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    Sunday, September 22, 2019

    Assassin's Creed My Kassandra cosplay (mixed misthios set)

    Assassin's Creed My Kassandra cosplay (mixed misthios set)

    My Kassandra cosplay (mixed misthios set)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 02:36 AM PDT

    Developing Your Assassins + Home

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    This is something I've been missing with Origins and Odyssey that I wish would come back.

    1) Something I really enjoyed in the older games (Ezio Trilogy and AC III come to mind) was the ability to develop and improve a home of some sort. Something about bringing the Homestead or Ezio's home back to pristine condition was fun and fulfilling for me. Additionally, collecting weapons, outfits, and art was like a badge of honor for me when I'd get everything and the house would be full.

    2) I understand that Odyssey was before the assassins order, but I also miss building a group of assassins. Especially in the Ezio Trilogy, you'd have a group of people that you developed into Master Assassins. This just felt like you're doing something positive by strengthening the AC Order and again, I find it personally fulfilling to build something.

    Although it appears they will not be having something like this in future games (especially if it's Vikings like the rumors hint at), but I've been wondering if anyone else liked/missed those aspects of the game.

    submitted by /u/ChickenLegTripod
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    Are there any settings we will NEVER get?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 01:56 AM PDT

    I'm thinking either because they're too controversial (e.g 20th Century Ireland) or too modern (e.g Vietnam War) or we don't have enough information to rebuild a working society (e.g the ancient cities of Ur and Uruk)? Or just because the settings are too boring? Is there anywhere we can be certain the series will probably never touch?

    submitted by /u/Speech500
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    ACIV: Shot and killed in the Myan Outfit?!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 06:44 PM PDT

    Playing ACIV, I was being hunted by hunters, and instead of wasting my time fighting the lvl 60 Man O War, I threw my ship in park before it got close enough to fire, and I began to swim toward it (Clearing a deck on your own is faster than fighting such a strong ship, so I can just swoop in and send it to the fleet afterward).

    When I got closer to the ship, I was shot at. I disregarded it, because I was wearing bullet-proof armor. I was shot at again. Then again. I am ignoring it, not even noticing my health decreasing, then, of course, I die as I'm shot at once more.


    submitted by /u/Atheist_Humor
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    Why does Assassins Creed 3 Remastered have such bad reviews?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    I recently started playing through the Assassins Creed games for the first time, having just finished the first one, and now playing the second. I know after Brotherhood and Revelations I'll be on to Assassins Creed 3. What I'm confused about is why Assassins Creed 3 remastered has so much hate. The steam reviews are so bad. I know the original game wasn't a fan favourite but the remastered versions reviews seem far worse.

    Is there a major difference between the two versions beyond just visuals and Which version should I get, original or remastered? Why all the hate?

    submitted by /u/thevanilladaddy
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    I Really want middle-ages AC

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    I mean, i get it, the current periods are fun, but i want castles, swords on our hips, heavy armour on our shoulders and a bad-ass horse. i want sieging castles and killing kings (preferably in the UK).

    I wonder, why has there not been a game set in 500-1300 CE? i like the settings they're currently doing, but i really want knights.

    submitted by /u/LoyalOrange503
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    Potential AC Setting: The Twenty Years Anarchy of the Eastern Roman Empire.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    Potential AC Setting: The Twenty Years Anarchy of the Eastern Roman Empire.

    The Twenty Years Anarchy was a period of the Eastern Roman Dark Ages that started as a result of Justinian II's first deposition. Roman Emperors during this time period were quickly disposed of by conspiracies and revolting army commanders. After the Muslim Conquest of Roman Syria and Aegyptus, the severely weakened Roman Army retreated to fortified positions and focused on the defense of the devastated Balkans, parts of Italy they still held, Africa and Asia Minor against various threats such as the Muslims, the Bulgars and the Lombards.

    This setting would be fascinating since the Medieval Romans still had classic Roman institutions and offices such as the Roman Senate and the Roman Consul. Although, these customs and traditions were being eroded by time. The Senate of the Roman Empire had been divided into two parts, one in Roma and one in Constantinopolis. The one in Rome had been decimated due to barbarian invasions and the Roman Reconquest of Italy under Justinian the first among other factors. The clothing of Medieval Romans was similar to the clothing of the classic Romans although it was noticeably different in a way. As time moves on, societies adapt new fashion trends, sometimes from nearby neighbors.

    Mosaic of Constantine IV, who ruled from 668 to 685, the mosaic can be found in the Basilica of Saint Apollonaris in Classe, Ravenna, Italy.

    The campaign would start with Justinian II being deposed for the first time and the beginning of the twenty years anarchy, your character would be participating or acting against conspiracies and revolts by Army commanders, Angry Chariot Racing fans of the Hippodrome and the Aristocracy. With your Roman character assisting with the defense of Roman territories against the Bulgars and perhaps the Muslim Arabs. Lastly, you might be involved in some church schism and conflict. The campaign would end with the ascension of Leo III the Isaurian and the Siege of Constantinopolis intiated by the Umayyad Caliphate.

    The official language of the Eastern Roman Empire would be Greek after Heraclius changed the official language of the Roman Empire from Latin to Greek in AD 610. There would probably be a few Latin speakers existing in the Empire after the Muslim Conquest although the usage of Latin eventually died out.

    Justinian II:

    When Justinian II was first deposed, the usurper Leontius cut off his nose and exiled him to Roman held Crimea.

    Siege of Constantinople:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4BtmRMwYmw

    The Roman Theme System of Asia Minor and Thrace, the setting would take place in mainly Thrace, the Optimatoi theme and the Opsician Theme. (those last two themes didn't exist though in the timeline this proposed game would take place)


    The Eastern Roman Army's history from the dark ages to it's golden ages:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT5Cv2uZgd8

    History of the Eastern Roman Empire:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtu8CveFBGw

    submitted by /u/slapnut1207
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    [SPOILERS] Clarifying a common misconception about the latest Lost Tales of Greece

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 08:42 PM PDT

    I've seen several people say that the latest Lost Tales of Greece departs from the historical record, but that's not right. The DLC isn't supposed to be the legendary trial of Socrates featured in The Apology. I thought I'd post just to clear this up.

    Differences: The real trial happened in Athens, not Phokis. Socrates was in his early seventies, not the middle aged man in the game. He even jokes about this in the text, saying if his accusers would've waited a few years, he would've died naturally without all the fuss.

    Don't misunderstand: the DLC heavily borrows from the story. The Pythia did tell Socrates he was the wisest man, due to his realization of his own ignorance. Once convicted, he refuses to be rescued. Several of the conversations are inspired by the text.

    If you've read The Apology, you probably figured out this wasn't the historical trial. Socrates goes back to Athens at the end, telling Kassandra not to interfere if this happens again (as we know it does). Young Plato goes on to be his most famous student (and perhaps the most important figure in Western thought, rivaling Jesus). They didn't create a false history here but recreated the story in a different setting and some time earlier.

    If you haven't read Plato's Apology, I can't recommend it enough. It was more influential to me than anything I've ever read. Here's my favorite excerpt, which has become the cornerstone of my personal ethics:

    Someone might say: 'Are you not ashamed, Socrates, to have followed the kind of occupation that has led to your being now in danger of death?" However, I should be right to reply to him: "You are wrong, sir, if you think that a man who is any good at all should take into account the risk of life or death; he should look to this only in his actions, whether what he does is right or wrong, whether he is acting like a good or a bad man."

    submitted by /u/Valentin0813
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    Optional Objectives: Yes or No?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    For the unsure, Optional Objectives were introduced in AC Brotherhood and hung around for most of the series. They're basically extra tasks within each mission, but they have a pretty... shaky record.

    I've been playing AC3 recently and was astonished at how badly the optional objectives had been implemented. Starting at around sequence 7, you get objectives which require you to start missions over and over and over again. The worst of these is the infamous 'Conflict Looms' in which you need to (A) get across a town while it's being bombed without taking damage, and your chances are completely random, (B) infiltrate two ships without being detected to blow up some gunpowder, and (C) air assassinate a grenadier. I've seen more than enough rants about this specific mission.

    I personally think optional objectives are a good idea, but I think they need to be done a certain way. Rather than requiring them to get '100% synch', just offer a reward for completing them, or throw in a line of dialogue. Odyssey has something like this, where characters ask you to stay hidden during a mission, and failing this affects the outcome, but you still pass the mission.

    What do you think of optional objectives? Do you think they were a good addition to the series? Do you think they should be brought back? How would you improve them?

    submitted by /u/Speech500
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    There's a slight problem with the hidden blade.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 11:05 PM PDT


    The first image shows how the blade is put on for the first time and how it can function properly.

    So uhh, you know how almost every protagonist's hidden blade comes up to their elbow joint because of the length of the blade? Well, because of that, the hidden blade only kinda works in one position. From the album above (sorry for the shitty representation), you see that if you wanna extend the blade stealthily, you're gonna cut of your thumb or an entire fucking side of your hand.

    There is one solution I thought of, though not very effective. We can attach the blade to the sleeve of the coat, but that would be very loose and make the blade move back when you try to stab someone with it because physics.

    You can't twist your wrist in ANY way to try and kill someone with it, because obviously the blade will not bend to come out of the center of your hand or wrist or whatever you wanna call it.

    Also, most assassins use the position in the 4th pick to kill someone, I do not know how.

    Any solutions?

    submitted by /u/_Suka_Blyat_
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    How Do Voltaic Bombs And The Darts Work.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 05:58 PM PDT

    I mean I get throwing knives and smoke bombs, they're easy to understand. But voltaic Bombs, how do they even work and what would be the modern equivalent? And what about the darts, how can they just make someone go insane like that?

    submitted by /u/Chrome-13
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    So what's the use of sinc points in ac 3/ac 3 remastered?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 09:56 AM PDT

    I've been playing ac 3 remastered (currently in sequence 5) and i noticed that sinc points don't get me a new fast travel destination nor reveal a certain area (it reveals trough walking in the fog of war) so is there any use for them? do i need to get them?

    submitted by /u/Gilokdc
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    [SPOILERS] Foreshadowing in Brotherhood. Subject 16 and Juno Speech...

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    Just finish replaying Brotherhood, on the Ezio Collection. Theres a lot of foreshadowing in this game. Stuff that at first time flew right under my nose like 16 aluding Desmond fate on AC 3 and mention Desmond son. And Juno saying that only "she remains to be found". Who she talking about?? Layla?? Kassandra ( since she became imortal) Charlotte???Eve???But if so why she said that " There is one that will acompanny you trought the gate. She lies not on our sight." None of this characters were around to help Desmond and they wont meet him since he is dead. Unless............

    submitted by /u/RogueKnight1994
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    Finished main storylines on AC Odyssey and going to play AC Origins next.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    I know that Origins came out before Odyssey, but I played Odyssey first because it's set before Origins.

    I wanted to post this and ask if the switch between the two is going to be at all jarring in terms of gameplay or story. Story wise and gameplay wise, is Origins much different?

    submitted by /u/KineticDream
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    Are there any framerate tests for AC3R on switch post patch 1.02?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    All the ones I've found are before, I've heard performance has improved, but I would like to know exactly how much if at all possible

    submitted by /u/ComradePoolio
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    Inaccessible chest in cradle of the underworld cave?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    The cave is cleared but i still have a chest somewhere near to the door where you meet Brasidas to go search the Urn of the unborn in the mission "Fallen from Grace". Anyone got this? Nearest i can come to it, blue point (door with Brasidas is 10 meters on the right side from where i stand): https://imgur.com/a/ACEIgAV - Location on the map: https://imgur.com/a/RdH0QNZ.

    submitted by /u/Someoney
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    Hypothetical 2016 Assassin's Creed

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 12:16 PM PDT

    2016 was the first year AC skipped before completely changing direction in 2017. Since previous AC used to operate in trilogies (Ezio trilogy, Carribean trilogy) I like to think there was a 2016 game in development that would share the same theme as Unity and Syndicate, but was ultimately cancelled because of bad reception of those games and (possibly) hardware incapable of producing large crowds. What do you think it would have been?

    I think early 20th century Saint Petersburg would have been a perfect setting for such an Assassin's Creed game. Another large European city with huge crowds and lots of political intrigue. A lot of people, mostly politicians and prominent men were assassinated by terrorists there. Rasputin would have made a great Templar bad guy too.

    submitted by /u/RealHE1NZ
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    Origins: What To Use As Second Weapon?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    I'm around level 20 in AC Origins, and have just unlocked the ability to wield two melee weapons, although I'm not sure what to put in my second weapon slot. I can see the point of having two different bows, but having the choice of two melee weapons just seems pointless to me as I'm only ever going to be using the strongest melee weapon available to me anyway.

    Do stats on melee weapons stack, even if I've not got it equipped? Meaning, could I just use my second melee weapon slot as a 'stat stick'?


    submitted by /u/Vanch33387
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    When will the next Assassin's Creed take place?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 01:22 PM PDT

    We know that next year's A.C will focus on the vikings but will it predate Origins or Odyssey?

    submitted by /u/MrCarlos11
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    Assassins creed rogue Paris

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 02:10 AM PDT

    So I'm playing assassins creed rogue remastered and I'm at the second paris part. Do you get to explore paris further in the story or is it just for these missions?

    submitted by /u/ThatOneFox32
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    Adéwalé outfit in assassin creed origins

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    Hey guys I think that Ubisoft should add Adéwalé outfit (Ac Freedom Cry) in Ac origins I feel like that outfit would fit Bayek really good

    submitted by /u/Eduard_Lucan
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