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    Saturday, August 1, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I made a fan art of Bayek

    Assassin's Creed I made a fan art of Bayek

    I made a fan art of Bayek

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Evie Frye (AC Syndicate).

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    The announcement of Valhalla inspired me to make this 3D model of an Apple of Eden. I call it "The corrupted Apple". Modeling and rendering was done in Blender, the music was made with Cubase.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    A rough sketch based off the Unity poster. I know it’s not as good as the other art on here

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Dividing Assassins Creed games into Eras?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    Hey everyone. I had played Assassin's Creed from its launch, all the way through AC3 which I played at launch in 2012. I enjoyedallthe games their lore and stry, but AC3s very ending threw me off (and it seems a lot of people), and I lost interest in the franchise, and didn't play any AC3 DLC or any of the subsequent games.

    But, recently I purchased the Animus Collection on UPlay, since it was on sale and I had some spare points (ended up getting all games all DLC for $118, pretty good deal if you ask me).

    So this past month, I've been playing through the games again. I don't do all the content, like every single collectable or little sidequest, but I have been doing most of the sidecontent (like the Ezio trilogy's extra dungeons to get each game's special armor).

    It's been a lot of fun, after 9 years, working my way back through the older games I've played, and I'm set to start AC3.

    So, this topic I'm using to kind of just share my experience as someone coming back, and also ask some opinions.

    I've noticed it seems like the games came in eras. Like, from my observation, AC1, 2, BH, and Revelations would comprise of the first era of games.

    I haven't played passed 3, but 3 and Liberation are obviously related.

    And then there's Black Flag, Freedom Cry, and Rogue. So you might consider those three another era of games, although they do seem to share a lot of DNA with AC3, so maybe these 5 games could be considered the AC3 era of gameplay, in a way.

    Now once again, I haven't played these, but AC Unity and Syndicate seem fairly close in terms of design, making another era of AC games.

    And finally, it looks like Origins and Odyssey, and now Valhalla share a lot, making a "Mythology" era of games.

    So I ask the experienced users here (without spoiling any stories too much, basics are fine, more talking about gameplay though), how would you group the different AC games into their respective eras?

    And for me returning to the series, what order would you recommend I play them? It seems like release order actually is best, and playing Rogue before I jump into Unity.

    submitted by /u/-Patali-
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    I'm four hours into Unity. Why do all these French people sound so very English?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I mean, I realise that the Anglosphere is kind of in love with itself, but come on. You have this defining, historically momentous French period, in freaking PARIS, and they're all given English accents?

    Surely there are French actors who speak English? Surely? Can't fiction move on from the notion that everyone in the past had English accents?

    submitted by /u/Jerswar
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    Leave Her Johnny Leave Her - Viola Cover

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    Who are your favorite assassins? And why?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    For me the character in assassins creed is one of the most important things in the game. Give me valid reasons on who is your favorite Assassins.

    1. Connor, he is awesome and very realistic. Fights for the right thing despite him going through struggles. He was native so obviously a bit mean and not nice but his sense of justice and kindness In other ways are very nice. To me he had hardest life. Mother died when he was very young. He had to kill his father. His mentor died. He had to kill his friend. Despite this he still goes strong. I feel for Connor.

    2. Bayek. he is kind when kindness is needed. Mean when meanness is needed. Personally didn't like aya. Sure she wasn't as developed but seem liked she didn't care khemu died and cared more about Cleopatra. Annoyed me alot. Plus don't like naval in origins lol. Bayek was one of the reasons I liked origins

    3. Ezio/Altair. While I've never played trilogy/1 I know they is a icon. And I know he is a great character.

    4. Arno, I really liked him. Didn't like Elise though. She also annoyed me. Arno was pretty good character conflicting between Templar love and being an assassin. Rip his dad.

    5. Edward. I never played 4 but know he is quite good though not really an assassin, more of a pirate. Still a pretty good character.

    6. Jacob. He's funny a dude

    7. Evie. Serious women but stealthy. A women with a goal.

    8.ex assassin Shay. He makes his own luck. Plus the thing he said at the when he ended charles (Arno daddy) gave me chills.

    And obviously Kassandra ain't a Assassin so not in list

    submitted by /u/Voornaz
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    Some questions about Assassins creed Revelations I have.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    Hi I bought the Ezio trilogy on sale a while back. I planned on 100%ing all the games and I did 2 and brotherhood but not revelations. I haven't played Revelations in a while so my questions are the following.

    What is the best armor in Revelations or are they purely cosmetic? When I open inventory and go to outfits the armor that shows up is Altaïr's robes, Brutus's armor, and Turkish assassin armor.

    What are the best weapons in AC revelations? I haven't gotten that far and just completed the tower defense mini game thing you had to do.

    Any advice for achievements would be helpful. Ie whats the easier faction to use to complete "A Friend Indeed"

    These are my questions and any advice/Answers are appreciated!

    submitted by /u/cancer2009
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    Apparently if you want to follow cannon for assassins creed valhalla just always chose the charisma choices.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    Assassins Creed set in Ancient Canaan?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    I've been reading up on Ancient Canaan and the Canaanites. The problem is it wasn't a single entity or a country, but rather city-states. What would a setting in Ancient Canaan be like for an Assassins Creed game?

    submitted by /u/Jabe-Thomas
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla Censored in Japan?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Hi! I'd like to ask something. It's been short time I'm living in Japan and I want to make a preorder of Assassin's Creed Valhalla in a local shop here in Japan. I was reading that many games are being sensored here. Does anyone know if this game will be sensored as well? Or, if you don't, do you know if any previous Assassin's was sensored in japan? Thanks

    submitted by /u/darkel1981
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    News about "Ravensthorpe" settlement from Access the Animus on YouTube

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    My version of Arno in Windows 10 cat emoji style

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    Assassins Creed set in 30 years war?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    I've seen a few posts saying how an AC game set in the 30 years war would be good and I definitely agree. It was an era of a lot of change and whilst the war was a big thing there were also tons of religious reforms, weird politics, scientific revolutions, the peak of witch hunting in Europe and so much more. I just want to know, is there any current AC lore supporting this setting? Other setting like Mongolia for example already have a bit of lore so I was wondering if this had anything. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Filjuice
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    Is there a way to replay Arno's initiation in unity?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Picked up unity a few wks ago, it's my very first time playing an AC game! Right now I'm on sequence 5 & I know u can go back and re play sequences. I thought his initiation was in either 2 or 3 but it didn't let me replay his initiation when I tried replaying them. Like the story seems to completely skip it? Did I miss something? I really want to re play that part, I find it super cool, is it just not possible?

    submitted by /u/OdaNobubaga
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    I think an Assassin's Creed 3 Homestead mission might have glitched somehow but I'm not sure, can someone confirm/un-confirm it?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    I have reached the mission for the wedding between Myriam and Norris but I think the game glitched and I missed a big part of the narrative.
    When Myriam is found after being missing from the manor's room, she starts running away in the tree saying how she doesn't want to be a housewife. I chased her for a dozen seconds and then the game suddenly stopped and started a cutscene showing Myriam's head facing away, which stops after two seconds and then cuts to Connor and Myriam happily walking toward Norris in the church as if the scene right before never even happened.
    Is it how it's supposed to be or did the game break and skipped the entire mission?
    If so, what happens between chasing Myriam and entering the church?

    submitted by /u/CIockwork_OwI
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    ThoughtsNew to AC & half-way thru binging the whole series.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Hi AC community. o.O/

    tl;dr: some AC virgin is playing the series and rambling on about it.

    I'm currently midway through binging the entire (mostly) AC game series and I'm captivated. I mostly lurk reddit but felt compelled to share my thoughts about this franchise that's basically art imo. I hope you long time fans can vicariously re-live some of the fresh through my perspective and I wouldn't even mind some friendly banter about what games are top tier as a result of all of this. This will be long with lots of edits. I'm basically just dorking out.

    About me: I'm an artist/nerd who probably gets too heated when playing. yikes. I'm an old aRPG genre (path of exile,DiabloI/II) player and still new to the action game genre as a passion. XP includes old school Tenchu(!), God of War and I dabbled with Assassin Creed when it first came out but that's it. Lately its been everything from the Lord of the Rings series to Sekiro. Then I played Origins.

    I'm playing the games in a weird order but loosely following this advice of the 1st Quora post.

    My order of play w/ thoughts: (Am open to suggestions on how to proceed)

    • Origins
      • This game is so sick. I actually started with Odyssey as my first real play-through because I wasn't really interested in playing the old engine. I was under the assumption that the new engine would naturally be leagues better. Playing Odyssey left me bored/confused right at the start. I jumped to Origins based on other comments that it was top tier and they weren't wrong.
      • Origins is really good. I had never seen the death cut-scenes of previous games so Origins blew me away. It felt like the medium was being used to a fuller and more creative extent. I only played the base game, though I hear the DLCs are particularly good, but mobbing through Egypt (the White Desert is really like that, I've climbed on those sculptures irl) was so fun.
      • I have additional thoughts about Origins & the new gen after playing the AnvilNext games. Something was lost and something was gained. More on this later.
      • Eagle vision with the additional bird's eye view is god tier. Fight me.
    • Odyssey
      • I went back to this because I basically just wanted more of Origins. To my surprise, I think I just judged too harshly/quickly. This is also a really good game. The story is there. There is actually still nuance. In fact, its maybe a bit too nuanced.
      • This game really just relied so heavily on the open-world format that the story telling wasn't as dynamic. The story telling almost felt like I was playing a table top game listening to a DM. I had to really "zoom in" to care. Oh and to find out that Alexios wasn't supposed to be playable makes total sense. He shouldn't be.
      • That said, going back and playing thru as Kass and knowing kind of what to look for in an AC game brought this game to life for me. Still not as good as Origins.
      • Getting to become a demi-god and come back to the base game after wrecking heaven and hell dressed like a space ninja was quite satisfying. I was talking to the NPCs like "kid, the things I've seen..."
    • Black Flag
      • This is a badass game. This was the first game that had me so invested in the lead character. Something about the simplicity of the girl back home and getting to see him become was really elegantly done. Simple but not easy.
      • The controls are maddening at times. It really soured parts of the experience for me. Not having control of my character in fundamental moments is crazy making for me. Is prob not a big deal as I make it. XD
      • I actually like combat in this game and the ones that follow. Yes it's not what combat has become, but in its own way its a really fluid fun real time system. Pretty innovative for it's time.
    • Rogue
      • This game might be my favorite so far. The story baited me. I was bored at first and longing for BF and then stuff started to play out and hooked me. I loved being a templar and building my access into the empire. Even the lame little side game with the ships being sent out became super fun to me. I only completed the story and will probably go back and finish more of the side quests.
      • Ship play is what I wish Black Flag was. This game was such a step up. I loved it.
    • Unity
      • Peak movement. What happened to the parkour?! This is so cool!! I love that they took the risks with the movement and let you go up and down. This really really needs to be brought back. The separate button for stealth and cover sucks ass and so does not having a whistle but this is the first game I've wanted to just run around for no reason.
      • This brings me to another point. The older games feel like I'm in a movie. Approaches to areas feel more curated as they didn't have true open world back then. This makes buildings and areas feel larger around my character. I feel greater immersion in the assassin experience. The open worlds are so fun as well but I really hope these two dynamics are mixed more. Maybe the wide open minimizes the vertical spaces in a way that needs to be compensated for?
      • The graphics are so good. The new games are truly gorgeous but (Valhalla included) look too bright compared to this. The old graphics have harsh edges but everything else is so good looking. They really pushed the limit of that tech. I hope the new open world games get grittier and darker as they go forward. There should be some depressing places to contrast all that cheery sunset.
    • Syndicate (unplayed)
      • I'm really excited for this one as the improvements are tangible with each game from IV to Unity.
    • I
      • I've been saving the first games that make up the original major story for dessert if I'm being honest. Partly I'm worried that the game play will be too dated but it will be an interesting take to have all the context on my first play through I think.
    • II
    • Brotherhood
    • III

    I left out Liberation as it looks like the first installment of that world they were using at the time and after playing two games of it, I get it. If the story is really good or I need a fix I might try it out.

    This post is a work in progress and I'll add more/evolve my opinions as I play through. Thanks for nerding out with me. :)

    submitted by /u/tinypooptendrils
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    Potential titles for future game locations

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    So I made a list of potential non-eurocentric civilizations for Assassin's creed or spin-off games a while ago, and thought it would be fun to imagine the names of these games.

    My original list with pics (not exactly the same list as here): https://m.imgur.com/gallery/xjOAc0r

    Babylon - Assassin's Creed: Eden

    As one of the world's first civilizations, and highly important to Bible mythology, this location naturally makes as the one to really explore the Isu contact with humanity and the recent aftermath of the human Isu war.

    Bagan and Khmer Empire - Assassin's Creed: Nirvana

    As a gorgeous melting pot of philosophy, culture and religions, I think this setting would be a good opportunity to dive into deeply philosophical themes, especially that of finding common threads across religious traditions. Isu influence and power granted to humans through their contact could be contrasted against the many Buddhist traditions which in different ways emphasize the purely human (or even animal) origin of enlightenment, instead of divine intervention.

    Maya - Assassin's Creed: Eclipse

    Wasn't sure about the name for this one... Regardless, the Maya were extremely fluent astronomers and had made complex ritualistic use of calendars, which they are well known for. Since this would be in pre-contact America's, this would be a different look at Isu influence distinct from the Assassin and templar conflict of Eurasia. Yet since that co flict has universal themes, and since one of the apples of Eden was likely left in the America's anyway, we would explore the universality of secret societies and conflicting ideologies even in a unique and highly developed culture.

    Mali - Assassin's Creed: Abundance

    We've seen hints of Mansa Musa, wealthiest man in history and the 8th emporer, in AC Lore and an real painting of him holding a gold orb immediately suggests to me the theme of this one: abundance, peace, and inequality. This empire was in many ways humanistic and even progressive for its time, so maybe there's an element of subtle control on the part of Mansa Musa for his people. But at the same time, his riches point to the excess of the ruling class. I think this game could dive deep into the Templar Order and it's ideology. As well as touching on similar religious themes within Islam.

    Well I've gotten tired of this now, so I wonder if yall can help come up with names for games set in China, India, Iran/Persia? Maybe also Ethiopia, Peru, Japan, or Korea?

    To come up with these, I really tried to consider the thematic vision that I imagine for the game, then find a word that is both directly relevant to that theme and evocative. I'd love to hear your ideas!

    submitted by /u/Kantcobain
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    Assassin’s creed syndicate

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    I haven't played assassin's creed syndicate in a while and I just got back on it and I don't remember the controls. Especially how to sprint/run. Can someone help me out

    submitted by /u/Pollywollychoco
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