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    Saturday, May 1, 2021

    Assassin's Creed All (or most) Greek Character and NPC Names in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

    Assassin's Creed All (or most) Greek Character and NPC Names in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

    All (or most) Greek Character and NPC Names in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    If you've ever used Ikaros to highlight an enemy or an NPC with a quest, you'll know that there's a name displayed in the top right corner. Those are populated from a list, and I've done my best to recreate that list, with the addition of unique character names from main and side quests.

    This project has been a couple years in the making. I started doing this for a now-abandoned Story Creator quest that I was making with a friend, but I thought it was fun so I kept going. There's probably a more efficient way to do it, but like I said, it's for fun, and I've learned a lot about the Greek language along the way. I'm sure there are more names, but I have to call it at some point, right? If you have a Greek name of an NPC or character, please comment and I'll add it to the list.

    These names are organized by whether they are given to males or females and are in alphabetical order. Also, special thanks to u/nstav13, whose Mission, Canon, Cultist, Romance, & Crew Guide helped me get the last few unique names I'd missed.


    • Abantes
    • Abderos
    • Abreas
    • Achilles
    • Adeimanthos
    • Adelphios
    • Admetos
    • Adonis
    • Adrastos
    • Aetios
    • Agamemnon
    • Agapios
    • Agellos
    • Agenor
    • Agis
    • Agon
    • Agrapios
    • Aiantides
    • Aias
    • Aietes
    • Aigaion
    • Aiolos
    • Airipos
    • Aison
    • Ajax
    • Aktis
    • Aktor
    • Alastor
    • Alektor
    • Aletes
    • Alexios
    • Alkibiades
    • Alkon
    • Alopex
    • Amphion
    • Anastasios
    • Anaxagoras
    • Anaximander
    • Andras
    • Aniketos
    • Ankos
    • Antikles
    • Appollodoros
    • Aratos
    • Archidamos
    • Ardos
    • Aristaios
    • Aristophanes
    • Arybbas
    • Aster
    • Asterion
    • Astrapios
    • Atos
    • Automedon
    • Bakchios
    • Balios
    • Bardas
    • Barnabas
    • Belos
    • Boethos
    • Bracerdas
    • Brasidas
    • Brison
    • Bubares
    • Bulis
    • Chalkon
    • Charon
    • Cheimonas
    • Chersis
    • Chremon
    • Chromios
    • Damades
    • Damais
    • Damianos
    • Danaos
    • Daniil
    • Davos
    • Deimos
    • Deinomenes
    • Demophanes
    • Demophilos
    • Demosthenes
    • Dimokrates
    • Diodoros
    • Diokles
    • Dion
    • Dolios
    • Doreios
    • Dorieus
    • Doriskos
    • Dorykleidas
    • Drakios
    • Drakon
    • Duris
    • Echemos
    • Echion
    • Edonos
    • Egertes
    • Eionios
    • Elpenor
    • Elpidios
    • Epiktetos
    • Epizelos
    • Eppie
    • Erastos
    • Eryx
    • Eteokles
    • Eubolos
    • Eudoxos
    • Euneas
    • Euripides
    • Evagoras
    • Evandros
    • Evios
    • Exandros
    • Exekias
    • Galeos
    • Gergis
    • Gorgos
    • Gotarzes
    • Gryllos
    • Hades
    • Hagias
    • Harmodios
    • Harpagos
    • Harpalos
    • Heitor
    • Hektor
    • Helios
    • Helmetos
    • Heraklides
    • Heremos
    • Hermes
    • Hermippos
    • Herodianos
    • Herodion
    • Herodotos
    • Heromenes
    • Hierax
    • Hiero
    • Hiketaon
    • Hipparchos
    • Hipparinos
    • Hippias
    • Hippoklides
    • Hippokrates
    • Hippolytos
    • Hipponax
    • Hirpes
    • Homer
    • Hormenos
    • Hyakinthos
    • Hyllos
    • Hypateos
    • Hyperion
    • Hyrtakos
    • Idaios
    • Ikarios
    • Ikaros
    • Ilios
    • Ilos
    • Imbrios
    • Imbros
    • Iobates
    • Iokaste
    • Iphiklos
    • Iphistos
    • Iphitos
    • Itylos
    • Kadmos
    • Kalesios
    • Kaletor
    • Kalliaros
    • Kallias
    • Kallikles
    • Kallinos
    • Kallipedes
    • Kallipos
    • Kallisthenes
    • Kalon
    • Kameiros
    • Kandaules
    • Kantor
    • Kapaneus
    • Karenos
    • Karipos
    • Karneades
    • Karpophoros
    • Kasambos
    • Kasos
    • Kastor
    • Kebalinos
    • Keleas
    • Kephalon
    • Kepheos
    • Kerkyon
    • Kimon
    • Kinyras
    • Kittos
    • Klaasr
    • Kleobis
    • Kleon
    • Kodros
    • Koinos
    • Kolotos
    • Kolotos
    • Konon
    • Koragos
    • Korax
    • Kosmas
    • Krantor
    • Kristos
    • Kritobulos
    • Kybernetes
    • Kyberniskos
    • Kyknos
    • Kyrillos
    • Kyrios
    • Labdakos
    • Labros
    • Lagos
    • Laios
    • Lampos
    • Laodoko
    • Lasos
    • Lasthenes
    • Lavrentios
    • Leandros
    • Legoras
    • Leiandros
    • Leikritos
    • Leitos
    • Lelex
    • Lemnos
    • Leodekes
    • Lethos
    • Lichas
    • Loxias
    • Lukos
    • Lygdamis
    • Lykaon
    • Lykaretos
    • Lykophon
    • Lykoris
    • Lysander
    • Lysanias
    • Lysanios
    • Lysis
    • Machaon
    • Makar
    • Makarias
    • Makarios
    • Maleos
    • Mantios
    • Markos
    • Maron
    • Mastor
    • Matullos
    • Mausolos
    • Medon
    • Megakles
    • Megakreon
    • Megareus
    • Megistias
    • Melampos
    • Melanippos
    • Melanthos
    • Melas
    • Meleagros
    • Meliboios
    • Melite
    • Melites
    • Memnon
    • Menandros
    • Menelaos
    • Menexinos
    • Menon
    • Mentes
    • Meriones
    • Mesaolios
    • Methepon
    • Methodios
    • Metiochos
    • Metrobios
    • Meurios
    • Midas
    • Midylos
    • Mikkos
    • Mikythos
    • Milanion
    • Misenos
    • Moliones
    • Monomachos
    • Morsimos
    • Moschion
    • Myron
    • Myrsinos
    • Myrtilos
    • Narkissos
    • Natakas
    • Nautios
    • Neleos
    • Neokles
    • Neritos
    • Nestor
    • Niarchos
    • Nikandros
    • Nikanor
    • Nikasios
    • Nikolaos
    • Nikomedes
    • Nisos
    • Nyktinos
    • Nymphikos
    • Nymphodoros
    • Ochealos
    • Odainathos
    • Odios
    • Oenios
    • Okealos
    • Okytos
    • Oliatos
    • Olympikos
    • Olympiodoros
    • Onetor
    • Onias
    • Onomakles
    • Onomastos
    • Orkos
    • Orneos
    • Paios
    • Palaimon
    • Pallas
    • Panagiotis
    • Pandaros
    • Panionos
    • Parmenion
    • Patroklos
    • Pausanias
    • Pedasos
    • Peiroos
    • Peisandros
    • Peisirrhodos
    • Pelagon
    • Pelenos
    • Pelios
    • Peneloas
    • Perdix
    • Perikles
    • Perimos
    • Periphas
    • Perseus
    • Phaelos
    • Phaido
    • Phaidon
    • Phalaris
    • Pheidon
    • Pheimos
    • Phelikles
    • Phidias
    • Philaon
    • Philemon
    • Philiskos
    • Philistos
    • Philoetios
    • Philogos
    • Philokles
    • Philoktetes
    • Philokypros
    • Philolaos
    • Philometer
    • Philon
    • Philotas
    • Philoxenos
    • Phintias
    • Phormio
    • Photios
    • Phylas
    • Pigres
    • Pithekos
    • Pithias
    • Pitholaos
    • Pittakas
    • Pittakos
    • Pixodaros
    • Pleistos
    • Podarkes
    • Polemon
    • Polyas
    • Polybios
    • Polydektes
    • Polydios
    • Polypemon
    • Polyphontes
    • Polyxeinos
    • Ponteus
    • Poseidon
    • Potamon
    • Pratinos
    • Praxis
    • Praxiteles
    • Prexinos
    • Priam
    • Priskos
    • Prokopios
    • Proktos
    • Proteos
    • Prothous
    • Proxenos
    • Prytanis
    • Pylaios
    • Pylartes
    • Pylenor
    • Pythagoras
    • Pytheas
    • Pythogenes
    • Rasmos
    • Rhadamanthos
    • Rhexenor
    • Sabyllos
    • Sargon
    • Sarpedon
    • Satyros
    • Serios
    • Silanos
    • Skiron
    • Skirtis
    • Skylax
    • Sokos
    • Sokrates
    • Sophanes
    • Sophos
    • Sosipatros
    • Sostratos
    • Stentor
    • Straton
    • Supideo
    • Sylon
    • Talos
    • Taureas
    • Tekton
    • Telamon
    • Telemenes
    • Telephos
    • Tellias
    • Temenos
    • Terillos
    • Testikles
    • Testiklos
    • Teukros
    • Teutamos
    • Thaletas
    • Thalysios
    • Thanos
    • Thaulos
    • Theo
    • Theodekles
    • Theodoros
    • Theomestros
    • Theoros
    • Theos
    • Theramenes
    • Theras
    • Theron
    • Thespis
    • Thessalos
    • Thestor
    • Thorax
    • Thrasyllos
    • Thyestes
    • Thymotes
    • Thyrsos
    • Timagoras
    • Timaios
    • Timolos
    • Timon
    • Timonax
    • Timotheus
    • Timoxenos
    • Tiro
    • Tirynthios
    • Tisandros
    • Titormos
    • Tityros
    • Tolmides
    • Trechos
    • Triton
    • Trophos
    • Tros
    • Trypho
    • Tundareos
    • Tychaios
    • Vettias
    • Xanthippos
    • Xanthos
    • Xenokles
    • Xenophanes
    • Xenophon
    • Xouthos
    • Zeno
    • Zephyros
    • Zetes
    • Zeuxis
    • Zosimos


    • Abia
    • Agafya
    • Agape
    • Agaue
    • Agave
    • Agnes
    • Agnete
    • Aigle
    • Aikaterine
    • Aillo
    • Ainia
    • Airla
    • Airlea
    • Akantha
    • Akanthe
    • Alektrona
    • Alena
    • Aletha
    • Alexandra
    • Alkestis
    • Alkibie
    • Alkippe
    • Alkmene
    • Alkyone
    • Althea
    • Alyona
    • Alyx
    • Amalthea
    • Amaryllis
    • Ambrosine
    • Amphritrite
    • Anais
    • Anastasia
    • Anemone
    • Anthousa
    • Antianeira
    • Anyte
    • Aoide
    • Aphaia
    • Apollonia
    • Apphia
    • Arete
    • Aretha
    • Arethousa
    • Aristomache
    • Artazostre
    • Aspasia
    • Astra
    • Astraia
    • Atalanta
    • Atropos
    • Augos
    • Auxesia
    • Berenike
    • Bremusa
    • Briseis
    • Bryce
    • Charis
    • Chrysanthe
    • Chryseis
    • Chrysis
    • Damalis
    • Danai
    • Daphnae
    • Debora
    • Deianeira
    • Deineira
    • Deinomache
    • Delia
    • Delphinia
    • Demeter
    • Dianthe
    • Dido
    • Diona
    • Dionysia
    • Dorkia
    • Drucilla
    • Echo
    • Efimia
    • Eileithyia
    • Eirene
    • Elene
    • Elpis
    • Elysia
    • Endeis
    • Erato
    • Erinna
    • Eriobea
    • Eritha
    • Ermete
    • Erykios
    • Euanthe
    • Eudokea
    • Eupheme
    • Europa
    • Eurydike
    • Euthalea
    • Eutychea
    • Evadne
    • Gaia
    • Gaspar
    • Gelon
    • Genesis
    • Georgia
    • Georgianna
    • Gyke
    • Hagne
    • Harmothoe
    • Hathor
    • Hebe
    • Hekate
    • Helen
    • Hemera
    • Hermea
    • Hero
    • Hestia
    • Hydna
    • Hygieia
    • Hypatia
    • Hypsiple
    • Iaira
    • Ianeira
    • Ianthe
    • Iokaste
    • Iola
    • Iolanthe
    • Iris
    • Isidora
    • Ismene
    • Kalanthe
    • Kalisto
    • Kallidora
    • Kallikleia
    • Kalliope
    • Kallipateira
    • Kallisto
    • Kallistrate
    • Kassandra
    • KetoKhloe
    • Kirke
    • Klotho
    • Klymene
    • Korinna
    • Korinne
    • Kreusa
    • Kyanea
    • Kybele
    • Kydoime
    • Kymone
    • Kyniska
    • Kynna
    • Kyra
    • Lalage
    • Laneira
    • Laodoke
    • Larissa
    • Leandra
    • Leda
    • Leto
    • Lexa
    • Lydia
    • Lyra
    • Lysandra
    • Lysistrate
    • Maia
    • Margeta
    • Marpasia
    • Marpe
    • Melania
    • Melanippe
    • Melita
    • Melousa
    • Minthe
    • Molpadia
    • Monia
    • Myrinne
    • Myrto
    • Narkissa
    • Nausikaa
    • Neema
    • Nephele
    • Nikaia
    • Nir
    • Nymphodora
    • Nyx
    • Obelia
    • Odessa
    • Okaleia
    • Okyale
    • Okypous
    • Olympia
    • Otonia
    • Pantariste
    • Peitho
    • Penthesila
    • Persephone
    • Peta
    • Petra
    • Phaidra
    • Phainna
    • Pherenike
    • Phila
    • Philomela
    • Philomena
    • Phoibe
    • Phratagoune
    • Phryne
    • Phyllis
    • Pisto
    • Pleiades
    • Polyhymnia
    • Praxilla
    • Prokne
    • Psyche
    • Rhene
    • Rina
    • Rino
    • Roxana
    • Sappheire
    • Sappho
    • Selene
    • Semele
    • Sinis
    • Sophia
    • Sophronia
    • Sotera
    • Styx
    • Taygete
    • Teispyte
    • Terpsichore
    • Tethys
    • Thalassa
    • Theodora
    • Theodosia
    • Theophania
    • Thraso
    • Thyia
    • Timo
    • Timosa
    • Tisiphone
    • Toxophile
    • Valaska
    • Xandra
    • Xanthe
    • Xenia
    • Zenobia
    • Zoe
    • Zoisme
    • Zona
    • Zopheras
    submitted by /u/annatheginguh
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    I can't have been the only person who played Assassin's Creed, realized that I didn't learn half of this stuff in history class, and research the real life people.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    Alright, so either I learned nothing in History class, or I didn't pay attention. Whatever the case was I found some of the lore behind all of these games interesting. I've learned the name of so many eras and wars because of this series. I was able to research these which I thought was cool. Not worthy of posting I'm sure, just interesting.

    submitted by /u/MountainGiantPanda
    [link] [comments]

    [SPOILERS] ALL armor sets from Wrath of the Druids

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    Here are all of the armor sets that we'll get with the DLC.

    The first 3 has 3 different appearances (3 upgradable tiers) and the last 4 has only 1 (appearance is fixed).

    Basim Outfit

    Weapons. I believe there are more weapons coming, 7 to be exact, we have their hashes however they're unnamed and also unequipabble in-game.

    All tattoos schemes + new hair and beard

    All boats

    Mounts and raven + new special mount (not helix!)

    Settlement Cosmetics

    submitted by /u/AugustoRudzinski
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    Jacob Frye in his detective attire

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:56 PM PDT

    Where would y'all like assassin's creed to go next?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    I personally would like assassin's creed set in Byzantine Empire or Roman Empire.I would like to see ac set in Byzantine-Bulgarian wars,meet Basil the Bulgar-slayer(no offense to my Bulgarian friends) or the war between Rus and Byzantines.Roman Empire would be perfect for an ac game because of all the drama between the politics,assasinations,wars, the civilization and much more stuff!

    submitted by /u/mirallas10
    [link] [comments]

    I would love an Assassin's Creed set during El Cid time period.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    I personally feel early Reconquista Spain is a very interesting time period and has a lot of flavor.

    The Spanish Kingdoms are divided in a war between brothers, additionally they haven't gone full inquisition yet meaning there's still Jews and Muslims living within the realm. Barcelona is powerful enough to be independent and develop its own culture. And of course the Muslim Realms are in constant conflict with one another as well as having to deal with the ambitions of King Alfonso.

    El Cid would be an interesting character. Where you probably play as one of his most loyal retainers as he tries to stabilize the region.

    Adding some AC lore here and there to show us the actions of El Cid are mostly to try and prevent King Alfonso on getting his hands on an Ancient Relic and then the Almoravids in Morroco get interested in the Relic as well.

    And while El Cid fights the war, he task you with dealing with the ones that are behind the plan.

    Would be pretty interesting and you would be moving through several locations.

    Like Toledo, Cordoba, Granada, Barcelona, Zaragoza and Valencia.

    I feel it would not only would feel like Assassin's Creed would return to its roots. Since we would be back with the Arabic Flavor. But the newer mechanics of newer games would work very well as well.

    Also i feel games like Crusader Kings III have helped people know a bit more about the period. Meaning people would know a little bit as well.

    submitted by /u/Infinity_Overload
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    Sequel to the 2016 Assassins creed movie

    Posted: 01 May 2021 08:36 PM PDT

    I think it would be dope if they did a sequel to the 2016 assassins creed movie with Michael fassbender.

    submitted by /u/WelliTriedYT
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    Male Eivor has a great voice

    Posted: 01 May 2021 11:01 PM PDT

    Just playing AC Valhalla for the first time (I rent most of the games I play so I often get to new releases late) and loving it so far, for the most part.

    I just wanted to say I was pleasantly surprised by the male Eivor voice. I played Odyssey as Kassandra mainly because Alexios' voice was overly gruff, like he was trying too hard. It really put me off.

    I started as female Eivor as I expected the same but it was nice to hear I was wrong when I switched to make Eivor.

    The soft, thoughtful delivery reminds me of Ragnar in Vikings (the TV show) and goes against the trope of the big, brash, loud Viking. Which suits Eivor perfectly as he's different from the others and spends half his time sneaking about.

    Just thoughts I'd put my thoughts out there and see if anyone agreed or feels differently 🙂

    submitted by /u/pyromanta
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    Which of them is the best Parkour system , in your opinion?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    A question about the "Assassin Rooms"

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    Has anyone ever found a logical explanation for these? I mean Animus aside, these are full lenth confessions on their deathbed which may or may not be in the middle of battle. It's bugged me for years and I can't figure it out.

    submitted by /u/DarkRikuXIII
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    Fighting Mechanics: An Option to switch between them for personal preference?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    I am definitely sure this is a very unpopular opinion but I loved the old fighting mechanics where you could counter and kill.

    Personally for me, I see the assassins as cold ruthless and extremely skilled fighters/killers. So to see them button mashing and recklessly swinging swords and axes kind of suck.

    I like the idea of gathering materials for better and cooler gear/armor, but I honestly just cannot get with the current fighting mechanic.

    However, I know that some people do like the current fighting mechanic because it brings some sort of fun to the game and makes it more "realistic" in a sense.

    I was wondering to see if any of you would agree to if there was an option in the game menu to switch between the fighting mechanic for personal mechanic preference and how you think this change could be approved?

    Ps. I am aware that this change happened a long time ago, but I didn't buy any assassins creed after Origins until now, Valhalla.

    submitted by /u/Ashwhatt11
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    [SPOILERS] Im having trouble finding a certain npc in Ravensthrope. Please help me figure out what i screwed up.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    So im missing Hunwald. Heres the context of my playthrough so far. I went and did all the other level 160 shires before going to suthexe as sorta randvi sugests. I picked Aelfric to be the new elderman. Hundwald asked if he and swanburrow could come stay in the settlement and i dont remeber if theres an option to deny him but i agreed to let him stay. At this point i stopped my typical rpg playstyle of getting everything done in a shire before i move on and switched to rushing the story once i did my last report and pledged to suthex. So by doing that i didnt really look around the settlement for their house. Fastforward through suthexe, sigurds saved, and i rush back home to finaly get some peace of mind. All well and good after the show i stumble across Hunwalds house and build that. Im pretty sure this is the first point ive seen Swanburrow at the settlement after i build it.... but no Hunwald. So i figure i just need to do another arc to trigger some time progression and heel make his way back from the castle in suthexe. I was wrong. After finishing vinland i had that 2nd "playing jarl" mission pop up so things did move forward, but Hunwald is still nowhere to be found. This bothered me so i tried finding something about this online, but didnt find anything accept a fat spoiler that said he dies. So in the grand scheme i gues its not guna matter if he gets back to the settlement but i feel like im missing out on a couple holesome little converstaions or something so thats why its bothering me. So with this whole mess laid out does anyone know what im missing here? Did i screw up? Am i just not far enough yet? Did the game bug out? Whats goin on here?

    submitted by /u/Shmagmyer
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    Treasure Hoard question AC Valhalla

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    So i have 2 times collected a secret treasure with out collecting the map yet... I'm kinda freaking out that this can maybe bug the maps when I find them. Can anyone confirm if this, don't make the maps bug out?

    submitted by /u/vSnowSky
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    AC Unity bad? Maybe this game isn't for me and i just completely suck, but i don't see how this game is supposed to be one of the best assassin's creed games. Sorry for my rant

    Posted: 01 May 2021 12:04 PM PDT


    Everyone seems to be praising this game but i don't get why, the parkour is supposed to be the best but i find it kind of clunky but it's not horrible. The fighting is also very clunky for me, the animations seem to sort of glitch, and the worst part about the combat is the pistols. i can't even concentrate on sword Fighting because there's people sniping me! Oh and you wanna try and run away? No sorry you can't, we can shoot you from 20 meters away with perfect accuracy. And the stealth is just... Bad. They have eagle eyes, they see you from 30 meters away. And sometimes they randomly detect me because..?? And the cover mechanic doesn't even work properly, i have to press a 3 times to make it work, and it's also very clunky. I know the game is from 2014 but they can do better than this. Sorry for my rant, i wish the game was less clunky because i do like the setting and stuff but yeah...

    submitted by /u/yari8
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    Eivor is more agressive somehow

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    I don't know what I did but when since I invaded Rochester castle, Eivor is more agressive. When I use it's strongest attack, he runs before attack. The weakest attack is not so weak or less agressive; actually, he keeps hitting his axe on the floor.

    Also, when I use the shield, Eivor stands it on the floor (before this, he used the shield "normally").

    What can I do to come back to what it was?

    submitted by /u/poc_branca
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    AC Rogue. Just can't beat Cold Fire Mission

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    I'm having real trouble beating this one. I just can't sink the 6 expedition ships. I have a hull upgrade and mortar storage upgrade. I don't believe I can get the elite hull yet. Can anyone recommend how to beat these ships. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Tomcanning747
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    (SPECULATION) they might announce the Ezio Collection for the Nintendo Switch in the next Ubi Forward

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:33 PM PDT

    I think a lot of Assassins Creed fans who own Nintendo Switches have been asking for this for a very long time. After all, the Kenway Saga is on Switch, so why not the Desmond one?
    But this next Ubi Forward COULD be them announcing it, and I have 3 reasons why. (also, this doesn't guarantee them coming to switch, this is just me speculating)

    -- Ubisoft and Nintendo have a very good relationship; after all, Nintendo handed Ubisoft the Super Mario IP for "Mario and Rabbids", and Nintendo usually doesn't do that.

    -- The AC3 Remaster, AC4 and AC Rogue came out around last year for the Switch, so expecting another AC game for the console isn't that much of a reach

    -- A lot of third party devs have gotten away with porting their 20-40 dollar games for 60 dollars on Switch (TW3, Skyrim), so it could give Ubisoft the perfect opportunity to port the collection for the 60 dollar price tag. After all, 60 dollars is pretty reasonable for 3 really good AC games in my opinion.

    Let me know your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/heseeshisvictory504
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    Why is stealth assassinating so hard in AC 1?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:01 AM PDT

    Nine times out of ten when I try to assassinate one of the targets it ends up in a sword fight. I have only managed to assassinate the doctor guy in Acre, am I bad or is it just really hard?

    submitted by /u/putshandonarmSHEEESH
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    Where is all the armor in valhalla? Two sets at more than half the game....

    Posted: 01 May 2021 01:56 AM PDT

    I have just started the Sciropescire area which looks like 70% of the game, and i search every single chest in all areas I visit.

    So far i am still wearing the default armor, and have also found the magister one. That's it.

    So when do you get other armor? There are 2 other trees, wolf and bear, and they give you no gear for them at all. What's the point if you finish the game before getting the armor?

    submitted by /u/GiannisD2
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    70 hours in and I finally completed Valhalla (I guess?) [Spoilers]

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:16 AM PDT

    Sigurd stayed in Norway, I entered the animus as Basim, Eivor gave a shitty little speech and that's it I guess? I have Breaking the order, Jotunheim and River Raids in my quest list, not sure I want to do them. Are there no end credits or what? Looking back I wish I just did the main story, took me near 5 months to beat and this game was boring compared to Odyssey which I believe is one of the best games ever made. Meh. Not too happy rn.

    submitted by /u/Spartacus1199
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    Location at 30,530 on Black Flag

    Posted: 01 May 2021 01:05 AM PDT

    While chest hunting I stumbled upon this location that's marked as area not available and was wondering what's there. I've already completed the game so I'm not sure what to do to unlock it.

    submitted by /u/Nonstopmax
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