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    Friday, August 6, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Playing AC Valhalla is like watching a film that's been dubbed. I've been struggling to put my finger on what bothered me about it for a while, and that's it.

    Assassin's Creed Playing AC Valhalla is like watching a film that's been dubbed. I've been struggling to put my finger on what bothered me about it for a while, and that's it.

    Playing AC Valhalla is like watching a film that's been dubbed. I've been struggling to put my finger on what bothered me about it for a while, and that's it.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    The audio just sounds so disconnected from what's happening on screen. The voice acting and ship songs/stories especially, but really all of it.

    I actually enjoy the gameplay a lot, but the audio is so difficult for me not to keep noticing, especially when using headphones. It's constantly breaking immersion.

    It's not something that any other AC game has had a problem with, no idea why they implemented it in Valhalla the way they have. I know some people won't care but it's close to ruining the game for me.

    submitted by /u/switchondem
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    If the Assassin's pre-Altair were a public institution, weren't they all violating the second and third tenets of the Creed?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 08:38 PM PDT

    In ACI, Altair gets demoted for violating all three laws of the Creed: stay your blade from an innocent, hide in plain sight, and never compromise the brotherhood.

    Except, we all know that, per the lore, Altair made the Brotherhood more underground and discreet after Hassan-i-Sabbah had made the hashashin take on a more public role. The latter's argument was that shadowy political assassinations would hurt the cause of the Brotherhood.

    The problem is, wouldn't doing that mean that every assassin was inherently violating the last two tenets? If you're committing public assassinations you're not hiding in plain sight. And if the Brotherhood has a public base of operations (as the fortress in Masyaf did), then isn't EVERYONE compromising the institution by being a public member of it?

    submitted by /u/RedtheGamer100
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    Whats everyones take on the one-handed sword ?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    I for one really like it, especially the one handed and shield combo. Although I do wish it had a unique unsheathing animation ( I think its the same animation as for daggers ). But THANK YOU devs for adding it.

    submitted by /u/Coollak966
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    For those who got all trophies/achievements for AC3 Remastered

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 08:04 PM PDT

    Do I have to do all side objectives for ALL missions besides the main story, such as side quests and etc to get the 100% sync trophy? Or just main story? I cannot find clear answer

    submitted by /u/datwerg12
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    Kassandra VS Eivor: choose your fighter! Cosplay by katelannblogs

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    [SPOILER] Does Valhalla ever have closure? Did I miss DLC or something?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    I've played the main story, i saw what goes on with Basim and gotten codex stuff and killed the order and I know now that credits never roll but like why was eivor dead in north America? Do you ever get any significant closure to Eivor's story? Anything else outside the animus?

    submitted by /u/2deep4myowngood
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    What were your thoughts on the persona system in AC Liberation?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 12:05 AM PDT

    What were your thoughts on the persona system in AC Liberation?

    I recently finished Liberation, and, at first, I was surprised to see a new mechanic be introduced into a game as small as this! I thought it was pretty unique and clever; I liked using the Lady Persona because it was easy to slip past guards and into restricted areas :P. However, it also often became a hindrance for me when I wanted to do something, but had to go across the entire map to change into a different outfit before I could. What do you guys think?


    submitted by /u/Citron-the-Orang
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    Did the specific reason Valhalla's creative director Ashraf Ismail was fired for ever leak out or just become public knowledge.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:32 PM PDT

    I've read the controversy but id still like to know what he was specifically fired for after the external investigation. While none of what he did was Good, some of it like cheating on his wife, I feel wouldn't be the reason or would it? Iv genuinely no idea what its like working for a mega corporation.

    I had read that he used his position to sleep with people but there isn't much context on whether it was coercive or abuse of power with employees or other professionals linked to his job. Thats fireable if it is. I had read it was fans but if thats true I've mixed feelings about it as a lot of celebs and sport stars do this. Unless of course it was some sort of quid pro quo.

    I'm gonna assume that it was a bit of everything all together and was seen as bringing a bad name to the company's image.

    submitted by /u/Imaginary_Ad_2478
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    AC 4 Potential Timelines Email--Melanie. Might these be potential other timelines for the franchise?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    [Spoiler] Question about the new Piece of Eden in AC lore - Valhalla's Mastery Challenge

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    Hi guys, something intrigues me about this so-called Odin's Eye, new PoE introduced at the end of mastery challenges by Hildiran: what is the relationship between the Norse runes and the Isu? Now that the artist from Ubi Montreal has released the concept art of this artifact, I could see how much this orb is adorned with Nordic runes, appearing to be much more "mythological" than usual. I mean, Valhalla introduced us to the Isu language, a very interesting addition to the franchise lore, however, the Isu vocabulary shown on Layla's laptop doesn't make it clear if the game's Nordic language have anything to do with the Precursor one. We can even see the statues, amulet and the door of Freya's cave with these mythological ornaments, which makes me very confused (for not looking exactly like Isu stuff or running away from it).

    What do you think? Am I missing something or is it a narrative mistake?

    Concept art by artist Pierre-Alexander Côté: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ea8yOw

    submitted by /u/gui_heinen
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    I Think Memorable Villains are Done. (Potential Spoilers)

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 05:36 AM PDT

    This is just my opinion. I still enjoy the games, I just have some bug problems with them.

    I started replaying the games to get the Platinum Trophy on all the AC games. About 70% done with Black Flag and this has been bugging me.

    Since Origins I just think the games are too big to give enough depth to a final boss to make them memorable. Really I think this problem started in Revelations.

    Revelations, Ahmet just never felt all that threatening to me. Had to Google the villain just to remember anything about him.

    While Black Flag has many things that are great, Governor Torres was just kind of there. Nothing really memorable about him. At least you could argue this kind of makes sense from a story perspective because for the majority of the game all Edward cares about is himself.

    In Unity I remember the final villain was a sage that was the Templar Grandmaster but that is it.

    Syndicate, (an underrated game in my opinion), all I remember is that he had a big mustache.

    Origins' villains have no place in my memory whatsoever. I know Aya/amunet kills both Ceasar and Cleopatra.

    Odyssey: Deimos is basically just a strong person with anger issues. Aspasia was good as a twist villain but even she wasn't really a villain by the end of it.

    Valhalla: still playing but really haven't seen anything memorable concerning villains.

    While I can't thing of a solid reason to explain the reason why this is for the games pre-origins, Origins and on I think it is because of the cult/order system of hunting them down. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy this aspect, but I feel like they could do it better. How they do it now just feels like they are sacrificing a few quality villains like they had earlier in the series, for a larger quantity of one note villains that you are only introduced to before you kill them.

    I'm aware that the early games had targets that were kind of just there to kill too, but it always felt like you were building up to something greater, something lurking in the background that was just out of reach until the end (Rodrigo Borgia), or someone who felt like they just towered over every other target in the game (Ceasare Borgia).

    I think it also has to do with these games being too big now. I could play the old ones and finish them in a reasonable time. But now, since I am someone who likes to get the collectibles, it takes FOREVER to play the game. Plus the fact that even with fast travel points you still have large distances to travel to get to the next quest a lot of the time or find the next collectible. Also I'll never get over that I managed to beat Origins and Odyssey without even going into some regions of the map. In my opinion that is just poor game design and shows that you put more in than you actually needed and just wanted to fill space.

    All this extra collecting leads to quicker burnout which leads to me taking longer breaks between playing and forgetting at times where I am which ruins the flow and decreases how memorable it is as a whole.

    EDIT: Forgot about Rogue. Which is fitting because that entire game is forgettable. An interesting concept squandered.

    submitted by /u/RebornChaos202
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    I really want to 100% AC Valhalla. How bad are the gold medal mastery challenges?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    I liked Valhalla, although I preferred Odyssey more, I still enjoyed Valhalla quite a bit. I would like to 100% the game but I keep hearing about how annoying and bad these mastery challenges can be. How bad are they really and does anyone have any good tips on how to approach them?

    submitted by /u/medster101
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    Fence Parkour in the "Layla Trilogy"

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 07:46 PM PDT

    I have 100% on AC 1, 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, 3, and BF. But due to my old PC being shit, I stopped after BF. When I got a better PC, Valhalla was already to be released. So I thought maybe I should try the new "trilogy". I tried Origins and currently now in Odyssey.

    The game's are good as they are. But I really do miss the parkour over fences and other small objects. Or the parkour in general. The parkour chases as well. Like when the Protag is running, you can sense the urgency of his run. To catch his target, jump over the debris, slide under the rubble. Sprinting to get to a far ledge. I know you might say the parkour in the ancient times weren't developed much yet. But Protags are really slow nowadays.

    Now, I don't feel the urgency when the Protag parkours. It's always, "Goddammit, Kassandra. Skip over the goddamn fence. No, don't climb it." Girl can shockwave numerous enemies but can't skip over a small fence.

    submitted by /u/cyfer04
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    Which did it better? Homestead (AC3) or the village (Valhalla)

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 02:54 AM PDT

    I have yet to play Valhalla until I get the Series x for it but I do know that you can build your settlement. I played AC3 and enjoyed doing the homestead missions and watching my community be build from the ground up, so I'm wondering if valhalla is anything like the homestead missions, mostly in terms of developing your community. Is it any better? Worse? Very similar? Are there any differences that would either measure it up or bring it down from the homestead?

    submitted by /u/MrTomDickHarry
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    Played Valhalla, my thoughts on improvement for the next game.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 06:08 PM PDT

    I liked it most of the time, but other times I missed some aspects of other ACs. I'll focus on gameplay since story isn't as important as gameplay to me.


    It had a decent amount of tools but I hoped the rope dart would have more stealth to it. Love the poison and ability to spread it, smoke arrow, sleep, ghost, fire more opportunities to ledge assassinate, crit assassination is cool, social stealth was alright not used that often though, hanging barrels, red pots one shot, all good stuff. Could use some cherry bombs or berserk blade(not dart, too broken)

    For me the stealth was consistent, I took out forts no problem and outposts with just my hidden blade in the beginning. I was on master assassin and it makes sense enemies would detect you after their friend got shot in the face with an arrow if you even peek your head out in their LOS. They're high alert, looking for who killed their friend. I'm glad I used hiding spots more often too.


    Not enough stealth playgrounds. AC origins and AC odyssey had so many forts for me to sneak around but not as many tools as AC Valhalla. Not to mention kassandra was op as hell and could kill everyone with the teleport spear stealthily. It almost completely eliminated the bows use for me in that game. Even those games didn't give me enough playgrounds because the forts all had the same type of setting, I want to be in different types of environments. Syndicate had a: theater, asylum, fortress, a lab, factory, abandoned prison boat, and the activities had different objectives like freeing children, kidnapping, assassinate a Templar, or secure cargo. And the black box missions were great.

    Parkour was bland again but it wasn't terrible, they're some cool parkour setups in there but it is 800 AD Europe so I'll give it some pass for the limitations.

    When you assassinate a member of the order, it is so weird they're just wide in the open most of the time. So many I just broke into a house or killed them in public, no guards, nothing.

    Ireland DLC barely supported stealth, and the outposts were all the same layout with some things added to it. So much open combat even compared to base game. I need my stealth playground with cool environmental kills.

    TLDR: I guess you can summarize as not enough stealthy, diverse environments and I need a few more tools and cooler parkour.

    submitted by /u/winston_one_trick
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    Stuck at 92% chests on liberation vita

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    I can't find any info online about this. What contributes to 100% is there some chests in certain levels that I might've missed? Are they supposed to be on the map once I got all the smuggler camps?

    submitted by /u/DatOneHomie
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    Some skills I’d like to see added to Valhalla.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 03:05 AM PDT

    These ideas are based on things we saw in the Cinematic Trailer. During the fight with the Banneret, Eivor hits his weak points with melee attacks. And at the end, she does a finisher with the hidden blade (such a badass moment). I'd love to see both of these implemented in the skill tree in a future update.

    The first one would be a Bear skill, Critical Strike: Hold R1 when an enemy is staggered/after a party and Eivor will deliver a critical strike to one of the enemy's weak spots.

    The second would be a Raven skill, Combat Assassination: When an enemy is dazed (i.e. in the state where you can execute a normal finisher with R3), hold R1 to finish them off with the style and grace of a Hidden One.

    I think these could help give combat more variety and break up the monotony of seeing the same finisher animations over and over.

    submitted by /u/EmboarIsland
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