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    Wednesday, June 2, 2021

    Assassin's Creed I always try to avoid swimming in AC as much as possible because I feel bad that the characters have to go through the filthy waters

    Assassin's Creed I always try to avoid swimming in AC as much as possible because I feel bad that the characters have to go through the filthy waters

    I always try to avoid swimming in AC as much as possible because I feel bad that the characters have to go through the filthy waters

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    Especially in AC Syndicate. The river thames was absolutely horrid!

    I think even in some parts of Venice I'd avoid swmming because the gutters of the canals had all this mold on the walls.

    submitted by /u/28princesspark
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    Connor Kenway- character of the year acceptance speech (2012)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 04:11 AM PDT

    Let talk weapons in ac valhalla. Whats your preferred setup?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    Hi vikigr.

    Let talk about favourite weapon type pairings in ac valhalla.

    Do u use a shield? Two weapons? Two of the same weapon or a mixture?

    My current favourite in dagger In mainhand and war hammer in secondary. I also enjoy dual bearded axes.

    Tldr:Whats your favourite weapon setup? Runes?

    submitted by /u/Melbourneboy1
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    In Valhalla i feel like a pet on a leash

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:25 PM PDT

    Starting to seriously wear me down and i am starting to question if i can finish this game.

    On every edge they slow me down. Thats why it feels so clunky, the flow is slowed down. In addition, countless times it jumps where it wants to, not following my input. Wearing a cloak in orange areas char is slowed down and forced to wear the cloak. If i remove it NPC's are panicking for no obvious reason. Horse is slowed down whenever they feel the need to do so, not only in cities, also outside, up to a point where i was wondering if my controller is maybe broken.

    Thats some serious helicopter parenting shit. It feels as if somebody is controlling your play, forces you to move how they want. Just let me free ffs

    One of the things i remember, especially AC2, is the thrill of being on high spots. You could fall down, die, had to climb up again if you weren't careful. That added another layer of excitement. Not only that this is totally gone, now they dont want "the little poor boy to fall down, or ride too fast, thats why we put him on a leash and limit him...."

    Look, thing is, i am old enough to use a credit card to buy this product, you can consider me old enough to handle my char in game.

    Needed to get that off my chest, thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/-Passenger-
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    Helix Pack items in Heka Chests and normal shops?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    I was playing Origins and got the Abyssal Steed mount from a Heka Chest which I previously thought was only available through the Nightmare pack using Helix Credits. I also found the Pharaoh's Regalia outfit at a random weaver shop which also I previously thought was only available in the Undead pack. So are all the items of the packs in the Helix Store available through Heka Chests and other shops in the game? Cause I really want the First Civ pack but don't want to pay real money for in-game cosmetics

    submitted by /u/Sakya22
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    How do employees at Abstergo view the memories?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:38 PM PDT

    Do the employees see the memories of the assassin's In first person view, second person, just audio, civilians perspective, or just nothing at all. I've always wondered this and everytime I play as the Abstergo employee I always think that.

    submitted by /u/OfficialCozalk
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    I was just free roaming in unity and I came across a shiny thing, any idea what it is? I cant obtain it whatsoever.....

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    Can we just talk about unskippable splash screens for Valhalla?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 03:33 AM PDT

    I mean c'mon! They're skippable for Origins. I play on Geforce Now cause I have a potatoe and I only can play for an hour before I have to restart. Anyone else annoyed?!

    submitted by /u/SparkyDelite
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    TIL that in Black Flag, after Edward starts working with the Assassins, Jackdaw's main mast becomes the Assassins' symbol. Before that it was the crossbones pirate symbol. Small detail, but I appreciate it and the game more.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    Real Life Orlog! Check out this awesome YouTube video!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:16 PM PDT

    Dialogue Options don't make sense

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    I understand that dialogue options gives us choice and a personalized experience, but if we are replaying a memory, how can there be multiple outcomes. As an Assassins Creed purist, I miss the strict narratives with modern day settings and it is disappointing seeing Ubisoft mimic true rpg games. Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/palmtree32134
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    How Far the Story & Lore Has Come

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    I've been getting around to replaying AC3 Remastered since I've had it for a year to see how it still holds up (I have played AC3 back when it first came out). You can put me in the category of those who actually really liked AC3 so I kinda wanted to revisit it.

    Now I haven't replayed a old AC game in a long while until recently and I have to say, keeping up with all the games up to Valhalla then jumping into a old AC game 9 years old is really weird. Not because of the gameplay as I still reminisce about it over the new rpg style like most here, but how odd to see the direction they had with the story and the lore then go how much they built on it and how it progressed up to Valhalla.

    Like for example, the whole thing of Juno and Minerva with the "First Civilization" seems such a whole different concept than where it is now with the series officially dubbing them as the "Isu" and all these other mythological gods coming into play. I guess it didn't help with the games after AC3 to Syndicate that they put a pause on that story between the modern day and historical part of the games. Even before AC3 just that whole idea is just weird to look back on to see where it is now.

    Also there are the frontier side missions in AC3 in which you hear tales and go investigate. Stuff like Sasquatch, a ghost, sea serpent, or UFO sighting you find out were all just a hoax (except the headless horseman, it was supposedly a Easter egg but you did nothing but watch him ride off) but I brought up those missions as an example because stuff like that in the story and lore of the new AC games would have made it real through manipulation of the Isu. So just looking back on those missions made me think even more how simpler the concept of the story and life of AC was (even though it really wasn't)

    Just thought I point out to compare and contrast the world of AC then and now. How much has changed. Not saying I hate the stuff they did in the new AC games. I think a lot of it makes sense and does tie in very well. The idea of the Isu being more influential around the world aside from the Roman gods originally and how they're tech has built religions, myths, and legends does make sense to fit in the series. It's just the last three games kinda dumped all of that onto the series where the 10 games before had a original concept they slowly built onto overtime.

    submitted by /u/JT-Lionheart
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    Online Missions for 100% (AC Unity)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:39 PM PDT

    So, I wouldn't say I'm new to the series but im not fully caught up on lore. I'm going to replay all the games I have (from AC1 to Black Flag) to get 100%. I've 100%-ed Rogue last summer (on Xbox 360) and just finished AC Unity. I noticed there's online missions for Unity. I've tried a few missions but you can't talk to your teammate and the objectives aren't that clear. ie I defended a certain NPC and followed all the rules but we still only got 3/5 medals. Is there like a discord or subreddit for each game where you can talk to other people or just coordinate to play together, cause I'd love to get 100% on this game! (I've tried game-specific sub-reddits but not much luck. They all left once the newer games came out) Cheers guys!

    submitted by /u/RastaEL19
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    Eagle Vision Lore Question /Discussion

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    Do you think all modern Assassin's have Eagle vision? I know that Desmond got it as a part of the bleeding effect and that the farther back assassins seem to see thru animals. Of course, I know a lot of this change has to do with evolving game mechanics, but I wondered if people had headcanons or explanations that they liked for the pervasiveness of this skill within the order since we never play as a character without some sort of extra senses.

    submitted by /u/IamProudofthefish
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    Does the story in Origins take you to all the main places?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    I am playing Origins for the first time and I got to the part where your friend from the start died (forgot his name) and now am looking for the lion. i thought this part of the game would've taken place in the bottom left where the story hasn't taken me yet but instead its back near siwa and above which I haven't been to either but its a lot smaller than the black desert and white desert looks so without spoilers do i visit those places in the story or just need to go explore myself?

    submitted by /u/KwipXD
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    What is the best future ac setting

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    What is the best ac setting. China would be greater but they wasted that and I would really like a sequel to origins in Rome but ac have got a big problem revolving around sequels. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Competitive_Rule_577
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    Just started odyssey- really confused

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    I have no idea what I'm doing, the game throws so many systems at the player, ever quest or location is higher level than me.

    Why there are at the start mercenaries 30 levels higher?

    The lack of database or tutorials menu makes it even worse

    submitted by /u/ThatAstraVerde
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    Reevaluation of the RPG trio

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:23 PM PDT

    I just started replaying Origins, and although I've been rather critical of Valhalla lately; having gotten bored of it fairly quickly, it still is an entertaining experience. Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that Origins is the best of the newer trio. I liked the transmog system in Odyssey and the storytelling is very well done. But the worlds and textures; especially in regards to fabrics and their physics have gotten worse through the newer installations. The way fabric hangs from Bayek, the flags you can hide under, and even the reeds and wheat in the fields flow wonderfully. These details seem to be missing from the newest games. Then comes the story. I liked the character progression of Bayek; from protector Medjay to THE proto assassin and father of what would become the brotherhood. These elements felt lacking in Odyssey, and even more so in Valhalla. The Assassins didn't even exist in Odyssey untill the first DLC, and in Valhalla; Eivor seems to butt heads with the bureau of the hidden ones on a regular basis, besides the game seems to be more at home as a "viking simulator" rather than a AC title. Replaying Origins feels like a breath of fresh air, and has a welcome feeling of closeness to the avenging assassin; mixed with the new elements of the RPG style that have become the future of AC. Its a little ironic that going back to a previous title made me feel excitement for finishing a AC game again.

    Anyway, has anybody replayed Origins recently? What is the consensus? How do you feel about the newer games? From technicality to execution? I'm actually curious. :)

    submitted by /u/deadRT91
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    (AC 3 remastered) Beat sequence 12 and I am now stuck.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:23 PM PDT

    I am in the modern world and I can't do anything for that matter. I've done everything and I still can't get back in. I'm not really directed to do anything and I am stuck.

    submitted by /u/380-mortis
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    Enemies that can't be assassinated

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    I'm playing AC Origins and came across a level 17 commander in Nikiou Fort who I couldn't assassinate even though I was level 30 with a level 9/14 hidden blade. I had to fight and kill him. Are there other enemies like this who you can't assassinate no matter what your level and hidden blade level is?

    submitted by /u/Sakya22
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    [VALHALLA SPOILERS] A couple of things I don’t get about the Valhalla ending is

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:20 PM PDT

    1. How was Basim actually freed from the "Grey", I get that it was because of Layla interacting with the "orb" to prevent the solar flare but how did that actually free him?

    2. How did Layla actually use the orb and prevent the solar flare if she was in the "grey" type place (a simulation)?

    3. How does the Yggdrasil put people into a simulation when it was made to put the ISU's "life" into future humans? (They are completely different so I don't see how it can just randomly put people into a simulation).

    4. Why is Basim in the "plain flat" type simulation whereas Eivor and Sigurd were in "Valhalla"? Does he choose to be there with the Skulds so he can see the future (about Layla)?

    As far as I know these question don't have a real explanation as of right now, and I am interested to see if anyone has any theories about them.

    Valhalla (for the first time in a while) has given me something interesting linked to AC lore to think about, and it has been fun to research about, and has made me excited for future games and explanations... Thank you Darby McDevitt!

    submitted by /u/Ben-Finch
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