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    Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Just finished the game a few days ago, really like Bayek and the story. Here's another fan poster I made :D

    Assassin's Creed Just finished the game a few days ago, really like Bayek and the story. Here's another fan poster I made :D

    Just finished the game a few days ago, really like Bayek and the story. Here's another fan poster I made :D

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    Just finished syndicate and I loved it

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    I must say now that Syndicate is one of my favorites. I loved everything in it. Dont know why its so much hated. Going to play Origins next.

    submitted by /u/RafaelRoriz
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    People requested I do a Black Flag version. Sorry it’s not as good as the Origins one but I tried.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    I'm Looking for a Quote from Origins

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    There is a part in the game when Bayek is giving a prayer over a dead cat that I can't seem to find again. Something about the Field of Reeds being full of vermin...

    Does anyone recall the full prayer quote?

    I have two elderly cats who I will be saying goodbye to for the last time at the end of the week and I'd like to find this quote.

    submitted by /u/CarmillaTLV
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    Shay Cormac should be the villain in Unity

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    I love Assassin's Creed Unity, but the lack of a villain and a more energetic story is evident. And if the game's villain was Shay Cormac, he has a connection to Arno. Well, Shay kills Arno's father and Arno never goes after him and doesn't even try to solve the murder? Unity could show old Shay as a great Templar master and Arno hunting him while dealing with other issues that appear in Unity itself. It would be a perfect marriage between Rogue and Unity.📷

    submitted by /u/Cryless84
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    Did Haytham and Jenny Hate Edward?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    I was replaying Black Flag and Rogue, and I found some of the dialogue in those games interesting when it came to Haytham's children.

    At the end of Black Flag, Jenny forgives Edward for not being there when her mother passed away, however in the post-credits scene she gets angry when a patron refers to her as Jenny Kenway.

    Likewise, in Rogue, when you're tracking down Adewale, Haytham and him get into a conversation wherein he tells Haytham that Edward would be ashamed of him, only for Haytham to respond that he didn't know his father had a sense of shame.

    Both seemed to have been raised well prior to Edward's untimely death, so these conversations both struck me as interesting- did the Kenway kids ultimately hate their father?

    submitted by /u/RedtheGamer100
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    I'm back with another video for you guys! I decided to focus more on Valhalla this time using the incredible music of @SamuelKimMusic. Also trying some new transitions on my cheap software and laptop so let me know what you think! Enjoy

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    I'm getting tired of Ezio's Brotherhood robes, I wish they'd give us some of his other robes in future games

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    I know that this might seem trivial to most of you, since this is just a gripe with alternate costumes and not with anything main from any game, but I'd argue that alternate costumes are also very important for a game as it adds a bonus layer or customization, or even nostalgia for previous Assassins, and that they should be handled with very much care and detail (just look at all the alternate costumes in Spider-Man PS4 or all the Arkham Games).

    With that said, is anyone else tired of Ezio's Brotherhood robes? I get that Brotherhood Ezio is the true Ezio, Ezio in his prime when he's in control of his life and leads the Brotherhood and all that.... But personally, and this is just me, but I was never really fond of Ezio's Brotherhood Robes at all.. Maybe if they'd at least make them look like in all the promotional artwork and E3 Trailer with identical hidden blades braces and the metallic shoulder pad, but as it is with just one hidden blade and the brown pad, it's just not my taste.

    Why don't they give us some of his other robes instead? Vary it from game to game. Why don't they show any more love to Giovanni's Robes, to the Armor of Altair, the Drachen Armor or the Revelations Robes? Each one of those is, in my opinion, way more interesting looking than the Brotherhood Robes, and the Giovanni Robes are way more iconic.

    They should have varied it from game to game. So we got the Brotherhood robes in AC3. Okay. Now give us Giovanni's Robes in Black Flag. Give us the Armor of Altair in Unity. Give us the Drachen armor in Syndicate, the Revelations robes in Rogue. They gave us Arno's Fearless Outfit in AC3 Remastered instead of his real robes, so clearly the idea of giving us alternatives is not impossible. For instance, I seriously wish and hope that they will give us Ezio's Revelations Robes in Valhalla and not the Brotherhood robes again, because the Revelation Robes even seem more fitting for Eivor than the Brotherhood Robes.

    If they ever remaster Unity, Syndicate and all the PS4 era games when the PS5 finally comes out, I wish they'd consider this. I'd kill to play through Unity with the Giovanni Robes or with the Armor of Altair, or ride through the desert in Origins using the Revelations Robes and recreate Revelations' intro cinematic with when he's walking through the desert in search for Masyaf.

    Ubisoft, please. You designed all of these beautiful robes for Ezio for his games, now bring them all back from time to time, not just the Brotherhood Robes.

    submitted by /u/KuroiGetsuga55
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    [Odyssey ending spoilers] So did Kassandra/Alexios just?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    Stay in Atlantis throughout the 2500+ years or whatever? Just all alone? It seems like letting go of the staff means death. Did they just not let go? Also, Atlantis was under water in the modern day. So were they just stuck there?

    submitted by /u/Cheesewithmold
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    Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will use a different Hidden Blade. What blade do you prefer?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    How would you describe the concept of Assassin's Creed with the least amount of words and context?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    Ex: Creepy dudes stalk public figures in the past while dude from the future watches. Ex, for syndicate: Twins fuck up London from waluigi. Ex, for black flag: sea shanty album that comes with a free game.

    submitted by /u/lovemuffin04
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    [Spoilers] I thought Liberation was kind of a mess.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    I've been doing a series replay and just finished Liberation HD for the first time. I was excited to play an AC game I'd never played before, even if it was a Vita port, but I really didn't think it was a very good game.

    The good:

    I liked Aveline as a character. She was a good change of pace and had her own unique, albeit thin motivations.

    The guises system was really cool, in theory, though not used nearly to its potential in practice.

    It was fun to explore a new setting. New Orleans didn't feel like a cut and paste of one of the AC3 cities, and the Bayou was cool.

    The bad:

    The story was a disjointed, unfocused mess. They picked up and dropped plot threads often, to the point that the overarching story it told felt confused. Missions felt disconnected from each other and larger story, and I often found myself completely forgetting why I was doing what I was doing. The Isu stuff felt completely tacked on. The big twist at the end was obvious pretty early on.

    The pacing was terrible. The first half of the game dragged on forever, and then the ending was abrupt and unsatisfying.

    Despite presumably using AC3's parkour system for the remaster, parkour (to me at least) felt clunky.

    Outside of Aveline, none of the other characters were at all memorable. I literally beat it 10m ago and I can't remember half of their names.

    The CitizenE stuff was a cool idea in theory, since it's supposed to be an Abstergo game and this is how you learn the true story, but it fell kind of flat.

    I could probably go on, but just overall really disappointed. It feels like a game that had a lot of potential, but didn't live up to it. On the bright side, Black Flag is up next.

    submitted by /u/flownyc
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    Can someone tell me why Japan is the most wanted setting for an AC game?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I know very little about Japan and Japanese history,. and have always wondered why Japan is the most popular setting for an AC game amongst fans (or at least, one of the top three asked for settings). Why do you personally want a Japan AC game? Which period of Japanese history would make the best AC game and why? Interested in what everyone thinks

    submitted by /u/stressedalmostwriter
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    Cover Gear Playthrough Update #6: Finished Black Flag

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    In my quest to 100% every AC game using only the equipment on the cover, I have completed Black Flag. I used the default swords, pistols, and outfit. I didn't customize the Jackdaw.

    It was really fun to play the game in a manner where I wasn't constantly upgrading Edward and pumped all my resources into the Jackdaw. It was really funny though because The Jackdaw was fully upgraded and I had fully explored the map before I was even halfway through the story.

    I also played the Freedom Cry DLC using the default machete and blunderbuss.

    Next up is AC Rogue. I will use the default pistols as well as The Bastard Sword when it becomes available. The Templar robes will stay on from the moment they're he acquired to the end of the game.

    There is no main expansion for Rogue, but since I'm playing all DLC's, I'm also playing any missions or locations that can be bought as DLC. So I will be playing the Siege of Fort De Sable.

    I will see you next time when I finish Rogue and move onto Unity.

    submitted by /u/EightBiscuit01
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    AC Origins: Need clarification The Selucid's lore (Cyrene arena boss)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Hey everyone. I've just finished the Cyrene bosses and I'm a little confused about the lore on the Selucid.

    1) The announcer says he's from the once mighty Selucid empire, which in my opinion means he's an enslaved gladiator.

    2) However, in the menu, it says that the Selucid wants to prove himself in battle at all corners in the world. For me, that doesn't sound like a luxury, an enslaved gladiator will enjoy. Also the empire became a colony of Rome in 63 BC by Pompey, and a smooth transition took place. It can imply that the final remnant of the army was absorbed by Pompey's army, and the Selucid basically a wandering gladiator/mercenary?

    3)In the boss intro cutscene, he makes grunting noises. Is he mutilated? Like the Hammer, whose tongue got ripped out. I think, this is the crucial evidence. If he isn't mutilated, then he is a fighter of his own volition like Bayek or if his tongue/vocal chord is ripped out, he's an enslaved gladiator. , The Selucid is actually my favourite of the elite arena bosses. His fight is equal baiting and attacking, and while is firebombs are irritating, I dodged most of them by strafing just before they hit the ground.

    submitted by /u/DunBanner
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    I'm 100%ing all of the ACs but I'm stuck in Rogue because it's a PAIN to complete.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! First time posting in this sub.

    Well this quarantine I've been replaying all of the ACs because why the hell not? I started with Origins because it's the one that I was playing when all of this started, and I already was in the last part of the last expansion, so I just did a sweep of some chevos and missing locations. Sadly I had to skip AC1 because it's the only one that I don't own on digital and in I'm staying with my folks in the quarantine and here I play on an Xbox One without drive. Anyways I already had 100%ed AC1 years ago (
    And it was a pain too).

    So, The Ezio Trilogy? Really fun, and I already had 100%ed 2 and brotherhood in the 360, but did it again and Revelations too, which I appreciate much more now.

    When it released I didn't like AC3, I didn't like Connor and flew through the story without doing any side missions. Now I love that game, it has become one of my favourites, I can see now why Connor it's the way he is, and appreciate the little details, as in you get desynchronized if you kill an animal and don't take it's skin, I loved the story and all of the side missions, there lies the heart of this game, and it's a really big one. Since I played the remastered version, I finished AC Liberations too, I understand that it was a Vita game and it shows, but still, the story was great, I love Aveline, but the side missions and world it's a little uninspired, anyways, it was really short so I didn't had any problems with it and had a quick & fun 100%.

    AC4, I loved this game then, I loved it even more now, the Assassin's side missions are great, and now that I'm older I could appreciate the story and understand Edward a little bit more, I flew through this game too when it released, but now that I explored every nook & cranny, I loved all the sights, just sailing and listening to all of the sea shanties, (Don't remember the name, but my favourite it's the one of Sally Brown), it's just a great game.

    Now, this is where I am, I absolutely love Rogue, Shay it's a great character, love the gameplay changes and the confrontations with the Assassins, the world too, while the AC4 world was gorgeous, I'm a colder weather kinda guy so I love the environment of North America. But the game it's really short and it's TACKED with side activities, I don't know if there's more to do in Rogue than AC4 but it feels like there is. And there aren't any meaningful side missions, It's just Assassin's Interceptions, I'm on the last sequence but haven't advanced because I like to finish all of the side content first, so it's just mindless exploration without story breaks, I didn't suffer the same with AC4 because it was longer and could ration the game while I explored. I want to desist, I'm in like 60% now and it's been days, AC4 in 4 days was done, I've been playing Rogue for two weeks in small snippets because I get bored easily and still see no end on it, I will finish it because I'm fucking crazy, but it really will sour my opinion of the game. Just my two cents, if the game was short, the side content should have been short too.

    Sorry for the wall of text I just need to get it out! And please if I have some mistakes in my writing let me know, I'm not a native English speaker so it's good for improving.

    TLDR: I'm playing all the ACs to 100%, been having fun with all (specially 3 and 4) but currently stuck in Rogue and ranting about it.

    submitted by /u/Raccoon-7
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    AC IV in a Unity Combat and Engine?!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    Would it be awesome to play AC IV with the same engine and parkour style of Unity? And not just that, imagine the ship combat. What would it look like? And of course, the combat in Unity is amazing, what if we incorporate it in AC IV? 2 swords with that kind of combat? There should be new finishing animation to eh? Just Imagine.

    submitted by /u/DaveJared
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    I'm having trouble activating the romance cut scenes with Evie and Henry Green in Syndicate

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    I've collected 10 of those flowers you need and I think there's supposed to be a number of cutscenes between Evie and Henry, but I can't figure out how to activate the first one. someone said just walk to Evie's desk and it will start but I've walked back and forth on the train as her and nothing is happening. please help me.

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    Connor’s Hatchet is OP

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    I've been thinking back on the iconic weapons throughout the series and what my favorite was and in every regard, although I disliked the game at the time, I truly think Connor's hatchet is the best weapon in the series. The combos, the fluidity and the fun that weapon gave me basically gave me no reason to use anything else in combat. Anyone have any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/namor0995
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    Which setting do you think DOESN’T work for an AC video game, but CAN work in any other medium?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    One example for me would be a WW1/WW2 setting. I don't like the idea of having an AC video game in those settings, but I'll gladly watch a TV show or a movie in WW1/WW2

    submitted by /u/UrCasGamer
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