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    Tuesday, July 6, 2021

    Assassin's Creed After finishing Valhalla, kind of wish I could get those 70 hours of my life back [Spoilers]

    Assassin's Creed After finishing Valhalla, kind of wish I could get those 70 hours of my life back [Spoilers]

    After finishing Valhalla, kind of wish I could get those 70 hours of my life back [Spoilers]

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    This game really didnt live up to my expectations especially with the ending. I didn't even realize I had finished the game at first. I remember in the middle of the game there was a bit of a climax, you fight Dag, the settlement seems to be turning from you, Sigurd seems completely detached from everything and has a complete transformation.

    But then it all sort of just, reverts back to normal? Sigurd and Eivor suddenly become friends again and most importantly, there was no betrayal? I mean they did explain how Eivor sort of betrayed him, but not the same way Odin betrayed Tyr at all. There was this whole thing that fate is unavoidable but it didnt really happen for Eivor at least.

    Also, Basim/Loki says Eivor/Odin killed his son during their fight but that never even happened? Fenrir only got beat the fuck out of him like twice but he didnt die. In isu context what is Fenrir supposed to be? If he's not a wolf it doesn't make sense how Eivor became the wolf kissed if that's not what actually happened in his past life as Odin.

    I'm just left with so many questions, but sure am i glad that I don't have to keep doing more conquest missions in England. They really nailed it this time making the main story missions as boring as possible. Everything I did felt like a mandatory side quest to such a point that i stopped doing the actual side quests i was so burnt out from it. I would just go from one main objective to the next as fast as possible.

    For every thing I like about this game there's something I don't like. The start of the game was engaging enough in Norway that it made me collect all the wealth and mysteries and made me want to keep playing. Similarly when I went out to conquer my first territory in England, I liked Soma as a character a lot and trying to figure out who had betrayed her was fun. After that it felt like everything was copy and pasted. Instantly all enjoyment was drained from me and I just started grinding as fast as possible to get to the end.

    I started noticing things; my hair would float through my hood, my cloak clipped through my armor (EVERY SINGLE ONE has a clipping problem), the way it looks like you're having a seizure when you walk up stairs, low resolution textures…

    This game is very unpolished. And not typical ubisoft unpolished, I mean theres so many problems its almost up there with cyberpunk. I bet the reason that ubisoft hasnt been called out for releasing such a buggy game is because no one actually played long enough to notice them because they would have died from boredom.

    I'm really hoping the next AC changes the formula and isn't just another grindfest rpg fantasy game. Just. Let. Me. Be. An Assassin. Not a hidden one. Not a medjay, misthios, or drengr. Let me fucking wear the assassin hood and stab Templars (not the Order of Ancients) with my hidden blade. Thats all I ask. Hopefully it goes in this direction, it felt like they were setting up the next game by showing that Aelfred wanted to start a new order, and Shaun telling Basim about the assassins.

    There were some moments in this story that left me jaw dropped; seeing the vault that Connor/Haytham/Desmond entered, hearing AC4 music in Vinland, seeing Desmond again after almost 8 years, realizing the norse mythology in eivors visions was actually Isu, the scene showing Sigurd when you kill Fulke, fighting Odin, but the rest of the game was sort of meh. I feel like I could have just watched the endings on youtube and taken away just as much.

    First game where i actually liked the modern day more than the inside the animus story. After hearing the next AC is gonna be bigger I feel there's a high probability im going to be skipping it to avoid grinding for another 70 hours. Left with just mixed feelings from Valhalla, the franchise i once beloved is almost nothing like it was before. 6/10, +1 for Odin being there otherwise it would be a 5

    submitted by /u/xXxgekyumeonfroyxXx
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    I’m addicted to the ac franchise

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    So , I am so addicted to this franchise I completed every game multiple times , these are the only games I can really get myself into tbh , the music , the lore , the open worlds , the climbing I love it all in every game , even the games that I know are "bad" I still can't help but love them and play them multiple times , am I alone in this ?

    submitted by /u/SnooSquirrels4740
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    Is AC Origins a game where seconday quests are 100% mandatory?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    I just started my first AC with AC Origins. Im at the very beginning, i just finished the main quest at Siwa and need to go to Alexandria, but the level required there is 10 and im 6. I already did some research and people usually suggest to do some side quests. I already did like 4/5 side quests to get to level 6 and i hate them. They break the story with shallow repetitive tasks. I always play on easy mode because i play for the story and not for the combat system. I finished TW3 recently and while it has a lot of side quests, by playing on easy i could do main missions while underleveled without problems.

    My question is pretty simple: if i set ACO on easy mode, can i ignore the secondary quests if i want or am i forced to play them regardless in order to level up? If YES, is AC Unity better under this aspect?

    EDIT: Ok so side quests are kinda mandatory. Now another question: Each time i finish a main mission on easy, how many side quests do i have to do before i can do the next main mission?

    submitted by /u/Darkray1002
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    Odyssey - Do random civilians respawn?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    Finally picked up Odyssey on sale and I'm really enjoying it so far. But just a little while ago I travelled to a small village location and witnessed a wolf slaughter a random NPC. I know it's completely inconsequential, but do these random/minor NPCs respawn after a time? Or are they just gone for good? I tried searching for an answer but could only find info about enemies/loot.

    submitted by /u/Bedlam10
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    I'm getting tired of them slowly dragging out this whole Juno story arc.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 02:33 AM PDT

    I've been waiting for something to happen for almost a decade now ever since Juno was released in AC3 back in 2012. Black Flag was promising when it revealed she was after a body, but since then she's only had a few small appearances.

    They just keep teasing us with stuff like the Atlantis DLC for Odyssey, and>! that reveal in Valhalla.!< But it never seems to lead anywhere, unless>! the chick in the staff is somehow Juno using the name Aletheia.!<

    Either way, they're really dragging it out. I get that a lot of people don't care about the Modern story and enjoy just playing the games set in the time period. I really like it too but the modern story is still my main reason for coming back to this series. However, every game has felt like a massive filler since Unity.

    Layla's storyline was... jarring at best. Very little time to develop her character in Origins. She suddenly has a team in Odyssey that we never meet, but the game acts like we should care about them without letting us get to know them. In Valhalla, they're replaced by Shaun and Rebecca. It just feels like they're making up the story as they go with no real plan. Who knows how Basim's story will go. It'll probably be wrapped up in DLC or discarded for a new character and only a brief mention in the next game,

    I don't mind if they just wanna make AC games with no modern story but they should at least wrap up the modern story for those of us who do care about it. I just hope that Juno's story goes somewhere in the next game. Maybe have her be the major villain of that game so we can finally end her. Then they can continue on with Basim's story. Hell, have Basim be the one to kill her to be revealed as a bigger threat.

    Sorry for the rant. I wasn't planning on ranting. I just got carried away when I started typing this all out.

    submitted by /u/ZeroSora
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    The first arena champion in odyssey has a fully visible “male anatomy”

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 12:13 AM PDT

    I haven't found anything about this online so I thought I'd share. Killed the first champion in the arena and ended up with an up skirt shot of balls and butthole. Every other character I've seen has some kind of covering down there. If anyone happens to be doing the arena, you should try and see if it was just a one time bug or if it's just there for all to see.

    submitted by /u/touchebutts1121
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    [Spoiler] Harald's roll in AC Valhalla

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    I really expected Harald to be the Father in AC Valhalla.

    As soon as I saw him trying to unite all the Viking tribes I was thinking this could be a good way to involve the idea of control vs freedom with Harald being an templar trying to unite all tribes under his rule vs Sigurd and Eivor refusing and breaking free from those shackles.

    Northern Norway is also a suggested 300+ power area indicating it's an endgame area and while it is for different reasons, I thought it would be awesome to confront Harald, maybe fail, but at least to introduce the whole freedom v control that AC has always attempted to show.

    I don't mind Aelfred being the Father and I like the quest where you confront him as it gives a lot of solace and a bit more depth to a sworn enemy of Eivor but it seems a bit shoe-horned.

    On the whole I thought Harald's character could've been something interesting and while not exactly disappointed with the result I'm sad that a character I had been waiting the entire game for never got a mention again although that might just be an issue with my own expectation.

    However I'm sharing mainly to hear your opinions and if you had similar or different ideas for the ending.

    Valhalla is an awesome game that is maybe the worst of two other class games but some turns and twists just didn't sit as right as I feel my own theories might've.

    submitted by /u/ExpiredBananases
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    where did the colorful raven skin go?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 07:31 PM PDT

    during the ostara festival event I claimed the colorful raven skin and a few months later (aka a few weeks ago) I couldn't access my raven. so I went to the stables and looked at my raven and low and behold the skin wasn't there. has anyone else experience this problem? and if this is a wide spread problem does anyone know why this is? (potential spoiler I am not sure)

    submitted by /u/pickle_blade
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    Feature idea: I think current gen consoles can handle a modern day free roam play area

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 12:57 AM PDT

    I'm playing Assassin's Creed 3 and the modern day has neat little parkour courses in it, and I was just imagining how neat it would be if the next AC let us parkour around at least a small section of a modern day Damascus, Syria, for example.

    It doesn't have to be city-sized or too distracting from the more historical settings. Here are a few more ideas for modern day play areas:

    • a medium sized fishing town in The Philippines (like one of the smaller towns in Black Flag)
    • a massive walled apartment complex in Kowloon, China (filled with secrets and Easter eggs)

    - a chimpanzee sanctuary in Nagpur, India (aggressive chimps will attack the player character, but they can tame the chimps and sic 'em on enemy chimps like in Brotherhood)

    And the list goes on, really. Beacon Hill, Seattle… a really cavernous mansion with puzzles and loot to findidk. I just want something interesting to traverse as a modenr day assassin, because I think we didn't get enough of that in Assassin's Creed. Just a little area to let us test out what modern day assassins would use. A hidden gun, maybe? Magnet gloves? For sure!

    Anyway, hope you like my idea. Hang loose 🤙

    submitted by /u/k0mbine
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    I'm tired of the constant increase in level recommendation in origins

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 04:53 AM PDT

    seriously like every new main quest is 2 levels above the previous one, and i'm tired of playing 7 side quests just to get to the main quest, play it, and have to do another 10 side quests.

    does anyone have an advice on how to level up fast? i'm loving the main story but can't seem ti enjoy it because of the level recommendation. i'm level 29 and the next main mission is recommended 31, but i can't seem to find side quests anymore, and i don't know how to levels up now.

    thanks, have a great day

    submitted by /u/Hitman07435
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    H how did olivier garneau die?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:50 PM PDT

    So how does he die if aiden Pearce doesn't exist? Like have we gotten a explanation for this? Any theories you have? because I've been very curious about this for a long time.

    submitted by /u/E3capethesecond
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    Series Replay: AC2 Review

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    I'm playing through the entire series (most of them for the second time) and reviewing each game as I go. I did the first one a month ago and here's the second! Note that I'm not including Brotherhood or Revelations in this review--they'll each get their own reviews.

    Overall Score

    I give AC2 an 8 out of 10. It's a very solid game that is a lot of fun to play, has a story that really pulls you in, and the side content is really well done. It loses a bit of steam toward the end, but it's still a great game!

    Modern Day

    • Rebecca, Shaun, and Lucy: 3 of the best characters in the series

    • Shaun's database entries are great; you get history with a side of snark *chef's kiss*

    • Desmond can run, hooray!!


    • The combat is similar to AC1 for controls, but much less frustrating (the timing is more forgiving, among other things)

    • The variety of weapons and armor is fantastic

    • The poison hidden blade doesn't really seem to have any good purpose or reason to use it over the regular hidden blade, it would have been better executed as poison throwing daggers instead

    • Double assassinations with the hidden blades is one of the best weapon features in all of AC


    • This game does an excellent job of introducing the Auditore family and getting you invested in the story right off the bat; each off the characters that Ezio meets along the way act as you're tutorials for combat, stealth, and weapon use, which ties really well into the concept of Ezio being young and not knowing about the assassins

    • Including Leonardo daVinci in the role that he plays was brilliant, and I loved interacting with him; he has such a fun personality

    • Upon meeting uncle Mario, "It's-a-me! Mario!", is probably the best greeting ever in all the games

    • From the Auditore family crypt, we find out that Marco Polo and Dante Alighieri were assassins, along with the story of Ezio's great-great-grandfather who trained with Dante, and whose ship was boarded by pirates sent by the Templars who killed Dante, looking for the codex; he and his son survived, made it to Florence, and adopted the name Auditore (I freaking looove additional stories like this)

    • Really cool tie-in to the rest of the series in unlocking Al-Taïr's armor; if you've played Odyssey and Origins and you look at the names on the statues, you'll notice two that are familiar: Darius from Odyssey and Amunet from Origins


    • There is very good variety in the buildings and it's an absolutely beautiful setting; I love how I almost feel like I've been to Venice because any time I see pictures or video of it, I recognize it immediately

    • Great details included in the database about historic landmarks, people, and events, so you get the background behind this beautiful setting

    • The outfits are detailed and flow nicely; the Al-Taïr armor is gorgeous on Ezio

    • The cape given to Ezio for protection in Florence by Medici cracks me up; it looks like a slice of pizza and doesn't go with any of his other attire, but it makes me laugh, so I love it (note: this is actually what the Medici flag looked like, and I just want to mention this isn't a dig at Italians, I just love that it looks like pizza, which would be funny to me regardless of its location)

    • The Carnevale was a really cool addition, particularly the fire breathers; it adds a lot of fun and interest to the game, while also giving us a peek into another historical aspect of Venice


    • There is a good variety in the various missions/tasks that you need to do throughout the game that it keeps it interesting

    • The flying machine is absolutely ridiculous and I love it so much; it's a pain in the ass to control, but you only have to use it for one mission, and as silly as it is, I think it adds a lot of fun and excitement to the game

    • The glyphs from subject 16 are cool and intriguing; the puzzles are...okay (I say this as someone who loves puzzles of every kind)--I think it's difficult to come up with puzzles that offer enough challenge that you have to work for it, but not too high of a challenge as to lose gamers' interest or frustrate them

    • One cool thing about the glyphs is that the icons of the glyphs themselves on the buildings represent different places...for instance, a couple of the glyphs are of Nazca lines, from roughly 500 BC to 500 AD Peru...possible location for a future game? There were also the pyramids, the eye of Ra, a Shinto shrine, a tall mountain with a sun, and a few other shapes I couldn't decipher.

    • I absolutely love how they include coded messages within the glyph puzzles; I didn't bother to decode most of them, but I did one longer one, which references Tesla's use of a piece of Eden: "He used it to develop a bottomless source of energy. Telefunken wireless station." Another, smaller one said, "Tesla found it in Croatia." It's awesome how they told other stories within the glyph puzzles that tied into many historical figures and achievements/events.

    • The crypts are amazing! They have a very eerie feel about them, and figuring out how to progress is a cool challenge, though they get a bit frustrating due to lack of fine control with the parkour

    • Parkour is pretty good in general, though timed parkour challenges are irritating

    • Being able to upgrade the villa helps it feel more like home and passively gains you a lot of money; it's a true form of a great investment with rapid payoff

    • Having money to spend improving armor and such increases the investment factor

    • Ezio's first assassination has him just shanking the guy with the hidden blade, showing his rage and lack of skill and subtlety; later on he learns how to be stealthy and how to assassinate different ways with the hidden blade--this is one of the things I love most about the AC2 trilogy, that we get to follow Ezio as he grows and matures and becomes an assassin, then climbs the ranks

    • Subtitles are available, which were not in the first game, a point which Desmond notes when talking to Rebecca, "The subtitles are a big plus!"

    • Stealth is very much improved over the first game

    • The ability to remove notoriety and blend with groups is very useful and allows for better covertcy, which allows you to truly feel like a stealthy assassin

    submitted by /u/The_Rogue_Coder
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    The new style of assassins creed (which is hardly new at this point) isn’t bad for the franchise.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 09:41 PM PDT

    What's killing it for people is the 60 to 80 hour play time. I started my AC journey with odyssey. And I loved every hour I put in. I literally took time off work, one day off to give myself and early 3 day weekend so I could no life the best looking video game I had ever seen. Previously I didn't care about AC at all. Moving on, I beat the game and expansions with Elysium being my favorite storyline and moved along to Valhalla the day after. Only to be confronted with another 60 hour base game. I still haven't beaten it. I'm on suthex which is the final place for me to conquer. But it's so much! I didn't pay attention to 90% of the story because it is slow to develop and I just wanted to upgrade my gear and fight. Which brings me to my conclusion. The games are NOT bad games. They are just too damn long. I can go watch "ending explained" videos on the last 3 games and they are truly compelling and awesome. Who doesn't have some interest in mythology? And AC has done awesome things with mythology. Just shorten up the stories and get to the point, and maybe add more skill based weapon attacks too. Some cool combos and were literally all set

    submitted by /u/TheTargaryen28
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    female Eivor voice acting: spoiler?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    yo idk why everyone dislikes female Eivor voice acting i really enjoy it especially since she is only one of 4 (if you count Aveline from Liberation) main woman you can play as, i've enjoyed all of the woman voice actors work so far. is there any reason you despise it? cause in my own opinion i quite enjoy the low/rough voice since i know a few people who are woman and speak with a low/raspy voice

    submitted by /u/corblimey-
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back (A Review/Retrospective)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    Hey, I just made this video recently and it goes over the history of the franchise and sort of wonders how Valhalla does in regards to trying to bring back the franchise to being great. I was wondering what you guys thought the realistic path forward was for the franchise considering that it doesn't seem likely that we're going to get any sort of traditional type assassins game, so I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas of things they could do to synthesize the RPG style with the Assassin's Creed style that we know and love.

    Here is the video https://youtu.be/5ARmGD4SG3o

    submitted by /u/mikeyb1335
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    AC Unity going to Helix on Series X..?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    Hey folks,

    So. I'm working backwards tryna 100% all of the AC games. I just installed AC Unity on my Series X and have never played it before. It's taking me straight to the Helix game mode without letting me see the main menu. A buddy of mine also just installed and isn't having the issue.

    Anyone know what the heck is going on?

    submitted by /u/greggerrrrrrs
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    Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has quietly added DualSense support on PC

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    How do you upgrade the rowboat and harpoon in black flag?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    [SOLVED] I found a white whale and its only my second day it is destroying me and i know its rare so im trying to figure out how to upgrade but its not in the jackdaw menu is it something you get later? And if so will i have a chance at seeing the white whale again without online

    submitted by /u/KwipXD
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    AC not having steam achievements is so trash

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    I love the idea of playing AC 2 again for the first time in years, but not having steam achievements is such a turn off. Loved getting 100% as a kid in the PS3 days. Why would they not have them. :/

    submitted by /u/iLuLWaT
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    Do your in game photos saved to the map still show on a new playthough?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 05:33 PM PDT

    I've lost my saves and my photos. Only way I can recover some of them is to screenshot the ones I saved to the map. Is this accessible on a new playthough or would the only way be through a friends playthough and viewing friends photos? Do the photos expire too? This is for origins which is a few games ago.

    submitted by /u/Azelrazel
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