Aelfred, I called it midway through my playthrough.

    submitted by /u/BranYates7
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    The Morrigan (Caira, Deidre, etc.) WOTD Spoilers

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    One of the characteristics of The Morrigan in her mythological form is that she can appear as three women. While I don't believe she has Sages, as that seems limited to Aita and the Asgard Isu, perhaps she does have three particularly powerful bloodlines that defended from her. Deidre and Caira could be two of them. The red hair, the supernatural knowledge and ability, and their connection to the land link the two of them. Then where would the third be? Perhaps Naimh, the Wren? Hugo S., narrative director, said there is a good deal of hidden Isu lore. Maybe the Morrigan has been in front of us all along.

    submitted by /u/Thespis41
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    Prince of Persia is canon to the Assassins creed verse and is an internal story for the order of the ancients. (Fan theory that is mostly joking)

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    "Magical" artifacts and a hidden evil within the higher ups wanting to use said magic to have absolute control. The sands of time takes place concurrently with Valhalla and we know that the order of the ancients has extensive roots within Persia which can safely explain a lack of presence of the Hidden ones. we know that the Isu made extensive experiments regarding the manipulation of time so it would stand to reason that the sands of time are leftover from an Isu experiment to try and change the timeline with changes to the past.

    submitted by /u/King_Thunder_Laugh
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    Heres a stealth reaper on ac unitys confession mission

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:52 AM PDT

    How to delete or reset AC4 multiplayer data and stats?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    I only care about the multiplayer trophies, so of course I dont want those to be lost! That said, is there any way to delete or reset the multiplayer data, more specifically the challenges and other stats. Having some completed and some not bugs my OCD.

    submitted by /u/shamunkey
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    Finished the storyline in Assassin's Creed Syndicate, is there a way to reset boroughs?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    a map with less enemies is boring, but otherwise i enjoy the freeroaming. Is there a way to get all of the side missions like templar hunts and bounty hunts enabled again so the areas are hostile and busy with enemies again witouth restarting a new game?

    submitted by /u/guibmaster
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