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    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    Assassin's Creed [Day 16/72] Assassin's Creed II - Sequence 13 - 'Bonfire of the Vanities'

    Assassin's Creed [Day 16/72] Assassin's Creed II - Sequence 13 - 'Bonfire of the Vanities'

    [Day 16/72] Assassin's Creed II - Sequence 13 - 'Bonfire of the Vanities'

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:00 AM PDT

    AC Marathon 2019 - Day 16

    Assassin's Creed II Sequence 13 - 'Bonfire of the Vanities'

    Greetings, Assassins! Today we need to take back our home, Firenze, from Savonarola and his nine lieutenants. Peace be upon you, and may fortune favor your blade.

    Today's Targets: Savonarola and his nine lieutenants


    1 - Florentine Fiasco
    Meet up with Machiavelli in the Oltrarno District of Florence.
    2 - Still Life
    Assassinate the beguiled artist.
    3 - Climbing the Ranks
    Assassinate the captain of the guard.
    4 - Upward Mobility
    Chase down the nobleman and silence him before he reaches Savonarola.
    5 - Last Rites
    Climb the Duomo without being seen and remove the entranced priest from his perch.
    6 - Port Authority
    Board the ship without being seen and put an end to the merchant's trading days.
    7 - Surgical Strike
    Assassinate the doctor without being seen.
    8 - Hitting the Hay
    Assassinate the farmer, but avoid alerting his henchmen.
    9 - Arch Nemesis
    Eliminate the condottiero guarding the Ponte Vecchio.
    10 - Doomsday
    Stop the preacher's corrupt sermon.
    11 - Power to the People
    Re-acquire the Apple of Eden.


    Share your feelings about today's sequence in the comments below. What did you think? Talk about what you liked, what you disliked, and your general thoughts. Feel free to engage with others and ask questions of your own!

    Being active in discussions will make you eligible for an official Marathon giveaway. More info in the 'Giveaway' section below.


    Featured Video: Assassin's Creed: The Real History - "Girolamo Savonarola"


    Here are the playthroughs that Marathon streamers have pre-recorded and uploaded:

    No HUD Playthrough by /u/MegaBoschi - 1:53:13


    Make sure to download the official Marathon wallpapers for Assassin's Creed II!

    Desktop 1920x1080 || Desktop 1920x1200 || Mobile


    Here is today's Fan Art of the Day for Assassin's Creed II.
    Artist: teralilac


    October 10th - Assassin's Creed
    October 15th - Assassin's Creed II
    October 27th - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
    November 5th - Assassin's Creed: Revelations
    November 13th - Assassin's Creed III
    November 23rd - Assassin's Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington
    November 26th - Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
    December 2nd - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
    December 13th - Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom Cry
    December 15th - Assassin's Creed Rogue
    December 21st - Assassin's Creed Day


    This year we are giving away a set of prizes. These include a copy of the new Essential Guide, a digital copy of Assassin's Creed Odyssey Gold for the platform of your choice and an Art Commission done by NightFell.
    To be eligible for this year's giveaway, you must comment on at least 42 total threads across all games, including at least one thread from each game (DLCs don't count as a separate game, Liberation does). Replies to other comments count as well. Engaging in discussion with other users is strongly encouraged! You must confirm your participation by commenting on the final thread on Dec 21st.
    For additional details refer to the FAQ here.


    Tomorrow, on Day 17 of the Assassin's Creed Marathon, we will be travelling to the Vatican, as part of Assassin's Creed II - Sequence 14!

    You need all Codex pages by then, so catch up, if you let that part drag!

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    submitted by /u/ACMarathon
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    My Ezio painting, acrylic on paper ��

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:46 AM PDT

    The colonial assassins were the bad guys

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:06 AM PDT

    I think in both of the games ( ACIII AND ROGUE) the templar were better and more right about things than their rivals

    Even In ACIII I think connor was completely wrong about things, he fought because natives were being crushed to save them from the british government. But the american government didn't treat them any better

    He fought because his family was being driven out of their home by the B.government but in the aftermath of the war the new gov sold the land

    Under haytham's command William Johnson sought to buy the land so it would be his property and the gov couldn't drive the natives out but connor fucked that up

    When tensions rose high Pitcairn sought to arrest Adams and Hancock to settle thing diplomatically but connor ruined that to. Please read the following

    Why... Why did you do this? [Connor: To protect Adams and Hancock – and those they serve. You meant to kill them–] Kill them? Are you mad? I wanted only to parlay. There was so much to discuss. To explain... But you've put and end to that now. [Connor: If you speak true then I will carry your last words to them.] They must lay down their arms. They must stop this war! [Connor: Why them and not the Redcoats?] Do you not think we asked the same question of the British? These things take time. And it would have succeeded, had you let me play my part. [Connor: The part of the puppeteer.] Better we hold the strings than another. [Connor: No. The strings should be severed. All should be free.] And we should live forever on castles in the sky! You wield your blade like a man, but your mouth like a child! And more will die now... because of that... [Connor: It is better to have faith in something than none at all.]

    Connor is like a child who doesn't know how the world works

    And after war officially broke out haytham wanted to find a better chief commander to replace the incompetent commander Washington (god save me from the wrath of angry americans) but connor (like always) fucked that up

    I think story wise ACIII was really good at showing that the conflict isn't just good vs bad but failed to deliver a good protagonist

    submitted by /u/arashz02
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    My biggest gripe about Assassin’s Creed Unity that I know will never be resolved

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:45 PM PDT

    It really bothers me that the very first assassin outfit that Arno gets isn't under the outfits tab and if I want to improve my stats at all I have to change the pieces. That suit is beautiful and quite possibly my favorite combination (besides the legacy suits and the legendary military ensemble).

    submitted by /u/Dhawk089
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    Wait, so Aya/Amunet was immortalized in the Sanctuary under false pretenses?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:07 AM PDT

    So Aya goes and changes her name to Amunet, and as we see in Monteriggioni's Sanctuary, Amunet has a statue for being the one to kill Cleopatra, saying she conducted the assassination with an Asp.

    Only we learn that didn't happen. Cleopatra was holed up in Alexandria, Octavian was invading, and at the last possible moment Amunet pops up and says "Hey, so you're gonna die either way so . . . drink this poison?" which Cleopatra agrees to basically letting Amunet steal the win. Man I'm going to be really disappointed if Qulan Gal, Wei Yu, Iltani and Leonius also didn't actually kill Genghis Khan, Qin Shi Huang, Alexander the Great, and Caligula respectively.

    Meanwhile the ghost of Bayek's sitting there annoyed he didn't get a statue because he didn't go and lie on his resume.

    submitted by /u/RKO-Cutter
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    Why Connor is my favorite protagonist

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    I know many people on this sub don't really have him on the top of their favorites list, or actively dislike him, so I wanted to throw in some positives about his character. He's my favorite so I hope I can write well about him. It's long lol.

    I get that Connor's stoicism threw a lot of fans off-guard after Ezio. Ezio was charismatic, extroverted, and very clearly humorous. Having to deal with and look up to a hero whose personality is on essentially the opposite end of that spectrum was difficult, even for me, but Connor's personality wasn't a result of bad writing. The circumstances the world had thrown him into hardened him a great deal. His personality was deliberate, you could see it very clearly in cutscenes and dialogue (Connor feeling uncomfortable when people touch him, becoming shy when friends tease him, smiling only when he's around people he's close with, etc.). The anger he exhibits most of the time is also pretty justified. Imagine growing up with only one parent and having to witness the exact moment you're orphaned. Connor grew up with only his mother for only a few years of his life, and the fact that she loved him was the only thing he ever really knew about her after she died.

    That was why he was so eager and desperate the entire game. Connor's naivete wasn't from the fact he was written to be dumb or something. He grew up alone and without any sort of parental guidance to teach him about the world, including how horrible it could be. At this point, looking back at ACIII, it's important to remember that the entire Kenway saga as told in the main games is a tragedy. Connor's naivete is an aspect of that - his entire character arc was learning that the world is a shitty place, that nothing is just black and white, and that having beliefs isn't as simple as just following a leader. Remember that he never had initial guidance as a child, so as a young man he tried finding it in so many other people, looking only at the best in others (Achilles, Washington, his own father). At the end of it all Connor realized he could only really trust himself, and that was the entire thematic goal of the story, wasn't it? That nothing is black and white, and that you can make your own decisions even if the world seems to offer you limited choices. The entire point of the story was to destroy Connor's optimistic world view, to break his moral compass and force him to make decisions without anyone to depend on.

    Connor as a protagonist reflects the player at this point. He was just as confused as you regarding Templar vs. Assassin vs. Patriot vs. Loyalist morality. He was even more distraught. Turns out George Washington was the one who burned his village down and killed his mother all along, Haytham had made some really great points calling out Assassin philosophy, and Connor had been used and abused this entire time by people he trusted. You could say this was all his fault for being naive, but again, Connor was alone and had always been, desperate to just keep his village safe from people and maybe unite the Templars and Assassins.

    It's a good fucking story even though it's really sad.

    Now we get to Connor's positive attributes. He was selfless. He always put his people first no matter what, whether it was his village or his friends at the Homestead. Literally his most famous quote is "Because no one else will!" when Charles Lee asked him why he fought. Also, THE HOMESTEAD MISSIONS. I can admit that they were poorly implemented because they were easy to miss, but they show the player that Connor wasn't just sad and confused all the time. My most favorite aspect of the Homestead missions was the fact that it highlighted one of Connor's best characteristics - he likes helping people. He enjoys being around his friends and helping them, and saves his smiles only for them. He could also get pretty adorkable, having to help one of the Homesteaders woo a girl (despite not knowing anything about girls) or having to chase pigs around because the farmer was too pregnant to do it herself (he gets really flustered and embarrassed if you take too long). The wedding scene was also really heartwarming. He helps people for its own sake and because he enjoys it. He's also headstrong, stubborn, and willing to do anything if it means keeping his people safe (it also just adds to the sadness of everything as well). He also inherited the sass of both his mom and dad so seeing him tell off people who betrayed him through sass was really entertaining.

    TL;DR - Connor's character was the best choice in order to sell a story dealing with moral grays and the confusion/grief that comes with it. Connor as a protagonist reflects the player as they try to come to a conclusion about whether the Templars or the Assassins are good or bad. Connor isn't an emotionless killing machine and is capable of great empathy and gentleness. Connor's optimism and naivete drive home the point that the story in this game is a tragedy and is not because he's badly written or a bad protagonist. His emotions are justified because he's surrounded by people he trusted but turn out to be jerks despite working so hard for them.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    submitted by /u/_POLYXO_
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    My idea for an ideal Templar game.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:25 AM PDT

    It may or may not be good but I would like to share it anyways

    The story starts in the modern era with a troubled war veteran living in a run down and crime ridden neighborhood. He has lost all purpose, he is left behind by the people around him and has given up all hope. At some point he fell victim of an attempted murder. The wounds were fatal and was not expected to live.

    However Abstergo managed to locate him and treated his wounds. The man's life was saved. However to Abstergo the man will serve a purpose. The man's amcestry is linked to a templar pioneer from the Medieval Ages, where the Templar order was "founded". Abstergo promised him a new and better life if he agreed to get in the Animus. The man agreed to it.

    The game would focus on laying the foundations of the Knights Templars. You would play as someone who starts as a nobody and the story would see the character rising through the ranks of the Templar Order. The character would make memorable friends along the way and would perform missions that involve bribing lords, bullying opponents, defending pilgrims and civilians and large scale battles. The game needs to be long. The map would span parts of Europe and the Holy Land. The Medieval Era would fit a Templar story very well as it is in an era where war and chaos is rampant and Order, which the Templars champion, would become necessary.

    I wonder what you all think, I know it may be bad but I am just sharing my ideas.

    submitted by /u/BeautifulBrief
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    [SPOILER] Isu geography (Fate of Atlantis DLC)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    • So, on Odyssey DLC the Fate of Atlantis we´re introduced to the Three Sister kingdoms: Elysium, Hades (Underworld) and Atlantis. In the same breath, Aletheia told us that the protagonist was going through an animus-like simulation in order to synch Layla with the Staff of Hermes.
    • Therefore neither Persephone, Hekate, Hermes, Hades, Poseidon or Hera Juno were "real". They were not faithful copies of these people, just fictional. And also Elysium and Hades as the abode of the dead was entirely false.
    • However, at Atlantis we find logs and journals consistent with lore we got from AC II, Brotherhood, III and Origins. One set of Isu commander armor is obtainable millenia after, hidden beneath the sphynx. Kolossi use beams of energy much like the sword of Eden seen in Unity. The architecture of the city is much like the Observatory. So the Atlantis realm seems realistic.
    • In the mentioned logs, Hera Juno´s activities are reported. She was banned from Atlantis but she consorted with followers at the other Sister realms. So the Three Sister´s kingdoms were real, but not the mystical placed said to be. After all, Isu were flesh and blood, mortal humanoids later seen as ethereal beings. Maybe Elysium and Hades were also mundane places before the Great Catastrophe.
    • Hades stikes me as a mining/penal colony. The strongest roman concrete needs volcanic materials, and Isu favored concrete and obsidian on their buildings. So in order to make their urban centers, vaults and monuments they needed an intensive, cost-effective mining colony. They bred humans on the spot to toil to death, and were also sent there as punishment. On the human mind Hades would forever be associated with suffering because of this, not becase it was the abode of the dead.
    • For the tycoons of industry that were supervising the operation there was Elysium. They would not want their children to be raised in such a polluted and miserable place. And Elysium and Hades are neighbours, since there is an Elysium breach on Hades. So Elysium was a high-end, luxury neighborhood for precursors. Very few humans would be allowed (as "pets", bodyguards, servants or assistants). So on the human mind only a very select few would be allowed on the Elysium Fields.
    • Since Elysium is surrounded by waterfalls, it must be an island surrounded by large body of water. Hades and Atlantis must be landmasses nearby. Atlantis was in fact modern Thera, in Greece, and now the city is flooded.
    • So Hades and Elysium are at the Mediterranean sea, wiped out by the Great Catastrophe. On Italy there are a lot of active volcanos: Etna, Vesubius, Volcano, Stronboli. And there are a lot of underwater volcanos as well. So how about the Hades we visited was actually close to Sicily, next to this volcanic cluster. Since we know where Thera is, Elysium would be between Sicily and Thera.
    submitted by /u/klauszen
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    What is the best AC game holistically?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:08 PM PDT

    So gameplay wise, mechanics, story, etc.

    I personally think Brotherhood was solid for me. Black flag was hella fun for not feeling as much of AC as the prequels. Origins very good RPG aspect of the genre. Wondering what others think.

    submitted by /u/socialmediaisbad
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    AC Odyssey Engraving (now or later?)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:01 PM PDT


    i am new to AC odyssey. hope somebody can advise! i am thinking of engraving my gear using the +2% crit chance while at full health engraving. does it matter when do I engrave my gear? scenario: if i engrave now and unlock the upper tiers of the engraving later, will the engaving +2% on my gear increase accordingly to +4%, +6% and so on? Also,, regarding the hephaistos workshop, if i learn +14% crit chance while at full health for example, will my gear (that has been engraved) be updated accordingly as well? Asking this because i found a gear i really like after many hours of farming and don't want to spoil it. Any help is greatly appreciated! Many thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/shaoweing
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    Why did they name him Altaïr?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    Why did the guys at Ubisoft name their first protagonist Altaïr? Well, the answer is simple:

    1) Altaïr is in fact the name of the brightest star in the constellation of Aquila, in 2007 J.D.Monnier and his coworkers published an image of Altaïr's surface [from 2006 infrared observations], this was the first time the surface of any main sequence start, apart from the Sun, had been imaged, which is the same year AC1 was published btw.

    2) Altaïr in arabic means "The flyer" or "The flying one" or even "The bird" which combined with constellation's name "Aquila" [which means "Eagle" in latin] explains the reason behind all the *Eaglish references in the game: eagle vision, observation points with an eagle at their top, the leap of faith, Connor's ship [The Aquila], Ezio [a name of Greek origin that also means eagle], and other stuff that people will add in the comments...

    3) I'm pretty sure someone already posted this before, so please link it in the comments :)

    submitted by /u/KiloMegaGegaTeraNoob
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    What does recent financial failures of Breakpoint and Division 2 mean for future AC?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:19 AM PDT


    Based on this, what do you think it means for the upcoming AC games? Particularly the one coming out next year?

    Not so much about RPG/Open world vs Classic AC as I think that topic has been done to death here. I mean stuff like MTXs, focus on MP etc....

    Suppose Ubisoft was going to make the next AC game MTX heavy or some sort of forced MP.....do you think that based on D2 and Breakpoint that they are rethinking things?

    submitted by /u/MajesticJazz
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    Assassins Creed 1 is a pain to play through

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    Hi Guys, my first Assassins Creed Game was Unity and even though it was really buggy i enjoy it a lot. After that I played Syndicate and I absolutely loved it. I know most of you hate Syndicate but I found it really enjoyable and definitely not repetitive after having played Assassins Creed 1 now.. I really think that Assassins Creed had the right ideas but nothing was really good, except maybe Graphics for it's year. What I want to mention tho is that you can really see that Assassins Creed kinda lost a bit of it's identity with Origins and Odyssey, I mean Origins was something fresh and it was really enjoyable but it didn't feel like an Assassin but more like a Fighter Game.. and now Odyssey did the same again and the next one will be a Viking Game I heard.. I really hope they get back that Assassin Stealth aspect

    submitted by /u/SupportStillTheMain
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    Please Explain this fanbase

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    I'm not trying to seem like a jerk but who would want to live in a world where Templars ruled was law where you could killed and murdered and are no longer a person but an item to control

    How can we all sit down and play the series and than say THE ASSASSIN'S ARE NOT HEROES

    This confuses me all the time they fight to keep us free and not being control by powerful people in the shadows

    Yes they make mistakes but which group started WW2 and the French revolution that costed massive amounts of life this just two instances of this happing( there are more we know of) the Templars have no regard for human life they only see society as clay to be molded for their benefit

    Have the assassin's made mistake yes Achilles did cause the earthquake but the Templars were right there too trying to access the site as well so it really was who ever got there first but Achilles accepted his actions and felt bad for it Haytem caused the Boston massacre and just walked away.

    Another thing i see is " after an assassin killed someone everything gets worse" yes but that is because the Templars bulit a system around themselves where they are irreplaceable the assassin's not so much the system they created is like a drug to society it might seem good at the moment but withdraw and getting off it is way better

    The Assassin's of Assassin's Creed are the good guys to me Templars are master manipulators who when dying raise very good points but if you think about it for longer than a white room confession they are surely wrong. One group is above the law and control a system that men and women down while the other group just want people to be free to make their own decisions that will make mistakes and be wrong but will learn

    I would rather rode bike fell off get hurt but learn to ride than to have to walk my whole life.

    submitted by /u/bigbreel
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    With both Watch dogs legion and gods&monsters delayed,the new AC might be pushed for 2021

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:45 AM PDT

    I think this would be great,if Ashraf is working on the game,im sure it would turn out even better.I think Origins was more polished than Odyssey and it had more details,so i can't wait to see what he can do with the extra time.

    submitted by /u/Real_Colinio
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    Major spiolers warning! Discussion on the spear of leonidas in odyssey

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:56 PM PDT

    So the fact that it's stated the spear of leonidas "broke" is one I find very questionable. We have all other artifacts surviving for thousands of years, if not more keep working just fine. Yet the spear will just all of a sudden stop having power within what 10-20 years? I know ths spear did get broken but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Considering, unless my memory is faulty, that there have been other pieces of Eden that still work that have been broken far beyond the timeframe of the spear. To me it feels more like Ubisoft wanted a reason for such a powerful artifact to not get in the hands of the modern-day. Consider the fact that upon upgrading the spear it changes shape to the point of it looking as if it has adapted a new shape, not broken.

    Thoughts on this? Please bear in mind I am about to start the atlantis dlc and have one episode of the first blade dlc left. Everything else in the main story has been done.

    submitted by /u/KataLight
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    An AC game that goes back to AC roots

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:24 AM PDT

    Who wants a new AC game that goes back to the AC roots?

    I for one do. I didn't play Origins, but I did play Odyssey and hated it. I know AC got a lot of heat for pumping out the same game year after year; but I would've loved if they had a two year cycle to make each game better but keep the feel of Assassin's Creed. I miss the free-running, combat style, Assassin/Templar scenarios, etc. But knowing Ubisoft, the old AC formula has been ditched and the new RPG system is set in stone.

    submitted by /u/gpack418
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    Any tips for replaying Origins?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 03:21 AM PDT

    I have already finished the game a year ago on my PS4 pro, but on easy mode. And I really wanted to play again to understand more depth and to explore Ancient Egypt every corner, so I decided to play again, with hard difficulty (or you can prefer which one is realistic) and any other tips to keep in mind for hard gamers?

    submitted by /u/Abr1236
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    Discovery Tour for every game in the franchise

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:24 AM PDT

    I tried the AC Origins Discovery Tour yesterday, i know i'm late on that train but i thought that the DT's concept is so amazing, i don't know why Ubi didn't think of implementing it to all of the previous games.

    Please Ubi you had such a good idea with this Tour "just" make it for the whole franchise!

    I know it would be difficult to do, for costs reasons or something but i'm still hoping haha.

    (sorry for my poor english)

    submitted by /u/wikiarno
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    AC Unity PC Coop - Anyone wanna play?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:06 AM PDT

    So i've been playing ac unity and wanted to see if anyone wanted to play? No mic needed

    submitted by /u/Jimmyban
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    Future AC games... online only?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    This post has been made because of the current situation with CoD:MW and GR:Breakpoint and how, despite them having portions that can be potentially played single player while offline, they still require to be online at all times.

    It's even worse in the former case where the offline mode is not available for the PC version only. It seems like this might be the future of all Ubisoft games including Assassin's Creed. They might think that it's a way to hamper piracy, but they'll only be hurting legitimate consumers.

    submitted by /u/Pankypops
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    Assassin's Creed Collector's Editions Ultimate guide part 2

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    Collector's edition guide:

    Part 2 (New)

    Part 1

    Steelbooks Collection guide

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Cover artwork guide

    submitted by /u/vensak
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