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    Monday, September 23, 2019

    Assassin's Creed Holy shit. The jump in graphics from AC2 to AC Brotherhood in the Ezio Trilogy is incredible.

    Assassin's Creed Holy shit. The jump in graphics from AC2 to AC Brotherhood in the Ezio Trilogy is incredible.

    Holy shit. The jump in graphics from AC2 to AC Brotherhood in the Ezio Trilogy is incredible.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 04:30 PM PDT

    Just was honestly amazed. The quality in facial animation and textures blew me away. Was is like this with the originals or no?

    submitted by /u/Bigg_Boss
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    [Spoilers] Having read Forsaken, Haytham probably had the best story in the games and should have had a game dedicated to his life story

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 07:41 AM PDT

    Assassin father, groomed by his father's killer to serve the faction he was destined to work against, does not find out about it until saving his estranged sister who was sold into slavery, goes on a rampage and kills a load of priests because they chopped his mate's cock off. His son who he did not know of becomes an Assassin, trained by the man he shot in the foot to take him out of the game completely. And so on.

    submitted by /u/SpaceBownd
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    Story is vital to the franchise.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    Regardless of your take on new vs old, I am certain long term ac fans can all agree on one thing - the importance of a good story and character; writing. For me, story is vital in an assassins creed game, and without a compelling one, regardless of how good the gameplay is, I find it hard to care and sink hours into the game. This is where I have a problem with odyssey. Although the story isn't terrible, it certainly isn't a good story as it is undercut by design choices that spread resources thin. Sure, in an ideal world I would take, as the Ubisoft CEO puts it, "many unity's in an odyssey" but we know that that isn't how it works.

    I'm not hating on people who play for the world and gameplay primarily as everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I think both parties can benefit from the priority on storytelling as it makes the gameplay so much more impactful as you care about what is going on and are immersed.

    Ac has been moving away from story for a while now. The complete abandonment of the main antagonist of the series, Juno, the abandonment of characters who's stories are not finished with no update on what happened to them, to the outright dismissal of the importance of story (syndicate.)

    submitted by /u/jackwarr123
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    Assassin's Creed Odyssey: A spoiler-free guide to playing all of the game's main content.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 08:05 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey doesn't give us much to go on in terms of chronology.

    It gives us a starting date, and some events during the campaign that can indicate the time passing, but all of the additional game content is kept vague, probably so to not dissuade people from playing the DLC before finishing the game. Unfortunately, this causes a lot of confusion. So, in the abscence of a proper timeline for AC Odyssey, I want to attempt to give my opinion on the best order in which to start and finish the game's 3 main storylines, as well as its 2 main DLC. I am not going to include sidequests or lost tales, with the exception of one Lost Tales which is relevant to Fate of Atlantis. The Lost Tales are mostly independent stories, I believe there is no harm in playing them when they become available. Granted, I have not played all of them so I may be wrong on that front. For the sake of justifying this list, I will mention moments when the game has implied time-skips. I will not explain why the timeskips happen, but if you count this as spoilers, then scroll to the bottom of this post to see my list without any explanations.

    But, as for the actual questlines: lets first define what exists, in release order.

    1. AC:Odyssey Family storyline. This is the main story, begun at the start of the game and consists of your main adventure across Greece. Most people consider you to have 'completed the story' once you have finished this.
    2. AC:Odyssey Cultist Storyline. Given to you a little way into the Family storyline, this storyline is more of a justification for the existence of the cultist system. It has no cutscenes or significant plot until the very end. But it is still one of the main storylines.
    3. AC:Odyssey First Civilisation storyline. Given to you a bit further into the Family storyline, this deals with most of the games lore about the First Civilisation, as well as deals with the ending of the main game's Modern Day story. I personally consider this the true final ending of the main game, but it is up to you.
    4. Legacy of the First Blade episode 1.
    5. Legacy of the First Blade episode 2. Is heavily implied to take place a while after episode 1, but no explicit dates are provided. There is also a relatively long time skip right before the end of this episode.
    6. Legacy of the First Blade episode 3. Takes place an indeterminate amount of time after the end of episode 2.
    7. Lost Tales of Greece: Heir of Memories. Takes place after the end of the First Civilisation main storyline. Continues the Modern Day plot to lead in to Fate of Atlantis.
    8. Fate of Atlantis Episode 1. Takes place a short but indeterminate amount of time after the Heir of Memories Modern Day
    9. Fate of Atlantis Episode 2. Takes place after a short wait in the Modern Day, however in the Animus there is no timeskip whatsoever.
    10. Fate of Atlantis Episode 3. Takes place after a short wait in the Modern Day, however in the Animus there is no timeskip whatsoever.

    Okay, so that is all the content. You can play them in the above order of course, but I personally believe that it is not the best way to do it. Some plots lose some of their emotional impact if played in release order, and some plotlines actually spoil the ending of other plotlines. So, as per the purpose of this post, I want to list and explain what I think is the best way to play these different stories.

    So here is my idea of content order:

    1. Start and Finish the AC:Odyssey Family Storyline. This is the main plot, and depending on the ending you get, you may wish for some time to pass between finishing this story, and playing the DLC.
    2. Whilst doing Family, Start and play through Cultists and First Civ storylines wherever relevant. So, when you visit an area, check your cultist screen to see if there are cultists you can check off your list nearby. Also check your First Civ quests to see if there is anything nearby. The Family and First Civ storylines actually take you to most of the regions in the game, and the ones you aren't taken to usually you can visit on your way to other main quests. As a sidenote, I highly recommend taking a screenshot of the map early on in the game so you can see all of the region's level zones, which gives you an indication of which order you should visit them. Since the game scales with you, eventually these level zones will be hidden from you as they will all say your level, rather than their original level range. By the time you finish Family and First Civ, you likely will be close to finishing Cultist as well. That way you won't have to rush them.
    3. Finish the First Civ Storyline. This story primarily consists of visiting four main locations across Greece, most of which are actually higher level endgame areas. So by the time you finish Family, you probably will still have 2 or 3 of the First Civ story locations you won't have visited as part of other quests. So I recommend focusing on that once Family is done, also doing Cultists wherever you can. This one ends the the MD storyline for the main game too. I personally consider this the best full end to the main game, despite the fact that you still haven't finished Cultist yet. So now, things start getting different from just release order.
    4. Legacy of the First Blade episode 1. You actually can start this one pretty much whenever you want during the main game, however, I recommend doing it before you finish the Cultists. This is because in later parts of LotFB, the Cult is actually involved a little bit. If you finish the Cultist story before playing LotFB, then it can make these references to the Cult pretty strange. I recommend doing it somewhere around halfway through Family, maybe when visiting the Forge, since it is quite near to there. There is a time gap between episode 1 and episode 2. This would mean that by the time you do episode 2, some time will have actually passed, rather than just fast-travelling to the start of the next episode instantly.
    5. Once you have finished Family, First Civ, LotFB ep1, then I think next it is time to do LotFB episode 2. This one's ending is a pretty major part of the main character's life, and so I think it is best if your adventure is mostly finished by the time you do this. The Cult is slightly involved in this episode, so don't finish the Cult story just yet. With LotFB 2 finished, there is a bit of a time skip between 2 and 3, so this is actually where I think we should fit in the rest of the game's content. This means that next it is time to finally do
    6. Heir of Memories. It leads into the rest of the DLC. There is a bit of time between the end of this quest and the start of the DLC in the Modern Day.
    7. Finish the cultist storyline. With LotFB 2 over, the cult is basically irellevant in any other parts of the main plot, and so you should be safe to finally finish them off for good.
    8. Fate of Atlantis (FoA) episode 1. Continues the modern day after Heir of Memories. There is a brief implied time gap in the MD between ep 1 and 2, but can really be as short or as long as you want. The historical story continues directly with no time skip.
    9. FoA episode 2. Same as above.
    10. FoA episode 3. The end of this DLC wraps up the games First Civilisation and Modern Day stories for good. At the end, leaving only the Historical story to be finished.
    11. Finally, you should finish the entire game with LotFB episode 3. This is because there is an implied time skip of a relatively long-ish period between LotFB 2 and 3, and more importantly, there are some story moments that make more sense if you do it in this order. Some conversations in FoA are just jarringly strange if you finish LotFB first, because they contain no references to one another even when it would make sense for them to. This finishes off the historical storyline best, and actually ties the events of the game back into the history of the Assassins, and is actually a mostly pretty good ending for the whole story.

    And this will see you through all of the game's main content, with what will in my opinion provide the best and most coherent telling of your chosen main character's life.

    Here is the list of just content titles in case you don't want to read my justifications for any reason:

    1. Start and Finish the AC:Odyssey Family Storyline.
    2. Whilst doing Family, Start and play through Cultists and First Civ storylines wherever relevant.
    3. Finish the First Civ Storyline.
    4. Start and finish Legacy of the First Blade episode 1.
    5. Start and finish LotFB episode 2.
    6. Lost Tales of Greece: Heir of Memories.
    7. Finish the Cultist storyline.
    8. Start and finish Fate of Atlantis (FoA) episode 1.
    9. Start and finish FoA episode 2.
    10. Start and finish FoA episode 3.
    11. Finally, start and finish LotFB episode 3.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/obeseninjao7
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    Started unity for t he first time, so far so good

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 02:20 AM PDT

    Yeah i didn't play unity back then but I gave it a try recently and quite frankly from all the bad rumors i expected a buggy "mess" but maybe every 15 or 20 minutes I encounter a bug which isn't really awful and most games do have bugs besides the graphics are really astonishing, the sunlight is very "cooked and realistic" if you get my meaning and well, so far I enjoyed this game

    submitted by /u/arashz02
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    The Hell Does “A Unity Within An Odyssey”.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 05:24 PM PDT

    When I read this article, I couldn't even comprehend what was being said. Does the CEO of Ubisoft even know what people actually like in an assassins creed game or is the only thing worth caring about money to him? My first issue is a minor one, why the hell would you use Unity when talking about Odyssey. Ok, Unity may have been a mostly hated dumpster fire but if countries were games then Odyssey would be the giant plastic island in the Pacific. Secondly, what the hell does that even mean? "Ah yes if you want to play a massive empty bare bones open world game designed to sell micro transactions with stupid npcs, damage sponges for enemies, an idiotic combat system, a blank slate of an established character and an awful story, you can but there will also be mini stories where you can play as a stupid main character with a broken parkour system then you can do that aswell!" Since they started this Ancient Duology nothing good long term has been done, Origins was a decent enough game despite the modern day protagonist being boring and a few minor retcons, it was a solid game. Most of the lore questions it left can be answered easily unlike the game that came after it. I don't even want to explain odyssey in the post as this is meant to be about the article just know that I have a burning passion against it and any complaints can come in the comments. But you'd think after all of this after all the blatant issues Ubisoft would think "right this new formula isn't working well, maybe we should go back to what worked" but no, instead they decide to keep attempting to move the franchise car forward despite the newer parts literally being on fire and burning up the rest. I think one of the main issues is that everyone else seems to just blindly accept this game whilst the rest who dislike the game and have good reasons too stay too quiet. Look at Capcom, people hated DmC so much they unrebooted the franchise. So to all my comrades out there who aren't a fan of odyssey and to those who think that this interview is fucking bullshit, be vocal. Tweet at Ubisoft, start petitions, make it known that this shouldn't be assassins creed.

    submitted by /u/Chrome-13
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    Free Running and Combat in the newer games

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 04:36 PM PDT

    Anyone else here not a fan of the free running and combat in the newer (Origins and Odyssey) games? I mean functionally they're both fine and they do the job, but they both, especially free running, kinda lack style. Like if you compare Odyssey's free running with say Unity's, there's no contest. Yeah Unity's free running was buggy but when it worked it was the most stylish and fun to watch parkour system in the entire series and the new games come no where near. All the movements are very basic and it just gets boring to watch after a while.

    Combat's much the same and I miss the days of say AC3/4 that, for me, had the most fun and most brutal combat in any of the games, at least when it wasn't bugging out in AC3. (AC4 seemed to fix most of the problems.) I miss those brutal double counters you could do and just the fun I had watching all the different kill animations. The new games' combat is fine but it's not as fun as it used to be.

    Edit: Also it's kinda ridiculous how many hits it takes to kill enemies in the new games like bosses I understand (even though the old games handled that better too) but the fact it can take a good ten-ish slashes from a sword to kill the average enemy is nonsense.

    I hope people reading this (if there are any) don't take this as me hating on the new games, because honestly they're two of my favourites in the entire series and gave Assassin's Creed the surge of life it desperately needed, but I just feel some of the older games had more stylish ways of traversing the world and butchering everyone in it.

    submitted by /u/J4ckC00p3r
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    Highlights of Assassin's Creed: The Ming Storm novel (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    I'd like to thank lm11123lm for providing this information, and for any additional questions I think it's better to ask him. My job here is to sum up everything he told me in one post and in some private messages, so I could contribute to the community and share this information with everyone else.

    • Storyline describes events from 1526 (Shao Jun returns to China) to 1529 (a little more after death of Wang Yangming)
    • There are 7-8 Tigers - more than in Chronicles: China. Their deaths in novel are also different from game
    • Book did better job with showing and explaining Chinese traditional culture. Some historical characters were also showcased
    • Emperor Zhengde got a piece of ancient book from some Western, and after studying it by his scientists it turns out that book contains information about immortal life (particularly, Immortal army of Persia. Probably Voynich manuscript?), but to understand it completely, they needed a box (I guess that's Ezio's Precursor box). If that's true, then it may collide with AC Odyssey bc Immortal army of Persia participated in Battle of Thermopylae. But I'm not sure about it myself completely, and he declined to specify that part. I can provide his original quote to this, if needed.
    • Book ends on fight between Shao Jun and Zheng Yong on Daiyou Islands, where Isu ruins are also, but island was exploded by Wang Zhi (new character in a book). Zheng Yong escaped with hot air balloon, Shao made a leap of faith to the ocean.
    submitted by /u/bool0011
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    Obliteraring a phylake on nightmare with my bare fists, flawlessly, under 50 seconds.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 04:36 PM PDT

    Stupid question, did they change how the stats for weapons work in AC3 Remastered?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 09:04 PM PDT

    In the original version, the assassin tomahawk had a 3 hit combo, now it has 4, and the normal sword had like 3 or 2 hit combo and now its 4 or 5? Am I just dumb or did they change the weapons?

    submitted by /u/Bludhart
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    Assassins Creed Unity Sheathing Problem

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 07:05 PM PDT

    Arno unsheathes his sword when I am trying to stealth, this happens when he is near an enemy, and sometimes sheathes his sword in the middle of a fight, is there a way to stop him from automatically sheathing his weapon?

    submitted by /u/tirednathan
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    Nation power is broken for me.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 12:47 AM PDT

    I am trying to get Attika low so I can do the battle there, but when I get the nation power down it goes up again like 3 minutes after. I took two screenshots with around 2 minute in between. The nation power was lowered then after 2 minutes it went back to max. What I did during those 2 min was killing Athenian soldiers and taking down army supplies. What is going on? My progress is being undone in seconds, is this a glitch or is this meant to happen and I need to kill Athenian soldiers every second of the time I spend in Attika?

    submitted by /u/Einharjar124
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    AC:Odyssey - Wolf's Helm reward missing because helm inventory was full when it was awarded?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 12:42 AM PDT

    So I just got the sword and Wolf's Helm in the game, but the helm doesn't show up at all. I had 8 helms in my inventory so I guess there was no room for it. But does that mean this item just gets destroyed and disappears? Why wouldn't such items just get placed on the boat's inventory or something?

    submitted by /u/menimex
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    Assassin's Creed in Tudor England Rough Concept

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 06:52 AM PDT

    Assassin's Creed in Tudor England Rough Concept

    Assassin's Creed: Dissolution

    Setting: 16th Century England – The reign of Henry VIII

    Prologue: Battle of Bosworth Field – You will play as Henry Tudor or a random person in the battle. A mix between Unity's prologue and Odyssey's prologue. It will end with the realization that the Lancastrians and the Yorkist are two Templar factions fighting for the throne of England. Essentially, the War of the Roses started like it did in history but it isn't won until the Templars infiltrate both sides and come up with a plan to end it. Henry Tudor and Richard III are puppets and aren't aware of the Templars. The prologue ends with an Apple of Eden being given to Henry Tudor.

    Battle of Bosworth, as depicted by Philip James de Loutherbourg (1740–1812)

    Main Game:

    Protagonist: You play as a random English peasant. Personally, I would like one character without the dialogue options, but I know that isn't really what the series is anymore, so it is what it is. With that said, the character is similar to Adewale in that they (male or female) have strong convictions and are eager to aspire to something greater than themselves, from the get go. The overall theme of this game, like most of them, is about the encroachment of some sort of centralized, corrupt authority. I am not a writer, so I'll stop there on the character stuff.

    Villains: Like other games, the Templars will be the villains, but it won't be just one historical group as the good guys and one group as the bad guys. The game will focus on the civil war between the Roman Catholic Church Templars and the Tudor Templars. This will not be a Protestantism vs. Catholicism game.

    Historical figures:

    Henry VII

    Henry VIII

    Thomas Wolsey

    Sir Thomas More

    Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham

    Thomas Cromwell

    Catherine of Aragon

    Bishop John Fisher

    Anne Boleyn

    George Boleyn

    Robert Aske

    Thomas Darcy

    Francis Bigod

    John Hussey

    Henry Pole

    With many more

    Main Historical Events:

    Dissolution of the Monasteries

    Circa 1537, The Dissolution of the Monasteries. King Henry VIII's men orchestrating the seizure of property from a monastery during the Reformation. (Photo by Rischgitz/Getty Images)

    All the wife stuff is fun drama

    A German engraving c. 1830, showing Anne Boleyn's execution. (Photo: Lisby/Public Domain)

    The Pilgrimage of Grace

    English School, (19th century). Medium: engraving. Date: 19th Century. Rebellion in Lincolnshire and the northern counties of England; demonstration against the dissolution of the monasteries; Provenance: Private Collection.

    Side Content:

    King Arthur glyphs

    Robin Hood glyphs

    Viking glyphs

    English folklore similar to AC3 American Frontiersmen missions

    Story: Maybe your character is helping Henry's side because you think its the good side but you eventually find out you are helping the Templars. The Assassins are trying to help the English people with the Pilgrimage of Grace revolt but it fails and it could be a sad ending, IDK.

    **there are a ton of other real life people you could include too.

    submitted by /u/Ratonhnhaketon_K_
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    Reading Order for Assassin's Creed Comics?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 11:48 PM PDT

    I am interested in reading the comics, but I don't know the reading order.

    submitted by /u/jamhood007
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    Origin's story is awful. Here's why.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 08:22 PM PDT

    • It's the cliche "hit list" type plot.
    • Double the cliches with the death of a family member as the motivation.
    • Because of the hit list cliche, all the "generals" we kill have so little time on screen that it's near impossible to care, even if they have a tragic or interesting back story.
    • Caesar and Cleopatra are large parts of the game's plot but do not really get their story until half way through the game.
    • Flavius is easily the worst villain in series history. He's introduced half way into the game, never has more than 3 lines with the scenes he's in and is only in about 3 scenes before he's revealed to be the Lion. To this day, the only AC villain that when revealed I legit said, "Who?"
    • Aya is so goddamn hot and cold, and also hyproctricial. When Bayek wants to go beyond the original 5, she basically shuts him down, telling him to get over their sons death and protect Egypt. Yet, when she's betrayed by Cleopatra, get ready because she goes for revenge with reckless abandon. Makes her seem selfish.
    • The Pieces of Eden and the Vault are rarely mention and basically clash with the Cleopatra/Caesar storyline. When we finally get into the Vault and the PoE, it's an afterthought and irrelevant to the plot.
    • Worst of all is that the game is literally called "Origins". Yet, until the ending beach scene, they show jackshit regarding the actual origins of the Assassins. Instead of developed missions like needing to be silent, not killing innocent, learning to hide well, they just throw the tenants/creed together in a span of 2 minutes with zero foreshadowing.
    submitted by /u/dmkicksballs13
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    Assassins creed origins : is there a progress bar

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 05:40 AM PDT

    I want to see how much of 100% I have done, where can I check this

    I have played the game since release

    submitted by /u/matts142
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    [Odyssey] Quest "Gutter Runner" quest taget "gone/lost"

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 03:01 PM PDT


    I just runned into this bug, described here:


    Gutter Runner is a pretty easy quest, I finished it, partially, around 5 hours ago. When I entered the area / state, I begin with syncing most points to have fast travel points. I runned into her quest because it was right beneat that one.

    The quest has 3 parts, "Catch" the small girl that stole your drachmea, Kill the guard in the camp outside town that has her nacklace, return the necklace.

    I did the first two parts, since I was out ouf the town I kept doing other stuff. Including finishing up the cultist / state leader (quest line with the mother of Kassandra/Alexios), scouting a large part, killing the legendary animal and finishing the whole questline of that village worshipping Kassandra/Alexios.

    So .. "reloading" isn't really an option.

    But back to the bug, I finally made it back to Olympia to finish the quest line. So I reopened her quest to bring back the necklace. But it has no "entries". When I select it, I get no target. No mission. No map marker. Simply nothing. The girl is also not anymore where she was, so I can't talk to her.

    Is there a way to manipulate savegames to reset quests or so? What can I do now? It was marked as main quest on my map, not as a blue "side quest"...

    submitted by /u/Zitter_Aalex
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    Which character had the worst voice acting?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    AC Odyssey wall run

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 01:09 PM PDT

    So I've recently learned about the wall run & I've completed around 5 runs or so. Although the money I make from selling the gear I earn isn't bad, it's not as much as what everyone seems to talk about it being. I'm level 57 & an entire run is only about 30k drachmae. Does it just increase the higher level I get?

    submitted by /u/Codywayneee
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    AC Rogue fan video + BONUS never seen before

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    Our fan video for AC Rogue and its interesting hero who wasnt just fanatical loyal warrior.

    Includes special NEW AC SONG you never heard before. Created by us for this video.


    Note - its not exactly english song, but I think you still can enjoy it :)

    submitted by /u/-Farflame-
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