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    Tuesday, May 4, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Announcing r/assassinscreed's "Tutorials and Guides" wiki page!

    Assassin's Creed Announcing r/assassinscreed's "Tutorials and Guides" wiki page!

    Announcing r/assassinscreed's "Tutorials and Guides" wiki page!

    Posted: 03 May 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    A while ago we asked you to submit some of your most helpful tutorials and guides for the purposes of creating a subreddit wiki page with gameplay tutorials.

    We are know happy to announce that our "Tutorials and Guides" page is now live!

    Aimed at both newcomers and existing players, the page contains various videos and text tutorials that may teach you some new parkour techniques, give stealth tips, suggest combat builds, help you find collectibles and more!

    How to access "Tutorials and Guides":

    1. By clicking the "Tutorials and Guides" button on top of the subreddit in the menu links. For the Reddit app you can select it by clicking the "Menu" option first.
    2. By visiting our subreddit Wiki and clicking on the "Tutorials and Guides" page.
    3. By clicking on the "Tutorials and Guides" button in the sidebar.
    4. By clicking directly on these links:
      https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/wiki/gameplay-guides (Redesign)
      https://old.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/wiki/gameplay-guides (Old Reddit)

    While we've put a lot of effort in adding a good selection of guides for each game, there is always room for improvement. Feel free to suggest new tutorials or guides and we'll consider adding them to the page.

    We hope this page will be a a useful resource to you.

    - The Moderator team of r/assassinscreed

    submitted by /u/Ghost_LeaderBG
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    The tomb missions with Ezio were some of the best side content of all time in gaming history

    Posted: 03 May 2021 04:19 PM PDT

    I really enjoyed the feeling of rush and the general vibes of being in a place where you shouldn't be, the level design and the precise but perilous parkour system .

    The ones which are still fresh in my memory are the tombs in Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence and Basilica de San Marco, I don't think I've been as terrified of falling from a height in a game as much I was in those levels.

    These are the missions which connected me the most with Ezio and deluded me in my childhood into thinking that Ezio was a real life Italian Nathan Drake who got lost in the pages of history.

    I think pretty much all of us have breathed a sigh of relief everytime Ezio said " Bene, now I can make my way up in case I fall ".

    submitted by /u/Psychological-Bill76
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    Where everything started... I drew Altaïr. Hope you like it!

    Posted: 03 May 2021 05:49 PM PDT

    The Ezio Collection, AC3, Rogue, and Unity all now support FPS boost to to 60 in Xbox Series S/X

    Posted: 03 May 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    The (MORE THAN 9!) Realms of AC [SPOILERS for Origins, Odyssey, & Valhalla]

    Posted: 03 May 2021 03:36 PM PDT

    I've been clued in to u/klauszen's (hey, another Zen! ;D) incredible work, as well as their prior theory that was commented on by u/Darby_McDevitt for further info, along with this map mock-up that was also commented on by Mr. McDevitt, but I think we can add more to all of this! Going off of only the "Realms" we've literally seen or heard mention of in-game, I've listed some Cliff Notes about each Realm below. Help a Brother out by filling in the Ginnungagaps of what needs to be known here?

    Ginnungagap - The Gray? A yawning Abyss of darkness between all other Realms, could be the inter-dimensional waypoint between the other Realms we see Havi travel through between Asgard and Jotunheim

    Ymir, Father of the Jotnar, is born amidst the Abyss from the steam of Fire and Ice meeting

    Muspelheim - Located in Northern Africa, Norse Realm of Fire

    Niflheim - Norse Realm of Frost, Home of Audhumla, birthplace of the Aesir, located in the icy Arctic Sea

    Svartalfheim - Home of the Dwarves, possibly located in Western South America near the Andes, or in Western China near Tibet?

    Asgard - Home of the Aesir, Capitol of the Kingdom of Odin, The High One rules it and "all" following Sister Realms, though only has control over Asgard, Valhalla, Vanaheim, and Helheim, and deems Einherjar worthy here if slain in Earthly battle. Located in Scandinavia

    Valhalla - Not a "realm", but is Home of both the Yggdrasil Device and the Calculator of Futures, and is the birthplace of the Reborn experiment, located in Hordafylke, Norway

    Vanaheim - Home of the Vanir, warred with Asgard in the Aesir-Vanir War, but tensions were ended by the marriage of the High One to Freyja of the Vanir, calling it the War of Unification. Could be the Celtic Isu of Ireland/Scotland?

    There's a dot in the ocean between Ireland and England on the map given to us from AC2, and it's my theory this dot might correlate to Völund's underwater oasis that Geirmund gets briefly taken to in his book, where he's given Hnituðr, the armband eventually winding up in Guthrum's possession. Thoughts?

    Midgard - "Earth", Asgardian-owned, created from the slain Ymir, birthplace of the Humans, Realm located near Central Africa, or Australia? Central Africa is thought to be the birthplace of modern homo-sapiens, and Australia may have Aboriginal Isu, but Australia would be easiest to bar enemy Isu castes from.

    Helheim - Norse "Hell", ruled by Hel, daughter of Loki, located in the South Pole, where half the year breeds life (6mo of day), half the year breeds death (6mo of night), just like her "living" disposition.

    Feyan - located in Eastern Africa around Kilimanjaro, Capitol of the Kingdom of Saturn, who rules it and the following Realms

    Eden - located at the base of Kilimanjaro, a metropolis of Saturn's Kingdom, a mass factory for forced Human innovation, birthplace of the Human Uprising. Also, Kilimanjaro is The Summit seen in the Primordial Memory from the Last Descendants Book 3, part of Project Anthropos

    Jotunheim - Home of the Giants/Jotnar, born of the sweat of Ymir. Utgard is the Capitol ruled by Jupiter:Suttungr, located in Vinland, near Turin, New York, barred initially from Humans on Midgard, they warred with Asgard in the Aesir-Jotun War

    Atlantis - Greek "Purgatory", Cyclically reset to an original design, it and the following two Realms ruled by Poseidon, located under the island of Thera, Greece

    Hades - Greek "Hell", ruled by Hades, who also rules the following Realm by proxy, located between Tainaros, Lakonia, and the Attikan Peninsula of Greece

    Elysium - Greek "Heaven", ruled by Persephone under Hades' imprisonment, location Unknown

    A'aru - perhaps a region in Elysium, or of Muspelheim? "The Field of Reeds", Egyptian "Heaven", ruled by Aita : Osiris under Amun : Saturn?

    I got a lot to go on here now, but there's still holes! What am I missing?

    • Your Friendly Neighborhood Mentor

    submitted by /u/IMHOZen1
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    AC Odyssey - Not getting any Obsidian

    Posted: 03 May 2021 03:46 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    For the past 4 days, I'm not getting any Obsidian anymore. Anytime I pick a stone from the ground, anytime I kill a Mercenary, etc.., I can see the number of Obsidian I'm getting on the right hand side (along with other rewards), but my total of Obsidian doesn't change!
    I am getting everything else though (money, iron, wood, gems etc..).
    I am also getting my Obsidian when selling weapons/gear at the blacksmith.

    Really weird.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    submitted by /u/Life_Forever
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    unity's parkour is cool, but its hard to figure out (a rant/opinion)

    Posted: 03 May 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    i dont think y'all know what u mean when u ask for unity's parkour to make a comeback. without putting practice into it, unity's parkour is pretty hard to figure out on your own. the game doesnt give you tutorials for jumping wall to wall and sideways onto opposite ledges, if u know what i mean? i think that's why they scrapped it, not because unity sucked as a whole. i personally was frustrated when i started playing the game.. the controls seemed to complicated. hold R2, AND x AND L2 just to enter a window? weird. but now since parkour has been simplified to just x and L3 (or a and LS), it lacks personality, excitement and variety in which the movements can be performed. but i get it. it now appeals to a larger audience so that their fingers dont have to do all that work *rolls eyes*

    nobody will take the time to read this or care. but i do. i'm just disappointed that nowadays we control tiny characters who jump around like mario on cliffsides and rocks :/

    and pls dont come for unity in the comments, its one of my favorite assassins creed games and it doesnt deserve the hate it gets :(

    submitted by /u/vicwol
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    Xbox has done what Ubisoft wouldn't: 60fps on the Ezio Collection!

    Posted: 03 May 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    This is something I've wanted for years now (I actually wanted the Ezio Collection on PC, but this is the next best thing). AC2 is super stuttery on PC and doesn't have the updated textures so having this is an amazing experience, even if it's just 1080p. I've got my fingers crossed that maybe we'll see a 4K enhancement on Xbox as well, but doubt it. Next up, AC1 and Black Flag! 😁

    submitted by /u/hunterjosh01
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    Altair Air Assassination Fanart

    Posted: 03 May 2021 12:31 AM PDT

    Is it possible to oneshot zealots?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:45 PM PDT

    I've been playing on easy, assassination guaranteed because im an old school ac player and i hate RPG's damage sponges, but i was disapointed when i found out you cant... Well, get behind them and assassinate them... So i'm wondering if there is another way to do that?

    Like getting top level and using a skill or something like that?

    submitted by /u/Wulfharth_Dovah
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    The AC: Odyssey Boys’ Rescue

    Posted: 03 May 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    HEY. you know that time when barnabas and sokrates "rescue" you from the jail cell in episode 9? after you've defeated the guards bare fisted?

    GOD I LOVED THAT SCENE. after the drama of the battle before and talking to deimos, the pure comic relief of having your silly friends (arguably some of the least well-equipped to mount a rescue) show up ready to kick some prison ass... i laughed so hard!

    i just finished the main game and am starting in on all the dlcs next, so no spoilers for those, please, but what was your fave moment in the main game? could be a side quest, a second of dialogue. let me know!

    submitted by /u/highmaintenanceman
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    [Review] Syndicate has been dragged down for far too long!

    Posted: 03 May 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    I've been seeing my favourite AC game beeing poorly treated for too long. Seeing glimpses of positivity here and there while majority of the playerbase seems to wrongfully judge it. Some of the biggest crators for AC generally hold it as the worst or 2nd worst (along Odyssey) in the series. I tried to be as objective as possible while giving my own subjective feelings along the way. I encourage everyone to join in on the discussion.

    It has arguably the best gameplay in the series.

    The combat is imo the single best in the series. No counter insta kill boring waiting style the first games have nor the combo chain of 3 4 and rogue. It has the same idea as unity but is not so slow but fast paced and fits the setting with given weapons which are great for the setting. It's fluid flashy while also being challenging and has skill progression. It's not the greatest thing under the sun but better than any other ac combat style. The new games use a completely different style which imo defeats the ac gameplay style and have too many abilities which defeat the immersion.

    As far as skill progreesion and leveling goes it has the best pacing of all games. It properly introduces new abilities and skills necessary to pull off great assasinations.

    Though it has less tools than unity it still has the similar set while bringing it's own depth due to use of the fire places the knives feel a lot better than the throwing blade in unity imo and the pistols are the best the series has had. I find the kidnap mechanic brings extra depth to social stealth with non leathal knock outs being perfect for ghosting playstyles. I still think unity overall has better tools but syndicate is a close second.

    As far as the world design and traversal goes. I believe syndicate's definitely the best of the non rpg games if not 2nd best. Unity and Syndicate are amazing both look wise and atmosphere. Older games just look worse and feel less immersive. I personally prefer Syndicate here because victorian era london > french revolution france. This could be preferences of course but i just believe the industrial revolution setting of syndicate is arguably the best in the series. As far as the world it is by far the liveliest of the older ac games imo surpassing even origins here. Seeing people having a drunken scuffle walking into a bar and hearing songs which are topicsl to the story or the newspapers boys yelling stories of random characters you have met. In addition to the constant people walking around chatting and being all around more immersive than any other game they even realisticslly react when you join their close circles. Some mechanics here are missing sure like pickpocketing or throwing money but otherwise this is imo the best worls out of the non rpg games. And only reason i put them above is the simple size of them which does make syndicate's world far livelier. As far as traversal the parkour system is the same as in unity just more polished with some streamlimes which i find a positive enhancement. The sheer extra weight and the character deciding not to jump off of rooftops too far or back eject provides more realism. You feel like every leap or jump is possible (of course the leap of faith and the difference in gravity makes a difference but this is a staple of the series) this brings Synficate a lot more realism in parkour. The verical and horizontal traversal is great has amazing flow feeling of realism and it's simply fun. The grappling hook is a fun addition to make scaling incredibly large buildintw simpler and fun to experience. This is surely not a must and is just an addition you can easily parkour through the world without it. As well as using the zippline with early cancelation makes passing from large gaps fun and easy while still giving you the feeling of a true parkour master. The carriages are fun and handle well another addition which mskes sense to the era and mskes moving from large areas of the map easy and quick. However none of these additions while fun aren't mandatory like ships in other games. To me (and this is completely subjective) the ship movement is the least fun part of the games. And i know this is completely subjective so i'll ignore it here. I'd also put the parkour here in my personal opinion the best though if i was gonna look at it objectively it woulf surely be in the top 3 as some people prefer the complexity of ac1-revelations while other prefet the sheer flashiness of unity ( when it works)

    As far as the story i believe it suffers the most from the sheer brevity. Though the main story is longer than that of unity syndicate's characters feel like they are missing another 2 sequences to fully achieve their arcs. (The DLC definitely helps this though.) While this is true and for grabbing the sheer scope of it you need to squint and read between the lines the stlry while not deep per say it is still a fun journey of young assassins feeling the shoes and making a change in their own ways. Again it's no masterpiece, however i personally like all of the characters both main and side. They just have a sens of realism while also bringing some flashiness and gives me the feeling of following a little comedic play which i simply adore. The lighthearted nature of Jacob jux ta posed by evie's realistic view while fixing her brothers mistakes and being too focused on the relics that she almost misses the human side which both heroes have issues with. Jacob tries to fix everything for the people by taking out the bad ones while Evie does it by implementing the good ones. I believe the game's story isn't isnsanely great and could use another couple of sequences and i do believe the dlc helps it a lot. I believe ezio and bayek are the best protagonists followed by edward kenway and for me evie and jacob follow suit. What i have to say is that i feel like syndicate alongside black flag has the best and most versatile collection of side characters in the series.

    Finally i wanna hit on syndicate's biggest achievement. The sheer enjoyment of every mission (especially assassinations). It provides such variety while approaching every activity simply scout the area and have fun. Wanna simply go in guns and blazing? Sure go for it. Wanna slowly and methodically take everyone out with just the hideen blade? Sure go for it. Wanna use the insane amount of tools and great area design? Sure. Whatever you wanna do you can in an area to complete your missions. The assassination missions are undoutedly the best in the series. Giving you beautiful playgrounds with many opportunities with beautiful unique kills for each mission. No game in the series can compare when it comes to sheer style and fun these missions bring.

    The variety of side content with their own little stories is fun. Again the lore of the game requires a bit of reading and in some places doing so between the lines. But as a game it's great fun, and as an assassin's creed game it's the single most enjoyable experience i've had playing as an assassin. And sure i can talk about the amazing sountrack, great end game loot, addition content such as the dlc, sherlock mysteries, ww1 or even the companion quests. This game sacrifices on the story for some of the freest and most fun gameplay of the series. Personally it's the best but i would say it surely isn't too far off when looked at with less attachment than what i have.

    submitted by /u/VonKript
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    Altaïr’s Contributions to The Brotherhood

    Posted: 03 May 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    I've just finished playing AC1 for the first time (I've already played AC2 - Black Flag) and I was under the impression that Altaïr made significant contributions to The Brotherhood such as Assassins no longer having to cut one of their fingers off, however, in my whole play through the hidden blade is not even mentioned once, despite him using it. Also, his story stops very abruptly and I know that it continues in Revelations but wasn't there a whole story line in Revelations about someone's family being disgraced? I didn't understand it when playing Revelations and still don't know what happened after playing AC1. Please can someone fill me in?

    submitted by /u/nousallons
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    I kind of wish more of Valhalla's music would actually play in-game

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    I've been listening to the Valhalla soundtrack and on it's own it's really damn good but it just highlights how little of it you actually hear in-game. I can think of maybe 3-4 tracks that I remember hearing in the game and actually paying attention to, anything else that was there just really plays in the background and doesn't do a good job of standing out. I feel this is why the earlier games stood out more (at least to me), the music really adds a lot more emotional weight and a greater connection to the scenery than pretty graphics could ever do. I don't think Venice would have the same impact for me if not for pieces of music like "Dream of Venice" or the music you hear in Black Flag when you're just walking around the cities. I just really wish Ubisoft would incorporate the music better into their games rather than just having you walk around a huge map in silence for 95% of it.

    As a side note, I don't know how many people know of the game Summoner 2 but the music in Valhalla really reminds me of Summoner 2, I think it's mostly the instruments used but still, I find that really cool.

    submitted by /u/Briankelly130
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    Assassins creed games are so grindy.

    Posted: 03 May 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    This is my opinion but AC games feel so grindy like for example in Odyssey and origins, you levelled up too fast and had to upgrade weapons and armour each level you gained. I was playing Odyssey and was around level 40 or so, but I could hardly get any obsidian to upgrade my gear. I personally don't like the fact you have to be a certain level to go to specific places on the map.

    Does anyone else feel as is AC is more grind rather than story?

    Feel free to post your own opinion in the comments, have a great day!

    submitted by /u/AwesomeStreet_
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    AC3 how do I swing and jump (PS4)

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:24 PM PDT

    Hey guys. I'm trying to get the big tree viewpoints in the frontier. I watched a YouTube video so I know I have to swing and jump from a certain spot. But how do I get Connor to actually jump? I hold r2 and x to swing, but he just swings back and forth and won't let go. I've tried it so many times and I can't figure it out. I even tried out my other controller to see if maybe it was the controller but still no luck. 😫😫 pls halp

    Edit: I've been pushing forward on the left analog stick at various times during the swinging, still doesn't work

    submitted by /u/vitamin_di
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    Theory about the leaked Basim robes and the new Valhalla DLC, The Druid shit. Potential spoilers if I turn out to be correct.

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    Maybe Eivor will officially join the brotherhood and that is how he, in universe, acquires the robes. Or maybe he even already did, during that time jump between the end of the main story and the start of the DLC. I hope it isn't the latter, since I would like to see him becoming an assassin.

    submitted by /u/TStoynov
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    Heavy sheild enemies are nonsense

    Posted: 03 May 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    I'm currently trying to kill a Zealot, only about 10 above my power. She has a 1h sword and a big heavy sheild.

    Nonenof my attacks can break her guard. My abilities do but I only have 1 adrenaline pip. Only 1 of her 4 attacks can be parried and then maybe, maybe I get 3 hits before she parties me and counters.

    If I back off to arrow her she either blocks them all or throws a dagger which takes half my health.

    I've tried great sword, hammer and flail heavy attacks and nothing works.

    At this point I'm just slowly chipping away at her until I make a few mistakes and die. It's so fucking boring.

    Are there any decent strategies to heavy sheild enemies?

    submitted by /u/pyromanta
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    AC: Odyssey Rant - Not as fun as Origins

    Posted: 03 May 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    Obviously late to the party on playing this game. Dammit. This game is beautiful. The setting is lovely. I love playing as Alexios. But why is it so shitty? It's not half as fun to play as Origins, and I think it's because of the missions. So many of the missions are "do 10 things 'around Greece.'" I didn't travel across the Hellenistic world to a new area to explore just to go back around the world with a freaking laundry list 80 times. Also, the AI is shitty, and sometimes you complete parts of a mission, and it just doesn't register. Killed a Polemarch already, and you needed some seal on their person? Too bad, now you have to do a conquest battle to reset it. Also, fuck conquest battles. I get it, it's a war. Fine. Doesn't mean I enjoy them, and it's just another thing in a long list of things that make this game objectively worse than the previous. I still love the ship dynamic, and taking out a fort is just as fun, I reckon, but overall, it's just not as great as it could have been. It's a shame, because the setting is so brilliant. What do others think? Maybe I'm being a dick, or am missing something that makes things more fun.

    submitted by /u/DarkWingDucksGhost
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    Assassins Creed Black Flag Kenways fleet setup

    Posted: 03 May 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    So I'm currently working on my kenways fleet and I'm wondering what ships I should have and how many of each. So if anyone know the best setup I could do that'd be really helpful

    submitted by /u/Zaczz_
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    What's up with the audio quality of the recent games?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    Seriously, is this just an issue on my end? Valhalla sounds like they recorded the wonderfull and amazing music and performances, played it through the speaker of a 2007 motorola flip phone, and recorded it underwater with an ipod touch.

    submitted by /u/ILikeGuitarAmps
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    This may be closest thing to first person in Unity and Syndicate.

    Posted: 03 May 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    I discovered this by accident when sightseeing in Unity and this is mostly useful if you want to take screenshots or in general to enjoy the perspective without the playable character in the way.

    All you have to do is crouch next to a wall or a solid object which should make it so you can't see your character and that's pretty much it. Now you're view is how it would be in real life so thank you for reading this mini guide and hope it helps!

    submitted by /u/OrbusQuail
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    AC Valhalla- Is there any way to make the hair symmetrical

    Posted: 03 May 2021 04:58 AM PDT

    I know the Bald spot on the right is for the raven tattoo

    but I've got a different tattoo that doesn't have any ink on the bald spot

    So it looks really weird that there's just a bald spot on one side

    Is there a way to make both sides have the same length of hair

    That isn't a mohawk/bald

    submitted by /u/topolsek123
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    Game canon vs Novel canon

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    Which do you prefer? People keep saying that Kassandra is the canon protagonist, but that's only true outside of the games. Inside the game there is no canon protagonist so Alexios is just as valid as a protagonist as Kassandra. But because people claim Kassandra is the character you should play as, do you consider the games to be canon, or just the novels?

    Same with Valhalla. Do you consider the novels to be canon, or the game?

    And yes, there is a difference. I played as Alexios in Odyssey, if the novels are canon, this would mean that my entire play through wasn't canon, and I wasted my time playing through a story that never happened. Should that be the way to look at the games. As things that never actually happened in the universe because the novels tell the real story?

    if so, what's the point of playing a non canon game?

    submitted by /u/Unpopular_Outlook
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