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    Wednesday, May 19, 2021

    Assassin's Creed New to photoshop, hope I did one of my favorite AC games justice.

    Assassin's Creed New to photoshop, hope I did one of my favorite AC games justice.

    New to photoshop, hope I did one of my favorite AC games justice.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    Possible Reason(s) Why One of Ezio's Hidden Blade Breaks Off in Assassin's Creed : Revelations

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    I think there may be a reason why Ezio's left hidden blade breaks during the battle with the templars, as seen in the trailer. If you could remember the time in Assassin's Creed 2 when Leonardo Da Vinci deciphers one of the codex pages Ezio collected and learns about a new blade design for delivering poison and upon asking if he could build it, he says yes and adds, "I just need to find a way to hollow out the blade..." (maybe so that it could contain the poison), Ezio hands out the hidden blade and bracer to Leonardo that he wears on his LEFT hand. Now, that hidden blade and bracer belonged to his father, Giovanni Auditore da Firenze. Both Giovanni and Ezio have used that blade to execute numerous assassinations and may have also used it to block sword attacks from enemies. When Giovanni was using that blade, it wasn't hollowed out to contain poison or anything as he does not get to collect and decipher the codex page that contains info about the poison blade design during his lifetime. But still, the hidden blade may have already been through a lot of battles and that has taken a toll on it. Then Ezio gets the blade hollowed out to contain poison, which further affects the structural integrity of the blade. Moreover, he also uses the blade to perform more assassinations and to block more enemy attacks after the blade upgrade. He may also have left the blade unused for several months during his travels, which eventually takes him to Masyaf where the templars attack him and by that time the blade may have been pretty much worn out, rusty even. Maybe that's why when a sword ultimately strikes the blade, it couldn't withstand the hit anymore and breaks off.

    submitted by /u/Redirvin
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    It looks like Muninn has Daedric letters (from Elder Scrolls) on its wings, but the translation appears to be gibberish… [AC Valhalla]

    Posted: 18 May 2021 05:40 PM PDT

    Minor inconsistencies in Eivor's personality [Spoilers of AC Valhalla & Wrath of the Druids DLC]

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    I think Eivor is suffering from a schizophrenic personality :p



    In the first image, we can see Eivor disappointed with her beliefs, and for good reason, of course, since her trip to Yggdrasil (precursor machine) in 877 AD changed her beliefs a lot. However, in the second image (from the Wrath of the Druids DLC), we can see a different Wolf-Kissed, apparently with more faith in Norse gods (talking about her deceased uncle). This DLC is supposedly set in the year 879 AD, 1 year after the Battle of Chippenham (878 AD), where Eivor talks about religious disappointments with Guthrum.

    So, I ask myself: why do the base game and DLC teams insist on working separately? Narrative confusions of this nature become more and more inevitable, in my humble opinion… I mean, maybe it's not a big deal for the most people, but I found it a little weird.

    What do you guys think about it?

    PS: In the game, few dates are shown to the player (if I'm not mistaken, a maximum of 3 times in the entire storyline), but when Eivor travels to Yggdrasil, it is confirmed that we are in 877 AD, and when she returns, we can begin to play the Hampshire arc, which inevitably takes us to Guthrum and the famous historic Battle of Chippenham. And about the DLC setting: unless Ubisoft is not being literal about historical dates, it was in 879 AD that Flann Sinna was crowned the High King of Ireland, a storyline seen at the beginning of Wrath of the Druids (this date has not been confirmed on screen).

    submitted by /u/gui_heinen
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    [Spoilers] My Ideal Assassin’s Creed Game

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    I want to preface this by saying that I understand this game would be absolutely massive, but this is meant to be my ideal game. For the location, it would be the (Eastern) Roman Empire, just after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. We'd have three cities to explore, each created at a 1:1 ratio; being Constantinople, Ravenna, and The Eternal City: Rome. Constantinople and Rome were both about 5.3square miles, while Ravenna was a bit less than 1 square mile. For reference, Ravenna would be a bit smaller than Unity's Paris, while Rome and Constantinople would be the size of Valhalla's Norway, though I wouldn't be against Ravenna having some swamp and forest and the city of Milan. With the focus being only on three dense urban environments, the goal would be to have parkour routes and parkour control (similar to the original games) while also providing social stealth opportunities. More on that in a few. Please be aware there are Valhalla ending spoilers.
    With the story, I'd hope for something unique, but deeply Assassin's Creed. While I hate posts that pitch massive story ideas, I'll give a few noteworthy thoughts. First and foremost, our character would be the son of a naval officer, but became a soldier in the Empire's army and is a fairly new recruit, but very adept, having earned the eyes of Belisarius and Procopius. Early in Justinian's campaigns against the Sassanids, we'd witness a tragedy of some sort, perhaps our unit being wiped out, or being ordered to kill civilians to take a city. Feeling that this is wrong, our character would have an existential crisis, before bumping into Procopius who directs him to seek a group of mystics in a nearby village that he heard about. This would be our character's introduction to the Hidden Ones, who he quickly realizes share similar ideals to him for peace and freedom. They'd reference the collapse of the Western Empire, and losing contact with the Liberalis Circulum, sister bureaus throughout Rome. Thus our character will go back to Constantinople and eventually Ravenna and Rome all while hunting the Order of the Ancients that plague Byzantine politics. While in Constantinople he'd witness the Nika Riots, and become entangled in schemes and politics by Theodora. It would later come out that Theodora was a leading Order member, and was using her puppets to manipulate Justinian and Belisarius who would be the final targets of the game. Perhaps John of Cappadocia could actually have been a Hidden One tied to the isolated chapter in Rome, and assassinating him in 541 (historically a few years early, but not uncommon for AC), would reveal that they exist, giving our character the reason to see Rome between the Sieges, and uncover the Hidden Ones there and weed out corruption. While this is all been fairly loose, my point is that I would want it to weave history, and conspiracies mentioned by Procopius' Secret Histories, with the Assassin and Templar war being at the forefront, clouded by politics and war that's deeply wounded the assassins. For more info about the setting, check out this post.

    For me, the Isu should barely play a role, and if named, should be called "those who came before". That said, I would like to see more of the Hermeticists and perhaps even Kassandra. Rome appears to have been an important city for the Isu, having two vaults near each other and the Pythagorean temple. It makes sense that not only would there be a power struggle between the Order of the Ancients and Hidden ones, but also the Hermeticists, each looking to use the power for their own purposes. This time period would also allow further exploration of the Ancient's belief system, perhaps showing how they changed from Odyssey to Origins to Valhalla. As a reminder, in Odyssey, the order sought to destroy "Tainted Ones" with high first civ DNA, while by Origins they sought to use the power themselves, and by Valhalla, they worshipped the first civ. Origins makes reference to the Order being founded to protect the technology, so perhaps the split from that to odyssey occurred with the creation of Hermeticism and the Cult of Kosmos, which while destroyed, had some ideal survive through the Hermeticists. Kassandra of course could witness these groups all changing and evolving. But beyond just her, I'd love to see brief gameplay segments throughout Rome's history.

    Using something like Memory Seals or a first civ animus, perhaps we could see the best hits collection of Rome's History. Get a resolution on Bayek and Amunet, see them finally meet again in Rome, and Bayek dying in Rome with Amunet using the Ankh and getting pregnant, a call back to Aquilus, who I'd love to see as well, recanonizing him, though perhaps only his memory of retrieving the Ankh from Rome. We could see the assassination of Caligula, Nero, and interact with other emperors like Diocletian, Constantine, or even Attila the Hun's raids and assassination. Perhaps through all these memories, we can track the Ankh back to Constantinople.

    I do have to say, I really like the quest tracking system from Origins-Valhalla where players can track multiple quests at a time, and I do love the cultist system from Odyssey and Valhalla. I'd love for both to return, though rather than Cultists be the order of ancients and hermeticists, and rather than quests, I'd want it to be called the DNA tracker, with memories and sequences again. The return to the menu being DNA and futuristic is very important. No choices are in the game, and dialogue options only exist in a few locations such as merchants and saying "yes" or "no" to being ready for a battle or assassination. Armor, Weapons, Dyes, and upgrades can be found in shops and in the world, and there are no skill menus. Instead, to learn skills you must complete missions for the hidden ones and learn new skills from a teacher in the Bureaus that are in each city. Rather than rebuild entire cities like some previous games, each city will have a central bureau that can be upgraded by conquering districts of the city, with each upgrade providing some buffs to you and your assassins and are upgraded like Monterrigioni combined with Skyrim's house DLC. Some ideas would be extra bunks to allow more recruits, a library to increase recruit leveling speed, an armory providing a damage buff, etc. And yes, that would also mean that recruitable assassins and being able to call them into battle would return.

    In regards to social stealth, it's tied to your armor, outfit, and weapons. The player's armor, outfits, and weapons will each have stats tied to them to increase damage, resistance, etc, but most importantly a social stealth stat. Players who want to play stealthily can, but must use less conspicuous armor and weapons, such as a short sword or dagger, meaning combat will be harder, and your armor will be reduced. If the player has more gear with less focus on social stealth, IE being decked out in armor and having 3 swords and a bow will draw more attention. While blending, guards will detect the character with more weapons and armor faster. Furthermore, outfits are important to wear for social stealth in certain areas. Byzantine guards are most respectful towards Byzantine colors in Constantinople, Goths are in Rome, Lombards in Ravenna, and maybe merchants will give a better deal to you in some sort of merchant colors. Thus the player will need to prepare for missions ahead of time by having optional investigations that can help them learn what type of armor and outfits to wear. Armor, Weapons, and Outfits can be found and upgraded at shops, but upgrade materials, weapons, armor, and dyes can be found in secret locations in the city. To find these locations, the player will have to explore (without question marks or dots) to find patrols or be informed via in-game maps or recruits sent on scouting missions.

    In terms of side content, we'd see some classic treasures return for easy money, the subplot with Kassandra and memory seals, preferably with each memory seal being tied to a "tomb" using parkour, combat, and stealth to traverse them like Brotherhood's missions. We'd have a series of Order Officials that control regions in every city, and taking them out is necessary to liberate a district. To find them, you need to go through their underlings, killing, beating, tailing, pickpocketing, eavesdropping, and sending recruits to kill to investigate the location and name of the target. There would be a handful of possible missions for each district, and each target is somewhat randomized, having unique strengths, weaknesses, fears, names, and patterns. If your target escapes or kills a recruit, he can level up and become harder to kill, much like the Nemesis System. This Captain will be replaced by an underling but can have an underling under your influence take his spot to inform on the other captains for you, or you can have a recruit stand-in, and help keep the district clear of the order, however, both the informant and recruit can be killed, though the player should have an option to mitigate this, perhaps by assigning a full squad of hidden ones to the district, so that it takes time to get there. Other side content would include assassination contracts, street races, chariot races, gladiatorial brawls, side missions and side arcs for some characters, murder mysteries, puzzle-based glyphs, and collectibles that are actually meaningful somehow. Recruits can also be upgraded and focused on different abilities such as infiltration, reconnaissance, medical assistance, ranged assistance, and combat. These 5 types can be sent on missions individually or as a cell around the city or to foreign cities for periods of time. While in the city they belong to, they can kill Order members, hunt captains, find treasure or collectible locations, etc.

    In terms of Assassinations, they should be open-ended, allowing your own investigations beforehand via recruit infiltration, learning enemy patrol routes which can be learned by recruits, eavesdropping, pickpocketing, fighting, intimidating, informants, etc; then allowing the player to enter and do things their own way or even have a cinematic kill like Syndicate. While much of the world should be systemic, I do want a number of unique set pieces, as Revelations provides.

    Modern Day would, I guess, follow Basim, and likely his interactions with Shaun, Rebecca, and William as he goes poking through the animus, perhaps to find the Ankh. I'd love to see the Altair II realized as a modern-day setting, giving us the chance to walk around, explore, talk to our allies, check emails, and perhaps interact with characters like Bishop, Gavin, and Galina. Throughout the game, we should have optional interludes to go on a modern-day adventure, in an attempt to track down the Ankh, which Basim would want to help revive Alethia or his children. While I'm not a fan of making it optional, I'm also not against it. Perhaps after a sequence, while loading, Rebecca could say "hey, we picked up a signal on a new artifact if you want to stretch your legs".

    Ultimately, this is meant to be THE Assassin Fantasy in Ancient Rome. I've discussed some ideas for co-op and multiplayer in the past, including a borderlands-style class-based co-op adventure or even an animus-based Battle Royale, though neither would feel right for this. My ideal AC would be a return to form, with new visuals and technology allowing for an unparalleled experience. It would focus on the Assassin vs Templar war, interweaving with history, showing Hidden One's decline and expansion. We'd have a return of basic AC-themed things like memories and sequences, the "edgy" modern-day animus motif, important modern-day, the Ac-themed robes, full return of parkour and social stealth, a hidden blade, and conspiracy weaved into the plot.

    Thanks for reading, and I'd love to know what your ideal AC is!

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    I love Assassin's Creed. It's my main franchise and Brotherhood is my favorite game of all time. I know AC games aren't stopping anytime soon. That being said, we don't need more Assassin's Creed, we need new Assassin's Creed.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    More Assassin's Creed is fine, but just fine. Obviously people new or newer to the franchise won't feel the same way.

    But, to me, Assassin's Creed was the game I anticipated every release.

    I have NEVER had more fun playing video games than the years spanning Assassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed II, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Assassin's Creed Revemations, Assassin's Creed 3, and Assassin's Creed Black Flag. It was a blast and couldn't wait.

    Assassin's Creed released when I was still in the Marines between my 3rd and 4th combat tour. I had never played Prince of Persia and I remember seeing the short video of "Assassins" that was originally an inter-part of P.o.P.

    It was recommended by someone who had played P.o.P but I was dismissive at 1st. Up until 2006-7 my games were racing and fighting mostly. I played and loved Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. It was the 1st game departure from what I was use to.

    When I finally played Assassin's Creed I couldn't believe the amount of accurate history that was in the game. As a massive history nerd, (still upset about the time frame of Origins despite it being my 2nd favorite, Cleopatra's time isn't the "Ancient Egypt" we were promised) I was hooked and have played them all since.

    Valhalla and Odyssey are esthetically pleasing. However, the missions are overly simple and repetitive.

    The amount of time, effort, and resources spent on building AC Valhalla and Odyssey are overshadowed by how boring the games can become only a short while in.

    I want more Assassin's Creed, but, I want the Assassin's part too.



    submitted by /u/OmNomShivan
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    Absolute Malarkey that Lagos WANTS to die at your hands.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:05 PM PDT

    You kill the monger in public, and Lagos the Archon says something along the lines of "I know what you do to cult members, and i wont bow my head so you can cut it off." And im just yelling "SO F@%$ING LEAVE THE CULT! I DONT WANT TO KILL YOU. YOU ABSOLUTE DUMB@$!!"

    submitted by /u/MyWorldIsOnFire
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    AC Origins/Valhalla Isu lore references? Minor spoilers

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    I played the original AC when it first came out and didnt really get into it, hadnt played any others until Odyssey so the whole Isu lore was pretty cool as a starting point, finished all the dlc stuff, then Valhalla. Playing AC origins currently, finished the main story and hidden ones dlc, just starting the pharaohs dlc now, but i noticed a lot of blue deities in the hieroglyphs. Is this a random coincidence or foreshadowing of the Jotunn?

    Also noticed Basim and Apollodorus looking exactly the same and thinking it was intentional, like Basim/whatever Isu he was, has been setting all this stuff up for millenia, fully expecting them to expand on that but then he just dies and nothing.

    I know a lot of people dont really like the whole isu lore "fantasy" stuff taking away from the og assassin's story, but i'm hoping the next games delve in deeper, i mean, the isu are the whole reason for everything being how it is, but its like they just sprinkle such a tiny amount in that its easy to overlook it as being significant. The whole character playing a character playing a character thing is a pretty cool plotline but its like its going nowhere and everywhere at the same time.

    I think it would be awesome if the next games go farther back to like ancient sumeria or india, actually playing in isu times and give some more extensive playable background story

    submitted by /u/National_Direction_1
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    I only found out after completing the entire story mode that u can manually reload ur guns in AC Unity by pressing L3. When did u find out about it?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    After playing weeks of syndicate, i was way too used to L3 as eagle vision. So when i came back to unity to collect all remaining chest i pressed L3 and saw that arno reload his gun manually. And i was like what the hell, why didn't i get to know this before. It could have saved me in so many fights.

    submitted by /u/Deep_Fortune4446
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    Which Assassin Brotherhood was the most powerful at one given time?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    I would probably say that the Levantine Brotherhood under Al Mualim and Altaïr's first leadership reign was the most powerful since they probably had the largest amount of Assassins and a full on castle stronghold.

    submitted by /u/Quizwizzash2
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    My early impressions of Assassin's Creed Syndicate

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Have started Syndicate and am currently on sequence 4. I like the setting of Victorian London and the NPCs really feel alive in this game IMO. The idea of doing missions for specific people to earn loyalty rewards is cool. So far, I prefer Evie over Jacob as the protagonist(which makes sense considering she was originally supposed to be the only protagonist) and only use Jacob in required story missions. I really enjoy the combat, feels very Batman Arkham/Shadow of Mordor. And while the parkour definitely seems like it took a step back/was streamlined from Unity, it still feels great and the grapplehook/rope-launcher is great. Really feel like Batman in Victorian London(RIP cancelled Gotham by Gaslight game ☹). Overall I think I'll enjoy this entry into the franchise, maybe through a rose-colored lense since it is the last assassin-heavy game before Ubisoft moved on to full RPG.

    submitted by /u/claytalian
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    AC: Valhalla Equipment list Wrath of the Druids update [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:54 AM PDT


    Bone Sickle (Kill Black Snout, Wrath of the Druids)

    Ceremonial Sickle (Loot from Lackanscaul, Wrath of the Druids)


    Aella's Bardiche (Loot from Jorvik Theatre on the south west edge of Jorvik)

    Battle Sparth (Loot from Saint Helen's Spring)

    Bone-Biter (Loot from Ikke en Oy)

    Dwarven Axe (Helix Store)

    Hemming's Axe (Read the letter from Vili in your mailbox)

    Lagertha's Axe (Loot from Housesteads)

    Moonlight (Uplay)

    Sepulcher Axe (Loot from Offchurch)

    Vordr's Bite (Bring the Wildcat's Head, from Wildcats of the Weald, to Wallace)


    Fyrd Axe (Loot from Forseti's Rest at the southern viewpoint in Jorvik)

    Housecarl's Axe (Loot from Utbech)

    Raider Axe (Start the game with)

    Tusk Axe (Premium Starter Pack DLC)

    Varin's Axe (Gotten during 'Honour Bound')


    Iron-Star (Loot from Kjotve's Fortress)

    Soldier's Flail (Loot from Chepeham)

    Spinning-Death (Loot from Trade Depot slightly north of the southern viewpoint in Jorvik)


    Carolingian Longsword (Loot from Forest Hideout)

    Doubehander (Buy from a Trader)

    Egyptian Khopesh (Complete the 'Precious Things' request for Arth, Wrath of the Druids)

    Excalibur (Find all eleven Mysterious Tablets from the Treasures of Britain and by killing the three Order of Ancients Zealots Hrothgar, Heike, and Woden, then find Myrddin's Cave northwest of Stonehenge and south of a viewpoint and simply find your way to the end of the cave)[already at Mythical level when found]

    Royal Sword (Premium Starter Pack DLC)

    Saint George's Holy Sword (Defeat Champion in Deva Victrix on the River Dee)

    Scimitar (Helix Store)

    Swordfish (Complete the Cosmetics request for Arth)


    Blacksmith's Hammer (Loot from Bodilsburg Garrison)

    Mjolnir (Wear the full Thor armour set and find northeast of Ulvannos Iron Mine and far west of Goinnhellir)[already at Mythical level when found]

    Ohkwá:ri Club (Buy from a Vinland Trader)[only available when in Vinland]

    War Hammer (Loot from Marauder's Den)


    Drengiligr (Find during 'The Lost Drengir of Ragnar Lothbrok')[strangely this is only at Flawless level when found and not Mythical]

    Hundtoth (Buy from a Trader)

    Iberian Seax (Complete the 'Emir's Indulgence' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Kopis (Complete 'Storming the Walls')

    Mōdraniht Ceremonial Seax (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival and the Helix Store)

    Suttungr's Claw (Loot from Venta Belgarum Bureau)

    Yngling Seax (Loot from Eikundarsund)


    Anéntaks Spear (Buy from a Vinland Trader)[only available when in Vinland]

    Bannermen's Spear (Helix Store)

    Byzantine Spear (Complete the 'Trappings of Wealth' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Cadfarch Spear (Quest reward from 'Bloody Path to Peace')[check]

    Fafnir's Fang (Kill Erik Loyalskull during 'Drenger Deafeated')

    Fyrd Spear (Loot from Offchurch)

    Gae Bolg (Gotten during 'Amber Sun', Wrath of the Druids)[already at Mythical level when found]

    Gungnir (Find in Goinnhellir after completing the main storyline)[already at Mythical level when found]


    Blodwulf (Quest reward from 'Glory Regained')

    Briton Shield (Loot from Temple of Mithras in Lunden)

    Celtic Cross Shield (Helix Store)

    Drekar Shied (Loot from Calleva Outpost)

    Gorgon Shield (Bring all fifty-two Roman Artifacts to Octavian)

    Helgi's Shield (Helix Store)

    Hrafn Guard (Loot from Venonis)

    Mōdraniht Ceremonial Shield (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival and the Helix Store)

    Raven Clan Shield (Gotten during 'Honour Bound')

    Rus' Shield (Complete the 'Refreshing Words II' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Shishi Guard (Loot from Cyne Belle Castle)

    Slepnir Shield (Helix Store)

    Spartan Shield (Loot from Old Gravesham Bridge)[this is NOT a Spartan shield, it was nowhere in AC: Odyssey but it was in AC: Origins under the name Phalangite Shield]

    The Morrigan's Guard (Loot from Belas Knap)

    Thorgest's Shield (Find and loot Thorgest's body duing 'Thorgest's Drengir', Wrath of the Druids)


    Cú Chulainn Shield (Deliver all five Uí Néill Artifacts to Uí Néill's Rest, Wrath of the Druids)

    Kite Shield (Loot from Wandrie)

    Kraken Shield (Premium Starter Pack DLC)

    Oaken Kite Shield (Loot from Maeldun)

    Plank and Buckler (Loot from Sutton Hoo)

    Royal Guard (Buy from a Trader)

    Rune Shield (Quest reward from 'Viking for Hire')

    Saint George's Tower Shield (Loot from a random large military location on the River Exe)

    Sarcophagus Shield (Loot from Dhustone Quarry)


    Arc of Elan (Read the letter from Birstan in your mailbox)

    Death-Speaker (Buy from a Trader)

    Dokkalfar Bow (Premium Starter Pack DLC)

    Hunnish Bow (Start the game with)

    Magmar Hunting Bow (Complete the Fish Bone request for Wallace)

    Nodens' Arc (Go to the small island in the lake near the northern border of the map just southeast of Brunton Turret, hit the rock there with Excalibur at the exact second the sun sets)[already at mythical level when found]

    Onà:kara Bow (Buy from a Vinland Trader)[only available when in Vinland]

    Sagittarius Bow (Loot from Jorvik west of the northern viewpoint)


    Death-Skald (Loot from Brerdinges Roman Ruins)

    Hunbeorht's Bow (Get during 'The Thegn of Lincoln')

    Iron-Cloud (Loot from Lunden east of the viewpoint)

    Norse Gael Bow (Gotten during 'Blood Bond', Wrath of the Druids)

    Skadi's Wrath (Loot from Ledecestre)

    Spartan Bow (Uplay)

    Viper Bow (Buy from a Trader)


    Bullseye (Kill and loot Avgos Spearhand during 'Firing the Arrow')

    Longbow (Loot from Old Lincoln Sewers)

    Needler (Buy from a Trader)

    Petra's Arc (Hring the Bear-King's Head, from Bear of the Blue Waters, to Wallace)

    Recurve Bow (Loot from Haervik Shipyard)

    The Mark of Sol (Buy from a Trader)


    Arenhare'kó:wa Cloak (Buy from a Vinland Trader)[only available when in Vinland]

    Brigandine Cape (Loot from Quatford)

    Byzantine Greek Cloak (Complete the 'Feast for the Senses III' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Celtic Cloak (Loot from Inch Lough Neagh, Wrath of the Druids)

    Druidic Cloak (Loot from Doon Fort, Wrath of the Druids)

    Dublin Champion Cloak (Reach level 4 Dublin Renown, Wrath of the Druids)

    Egyptian Cloak (Complete the 'Fine Works' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Einherjar Hood (Helix Store)

    Galloglach Cape (Loot from Brentwood Outpost)

    Hearthweru Hood (Helix Store)

    Hidden Ones' Hood (Loot from Camulodunum Bereau)

    Huntsman Cloak (Loot from Templebrough Fort)

    Iberian Cloak (Complete the 'A Final Feast?' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Magister's Cloak (Loot from Serpent's Landing)

    Mari Lwyd Cloak (Gotten during 'The First Night of Samhain')[it has no effect on your current Cloak but is automatically used in Glowecestrescire]

    Mentor's Cloak (Loot from Loch Clunbre Hideout)

    Mōdraniht Ceremonial Cape (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival and the Helix Store)

    Raven Clan Cloak (Gotten during 'Honour Bound')

    Rus' Cloak (Complete the 'Refined Taste II' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Saint George's Cape (loot from a random large military location on the River Exe)

    Thegn's Cloak (Loot from Bishop's Residence in Wincestre)

    Thor's Cape (complete 'Breaking the Order')[already at Mythical level when gotten]


    Arenhare'kó:wa Headgear (Buy from a Vinland Trader)[only available when in Vinland]

    Brigandine Helm (Loot from Wenlocan Outpost)

    Byzantine Greek Helmet (Complete the 'Feast for the Senses' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Celtic Helmet (Loot from Aileach, Wrath of the Druids)

    Druidic Helmet (Loot from Movilla Abbey, Wrath of the Druids)

    Dublin Champion Helmet (Reach level 5 Dublin Renown, Wrath of the Druids)

    Egyptian Helmet (Complete the 'Cover to Cover IV' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)[this isn't a helmet it's a straight up mast]

    Einherjar Helm (Helix Store)

    Galloglach Helm (Loot from Halstead Outpost)

    Hidden Ones' Mask (Loot from Londinium Bureau)

    Huntsman Helm (Loot from Tonnastadir)

    Iberian Helmet (Complete the 'Clothes for Córdoba VI' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Magister's Mask (Loot from King's Bury)

    Mentor's Mask (Loot from Sherwood Hideout)

    Mōdraniht Ceremonial Headress (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival and the Helix Store)

    Raven Clan Helmet (Kill and loot Kjotve the Cruel during 'A Cruel Destiny')

    Rus' Helmet (Complete the 'All the Trimmings II' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Saint George's Great Helm (Loot from a random large military location on the River Dee)

    Thegn's Great Helm (Loot from The Old Minster in Wincestre)

    Thor's Helmet (Loot from an underground chest southeast of Northwic, east of King's Bury, and northwest of Dunwie, you will need Regan's Dagger, Cordelia's Dagger, and Goneril's Dagger)


    Altair's Outfit (Helix Store)[this also changes the appearance of the Cloak and Arms and Legs slots, it also incorrectly uses an "i" in place on an "ï"]

    Arenhare'kó:wa Outfit (Buy from a Vinland Trader)[only available when in Vinland]

    Bayek's Outfit (Uplay)[this also changes the appearance of the Cloak and Legs slots]

    Brigandine Armour (Loot from Canterbury)

    Byzantine Greek Armour (Complete the 'Ivory for the Emperor' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Celtic Armour (Loot from Rathcroghan, Wrath of the Druids)

    Druidic Armour (Loot from Boyne Tombs, Wrath of the Druids)

    Dublin Champion Armour (Defeat Blud the Giant during 'Drenger Defeated', Wrath of the Druids)

    Egyptian Armour (Complete the 'The Studious Sovereign' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Einherjar Armour (Helix Store)

    Galloglach Armour (Loot from Spalding Bandit Lair)

    Hidden Ones' Robes (Loot from Eboracum Bureau)

    Huntsman Armour (Loot from Ravensburg)

    Iberian Armour (Complete the Clothes for Córdoba request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Magister's Robes (Loot from Leafy Villa Garrison)

    Mentor's Robes (Loot from Guildford)

    Merchant Blouse (Gotten during 'The Hunting Ground')[only available when in Vinland, nice to see that male Eivor isn't above wearing a blouse]

    Mōdraniht Ceremonial Robe (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival and the Helix Store)

    Raven Clan Armour (Gotten during 'Honour Bound')

    Rus' Armour (Complete the 'The Viking Prince' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Saint George's Armour (Loot from a random large military location on the River Dee)

    Thegn's Heavy Tunic (Loot from Temple of Brigantia)

    Thor's Battle Plate (Defeat Regan)

    Thrall's Tunic (Start the game with)


    Arenhare'kó:wa Bracers (Buy from a Vinland Trader)[only available when in Vinland]

    Brigandine Gauntlets (Loot from Beamasfield)

    Byzantine Greek Bracers (Complete the 'In Fine Fashion II' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Celtic Bracers (Loot from Inchroe, Wrath of the Druids)

    Druidic Bracers (Loot from Donegal, Wrath of the Druids)

    Dublin Champion Bracers (Reach level 2 Dublin Renown, Wrath of the Druids)

    Egyptian Bracers (Complete the 'Cover to Cover II' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Einherjar Bracers (Helix Store)

    Galloglach Bracers (Loot from Lincoln a little north of the Trader)

    Hidden Ones' Gloves (Loot from Ratae Bureau)[strange that both gloves have all five fingers on them when any Hidden One that should wear them would be missing a finger]

    Huntsman Vambraces (Loot from slightly north west of Besunten Tor)

    Iberian Bracers (Complete the Textiles and Testaments request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Magister's Vambraces (Loot from Buckingham)

    Mentor's Vambrace (Loot from Anderitum Hideout)

    Mōdraniht Ceremonial Bracers (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival and the Helix Store)

    Raven Clan Bracers (Gotten during 'Honour Bound')

    Rus' Bracers (Complete the 'Refreshing Words' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Saint George's Bracers (Loot from a random military location on the River Severn)

    Thegn's Bracers (Loot from Stenwege Camp)

    Thor's Gauntlets (Defeat Cordelia)


    Arenhare'kó:wa Pants (Buy from a Vinland Trader)[only available when in Vinland]

    Brigandine Trousers (Loot from Dover Fortress)

    Byzantine Greek Breeches (Complete the 'Feast for the Senses II' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Celtic Breeches (Loot from Cashelore, Wrath of the Druids)

    Druidic Breeches (Loot from Kesh Corann, Wrath of the Druids)

    Dublin Champion Breeches (Kill Hogne Sea-Tossed during 'Drenger Defeated', Wrath of the Druids)

    Egyptian Breeches (Complete the 'A Formal Feast' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Einherjar Pants (Helix Store)

    Galloglach Trousers (Loot from Bolingbroc Castle)

    Hidden Ones' Leggings (Loot from Temple of Ceres Bureau)

    Huntsman Breeches (Loot from Soham Hideout)

    Iberian Breeches (Complete the 'Textiles and Testaments III' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Magister's Trousers (Loot from Oxeneforda)

    Mentor's Trousers (Loot from Wincester Garrison)

    Merchant Trousers (Gotten during 'The Hunting Ground')[only available when in Vinland]

    Mōdraniht Ceremonial Trousers (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival and the Helix Store)

    Raven Clan Breeches (Gotten during 'Honour Bound')

    Rus' Breeches (Complete the 'Layers and Flavour III' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Saint George's Trousers (loot from a random military location on the River Severn)

    Thegn's Breeches (Loot from Aelfwood)

    Thor's Breeches (Defeat Goneril)

    Thrall's Breeches (Start the game with)


    Celtic Hair (Blonde) (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Celtic Hair (Dark Brown) (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Celtic Hair (Light Brown) (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Celtic Hair (Red) (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Classic Hair (Blond) (Start the game with)

    Classic Hair (Dark Brown) (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Classic Hair (Light Brown) (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Classic Hair (Red) (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Exotic Hair (Blonde) (Buy from a Trader)

    Exotic Hair (Dark Brown) (Buy from a Trader)

    Exotic Hair (Light Brown) (Buy from a Trader)

    Exotic Hair (Red) (Buy from a Trader)

    Fancy Hair (Blonde) (Buy from a Trader)

    Fancy Hair (Dark Brown) (Buy from a Trader)

    Fancy Hair (Light Brown) (Buy from a Trader)

    Fancy Hair (Red) (Buy from a Trader)

    Flower Hair (Blonde) (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Flower Hair (Dark Brown) (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Flower Hair (Light Brown) (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Flower Hair (Red) (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Original Hair (Blonde) (Buy from a Trader)

    Original Hair (Dark Brown) (Buy from a Trader)

    Original Hair (Light Brown) (Buy from a Trader)

    Original Hair (Red) (Buy from a Trader)

    Savage Hair (Blonde) (Buy from a Trader)

    Savage Hair (Dark Brown) (Buy from a Trader)

    Savage Hair (Light Brown) (Buy from a Trader)

    Savage Hair (Red) (Buy from a Trader)

    Shaved (Blond) (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Shaved (Dark Brown) (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Shaved (Light Brown) (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Shaved (Red) (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    ??? (Unequipt whatever hair you have on)[it's really just a bald head but is noticeably shorter than the Shaved styles]


    [Obviously these are only available for male Eivor]

    Celtic Beard (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Classic Beard (Start the game with)

    Combed Beard (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Exotic Beard (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Fancy Beard (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Flower Beard (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Original Beard (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Shaved (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    ??? (Unequip whatever beards you have on)[it's really just stubble but is noticeably longer than the Shaved style]


    Auki Sign (Find in Helmthorpe)

    Cross Face (Buy from a Trader)[currently bugged as this should be the reward for completing the Suthsexe Treasure Horde Map]

    Dal Riata (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Donsk (Complete the Custom Goblets request for Wallace)

    Draugr (Head) (Helix Store)

    Druid (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Dupuytren Emblem (Buy from a Trader)[for some reason this whole set is called the Auki Sign scheme in the Traders store]

    Dvergar Pattern (Buy from a Trader)

    Egyptian (Complete the 'Cover to Cover' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Fierce (Buy from a Trader)

    God Hand (Find in Colcestre)

    Gothic (Head) (Helix Store)

    Gungnir Strike (Buy from a Trader)

    Hati's Blessing (Buy from a Trader)

    Hel Sign (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Hjarta (Find near Glowecestre)

    Huginn Call (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    Hulder's Mark (Find in Quatford)

    Jomsviking (Buy from Vagn)

    Jörmungandr (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Lugh (Buy from a Trader)

    Midgard (Find in Tamworth Fortress)

    Mimir (Buy from a Trader)

    Mjolnir Sign (Buy from a Trader)

    Mōdraniht (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival and from the Helix Store)

    Muninn Call (Buy from a Trader)

    Norse Emblem (Find in Wincestre)

    Norse-Gael (Complete a Treasure Horde Map, Wrath of the Druids)

    Odin Emblem (Find near Duroliponte)

    Ostara (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Pict (Find near Malin Head, Wrath of the Druids)

    Raven Guard (Head) (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Raven Shadow (Head) (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Raven Watch (Head) (Start the game with)

    Rus' (Complete the 'Layers and Flavour' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Sigrdrifumal (Head) (Uplay)

    Skratii (Bring the Beast of the Hills head to Wallace)

    Skrælingi Emblem (Find in Aethelnay)

    Speki Symbol (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    Tyr Bravery (Buy from a Trader)

    Valhalla Blessing (Find in Northwic)

    Vegvisir (Find in Canterbury)

    Vestri Wind (Find in Botolphston)

    Vidarr (Buy from a Trader)[currently bugged as this should be the reward for completing the Sciropescire Treasure Horde Map]

    Viking Strike (Buy from a Trader)

    Warrior Tears (Buy from a Trader)[currently bugged as this should be the reward for completing the Hamtunscire Treasure Horde Map]


    Auki Sign (Find in Jorvik)

    Dal Riata (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Donsk (Complete the Bone Brew request for Wallace)

    Druid (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Dupuytren Emblem (Buy from a Trader)

    Egyptian (Complete the 'Studios Sovereign II' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Gungnir Strike (Buy from a Trader)[this looks like it has the Spear of Leonidas from AC: Odyssey as part of it]

    Hati's Blessing (Buy from a Trader)

    Hel Sign (Ralk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Hjarta (Find in Glowecestre)

    Hulder's Mark (Find in Stavanger and Alrekstad)

    Huginn Call (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    Jomsviking (Buy from Vagn)

    Jörmungandr (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Midgard (Find in Jorvik)

    Mimir (Buy from a Trader)

    Mjolnir Sign (Buy from a Trader)

    Mōdraniht (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival and the Helix Store)

    Muninn Call (Buy from a Trader)

    Norse Emblem (Find in Repton)

    Norse-Gael (Complete a Treasure Horde Map, Wrath of the Druids)

    Ostara (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Pict (Find in Kilchrist, Wrath of the Druids)

    Rus' (Complete the 'All the Trimmings' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Sigrdrifumal (Front) (Uplay)

    Skratii (Bring the Death Hound's Head, from The Corpse Feeders, to Wallace)

    Skrælingi Emblem (Find in Croindene)

    Speki Symbol (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    Valhalla Blessing (Find a little north of Cicestre Abbey and a little south of The Cistern Tower)

    Vegvisir (Find in Lunden)

    Vestri Wind (Find in Oxeneforda)

    Ymir Scream (Teach archery to someone in Fornburg)


    Auki Sign (Find at Calleva Outpost)

    Dal Riata (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Donsk (Complete the Art! request for Wallace)

    Druid (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Dupuytren Emblem (Buy from a Trader)

    Egyptian (Complete the 'Food for Thought' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Gungnir Strike (Buy from a Trader)

    Hati's Blessing (Buy from a Trader)

    Hel Sign (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Hjarta (Find in Grantebridge)

    Huginn Call (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    Hulder's Mark (Find in Stavanger and Alrekstad)[Despite the scheme being called front this is actually for your back]

    Jomsviking (Buy from Vagn)

    Jörmungandr (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Midgard (Find in Buckingham)

    Mimir (Buy from a Trader)

    Mjolnir Sign (Buy from a Trader)

    Mōdraniht (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival and the Helix Store)

    Muninn Call (Buy from a Trader)

    Norse Emblem (Find in Ledecestre)

    Norse-Gael (Complete a Treasure Horde Map, Wrath of the Druids)

    Ostara (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Pict (Find in Rathcroghan, Wrath of the Druids)

    Rus' (Complete the 'Layers and Flavour II' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Sigrdrifumal (Back) (Uplay)

    Sisterhood (Loot from Venta Belgarum Bureau)[check]

    Skratii (Bring Black Shuck's head to Wallace)

    Skrælingi Emblem (Find in Wincestre)

    Speki Symbol (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)[this one is hilariously easy]

    Valhalla Blessing (Find in Donecaestre)

    Vegvisir (Find in Lincoln)

    Vestri Wind (Find in Lunden)


    Auki Sign (Find in Alrekstad)

    Dal Riata (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Donsk (Complete the Purely Ornamental request for Wallace)

    Druid (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Dupuytren Emblem (Buy from a Trader)

    Egyptian (Complete the 'Cover to Cover V' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Gungnir Strike (Buy from a Trader)

    Hati's Blessing (Buy from a Trader)

    Hel Sign (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Hjarta (Find in Canterbury)

    Huginn Call (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    Hulders Mark (Find in Stavanger)

    Jomsviking (Buy from Vagn)

    Jörmungandr (Talk to Svend at his Tattoo Shop)

    Midgard (Find at a building where a World Event happens, west of Bomere Lake and north of The Wroken)

    Mimir (Buy from a Trader)

    Mjolnir Sign (Buy from a Trader)

    Mōdraniht (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival and the Helix Store)

    Muninn Call (Buy from a Trader)

    Norse Emblem (Find in Wincestre)

    Norse-Gael (Complete a Treasure Horde Map, Wrath of the Druids)

    Ostara (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Pict (Fund in Durrow, Wrath of the Druids)

    Rus' (Complete the 'Feast for the Senses' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Sigrdrifumal (Left Arm) (Uplay)

    Sigrdrifumal (Right Arm) (Uplay)

    Skratii (Bring the Elk of Bloody Peaks head to Wallace)

    Skrælingi Emblem (Find in Donecaestre)

    Speki Symbol (Find in Colcestre)

    Valhalla Blessing (Find in Elmenham)

    Vegvisir (Find in Folcanstan)

    Vestri Wind (Find at Lundenwic Abby)


    Abelard (Buy from a Stable and Aviary)

    Alsvinder (Helix Store)

    Angelus Mortis (Helix Store)

    Dart (Buy from a Stable and Aviary, Wrath of the Druids)

    Dubh Sainglend (Buy from a Stable and Aviary, Wrath of the Druids)

    Dvalinn (Helix Store)

    Fiendish (Buy from a Stable and Aviary)

    Fortitude (Buy from a Stable and Aviary)

    Gluttony (Buy from a Stable and Aviary)

    Gringolet (Buy from a Stable and Aviary)

    Gypsy (Buy from a Stable and Aviary, Wrath of the Druids)

    Hati (Hati DLC and the Helix Store)

    Helhest (Helix Store)

    Hreinn (Buy from a Stable and Aviary)

    Lebryt (Buy from a Stable and Aviary)

    Llamrei (Buy from a Stable and Aviary)

    Lynx (Quest reward from 'Blood Bond', Wrath of the Druids)

    Múspell Warg (Helix Store)

    Parsifal (Buy from a Stable and Aviary)

    Passelande (Buy from a Stable and Aviary)

    Pomers (Reach Fornburg)

    Pride (Buy from Stable and Aviary)

    Prudence (Buy from Stable and Aviary)

    Svadilfari (Helix Store)[this poor horse must be in agony]

    Tencendur (Buy from Stable and Aviary)

    Tribal Stallion (Uplay)

    Warhorse (Helix Store)

    Wrath (Buy from Stable and Aviary)


    Albino (Buy from a Stable and Aviary)

    Bald Eagle (Helix Store)

    Black and White (Buy from Stable and Aviary)

    Blood Eagle (Helix Store)[Despite the name this is a raven and not an eagle]

    Blue Shades (Buy from Stable and Aviary)

    Celtic Raven (Buy from a Stable and Aviary, Wrath of the Druids)

    Colourful Raven (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Falcon (Buy from a Stable and Aviary)

    Savage (Buy from Stable and Aviary)

    Synin (Start the game with)

    Vinland Crow (Uplay)

    White Senu (Uplay)


    Asgardian Hull (Complete the An Historic Meal request for Arth)

    Greek Firebreather Hull (Complete the 'Wealth and Wisdom' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Helheim Hull (Quest reward from 'Wedding Horns')

    Irish Folk Hero Hull (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Iron Wolf Hull (Premium Starter Pack DLC)

    Isu Hull (Buy from a Trader)

    Jackdaw Hull (Complete a Community Challenge to complete river raids between 16/2/2021 and 23/2/2021 or Uplay)

    Jomsviking Hull (Buy from Vagn)

    Jotunheim Skin (Buy from a Trader)

    Na Púcaí Hull (Complete a Treasure Horde Map, Wrath of the Druids)

    Niflheim's Wind Hull (Buy from a Trader)

    Raven Clan Hull (Start the game with)

    Reindeer Clan Hull (Buy from a Trader)

    Seer Hull (Complete a Treasure Hoard Map)

    Snakebite Hull (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    The Roc Hull (Complete the 'Clothes for Córdoba III' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Wanderlust Hull (Build the shipyard)

    ??? (Default hull for your River Raid Longship)[unnamed and lost if another is equipped]


    Asgardian Sail (Complete the Farmers' Fish Food request for Arth)

    Greek Firebreather Sail (Complete the 'In Fine Fashion' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Helheim Sail (Quest reward from 'Wedding Horns')

    Irish Folk Hero Sail (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Iron Wolf Sail (Premium Starter Pack DLC)

    Isu Sail (Buy from a Trader)

    Jackdaw Sail (Complete a Community Challenge to complete river raids between 16/2/2021 and 23/2/2021 or Uplay)

    Jomsviking Sails (Buy from Vagn)

    Jotunheim Sail (Buy from a Trader)

    Na Púcaí Sail (Complete a Treasure Horde Map, Wrath of the Druids)

    Niflheim's Wind Sail (Buy from a Trader)

    Raven Clan Sail (Start the game with)

    Reindeer Clan Sail (Buy from a Trader)

    Seer Sail (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    Snakebite Sail (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    The Roc Sail (Complete the 'Clothes for Córdoba II' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Wanderlust Sail (Build the shipyard)

    ??? (Default Sail for your River Raid Longship)[the only plain white sail in the game, unnamed and lost if another is equipped]


    Asgardian Shields (Complete the Pesce Offering request for Arth)

    Greek Firebreather Shields (Complete the 'A Big Deal' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Helheim Shields (Quest reward from 'Wedding Horns')

    Irish Folk Hero Shields (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Iron Wolf Shields (Premium Starter Pack DLC)

    Isu Shields (Buy from a Trader)

    Jackdaw Shields (Buy from Reda between 17/2/2021 and 23/2/2021 or Uplay)

    Jomsviking Shields (Buy from Vagn)

    Jotunheim Shields (Buy from a Trader)

    Na Púcaí Shields (Complete a Treasure Horde Map, Wrath of the Druids)

    Niflheim's Wind Shields (Buy from a Trader)

    Raven Clan Shields (Start the game with)

    Reindeer Clan Shields (Buy from a Trader)

    Seer Shields (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)[this one's a real bitch to find]

    Snakebite Shields (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    The Roc Shields (Complete the 'Clothes for Córdoba V' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Wanderlust Shields (Build the shipyard)

    ??? (Default shields for your River Raid Longship)[unmed and lost if others are equipped]


    Asgardian Figurehead (Complete the Pet Festival request for Arth)

    Greek Firebreather Figurehead (Complete the 'Ivory for the Emperor II' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Helheim Figurehead (Quest reward from 'Wedding Horns')

    Irish Folk Hero Figurehead (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Iron Wolf Figurehead (Premium Starter Pack DLC)

    Isu Figurehead (Buy from a Trader)

    Jackdaw Figurehead (Go on ten river raids between 16/2/2021 and 23/2/2021 or Uplay)[this is not the Jackdaw's Figurehead, this was called elite figurehead in AC4: Black Flag and Harpy skull figurehead AC: Rouge]

    Jomsviking Figurehead (Buy from Vagn)

    Jotunheim Head (Buy from a Trader)

    Na Púcaí Figurehead (Complete a Treasure Horde Map, Wrath of the Druids)

    Niflheim's Wind Figurehead (Buy from a Trader)

    Raven Clan Figurehead (Start the game with)

    Reindeer Clan Head (Buy from a Trader)

    Seer Figurehead (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    Snakebite Figurehead (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)[this is the default option for your River Raid Longship]

    The Roc Figurehead (Complete the 'Textiles and Testaments II' for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Wanderlust Fuguehead (Build the shipyard)


    Asgardian Tailpiece (Complete the Smorgasbord request for Arth)

    Greek Firebreather Tailpiece (Complete the 'Ivory for the Emperor III' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Helheim Tailpiece (Quest reward from 'Wedding Horns')

    Irish Folk Hero Tailpiece (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Iron Wolf Tailpiece (Premium Starter Pack DLC)

    Isu Tailpiece (Buy from a Trader)

    Jackdaw Tail (Go on five river raids between 16/2/2021 and 23/2/2021 or Uplay)

    Jomsviking Tailpiece (Buy from Vagn)

    Jotunheim Tailpiece (Buy from a Trader)

    Na Púcaí Tailpiece (Complete a Treasure Horde Map, Wrath of the Druids)

    Niflheim's Wind Tailpiece (Buy from a Trader)

    Raven Clan Tailpiece (Start the game with)

    Reindeer Clan Tail (Buy from a Trader)

    Seer Tailpiece (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    Snakebite Tailpiece (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    The Roc Tailpiece (Complete the 'Cups and Capes' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Wanderlust Tailpiece (Build the shipyard)

    ??? (Default option for your River Raid Longship)[just a slightly darker version of the Snakebite Tailpiece, unnamed and lost if another is equipped]


    Birna (Correctly identify Galinn as the traitor during 'The Stench of Treachery')

    Bjorn (Quest reward from 'The Vengeance Of The Berserker', from The Way of the Berserker DLC)

    Fyl (unknown)[check]

    Hermod (Rescue during 'Honour Bound')

    Hrefna (Rescue during 'Honour Bound')

    Revna (Rescue during 'Honour Bound')

    Rollo (Forge an alliance with Essex)

    Skarde (Rescue during 'Honour Bound')

    Sten (Rescue during 'Honour Bound')

    Valtar (Rescue during 'Honour Bound')

    Yrsa (unknown)[check]


    Berserker's Rest (Berserker Settlement Pack DLC)

    Blooming Tree (Buy from a Trader)

    Gallows Tree (Buy from a Trader)

    Hangman's Tree (Found Ravensthorpe)

    Mossy Faced Tree (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Mossy Tree (Buy from a Trader)

    Sage Tree (Found Ravensthorpe)

    White & Red Tree (Buy from a Trader)

    Yule Beech Tree (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival or from the Helix Store)


    Anubis Statue (Complete the 'Cover to Cover III' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Archery Target (Found Ravensthorpe)

    Asgardian Lamp (Buy from a Trader)

    Berserker Bear Totem (Berserker Settlement Pack DLC)

    Berserker's Arsenal (Berserker Settlement Pack DLC)

    Berserker's Practice (Berserker Settlement Pack DLC)

    Blooming Statue (Buy from a Trader)

    Blue Dragon Effigy (Buy from a Trader)

    Bountiful Tree (Buy from a Trader)

    Celtic Mossy Tombstone (Buy from a Trader)

    Cozy Fire Pit (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival or from the Helix Store)

    Dark Cross Tombstone (Complete the Honey Trap request for Arth)

    Druid Stone (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Guardian Carving (Buy from a Trader and complete the Eydis' Surprise request for Arth)[this may be a bug but I'm not sure]

    Hallowed Monolith (Bring the Gemad-Wulf head to Wallace)

    Horse of Saint Marc (Complete the 'Sweet Tooth' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Hunter's Tombstone (Buy from a Trader)

    Hunter's Well (Buy from a Trader)

    Iron Brazier (Bring Aelfred's Battle-Cattle's Head, from Aelfred's Battle-Sow, to Wallace)

    Martial Runestone (Buy from a Trader)

    Mead Barrel (Buy from a Trader)

    Muspelheim Brasero (Helix Store)[this is horribly grim]

    Odin Wooden Statue (Berserker Settlement Pack DLC)

    Powerful Tree Warrior (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Priestess Carving (Bring the Blood-Pig's Head, from the Blood-Swine, to Wallace)

    Pyraeus Lion (Complete the 'Refined Taste' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Red Dragon Effigy (Buy from a Trader)

    Ritual Tree Ornaments (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival or from the Helix Store)

    Roman Bath Statue (Bring twenty-two Roman Artifacts to Octavian)

    Roman Horse Statue (Bring five Roman Artifacts to Octavian)

    Roman Olympian Statue (Bring twelve Roman Artifacts to Octavian)

    Roman Gladiator Statue (Bring thirty-five + 17 Roman Artifacts to Octavian)

    Sacrificial Alter (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival or from the Helix Store)

    Short Celtic High Cross (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Skull Post (Complete a Treasure Horde Map)

    Small Alter (Buy from a Trader)

    Small Fairy Trap (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Small Floral Arrangement (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Small Floral Shrine (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Small Hog Log (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Stone Well (Found Ravensthorpe)

    Tall Celtic High Cross (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Thor's Goat Sculpture (Buy from a Trader)

    Traditional Yule Garland (Buy from Norvid during the Yule Festival or from the Helix Store)

    Tree Axe Warrior (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Tree Spear Warrior (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Turoe Stone (Buy from a Trader, Wrath of the Druids)

    Umayyad Stele (Complete the 'Clothes for Córdoba IV' request for Azar, Wrath of the Druids)

    Victoria Statue (Buy from a Trader)

    Victorious Tree Warrior (Buy from Norvid during the Ostara Festival)

    Weapon Rack (Buy from a Trader)

    submitted by /u/CurrentlyEatingPies2
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    Since DLC discussions are the rage, which DLC was the best in your opinion?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    Personally, it's CoTP from AC Origins and by a huge margin.

    I played all of II's DLC via Ezio collection, Dead Kings from Unity, Fort Sable in Rogue and Curse of the Pharoah and of course Wrath of the Druids.

    CoTP was the only DLC that didn't feel exclusively like 'more of the same' like Druids or II's DLC. The Afterlife was one of the most clever, well-thought out and realized areas and the story was connected to AC lore in such a genius way.

    I loved everything about that DLC, from the music, to the loot, to the story and the area.

    The team behind this was also Ubi Sofia who are rumored to be working on the Meteor DLC found in the files. If their effort is anything like CoTP, then I'm extremely excited for it, whatever it is.

    submitted by /u/MR-DEDPUL
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    [Spoilers] is there a mod to get this bow in AC Origins?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 03:21 PM PDT

    In origins my fully upgraded hidden blade can't 1 shot assassinate lower level enemies

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:55 PM PDT

    I was at level 26 and even my hidden blade fully upgraded I still couldn't 1 shot somone at level 29. She was a main assassination target.

    The same thing happened with a level 20 camp captain. Even though I was 6 levels above him and my hidden blade was fully upgraded my assassination attack barely took off any health. And I also wasn't able to 1 shot a level 20 Phylakes. The only way I can make sense of this is perhaps those these enemy types, main missions targets, camp captains and Phylakes cannot be 1 shot no matter what. I was able to 1 shot a camp commander who was as the same level as the captain, so if anyone can explain what this all means I would be grateful.

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    I was given copies of AC Origins and AC Odyssey on PS4. It's my first time to ever play an AC game and I have a few questions

    Posted: 18 May 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    1. Will my playstyle suit both of these games?

    - I'm an experienced player of Hitman on PS4. I've played all the games in the World of Assassination Trilogy (Hitman, Hitman 2, Hitman III) and I intend to use my playstyle in Hitman here in AC. My playstyle involves eliminating as much guards as possible without getting into head-on fights. This playstyle has served me very well in Hitman. When I play as Agent 47, I end up killing a lot of guards while never getting spotted by anybody. I never find myself in a firefight because I never get caught. I can say that I have a very slow, grinding, and methodical playstyle. I have no problem with sitting back and waiting for the right time to strike. My playstyle also favors long range kills. I will always look to kill guards at a distance rather than up close. Last but not the least, what I dislike most as a player is fast-paced combat. (ex: Gunfights in GTA V, Red Dead Redemption II, and Just Cause 4). I will always favor stealth because I simply don't like to fight.

    2) Can I play AC Odyssey before AC Origins?

    - I'm more interested in Ancient Greece than Ancient Egypt. I find the setting and lore more appealing to my taste. However, I've heard that AC Origins has better stealth mechanics. As a person coming from the Hitman franchise, will I get a huge shock in terms of stealth gameplay if I play Origins after Odyssey? I'm worried about getting used to the easy stealth mechanics in Odyssey and then receiving a rude awakening when I play AC Origins next.

    submitted by /u/joshuamarkrsantos
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    I seem to be out of story quests but at the beginning of the game?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    So I honestly haven't really had a story quests show up since I was power 70 ish, I've been exploring the map, getting all the goods that I can, I'm now 117 power and still only have the 5 recurring Ravensthorpe ones and the River Raids. Please help, I've gotta be missing something obvious at this point. Haha

    submitted by /u/HighOnLives
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    Are the extended books any good?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    I wnat to buy the extended universe books but the reviews on Amazon were mixed. What's your take on them? Also buying them as a whole is considerably cheap, should I go for it or buy them separately?

    Edit: Just the novels

    submitted by /u/Jnrajiv2002
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