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    Friday, July 2, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Unity is so good and so bad at the same time.

    Assassin's Creed Unity is so good and so bad at the same time.

    Unity is so good and so bad at the same time.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    I recently got into Unity after seeing all the discussion about it on this subreddit and I thought I'd give it a shot, as it was the only one I had skipped (I tried it a couple of time on my PC many years ago but it ran terribly) and I gotta say, I have never had stronger feelings about an AC game before.

    The good parts of the game are SO GOOD! The French Revolution, an excellent time period to go through. Reading up on the history, seeing the characters come to life is just exhilarating. The combat * chef's kiss * is so fun that I actually go out and pick fights just to have more of it. A lot of the story missions are also fun, gameplay wise, especially the black box assassination missions.

    But the good parts of it are also what make it SO BAD. The story is so disconnected. I barely get time to be familiar with any of them. I couldn't care less about Arno or Elise cause they just don't get enough time to develop. Same goes for everyone else. It's almost like I'm getting story whiplash to the point where I have to pause and catch up with the story on the Wiki page.

    The combat animations are still broken as hell. Arno stabs the air and people die. He doesn't even extend his hidden blade when performing assassinations. The cover system is a hit and miss at best. The detection meters are hard to figure out. The crowd blend and enemy highlight mechanic has been broken in my game since sequence 3. I could go on and on.

    It breaks my heart because I grew up playing AC, right from the start and I can SEE that there's such a good game hidden beneath all this broken stuff in Unity. I still keep coming back to it because there are fleeting moments when I think "holy shit this is fun" but it's so interspersed with bugs and glitches and bad work that I'm starting to lose interest.

    I just wanted to rant and this seemed like the best place cause I feel that the people here understand where I'm coming from. I hope that Ubisoft can someday understand that corporate greed can never trump the passion that devs have and the effort that they put into these works of art.

    submitted by /u/youniqueorn
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    Ancient Rome, is it finally getting it's own AC game?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    The thing I've been waiting for since the first time i opened an Assassins Creed.Walking through the massive bruising and living city of Ancient Rome. In brotherhood it was a torturous tease towards what i had always desired, ancient Rome.

    I hoped but continued playing from Black Flag to killing Nile Crocodiles in Origins and remembering the greatness of the movie 300 and it's historic event; the battle of Thermopylae and sightseeing the cities of Sparta and Athens in Odyssey.

    With those 2 latest mentioned editions, it all started living again with me. A short story mission in Rome in Origins and then the largely scaled cities in Odyssey. This would be the moment to start on a game in the ancient city of Rome. But are they ready?

    I am actually glad they first went to something new with Valhalla, because there is so much work to do to satisfy me with ancient Rome. Characters that seem to be living in 1 place the entire game instead of living in depth lives, the side-collection missions with low purpose just to begin with. What made me very happy with assassins creed Valhalla was the possibility to build your own village. In my opinion it still lacked depth in options but it was a good start. And the size of the map would be amazing to implement into a desired feature that i will introduce below (1).

    What i would hope from AC: Imperator (as i would have called it) is more then just an Assassins Creed game. A game dedicated to ancient Rome. In some ways Valhalla did this for my admiration of the viking culture. I would want to play a role in politics, but really have options the option to go through the roman ranks all the way into the senate, not in a linear story line, but by making decisions. Developing the city just like Villa di Auditore and going on (1) campaigns through the ancient Mediterranean leading the mighty roman cohorts into battle against barbarians conquering the ancient world. And after being recognised for my many victories be called, imperator, leader of the Roman Empire.

    Are they preparing for such a masterpiece with their latest games, testing the waters? Who knows.

    But for now, as the romans said; Patientia vincit omnia.

    patience conquers everything.

    submitted by /u/de-LAWnl
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