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    Wednesday, May 26, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Did you prefer Egypt or Greece, visually?

    Assassin's Creed Did you prefer Egypt or Greece, visually?

    Did you prefer Egypt or Greece, visually?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    Putting aside your bias towards whichever game you preferred overall (although feel free to say), which did you enjoy more from a purely aesthetic perspective?

    submitted by /u/throwawayforobviou2
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    [Spoiler] Half-Arsed storytelling - Wrath of the Druids

    Posted: 25 May 2021 01:16 AM PDT

    I feel like a broken record at this point, this having been a problem since Rogueity, but could we please return to some thought going in to characters, mechanics and storylines?

    Why constantly introduce whole new building/crafting materials for them only to be used once and then never again? See: Foreign supplies, everything from Ireland

    Why does no-one in Ravensthorpe remark on Eivor having been away in Ireland for some time?

    Why does helping build a trade empire not result in any additional wealth flowing in to Ravensthorpe?

    Why does Eivor consistently not give a shit when she encounters ISU stuff?

    What is the deal with Ciara the genuinely magic Druid? Is she a sage? Are you not even bothering to flesh out characters in the codex notes anymore, let alone in the story?

    Why does Eivor (without even giving the player a choice) side with the High King she barely knows, somewhat dislikes and who just approved a pogrom against innocent people whose religion overlaps with hers, instead of aiding with the Druid who has done nothing wrong, who she's grown quite close to quite quickly, and who is just trying to defend herself and her way of life?

    I thought the Assassin's were trying to use the animus to find a way to save the world? With no modern day in the dlc, is it safe to assume that they completely forgot about this and started fucking around in Ireland for shits and giggles?

    It's just...a baffling indifference towards your own franchise...

    submitted by /u/LordCommanderhodor
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    I just realized Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is significantly better than the second game

    Posted: 25 May 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    I played both a long time ago, and my memory of the games sort of blurred together. I thought two was better because it had more locations (diversity) and less clutter to its quest system.

    And honestly while I was playing it my opinion was sort of reinforced, and it didn't require anything extra to fully synchronize a mission. However one thing was bugging me-

    I felt the characters weren't fleshed out. I remembered more of them yet they would just appear for a scene and then never be mentioned again. Claudia has in Florence a quest where you beat up her cheating boyfriend, then you go to the villa and she complains about working the books. And that is it, all you hear from her is "here is the book" and she says nothing else.

    Maria is the same though she has a story excuse but it is kind of dumb. Then the same thing happened with Christina and Caterina and here I though I was skipping a scene or something because I could swear they had more story. Ezio sleeps with Christina at the beginning and never speaks to her (or of her) again. You save Caterina with a boat and that is it.

    Volpe who we see in Florence does nothing except show up at the end and here I thought I was losing my mind. Machiavelli also said very little. Now that I am starting to play Brotherhood I realize all the characterization was saved for this game.

    First Claudia has actual character development. Nowhere in the second game is it rationalized why she sat behind a desk for twenty years and did nothing. It wasn't until the prologue to brotherhood when Claudia is made out to be lonely or some such thing. Then she starts to run the brothel which makes her a real part of the Assassin's. The flashbacks with Christina (that I thought were from the second game) happened in brotherhood. Volpe, Bartolomeo, Machiavelli, etc. were all made into real characters by brotherhood, and it seemed my memory confused the games since those characters were introduced in the second.

    I have just started playing Brotherhood but the game is much deeper than Assassin's Creed 2.

    submitted by /u/butterweedstrover
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    For All You Redditors That Didn't Like Connor or Thought He Was Painfully Naïve, Why Is That? (I Need Specific Examples for an Upcoming Project)

    Posted: 25 May 2021 09:23 PM PDT

    For context, after going back and playing AC3 this year and analyzing the story and characters, I'm tempted to make a video essay on this game. It's actually my favorite in the franchise and Connor is even my favorite Assassin (blasphemous I know), but I understand that most people would disagree with me and I'm totally fine with that. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion after all. But in the essay I DO want to talk about why some people didn't like Connor as a character.

    For example I often hear that he was hopelessly naïve, but to be honest I can't seem to pinpoint exactly HOW he was so naïve. So that's why I decided to ask here.

    TLDR: Why did you not like Connor? More importantly what specific examples in the story can you give me that highlight these reasons you didn't like Connor?

    submitted by /u/SapientSlimeMold
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    As someone who has Irish heritage I fucking love the new Wrath of the Druids DLC.

    Posted: 25 May 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    The map is decently sized, story was banging, theres a lot of places to explore and things to do in Ireland and I absolutely love one of the news songs in the DLC too. Canaid Lia Fáil, it's such a beautiful piece of music.

    submitted by /u/SomeGeek1738
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    Should Ubisoft make a remastered version of AC1?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    Ever since that played AC1 I loved everything to do with it. Now, seeing as the franchise has dipped in recent years, I feel an ever growing want for an AC1 remaster. Would you want it?

    submitted by /u/_MrEngland_
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    Climbing the Brotherhood ranks RPG-style

    Posted: 25 May 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    What if in the next game all these RPG mechanics were applied in a way that could let us progress in the Brotherhood ranks? They don't have to completely let go of the RPG formula and can mix the two things together in a healthy way. They could even make something "replicating" Desmond's story back in AC1, with Abstergo kidnapping the main character and eventually we'd run away or get rescued by the Assassins (or something completely different, but starting from zero as a "nobody" who happens to have Isu DNA or something interesting).

    We'd start as a novice, climb up the ranks throughout the game, unlocking new gameplay stuff and assassination/parkour abilities for easier movement and visually cooler animations and by the end we'd be this highly skilled Master Assassin. We could also have some sort of Assassin base or castle like Masyaf where we would train and stuff.

    They'd probably have to update the engine to be more parkour-friendly (I'm thinking something like Unity, maybe? I find what we have today to be too simplistic). Anyways, someone must've thought of something like this and I know I'm not going in depth here but I leave to them how the narrative and other stuff would be tied in to this design.

    Sorry about any mistakes and typos, English is not my first language.

    submitted by /u/Kallyel21
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    Assassin's Creed Liberation HD Remaster on PS4 review

    Posted: 25 May 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    I've had the AC3 + Liberation game for a while but never got around to playing it. I've played all of the AC games and love the series but the one I never played was Liberation. I used to always want a PS Vita to try it back in the day but when I saw that it made it to PS3 eventually I was excited but never got around to getting it until now that they added it to AC3 remaster on PS4. I finally got around to it and just finished it. Here's what I think about it.

    First off, my favorite games of the series was AC4, and I liked Rogue, even AC3 so I was looking forward to Liberation despite how it was received on Vita long ago. Though I was a little hesitant because this is a Vita/handheld game so the game obviously wasn't gonna have a lot to it or be a big game.

    My first impression were the graphics and oh boy, I wasn't prepared for how outdated they kinda looked. It looked like a PS2 remaster and probably the second worst graphics in the series worse than AC1 but better than Bloodlines. I understand it was a handheld game but I just wasn't ready for it and hadn't not been remastered it would have took more time for me to get used to but I was able to get over it real quick. I don't mind playing older games, I like playing PS2 remasters so this was no different.

    Jumping right into the gameplay mechanics, it all was very much the same as AC3. Obviously they copy and pasted the animations and gameplay from AC3 to the Vita and skinned over a new character with a bit of a female touch to it as Aveline didn't look stiff trying to match the animations. Having to come off from Valhalla to this made me remember how fun the combat was in these games before the series turned into a rpg. I kinda really miss this old style of comabt as it's so much more satisfying and flows a lot better. Back in the day during the PS3/360 era, there were a bunch of games doing this style of combat. The whole chain combat of taking on multiple opponents as you would block and attack with different combinations of animations and weapons that make the fight look so cool sometimes. I rather prefer this combat over the rpg combat in the games now.

    The parkour and free running are so much more better in these older games too. Just like in AC3 and Black Flag, the parkour is amazing (75% of the time, it isn't the best all the time) but compared to Valhalla, even Liberation does it better. Even some of the little detailed parkour animations carried over from AC3 looked really cool like jumping over fences. Then the tree parkour flowed so much better too. The Bayou map in this game really made use of those trees and it was really fun running on the branches. Something that the new rpg games don't focus on anymore that even a game like Liberation does so much better at. Coming off from Valhalla, that game had probably the worst parkour system. The constant pressing x to do certain jumps while free running and climbing. Chasing the tattoo pages in that game was a nightmare. How the series have come a long way and one of the main gameplay mechanics like free running the series is known for got a lot worse baffles me that playing a small Vita remaster of a game nearly 10 years old like Liberation made me appreciate it in the older games.

    Now of course the reason why the free running is good was because of it's small packed maps. Being that it is a Vita game, the maps weren't big and one thing that kinda bugged me at first was no fast traveling at any time. But running around the maps I realized how fast you could get to point a from one side of the map to point b on the other, so it wasn't too brutal but at least have us fast travel from map to map which wasn't there either. Anyways, even though the maps were small, they did a good job at making New Orleans looked packed and lively. Very easy to parkour on rooftops around. The Bayou was a great map and setting to take advantage of. Lots of trees to climb through as well as open murky water spaces. Captures the swamp setting very nicely. It was fun going back and forth from the two different maps. Apparently there was a third map later on but it had no depth to it unfortunately and you could clean up collectibles there quick during your first time there and never have to go back to it again as there was no missions or side missions there to make the map optional to go to again.

    There are a bunch of collectibles in this game making my playthrough long enough to enjoy it. For a small game I appreciated that. I assume the devs knowing that it was a small Vita game that they need to fill it in with collectibles to add onto as content. Even if the collectibles made no sense or were pointless, you get a reward for each one for collecting it all. Side missions in this game were a bit disappointing as there weren't a lot. Apparently there was about 5 or 6 categories of side missions all with each 5 missions. There was one with just 3 missions I believe. Though from what I've read is that some of these side missions were actually created for the remaster and not originally in the Vita version. I think it might have been the different persona missions but I'm not sure.

    Speaking of personas, this is probably the most interesting feature of this game. Aveline switching in between three disguises was a really cool idea that I kinda wished the other AC games could have done because the concept alone is a genius idea and makes sense for a game about "Assassins". You could either run around as a assassin, a slave, or formal lady all with each of their own strengths and weaknesses. At first I got tired of running around as a assassin in New Orleans because the guards at every corner were suspicious or alerted. Although as a assassin you have every weapon at your disposal, I felt like playing the persona was annoying and I assume that was the point as the game wanted you to only go as the assassin when it mattered or to actually put your skills at the test. No matter what, the assassin notoriety rises fast and got tired of looking for and paying the magistrate to lower it. Only in the bayou does playing as the assassin is comfortable. I found myself playing as the slave persona more because she didn't raise suspicion aside from slavers which there weren't many in the city. The slave doesn't have all the weapons but only the weapons that matter which was good as well being able to still parkour and climb. The slave persona was best to use overall being in both the city and bayou. The lady persona towards the end of the game I loved playing as. Although the lady doesn't at all raise suspicion which was good and is the best persona to go in stealth, you still had to avoid groups of thugs that will harass you in the city. Although the personas biggest weakness was that she couldn't climb except ladders, the parasol umbrella made up for her weaknesses. The parasol umbrella dart gun is very OP and a game changer. You could just walk in a area surrounded by guard and shoot a dart at one in front of them and they wouldn't know. Though the kicker was that it took forever for her to reload it but man, you could do a lot of stealth missions easy with that persona. The only thing is that the lady persona is totally useless in the bayou map or I don't even think the option was there to play that persona there. Something I feel like they didn't take advantage was was making a lot of the missions optional for each persona so that there was different ways of going about a mission depending which one you choose. I felt like the lady persona was left out on a lot of it because every time I started a memory and went to go change, you could only switch between assassin or slave. But when it was optional for all three, it was really cool how you could do a mission with the choice. The lady can bribe her way in a restricted area and charm a target to killing him in private. The slave can sneak in the area by picking up a box outside and walking in as the guards think you're just a slave working, and of course the assassin is classic assassin's creed don't be seen and kill. Also back to the side missions, each persona had their own missions and collectibles which I thought were really cool to give each persona some playtime.

    Now Aveline as a character. I liked her character and design. She doesn't look like a assassin but more of a templar look as I saw she wore the black and red by default similar to Shay in AC Rogue and those are the templar colors. But her design for each persona or outfit looked great. She kinda looks like Rihanna for the most part so given that they ever do a movie of Aveline, they can get Rihanna given that she has done some big acting in movies and of course if she can pull off a decent French accent, lol. Aveline being a african french american was a nice character touch. After her mother disappeared, she was raised by a wealthy frenchman who was her mother's master and lover. She was raised in formality and class but working in her father's business makes her a great business woman. She was quite a strong female character.

    As for the story... it was okay. It had that same story concept from AC4 of not being accepted as a assassin but tryin really hard to appease the brotherhood. There weren't really any good side characters in this game or antagonists. Though I will say that I liked the twist at the end where it was revealed that her stepmother was the "company man". I mean, I knew it was her before the reveal but it wasn't until after killing the target she thought was the company man that he wasn't the man she was looking for so I suspected the stepmother when it was revealed after the next few sequences. The only two characters that stood out and probably the only characters that stood out was her stepmother and Agate the assassin mentor. I think the stepmother character was built up to the reveal very well as at first you didn't suspect her to be a villain but it all made sense up to the reveal. Agate at first had a strong presence to him but they did this character dirty by training Aveline and having trust then feeling like Aveline betrays him that he couldn't trust her and goes into madness that he ends up killing himself. He was a character that had so much weakness to him that you didn't like him anymore when he was supposed to be on your side.

    One part of the story I found very interesting was the citizen E truth story. I tried to figure out the concept of citizen E by looking it up but can't find much on it. I might be wrong but this is just my assumption on what it is by how it was presented. Basically citizen E were glitches or hacks triggered in the simulation in which Abstergo hid some of the real events of the memories in. Given that Liberation was made alongside AC4 and Rogue that still followed through the whole Abstergo Entertainment storyline of the modern day. Not sure who the voice in the animus was known as Eurdito or something like that, whose a voice in the Animus that tells you the truth being hidden in the simulation. Not sure how the hack happened but assuming whoever is watching the memories of Aveline here has a hack or is seeing the hack however it go there. Probably by a assassin hacker trying to reveal the truth to everyone using these vr headsets they bought from Abstergo to watch these memories as movies. The way it looks is that Abstergo hid all the truths about the templar by fabricated the scenes in the memories that exposed the templars and hid them in a program file within the simulation that the hack reveals is hidden within a regular npc of the real scene that played out. Now how Aveline kills the npc I'm not sure how that works in the animus given that the user doesn't control the character they're watching the memories of. Maybe it's not canon and that it's just for us players to initiate. But I thought of it as a interesting story idea for the modern day stuff that works. It's a bit confusing, but interesting.

    Some small things on the side I like to quickly go through in this game. The trading system of Aveline's business was a cool little thing. For the first half of the game, I had no clue you could make a lot of money doing it as your main source of income. Had I known, I could have bought a lot of stuff early on that I needed rather than ignoring the trading system and thinking you get most your money through treasure chests and missions. But once I figured out the trading system, there's a joy of making bank in the game and always find yourself wanting to make more and more money through it because eventually some weapons and collectibles are expensive in the game.

    The animals in the bayou were disappointing as there was no hunting system like there was in AC3. In fact there was only two animals to kill in the game. One being mainly alligators and the other were bobcats which there was only like 4 of them secluded on small islands off the edge of the bayou map. Unfortunately you can't skin the animals for upgrades so killing bobcats were pointless. I saw other animals like rabbits and raccoons running around but you can't do anything to them. Alligators you will only kill to collect their alligator eggs as part of the collectibles. Though I wished there was other ways of killing them aside from the same QTE over and over. I wished they also made them roam freely through the bayou and swim in water. At first playing in the bayou, I knew the game had alligators but I didn't know how they played out so when I first played in the bayou I was scared to be swimming around and had eagle vision on looking for alligators in the water until I found out they're only at their nests for the egg collectible, but I found out if you're in water next to them and they see, you better hurry out of the water because it's instant death if they get in the water after you.

    The canoes in the game are used to travel around in water but pointless. For some reason they're hard to jump out of. Also early on in the game when you're introduced to the canoe, for some reason you couldn't use the canoe until a few more sequences later which was weird despite the canoe being highlighted for you to use. There is a part of the story where you steer a canoe in rapid water and it's the worst controlled part of the game as you can barely dodge the rocks and died twice doing that very small section of the story, one was because somehow my controls got inverted after I got stuck hugging a wall that was damaging me. Then there was another small part of the story early on of controlling a carriage on fire while trying to steer it, also very terrible controls and too fast that I died twice doing that.

    There was a lighting glitch in the bayou as it kept fading to black quickly over and over as if it was gonna respawn me but it's just a lighting issue the game had only in the bayou that happens frequently.

    Same as AC3, 4, and Rogue, the full synchronization optional tasks still aren't clear. You sometimes never see it pop up or sometimes you never know if you failed it. As a completionist trying to do it first time, I sometimes had to keep pausing to see it or replaying the last checkpoint to not miss it.

    There were only two small "Isu" tombs that were story related, but the puzzles for both were very lame. One was a ball maze in which you had to move the analog to roll in around, not very hard at all, but I assume they were trying to take advantage of the Vita's motion control for just that one part of the game for whatever reason. The second puzzle was to move angle blocks around to guide a beam and reflect off the angles. It looked hard at first but having to just randomly move them around I got it without realizing it, in fact the full synchronization option task was to do it in 5 moves or less.

    In the bayou, getting all the viewpoints doesn't un fog the whole map for whatever reason. I still found myself missing a lot of collectibles there and I found out there's more outer area on the edges of the whole map that hasn't been un fogged yet so you have to just roam around the edges of the map until you find more collectibles. It's weird because even in the main part of the bayou there still some map fog that you can only get rid of if you go there directly.

    All the weapons were the same carried over from AC3, with a few exceptions that wasn't in the game. The best additions to the game was the super stealthy parasol umbrella dart gun and the whip which turned out not to be useful in combat unless you force yourself to use it but also unlock a very few parkour jumps through trees.

    The optional color outfits for each persona looked nice with the addition of the few hats you can unlock for the assassin persona. Also completing each persona collectibles you unlock a cool version of their persona outfit which was cool and feel like it was worth it.

    As for historical accuracy, I liked the how they changed up New Orleans a bit with every new sequence you complete. When a new sequence starts, it changes New Orleans and tells you what changed according to history. It's not a lot of change but it was a nice detail. Also I feel like there wasn't enough prejudice going on in the game. Slaves were walking the streets freely, there were a lot of africans in uniforms. The slaves weren't being treated bad while free roaming aside from scenes in the story which it was scripted that they were. There were free slave side missions in which when you were helping one escape, no guards around were alerted. Also even if Aveline was raised with class and as a lady, I found it surprising how many people in the streets or in the story were accepted of her being in their ranks. Im saying I didn't like it but I would have liked to see it, similar to some stuff from the AC Freedom Cry game which liberating meant something and being equal was more of a meaning which this game didn't really present. The game is called "Liberation" but didn't really feel like it mattered as it seems like the whole game, africans weren't being treated bad but as equals. There was part of the story in which the Spanish rule took over and were more lenient of the slave's freedom but it still felt like nothing changed.

    Overall I really liked this game despite the size of the game and being a remastered vita game. From what I read that the Vita version had a multiplayer mode which was terrible that they obviously weren't gonna carry it over to this version, so maybe it was one big reason why it did poorly on Vita. But I assume the remaster on consoles made it more playable. Coming off of Valhalla into this made me appreciate a lot of old things the series used to do. Not saying Valhalla is bad compare to it but Valhalla has some weaknesses that Liberation was strong for along with AC3 , 4, and Rogue. After Valhalla I felt like going back to the colonial saga of the series and wanted to play another new fresh AC title to me in which Liberation was the only game I hadn't play. Now I feel like playing AC3 and Ac4 again considering I only played them back in PS3. I played through Rogue for the first time two years ago when it finally came to PS4. Even though I'm excited to see another new AC rpg game, I still love these older AC games and Liberation was actually good enough that it reignited my love into wanting to play them again on PS4,

    If you're a AC fan that loved the colonial games of AC3 and AC4, I recommend this game. If you can get over the limitations they had for being originally a Vita game and the fact that there isn't any naval exploration or naval battles, then you probably will like this game. Think of it as having the gameplay of AC3 but having a small scope of AC Revelations or smaller than it.

    submitted by /u/JT-Lionheart
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    The Animus was a huge part of why AC 1's atmosphere was perfect for the story they were trying to tell.

    Posted: 25 May 2021 02:19 AM PDT

    The Animus is in every single game but I feel like the first game is the only one in which it really stands out.

    The Animus 1.28 makes Assassin's Creed 1 really feel like something along the lines of a psychological horror game. There's just something so dangerous about it and how its the only iteration of the Animus that really harms the physical and mental health of the subject seeing as its causes Clay to go crazy and commit suicide, and also how Abstergo just really doesn't seem to care about how it effects the user so long as they get their information they need.

    It's just so mechanical from it's icy and cloudy background to the DNA and computer code that pops in and out to the Animus talking to Desmond and gives you advice like Glados from Portal. It really makes the first game feel very dystopian in tone and I wish they'd have kept that for the rest of the series.

    submitted by /u/Jam_Retro
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    CTOS and blume in AC4 black flag?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    Did anyone ever go through all the computers at the Abstergo Entertainment and hack them and come across the CTOS and blume in AC4 black flag? Playing Watch dogs 1 and 2 I recognize this immediately.

    submitted by /u/GodSp1t
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    How would you guys like a game fully set in Ireland

    Posted: 25 May 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    First off I just want yo say I'm Irish so I'm a but biased but I think it would be really cool to see a game set in either around the Battle of clontarf where the high king of Leinster is a templar and Brian born is an assassin.

    Or I think it would be really cool to play as an assassin during one of the 4 plantations which is around the 1600s where we play as a native Irish in a similar way to Connor did in ac3. These settings could allow a return of treecour which I think is the best way to make up for a lackluster parlour system. I dunno just had the ideas and thought I would share.

    submitted by /u/MiniBen245
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    Interesting thing i noticed in coop mission: women's march in ac:U. Helpful for future players looking to solo this mission 3 times back to back for the equipments

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    1. The the enemies nvr attack ally 1 and 2; unless u agro them. So u could basically let them walk the whole way and no one will attempt to attack them at all, till the gate.
    2. In the last part of the mission, cannons can be interacted with, even in combat. Just press r2 to get out of combat and quickly press O.
    3. U can speedrun the cannon part by just using 6-8 smoke bombs just throw on cannon before hand or run to the cannon and throw when u reach there and then use pt 2 that i mentioned above, then throw one more and run away The mission ends with the 3rd canon so u dont really have to fight at all if u dont want to.
    4. In the second section of the mission where u have to kill 3 gate keepers. U can just jump on the cart in the middle and instantaneously have 2 of the 3 gatekeeper in ur line of site. One on the middle walkpath. One on top of right tower. Just shoot him with a gun.
    submitted by /u/Deep_Fortune4446
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    Assassin's Creed Unity: Dead Kings DLC "Piece of Eden Trophy" Not Triggering (PS4)

    Posted: 25 May 2021 05:49 AM PDT

    Hi all. I know, I'm posting about an old game. But I've decided to jump back into Unity to try to get the remaining trophies after getting the Plat on Valhalla and recently completing the Wrath of the Druids.

    An issue that I never quite took care of back when I played the game initially was sorting out the problem of not having received the "Piece of Eden" trophy for completing Memory Sequence 13 aka completing the story of the Dead Kings DLC. This is extremely frustrating, considering that the trophy for 100% synchronization in the DLC, "Hydrogen Bonded", was unlocked for me. So I don't know why the trophy for simply completing the story did not trigger.

    I've searched around to see what is going on and it seemed like the downloadable weapons packs were the problem, and it seems like the trophies that experience issues triggering vary among players. When looking up possible solutions, I tried the following as recommended- completely uninstall the game- base game, DLC, and all weapons packs- then reinstall the base game only with patch and DLC. Doing this I've read that other players experiencing trophy issues get the trophy right away when booting the game back up again. However, with me there was no dice. I also went back and replayed the final mission of Sequence 13 and still nothing. Apart from the suggestions I listed previously I couldn't find any other recommended actions, just a lot of really annoyed players who never seemed to have received an answer.

    If anyone remembers experiencing this and remembers a solution, please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have some other ideas I'm going to try out, but they involve backing up my original save to a USB, starting the game completely over, then trying to beat Dead Kings after finishing Sequence 4 when it becomes available. This is obviously not the ideal situation, but I'm honestly unsure of what else to do, barring playing the game completely through (which I may have to do if Dead Kings is too difficult after only completing Sequence 4).

    So, again, I kindly ask you all for any guidance you may be able to provide. Last time I tried this I chalked up the trophy to a loss, considering I may never be able to unlock it. But I'm inspired to try to 100% this one! Likewise, if I happen upon a solution I'll pop up on here and update my post for the odd person who may also be looking for this answer.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/vero0333
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    I feel like an Assassin's Creed game would work during World War 1

    Posted: 25 May 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    I've seen some people say it would be bad because gun, and that's all. I think it could be a good idea and a good direction for the series post Valhalla. Daggers still exist in WW1, and officers swords were still widespread, so gameplay wouldn't be too different. It would be more so like in ac3 or black flag where enemies who carry firearms still have to take time to aim (thought it would be considerably less than in ac3/black flag). In place of things like fortresses you could instead have to infiltrate trench systems in certain parts of the map.

    A really important point of contention people talk about a lot is the existence of machine guns in this time period, but people tend to forget that machine guns weren't carry around and shoot at enemy guns, but were more point defense, in bunker guns that were used to defend trenches.

    They could even add flight and dogfighting into the game, making that your main way of transportation between the different fronts, towns, etc. Sort of like in black flag and rogue.

    I don't necessarily know how the fantastical elements being introduced in recent games could be introduced in a more modern time period assassin's creed game though, with loot and skills trees and things like that but I think they could make it work without it feeling too kitschy in a WW1 time period. Or they could alternatively eschew that system entirely for this game.

    Ultimately I I feel as if this could be a good idea, if they can do it in a way that doesn't change the way assassin's creed feels, it'd be a really cool time period.

    submitted by /u/NoString113
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    How does side content in AC1 work?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 04:05 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm playing AC1 for the first time, finished the second memory. I didn't do all Viewpoints and smaller activities like the saving civilians thingies before moving on to the third memory. Will I be able to do those things in other memories or will I have to replay Memory 2?

    submitted by /u/Skyjessi
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    A location to read the entire changelog of AC Valhalla?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 03:26 PM PDT

    Is there any site where I can read just the list of changes made for every update after the 1.0? I know the official site has articles for each update but I dont know all the update numbers made till now. Something where I start from 1.0 or whatever and just shows new features for each new update or that has links to each update in order.

    submitted by /u/zamasu2020
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    i'm playing through brotherhood and i have some questions about the end of the world plotline and the templars.

    Posted: 25 May 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    do the templars know of this whole apocalypse thing? if so, wouldn't they work with the assassins to stop it? it seems like working with your rival for a bit is better than the world ending.

    submitted by /u/tinypaul222
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    Can't find any fabric for last quiver upgrade?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    I'm max power (427 with the DLC), I've beaten the game and now I'm trying to 100% the game. I currently need 7 fabric for my last quiver upgrade, so i've been going around to all of the small chests trying to find some. Idk how many I've opened, probably over 50 chests in the past 2 hours, and I haven't gotten a single piece of fabric. I've tried every single region to see if the power level made a difference, it has not. It always gives me tons of iron ore and leather but no fabric... Is it a bug? Did they purposefully make it so you can't get your last upgrade? What's going on here?

    submitted by /u/BaddAtLife
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    In which assassins creed do rid a car?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:45 AM PDT

    so i wanted to know that in which assassins creed do you start of in a car and then you go into this mountainous area and then place the orb after that you go into this white void.

    its been a long time since i played assassins creed and forgot the name of the exact game. so can someone tell me the same of the game? (btw this was on the ps3)

    submitted by /u/COZYCARD
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    The Lost Archive is the worst thing I ever saw!

    Posted: 25 May 2021 02:38 AM PDT

    I decided to get and play the Ezio collection as I'd beaten them many years ago and wanted to refresh the storylines in my mind as well as go for the platinums as way back I never used to bother so missed big gaps in the stories as a consequence.

    2 platinums under my best and nearing the end of Revelations so I decided to get the Lost Archive done before grinding the last few bits in the main game as I'd heard bad things and I can't be bothered to sink hours into them if I'm not going to get platinum anyway.

    Anyway, I have to say it is the worst AC experience I have ever had. It's just awful. Who ever thought a platforming game in first person would be a good idea? It just sucks and it's so far detached from the spirit and style of the main games it feels like a complete waste of time. I had several moments where I felt like throwing the controller out of the window and the 4th memory where you have to do all kinds of crazy stuff? That was atrocious and not fun in any shape or form.

    To make matters worse, I need that blasted impress Warren Vidic trophy which I thought would be the last memory. But no! It's the 4th one which I have no intention of ever playing again and zero chance of clearing the whole thing without failing.

    It's a shame as well as it seems to be revealing a crucial part of the overall plot but I'm just too frustrated to take it all in. I thought the anomalies in Valhalla were a much better imagining of this kind of idea but 1st person perspective is an absolute stinker for me.

    EDIT - I glitched the Vidic trophy after about a million attempts. No glitches for the River Styx though - I think this game is going to the bin now and just move on to AC3... I can barely jump to the first block on the Styx and the shortcut doesn't seem to work on the Ezio collection :(

    submitted by /u/cactus0151
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