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    Monday, August 9, 2021

    Assassin's Creed [Spoilers] We have Translated a Letter in Old Irish from the Wrath of the Druids DLC which features a Shay Cormac Easter Egg!

    Assassin's Creed [Spoilers] We have Translated a Letter in Old Irish from the Wrath of the Druids DLC which features a Shay Cormac Easter Egg!

    [Spoilers] We have Translated a Letter in Old Irish from the Wrath of the Druids DLC which features a Shay Cormac Easter Egg!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    A innovation for the movement system

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    I would love a movement system, where you can switch from normal walk to running. I play on a PS and I'm get really tired of finding the correct, perfect position for my analog for the character to walk and keeping it that way the whole time.

    I though maybe put it in the round menu, where u can find the cloak, torch etc.

    Idk, it sprung into my head because I really like the "cloaked, slowly walking through the snowy mountains pilgrim" playstyle I chose in Valhalla recently. Idk how it is for PC players, so maybe I'm alone on this one, but maybe some share my views.

    CHEERS 🤙

    submitted by /u/Flaky_Appearance439
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    It seems strange to see people bashing Valhalla whilst decrying the departure of Darby McDevitt

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    When AC Valhalla was in the stages of coming out, I remember people were hyped because Darby was revealed to be the narrative director and writer for the game. After it came out, a lot of praise went to the story for bringing a sense of consolidation to this "Ancient Trilogy", while criticism was reserved purely for the gameplay and world faults. When Darby left, there were claims that this would mean the AC series would fall apart (cemented by the vague news about AC Infinity that everyone has over-interpreted).

    Now, however, every time I see a new thread about Valhalla (that isn't related to the stealth defects), it's about how the story is a bore, a chore, a drag, full of filler, and not engaging. How it makes you want to give up after completing the first few arcs.

    I'm not saying writers and creatives can't be criticized- that would be ridiculous. But if fans are going to proclaim someone as a great writer who was integral to AC, it seems like what is effectively their Swan Song should not be seen as this awful thing. I know everyone loves Black Flag, but Black Flag came out 8 years ago: it'd be like saying Frank Miller is still one of DC's greatest writers because he wrote The Dark Knight Returns years ago.

    I guess what I'm asking/saying is why is Valhalla being trashed whilst everyone is simultaneously decrying the departure of Darby? If you really disliked the narrative of the game, you wouldn't be unhappy that he was moving onto a different franchise right?

    submitted by /u/RedtheGamer100
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    What are you most hoping for from Siege of Paris?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    Personally I'd like more development of Eivor's personal story like the base game had. Something that pushes him more to the Hidden Ones' ideology. Patching up stealth would be great as well.

    submitted by /u/ohsinboi
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    Best of the series , I am loving it

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    Ac unity.... I Played it years ago when came out , liked it didnt love it, and recently I decided to blow the dust off and give iit another go, absolutely living it, bugs fixed, the graphics are impeccable, best of all the ac games, pakor is crazy, and assassination missions are just class, the start of sandbox ac missions, just brilliant, and I feel it's a shame because iif this had of been recieved better when released, I think the series would still be like this instead of done, super hero unrealistic garbage that the series is now, I played odyssey and stopped after about 10hrs, absolute dog shite, gave upon the series and I have been a fan since ac 1 was realised in 07, I personally think ac stood out as a game changer when realised, everyone was copying, it was revolutionary, and its fallen far from its perch lately, origins, odyssey and Valhalla are re hashes, of different popular games, and the complete opposite to what the series started out as, I personally loved this series and used to count the days till the next release, but after odyssey, I have turned my back on this series and am happy to replay the old, good games,

    submitted by /u/Flat_Luck3431
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    What if Assassin's Creed spun off into two Chapters of games?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:44 PM PDT

    One focused on the more fantastical elements of Assassin's Creed, the connection to the Isu, their descendants, gods and demi gods, etc a la Odyssey, Valhalla and to an extent Origins. This would simply be called "Isu Chronicles" or something like that. Would give a more honest reason for our ridiculous god-like powers.

    The second would be the more grounded Assassin's Creed, that focused on the Templar vs Assassin fight over the centuries, like the Ezio trilogy, AC 3, Black Flag, etc. Simply titled "Chronicles of the Brotherhood" this would also allow the games to view the fight from both viewpoints, like explored in Rogue and the beginning of AC3 (both Templar's and Assassin's are brotherhoods soooo it works in my mind)

    They can exist in the same world and cross reference each other, but I feel when the two worlds collide like they have in recent games, neither side is done justice. There are great moments surrounded by...mediocre story telling. By distilling the purpose, I feel a lot of fluff could be taken out, and the AC writers could get back to doing the most important thing: telling a good story.

    I honestly believe that Odyssey and Valhalla would be much better games if they embraced one side, or the other. Instead we got a muddled mess of both and it does neither any favors. That and each iteration would receive more attention and time, so quality from that standpoint would improve.


    submitted by /u/JulietPapaOscar
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    Bayek of Siwa fan art by me. (with Senu in the sky scanning the area)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    Getting burnt out from the AC series

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    Let me be sorry for rambling but I've been playing AC games since AC 2 back in 2011, but stopped playing games in the franchise since Syndicate (Skipped over Rogue and Unity). Over the past couple months this year I bought all the Assassin's Creed games available to buy on Playstation with exception of Odyssey and Valhalla. My original plan was to play through AC 2 through Origins in order of release and then finishing it all off with a play through of the first AC game on Xbox (I never played the first game lol) and recently I finished my play through of AC 2 last week. I moved on to the next game in the series Brotherhood, but man I already feel serious burnout with only being in the 2nd game in right now lol. I seriously lost the motivation to continue with Brotherhood, which ironically is my most favorite AC game in the franchise and the one that I'm fond of. I wonder if anyone feels the same way I do because I don't think I can really power through the series all in one go like this lol. I really already dread the same-y-ness of the games which is feeling like a drag doing the same things over and over again but in different time periods 😔😔

    submitted by /u/lil-woozy
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    Friend can't connect to me (AC UNITY)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    My friend can't do online for some reason which is weird because I can do online stuff and have played with someone in the last few days. Can anyone offer any assistance on how to solve this issue?

    submitted by /u/K1NG_GR1ML0CK
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    The only mtx I would buy without hesitation is one that reveals all non-story Order/Cult members

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:53 PM PDT

    It's fun enough scouring the map and hunting down the clues for their identity, the first time. Honestly, I personally don't like it that much and would prefer the traditional system of antagonists, I guess you would call it, but I don't complain. It's not that bad.

    But during any subsequent replay? I hate it. There's no way in hell I don't hunt them without an online guide next to me. It's not enjoyable at all, not to mention the time it adds to already long and large games.

    It's surprising Ubisoft has not put out a microtransaction that reveals the non-story essential members, I honestly think it would be the best sold mtx on the store.

    submitted by /u/TheSerpentLord
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    Huldufolk armor set workaround for smoke effect that I have replicated to verify it wasn’t a one off

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:38 PM PDT

    So like many others that play AC:Valhalla I love the Huldufolk armor set. But, obviously as many others feel the smoke effect completely kills the look for me and I hated using it because of it. Last night I was just messing around and had a moment of annoyance because of the smoke. I was in the inventory screen and rapidly hiding and then displaying the chest piece multiple times and then just backed out. It took me a second as I didn't want to believe it but in game I saw that the smoke wasn't billowing out of Eivor's body anymore! I immediately saved thinking that might have some affect and went to bed. Booted the game back up today and unfortunately the smoke was back and so I tried to replicate the workaround again trying different methods to see what effected it. After about 5 minutes I got it to work again and sure enough with a little luck I've come to the point were it takes minimal time to get it working.

    And I should mention that when you save afterward completing the workaround you can freely fast travel without having to do the workaround again. I'll try to provide video proof so people don't think this is BS. If anyone can further expand on this method to figure out how exactly it works feel free to do so. I hope this helps everyone that loves the Huldufolk armor as much as I do!

    submitted by /u/topbottomshoelace
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    Will I enjoy AC Syndicate if I didn't enjoy AC Unity

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    So, I purchased Unity about a year ago because my friend always gushed about how great it was, and so far I've barely played 10 hours. I'm not sure what it was but I generally didn't enjoy my experience with the game and dropped it after a few weeks. However, I've heard that Syndicate is a fairly different game from Unity, and I'm looking for a new AC game to play, so I was just wondering if I'll dislike it like I disliked Unity or will I enjoy it more?

    submitted by /u/marcelofabianfd
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    Is there any way to skip missions in Assassin’s creed unity?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    Hi, I was trying to play Assassin's creed unity again but my progress lost. Idk why but all missions which I played are gone. And I want to ask if there is any way to skip missions. If there is, let me know. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/ReshadAli
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    Assassin's Creed Unity's Co-op mode is buggier than anything I've ever seen.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    Yes, that title is correct and stands by me.

    When joining co-op it worked pretty fine at first. Then, the enemies started spawning 5ft from us as we were running, and when assassinated, both of us had time to double assassinate, since the enemies were in different locations for each of us.

    That's mainly the problem in just exploration. As we were trying to start a mission, it required 4 attempts. My game would think I'm in a conflict when every enemy around was dead, and therefore we couldn't start. When we eventually got to start the mission, it took us a solid few minutes to load into it. The cutscene was way off sync and I had to wait for my friend to finish it. While playing the mission, we both noticed that the game did not function as intended whatsoever. Enemies would spawn late, we would get spotted out of nowhere, mission progress was impossible, and the other one was constantly either teleporting, invisible, still, or gone on our screens.

    This game is amazing and co-op could've allowed for twice the amount of gameplay on it. Such a shame to see it lag out more than anything I've ever come across in my history of gaming. Now, I don't know if this could be an internet issue, since we both had strict NAT (even though his internet is like 5 times faster than mine), or if it's just optimization issues. Anyhow it was a huge disappointment to not be able to play the game with a friend like one of the original purchase reasons was.

    If anyone knows about any fixes or anything that could potentially solve/reduce this issue, it would be greatly appreciated to know.

    submitted by /u/iHaDaStroke69
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    Any games out there with similar recruitment mechanics to Brotherhood and Revelations?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    The recruitment and managing of your own assassin's guild is what brought me to those games in the first place, and now I'm an avid AC fan (Up until origins, at least). Played each and every one, was sad that the guild mechanic was nerfed in ACIII, was even more sad they basically removed it entirely from the following three games, was pretty happy with Syndicate's nerfed version, even if it was a signal that it was coming back.

    Then, you know, they didn't bring it back at all.

    I went looking for other games to fill that void of a good recruiting and managing mechanic; the Middle Earth Shadow series the best I found. But it still didn't scratch the itch; while the Nemesis system is insanely cool and the combat mechanics satisfying, that isn't a guild of assassins: it's an army and it's commander.

    Similar for the other game I played: MGSV, The Phantom Pain. While you can recruit far more people in that game than in AC or SoW, your level of interaction with them is painfully limited at best. That, and there's no way to fight beside them like in the other two games, and sending them on missions guarantees at least a few of them will die, unlike AC where you could stack their odds of survival by leveling them up, or SoW where you could help them directly.

    So I'm on a quest to find a game where the recruitment mechanics work similarly to Brotherhood and Revelations. AC: Rebellion is good but doesn't appeal as all the characters are pre-generated and the gameplay system isn't at all what I'm looking for in this case. I've even looked for mods to already existing games; skyrim's guild creator didn't do it for me and I'm currently looking into Fallout, since those two games have monstrous modding communities.

    I know it's a slim chance that a game with similar recruitment mechanics even exists, but I'm posting this here on the hope that someone knows one or two. Help would be greatly appreciated. I know I'm not the only one that misses the assassin recruits, and with Ubisoft unlikely to ever return the system, I'm hoping there's another game out there that took it's chance.

    Edit: I've played Watch Dogs Legion, which is a good game but the recruitment isn't what I'm looking for here. I'm also aware Odyssey and Valhalla have a semi recruitment system, but they're more RPG games than AC games and their recruitment systems aren't done very well and don't mesh with the games.

    submitted by /u/MonarchMain7274
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    What are the hardest co-op missions and heists to solo in AC Unity?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    I want a bit of a challenge so I'm gonna try to solo the co-op missions and the heists. Which ones are the most difficult ones? I don't want to play escort/protection missions (Women's March and the one with Napoleon) or missions with parkour and/or time limits (The Tournament). I also don't want missions that force the player into open combat. I just want missions that are purely based on sneaking around and assassinations so I can kill every enemy I come across haha.

    submitted by /u/joshuamarkrsantos
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    Oikos of the Olympians is stealing your orichalcum ore, ok, don't give my money back but let me keep my items at least.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Players, hello!

    I have bought from the merchant Oichos a legendary piece of armor (torso), and a random one hidden in an antic vase getting only an epic one. Naturally that I wanted better for MY hard-earned money but to my dismay, not only the ore was gone but also the items. Browsing the forums I have seen that it's an Ubi-the-thief common practice. Even doubtful, you can at least partially understand that they don't want the customers to have another chance at better items, linking your purchase to your account rather than to a manual save, but why steal from you both your money and the items!? If you go to any other store and they don't have a refund policy, they aren\t punishing you by taking you away from the items that YOU have purchased with YOUR money. If the transactions are supposed to be final, logically the purchase of the items should be final too.

    Have fun whilst playing your games.

    submitted by /u/Repulsive-Context492
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    Ranking the games and assassins from favorite to least favorite.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:45 AM PDT

    I'm basing this purely on how much I enjoyed each game, so please don't attack me over my "wrong" opinions. And I'm obviously only going to rank the games I've played, so no I or Rogue.

    1: Odyssey. 2: Syndicate. 3: Origins. 4: Brotherhood. 5: Valhalla 6: III 7: Liberation 8: II 9: Revelations 10: Black Flag 11: Unity

    I have a bias towards the more recent games because I'm a new fan so I don't have nostalgia for the old games and the outdated graphics/gameplay hurt my enjoyment of them somewhat. But even with those disadvantages, I really enjoyed Brotherhood. What a great game.

    1: Kassandra the Eagle Bearer 2: Ezio Auditore da Firenze 3: Evie Frye 4: Aveline de Grandpré 5: Bayek of Siwa 6: Eivor Varinsdottir. 7: Edward Kenway 8: Jacob Frye 9: Connor 10: Arno Dorian

    Yes, I'm biased towards the female characters. Sue me.

    Now, some random thoughts on some of the games.

    • I loved the tree parkour in III and Liberation. It's somehow more fun that jumping from one rooftop to another. That's why my favorite area in Liberation's map was the bayou.

    • Unity is the most mediocre game. It's not bad, but it's not good either. The only things I really liked about it are the parkour, which might be the best in the series, and the outfits, which were great and had a lot of customization. I made Arno look like the Green Arrow.

    • I wish Syndicate would get more love. I started playing AC with the Flag/Unity/Syndicate trilogy, and this is the first game I really liked.

    • Odyssey has some flaws, but it's by far my favorite game in the franchise.. I'm in love with it.

    • I love having two hidden blades and being able to use them in combat. They should bring that feature back.

    • Man, I was so disappointed when Haytham turned out to be a Templar. I thought he as pretty cool and he was on his way to being one of my favorite assassins.

    • Black Flag might climb up a little if I ever replay it. I liked the naval combat(except for the rain of fire thing) and being a pirate, but there were other things I didn't care for.

    • I hate how Black Flag, Liberation, and III to an extent had a million "trail this guy without being noticed" missions. Those were annoying.

    submitted by /u/edd6pi
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