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    Thursday, August 5, 2021

    Assassin's Creed I'm Sculpting A Viking Warrior (Eivor) In Polymer Clay - AC Valhalla

    Assassin's Creed I'm Sculpting A Viking Warrior (Eivor) In Polymer Clay - AC Valhalla

    I'm Sculpting A Viking Warrior (Eivor) In Polymer Clay - AC Valhalla

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 05:30 PM PDT

    Ubisoft repsonded to a stealth issues list

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I've seen this sub, quite fairly, rife with complaints about the stealth mechanics in Valhalla since launch, but I've never noticed any Ubi employees/support actually acknowledging them.

    With this said, I decided to make a comprehensive list of all the problems I can think of on the official Ubisoft forums and some staff have actually asked for video evidence. I've already uploaded it but thought if we could make some noise on that post, maybe they'll actually fix it? Could be wishful thinking, but worth a shot?

    If anyone has anything to contribute, videos, photos, any evidence of any kind, please post it on this thread:


    Hopefully if enough of us speak up they'll hear us!

    submitted by /u/Isaac02444
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    My friend made me this art of as unity since we both like the game a lot, his Instagram is @birdlaugh_

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    4 weeks off work. Just re-installed the Ezio Collection. Here we go.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    As the title suggests, I have a bit of free time on my hands for the next few weeks. I have re-installed the ezio collection and the plan is to do a deep-dive replay of everything up until Unity/Rogue (I reckon I'll have run out of time by then, we shall see).

    Was hoping to use this post as a sort of 'thread' to post my thoughts on the stories as I went through the games and would welcome anyone doing something similar to do the same. I haven't played 2 - Brotherhood in a few years so I'm really looking forward to noticing the little details in those games.

    I'll aim to have the Ezio games finished within 2 weeks and hopefully can have 3/BF done in those next 2 weeks. I'm a bit of a completionist so I will probably be a bit longer.

    Wish me luck!

    submitted by /u/HanSoloHeadBeg
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    PS4/PS5 AC Valhalla Season pass on sale for $25.99 until 8/19

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    A bit disappointed with Wrath of the Druids' Content

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    Gonna be honest, the only thing that really brought me back was 1 handed swords and it has been quite enjoyable, I quite like its move set and it feels well balanced (though I wish it was in the base game from the start).

    But to be honest, the story is pretty standard so far and basically the same as Valhalla's main story.

    What really irks me is the rewards from the trade system and the overall armor/weapons we got. Sickle swords are ok, but most of the armors are really just reskins or just too over the top and warrior-esque. None of them have really been reminiscent of an Assassins armor. I'm hoping the Siege of Paris will have some cool outfits and weapons but with everything already datamined I can't hope too much.

    PS: I also really dislike how much work and effort has gone into the Helix store outfits versus what's in the main game and DLCs.

    submitted by /u/SwagMasterMo
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    Portugal is the perfect setting for a (real) AC game

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    Think about it, when the Templar order ended in 1312, the rest that survived to the purge in France fled to Portugal, and from there they created a new order, and this could be in the game where the order becomes secret, like the assassins etc… we could be sent by a master assassin in the Levant to Portugal to track down the last remaining Templars & to establish an assassin brotherhood there if non-existent. The number of possibilities are numerous and it's a shame that Portugal, wasn't exploited yet by Ubisoft to make a game, what we only had was in assassin's creed black flag in a memory where we went to a Portuguese colony and in assassin's creed rogue we went to Lisbon.

    submitted by /u/lupenguin
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    What’s everyone’s favourite era/theme in the series?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:53 PM PDT

    Hey everyone just recently bought the Ezio trilogy and was immediately blown away by in particular Venezia In AC2 so was wondering what is everyone else's favourite game/era/theme Personally I also like Odyssey's ancient Greece.

    submitted by /u/Ozzeeeey
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    What if Shay was the main villain in AC Unity instead of Francois-Thomas Germain?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 09:47 PM PDT

    If they had done this, I think that Shay could've become one of the best characters in the series. He would probably be on the same level as Haytham at the very least. I think Shay could've definitely been the main villain and it would've made the story so much better. At the end of AC Rogue, Shay mentions that the Templars plan on starting a revolution of their own due to their failure in the American Colonies. That being said, he could've been the one to give the order to murder Francois de la Serre. Shay could've been the leader of the radical group of Templars who intended to break the truce with the Assassins in order to instigate the French Revolution. With de la Serre out of the way and Shay as Grand Master, he could've been the one pulling the strings behind everything. Shay would've recruited Sivert and Le Roi des Thunes to murder de la Serre. Shay would've been the mastermind behind the plots to starve the people of France and to have King Louis XVI executed. And above all, it could've been revealed down the line that Shay was directly responsible for the murders of BOTH Arno and Elise's fathers. That reveal would've added an entirely new layer of depth and emotion to the story. I think it would've been much better than the idea of Germain being related to Jacques de Molay and aiming to purge the Templar order of corruption. I think Shay as the main villain of AC Unity would've improved the main story of the game and it would've also made the story of AC Rogue better as well.

    submitted by /u/joshuamarkrsantos
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    The enemies in Valhalla have a variety of great cosmetic options that would make for great additions to our armor. Due to mods we know it's possible and works pretty well! (Even with enemies you wouldn't expect)

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 09:55 PM PDT

    In assassin's Creed Odyssey if you saw a cool looking enemy you could wear their armor. (with some exceptions but I digress). It's no secret assassin's Creed Valhalla has much less armor variety than odyssey does. Far less if you're someone like me who likes grounded at least vaguely historical options. The enemies in Valhalla have some incredible designs that we the players could benefit from tremendously at little cost on Ubisofts part.

    An example of a great armor set is the armor of the base Saxon enemies, who have a chainmail tunic, a padded tunic underneath, and great helmets! That enemy alone makes for a good addition to our cosmetic pool by giving us something more grounded. However additions like the banneret or the Goliath would also give more options to people who like a bit of a fantasy flair as well.

    Implementation could work in a variety of ways. Either just through transmog like the [redacted] armor sets not available in England, or as fully earnable pieces. (we know the armor is in pieces because of the mesh swap mods.) Perks could be interesting and based on the enemies the armor is based on if they're proper sets as well. Perhaps they could be rewards for challenges involving said enemies giving a grinding incentive to engage in valhallas combat. They could even change the color of cloth to give each enemy a raven clan flair if they feel adventurous :0 !

    Overall I believe that due to the ease of implementation, demand for more variety/more grounded cosmetics, and potential for higher player engagement Ubisoft should consider adding these armor sets to the game in some capacity. I know no one at Ubisoft will probably read this but I believe getting these ideas out there is important nonetheless.

    submitted by /u/Thor9616
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    So I spent about an hour tracking down and killing cows to acquire small bullheads

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 08:52 PM PDT

    Only to find out it's a fish. And that this game has fishing.

    Despite the humor tag, I am entirely serious.

    submitted by /u/Blackcoldren
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    Isn’t max power level 466?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    When the update happened, I counted. It was 466. Then Jorraptor made a video and he also said the new max was 466. I just leveled up and got to power level 464, with one skill point left over and nowhere else to put it.

    Did they take two nodes out?

    submitted by /u/FlatTire2005
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    Clay Kaczmarek’s jacket symbol

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    People of Reddit, I need your help. So back when ac revelations first came out, I got my first assassins creed game. In fact it WAS that assassins creed game. It still remains one of my absolute favourites of the series to date. However, little 12 year old me noticed something absolutely tiny and insignificant - a little symbol on the back of Clay's jacket. I wondered what it was and googled it, to no avail. I thought "no big deal" and tried to forget about it. Only I didn't forget about it. Since then, it has been an itch in my brain for nearly half of my life - I've joined Internet forums to find it, asked everyone I knew, including some tattoo artists when I got my first tattoo, if they've ever seen it. I've even gone as far as to find emails of people that work for Ubisoft and that specific game and ask them. No luck. It wouldn't bother me so much if there was just a simple answer. The only other place I've seen it was in some fanart of Clay I found on Pinterest a couple of years ago. I'm at the end of my tether - does anyone on this website know what it is?? I need all the help I can get by this point. I have a drawing of it that I did a while ago, but it's obviously not great - if you're interested, just watch a playthrough of the game, and it'll be the first time you meet Clay and he walks you around animus island. Just pause and have a look at it on the top of his jacket behind his neck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/WolverineOne3107
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    So I was thinking about a game set in ancient China and or Japan, and have some thoughts about it below!

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    Ancient China/Japan game.

    If someone has already said this and I haven't seen it, or if there's a reason that this isn't a good idea, then I'm happy to hear you out.

    I think that a game based in the above mentioned eras would be awesome! It could follow a Samurai who over the course of the game leans into the assassin's way of doing things (yes I know that Ghost of Tsushima did something like this) or, start off as a traditional ninja character that through working with the assassins comes to join them and work for their cause. I just think that a game like this could be made and has a lot of potential in the setting, weaponry, and storylines as long as someone actually puts some effort into it. Like the assassin play style could be majorly ninja influenced while the warrior play style heavily Samurai influenced. And as for archers, the mongols revolutionized archery in that time and Samurai archers were known as some of the best in the world. So yeah, those are the thoughts bouncing around my head about this franchise today

    submitted by /u/Manhunter11
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    Is there a way to get to the city in AC IV or Rogue ?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    So I was wondering if there is a way to possibly clip through a wall and get to the city in the modern day sequences of AC IV or Rogue. Also I found a way to get back into the observatory in AC IV(sort of) if anyone is interested

    submitted by /u/Internal-Passenger20
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    Possible scenarios for a future Assassin's Creed game

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    I discussed with some friends of mine what could be some possible scenarios for a future Assassin's Creed game, and we chose these:

    -Genghis Khan's Mongolia

    -Ancient Rome (maybe Roman Empire or the Roman Republic, connecting the latter choice with the lairs of the followers of Romulus from AC Brotherhood)

    -Spanish Inquisition (Aguilar's story from the movie and the mobile game)

    -First or Second World War

    -Imperial Japan (or Imperial China)

    -Wars of Italian Independence

    -Napoleonic Wars

    Let me know what of these would you like to see in a future game or if you have other scenarios

    submitted by /u/Checco_Glione25
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    Valhalla: Suggested Power for Hamtunscire

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    So the suggested power for Hamtunscire is 340, which is a considerable jump from the last areas which were at 250. My current power is 255, which is quite a bit away from 340. Honestly, I'm trying to beat the story and not grind out 85 more skill points. I've started several arcs with my power being lower than the suggested power, but 85 seems steep. Any thoughts, suggestions, or comments on how to get those skill points quickly, or can I get by without them?

    submitted by /u/coguy405
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    Desmond Miles Story Explanation

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    I'm currently nearing the end of Valhalla but I haven't played any games since the one with the Golden Apple (3 I think)

    When you come out of the animus for the second time the characters reference Desmond and his story a bit.

    I'm really enjoying the game but feel I'm missing part of it without playing the other games.. without giving away any of the story in Valhalla, would somebody be able to explain how Desmond kind of ended up in previous ACs?


    submitted by /u/Rearwindowhero
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    Did Eivor finish all quests in England before sailing to Ireland?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    I want to know what order I should play my game in.

    Also, did Eivor visit Vinland before or after going to Ireland?

    submitted by /u/NikolaBankov
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    do the trade posts in dublin generate stuff while i am in england ac valhalla?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    And, does it also generate while i am in the map or abilities menu?

    submitted by /u/ruckdraconis
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    Bug with store in ac liberation hd

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    I finished a business rival mission and went to buy his store, but when i got there i was in the midle between buying and entering the store, so i ended up entering and buying the store at the same time, so while it shows in the map "weapon store obtained" i don't have discounts and can't access the ship trade menu, can someone help.

    submitted by /u/EnzoRaffa16
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