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    Friday, April 24, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Prophesy in Origins tells Bayek to beware of Templars

    Assassin's Creed Prophesy in Origins tells Bayek to beware of Templars

    Prophesy in Origins tells Bayek to beware of Templars

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    In the Origins DLC The Curse of the Pharoahs, there is a quest where you have to rescue the dream interpreter. Then you have to run and get his scrolls from his apprentices brother. Pretty dull, run of the mill quest.

    When you get back, you can talk to the dream interpreter again. Unlike other NPCs, he doesn't just repeat the same lines over and over. After six or seven times engaging him, he says something like, 'Beware those hiding in the temple of the tenth son of David. They will come to eliminate the Hidden Ones."

    The Tenth son of David is Solomon. Solomon's Temple is the home of the Templars.

    Well done, Ubi!

    submitted by /u/Dalecrabtree
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    Sketch for Viking themed Assassin (fanart)

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    I'm currently replaying AC2 and noticed Mario Auditore has the Eye of Horus (the Egyptian Medjay symbol) on his armor, opposite the Assassins crest.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    I'm currently replaying AC2 and noticed Mario Auditore has the Eye of Horus (the Egyptian Medjay symbol) on his armor, opposite the Assassins crest.

    Mario Auditore and Bayek of Siwa, shown side-by-side for comparison.

    Granted it's very stylized compared to Bayek's, but it's unmistakably the Eye of Horus. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I just wanted to put this out there. What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/annatheginguh
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    A different kind of protagonist

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    I think it would be pretty cool to have a protagonist that actively hunts both Assassin's and Templar's, or a third group all together who's tired of Assassin's and Templar's manipulating people and history, getting innocent people killed/tangled up in their mess, and acting like children due to an idealogical difference of opinion. Maybe the protagonist could have been apart of either group but left because of the reasons listed above but realized that their ideals don't really fit with the other side either. The Assassin's would definitely hunt them because you can't just leave the order with your life, and the protagonist journey could lead to them having to assassinate both assassin's and templars. A game like that can definitely poke at the grey morality of both sides and bring back the philosophical discourse the first game had. But one downside to the idea is that after 2 games as proto-assassins, the fans might not like a game where you are once again not an assassin. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/TheOneandOnly712
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    I played every single assassins Creed game up to Syndicate (before Origins and Odyssey). Will playing either of these feel too different from the original gameplay due to the rpg elements?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    Was thinking of purchasing the ultimate edition of Odyssey since it is on sale.

    I really loved the original gameplay that they started from with the first Assassins Creed, and improved exponentially with subsequent entries.

    But I only played up to Syndicate, and then learned that Origins and Odyssey adopted more rpg like damage systems (hit points. Stats, etc)

    Do Origins and Odyssey still retain what I considered staple elements of the series, such as great parkour (which I felt really was taken to the next step with syndicate and the grappling hook and Unity with downward climbing parkour) and one hit kills if you sneak and use the hidden blade?


    Are there no more one hit assassinations if the enemy is too high level even with a hidden blade/weapon?

    I say this after seeing a clip of what I believe was Origins and noticing that when someone tried to do the equivalent of a hidden blade kill, it only dropped half their health bar instead of instantly killed them.

    Something I felt was great about the AC games I played up until Syndicate was that strong enemies that can be difficult in combat and can have guards swarm you can be easily disposed of if you're skilled/sneaky enough even at a low level

    Were these features removed in Origins and Odyssey to make way for more mythical enemies and rpg like gameplay and more direct combat focus?

    Or are they still possible with eventual upgrades?

    submitted by /u/ivan3295
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    I finally finished AC1 and loved it!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    I have played a lot of Assassin's Creed games in the series, particularly Black Flag and beyond. Before this, the farthest I had ever went back was AC2. I always heard 1 was repetitive and not as fun as later titles. Well I started a 100% series playthrough, so naturally I had to start with the 1st one. I was determined to stick it out and get on to AC2.

    Well.... turns out I loved it! It was awesome seeing the story unfold from the very beginning and the atmosphere in this game is second to none. It is so much more gritty and dark than the later games. Also I hadn't realized how much I came to rely on tools and fancy moves like air assassinations and double assassinations. In this one I had to move slow and deliberate. I had to rely a lot more on social stealth, which was fun.

    Altair's character arch was cool. I know it was cliche but I enjoyed watching him mature into a cool-headed assassin and the brotherhood finally accept him as their own, even the ones he had wronged. Between the story and the memorable assassinations, it was great. I remember every single person I killed and will for a while. I can't say the same for later games.

    Finally and most important that twist was WOW! If you've played the game you know what I'm talking about. Somehow I had not had it spoiled for me. This game is clunky, hard to adjust to, has repetitive missions and easy combat but I enjoyed every second of it. Sorry for the wall of text but I just wanted to share this. Please play this if you haven't. "May fortune favor your blades brothers."

    submitted by /u/Jonly123
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    I honestly don't think I would be interested in Assassin's Creed without the First Civ

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    and the minority of people that wine "no more modern day/Isu" stuff annoy me.

    As a sucker for Historical fiction and also Ancient Aliens (even though the Isu are an Ancient earth based species its similar to the AA theory) I love the combination, and I honestly don't think i would enjoy AC as much if it was just separate historical games with no sci fi

    First Civ is an intergral part of AC lore and can't just be erased out unless Ubisoft tends to reboot the series (which will never happen at least not for a long time)

    anyone else feel the same

    submitted by /u/thunderking500
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    More stealth focused Assassin creed game will be awesome

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    Assassin creed in latest games are changed .They are more rpg focused . Latest games also have stealth options to do the missions and play the game .But I think Assassin creed is going more on RPG route here ..now stealth doesn't seem more focused part of gameplay . Such as game by Hideo Kojima Metal gear solid 5 phantom pain have great stealth gameplay ..and if that level of stealth is implemented in Assassin creed games with great open immersive world and you can play game by being actual Assassin will be great.. Also there are less stealth focused games . By making more stealth focused the player will get options to play the game in what way they want .. Also more stealth focused gameplay will fit in Assassin creed world easily and will make game awesome !!

    submitted by /u/arrowflash4u
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    New AC fan here! Bunch of questions

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Title! I've currently got 8 hours into AC2 and I'm already hooked, I have so many questions.

    1) Should I have played AC1 first?

    2) Does it matter what order you play in? I want to play AC Syndicate because it's set in London and but I'm not sure if I can skip like that

    3) What is the animus and why are they chucking Desmond in it?

    4) How did you get into AC?

    submitted by /u/TheChainWardenn
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    Dealing with brutes in ACII

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    Apparently, you can just put up your fists, and disarm them, and one hit them. It pisses me off that I just found this out now. I don't think it works in any game after ACII though.

    submitted by /u/tgilliesuityt
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    AC3 Remastered UFO Glitch / 100% sync

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    Tell me it isn't true... Just discovered this glitch, amongst others, is real and has remained unpatched since the game's original release. Does anybody know of a solution besides starting a new game?? (which is out of the question)

    For those unaware, one of the frontiersman missions (investigate the U.F.O. in Boston) WILL NOT reactivate properly if you start the mission and quit the game before finishing it, thus rendering 100% sync and the platinum trophy unattainable. From what I have read, it is suspected to be a problem with corrupted save data. Crickets from Ubisoft... no patch after 8 years and no fix for the "remaster."

    Is there truly no solution to speak of? I'll probably create a support ticket with Ubi tomorrow, not that I'm expecting anything to come of it.

    Oh how I adore and hate this game...

    submitted by /u/JCoyle91
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    Stealth in AC 1 through Revelations is the worst of the series.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Ok, before I get completely torn to shreds by this sub, I want to make it clear I love these games, always have. No hate

    I played them a long time ago, but recently I'm replaying all of the AC games, and I noticed something. I don't like the Stealth in these games. It looks and feels clunky and awkward. Guards see you from a mile away, they always hear you, before someone says its more realistic that way, don't, social stealth is not realistic in the slightest.

    When on missions I found my self in combat more than I did Odyssey. I played stealthily in Odyssey. I found myself getting caught/ thrust into a combat situation in AC 2 more than Odyssey

    Once again, no hate for these games. They are still the best stories in the franchise, just not the stealth. I think Unity and Syndicate had the best stealth. What do you think? Am I alone in this opinion?

    submitted by /u/ekington15
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    Can someone catch me up on the present day stuff or is it completely incomprehensible now?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    I mean, I've played every single game to death, admittedly I slacked off on the last two because I was burnt out on the franchise so I'm a little hazy on the details there but I did play Origins at least once (twice I think) and I'm now finally playing through Odyssey... I just got to the part where you leave the animus for the first time and I was looking in the emails and files and stuff and couldn't have been more lost. Who are all these random people and events being talked to as if we should all know them already 🤨 I always disliked the present day stuff tbh (Aside from AC3 where it was quite badass at times), but I at least liked Shawn and the people I knew for umpteen games and felt like I knew the situation 😂

    The last major development I can remember happening in the present day part of the series was Juno being resurrected, yet I've literally heard crap all about that since...(Edit: Wait, I remember her voice and image in Syndicate and some small stuff like that) Now I read the emails and see something about her being out of the picture. What? When? What the heck were the like 10 games worth of buildup for!?!

    My main question is, what the heck has been up since Desmond bit the bullet. Mainly with the people I'd care about, where are Rebecca and Shawn? I seen them in Syndicate for a bit I think, but that's all. William? Think I seen him in Origins with a crappy new voice actor (compared to the last who I loved, dude from Breaking Bad), what's he doing now?

    And I need a refresher on this Layla character. I can't really remember much of what was happening in the present story of Origins tbh. I know she was Abstergo, a friend died, and William showed up to recruit her to the Assassins. Thats all. I'd look at her wiki but as I said I'm not done Odyssey just yet and don't want spoilers past where I am right now.

    submitted by /u/Realmadridirl
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    What made you guys like ezio ?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    What do you like about him ? He has to be a great character be to this iconic

    submitted by /u/PoppingWithPoppy
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    I’ve just finished ac3 and I honestly don’t know how to feel,

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    First off, it was a great game, in fact, it was bloody amazing and I enjoyed every second of it. But connors entire family tree? Really? Achilles, one of my favourite characters died? God, i really don't know how to feel about all this. It so much at once! Even haytham was like a mini boss where you had to throw him into the barrels. I also don't know what to do now, like, post game. But what an ending!

    submitted by /u/legendofzelda356
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    What are everyone's thoughts on the Hookblade from Revelations?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    I've been replaying the series over quarantine (as I'm sure a lot of people are) and I've got to Revelations. From the second I received the Hookblade, I loved it. It made a noticeable improvement to the movement and parkour system and I found myself using it often.

    What does everyone think of the Hookblade? Do you guys think it should be used in the series again?

    submitted by /u/Sivboi
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    Can I access DLC without updating my game?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    I have a disk copy of black flag for the ps4. I'm playing it offline on version 1.00 (so I can do the glitch that removes the blowgun and swords). I'm wondering if I download some DLC, but don't update the game, will I be able to access said DLC? I'm referring specifically to the Illustrious Pirates Pack. Does that DLC unlock content that is already on the disk, or does it add new content via a patch that I would have to update and install in order to access it?

    submitted by /u/MagicRaptor
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    What's your favorite settings in the series?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Hey, I was looking to play some Assassin's Creed games with immersive world and settings, when you feel like you are part of the historic event.

    The revolution games (3 and Unity) have some amazing settings to them on paper, but I'm not sure how good they use it, as I heard they're some of the least critical games in the franchise.

    submitted by /u/Sneakyfox150
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    What language canonically Ezio speaks when talking to Yusuf

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    So I've replayed the ezio trilogy and I just started Revelations again. When Ezio meets Yusuf Tazim in Constantinople they understand eachother clearly so they for sure are speaking the same language. BUT still Ezio says phrases in italian and Yusuf says phrases in turkish (or so I'd assume since i dont speak turkish but its not italian for sure). So canonically can Yusuf speak italian or does Ezio understand turkish or whats going on?

    submitted by /u/NarcissisticBitch810
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    Are the sea shanties in assassins creed odyssey sung in Greek or English?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    I've been confused for so long because it sounds like I can understand a few parts of the song but at the same time it sounds like a completely different language.

    submitted by /u/SolidCalico
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    What do you think is the most replayable Assassins Creed game from most replayable to least replayable?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    I'm just curious on everyone's thought on which games are the most replay-able to the least replay-able. This least isn't a list of which games are the best and worst, only replay-able. Some games are just really long so I never personally replayed them. 1) AC3 2) AC2 3) AC 4) AC: Brotherhood 5) AC4 6) AC: Origins 7) AC: Revelations 8) AC: Syndicate 9) AC: Unity 10) AC: Odyssey

    Notes: I never played Rogue so I can't list it here, AC2 is my personal favorite but there's something about AC3 that makes it so relatable to me, I can't explain why tbh, it just is lol. The reasoning for Odyssey, Origins, and 4 being lower on the list is because those games took me a while to complete, I absolutely loved 4 and Origins, they're top 4 in my favorites. I didn't necessarily like Unity and Syndicate a lot so that's why they're low. Sorry for the lengthy post, I was just curious on what everyone's opinions are in this regard. Hope everyone is good in quarantine!

    submitted by /u/TheFifthKazekage
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    Assassins Crees Odyssey assassin build queation

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    Right now I'm using a Crit chance & Crit damage engraved Pirate set and it's working out great in one shotting people and even in fights. However, would it be more beneficial to put together a specific epic gear set to maximize my assassin damage and maybe as well as Hunter or warrior damage. Opinions are all welcome. Thank you people!

    submitted by /u/steelersfan15
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    How to play Odyssey without getting bored?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I played Odyssey when it came out and never finished it. I just got bored of micromanaging my armor, weapons, and upgrades, running around the map, grinding side quests, attacking repetitive forts, etc.

    Is there a play style to avoid these issues? Also have they added any option to disable the level scaling? Because that shit and the damage-sponge enemies were probably the #1 reason I ditched the game.

    I really want to like this game, I do. But it just wasn't fun. I've reached a point in my life where I don't have the time or patience to dedicate weeks of my life to playing through a game, so if are any "cheats" or "life hacks" to this game that make it more fast-paced I'd love to hear them.

    submitted by /u/blakhawk12
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    AC: Unity PS4 Frame Rate

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    I recently purchased AC: Origins. It's my first AC game and I'm really enjoying it. I would like to go back and eventually play all of them. I was looking into the Triple Pack with Unity, Syndicate and Black Flag. I watched the digital foundry video on Unity and I was so surprised by the atrocious performance on the ps4. Has this been fixed? It was like 22-25 frames per second......I don't feel like putting money on a product like this. Thanks in advance. Should I go for the Ezio collection instead?

    submitted by /u/geraltswhore
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