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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla is so boring compared to odyssey

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla is so boring compared to odyssey

    Valhalla is so boring compared to odyssey

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    So far I've conquered a couple of lands and I gotta say I'm pretty disappointed, there are way too many glitches for a game like this, the combat seems repetitive and so do the raids, the bird is one of the saddest decisions made by a development team ever It's such a useless feature that should've never been changed and the weapons are pretty lacking. I even liked origins a lot better then this game, with Valhalla it just seems like a worse version of both those games they totally screwed up this game. Edit: I forgot to put how terrible the health system is in Valhalla and that Varins axe is probably the saddest weapon in the game your better off using anything else personally I'm glad eivors dad is dead cause he seemed weak as hell

    submitted by /u/Rodney_munch68
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    Looking back, what do you think of Syndicate?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    I recently picked up syndicate on the steam sale and have been playing it for about 12 hours. I'd always heard this was one of the worst AC games but I'm finding it pretty decent. I can't really place my finger on why I enjoy it, other than the epically proportioned London. The combat is really basic but I find it somewhat satisfying. The open world is really well done which is a big plus for me, as that's why I play every AC game.

    The story in this game is probably the weakest point for me. I could care less about Jacob and Evie, and don't even know what's really going on in the story other than Starrick is the bad guy. I think the horse carriage controls are God awful, and so many sections of the game force you into these combat scenarios. Like seriously, fuck the horse carriages. Weapon selection is also super lame in this game.

    I'm curious how the community feels about this game because I'm enjoying it but see all the flaws that people say it has. I picked it up for $6.50 on the sale so the price was a great deal.

    submitted by /u/LardLikes2Party
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    I think my brain has gotten too used to the yearly release of AC because it feels weird not knowing what the next game is.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 05:41 PM PDT

    Not gonna lie a part of me misses the yearly release schedule. Yeah it's better how it is now, but MAN did the yearly release made it easier to make predictions and fun discussions about the next entry.

    submitted by /u/ivecomeforbob
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    AC 1 Combat vs AC 2 Combat

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    This is probably a very unpopular opinion, but I've been playing the series again and am currently on AC 2 in Venice. At this point I've come to think that the combat from the first Assassin's Creed is better and more fun than Assassin's Creed 2's. AC 1 combat has such a much faster paced frantic energy to it and its very satisfying to chain the combos and eliminate the guards in quick succession. With 2 I find myself just waiting around for them to attack. Even going on the offensive isn't as enjoyable since they can't be comboed as easily due to the larger health they have. I get why it's like that, but it just isn't as fun; feels like more of a chore honestly and I just end up using the hidden blades to counter kill in 1 go which is rather boring.

    submitted by /u/Sharpteeth_32
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    What are the things you still love about the series? Like regardless of your opinion as a whole, what's the one or more thing(s) you can pick out of the games that you still appreciate and love?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    This sub ofc being centered around the games have some of the most passionate fans of the series. These are the people that will buy the game Day 1 and analyze the absolute fuck out of the trailers and stuff.

    Whilst in other subs or just other people really, this series has become the "buy it on discount" series. And even then people regret the buy. They hate the RPG elements. They hate the VA. They hate how big and bloated it is. They are not a fan of the combat. They don't like the grind, especially the mandatory ones to level up to the level required for the main missions. They don't like how it's not really an AC game longer, that now it's just a name that they slap on the front cover to make it sell. There are a lot of negatives with the games in their opinion.

    It has become a game series for many that you can just go in and if you have just want to mindlessly play something, these are the games for that. If you wanna play it like a game that's extremely casual in it's playstyle, you can have fun.

    But in here people praise even the smallest things that often get glanced over because of the negativity (shocker, I know). And there are some people who still think it's as much of an AC game like the ones before Origins.

    What are your guys' opinion on this? What can you pick out from the obvious flaws and hold onto it strong enough to keep playing the games in the series?

    submitted by /u/UmeshgaarB
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    What are the bad flaws of the AC games in the eyes of an AC fan?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 10:39 PM PDT

    After reading countless debate on comparing the games, here is my thing: i grew up on The Witcher series, Rdr, rdr2, Horizon, etc, and its is my opinion, no offense but on an rpg level, Ac is a relatively bad game. I kinda like the setting, the scheme, even the plot. Again, not here to stirr hostility, or comparing, Im curious about your opinion, whats wrong about The Ac series, focusing on the New trilogy especially. My problem is, that they are extremly repetative, the side quests are kinda boring, often with no real contet, there are tons of needless point of interest like camps and dens, and a huge world which is everything but alive. I mean you cant do anything in the world expect the plot. I spent days Just hunting in Rdr2, or playing poker. There are Island in odyssey, like naxos, which have 4 fast travel spots, while Athen has like 3,while being 5 Times bigger. And the plot is kinda calcuable. I gave up Origins after 35 hours, now 40 hours into Odyssey, probably will finish it. Still unsure about Valhalla. Played BlackFlag and Syndycate long time ago. Again, Im interested in your opinion, AC fans, which is probably more flawed than mine. Chaire or what😅

    submitted by /u/lzolee
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    [Valhalla] Will I still lose my DLC items if I switch from PC to PS5?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 12:43 AM PDT

    So I tried switching before and it resulted in me losing all my Berserker gear, some runes, and some settlement decorations. These are all pre-order bonuses.

    When I went back to PC I got them all back but lost all the upgrades I've done for the gear. Because of this I've avoided switching to PS5 ever since. Can someone let me know if this has been fixed cause I really want to play on a big screen.

    submitted by /u/everythingsuckswhy
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    AC Odyssey how do you know if it's gonna be a stealth attack or assassination?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 12:29 AM PDT

    It has happened to me twice where the prompt said stealth attack and the preview showed he would have health left after the attack but when I perform it it turns into an assassination where he gets completely killed. So how do I know when it's gonna be an assassination and when it's going to be a stealth attack? What other factors other than assassin damage factor into an assassination?

    submitted by /u/Sakya22
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    What is assassination damage in Assassin's Creed Valhalla?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    Hi people, I'm a very noob in Assassin's Creed, I've only played Assassin's Creed 2 and Valhalla and i wanted to ask you about assassination damage because I understand all the other damages but not this one. What does it increase? I've tried to search on internet but I can't find nothing that explains it in a good way so I'm asking it here. Thanks for any further help.

    submitted by /u/FrancyStyle
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    Wrath of the Druids has a few problems for me. (Spoilers)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    This isn't the worst I've seen of course and is pretty subjective, but the ending to this story is not handled very well. The stone was apparantly supposed to be the big goal for the Children of Danu as a way to erase the Christian influence in Ireland right? It feels very disconnected from what the main story actually has us go through though, there just wasn't really any sort of hint to its significance that I can remember standing out. I feel like the lack of using the Memory Corridor was a contributing factor here, it could have easily been used to help flesh out the motivations and details. I saw the Inquisition plot point coming from a mile away and it's frustrating that at no point anyone says, "This type of radical action will only serve to vindicate everything the Children of Danu were saying and doing."

    The fight to get Gae Bolg is strange, the thing you fight keeps saying a bunch of stuff that Im sure is supposed to be hinting at Eivor being Odin and the 2 having some sort of conflict in the past, but this could have been built up much better with it being another potion that transports you to Asgard or something along those lines.

    Ciara's voice actor is also pretty hit or miss for me. From what I understand the singer is also the voice actor and I'm not sure how much experience she has as a voice actor, but during her scenes where she is supposed to be stressed out or desperate, she comes off kind of flat. She trying, I can tell but I think it just comes down to a lack of experience with this sort of thing. During the quiet, somber moments she is great but their aren't enough of those for me.

    The world is designed beautifully of course but other than a few distinct landmarks nothing about it really feels that distinct from England.

    The enemy variations with the Children are nice, it took me a bit longer to get their patterns down than the base game enemies. The Werewolves were especially a tough fight but the leaping attack animations are some of the jankiest I have ever seen. Thats on all the enemies that do that attack not just exclusive to the Werewolves.

    Overall there's a lot of room for improvement in the future DLC/Expansions, but the combat expansions with enemy variety and some decent new abilities kept a pretty underwhelming story going for me. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Wraithlord10
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    I did not like valhalla and it was the worst AC game for me.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 09:08 PM PDT

    This ac was the worst ac for me and it does not even come close to my second least favorite which is syndicate. Valhalla felt like I was doing chores to progress and the story became really boring because of it. And the two aspects of assasins creed that I liked most was stealth and story and it felt like I got neither of those in this game. I ended up doing one or two land quests then I ran into a bug and couldnt be asked to complete the game and unistalled it. Waste of 70€. Did anyone else feel this way?

    submitted by /u/Brilliant-Win4152
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    [Spoiler] I hope we get to see Origins’ Dress of the Northern Realm outfit in Valhalla.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    They've already reused the Egyptian Hedj and Persian Legend outfits, so why not this one as well. It makes almost too much sense for such an outfit to exist in Valhalla's setting, and I think it would go perfectly with Eivor's wardrobe. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/annatheginguh
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    Next assassin's creed game location idea that I came up with(6 words)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    I'm playing assassin's creed 3 and Braddock just talked about needing more land and it hit me. As much as alot of people want feudal Japan or I and many others want Aztec and Inca time periods I can't stop thinking how cool it'd be to have a game set in either the beginning of the gold rush or Lewis and Clark expedition time. The gold rush could be a cover for there being another isu temple. Lewis and Clark could be secret assassin's and you have to clear out all the different territories' templars and each could be different.

    submitted by /u/Raubueno
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    [spoilers] AC odyssey: delos rebellion can you romance BOTH kyra and thaletes?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    I started romance thaletes, but I rather romance kyra if I can only romance one of them. if I go down and romance thaletes first, is still possible for me to then go ahead and romance also kyra?

    submitted by /u/membfox
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    Finally finished my first playthrough of Valhalla (spoilers)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    I got the game at launch but only finished it today. It was a very enjoyable experience from the beginning to the end and I grew very fond of my Eivor and her brother Sigurd. Here's some of my thoughts about the ending and the game in general:

    • Odyssey was my first AC game and I would say that Valhalla was an improvement over it in almost every way: especially when it comes to how the exploration was done and how the story works. Each area of the game having it's unique story arc was brilliant: thanks to that it was always easy to return to the game and continue Eivor's story after a break / playing other games. I also enjoyed all the side activies like stone building, anomalies, Orlog, etc. Side quests however were still as bland as they were in Odyssey.

    • One thing I was disappointed with was the player having seemingly less control over Eivor's personality than in the previous game. I would've liked to play a more ambitious character instead of one who often felt like your typical bland hero. It also lessens the replay value when the character is always going to be the exact same despite your choices. It also felt like the side characters were less memorable and the romance options were kind of lacking and uninteresting. It would've been nice to be able to romance someone like Ubba or Soma for example: characters who reappear in the story more than once and are not just side characters (Randi was the only exception and btw I really disliked how she was somehow suddenly Eivors BFF (according to what Eivor says to her at the wedding): I mean they only had one adventure together when Randvi got drunk and called herself mead-queen... other than that she just stood by her desk and did nothing)...

    • About the ending: it felt very confusing and a bit anti-climactic to me. First, why did Sigurd give his title to Eivor suddenly? It seemed so strange to me and I wish there had been an option to refuse. Eivor is a warrior and despite what everyone says I think Sigurd was mostly a good leader and now that his fighting days are over he really had a chance to grow into the role. Second, what happened with Aelfred. The final battle was just burning down one village that Aelfred had somehow managed to slip away from without any of our scouts noticing. It didn't feel like a great triumph or a great end to Eivor's story. It was a hollow victory that felt more like a defeat. I was waiting for a great battle and meeting Aelfred in the battlefield just like in the trailer. Thirdly, Valka's warning. It made no sense and amounted to nothing in the end: Ravensthorpe was just like I left it when I returned unlike she claimed. It was just odd.

    I kind of felt like the ending of the game may have been a bit rushed. There were too many questions that remain unanswered. But it will be interesting to see what happens in the future expansions. I would love to continue Eivors story though since all of England has already been pacified I guess there isn't all that much room for more content unless the Raven Clan either moves again or Ubi moves the story forward a couple of years or more and we get to revisit our old allies and continue the storylines?

    submitted by /u/kingjavik
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    AC2 imo, is the worst of the Ezio Trilogy by far

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    A few weeks ago I started replaying the Ezio Trilogy. AC2 was my favorite AC game at the time, but after replaying Brotherhood and Revelations I don't think AC2 is as perfect as the community makes it out to be.

    AC2, while having a great story, starts feeling boring and dragged out by the time we reach Venice. After the death of Vieri, Ezio doesn't develop as a character until we finish the Venice section of the game. All it took was Mario telling Ezio to have respect for your enemies, even if they wouldn't respect you back and Ezio was a changed man all of a sudden. Luckily the story picks up again after the Venice section.

    The gameplay in AC2 felt way more unrefined and unpolished than the rest of the Trilogy. Sometimes I would get thrown off rooftops if I assassinated an archer, sometimes I'd fall through the ground, the detection meter would stay on screen even when I wasn't in combat or near guards and my counters wouldn't register in combat.

    The parkour felt way less responsive than the later games and would bug out a lot in the most dire situations. The combat was a massive downgrade from AC1 and the guards were massive damage-sponges. The guards later into the game were way to tanky and made fights super long and boring. The side-content in AC2 was also suuuuuper boring and completely meaningless.

    AC2, while still a great game, has many flaws that ruin the experience while playing. If it weren't for my nostalgia for the game, I would consider it heavily overrated. The game may have not aged the best but it had an immense impact on my childhood and for that I will always be grateful.

    Anyways just wanted to share my opinion on AC2 after replaying it. Tell me what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/Daddy_JK
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    Assassin's creed valhalla connective tissue (spoilers)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    So I watched the scene in valhalla where they're seemingly looking into the future or something and hear someone who sounds like ezio...is this a real connection or just a funny little cameo type thing?

    submitted by /u/RichieShinnerJr
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    I need help finding Jägers.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    I'm trying to platinum ac 3, I only need to complete 1 chalange to complete the "Boston Brawlers" chalanges, it is "kill 10 Jägers with their own weapons" where the hell do I find a Jäger after alredy beating the game?

    submitted by /u/EnzoRaffa16
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