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    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Assassin's Creed When I finish an AC game I always leave my character somewhere “symbolic”

    Assassin's Creed When I finish an AC game I always leave my character somewhere “symbolic”

    When I finish an AC game I always leave my character somewhere “symbolic”

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    A few examples: ACII I left Ezio in his old villa in Florence (fun fact... the first time you go back to his house after you leave Florence for the first time... eagle vision automatically turns on and you see his family). ACIII I took Connor back and left him in his people's village. Unity I took Arno back to the De le Serre mansion he grew up in. Origins I left Bayek in his house in Siwa. Odyssey I left Kass on the roof of her house in Kephalonia. After I put so much time and energy into the game I just feel it's a fun way to finish it off.

    submitted by /u/redhjom
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    I thought Syndicate was just alright until I played Jack the Ripper...

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    As my fiancee and I have been replaying through the games, we found Syndicate to be a mixed bag. The parkour changes, especially with the grappling hook, were interesting, the music was amazingly crafted and the compulsive "let's clear out one more area" definitely shined. However, the wonky combat just did not feel right at all, the lessened customization options, fairly uninteresting story not much character development until the very end left a lot to be desired. But then factor in the amazing atmosphere of the Charles Dickens missions, Roth's absolute embracing of being truly chaotic and the inventive set up of the main assassinations, it started turning more into a love-dislike relationship.

    Then we got to Jack the Ripper.

    Right off the bat with the opening cutscene it oozed with atmosphere and tension! Bear McCreary, ever a master composer, really brought about the tension and adrenaline in this opening sequence as our perspective changed very unexpectedly to Jack himself. The words flashing up on the screen, his inner monologue and his brutal assassinations kept us completely engaged. I didn't believe that Jack killed Jacob but the scene was presented just well enough to constantly instill doubt in my mind. Then we are introduced to older Evie. All I can say is dang, India really must've been rough because her face looks almost unrecognizable.

    Speaking of brutal earlier, the Indian Brotherhood and their fear tactics/weapons were jaw dropping I mean, it's effective but the psychological aspect of these tools is horrifying. My fiancee immediately exclaimed "Whoa, what?!" I really want to finally tackle AC Chronicles India now.

    Where this DLC excels is in the atmosphere and the unique take on Jack the Ripper. Him being an ex assassin who started taking on a far more brutal version of the creed coupled with his insanity is a great concept. I honestly could not stop playing the main missions because I wanted to see where it goes. I also like how at the end we never get to see Jack's face, giving us the same ambiguity as history.

    Honestly, between the atmosphere, investigative missions, the harsh story and gameplay additions, Jack the Ripper honestly sold me as one of the best AC DLC experiences I've ever played! (And the only one I had not touched before replaying through all the games again) While I love Curse of the Pharaohs from Origins and appreciated aspects of the Fate of Atlantis, if they do decide to keep on with having a DLC based on the mythologies of the world, I'd love to see a return to feel and intensity that Jack the Ripper offered. I mean, imagine if we do get Vikings and we have to travel to Hel and we are given this kind of gritty, atmospheric treatment.

    Anyways, I'll stop fanboying now!

    TL;DR Jack the Ripper is one of the best AC experiences I've had and I'm sorry I skipped it the first go-around.

    submitted by /u/Longsword007
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    Why are some people here so against better storytelling and lore cohesion?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    Even if you don't realize it. A better story improves your experience. Even if all you want to do is stab guards and templars all game..

    I'm not saying it's the majority but boy do I witness an absurd amount of people just wanting to get rid of basic stuff like Assassis, Templars, modern day, The First Civ...but above all wanting to get rid of or simply not caring about good storytelling.

    Now here's the thing. I know for a lot of people AC is just a stabby stabby game. Absolutely no thought is put into the story or lore, they just wanna kill dudes. I respect that.

    I don't agree with it but I respect it. I feel sad because I think AC is incredibly unique but alas.

    By what truly baffles my mind is some people's aversion to the idea of trying to improve the story and cohesion of this franchise.

    Like, I guess this could be used as a critique for gaming in general.

    Is a game in the same genre with a good story and quality gameplay not better than a game with bad story and equally good gameplay?

    Would Black Flag be as good as it was if instead of 2h of great cutscenes we had 2h of boring stuff and a boring plot?

    In what way does a boring story improve a game? A good one only breeds strength to it. Even if you don't care about the lore and story, and only about stabbin', in what what way would a good story hurt your experience?

    Because for the rest of us, a bad one does. A good story appeals to (almost) everyone. It almost always improves a game.

    Gameplay is the primary function but would it not be better if you feel you're fighting for something instead of just stabbing?

    People criticize modern day heavily as a concept (even though I agree the execution hs been meh) when most of it is cutscenes.

    They beg for it to be removed when in Origins for example we literally had only 5 mins of forced gameplay. The rest was cutscenes. I'm not saying origins had good modern day just that the criticism about runtime was ridiculous..

    I don't mean to sound elitist, I really don't.. but this to me is nonsensical. Even the historical experience is meh now. Imo.

    I ask all of the fans. Would Odyssey be better if it had a better story? Even if you love the gameplay would you not agree?

    In what way does a worse component better a game?

    The classic fans ask mainly for one thing. Lore. Better lore and plots. Even if you don't realize it.. That improves your stabby stabby experience as well

    submitted by /u/bwolfd
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    After Vikings, the next Assassin Creed game should go to the Persian Empire

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    After Vikings, the next Assassin Creed game should go to the Persian Empire

    Hi there,

    I've been thinking of an idea and I think the Persian Empire would be a brilliant choice for an Assassin Creed Game. This would be set after Darius killed Xerxes in the events of AC Odyessy.

    But we're not focusing on Darius so much. I would want Darius's legacy to create the brotherhood of Assassins within the Persian Empire. Darius may have fled Persia, but he must have had a young man figure that reminded him of Natakas. This man has created the brotherhood of Assassins against the Order of Templars.

    AC's new story style has changed. This game would majorly focus on 50% story, 60% side quests.

    In Part 1:


    Artaxerxes I of Persia is now ruling an Empire that faces political instability. In Greece, the warlords of Sparta and the Oligarchs of Athens scheme to take back revenge from the Persians for their constant meddling after the legacy of the first blade. Xeno (the name we shall assume for the Persian Assassin) is an thief in the city of Susa. Much in the vein of Aladdin and Sinbad, he is a constant meddler, and he takes from the rich and gives to the poor. Parsa, the Governor of the City becomes so frustrated with him, that he eventually captures Xeno. In the dungeons of the Governor's Palace in Susa, Parsa tells him to give up fighting against the Templars. The Templars since the dawn of creation have championed for order. That nothing changes the world. Parsa tells Xeno that killing Xerxes was a mistake, and that they will do everything to get rid of Artaxerxes. The new King was chosen by Darius, and he is a benevolent and well loved King, worthy of his grandfather, Cyrus the Great.

    Xeno spits and laughs. We have an option of three choices to insult, spit in his face, and kick him in the ball. It doesn't change the story, it just gives you a little more flexibility. Xeno manages to escape when Arca, his friend and mentor from his birth, comes and saves him. Assassins storm the palace and drive away Parsa. A new threat has arisen, once they escape from the walls, they are in the nomadic plains. Arca reveals that an Egyptian Assassin had arrived into Persepolis ten weeks ago but he has been missing. Xeno says that Artaxexeres cannot handle the political situation in the court, since the Templars influence ministers of the court and therefore many of his decisions to help the people are rejected by the Council. Xeno thanks Ahura Mazda for this blessing. The worship of Ahura Mazda will play a great role in this game. He'll also have a companion, animal like Dog. Dogs were very important in Persian culture for that matter.

    Xeno and Arca clasp hands.

    We get a magnficient cutscene in the style of POP and AC Origins, a 16:9 map showing the great Persian empire, where Xeno makes his way through a swooping cinematic all the way to Persepolis. Yellow for colour, and a great cinematic music.


    Part 2:

    Xeno arrives into the great city of Persepolis. When he goes there, he is kidnapped by what seems to be a templar, but it is the Egyptian Assassin, Nefer. Instantly Xeno takes a liking for her beauty. She reveals to him that the Templars have gotten word of the Orb of the Isu. It is located in the city of Babylon. They take the help of a local Assyrian, and they travel to Babylon. The Templar Order's main character, Artax, sends agents to fight them. It is a long march before they arrive at the Gates of Babylon. Much like in Syndicate, Xeno and Nefer liberate the city from the Templar Order, and they do it not by simply killing the guards, they create gangs, and recruit people. They bribe Governors, and they particapite in political debates. Much like what a current political campaign is to do.https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets...jpg?1554382721

    And we get to the exciting part. Nefer and Xeno having a romantic relationship, they go and find that an local Assyrian boy has gone missing. As they go, they encounter the ruins of the Hanged Garden of Babylon. They enter, and are trapped. Artax and his templars have caught with them. They then go into a temple, where there is a lake of fire surrounding them and there's a lot of Isu stuff. Artax reveals that he has finally captured a live Isu. He argues that the whole concept of fighting between the Assassins and the Templars have always been a fabrication. The Isu are the master manipulators of the race of humanity. The Assassin vs Templar was their whole scheme. Artax revealed he had read the history of the Isu and discovered a recording which shows Pythagaros going mad. He says the history and knowledge should be destroyed.



    Nefer wants the knowledge being contained, but Xeno objects. Xeno says that the knowledge could lead to decades of peace. Artax reveals that this is not the case, and that because of this fighting, there may never be a moment of peace. In that time, a figure unviels itself. A rogue Isu scientist, Gilgamesh reveals himself. He confirms what Artax has said. But he says that in order to access the temple, one must kill the other. Not Xeno and Nefer, but Xeno and Artax. The decision is difficult. You can decide between killing Artax or killing Xeno. Either way, the temple opens. Xeno/Artax through who the player decides, enters the temple and takes this Orb. Nefer warns him not too take it.


    Xeno takes the Orb, or Artax for that matter. Instantly we get a cutscene showing the cities of Ur and the Chaldeans of how they got lust for power etc. Bascially a warning cutscene not to become corrupted by power.

    Xeno staggers back, breathing hard. He is left with a choice. Make peace with the Templars, or fight the machinations of the Isu that continue to destroy this world. If he chooses the Templars, we see the conflict growing. If we choose the choice of the Isu, we get a unique history where the Templars/Assassins form alliances and break it. And then we see among the Isu, he gets a divine intervention of Ahura Mazda, who tells him the truth using Zorostrain teaching.


    Unusued concepts:The Immortals: They're an group that are powerful and hate the Templars. The Templars have not been the only organisation in history to manipulate events. The Head of the Immortals is a Grand Magi, who has been loyal to Persia from time beyond. The Immortals want Persia safe. They're like the elite guard of Persia. They will form an alliance to preserve Persia, and that is what they did when Alexander burned Persepolis. They were responsible for creating the squabbles of Alexander's empire breaking off.The Babylonian Brotherhood - they're essentially an off-shoot of the Egyptian brotherhood, who gave them the finances to do so.The Gods: Enill, Marduk, Gilgamesh, Ahura Mazda.Its not great, but its some idea.📷Atm I am running out of ideas, but here is what I would want:

    1. Ability to customise character outfits, ziplines, riding on camels and horses.
    2. The ability to carry out missions in the form of an Assassin brotherhood throughout the whole of the Persian Empire. Like the Cult of Kosmos, there'll be a main screen where you are in charge. The Other trees branch out to different Assassins. You can go to a small city or town, save them, recruit them, and then send them to defeat Templars.
    3. The amount of cities and towns will be numerous. We'll be exploring Isu ruins, Assyrian ruins, Mythological creatures. This game will have a lot of pre-Sumerian ruins. The Sumerians would like the Minoans in AC Odyessy.
    4. The amount of diversity: You'll have Persians, Assyrians, Mesoptamians, Ur, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Scythians, Sarmations, Greeks, Indians, Chinese merchants from the Silk Road.
    5. The amount of diversity in the landscape: Mountains, the Reliefs of the Acheamaind Kings, the Great Tomb of Cyrus, the Mountain of Behistun, the City of Tyre, the ruins of Troy.
    6. To make it easy, you have four provinces. Each one a large province. In that you would have towns and cities similar to AC Odyessy.
    7. A lot of side-quests and branching quests.
    8. You'll be fighting creatures from many mythological eras. Sumerian mythology and Assriyian Mythology is wild and there's so much stuff you can pull out from there.
    9. This is open world. So the major cities of Persepolis, Susa, Ectabana, Troy, Side, Tyron and a lot of Ancient Forts will be there for you too look at,
    10. You'll get to meet a lot of Mesopatamian Gods, Ahura Mazda and a lot more beasts.I just want a game in the Persian Empire now!!!! 📷
    11. Let me know of your thoughts. We must get an Persian Empire AC at some point!
    submitted by /u/Wandering_sage1234
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    I don't understand why people want AC games in the ancient world

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    TL;DR: I think games shouldn't bet set before Origins in ancient times and should be set after Origins as it is the ORIGINS of the brotherhood.

    I don't understand how everyone is always talking about ancient Rome or ancient Persia or ancient Mesopotamia being the next location of an ASSASSIN'S CREED GAME. Don't get me wrong, they would be amazing settings and I understand it from that perspective, but the fact is that these games would be set hundreds of years before the Assassins were established. This would be terrible, as it would just be a half-done, half-arsed RPG that would be labelled as Assassin's Creed but not actually include any assassin's. Having characters like Kassandra or Alexios as mercenaries that "inspired" future assassins even though no one knew they existed is not clever or a new aspect on the franchise. Also ancient time games would naturally be heavily ISU based as they were closer to ISU times and in my opinion there was way too much ISU stuff in Odyssey and it went way to mythological, when the games should be more science-fiction and logic based not fantasy-based. The ISU should be a mystery with the protagonist being one small piece in a giant machine of lore and history, not someone who's basically the "chosen one" because they're part God and have an overtly powerful ISU weapon. So i think any future AC games should be set after Origins, which gives 2000+ years of history with so many places and gives settings arguably more interesting than ancient times, for example, medieval East Europe.

    Sorry for the rant

    submitted by /u/ZadTheLad
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    Why I (and many others) like Ac Unity so much

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    So i wanted to analyse why so many people here think nostalgically back on unity and call it the last true assassins creed game.

    So it's quite obvious that Alex Amencio and the unity team had the vision of going back to the core of ac, and improving upon it. So a much improved version of assassins creed 1 if you will. And i think they did very well. New stealth system, social stealth, a bunch of different animations for hidden blade takedowns so it doesent get stale, etc.

    On the subject of animations, ac unity is by far the best ac game in that regard. It's a shame the parkour is sometimes glitchy and the controls are very clunky, but the actual animations are beautiful and make you look badass. One other thing i never see mentioned is that ac unity was the return of a more grounded, realistic animations and art style, like we see in ac1 or ac2. Imo starting in ac3 the game looked way more „cartoony" both in animation and art style. Sadly that was quickly abondend with ac syndicate, which introduced an even more cartoony style. They dialed back a bit with ac origins and odyssey, but not by much sadly.

    That leads us to the next point: Atmosphere. I think realistic art and animations really contribute to the already amazing atmosphere of Paris. They make you feel like you're actually in the 18th century. But that's just an added bonus to the amazing Paris. Paris is undoubtedly the most beautiful ac city. I don't know why, but the graphics in ac unity haven't bern rivaled by any ac game since, when i'm playing i always have to stop and take in the amazing vistas, the huge crowds of people and such. All of this contributes to an incredibly immersive atmosphere.

    These are a few of the reasons why i love ac unity, although there are some i absolutely hate, and i get why people don't like it as much. Like stealth being buggy sometimes, combat being buggy (and looking good but not being all that fun) etc.

    If this game had gotten extra development time, i think it would have been an absolute hit, and ubisoft wouldn't have strayed so far from the original ac formula as they have now. Instead ac unity's „failure" at launch served as a sign to ubisoft that the teams need more time for their games, which is at least one good thing that came out out of this „failure".

    I guess ac was already heading in the rpg direction, since unity already had levels and such, but i think they've taken it too far with ac odyssey. Don't get me wrong i love ac origins and liked ac odyssey, but especially odyssey is really far from being anything ac other than in name. But i don't want to go on about those games, we all have pur preferences and regardless there hasen't been an ac game if really disliked anyway.

    submitted by /u/Rafideluxe
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    Shay and Connor should've fought at some point, but who would have won? [Spoilers for AC: Rogue]

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    When rogue was released, I know many people left the game after playing it beginning to see things from the side of the templars. For me, all I could think about was how much I hated Shay Cormac for what he had done. I think he's a very well written character, but I hated him because he betrayed the assassins (for a good reason I suppose) killed his best friend, his actions ended up crippling Achilles, and the big one: he killed my boy Adè.

    Anyway, considering Shay was good mates with Haytham and he killed Edward's best mate (side note: that's an epic interaction between Haytham and Adewale) and he was later active as a Templar at the same time Connor was active as an Assassin, I just think it would be such an epic face off, they could have added Shay as an assassination target for AC3 remastered - it also begs the question: who would win in a straight fight? Connor or Shay?

    I suppose it would also be fitting if Arno took down Shay (because he killed his dad), but considering we dont actually know the fate of either Connor or Shay, I think that fight would be pretty cool.

    submitted by /u/Fierylion8379
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    Started Origins 2 days ago, holy shit this game is amazing!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Just arrived at Alexandria, can't wait to explore it! I don't know why people say side content isn't that great, I enjoyed it as much as the main story. Some of the side quests were pretty well written. I'm not sure if the quality of side content will go down, I hope not. Just wanted to say this!

    submitted by /u/VhetnoV2
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    Do you change the main outfit to play the main story?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Since the Corona quarantine started I've been playing the old games and I noticed that I dye Ezio's outfit in Revelations to white as soon as I get the money to. Does Anybody else do something similar?

    submitted by /u/ph_aragao
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    The Thames is the best singular location of all AC games.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    I'm replaying all the AC games, and I'm on my 3 play through of Syndicate. However, that "play through" just devolves to me screwing around in the River Thames area, raiding ships and just breathing in the games atmosphere.

    I thinks it's so great because the level designers made the parkour just so fun for this specific region. While I actually dislike what they did to the parkour in Syndicate (taking away players ability to free jump) it actually works for the Thames, as the more restricted free running works for this water-based location. Also, I think this is the only real area in the whole game which really nails the "Victorian" vibe, with the rest of the game being a bit too bright for my tastes. I can literally spend hours just screwing around here and not get bored.

    If they made an entire game that combines parkour and flooded areas (Tenochtitlan) for instance, I would be so down.

    submitted by /u/jewishgangster101
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    Where is bayek in the year gap?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:54 AM PDT


    I haven't finished the game yet, I've only just killed the lizard, so no spoilers please.

    I've been wondering this the whole game, ever since the opening cutscene.

    The game leaves the player unbeknown to what happened to Bayek during the year where his son got killed, and up to where he killed rudjek.

    Why does he leave Aya? Where does he go? What does he do?

    I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. Thanks for your help in advance.

    submitted by /u/Vezical2
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    Odyssey has some good ideas that are executed 'kinda' half-assedly...

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    First of all, I haven't played Origins yet, but with the praise its got on the storytelling and voice acting, I feel like I'm glad I picked Odyssey first before getting into Origins. I think Odyssey is a very enjoyable ARPG first and Assassin's Creed second, I won't say "bUT itS nOt AsSasiNs CreEd" anymore since it's been screamed over and over again. That said, Odyssey has adopted decent gameplay ideas from the games before it but executed kind of half-assedly...

    The dialogue choice -- up until this point in the series (dunno about Origins yet), there's no dialogue choice, you play a pre-set story and get pre-set dialogue. The idea makes sense, since there are many side quests now and you're given a choice to accept or not. I see the dialogue choices idea taken from games like Fallout, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, The Witcher, etc. but the writing is... weird. It feels like it was written for a text dialogue, not voice-acted, for games similar to olden Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. The Misthios investigative dialogue choices often yield the same response or giving the same information with different precedent words. I also feel there's lack of connection between the choices and weird tonal shift in their voice. At one moment Alexios is scolding a girl with a stern tone, and the next dialogue you can pick is a flirty one telling her she's cute with flirty tone... hwat?. Not a dealbreaker, but kind of taking me out of the experience for a bit.

    Athens vs Spartans -- yes, you don't have to pick but hell even if you side with one I think there's even no pros and/or cons, you can help Athens get rid of Spartans in an area and then get rid of said Athens in the next without any sort of 'pause' system for power transitioning. At least wait a couple of loading screens before changing everything to the new faction's banner. There's also no benefit in helping them either, except for the sweet EXP and Drachmae from clearing forts and killing people. Maybe a better implementation would be some kind of "Favor" system, if you favor a side for a while, you'll get certain benefits like shop discount in a favorable area, or able to enter restricted area without aggroing the guards (unless you start trouble) which could be nice since some quests location is inside a camp, or you can get help from nearby guards if you're getting attacked (in the game if you start fighting with a merc in the middle of a city, the guards help the fucking merc). The opposite could also happen in an area controlled by a faction that doesn't favor you, like more expensive shops, or at the extreme, guards can attack you on sight.

    Mercenaries -- did they clone Middle Earth's Nemesis system? and didn't bother to add a sprinkle of personality to the mercs? All the mercs I fought so far are faceless brutes with unique names, they don't talk except for regular grunt and variations of "your bounty will be mine". The system is there! what's with the half-assed cloned system, add suspense, threatening dialogue, quick cutscene, and make them refer to your earlier fight if you flee from the previous battle, hell they can even reuse old mercenary if you didn't "Confirm Kill" and you'll met that merc again, wounded and will say something about vengeance.... I'm sad.

    Stealth -- is it just me or stealth kind of a backseat in here. It's... simplified? there's no more hiding spots like cupboards or wells or chair or hiding in a crowd, heck, can't even hide in haystacks anymore, there's no standing on wall waiting for enemy to come and snatch him from the corner just confirmed that you can still killing from wall's edge. There's only bushes and tall grass...

    Could be so much more.

    Also, the map is too freaking


    holy crap.

    submitted by /u/outerzenith
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    Keep upgrading my legendary set, or equip higher level/stat gear found?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:44 PM PDT


    I started playing about a week ago, so only level 20. I got the Ezio Roman Set (from ubi store i think), and I freaking love it, the 100% cooldown on hero strike plus the legendary milanese sword (25% crit with hero strike) is an amazing combo. But my set and sword is level 17, and im finding now a lot of gear with higher stats. Found other legendary gear (no set yet) with high stats too. But idk what to do, should I keep upgrading (even tho its expensive af), or equip the other random higher level gear?

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/RedBlueGai
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    AC games should go back to how they were before Origins and Odyssey.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    I don't think open world really suits the ac universe. The endless grind in odyssey really destroyed my soul and I just couldn't get myself to actually finish it.

    I want to actually be a part of the assassins again and not be some random dude who had connections with the isu. The assassin creed games are turning out to be just rpg games without the actual assassins. Ubisoft just went ahead and slapped the ac title on it (not saying that odyssey is bad per se, i actually enjoyed a significant amount of odyssey, i just don't think it it's an actual ac)

    Even though syndicate wasn't the best ac game by far, imo future ac should be similar. If you take syndicate and refine the story, it could turn out to be a really great game. Black flag is a good example. Even though the game didn't really focus on the assassin/templar conflict, it was still there and occupied a big portion of the game.

    Ac shouldn't be set before assassins came to be. There's so many places and times to choose from apart from the ancient times.

    Anyway, what do you guys think? Are you excited for the next ac and what sort of future ac titles are you hoping for?

    submitted by /u/CookedSpaghetti
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    I just finished ac origins [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    The first ac game i played was black flag, and that was the gane which made me fall in love with the ac games. Most of al the ending of black flag, bit all in all it was an amazing game, obe of the best games i ever played.

    After that i started ac unity because i heard so much positive thing about it. I kinda liked the mainstory, uit it did not even tough black flags story. The side content was not good in my opinion and thats why i did only about halve of the side content. The only things i liked in ac unity where the atmosphere and dead kings.

    Then i started ac origins, ang 91 hours later i completed it. And i have to say that i absolutely loved egypt. The main story was amazing, and an emotional rollercoaster, reaching its peak at the end when the brotherhood was founded, it gave me goosebumps all over my body, i absolutely loved the main story. The side content was also good, and i loved that some of the side missions where tided in with the main story line. Also the nature looked amazing, but that story made the game so good. Bayek himself is a good protagonist, in therms of emotional range and just the way he acted.

    Spoilers ahead

    One thing that i did not like is that we had to go to rome. In my opinion that could have been better saved for a next game, maybe even with aya as protagonist. However if ahe would be the protagonist, the could use a bit of character building, but futher i have no idea if this idea is good at al, after all im no story writer.

    Also for some reason i just could not fight well with aya, it didnt seem to work for me.

    Oh i did love that aya chanched here name to amunet in the end and not already in the beginning to avoid spoilers, i dont know which ones exactly, but they had something to do with the ezio games, but i did not touch those yet.

    But all in all, i loved the game, and now up to the dlc's. What did concern me a bit is that i heard that oddysey butcherd everything again, from the idea that bayek started the brotherhood, bit i did not play that yet.

    submitted by /u/arachnomancer1
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    Really need help! Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    So I just started the game, and I'm pretty new to AC in general. I just accepted a "bounty" contract to kill a target in Black Flag. This target was located on a docked British Frigate. I assassinated the target and got paid, then decided to kill the rest of the entire crew, and even cut down the ships flag.

    Now it's just sitting lifeless at the dock, and I'm wondering if there's any way I can loot it or add it to Kenway's fleet? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/wicknest
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    AC Origins reminds me of AC 2

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    I'm currently on my second playthrough of Origins and I also played AC 2 earlier and I just realized that Origins is very similar to AC 2 here are some of the similarities:

    1. There is a list of targets that you've killed or have to kill and turn red once you kill them (Conspirators and Order of the Ancients list)
    2. The protagonist goes from city to city in their home country to find those responsible.
    3. The protagonist experienced loss of a family member(s) in the game.
    4. Both Bayek and Ezio wanted revenge.
    5. The ones responsible for the deaths of their loved ones were part of the Templars/Order of the Ancients.
    submitted by /u/MistakenDemon
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    An old AC1 and 2 fan looking to get his feet wet again. Assistance?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    So I'm looking at getting back into the joy of assassination and templar killing, but I havent played anything past 2 or brotherhood, so I guess my question is, which is going to replicate that old AC feel? Origins seems to be the running leader in regards to my online searches, but what do you all think?

    submitted by /u/KarmaChameleon89
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    Just started AC: Odyssey... anything I should know?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Huge fan of all the Assassin's Creed games. I've Been playing Origins since it came out, and it's time for me to move on lol. I have a TON of questions....

    I don't mind any spoilers at all..

    Can I craft my armor to upgrade it like in Origins? Or do I have to find certain pieces of armor, and upgrade/optimize them?

    What's "The Best" Armor to use for my playstyle? I enjoy doing a great deal of damage. I have done some reaserch and it seems "Spartan War Hero" Gear Set best fits my playstyle.. how do I get it?

    Also what weapons are similar to the following (Origins):

    Amun's Might (Sword)

    Aten's End (Spear)

    Mut's Sorrow (Shield)

    Composite Bow (Light Bow)

    Amenhotep's Bow (Predator Bow)

    I'm really into high Crit Chance/Damage, Health On Hit, Health On Kill, Instant Charging, Stealth Damage, Melee/Ranged Resistance (Shields), and (Sometimes) "On Fire."

    Do those perks still exist?

    And are there any "Missable" items that I have to do in certain chapters? Or can I bang out the story as fast as possible so I can reach the End Game, and do everything else afterwards?

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/sarkastikdesperado
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    New AC player-- very excited, but would love tips/help!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    I've never played any of the AC games before but I'm finally getting a console of my own (Switch Lite) and getting the Rebel Collection (Black Flag, Rogue, Freedom's Cry) for it! I'm so excited to play! :D

    Anybody got tips or hints they'd like to share for this newbie? I usually don't play action games (I play a ton of Pokemon) so I'm a little bit nervous, I have zero reflexes, lol. The last time I played an action game I tended to panic and button mash a lot.

    submitted by /u/Cat1832
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    Is there really going to be an Viking themed AC?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    I've heard rumors about it, seen some pictures around the internet, but i'm super confused! I saw people talking about it as if they are sure it's going to happen and others that said it was all fake, i did some searching but i can't find any answers.

    Sorry for any errors/confusion.

    submitted by /u/_Letahhhhh_
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    If we do see AC Vikings made, I can only see it being in the conquest of Britain; starting at the attack at Lindisfarne, and ending with the uniting of Britain.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    You'd either play a Norse/Dane that comes over to stop the starting of the group that becomes the knights Templar, or you'd play a Saxon that has to stop the invasion of the Vikings that want an ancient artifact. Somewhere along the lines of The Last Kingdom

    submitted by /u/iantruesnacks
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    Starting Origins! Excited af

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    I just completed Unity and Syndicate and now on to Origins! I'm pumped with all the hype heard about it.

    submitted by /u/wedges675
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    Not getting Roman Centurion Pack(AC Origins)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    I just bought the season pass for origins and I have everything else besides from the roman centurion pack(hidden ones and curse of the pharaohs dlc, and horus pack).

    submitted by /u/BigMamaJuuJuu
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