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    Wednesday, May 5, 2021

    Assassin's Creed My new acrylic painting this time Connor :-)

    Assassin's Creed My new acrylic painting this time Connor :-)

    My new acrylic painting this time Connor :-)

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    Magnus Bruun (male Eivor) is recording for Valhalla again

    Posted: 04 May 2021 05:06 AM PDT

    ORIGINS!!! THIS is the best of the new trilogy, and I am loving my second play through.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    I just started a replay of Origins. After finishing Odyssey and Valhalla... I believe Origins to be the best of the new trilogy. Shocked in ways. The game just seems to have more focus... And stealth is actually a thing. I just purchased "the curse of the pharaohs", as I didn't play that part in my first run through. Looking forward to reaching that part, but playing on hard, I am now level 15 and enjoying ALL of this super game.

    submitted by /u/CrashJones2020
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    What is the worst mainline Assassin's Creed game and WHY (excluding ACI)?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 09:41 AM PDT

    So we often see a lot of posts talking about what the best AC game was. As a long-lasting franchise, everyone has come together to create this community because every game has appealed to someone. But that being said, sometimes the opposite happens where a game doesn't appeal to someone to the point where they find it lacking in quality.

    For you guys, what do you believe to be the worst AC? Please note my post requirements in the title- it has to be a mainline entry (so no Liberation or one of the Chronicles titles), it can't be ACI (because that was the first and so there were always going to be inherent flaws w/ the gameplay), and, most importantly, you have to explain WHY- don't turn this into a dumb list post.

    submitted by /u/RedtheGamer100
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    (Odyssey) I made a questline for those of us who like Monty Python and mean philosophers. Details in comments.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    Been replaying Odyssey lately and it really made me realize how haphazardly Valhalla was put together and shoved out the gate. Here's a couple examples off the top of my head of things that were better executed, or just features that weren't carried over from the previous game.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    -Beast Master skill is an actual skill instead of a special ability -Better loot -Better gear customization -FREE in-game weapon and gear customization -Better side quests and storylines -Large-scale field battles -Battles are replayable -Battles give loot and rewards every time -Legendary and alpha animals scattered throughout the world. -Better mercenary and cultist system -Naval combat feature (don't go off about historical accuracy. It's one of the most fun features of the series and they should've kept it in) -Combat is more challenging/rewarding -Skill tree is pretty straightforward and less convoluted -More diverse landscape combined with open water makes the world feel more vast and lively. -More stuff to do -Better, more memorable characters and main quest line -More gameplay features overall

    tl;dr I like Odyssey better. I don't understand the hype Valhalla gets. Playing it feels like it was made prior to Origins and I was really disappointed with the game overall.

    submitted by /u/FaolainODearg
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    ACV. How to remove helmet muffle while still wearing a helmet.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    4 things to start:

    1. I know that some people like this feature in the game, I am simply posting this in case there are others like me who would like to have unmuffled speech while still wearing cool helmets.
    2. I could only get this method to work with helmets and not any of the mask.
    3. I tested this with the Theign great helm, Saint Georges helm, and the Raven clan helmet with the following weapons: Bearded axe, Dane axe, flail, spear, great sword, and both heavy and normal shields.
    4. I only tested this method on PC, so I do not know if this works on console.


    Equip whichever helmet that you want, and hide the helmet.

    next, using whichever weapon of your choosing, perform an attack that causes Eivor to make an audible sound (most heavy attacks seem to work).

    Pause the game either as the attack animation begins, or when Eivor starts to make a sound (the timing seemed pretty generous when I was testing this)

    Once paused unhide your helmet

    And Voilà, now you can enjoy wearing your helmet without hearing the muffle

    NOTE: if you wish to go back to the muffle just simply equip a mask and heavy attack a few times and it should go back when you reequip your helmet

    submitted by /u/handyandy69
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    Ezio collection or 3 remastered

    Posted: 05 May 2021 12:11 AM PDT

    I don't know if I should get the ezio collection or ac 3 remastered. Whenever I search it up a lot of people say the ezio collection is really good because of nostalgia and that, but I had never really originally played the ezio trilogy so I wouldn't have that nostalgia to it. AC 3 looks fun but it isn't the most loved in the series. I am also not a massive fan of older games with worse graphics (makes the game hard for me to play) so I was wondering if the graphics are actually bad or not. I also don't really care for in depth story. So I don't care about the ezio games stories are better than ac 3s story that much. I more care of gameplay, graphics and overall enjoyment.

    submitted by /u/ccaiiden
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    What happened to Henry green?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    How did he die? And where was he in the Jack the Ripper dlc? Did he have any kids? I can't find any info on this anywhere, so I though to ask you guys

    submitted by /u/RagnaroFirelord
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    I played two run throughs of AC Odyssey and contemplating a 3rd after experiencing Vahalla.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    Odyssey was superior, most likely because they built upon the best aspects of Origins. There is literally things that are somewhat subjective and aspects that some may be able to take or leave. However let's compare a few things from Odyssey and Vahalla.

    Sidequests, like the Podarkes missions were replaced with what, a mission where a lady asks you to bring her viper eggs, only to fart on you? That's what I feel like the developers have done to us consequently.

    You have a ship where you can recruit some cool looking mercenaries that can help you take down other crews. Although you didn't have customization over them, they still looked cool, had attributes and behaved uniquely. Now you have a Jomsviking you can't keep the largely mundane gear equipped to and walk around your 9th settlement to see a fantasy character some weirdo made.

    The settlement has little affect over the game and somehow doesn't improve upon already cool developments like Ezio's Town, Edward's pirate hideout or hell even Connors settlement. You get underwhelming cosmetics that serve no use amd seem to be an after thought.

    The enemies are bland and quite honestly a bore to even want to kill lol. The hidden blade has no fluidity even compared to Odyssey which allowed the character to run slash NPCs and keep moving. Now you are force into a repetitive animation over and over again.

    The in game economy is utterly useless as you can't even purchase anything with silver other than a few random skins. Which is a huge oversight, why build a settlement and raid if you can't even do anything with the currency?

    Having to do some little puzzle for a chest filled with leather and ore, something that at least has use in Odyssey, turns into a labor.

    In short, AC Vahalla feels like and older assassins creed game alright. They've already done every hour of it in other games.

    I don't think I'm the only one that thinks innovation correlates with not necessarily changing the elements of the game, but how a player is able to approach them or customize their experience.

    I know I can't hit everything, but what are some other areas they missed the boat(pun intended) or could improve on?

    submitted by /u/INFAMOUSSPADE
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    Should I keep playing Valhalla? Loosing interest.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    I'm about 10 hours in and I'm starting to feel that I need to force myslef to play. Does the game get better? I find the game to be very rough around edges and it's basically same as Origins and Odyssey with a few twists. Really hope they change the engine and overall structure for next game.

    submitted by /u/ExistingProof
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    Full release: waiting for Valhalla?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:13 PM PDT

    Hello all! I have a minor question for the sub: who all is waiting to play Valhalla?

    I was thinking about it recently, and I realize that I have a pattern. I buy the newest Assassin's Creed, excited for the setting and the character. I play hard-core for up to a month, but never finish the story. Then the game sits on my shelf for anywhere up to a year before I finally pick it back up, with everything being released, and enjoy it immensely, for hundreds of hours.

    Why do I do that? Then it hit me: the games are simply more fun. Origins is improved significantly for me with the higher level cap and the dlc, and the addition of new game plus makes for a complete experience. After completing everything, you can run back through the story as a God amongst men. It feels full circle, y'know? The same goes for Odyssey, the DLC and raised level cap make for an amazing experience, and nothing tops going back to a fort in mainland Greece and completely rolling some unsuspecting guard with Godly powers.

    And so, I made a decision. I'm putting Valhalla away. I'm going to bide my time in the old games or with other titles, until Valhalla has reached the last DLC release. By then, it will hopefully feel like a complete experience, ripe for the taking.

    And so I ask, am I alone in this? Who else will be waiting to play Valhalla? 1 month? 6 months? Why are you waiting?

    submitted by /u/KingUlysses
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    Assassin's Creed Odysseus. You cant reenter the Petrified Temple for absolutely no fucking reason except for they want you to need to do the quest, and even that is a one time enter. They dont tell you that there is loot in there so you dont scout it first.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    The roots that sprout up to block the windows strech all the way to the top of the walls so you could climb up on those. There are at minimum 15 trees that should be accessible/climable. But they aren't. There are walls that have divers that should allow for climbing, but they dont. Every aspect of the area's design goes to shittily making it look mysterious and dead. Yet almost everything would and could allow you to hop the wall to into the area, but Ubisoft doesnt want an easy way into the area, but doesnt have a 2nd way in, like you keeping the disk to put in the stele.

    submitted by /u/MyWorldIsOnFire
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    Did Desmond Learn Italian Through the Bleeding Effect

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    So I am replaying the Ezio trilogy and I just randomly thought about it. Does Ezio speak italian for Desmond, if so, Desmond should learn Italian. But it might be that the Animus can translate,

    submitted by /u/grandmapenelope
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    Aguilar outfit in assassin's creed rogue

    Posted: 04 May 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    I'm going to get ac rogue because and I saw that you can get aguilar's outfit from the movie and I was just wondering how to get it? (if your wondering why ac rogue, I'm irish)

    submitted by /u/Crazy_Cian
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    Just finished AC valhalla . Disappointing

    Posted: 04 May 2021 06:44 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. I pre-ordered the game from the first day. After playing 130 hours Ac valhalla very disappointing, long and boring story . There is nothing interesting in the story. The combat system is unrealistic and the animation is bad . I liked eivor, music and graphics but the game in general I did not like it.

    I played Origen, Odyssey and Valhalla.

    Story: 1-Odyssey (The Cultists are interesting). 2-Origin. 3-Valhalla.

    Combat: 1-Origin (Best combat in the series). 2-Odyssey. 3-valhalla.

    Finally . I respect everyone who liked valhalla, this is just my personal opinion.

    submitted by /u/gamer7799
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    Assassin skill change through the games

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    I dont know how any of you all feel about this, but I dont like how the assassins have been more about brute force instead of being sneaky anymore. The games have lost their flair. I have played through AC Valhalla, Odyssey, and Orgins multiple times, but I was just playing through AC 1 and there seems to be more skill involved.

    Just one guys opinion.

    submitted by /u/matthewalex02
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    Valhalla Settlement Building: Immersive or Not?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    I'm a roleplayer above all else. I love to play tabletop roleplay games and am easily frustrated when I encounter a lack of narrative, immersion or effort on the part of people in charge of the media I consume.

    Because of that, I recognize my opinion may be biased (but then again, what else can an opinion possibly be?). For me, base-building is a wonderful way to make a player feel immersed and grounded in the world. It's a way to give them responsibility that goes beyond the hack-n-slash of the rest of a game. While I recognize there are many problems with Assassin's Creed Valhalla, I'm going to try to focus this post.

    I'd like to address the settlement building. I am still only in the first part of chapter 2 (I think), when you first arrive in England (no spoilers from here). I am very disappointed with the settlement for a number of reasons I'd like to outline below in the vain hope that someone affiliated with the development will read it, but also as an open letter to game developers in general to wake up and start making games for more intelligent players. Very few of us are stupid (despite what online discussions may suggest).

    I would also like to preface this post with the understanding that there may be more in the game. However, I've reached the point where I have put it down. Possibly forever, as it's just too much of a slog.

    Problems with the settlement:

    • The mechanical benefits are unclear or nonexistent
      • I found one that gives a health bonus (?)
      • The blacksmith is somewhat useful but only because it's forced to be by game design
      • The fisherman's hut only BUYS fish from ME? What??
    • Players have no control over building placement or structure
      • The excitement of unlocking a new building dies within about 30 seconds when you have to walk around and see that the town is more of a mess for every building added.
    • The monotonous way of gaining more supplies for building (raiding)
      • Raiding should be fun but it's another repetitive activity to make me feel like there is more to this game.
    • There is no feeling of true "growth" so far
      • So my clan lives here now...but they don't have houses/huts? Anywhere?
      • No farmsteads? How do we eat? Rich arable was more valuable than gold to Norse settlers.
      • A base is one thing, but this is called a settlement and I don't feel it. Settlements don't spring up randomly. They are attached to resources usually, or follow a trade route or war route, etc.

    But above all of this, I don't feel like there is a REASON to invest my time and energy into the settlement. It's not even "mine". I'm not a lord with a responsibility to these people and I don't get anything out of it. There are no people flocking to my army or plans for me to build an empire. So why the Hell am I wasting my time?

    Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I'm sure I'll get lots of downvotes for it, but fortunately I already believe if you're unpopular you're probably doing something right anyway haha. I don't believe digital likes should be a currency of healthy discussion or the foundation of one's opinion.

    submitted by /u/PaddyValdyr
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    Please help us with our Master thesis on Online communities related to Ubisoft and its games (including Assassin's Creed)

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    Please help us with our Master thesis on Online communities related to Ubisoft and its games (including Assassin's Creed)

    Hi everyone!

    We are two students from Lund University in Sweden who need your help with our master thesis. We are studying Ubisoft's communities and we will try to compare Official Ubisoft forums vs Ubisoft's subreddits to see which of the two community platforms have the best member experience.

    Here is the link to the questionnaire: https://forms.gle/BAmDUBXXi3EWJm5A7

    We would really appreciate your answers!

    Thanks in advance 😉


    submitted by /u/Demur-
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    Valhalla weapon suggestions

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    So I'm someone who likes to pick a weapon type and stick with it in most RPGs. I'm classing Valhalla as an RPG because let's be honest it basically is one. I usually go 1h sword (paired with a gun/crossbow if the game allows) or a big sword (2h) in most action RPGs but I'm struggling to find my happy place with this one.

    I've tried all sorts and here are my brief thoughts so far:

    Axe: Good all rounder but not much fun Dagger: Fast but range is a bit short Flail: Not sure why it exists? Sword: Good crowd control but the rush move is awkward to aim Big axe: See above, special move is better though Spear: Great range but easily dodged and poor damage output it seems

    Dual Wield: Tried all kinds of combos, none of the special moves seem worth burning my entire stamina bar for.

    Sheilds: Light ones seem a bit pointless. Parrying is easy enough without one and arrows are easily dodged. Heavy ones even more so as I can't move when blocking.

    Right now I'm leaning towards some sort of big sword + offhand weapon combo but I'm not sure what to pair with it.

    What did you guys end up sticking with? Any juicy combos I need to try? Am I missing a trick with the flail?

    submitted by /u/pyromanta
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    When does Valhalla’s story kick off?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:34 AM PDT

    I got the game 2 weeks ago and I have 20 hours of playtime. When does the story really start progressing because so far the story has been slow as fuck.

    submitted by /u/MclovinsForeskin
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