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    Saturday, March 28, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Playing all of the games in order. Rogue's ending actually got me excited to play Unity.

    Assassin's Creed Playing all of the games in order. Rogue's ending actually got me excited to play Unity.

    Playing all of the games in order. Rogue's ending actually got me excited to play Unity.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    Seeing Arno and what'serface as kids really got me hyped for the connected world I'm exploring here. This is why I avoid spoilers, because when something like THAT hits you, you OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    submitted by /u/Ca11m3Raven
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    Abubakar Salim (Bayek VA) just founded his own game studio

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    Turns out the reveal he mentioned in his mysterious tweet the other day was not about a new AC game after all. A big shoutout and good luck to him for his new venture!


    submitted by /u/compulsive_looter
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    Best City in Assassin‘s Creed.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Hey r/assassinscreed!

    I'm wondering what you guys think are the best major cities in all of the AC games (including DLC's). By major city I mean everything that is either especially highlighted as a big city on the map or has it's own map.

    I consider following cities as major cities:

    AC1: Jerusalem, Damascus, Acre

    AC2: Florence, Venice

    Brotherhood: Rome

    Revelations: Istanbul / Constantinople

    AC3: Boston, New York (AC3)

    Black Flag: Havanna, Kingston, Nassau

    Rogue: New York (Rogue)

    Unity: Paris, Saint Denis

    Syndicate: London

    Origins: Memphis, Alexandria, Krokodilopolis, Cyrene, Thebes

    Odyssee: Athens, Sparta, Argolis, Thebes, Korinth, Megara, Elis

    This list might not be complete, feel free to call out a city I might have missed.

    Looking forward to your comments!

    submitted by /u/Jayperion
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    This quarantine and newfound free time has inspired me to play every AC game in order, without stopping.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    I just started Rogue today. If people actually care I might do an AMA or something when I'm done. My main goal is to fully experience the lore and story for myself, as well as have valid opinions on the games. I'm currently at a low point, and AC 3 especially I did very few side activities and I'm trying to push through the minor block I'm feeling from playing so much.

    submitted by /u/SnazzyRaccoon
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    Starting Odyssey soon, any advice or tips?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    I understand this may not be a very assassiny game and that's fine I'm not going in with any delusions about the games content. Its just any tricks or tips for playing the game in general?

    submitted by /u/Witcher797
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    Not sure if anyone's noticed this already, but I just wanna gush about it

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    So, I just started using the Ezio costume in Odyssey, and there's an ingenius detail on it:

    You know how in the earlier games you could insta-kill almost any enemy when countering, and then in Origins and Odyssey they switched to a more Dark Souls-esque system with parrying and bigger healthbars on the enemies.

    Well, if you have the full Ezio set, it gives you a buff, where Cooldown on the Hero Strike ability goes away on any successful parry, making it instantly available again if you just used it. And in case you don't know, Hero Strike is pretty much an insta-kill on most enemies. So, if you have the full Ezio set, you can use Hero Strike to kill an enemy, wait for another enemy to attack, parry, and, if you have an adrenaline segment available, you can instantly use it again to kill that enemy. Enforcing this connection is the fact that, if you have Ezio's sword equipped as well, it adds 25% CRIT chance to Hero Strike, improving the chance of it being a lethal blow.

    I absolutely love this little detail. And it's not massively overpowered, you still have to have plenty of adrenaline available, you have to get the parry right, so there's still a level of skill to it, and there's no shortage of enemies that don't instantly die from it. It's just a really nice throwback to the old combat system, done in an insanely clever way.

    submitted by /u/hard_ass69
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    It was at this moment that little Jimmy resolved to join the Templar Order and eliminate the brotherhood for good

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    Bayek, Ezio or Altair Whos the Bedt

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    I really don't know who I think the best is.

    Bayek Started the Order and was a deadly assassin and Killer. He wielded A wide array of weapons and was Deadly with all of them. He had many Emotions throughout the game and it Became more than revenge, More for the sake of His people. Without him who knows where the order would be.

    We saw Ezio's Birth and Him go from a arrogant teen to a Wise old Man. He was A master Swordsman, Assassin, and Mentor He work on the Order and Defated the Templars for more thsn Just Revenge He was fighting for the Cause.

    Altair Was very Skilled at a young age becoming a master assassin at 24. He was a master in Dagger, Sword and Throwing Knives He stuck With the Order snd Had to Kill his master when the apple got to him and Altair could handle the apple on his brain. He stuck with the assassins when they didnt stick with him when Abbas Corrupted them. Altair was Born a Assassin and Died one with the apple.

    Who do U think is the best Assassin This r my Picks and its not Limited to them I would Like to Know

    submitted by /u/clownin6969
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    What would be your ideal setting(s) in a future Assassin’s creed game?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Here are mine: Middle Ages in England and Scotland. The lords and knights in that time period could be Templars and that time period was really interesting.

    Aztecs or Mayan times. A tribal jungle city would be a cool setting and the player could be a high ranking Aztec/Mayan warrior.

    Feudal Japan. They could call it Assassin's Creed Dynasty. There hasn't been a 3D game based in Asia and I feel like a Japanese setting would do it justice. Plus it would be really beautiful with all the cherry blossoms, temples and other ancient Japanese architecture.

    submitted by /u/Xplosion0_0
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    Chronology error in Assassin's Creed III

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    I don't know if anyone here is willing to discuss such a specific subject, but here it goes:

    In Assassin's Creed III, there are memories called "Naval Locations", which are distant locations that you can see on the naval map in the port, and which are unlocked after you deliver trinkets to Peg Leg.

    Well, as you can see in the link I'm going to pass, there are the following Naval Locations:

    - (how the memory is unlocked) Memory title - year displayed at the memory

    - (1 trinket) Fort Wolcott - 1773 (here he grabs the 1st piece of the treasure map)

    - (6 trinkets) Dead Chest's Treasure - 1774 (here he grabs the 2nd piece of the treasure map)

    - (14 trinkets) The Ghost Ship - 1776 (here he grabs the 3rd piece of the treasure map)

    - (24 trinkets) The Mad Doctor's Castle - 1776 (here he grabs the 4th piece of the treasure map)

    - (after completing all previous memories) Oak Island - 1777 (here he grabs the treasure - a shard of eden)

    - (after that) The Ruins at Cerros - 1773 (here he grabs what people thought was the treasure - a sword)

    Since I'm kind of obsessed with chronology, I've been trying to play the game in chronological order of events, including side missions, which is impossible when you get Captain Kidd's sword in 1773, you have to go through all those other memories first. It doesn't make sense since the clues to "the Ruins at Cerros" were collected over the course of these missions. Do you think the date could be wrong (just like it happened several times on Unity)? Did anyone read the book? Do you know if this event is mentioned there and in what position in the chronological order is it placed?

    submitted by /u/Kenezy
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    shower though: just begun my first playthrough of ac1. Desmond has 8.388.608 people's memories at the same time as Altaïr memories

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    let say they are 23 generations between Desmond and Altaïr

    let say every person has individual parents so this give the last generation 2^23 people

    also that means when all people add up desmond has memories of 16.777.214 peoples

    i=1 to 23 Σ 2^i

    submitted by /u/VegiHarry
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    [Spoiler] I have just finished AC1, here are my long thoughts

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    I picked it up few days ago when it went on sale for steam, I had hard time getting used to KB+Mouse controls because I always play AC games on ps4, but got used to it soon enough. Still, it's terrible way to experience assassin's creed imo.

    Anyway, I enjoyed the story it offered me and liked most characters, how Altair and they interact and how it had most in-depth dialogues about philosophy among any assassin's creed. Now that I play it, I think it's a shame that games nowdays doesn't have things like this.

    I also liked how they portrayed King Richard the lionhearted, one of my favorite historical figures along side Saladin, too bad Saladin wasn't shown in AC1 tho.

    People seem to like new voice actor for revelations better, but after playing, I feel like original voice actor fits Altair more.

    Gameplay was alright for game old as AC1, but sometimes it was very irritating due to beggars, drunks, ill-mental assholes.. why do they always mess with Altair!? He is just man in white robe, do they think he is rich? And funny thing is they NEVER bothers with guards... and so I don't feel any guilty for beating them down

    The more I played, the more I badly hoped for remake of this game. Mission designs and stealth could really use improvements, and it's really bother that we have to press random key everytime to trigger cutscene in order to make it more immersive for ourselves. Remake it in today's graphics, but keep all dialogues and characters intact, it would be unwise to change or take away something from story that is already good.

    Never bothered with collecting all flags, there are 420 of them and it does not reward player in any way, they don't even pop up on map, I don't know if it's good thing or bad thing that AC1 doesn't have any achivements because of this.

    submitted by /u/Baron012
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    Vault over low obstacles in Origins

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Is there a way for Bayek to smoothly "vault" over small obstacles like Connor did over low fences in AC3 for example when you held run and B(circle)? Because I'm seeing an Npc that is following me in a mission do it and it's so smooth unlike the jittery jump on the fence and jump down that Bayek does while holding the "parkour" button.

    submitted by /u/bobyxus
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    AC:Odyssey How do i activate the boss fights on Andros and Nisyros (trying not to spoil anything)

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    i dont want to spoil anything but ive scoured the internet and i cant find ANYTHING on this issue, neither of the bossfights are activating, just a blue teleport icon on the map, i dont have a bounty for either, im level 51 so not incredibly high, but i really want to at least know i can experience these bosses, as it stands right now i dont think i can :(

    submitted by /u/spoopspider
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    I think, lore and real facts wise, the Portuguese age of Discovery is literally the best setting to choose

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    This is an ideia that has been talked about from time to time here by myself and a few others.

    The following real life historical facts would adapt like a dream to AC:

    • Portugal was the first global empire in the world, in the early 16th century. This was done with the help of Templars

    • Portugal was a country founded by Templars in the 1100s. The first country as well

    • Portugal was the country that saved the Templars from extinction in the 1300s, by giving them land and allowing them to reform the order in the country. The so called Order of Christ. In return, the Order agreed to fund the start of the age of Discovery, started by Portugal, in the 1400s

    • In the early 15th century, the project of the age of Discovery was started by a Templar named Infante Henrique at a mystical school named School of Sagres

    • The School of Sagres was a Templar school comprised of the most brilliant minds in navigation and science in all of Europe

    • When Portugal became the first global empire, the king was a Templar. D. Manuel. He actually appears in the lore

    • Portugal was the first country to reach India (by sea) , Brazil and Feudal Japan. All settings that the fans want so much

    • Lisbon is the current HQ for the modern day assassins, the actual ones, the Nizari Ismailli. Obviously they don't kill anyone but in the lore the Nizari are replaced by Assassins

    • The Order of Christ exists to this day in Portugal

    Lisbon is also described a city of huge importance in terms of Isu vaults, in Odyssey.

    A game in Portugal or the age of Discovery allows for both land and ocean gameplay for those that like both. The land in Portugal is quite diverse with a lot of snow in one hand and beaches on the other. And the colonies were of course, quite different and tropical.

    So, the question is, why not the Portuguese age of Discovery?

    submitted by /u/Brandomd
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    Syndicate could have been that little bit more better if they used the tone and ambience of the Jack the Ripper DLC throughout the base game.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    I've just finished playing through Syndicate and the DLC and one major thing I noticed going into the Jack the Ripper DLC is how much better the tone and ambience was. It has this whole "cold steel" vibe going for it and gives off more of a Victorian Gothic feel than anything from the base game. I found myself wishing I could explore all of London with this set-up but sadly, I can't.

    Between the Agatha Christie-esque manor you have visit and those desolate, abandoned ships, it really feels like whoever was developing this DLC had a better grasp on the visual they were going for compared to the base game. I feel the base game also needed misssions outside of London, all we ever really got was that bit at the beginning and the Tower of London segments which is just us going to a location that is just slightly off the map and it's like, they could have used different locations to really show off the setting more, again, like that manor in the DLC that's totally going to have a murder mystery take place. Amusingly, now that I think on it, if you listen to the music used in the base game, it totally sounds like it also wants to be in that more darker, colder setting and parts of it just don't fit the more warmer, leisurely approach to London that the game has.

    submitted by /u/Briankelly130
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    What happens with bought store items and new character?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Hey all! I wanted to start a new character on both origins and Odyssey, but I remember buying some cosmetics and weapons.

    Are those available again when I create a new character? Also the xp boost and ultimate edition content like weapon packs?

    submitted by /u/moepkid
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    The old AC multiplayer should be released as a free standalone game.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    Does anyone else miss the old multiplayer that was introduced in Brotherhood? It's been absent since Black Flag but I feel like now would be a great time to release MP for free as it's own standalone game. Ubi can easily monetize with different paid costumes and weapons, even a battle pass. I feel like this is the most profitable and sustainable way to bring it back. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Taint_Butter
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    My Biggest Issue with the Modern Day Story

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    With being quarantined these past couple of days, I decided to start getting back into Assassins Creed by playing Odyssey, and I remembered why I love these games and their stories. As I played I got sucked deeper and deeper into the lore once more. I decided to take a look at some of the Modern Day lore that they have outside of the game. Now last I remembered the Assassins were being helped by the initiates and were getting back to having full strength once more.

    My issue that I am having is, the story progressed from there and Ubisoft decided that the Modern Day Assassins were now too powerful and pretty much destroyed their idea of the initiates helping the Assassins gain their power once more. This is annoying cause it just seems Ubisoft is trying to make the Assassins underdogs for the sake of being underdogs in the Modern Day. I was excited to see where the story went with the Assassins back at full power and being able to finally go toe to toe with the Templars/Abstergo. It's just annoying that whenever something good seems to happen for the Modern Day Assassins, Ubisoft decides to bring them back down hard for no apparent reason.

    Has anyone else noticed this? Also what do you guys think of the Modern Day story, do you think it can be salvaged, or will they keep going the route of making the Assassins forever underdogs?

    submitted by /u/KnightTimeGamer
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    What choices should I made for coolest ending in Odyssey?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    I don't care about the ending being "happy", I just want the coolest ending, preferably stuff that goes into the precursor race. I don't mind bad ending since that would fit with the theme of greek tragedy.

    Does it matter whether my character is "honorable", or merciful?

    Any info without too much spoilers would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/femto97
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    Remember when they set up the Initiates website and uploaded so much current world lore and history

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    It was so awesome and almost made me feel like a part of something big like the brotherhood in real life. What happened to it? Also why did they choose to drop their focus in the current world storyline?

    submitted by /u/JashBhanushali
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    Just a random thought related to Rogue

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    One of the things that i feel AC should have done was follow up on Rogue with a game that explored Haytham Kenway's joining the Templar order and his rise to grand master. They could have given us another other side story

    submitted by /u/Am-geez
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