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    Tuesday, July 6, 2021

    Assassin's Creed What I missed from the old games are the cool "double-kill" animations. You know from 3, black flag, rogue and maybe Syndicate.

    Assassin's Creed What I missed from the old games are the cool "double-kill" animations. You know from 3, black flag, rogue and maybe Syndicate.

    What I missed from the old games are the cool "double-kill" animations. You know from 3, black flag, rogue and maybe Syndicate.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    I discovered the franchise because of the kill montage videos on YouTube and was blown away by how badass Assassins are. They can take down multiple enemies around them while wearing a hood.

    submitted by /u/Kenway21
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    [SPOILERS hi, VAGUE ENDGAME AND FUTURE] The Plan for Eivor and Valhalla

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 04:23 PM PDT

    Since the announcement of a "season 2" for Valhalla, I've been giving thought to what the "plan" might be for this world and set of characters.

    Full disclosure, I fully enjoyed Valhalla and WotD, and am currently enjoying my second play through of the main story, so don't come at this post with any "I hate Valhalla so who cares," types of posts. I don't have time for it and would like meaningful discussion. Let's try to keep this positive, or at least, constructive. If that's not a possibility for you, turn back now!

    With that caveat out of the way, I've been thinking that Ubi wants to create an "Ezio Trilogy" for Eivor, but using extended DLC as opposed to yearly releases.

    We already saw with WotD that they're are into adding new features within Valhalla's existing framework. What if that was just the beginning, and each new DLC introducers increasingly different expansions upon existing gameplay elements?

    This is not unlike what Brotherhood and Revelations did with AC II. Both of those games were built on the same DNA and, as we know now that they've been bundled together, often play as the same game with slight tweaks.

    With the rumors of an aging Eivor going around, I would not be surprised if we see them expand and conclude her story a la Ezio before the lifecycle of the game is over.

    We will see Eivor travel, learn, work with the hidden ones, and continue to change over the course of however many dlcs they're making. And by the end she'll have a real conclusion, and the next full game can still be different and change settings, etc.


    TL:DR Ubi is trying to pull an Ezio trilogy with Eivor via DLC rather than sequels with incrementally tweak the game. By doing so they can create a full story for their character AND go somewhere else with the sequel.

    submitted by /u/yesrushgenesis2112
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    Why does the stone cairn mini game exist?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Who at Ubisoft designed this and thought "yep, people are gonna have a blast with this one"

    That shit is so ass, it's the most frustrating part of Valhalla for me and the one thing stopping me from getting that sweet platinum trophy

    Anyways rant over, have a great day to everyone except the guy who made the Cairn mini game

    submitted by /u/LethalLonely
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    Cool little detail in AC3

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:11 PM PDT

    I'm playing the beginning of the AC3 Remaster at the moment and Haythem just stepped off his ship. I noticed that after witnessing a young pickpocket run off with someone's belongings, he keeps his hand on his coin purse/satchel as he walks. Did anybody else notice this? It was obscured by his cloak and I never noticed this when I first played the game.

    I dunno; just thought it was a cool little detail.

    submitted by /u/RedKnight705
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    AC4: “Every finger’s a fishhook” As a Parkour athlete of twelve years, and an AC fan for at least as long, this one line is my favorite explanation as to why a main character can move as nimbly as they do from the go.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    And it's just so immediately succinct at that! Fantastic line all in all.

    submitted by /u/Wayfaring-Gamer
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    Where do you rank Valhalla overall?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    I recently finished a replay of the whole series from the original AC right through Valhalla--the 12 mainline games. While I was high on Valhalla at first, I settled at ranking it at 08 of 12, so putting it in the third tier of four. I love all 12 games in their own way, but I found that, while enjoyable, some of the magic was missing here, and a couple bugs and repetitive elements kept me from ranking it higher (no need to belabor the point).

    For those of you that have played the whole series, where do you rank Valhalla? Where do you rank it against the rest of the Ancient Trilogy? Has it gotten better to you the more you played it? or worse? Did the DLC boost its standing? or diminish it? Love to hear thoughts.

    submitted by /u/WeFoughtAZoo
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    [Potential Spoilers] What is your favorite assassination, and why?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    For a series that has been largely focused on assassinating targets as a form of narrative progression, there's been fairly little conversation on the best assassinations in the series. So I'm curious what your favorite assassination is, and more importantly, why is that your favorite?

    Personally, Assassin's Creed 1, Unity, and Syndicate have the strongest assassinations for me, and my favorite is John Elliotson in the asylum (in Syndicate). He's definitely one of the more overlooked assassinations, but I personally loved navigating the narrow halls, using eagle vision to stay out of sight and knocking out quarterlies, and then managing to hide on the operating table, to assassinate Elliotson in front of a small crowd of medical professionals. It was a fun mix of physical and social stealth, and honestly decent dialogue that always has me chuckle when I hear "Corpses do not wear boots".

    Runner ups are Garnier de Naplouse and Sivert.

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    Comparison video between Stop Motion version and E3 Trailer version

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 05:48 PM PDT

    New game mechanic idea, WD legion inspired operatives but for recruiting to the Assassins brotherhood

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    So I know legion wasn't received as well, and I do like a single protagonist better than random operatives. But what about a mix of the two in an AC game? You play as a main character but you recruit new assassins to the brotherhood in the same manor as you do in legion and grow your own personal bureau for each area on a map. So maybe when you are in a certain area you have access to these new assassins that have different abilities that can come and help you as AI (or play as them personally?) idk the idea just came to me playing legion so what do you all think?

    submitted by /u/braydocalypse03
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    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: Full Sync Mission Requirement

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 11:08 PM PDT

    Hello! Just start playing ACB, how many missions do I need to fulfill 75% synchronization? (for repressed memories) I am not a completionist and I only play for the story. Currently I lost 2 missions 100% full sync (both at Lair) and I'm on Sequence 4: Man of the People right now. Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/Museeeeeeee
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    Fuck the open world in Valhalla

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 11:07 PM PDT

    It's too massive and there's far too many repetitive things to do. At this point I'm just giving up on the side stuff and aiming to finish the main quest line and be done with it.

    submitted by /u/TheChameleon84
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    The move Ubisoft made at the beginning of quarantine has made me addicted to Assassins creed and now I can’t stop playing the games

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    At the beginning of quarantine Ubisoft gave away Assassin's Creed and Watch_Dogs for free to anyone who claimed it within a certain week. This was just a couple months before they released Valhalla and Legion so I feel like that was a brilliant move but anyway, I completely bought into it because I got addicted to both of those franchises. I got Black Flag and Rogue on the switch in like August. Right now I'm playing Unity and I've just finished Syndicate. I just want to know if anyone else got into the AC franchise because of that plug that Ubisoft did at the beginning of quarantine.

    submitted by /u/BlackpaintSundae
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    Watching the History Channel's "Vikings" show REALLY made me love Valhalla.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:07 AM PDT

    There are some inaccuracies between the game and this show, but it still got me totally absorbed in the gameplay and characters. Even more so than most of the AC games in the series. (AC2 is still one of my faves, tho)

    submitted by /u/rmereddot
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    Ivarr made Valhalla a million times better and is one of my favourite characters in all of assassins creed.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 04:22 AM PDT

    He actually had goals, to become a king killer to die a glorious death. Eivor hated him once he found out what he had done but Odin loved him. He really challenged what it meant to be a Viking. I feel like Ivarr killing ceolbert drove the point that vikings are horrible people, they rape pillage murder for glory, yet weve never cared, not until he killed ceolbert. I sent him to Valhalla because I felt he had lived a life to challenge his fathers, however I understand if others sent him to Helheim. Regardless, he was a great character.

    submitted by /u/Dean-Advocate665
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    Do enemies scale in Valhalla?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:44 PM PDT

    I know this has been asked before but I can't seem to get a clear answer. Most people seem to be saying they don't and some people are saying they do. I just went back to Norway (Rygjafylke) for the first time since leaving (around PL 160 now) and all the guards/wildlife are still "hard" level. I just fought Erik Loyalskull (Lost Drengr in the cave) and he was PL 210 for me, but it seems for everyone else he is 50. I was looking forward to being overpowered but after all my progression it seems I am still technically under-leveled.

    submitted by /u/alexvalpeter
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    Spoiler alert for AC Odyssey! My review of the game after 200H gameplay and 100% The game

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 02:45 AM PDT

    So hi guys I'm and old Ac fan and almost played all the games in franchise I was one of persons who had bad thoughts about the game until I played it I have played the game for 3 months(217 H 31 M ) and 100% it and got the plat trophy for it So im gonna review this game from5 categories and rate them from 1 to 10 and then divise them to 5 I also will appreciate to hear your thoughts about the game do don't forget to comment if you have a different thought
    And if you like please vote the post(sadly it will take 1 second of your life😢)

    1.story:storywise it was an ok game it had it flaws also the ability to choose your actions make it hard to rate this games story There was some good moments in it like we remember sidequest and battle of pylos main quest and then again it has some flaws like ghost of cosmos identity and direction of the game like you have to do just 11 quests to be able to get your house back. I'm gonna give it a 7

    2.gameplay :gameplay is made of 3 parts exploration and stealth and combat Exploration is good the map is very big that almost every island you goes to is different to other one but the map it self feel soulless Stealth is good with the help of abilities but again there is the problem of dumb AI Combat is where the game shines and the only problem is enemies feel spongy (take lot of damage before dying) also the ship combat is back and great Overall I'm gonna give gameplay a 8.5

    3.performance I played the game on ps4 and pc to see how performance is Its okay the game runs at 1080 on ps4 with 30 fps While on my pc it can run 4k with 40_50 fps Both versions played with latest update but I have experienced a lot of frame rate drops Performance is 8

    4.voice acting

    Its where the review gets littler tricky I played with alexios and watches the full walkthrough of kassandra they are both good but i don't like their voices much other characters voices are actually done better than both of them but sometimes fell out of the way Voice acting is 6


    This is the part where fame shows how great it is Every music in game from main menu one to exploration music is great 10

    Overall the game is a very good game (not great) My rate to the game is 8 Pros: Great music Great rpg elements Big map Good story Great combat Good stealth Ship combat Great graphics

    Cons: Some flaws in story Dumb AI SPONGYYYYYYYYYY enemies Soulless map Bad performance Bugs and bugs and bugs and bugs Not so good voice acting

    I hope you enjoyed Don't forget to comment if you have different opinion And please vote

    submitted by /u/MPNRpro
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    How much smaller than the real greek isles are the greek isles in Odyssey?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    I'm talking in terms of scale. Is it 1:100 scale or 1:500 or how much bigger is it exactly compared to the real ones? Does anyone know?

    submitted by /u/MrPartyPancake
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    Has there been any update on the broken key binding/custom controller layouts?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 03:31 AM PDT

    I took a break from the game after finishing the main story until the DLC released. Turned it on recently to play a hit before getting the dlc to find that I can no longer use my control scheme anymore (had crouch mapped to RB which does not work now) after 100 hours of playing the game that way. After all the bugs and issues with the game I don't have much patience to now have to learn a new controller layout for the dlc. Have they acknowledged it's broken or they are working on it?

    submitted by /u/maxpowerphd
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    Critical thinking, where do the assassins get money to pay for contracts?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 03:44 AM PDT

    Context in Black Flag, the main character is coaxed into assassinations by the promise of monetary gain.

    submitted by /u/Sir_Kernicus
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    [Spoiler] Cute nod to Harry Potter with this list of horcruxes

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 08:55 PM PDT

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