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    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Edward kenway (Fanart).

    Assassin's Creed Edward kenway (Fanart).

    Edward kenway (Fanart).

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    My Mongolian Assassin design

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    Ezio’s speech in Embers really affected me, still does. Has there been a better speech in Assassins Creed? (games, movie, books etc)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it...I had time, but I did not know it...and I had love, but I did not feel it. Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three.

    submitted by /u/RichFortune
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    I'm enjoying unity more than odyssey

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    I bought unity a year ago and played it but was bored quickly and then I bought odyssey 8 months later played 2/5ths of the gameplay and went to try out unity again and I started to have more fun with unity than I did with odyssey, I liked odyssey but it was a bit too grindy for me since I had to lvl up my character so I could proceed to other areas, and it was taking a bit of time which I guess was causing me to get turned off by the game, at least I liked alexios voice

    submitted by /u/chopsuey67
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    Jacob is great yall are just mean

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    I see a lot of dislike for Jacob and honestly I think yall are just mean.

    I love his 'tude the whole game. I love his stupid obsession with starting a gang cries in brotherhood. I love that his motivation to liberate London is dead ass just because he's bored. I love how he slapped the knife out of that rando's hand. I love everything about him. Jacob doesnt deserve the poor rap he gets.

    submitted by /u/King_Of_Rats00
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    I started playing Assassin's Creed because it killed Prince of Persia. With AC now an action RPG, where am I supposed to get the Adventure-Parkour gameplay of the 3D PoP era?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    So, some of my fondest memories growing up were playing Prince of Persia: Sands of Time on PS2. I later on played Two Thrones on PSP, and later got Warrior Within on PC as I got older. I started playing Assassin's Creed when it eventually took over Prince of Persia's niche. I've played every mainline AC game except Odyssey. I played 30 hours of Origins, doing every sidequest as I came across it, realized I had been 5-10 levels over every zone before I even finished Act 2, and uninstalled the game. Don't get me wrong, I like Bayek and his story. However, if I wanted to play an open-world Action RPG, I can just play better versions of that game-style. When I learned about Odyssey, and how it progressed that style of gameplay and lowered the ability to classically parkour around and do stealth, I immediately lost interest in playing it, irregardless of the actual lore/story/mythology problems that other people have about the games.

    This post isn't meant to be bashing the new games or fans of them. If you like them, that's great, and I'm glad you enjoy something I don't. I just want to be able to bounce around buildings/ruins, being an acrobat when I actually am forced into combat, and doing stealth that isn't just "crouch in bush, hope your gear is good enough to one-shot the enemy."

    submitted by /u/FenrisulfrV
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    Assassin's Creed 1 was good for what it was

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    Hey, I have recently been going back and playing through the Assassin's Creed games. I haven't played the 1st AC since I was very young so I guess I didn't really understand the game as much, all it was to me was to just go on rampages lol.

    But when I completed it the other day, it took around 12 hours. The story of it was well done to be elaborated and built upon in future AC's. It made Altaïr a progressively more important character within the brotherhood (ik he already technically was) but especially once he saved the day by acquiring the apple of eden & taking out high value corrupt targets which makes him a hero in the cities that he visits in the reasonably decent sized map (consists of mainly 5 fairly sized locations).

    The gameplay was bareable with very minor bugs but not too much to make me dislike the game. Parkour did feel a bit slow but was ok for what it was. The combat was good aswell and did also require a bit of skill unless you are just about that counter tactic. And the graphics weren't too bad aswell and definitely does get across the overall vibe, but I would love to see a actual remaster of this because I reckon that it would look real nice.

    The modern day part was fairly basic for me cos not a lot really happens apart from the fact that you know that they are using you to locate the piece of eden.

    The types of missions was pretty repetive but with different context for example the pickpocketing missions and what not. The different villains were fairly rememberable with unique personalities and aims. I do like the setting of this in a middle of a crusade, that was pretty cool.

    I can finally say that I have actually completed the first Assassin's Creed.

    submitted by /u/Xtr3m3RapidFire
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    Can We Talk about how OP the recruit system in AC Brotherhood is?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    I've been replaying the games for the first time in 5 years and I'm just noticing this for the first time.

    I'm getting to the point where I don't even have to get in any fights because my recruits can do 100% of the work without me

    I'm assuming it's been talked about a lot already but I never heard about this until now.

    submitted by /u/cookiescreamsandwich
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    Assassins creed revalations main missions are really good

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    I've played all the Ezio games and u think that some of the 2 and brotherhood had some main missions that sucked but in revaluations all the main missions were good because they're weren't any side missions and I think the missions were almost all good if not all

    submitted by /u/Hifive177
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    A sequel for ac unity and roque.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Just finished rogue and unity again for the tenth time whatever. Everytime I keep thinking how rogue's story was so much better than unity's. And in my opinion rogue is the better game story and character wise and overall. Still bothers me how the story of unity was so bad. You had this thing of a former assasin and protagonist killing the father of arno. Good foundation but suddely the story just makes a 180 and makes you totally forget about that. And just keeps focusing on the death of the father of elise. Just why is that the story it would have been so much better if arno would investigate this. And find out about shay and had a epic last battle what would and in a arno victory (really unrealistic btw). But no on top of the bugs mainly on launch you have this story. And was wondering could ubisoft not just bring us a sequel to this. Like a second game in one year just like rogue in 2014. And than instead of focusing on either shay or arno just have them play both. With both really good and relating story's. Slowly but steady coming together. Also have some where down the line have connor in it as a side character or even more. Like a showdown only dont really know a reason for a battle between shay and connor but just for the idea. And than when arno comes to hunt shay that by this point would be kinda old somewhere in his sixties or even more but knowing shay still going strong. And than maybe instead focusing on one of them let the player choose the character he wants to play as. Shay or arno (or connor). And than either ending in an arno victory no matter what or have it be a two way thing with two endings but on paper one ending. So what do you guys think for a sequel for this? Will it be a good idea?

    submitted by /u/KZG1335
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    Should I upgrade my gear to 40 before starting DLC? (in Origins)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    I just finished the story and I wonder if I should upgrade my gear to 40 (which is the level cap) or wait until I start the DLC (that I'll do soon) and I am able to go further than level 40.

    submitted by /u/BlackMesaFPS
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    I believe AC unity was one of the best and most authentic ac games

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    Behind the Ezio series of course. Mind you i got the game a year after its initial release so when the game was all patched up. I sincerily believe this was one of the best ac games. I loved Arno and how non chalant he was. It has some of the best stealth mechanics out of any ac game, great leveling and weapons system and the some of the best graphics ive ever seen in a video game to date. Now i understand that those that played it from launch had a terrible time with it but dont make that a reason to completely dismiss this game. Its pretty much patched up now so dont hesitate to revisit it. I truely believe that if it had a better launch this game wouldve gone down as one of the best games of the 2010s. Im a huge ac fan and have played every single game all the way through and this one stood out to me as being the one of the most authentic AC games to date.

    submitted by /u/ikesonofpeter
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    Things you hate from assassins creed games

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    Can be anything from any assassins creed game side game or main game and it can be anything from side missions, missions dialogue, you get the idea etc etc.

    submitted by /u/big_daddyyy69689
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    Biggest complaint with AC:Odyssey Story + DLC

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    First off: I love the AC franchise. I am one of those people who enjoys the modern day story, gets all of the achievements, and generally accepts and appreciate the changes that have been made from game to game.

    After playing the entire story, Kassandra's single motivation was finding her Mother. Once she did, her motivations became more broad to saving her "family". That ending scene at the dinner table was one of the more gratifying moments of the game, and really made me feel whole.

    Then you get the Legacy of the First Blade DLC. I did not like Natakas as a character, but understand that the child that him and Kassandra have is forced; Fine by me, it was a plot device, I get it. However, once Kassandra has that child, there is not a single mention of her family being around. You cannot tell me that Kassandra would go through that entire odyssey (ha) to get her family together only to not have them around when she has a child of her own. This was a major misstep that made the DLC feel separated from the main game, and thus my biggest complaint overall.

    I understand that DLC is normally produced independently from the main game, but to not include the main characters was an oversight for sure. Was there any reasoning given in the DLC for not having Kassandra's family around? Just curious around others people thought or feelings around this matter.

    submitted by /u/Foreman5707
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    Do the fights like Medusa in Odyssey actually happen or are they just illusions from the apple

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    I've always been confused by this and I don't recall it being explained

    submitted by /u/yoopdeyoop
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    So about that one disturbing scene in assassins creed 2

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    So when the guards took Ezios dad and his brothers to prison, Ezios mom was in shock, Claudia said that they did something and she resisted soo did they like.... sexually assaulted and raped her or something to cause her to go in shock for a decade ?

    submitted by /u/AdamCumBaby
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    How would you rank the endings of each Assassins Creed game? (spoilers)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    There are a lot of opinions on the stories of the stories of each Assassins Creed game, but what do you think of how those stories were concluded?

    Here is my opinion:

    𝐒 tier: Amazing writing. Could not have asked for more.

    Ac Revelations: Simply amazing. Succesfully brought a satisfying conclusion to both Altair and Ezio's stories. Altair's death in the library is a competitor for the best moment in the franchise.

    Ac Black Flag: Such a perfect bittersweet ending. The reveal of Caroline's death, Edwards daughter, Edward leaving the pirate life behind,that final journey over the atlantic. And Anne's song. Holy moly.


    𝐀 tier: A strong ending, that made me excited for the next game.

    Ac1: Not much fanfare. A great plottwist, a satisfying final battle and a good present day cliffhanger leading to Ac2.

    Ac Brotherhood: The final battle with Cesare was great, but the real treat was the present day cliffhanger with Desmond killing Lucy.

    Ac3: I don't think Connor's development from a naive, angry child to a lonely, hardened man who lost it all because he trusted the wrong people, gets enough love from the community. Watching him handle the loss of his people to an uncaring Isu, Juno, is heartbreaking to me. Certainly one of the saddest endings. The final moments of Desmond were pretty great, on their own. Everything the developers screwed up with the present day story wasn't the fault of ac3, but because of what came after.


    𝐁 tier: A satisfying conclusion to the game

    Ac2: While the story itself is among the best in the series, the final confrontation with Rodrigo Borgia wasn't handled quite as well. Why let the templar grandmaster live, again? The way that it opened up the world with the formal introduction to the First Civilization was great though.

    Ac Rogue: A nice bridge between 3 different Ac games, and a nice segway into ac Unity. Shay's final monologue is pretty damn good, even if the final sequences of the game felt a bit rushed.


    𝐂 tier: Had it's moments, but not exactly the best

    Ac Liberation: Liberation never recived much attention, from fans and developers alike. The reveal of Madeleine as the Grandmaster was good, but the final missions really lacked some of the "oomph" that earlier games had.

    Ac Unity: Eeeeh... I liked Elise. I really did, and her death was sad. But concidering how the game ends moments after, barely showing Arno's reaction I barely had time to feel anything, before the credits rolled. The final boss wasn't anything special either. Dead Kings gave Arno some much needed closure, but I'm judging these endings by their own merit.

    Ac Origins: I have mixed feelings about this one. Aya and Bayek breaking up, and starting the Brotherhood was a great moment, and it felt earned. And Bayek's goodbye to his son was a strong, heartfelt moment. On the other hand, i disliked how Aya basically hijacked the final minutes, of what had until that moment been Bayek's story. It felt unearned, and left Bayek's story unfinished.


    𝐃 tier: Pretty poorly written ending

    Ac Syndicate: Raise your hand if this sounds familiar: Guy and gal protagonists confront the templar grandmaster under a historical monument, right after the comically evil templar gets his hand on an Isu artifact that allows for a boss fight. Sound familiar? Maybe because that is EXACTLY what happened in the previous installment, Unity. The protagonists shouting "Shall we?" "Together!" before stabbing the antagonist is some d-tier superhero movie writing.


    𝐅 tier: What were they thinking?

    Ac Odyssey: I liked many things about Odyssey. The story was not one of them. The game has 3 "endings", each concluding a part of the Eagle Bearer's journey. And none of them felt like an actual ending. The Atlantis story was barely a story at all, and merely acted as an advertisement for the Dlc. The family storyline, all concluded in the surviving main characters sitting around a table, spewing equally bad dialogue, no matter who is alive. At least the confrontation with Deimos is decent. But the cultist hunt. My god, the cultist hunt. "Kiss" Aspasia, the lunatic, who ruined your family, brought war to Greece, manipulates you at every moment, and ordered her own husbands death? What were they thinking? I had fun sailing the seas, killing cultists and winning wars. But i felt nothing after the ending. No sense of achievement, no emotion, nothing. And it's such a shame.


    Anyway, my 2 cents, which games did you think concluded the best?

    submitted by /u/Dankest_Potatoes
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    I don't mind more RPG elements, but I don't want it to come down to increasing numbers alone

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    I'd like to start with my main gripe with the leveling system used in Origins/Odyssey, but also other games like Witcher 3, Far Cry New Dawn and Wolfenstein Youngblood. This is independent of my view on the rest of the game, I enjoyed Odyssey very much outside of this point.

    I fight a regular enemy soldier. He and I are both Level 10. To defeat him, I just have to press the attack button 5-6 times. I then ride down the road into a different zone. There, I encounter another regular soldier. He looks exactly the same as the first guy, has the same weapon, moveset etc. Yet because of the different zone, he is Level 35 and has 20 times as much health and deals 20 times as much damage as the first enemy(Depending on which game, the level difference might even literally make him immune to damage and have him instantly detect me from dozens of metres), making him hard to impossible to kill. However, if I return once I am Level 35 as well, all I will need to do is pressing attack 5-6 times.

    There are some parts of the level-gating that make sense in both of the newer games, like the mythical encounters. Those requiring your characters to be of a higher level makes sense. But a lot of the other assigned levels just felt arbitrary. Those eastern islands in Odyssey that are Level 45+? You do the exact same sidequests there as you did in Kephallonia or Phokis, you encounter the same enemies who use the same tactics.

    I wish that being in a high-level area brought with it more challenges than just "increase your numbers high enough to be able to do the same thing you do in all other areas". Have higher levelled areas provide unique mechanical challenges, then give you various skills and tools to solve them, where your choices do determine what you have available.

    Basically, levels by themselves should not provide increased health/damage/stats on neither characters nor items by default, or only very low ones. A Level 10 and Level 35 enemy of the same type would not differ by a large margin. Items could have 5-10 tiers per item like in Unity, with higher tiers offering a larger number and quality of perks, but not the insane stat curve of Odyssey where Weapons more than 5 Levels below you barely deal damage anymore.

    The difficulty of high-level areas should not only come from everyone having higher stats, but from additional hazards being introduced. Special enemies like Fort Captains, Nation Leaders would, like Mercenaries in Odyssey, have traits, whose number and quality also increases the higher their level. Enemy positioning and environmental design would also become more difficult the higher you get. I'd like to use a Fort like the ones commonly found in Odyssey as an example of what you could encounter at various levels.

    Level 10 The Fort is mostly occupied by regular soldiers, a few archers on higher levels and a captain patrolling the whole place. If you have not invested in a strong single-target skill yet, the captain might not be killable in one hit, all of the other occupants however will not make you a lot of trouble. There is one alarm and a secret entrance where you jump down into a cave and sneak into the fort's well.

    Level 30 There are now two additional captains present. One of the captains has the trait "Thoroughly", through which he will regularly check nearby weapon stands and alarms, so he will sooner or later notice it if you booby-trap one of them. The second captain has the "Good Eyes" trait, using which he can see into hiding spots from a short distance. The third one is an archer and has "Marksman", by which he can line up a devastating shot at you when in open combat. Some of the regular enemies are now standing closer together so it's hard to take them out one by one, a few more are special archetypes(Brutes, Shieldbearers, Rogues) and there is always a guard in front of the main chest. A second alarm has been added. The drop down to the secret entrance no longer has a convenient haystack to fall into, instead you need some way to slow/mitigate your fall.

    Level 50(maximum) One of the Captains is now a 'unique'(like the randomly generated mercenaries) character. In this case, the marksman is now a snake charmer, meaning a number of poisonous snakes are spread through tall grass inside the fort(these are also hostile to the soldiers if you manage to lure them in there). Another fort might have one with the 'Drill Instructor' Trait, increasing the combat abilities of all enemies within the fort, or others that apply something to the entire place. The captain with 'Thorougly' now also has 'Frightful' as a second trait, meaning if he notices anything suspicious, he will instantly sound an alarm instead of searching by himself. And the third captain now personally guards the main chest and will only leave the post in extreme circumstances. A lot of the guards are part of a special archetype and a few of them might even have low-level traits of their own.

    These increased challenges should however never result in a situation where one playstyle is not viable to tackle a situation. Each skill tree would offer solutions to various problems. With the captain who has both 'Marksman' and 'Snake Charmer', an Assassin would obviously try to take him out without being seen and use his improved eagle vision to spot the snakes in the bushes. A Hunter could kill the captain from afar and then use lures to bait other soldiers to the snakes' location. A warrior could have a weapon chain that lets him interrupt enemies at range or pull them in like the rope darts from earlier games. There should never be a scenario where you need to avoid a location because the skilltree you have chosen makes it impossible to deal with the enemies there.

    Therefore, some skills from other trees would likely become redundant as you invest more into one specific tree. If you already have the Hook Blade upgrade for your weapon chain as a warrior that lets you use it as a grappling hook, you are probably not interested in the assassin skill that lets you climb faster and vice-versa. If you have the Assassin Skill to automatically loot all enemies you assasssinate, the Hunter skill where tamed pets loot nearby enemies becomes unnecessary and so on. I feel like Odyssey still had too many skills everyone had to get at some point, so this new system would force you to be more resourceful with where you spend skill points and have your build choices express themselves in gameplay more often. For that end, there would be a difference between attribute points you would get frequently and you could invest into small attribute increases like the mastery system of Odyssey, and skill points, which would be a rarer, limited reward(respecs should obviously still be possible).

    As a last point: Obviously as you grow stronger, lower levelled areas become less of a challenge, which is why Odyssey had areas level up alongside you. I did not mind that part as much, as it's boring having large parts of the world pose no challenge whatsoever and no useful rewards either. In this new system lower areas would not be as much of a curbstomp as in Odyssey where you could fight half the zone and be immune to their attacks if there was no scaling because a regular soldier could still damage you just as much as a higher one could, but I still would not want the higher challenges to just be limited to a few areas. At the same time, other players might not enjoy to get to a point where every part of the world is at the highest difficulty. Therefore, I would suggest taking the Outpost Challenges from Far Cry:New Dawn and applying them to entire areas. In that game, once you have cleared an outpost, you can choose to reset it and repopulate it with stronger enemies that then give higher rewards on a second clearing. Similarily, in AC you could select which difficulty level you want each area to be in once you have cleared it for the first time. If you don't enjoy the highest tier of forts, just turn them off. If you want a real thrill, turn each area up to the highest level.

    tl;dr: Player and NPCs no longer have insane stat growths from Levels alone. Instead, Enemies and Areas gain additional traits/perks the higher their level is that you can then use various skills to counter/mitigate instead of just increasing your DPS.

    submitted by /u/Sorstalas
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    Does assassins creed 2 hurt your eyes ?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    I love this damn game but Jesus the Bright White menu makes my eyes bleed and not only that sometimes when you finish a mission, loot a chest, buy a weapon or anything, the game flashes a Big bright ass white light onto the screen which is irritating af, that's why I often close my eyes while looting chests. You experience the same ?

    submitted by /u/PoppingWithPoppy
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    What is the Best DLC

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    There have been 8 main DLC's in the franchise.

    Tyranny of King Washington

    Freedom Cry

    Dead kings

    Jack the Ripper

    Hidden Ones

    Curse of the Pharaohs

    Legacy of the Hidden Blade

    Fate of Atlantis

    What are your top 4 favorite DLC's??

    Mine are Curse of the Pharaohs, Jack the Ripper, Fate of Atlantis, Tyranny of King Washington

    As a whole, I think Curse of the Pharaohs is the greatest DLC of all time

    submitted by /u/FarahZiva27
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    Has Ubisoft ever actually confirmed that Watch Dogs is in the AC universe?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    i know hits a theory that people think The WD series takes place in the AC universe, based on what could just be easter eggs

    has Ubisoft ever confirmed that it's canon in the AC verse?

    submitted by /u/thunderking500
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    AC Syndicate Missing A Few Items

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:41 PM PDT

    I am trying to collect every collectible, so far I have all chests in every location, I have the majority of the Sync Points, but in the areas I am missing just 1 or 2. And the remaining ones do not show up on the map. I have searched every single spot and they are a no show. Can they possibly be hiding under other icons or are they just glitched?

    submitted by /u/Darkchief114
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    Origins Misrepresented Cleopatra and Caesar

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Cleopatra was charismatic and very intelligent but in Origins she just comes off as spoiled and impetuous and boring in every dialogue she has. She really embodies Dany from GOT, and not in a good way.

    And, somehow, Caesar is worse! They made Caesar come off as a brutal dictator when, in reality, the Roman people wanted him as their leader. Sure there are differing views on Caesar and I would've commended the writers if they depicted both the "good" and "bad". But to simply depict Caesar as almost a cartoon villain is a terrible misrepresentation.

    In conclusion, Caesar should've been depicted like Haytham was in AC3.

    submitted by /u/AgumIV
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