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    Thursday, April 22, 2021

    Assassin's Creed He makes his own luck. Finally finished Shay for all of you :)

    Assassin's Creed He makes his own luck. Finally finished Shay for all of you :)

    He makes his own luck. Finally finished Shay for all of you :)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    Assassin's Creed anime for Netflix is ​​still underway, say from Ubisoft

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 09:04 AM PDT

    Why is Ubisoft allergic to character sequels?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 05:52 AM PDT

    Like seriously, almost every ac protagonists (at least in my opinion) deserves a sequel with Edward and Bayek being the top most wanted sequels. I would personally also like a Connor/Arno crossover sequel. An Aya sequel would also be cool. Like literally anything would be cool. The reason why Ezio became that special is because we literally saw his life from birth to death and with it we also saw all the character development he had gone through. I am also kinda tired of the characters basically being a vessel just to explore that specific time period which makes for some not really quality writing. I just wish Ubisoft would start making and the games from ac lore and story and choose a historical setting that is relevant to the ac lore not a generally relevant setting that has no connection at all to the ac universe

    submitted by /u/Excellent-Access-228
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    Here's a really interesting look at the languages used throughout Valhalla (mild spoilers included)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 10:58 PM PDT

    [Spoilers] Assassin's Creed Valhalla Wrath of the Druids trophy list up on PSN

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    AC Odyssey is surprisingly addicting only a few hours in.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    Recently I bought Origins and Odyssey on whim, they were both about $26 on sale so I decided screw it. Before playing, I was hesitant; I was always on the conservative side of the AC fanbase. "RPG elements? Barely any stealth? That's a no for me" so I went years without even giving the new games a try.

    I started Origins and was... disappointed. The unbearable audio quality, really bad textures, (I'm playing on a PS5 so PC specs are not my issue) a samey plot and a large but fairly bland open world. I always heard Origins praised as one of the better AC games in general, so I had some expectations, but I couldn't even bare going any further than level 12.

    I decided to skip Origins and go to Odyssey, I was worried. I've heard almost everyone call this the worst AC in the series, and just a bad game in general. I had almost no expectations for this game. Then I saw the first cutscene, I was enthralled... simply because spartans are badass and the combat was far more refined. I was hooked on those alone. Then the game opened up; Alexios isn't the most interesting character in the world, but I was far more invested since his lines didn't sound like they were recorded with a $5 microphone.

    The beginning island is beautiful, the side activities are already more fun, the characters are a bit more interesting. Basically everywhere Origins failed for me Odyssey hit. I also came to this game not as an AC fan wanting another Brotherhood or AC4, but just wanting a fun game to play. It was hard for me to even put down the controller to stop my first play session.

    What do you guys think of odyssey?

    submitted by /u/Keppelin
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    Which is The Best Assassin's Creed Game according to You?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    Hey. I Am currently playing Assassin's creed Black Flag and After completing 54% of it I am truly in love with this Game. I love the Way the way the Storyline is written. The Background music of Black Flag is unbeatable and I think so it is the best out of all Assassin's creed Games. The Chests, Secrets and Treasure Maps are also a interesting aspect of the game. BlackBeard's Death obviously hits the Hardest I also the love the fact how all the characters are portrayed beautifully. Talking about the Map it is the biggest out all the Other Parts but alot of it is Unexplorable which is kind of a Drawback of this game. Although Exploring Underwater Sea wreck and Capturing Naval Forts and Fighting Legendary Ships that are situated on Four Corners of the Map is Kinda of Interesting. I love the Upgrades also Plus the outfits are So amazing. Also the Assassin's and Fights are Perfect. So At last I Think so BlackFlag is a complete Package and The best Game of the Assassin's Creed Franchise

    But I want to hear Your opinions as well. Do you agree with me on this Or you have Any other opinion. So please Share your Best Game and Why you think it is better than BlackFlag.

    submitted by /u/Pandey_SKP
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    [Spoilers] Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Nothing is True

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 08:18 AM PDT

    Valhalla is a game with many themes. I want to talk a bit about how I think the game explores the concept of fate/prophecy/destiny, and why I think it comes to a conclusion that is not only unique, but is also incredibly thematically consistent with the themes of Assassin's Creed as a series.

    This post is long. The TL;DR is basically: Valhalla story good.

    Right from the start, our three main characters are introduced to be fighting against some kind of fate or prophecy that has been set for them. Eivor is told she will betray Sigurd, whom she is most loyal to. Havi has been told by the Nornir that he will die in Ragnarok at Fenrir's hand, and that all of the Aesir will perish as well. Layla was given the Staff of Hermes in AC:Odyssey, and told she is the chosen one, the Heir of Memories, but now she locks the staff in a case and uses drugs to keep Aletheia from contacting her, running away from that supposed fate.

    The first part of the Assassins' maxim is a rejection of a higher power, a rejection of the idea that our actions are predetermined, and a rejection of the idea that there is some "objective" moral standard out there against which we are all judged. So then... Valhalla was setting up from the beginning that all the main characters were trying to get away from some fate that was supposedly predetermined. What I expected the ending to be was this: Eivor finds a way to not betray Sigurd. Layla finds a way to save the world without Aletheia's help, and Havi manages to avoid his doom in Ragnarok. What actually happened at the end of the story, however, was quite different.

    At the end of the game, Eivor and Sigurd talk, and Eivor explains how she feels that even though she wanted to be supportive to him, she had effectively been undermining his authority all this time. She feels as though she has betrayed Sigurd.

    Layla fulfils her role as the Heir of Memories, according to Basim/Loki, anyway, as it is revealed the entire thing was a ruse to get the staff delivered to Basim.

    The only one who succeeds in breaking his prophecy is Havi, who, along with the other Aesir, reincarnates again long after his original death.

    So... while the ending blew my mind, I couldn't help but feel as though Valhalla had effectively just completely ignored Assassin's Creed's oldest theme. Pretty much every prophecy came true. Even Havi only escaped his by technicality. He still did technically die in Ragnarok, just as was foretold. So is that it then? Valhalla builds this idea of people fighting against fate, only to conclude that fighting fate is pointless?

    Well, after thinking about it some more, I think that Valhalla actually demonstrates the first part of the Assassin's maxim even better than I anticipated.

    When you finally piece together the mystery of who Havi is and what happened to him, you start to realise one key thing - Eivor's prophecy.... isn't real. Svala gave her this prophecy because Eivor saw a vision that was one of Havi's memories. The one where Havi, having little care for his closest friends, betrays Tyr by making him promise Fenrir that he won't be harmed, even when Havi intends to fight and restrain the wolf. Sigurd, being the reincarnation of Tyr, is naturally who Eivor sees in this vision. So then... The entire prophecy of Eivor betraying Sigurd... was never a prophecy at all. So when Eivor sits down with Sigurd and explains how she feels she had already betrayed him... she isn't saying it because the prophecy came true. She is saying it because... Well, she believes that she was not good to Sigurd. She chooses to take responsibility for her actions. In other words... There was never any predetermined path here, no higher power determining the course of events. Eivor came to her own realisation about her own behaviour. This is why the ending to that prophecy feels so anticlimactic - it was never a prophecy to begin with, just a distorted memory. As a result... The prophecy was never "true".

    As for Layla.... Her situation is actually somewhat similar, though also opposite. The entire thing that Aletheia tried to tell her in Odyssey about "restoring balance" or whatever... was all made up. Complete lies as part of the plan to manipulate Layla into taking the staff, getting obsessed with it, being influenced to kill Victoria, feeling guilty about killing Victoria, and then jumping at the chance to atone for her mistakes (a chance that is, naturally, delivered to her right on time by just the right person). So even though her role as the Heir of Memories is technically fulfilled, according to Basim, the key thing here is that... The "Heir of Memories" never meant anything at all. Layla was a tool to deliver Aletheia to Basim. No higher power here, no true "fate" here. The entire thing was made up and enacted by Loki and Aletheia, not some omniscient idea of destiny. This prophecy, then, was also never even "true".

    So then... Havi. Havi succeeds in avoiding his doom, by gaining access to the 7th solution from Juno, even after it was banned from use. What does Havi want? Havi wants to live, as do his Aesir buddies. But... They can't. The Toba Catastrophe is approaching, and all the Isu future calculation machines are saying that their species is doomed. So instead of stopping the disaster, Havi and the Aesir set themselves up to reincarnate into a human body, sometime in the future. There, hopefully, they can awaken within their human host, and find their way to the Yggdrasil device. The device will keep their body in stasis for eternity, and they can try and find a better solution, or at least live eternally in blissful simulation. Havi believes he has earned the right to eternal happiness – he says as much to Eivor in their final fight. He escaped his predicted doom with ingenuity, and now he is steps away from safety… and Eivor denies him. She realises there is no such thing as having "earned the right" to live forever – there is nobody from which you can earn such a thing. His dreams are shattered by one person acting out of her own free will. In other words, Havi's belief and his will, as one of the gods, is not divine, and is not some objective truth. It's just the belief of one man.

    So what we effectively see here is that across our three main protagonists – all of them are faced with some kind of destiny or prophecy that is told to them, or that they believe to be true. By the end of the game, it is shown that, for Eivor and for Layla, these prophecies are not even prophecies at all, the "destiny" they were told about doesn't exist – they have to find their own way. In other words, Nothing is True – these prophecies aren't real, and there was no predetermined timeline or destiny guiding them. And Havi breaks free of his prophecy, but is denied what he believes is his right as a god as the result of the actions of an otherwise normal human – the idea of "earning your way into Valhalla" as some kind of true concept is shown to be complete nonsense – Odin himself is denied entry simply because Eivor wants to leave.

    The Assassin's Creed series is about free will, and Valhalla shows this in a really unique way. It gives the main characters prophecies and says "this is their destiny!", but then where you might expect them to resolve this by having their characters find a way to break these prophecies, Valhalla instead says "No, the prophecies weren't even real from the start – everyone was acting on free will the whole time." because just as the maxim says - Nothing is True.

    submitted by /u/obeseninjao7
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    Odyssey took a huge step back in terms of animation and immersion in comparison to Origins

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    So I installed both games, and the difference is way bigger than I thought at first. Walking/running animations are so much smoother in Origins. Odyssey animation are wooden, but more precise. The camera angle in Origins is classic assassins creed, cinematic over the shoulder third person. In Odyssey It is further away, giving more overview.

    To me it seems like they tried to make Odyssey easier to play, but in the process they completely butchered any immersion.

    Do people really prefer having a wooden puppet with crisp movement over a physical entity with sluggish but smooth movement? Or do people look over these aspects appreciate other things like the god abilities and rpg elements that came with odyssey?

    To me it feels like Origins came out after Odyssey when just looking at the gameplay.

    submitted by /u/Coffeyyy96
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    Took me forever, but I finally made a tribute to the AC Games! One of the best things about AC, are the trailers. So, I hope you enjoy!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 06:45 PM PDT

    "Ezio's Family" gets all the love, but THIS will always be the "Assassin's Creed theme" to me

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    Valhalla Eivor's axe. Full size replica

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    Replaying the Ezio Collection made me realize the full extent of how downhill this franchise has gone in the past three games.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    Story wise, it's been talked about repeatedly on this sub, I won't beat a dead horse. But even in other areas. I was legitimately shocked to see that despite such old textures and graphics, movement in the franchise somehow felt much more real than in any of the last three games. Something about the animations, the facial expressions, the eyes, they all feel more real, even in AC2, than in Valhalla, the latest installment. Other than the cinematic cutscenes, which are truly Hollywood level in Valhalla, everything else seems to try and give Bethesda a run for their money in terms of most outdated gaming visuals ever. If the Ezio collection shocked me about this, I'll probably have a full mental breakdown by the time I replay Unity.

    Stealth, stealth was... always crap in this franchise, I won't sugarcoat it. But the levels felt much better designed to encourage it than how they are currently designed. No matter how barebones stealth was, in all three Ezio games I always felt like it is a legitimate and at-hand way of doing a mission, as opposed to the modern games, where the first (and by far the dominant) thought is combat first.

    Parkour... damn, I still don't understand how they messed it up so bad in Valhalla. I am not, at all, a fan of the 'puzzle' parkour, and am greatly in favor of the 'climb everywhere' approach. But how, just how, is parkour in AC2 more smooth and satisfying than in a 2020 game?!

    And the tone of the story, gods, I perhaps miss that the most. I just want to play a spy adventure/thriller game in a historical setting. Not fight in Ragnarok, not conquer England, and definitely not fight mutants in Minoan caves. It all felt so down to Earth and stuck firmly into the realism camp. I dread to think in what abominable way the Renaissance or the 15th century Constantinople would be depicted by AC today.

    submitted by /u/TheSerpentLord
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    Long, chain side quests need a return

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    Anyone else feel like they had no incentive to do the World Event Mysteries in Valhalla? Completing them felt so unrewarding because they made no change to the world, nor did it invest me in the world. Some of the quests felt like filler just to dot the map.

    I miss the longer side quests which lead us through a small series of events that explored a less significant but still relavant happening in the region. With all the history in England, it would've been cool to explore some of the lesser known folklore a bit deeper than simply killing a guard and looting a chest.

    submitted by /u/GlassLungs
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    Will there be new missions??????????????????????????????

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 12:06 AM PDT

    Will there be any new AC Valhalla missions because i bought the season pass and I'm still waiting on the new missions so anyone has an idea of when they're coming out?

    submitted by /u/Ordinary-Grass8518
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    New Book Covers Revealed For Assassin's Creed

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    Isn't this supposed to be one of the best parkour systems in the series (black flag)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 11:53 PM PDT

    I just bought the triple pack from the spring sale (black flag,unity syndicate) and I feel that black flags parkour is clunky as shit, does anyone have any tips to make it easier/less clunky

    submitted by /u/sehsoegypt
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    Ubisoft is making Assassin’s Creed children’s books now

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    Has this curious bit of dialogue ever been explained? (AC1)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 02:45 PM PDT

    Has this curious bit of dialogue ever been explained? (AC1)

    I've been transcribing Assassin's Creed 1 (long story), and I got to the second Modern Day segment, in which Lucy invites Vidic into the conference room, and you're able to overhear their conversation via the vent in Desmond's bathroom. A short way into that conversation - well, more of an argument, really - Vidic mentions a certain someone, as per the image below. I have never noticed this before, and never seen or heard it addressed anywhere. I don't even know if it's the same Layla (considering the 5-year time difference, probably not), but I just wanted to know if anyone knows whether it has been explained?


    submitted by /u/ToodlyPipster
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    What level were you when you finished Valhalla's main story?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    I just got the game and found a way to get unlimited skill points, But that would ruin the fun of the game so I was wondering how many skill points I should glit.ch, by subtracting how many you guys have from 400 because I want to just reach 400. If I glit.ch too many skill points then there will be no fun in doing activities that give you skill points. So My question to you is what level were you when you finished Valhalla's main story?

    submitted by /u/RyxnSen
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    Where do you think the new Assassins Creed game should be?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 10:02 PM PDT

    I say for the new assassins creed it should me in 1600 Japan when the shoguns were dominate. Plus ninjas that would be the ultimate game of stealth and savagery

    submitted by /u/zacdinho
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    We need a third DLC in Svealand, the Baltics, Kievan Rus and Constantinople

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    Let's be honest Norway was very lack luster, i would love to see some of Svealand(Sweden) it could be structured like Norway but on the map have Svealand to the left and sea to right. If you sail out far enough it'll load an other small map leading into the Baltics, and if you sail through some river you'll load up a new small map of the Kievan Rus where the Swedish Vikings ruled over the Slavs , and if you sail down further you enter an other larger map that is all of Constantinople and the black sea (with more Hidden Ones interaction and a potential long awaited initiation to happen there and maybe even upgrading ship mechanics to battle those greek fire ships the Byzantine Empire had at the time).

    So you would get to travel and raid different places but also have stealth and large crowds and parkour with Constantinople. Incorporating both game play styles with the DLC.

    submitted by /u/LuminousDreams
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