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    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    Assassin's Creed "The Standoff" - A mock-up made for an AC set in the Viking Age.

    Assassin's Creed "The Standoff" - A mock-up made for an AC set in the Viking Age.

    "The Standoff" - A mock-up made for an AC set in the Viking Age.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    I think I've come to the realization that Assassin's Creed is my favorite game franchise

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    I didn't used to be that way. Used to be that honor went to The Elder Scrolls which I have been infatuated with ever since playing Daggerfall way back in 1999. I awaited each installment of the epic adventures in Tamriel with bated breath since then. Morrowind was eagerly anticipated. My excitement peaked with Oblivion. Still ran quite high with Skyrim. But after this something happened.

    Roughly one year and 8 months after the release of Oblivion, Assassin's Creed came out. I thought it was a good game. I played it. I enjoyed it. I wouldn't put it on a list of my favorite games ever, but it was interesting, fresh, and fun. I especially liked the mix of sci-fi and historical fantasy.

    Between Oblivion and Skyrim, from 2006 to 2011, Ubisoft released four complete Assassin's Creed games, three of which were part of the Ezio trilogy, and an additional three spin offs for portable systems. This rapid release schedule is something Ubisoft has gotten flak for in the past, and typically Elder Scrolls games are massive experiences that can consume hundreds of hours while Assassin's Creed games merely take tens of hours. While I very much enjoyed the ACII trilogy, Oblivion and Skyrim were "bigger" experiences that still held the top spot in my heart.

    Skyrim came out in November 2011, almost nine years ago today. No sign of another one save for the promise that it's in development to be released some day, and since then Bethesda has made a number of missteps that has weakened their reputation. In those 8+ years we have seen FIFTEEN Assassin's Creed games get released, a mixture of large mainline titles, spin offs, and smaller portable experiences. My hunger for large, open world RPGs have my eyes looking elsewhere since I'm not getting them from Bethesda, and most recently has caused me to purchase Assassin's Creed Odyssey at full price on a whim. HO-LY SHIT.

    My attention had wandered away from Assassin's Creed shortly after IV, which was probably the best pirate game ever made. I noticed Unity was a bit of a stumbling block for them, and I completely missed Origin. I did not expect Odyssey to be as massive and as epic as it turned out to be! I've had a giant Skyrim sized hole in my heart for years now, and it seems the series that's largely been a foot note in the list of games I enjoy has filled it nicely. What's more is Origin, which I missed out on completely, is apparently just as massive and free and RPG like as Odyssey is!

    In spite of the flak that Ubisoft has gotten for it's repetitive open world formula and aggressive release schedule, they've been improving it, iterating upon it, and experimenting, all while telling a rather deep and complex story about the ongoing battle between Assassins and Templars, an ancient and godlike race, a sci-fi technology that allows people to experience history through DNA, and an epic, anachonistic yet accurate-where-it-counts historical adventure where the bulk of the game takes place. Odyssey is the pinnacle of that constant improvement.

    If this is the kind of experience we can expect from Ubisoft going forward with this franchise, well, Elder Scrolls? What's that?

    submitted by /u/ApatheticCreative
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    [SPOILERS] A Thought on AC Mission Design

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    While working on the first Halo game, the developers at Bungie had the idea that "if you have 30 seconds of fun, you can extend that into a full game". To do this they began with a simple (yet elegant) design, a golden triangle of combat centered around shooting, melee, and grenades that were possible at all times while moving, which the competitive community used to create smart strategies like bunny hopping and crouch jumping which would become staples in the competitive arena. Every campaign mission, while often having a few neat tricks you can do, focused on a new sandbox element (For the purposes of this post, sandbox will always be relating to player arsenal and tools). One mission has a tank, another has a sniper rifle, while another has you driving around a large open area rescuing marines. Every mission still enabled the player to utilize that golden triangle of combat while utilizing new elements in unique areas so every mission stood out and felt fresh. This is good game design.

    Assassin's Creed often followed a very similar principle, and did so pretty well. Every sequence on top of unlocking new weapons and armor, would also bring something like a new city or a new upgrade. Look at Ac2 when you arrive in Venice. The first sequence in Venice gives a new climbing ability to leap up making it easier to climb buildings, which you then use to assassinate the Templar. The next Sequence has you trying to stop the assassination of the doge by killing the Templar who's set to kill him. But your climb leap won't let you over the rooftop fence. So now you get another new gameplay element to use Leonardo's flying machine in a fun segment to reach your target. Killing him marks you as notorious but you also get a gun, and now because it's Carnivale the entire sequence you're also anonymous while doing minigames to get a mask to let you into a private party where you'll use the new gun to kill the new Doge. The next sequence has you free Bartolomeo and working with mercenaries so you're constantly with a faction, eventually leading to an all out battle in the district. The final Venice sequence has you tailing a guard to kill him and then disguising yourself as him so you can get close to your real target. Every sequence I just listed, while using the core pillars of social stealth, free-running, and combat also utilized everything in new and unique ways and built on those core pillars for brief new sandbox elements and narrative moments.

    Combining unique sandbox elements with narrative moments are called Set Pieces, and are used to create new variations of that core 30 seconds of fun. The amazing set pieces AC has offered have been some of the most unique and fun in gaming. Think about the Siege of Arsuf, fist-fighting a pope in the Sistine Chapel, Siege of Monteriggioni, breaking of the Golden Horn's Chain, the tombs, the Battle of Bunker Hill, destroying a blockade with a fire ship, the earthquake in Lisbon, Arno tripping out when joining the assassins, Queen Victoria's Ball, or the Battle of the Nile.

    Even outside of the bigger set piece missions, AC missions offered unique objectives other than just "Go to X and kill Y" and used gameplay you couldn't usually do outside of missions. Maybe right now you need to eavesdrop, or tail someone. Maybe then chase a fleeing suspect, or start a series of fires throughout the city. While tailing someone definitely was a bit boring (especially when it was as overdone as AC3 and 4), it can be used as an interesting alternative to just telling the player to go to location X.

    Odyssey though, refuses to use any actual set pieces or unique gameplay elements. All story moments happen using the same gameplay that you can use anywhere in the open world. The Battle of Amphipolis where Kleon dies? Just another conquest battle with a dialogue option/ choice at the end. Killing a major cultist? Nah, just another leader who can be killed at any point. Going to fulfill your contract and kill your father? Just a regular conversation/ dialogue option tree as happens any time you engage with an NPC. You need to join the Olympics and do some interesting feats? Just a regular combat scenario; same when you fight a mythical monster like Medusa or Cyclops.

    While Origins did have set pieces, they were considerably weaker than most of the older games, only really changing the context in which you use the core gameplay. Perhaps now instead of clearing a fort as Bayek you were Aya, or you go to Rome as Aya, or have to fight several enemies during the battle of the Nile. Or you use the hidden blade for the first time against the Hippo. These are interesting, but don't really use new sandbox elements or have variations to the sandbox elements already established. The point where Bayek and Caesar are chased by an elephant through Alexandria, however, is a very good set piece, as it's interesting gameplay wise, provides a new variant of established gameplay, and has a decent narrative reasoning and purpose. Set pieces like this, combined with unique mission types like parkour tombs and war machines should absolutely return to the franchise in Kingdom/Ragnarok/Valhalla. Unique gameplay opportunities help keep the game fresh, and when playing for 100 hours like Origins and Odyssey were, mission variation outside of standard PoI can help keep the game from feeling repetitive as you play through it.

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    Given the "2012 end of the world" storyline in the Desmond story AC3 should've been centered around Mayan culture or Black Flag instead of Colonial America.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    I mean the 2012 end of the world prediction is centered around Mayan culture and calendar. So it would have made more sense to have AC3 set in Mexico where there are various temples related to this sort of thing rather than the 13 colonies which is no where near Mayan civilization and a story that has almost nothing to do with the 2012 doomsday disaster.

    Hell even substituting 3 for Black Flag would have made more sense since Edward is a pirate in the Caribbean and has visited actual Mayan temples.

    What do you think about this? Am I wrong to feel this way?

    submitted by /u/Gtaonline2122
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    Just started Syndicate and already enjoy it a ton!!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    I just got around to starting Syndicate cause with the quarantine I finally have more time. I'm a few hours in and have only liberated Whitechapel and part of Lambeth but I already love this game! So far my biggest pro of the game is the grapple gun which makes roof travel so much easier and my biggest con is the carriage driving which I feel like doesn't work well in such crowded and tight spaces. Any tips without spoilers I should know?

    submitted by /u/Wildcat_twister12
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    I haven't even started story for Origins yet and instead started the tour.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    I think it's really cool to have some education stuff as part of the game too. Also it's awesome to go around the map and look at stuff.

    submitted by /u/aznkriss133
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    How great a Bayek sequel would have been

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    I just finished AC Origins including the DLCs and like many others, I think Bayek is a great character and perfect for a sequel. It's been talked about a lot but I just ned to say this again. When the story came to the point, where your only target is Septimius I thought to myself "A Bayek sequel in Rome where you kill Caesar would be perfect"...but then you do this as Amunet 10 minutes later.

    Great Antagonist
    I'm not saying, that I didn't like it, just because you had to do it as Aya, no. It just felt so incredibly rushed. It could have been such a great setup for a new game set in Rome with a greater antagonist than AC II and Brotherhood, HELL I MEAN IT'S FREAKING JULIUS CAESAR.

    It wouldn't even have had to be a Bayek sequel, it could've also be a story about Amunet (if Ubisoft had the balls to use a female character for a main title). Maybe even with both, with a more balanced appearance in the game (like Jacob and Evie)?

    Fascinating setting
    It could've even included Marcus Antonius and Octavianus and the aftermath of Caesar's death (when Brutus and Cassius were just mentioned in a brief sentence in The Hidden Ones it made me so sad) or even the suicide/assassination of Cleopatra (or make a third title out of it?). This period of time is arguably one of the most exciting ever.
    And I know that we've already been to Rome but there would be more than 1500 years in between, which would make it feel a lot different.

    This opportunity is sadly wasted (maybe not completely but it would be a strange move by Ubisoft if they returned to a previous character after there have been two other games). This could have been even better than Ezio's trilogy.

    Instead we got an RPG about superheroes in ancient Greece.

    What do you think the series will evolve to from here?

    submitted by /u/nice_and_smooth
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    What are your favorite little details in AC games?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    Basically, what are those tiny little details that have added a lot to the game world without radically changing the game, that show a lot of care and thought? I'll start with a few:

    In Origins, Bayek understands Demotic and Greek, as well as Old Kingdom script. Thus, when you hear speech in Memphis or Alexandria, it's in English, showing that Bayek understands it; however, the Romans speak Latin, which Bayek doesn't know, and all their miscellaneous dialogue is in Latin.

    In Unity, in areas around the Tullieries, you can see a street with people fighting, then in the adjacent courtyard there will be wealthy people enjoying tea or dancing, ignoring the chaos outside despite the audible gunshots as ambient sound.

    The last detail I'll share is from Brotherhood, with the two competing jugglers at the entrance to the Vatican, with one clearly much better than the other.

    submitted by /u/Desseabar
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    Arno deserves a sequel more than anyone

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    If unity wasnt so buggy and poorly received I think we'd already see an Anro trilogy at least.

    Hes in the perfect time period for some major events because not 5 years after the french revolution the napoleonic wars start and iirc napoleon was known wielder of the apple of eden. Arno was ripe for a sequel but got shafted so hard.

    They could even have a 3rd game not tied down by any historical accuracy and have Arno (maybe Connor too) hunt down Shay and we could get a clean wrap up for all 3 of those characters at once.

    submitted by /u/King_Of_Rats00
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    Were Desmond and Marcus (Watch Dogs 2) alive at the same time?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    So it's basically confirmed that Assassin's creed and Watch Dogs share the same universe so does that mean that Desmond and Marcus were alive during the same time? When Desmond was around it was 2012 and in WD2 its 2016. Desmond died when he was 25 in 2012 so Marcus would've been about 20 at the time. Although I'm not sure if he would've been a hacker at the time.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/ActionCookiez
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    Did you always liked uncle Mario or did you hated him ?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    He can be a charismatic and chill dude and sometimes he can be, well idk harsh. ? But did you like his character ?

    submitted by /u/AdamCumBaby
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    How to re-enter the Auditore Family Tomb?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    I just unlocked the Auditore family tomb in ACII and I didn't get the treasure on my first run through because I couldn't figure out how to get to it. I am trying to go back to get it now but I cannot enter. Does anyone know how to get back in?

    submitted by /u/MonkeyMon324
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    Lucy doesn’t feel like a traitor to me

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    I know she is, but I just want to talk about what I'm feeling every time i play the first 4/5 ac games. I'm playing the ezio trilogy once again, and I'm trying to focus on Lucy. Damn she just doesn't seem a traitor, I feel like she was written to be an ally and then the plot was changed while developing AC: Brotherhood. Something just doesn't make sense. Or maybe she was just the best actress ever. I mean, all the jokes with desmond, tha conversation wuth des but also shawn and rebecca... they feel too real. Don't know, even when I play the games knowing that she would betray the assassins I just don't think "oh, she's a traitor"

    submitted by /u/calosgher
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    AC Revelations and the hook blade

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    So Ive been replaying the Ezio trilogy and just recently got to experience the hook blade again. Is it just me or was it pointless to bring in an amazing addition to the fight, the hook and roll, and then remove it completely from future games? Like imho that made fighting so much more fun because it wasnt your standard stand and fight.

    submitted by /u/Shredder_FTW
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    do you actually see a reboot happening

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    a reboot of the series, some people want a reboot without the first civ and modern day stuff

    taking that away would ruin the series

    submitted by /u/thunderking500
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    Spoilers for AC Odyssey - What was the narrative purpose behind the father of the Misthios?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Why did Pythagoras need to be the father? Why did the misthios need a different father? Couldn't they just say the Leonidas line has high Isu DNA? It undercuts the story and this was the point in the story that I just stopped caring at all.

    submitted by /u/Ratonhnhaketon_K_
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    Liberation HD - Kill Governor - Too Many Guards Spawn, help?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    So I am stuck on this mission (somehow, I did it on Vita, likely though because Vita was more optimized). Four guards spawn, then four more right after, plus a captain. Even with countering, each hit takes 1/4 of health. So if you're hit four times, you're dead. There is no healing item, that I remember. Plus, the guards take about 3-4 hits each to down. Am I doing something wrong here? I don't remember getting stuck in the Vita version like this, or even enemies being this relentless...

    submitted by /u/brokentechnologyx
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    Unity has the best open world

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    I've been going back and playing Unity again recently, and damn, the world is absolutely gorgeous. Everything from the architecture to the NPCs is amazing.

    If only the game didn't have the worst pop-in of the series, at least on Xbox One. Also, did anyone else find it odd that the NPCs in the open world all speak French while the main characters all talk like they're from Coventry? It's such a shame because it draws me right out of the experience.

    Still though, the world is beautiful.

    submitted by /u/No1PartyBoi
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    Another hint the next AC will be announced soon

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    I'm sure most of us expect to hear something on the next AC fairly soon, but here's another tidbit from Shinobi602 on Twitter yesterday:



    Any guesses as to the date? May 5th seems to be a date that's going around.

    submitted by /u/Kolwyr
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    Anyone know when Ubisoft will restock on their hidden blades?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    I mean on their website. They're always out of stock and I have a discount code waiting to be used!

    submitted by /u/MoveZneedle
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    What's the name of the chilling soundtrack that plays when you get the masyaf key from galata tower?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    I tried looking for it but i didn't find it if you know it's name then please tell me.

    submitted by /u/waiting_for_content
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    Ac Syndicate is way better than Ac Odyseey

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    Besides Jacobs absolutely terrible jokes and the severe lack of comedy in Syndicate, I personally don't think that the game is all that bad. Although buggy at times, it is much better than the "choose your own adventure" shit that was odyssey. Odyssey was my second Ac game i ever played (the first being origins), and lately I have been going back to the older games so that I can have the full experience. I picked up Syndicate and although it is not on par with Origins (which is easily one of my favorite games of all time, I've played the story three times) I was blown away by how much better Syndicate was than Odyssey. This is just my opinion, so please don't go off on me.

    submitted by /u/DontEatTheMicrowave
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    The Assassins keep losing because they operate in secrecy, but that only helps the Templars.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    Despite seeing our protagonists win at the end of every game, the modern world is still controlled by Templars. They are more powerful in the modern day than they ever have been. They have people in high places and they even have their own mega-corporation as a front. What do the Assassins have? diddly fucking squat. Except they have more power than they think, and Jacob Frye proved that when he established a gang that organized regular people who knew nothing about either factions to fight against the Templars. The Frye twins were successful in their take over of london because they combined the tactics of the Assassins along with public action. Whens the last time a protagonist took over a city and restored it? Ezio did in Brotherhood and Revelations, but that's it. And even then, their successors squandered it by staying in the shadows.

    The Assassins should do what Jacob did but take it up a notch. They should go public and start their own educational propaganda campaigns against Abstergo. Change happens because people make it happen, not because some evil dude in a high place was killed. Theres just more evil dudes waiting to take their place. You have to change the systems that allow those evil dudes to take those positions by organizing the public and making them aware of whats going on, and that they have the power to change it. Otherwise the Templars will keep winning, because centralizing power is their goal, and secrecy is the best way to accomplish that goal. The Assassins should want to decentralize power, and you can't do that secretly.

    submitted by /u/yodelfisher
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    Black Flag Gold Edition on Steam

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    So I was gifted black flag from my wishlist on steam. I had planned on buying the gold edition but since the wishlist doesnt let you add that specifically I was just gifted the standard. Is there any content in the gold edition unavailable by any other means? I'm mostly looking at the Captain Kenway Legacy Pack, Trove of Mystery Pack, Pirate's Bounty Pack, and Aveline Pack. Especially the Avline pack since that sounds like the only thing with added gameplay rather than just extra items. Would these be included if I just bought the season pass? Or would I have to shell out the $40, half of which being for a game I now already own, to get them?

    submitted by /u/GnokDoorsmasher
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