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    Wednesday, June 3, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Made this a few weeks back, forgot to post it :3

    Assassin's Creed Made this a few weeks back, forgot to post it :3

    Made this a few weeks back, forgot to post it :3

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    I am so happy that Valhalla will handle the Mythology more grounded like Origins

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    If they show us the beliefs of the vikings in their gods and how this influence them this would be perfect. They did this very great with Bayeks beliefs in the Egypt Gods this grounded experience is much more real and immersive then put these gods as npcs in the game or let us fighting fantasy beasts like Odyssey.

    Assassins creed strong point is to handle things like that historically accurate and I dont think that in viking age Thor run around and shoot some thunders. For things like this I could play God of War because it is about Fantasy. But for History I want Assassins Creed.

    submitted by /u/JKAC2013
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    What are your opinions on Desmond Miles?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    Gathered the feedback that you guys gave to the logo for the Japanese themed AC that I've posted and made a cover art ( used GOT Art :P )

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Assassin's Creed Syndicate not bad at all (quite good in fact)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    I know a lot of people consider syndicate a parody, but in my opinion it's quite good

    The protagonists feel fresh, and are a nice change from the same old angry guy stabbing everyone.

    The soundtrack is the best (strictly for me)

    The combat was also fresh and i quite liked the brutal animations and multikills

    London was very alive and beautiful. one of the best setting for sure

    The side content is one of the best in the series (especially the ghost club)

    The whole ww1 part was brilliant and well made

    Added lots of new innovative stuff like grappling hook, carriage driving, gang wars and more

    The AI and stealth were vastly improved over unity

    The parkour felt more fluid and accurate, where in unity you will get stuck very often

    Memorable side characters like greens, Graham bell, Charles Dickens and that disguise guy

    Overall the game is a lot better than it seems, and if you are undecided on buying it, i wholeheartedly recommend it

    submitted by /u/KvasirTheOld
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    Whats your favortite Bayeks outfit and weapon ?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    I personaly prefer his basic outfit because fits him and its in all promotional content and my favorite weapon are the sickle swords.

    submitted by /u/RafaelRoriz
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    The medieval parts in Unity

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    Just replayed and finished Unity and wow. It honestly feel like a different game to me. Both the opening and the Helix Rift part just feel different from the rest of the game. Would LOVE to play a newer AC in the medieval era.

    Gives me the AC1 vibes.

    submitted by /u/cheezee889
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    My new favorite thing to do in Odyssey: jump off my boat before initiating combat, climb on someone else's and kill everyone onboard

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    I was getting fed up having my ass kicked by the final Gods of the Aegean cultist and having to sail allll the way back to him from Lakonia every time I died. I was getting frustrated and desperately thinking of ideas as I pulled up once more to the fight, when I remembered how I never upgraded my ship in Black Flag and only beat the game 'cause I spent a while swimming up to that island where you have to fight two man o' wars and just paddled my ass to the beach without them ever seeing ol' Eddy. I just leapt off the boat, swam up to the cultist's ship, climbed up and killed everyone then swam back to my ship and left his just floating empty with all the unsuspecting pirate ships.

    I then started new game +, and most ship battles have been handled this way. I love the ship combat in this game, it's great, but this is so utterly stupid and hilariously game-breaking, not to mention the cool factor of all these deserted ghost ships floating around the Aegean in my wake, that I can't help myself. Try it! If you hate ship combat you have an amusing way out. If you like ship combat but suck at it, you have a way to even the odds. If you like it and are good at it, try it anyway, you might as well.

    submitted by /u/KhazemiDuIkana
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    AC game idea: Gustavus Adolphus, Ferdinand II and the Thirty Years’ War

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:20 AM PDT

    Now that we know that Eivor & co. are from present-day Norway, I am holding out hope for a game set here in Sweden much later in history, maybe in the early 17th century. Gustav II Adolf (or Gustavus Adolphus as native speakers of English probably know him) was the king of the Swedish Empire between 1611 and 1632, and he is often considered one of the greatest military commanders in history, along with e.g. Alexander, Caesar and Napoleon.

    I am no historian but since this is important for Swedish history we learn at school that there was a great deal of religious turmoil around this time. Swedish forces temporarily turned the tide in the Thirty Years' War, which began as a Catholic-Protestant conflict on the continent and escalated to involve most of the great European powers. The game could feature Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II who wanted religious control, the Protestant Union and various diplomatic ties between e.g. the Protestants and Catholic France (who actually helped fund Sweden's intervention).

    I think this could make for a cool plot, particularly if they made it not-so-black-and-white ("Protestants Good, Catholics Bad") but more nuanced, which seems to be what we will get with the characters in Valhalla. It is particularly dramatic that Gustavus' daughter Christina later abdicated as Queen of Sweden, moved to Rome and became Catholic and is now buried in St Peter's Church.

    A game about the Thirty Years' War would take place around 100 years after Ezio's death and 60-70 years before Edward's birth, so it's a gap that they could fill with something very interesting.

    submitted by /u/ToffeeKing
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    Why King Alfred is the perfect templar and AC V will bring back the Assassins vs Templar plot

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    So I've been doing research on dark age europe and the vikings in preparation for Valhalla and I read up on Alfred and why exactly he is the antagonist. One thing that caught my attention was that he wanted to make all of England united under one kingdom and make "peace" with the Danes. This is textbook Templar schemes.

    Throughout the franchise, the Templars always talk about how the world should be held in order. That someone should guide the common people. We've seen this with Ahmet in Revelations and the American Templars in AC3 for example.

    One complaint I've seen about King Alfred being the antagonist is that they don't want to see him as a moustache twirling villain. I completely agree so I have faith that Darby will make Alfred a complex antagonist that makes you question if you are on that right side. This exact thing has already been done in the franchise too where the targets you assassinate tell you why you made a mistake killing them and how they would help the world from their point of view.

    That's why I think we are going back to a conflict of views and perspective between the Assassin's and Templars in AC Valhalla and with Darby working the narrative, I'm confident he's going to get it right.

    submitted by /u/HamirTheGOAT
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    Out of 5 of the assassin's creed games, which is the best to stream?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    I stream on twitch (but I won't plug my channel because I don't care about online attention) and I have assassin's creed black flag, unity, syndicate, origins and odyssey and I want to know which one I should stream first

    submitted by /u/noble-first
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    Layla's Animus is not supposed to function that efficiently

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    Let me recount Subject Zero, aka Aileen Bock, who ran the Surrogate Initiative that worked in a way that was meant to view and sequence the memories of non-ancestors and how it was risky, unstable and harmful to the subject's health.

    That is because with the case of genetic memory, there's already a template within the viewing subject that the Animus helps render but even this is not without risks as seen with overexposure that drove Subject 16 mad, or the Bleeding Effect and how Desmond had to finish sequencing his ancestors memory lest they overlap his own memories and persona. This is something that Aileen's Initiative faced problems with as the ancestral memories overloaded the machine and the person's head and could only be sustained for 2 minutes. Even those 2 minutes were risky as seen from the torture that the ancestor faced which caused Bock to become a vegetable.

    Now fast forward to Layla, we suddenly have an Animus that is capable of sequencing non-ancestral memories without any kind of issue (not even talking about accuracy wise), I know technology has improved from 1970s to 2017 but the Animus still holds the same risks as it did in 2012. Her Animus apparently "can not just view/experience but also alter the node" because "it's different" (no no, fuck the how and the why, there's no need of that according to Ubisoft). Seems like a cheap bit of writing to try and justify the nonsense the pulled in Odyssey, no?

    And before someone comments the AC4 - AC Syndicate MD, they were viewing already processed/recorded memories and not processing it themselves.

    submitted by /u/_MeltedCheese_
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    I think an AC game based in Mexico during their fight for independence against Spain would be neat

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    I remember from AC 4 there being a document somewhere that mentioned some interesting stories from Desmond's past and one of them had to do with some midwest America cowboy stuff and I thought that'd make a neat game. As I played more of the AC series I thought on this idea more and I just had this idea. I know absolutely nothing about mexico's fight for independence and according to a quick google search it lasted about ten years so it'd be a great event to explore. I know it isn't the American midwest or a cowboy experience but i think that it would fit the AC theme well while still offering a difference from the other games. It would also mean we'd have an experience with guns in the new combat system and maybe a different reason for armors since you wouldn't really lug around metal plating at this point in time. Maybe they'd afford different camouflaging opportunities like crowd-blending or being able to hide in the open if there's a certain type of ground while sneaking or maybe stat-buffs like in Syndicate.

    I just figured I'd share my ideas since i have nothing better to do, I'd also like to hear other peoples' ideas because that's fun so comment any if you feel like it. Also tell me if i'm using the wrong flair i'm not really sure.

    submitted by /u/TehFartCloud
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    How does Haytham know that Connor is his son?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    All we see in ac3 is haytham tacking Connor in the church and calling him his son, joe dos he find out? Is it in the forsaken novel? It's one of the few I never read

    submitted by /u/imcalledharrison
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    What makes Assassin's Creed so good for you?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Hi Guys!

    I'm currently doing research about ''die-hard'' fans from several franchises for my Graduation Project. One of the franchises i and many others are loving is Assassin's Creed.

    Now i'm really curious about one simple question: What makes Assassin's Creed so good for you?

    Is it the way the gameplay works? The Historical setting or something else?

    I hope some of you can help me by answering this question, i'm really curious about your answers!

    submitted by /u/Matsss
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    My thoughts on the Jack the Ripper dlc

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Final followup to my thoughts on Syndicate


    I love this dlc! It adds new missions, new tools and game mechanics that adds new ways to play. I loved playing Jack though being limited to only two full missions and the tutorial at the beginning feels very lacking. I was hoping I could switch to him once the main plot was done but sadly I was wrong. Really wish we could have played Jack as he went after his victims. I did like the instanced assassination mission zones and wished it was like that for other games. The fear bombs and spikes are wonderful additions to the assassins arsenal especially since all Evie has are knuckles which is fine but I feel like they could have just used the rings as weapons and they wouldn't have had to change the animations much.

    Abberline's character and how he's growing more and more wary of the assassins would have been nice to have a better resolution than him covering their asses at the end but still at least he wasn't all happy and smiles about working with killers.

    The final boss fight was enjoyable and a bit tricky, like a heavily watered down version of the fight with Mr. Feeeze in Arkham City. One thing I love is that Jack is always shown with a bag on his head and I kept wondering how does this guy get away if he never take sit off? Then Evie says something that makes the bag make sense.

    "Oh, Jack... You were an Assassin, yes, but we are not the same. And that is why your memory must be erased for all time. Rest in peace now, Jack, you and your twisted acolytes."

    Evie somehow erased Jack's face from her memories making Abstergo or the Helix or whatever have to cover his face constantly. Granted I could be talking out of my ass but still.

    Now I'm gonna take a break from AC then get started on Origins. May the Father of Understanding guide you all.

    submitted by /u/LordDeraj
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    Best way to make money in Assassins Creed 3?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    AC 3 was always weird in terms of the economy, since you don't buy stores and renovate for an incremental income like the Ezio games. I'm struggling to make money to buy anything, what are the best ways on making money in this game? Is it possible or do you just need to grind chests?

    submitted by /u/mw3noobbuster
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    Oddessy most likely would have been better if Alexios wasn't playable

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    TL;DR They should have taken the time and effort put into making Alexios playable and put it into giving Kassandra a Personality.

    People often counter the complaint of mutliple genders by just calling the other sexist, so let me rephrase it: If Kassandra was meant to be canon, then she should have been the only playable character. By making both playable they had to write dialogue to and from Alexios/Kassandra to be neutral, which means it can't be too characterizing otherwise it wouldn't work with other, and characterizing them both the same defeats the purpose of having multiple characters. This also applies to story, as every single quest and dialogue had to be written to fit both Kassandra and Alexious.

    submitted by /u/Twoklawll
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    Does AC3 or AC4 have Online Free roam modes on PS3?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    Do any of these games have an online free roam where we can play and fight with random players.

    submitted by /u/Eyas2006
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    Hidden Ones: Why is the Shadow of the North so unbearable? Is this a common problem?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: I use a cursed weapon, so I have a third of my health, but I really shouldn't have to change that for one broken enemy if I'm fighting properly. I'm same level on hard difficulty. I keep trying to kill this guy and my god is he fucking broken. I haven't had trouble with a single boss fight, phylake or gladiator fight in the past, and this guy is somehow faster than me and bypasses my dodges in every way, one shotting me every time. What gives Ubisoft? I tried sinking literally my entire arrow ammo into him, got like an eighth of his health bar and he killed me with two arrows. Every time I flank too, I can SEE his character glitch out and teleport to hit me, so I tried to smoke bomb spam and that didn't work either because he's somehow lightning speed. I guess I'm switching to easy for once, I'm pretty sick of this. Not gonna lie, I'm gonna guess this is rare but The Hidden Ones has been a shit experience for me so far, I'm overlevelled most of the time but mechanics have somehow acted so much worse in every quest I've played, I haven't enjoyed a single quest so far because somehow my game mechanics shat themselves for this DLC. I know it's probably not a general game issue, but the amount of glitches and mechanic slips I've had since coming to Sinai are unbelievable.

    submitted by /u/PuppyPenetrator
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    [SPOILER] What the hell is up with the Modern Day ending of Origins

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    Am I missing something or is the ending just Layla treating William Miles like shit in the tomb. Because if this is the end I'm going to be pretty pissed.

    submitted by /u/EastArmada
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    Why is Arno so quiet?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Seriously unless you're in a story mission he doesn't say a word. In combat: mute. Running and knock into someone: mute. Playing through any of the bajillion side missions: completely mute.

    I'm genuinely interested why they chose to do this? Were they in a rush to get the game out so only recorded priority lines or do you think it was done on purpose?

    submitted by /u/ConvictedWaffles
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    (Spoilers) about Bayek's hidden blade..

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    Why didn't Taharqa take it away when he buried him in the sand? This just doesn't make any sense to me, also the mission at the bathhouse, how didn't they notice that he had a blade on his wrist? I don't really have much else to say, just this question.

    submitted by /u/realqwertycomics
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    Who's your least favourite Assassin?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Mines got to be Jacob Frye. He's just too cocky and tries to hard to be funny that I can't really connect with him as much as any of the other assassins like Edward, Ezio etc. He's also quite forgettable in my opinion. But I'd like to hear what your least favourites are

    submitted by /u/Will-Milson
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