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    Assassin's Creed Does anyone just like all the games?

    Assassin's Creed Does anyone just like all the games?

    Does anyone just like all the games?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    Does anyone just have nothing to complain about? Especially with valhalla? All the games are tight. Good exploration, combat is hard but to crazy to start. Just overall a good game. Anyone else feel the same?

    submitted by /u/tylerjordanm
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    One of my least favorite aspects of the new game is how 'floaty' the combat is.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    This isn't a 'hurr durr assassins creed has lost its way' post. I'm not discussing the overall quality of these games, just the combat.

    The whole system was reworked for origins and there are some aspects I'm not a fan of, mainly how it doesn't feel like combat has any weight to it.

    You fight as this sort of whirling dance of death rolling all over the place, slowly chipping away at someone health. Weapons don't feel like they have any weight to them and enemies don't really feel like they are blocking if they rarely do. let me explain this. Look at AC1. You hit an enemy with your weapon and your swords clash, there is a giant clink of metal as they slam together and your enemy staggers back. It feels like I just hit them with something. In the newer games if someone blocks they just kind of stand there and take no damage. I don't feel like i just swung something heavy really hard at them.

    One thing I do quite enjoy in the new style of combat is the abilities. They are a lot of fun and make you feel really powerful. The only downside is that to compensate for the level of damage they do, enemies are made to be much tanky.

    submitted by /u/chaamp33
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    Helix credits dont carry over?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    Holy shit Ubisoft is greedy, I just got the game after finishing Origins and Odyssey only to find out my left over Helix credits dont carry over? On top of that the Helix pack gives 100 less credits, the cosmetic packs are more expensive and dont even include settlement costumization? This is already and expensive game with season pass, the least they could do is make cosmetics a MICROtransaction.

    You can however find some premium stuff ingame right? with Opals I believe? Is that doable?

    submitted by /u/IWantMoreSnow
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    Has anyone ever been free roaming AC Brotherhood and came across a random blue jester..?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:16 PM PDT

    You ever been free roaming around Rome in AC Brotherhood and gotten attacked by a random blue jester? It's happened to me twice now and I don't know what it is. The first time they were doing weird tricks under a bridge and I came across him and I walked up to him and he immediately became hostile and started attacking me. The only way I could kill him was with my gun. The second time they were by some steps right next to water. And once again attacked me. Both times he was near by a body of water. Does anyone know what this is and has it happened to you?

    submitted by /u/jameshardenchandler
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    I love all these games to death, but they're absolutely awful at showing the passage of time.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    So, I've been on a bit of a casual AC marathon for the last 7 months or so, and I've been enjoying it (almost) every step of the way. But the one thing that's bugged me is that these fantastic historical stories that span sometimes decades in each instalment - don't show it at all.

    I've just reached the third part of Legacy of the First Blade, and it's clear Alexios has come a long way to now - spoilers - be able to settle down with a family of his own. Although not for long but that's besides the point. Yet, despite it being at the very least 10 years since he left Kephallonia - he hasn't aged a day!

    And it hasn't been the only offender - Assassin's Creed 2 takes place over the course of nearly 25 years, and Ezio's only sign of aging was growing a beard after being knocked out! Granted it seemed like his age caught up with him between Brotherhood and Revelations but goddamn.

    Ironically the only one I found did aging well was the game I enjoyed the least - AC III. Connor ages up like 4 times, and so do all the Templars you meet at the beginning. It also handles the changes in its world very well, and you get a real sense of time passing. Unity's environments had the most noticeable changes, especially Versailles, but it still felt a little unbelievable due to the characters staying the same the whole way through.

    Sadly most of the time the worlds stay very static too. Again take Odyssey - the only place that changes is Kephallonia if you spare the sick family, and that just ends up being a plague infested hellhole forever. You get no sense of change or progress in the war apart from a hollow switch between Athenians and Spartans based on a repeatable world event. The same goes for most other entries - the worlds are pretty much exactly the same from start to finish.

    I don't know if anyone else feels the same, but it just bugs me that games that span decades in tumultuous periods of history make little to no effort to show change, whether in their characters or worlds.

    submitted by /u/Uncle_Sock
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    Can't believe I'm saying this but I miss the mercenary system from Odyssey!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    Don't get me wrong it was super annoying at times in Odyssey but I feel like a toned down version could have spiced things up in Valhalla. Once you've finished the main story the world feels especially boring and tame. If you had to take down some mercs it could really liven up the continued exploration.

    Story wise it could be the remaining Saxon soldiers that are calling in the mercs when they see you steal wealth or loot chests. I don't think they need to be as wacky looking as in Odyssey. I'm thinking more Zealot types. Those were honestly some of the best fights in the game.

    submitted by /u/HarryBaldman
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    Apples of eden are there still one of them around?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 08:36 PM PDT

    Quick question, I know there are 6 apples of eden to date, but how many of them are still a thing in the current day timeline? For example a lot of the apples got destroyed and others are unknown, but are there still one in power of the assasins or templars?

    submitted by /u/ZeusGC
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    I missed how old ac were more interactive

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    I miss how interactive old game were, for exemple in ac 2 you can run into an NPC and make him drop is broom and then use it as a weapon the same thing happen when one npc use a hoe. You could also remove guards weapons or push them to the ground. The world was more interactive as well like "hidding in plain sight" guards don't detect you automatically or when you wanted to sit on a bench you just sit, you didn't need to press 'e'(i play on pc) for 3 seconds. The same thing happen when you run, you could get knocked down if you run two times into npc. Other things I miss is having "a main city" it made the parkour more injoyable and less like a second option. The same thing happen with stealth, the new games just make you choose between "hack and slash" or a stealth hard as fuck. Old games you had a more equal choice you could fight or use a stealth as good as fighting. You could contact mercenary, you could contact whores and do your gameplay as you wish. I'm talking about ac but the same thing is happening to other franchise, games are just becoming less interactive

    submitted by /u/minecunha11
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    Who's Gunnar threatening all the time?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    So I picked up Valhalla a couple days ago and I'm really enjoying myself. Not particularly far in the story so maybe this is something that will come up eventually:

    One thing drives me a bit nuts though; every time I walk past Gunnars Forge I hear him grumble some weird threat to himself like "you're going to regret this"/ "you can't take me"/ "this is the last time somethingsomething" - he doesn't seem to be talking to me, in direct conversation he's a nice guy who apparently likes me. So who does he have beef with? Is his weird split personality why his girlfriend left him? I'm already looking over my shoulder for Dag, do I have to worry Gunnar is going to be the one holding me down while he stabs me?

    submitted by /u/Quantentheorie
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    I'm trying to get certain outfits in Origins but they aren't showing up

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 09:46 PM PDT

    I wanna get the metropolis marauder but it won't show up along with some other outfits, but I've bought all rare outfits that have shown up until finally rare outfits have just stopped showing up, it happened about few days ago, I don't know what to do because it just won't sell me any more rare outfits even though I haven't bought them all.

    submitted by /u/Chilldorito78
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    Assuming the RPG style is here to stay, how do you think it can incorporate more classic AC elements?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 05:04 AM PDT

    Whilst there is no confirmation that the next Assassin's Creed game will be in the vein of Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla, the success of Valhalla certainly suggests that Ubisoft will continue down a similar path. Whilst Odyssey doubled down on RPG elements, and Valhalla did indeed bring back some classic elements, it remains to be seen if Valhalla will be the exception or the rule moving forward. Either way, there is the sense that 'classic AC' (whether that means a white hood, stealth-focused gameplay, or a focus on historical conspiracy) is firmly in the rearview mirror.

    With that in mind, how would you incorporate classic AC elements into a Valhalla/Odyssey style future game of any setting? I think the answer could be in taking cues from AC3, and having a main character be a young inexperienced Assassin charged with rebuilding an order in whatever setting from scratch. That way, the emphasis can be on creating 'your own legend' in true RPG style (which has been the marketing narrative behind the past 2 games) whilst firmly grounding it in an Assassin based context - and even if the story ultimately has very little to do with the Assassins/Templar conflict, at least we will actually be playing as a proud Assassin. (Personally, that fact alone would even make me willing to accept the more fantastical elements the recent games have introduced!)

    How would you want to see future RPG style ACs incorporate classic elements?

    submitted by /u/Zerogoki92
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    Just finished Valhalla and I loved it

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:26 AM PDT

    There won't be any spoilers but this games story has been so fun and enjoyable and although many people may not agree... it has been one of my favorite story's I have played. Character development, the world, and the various things you can do just makes it much more enjoyable.

    submitted by /u/brazyjose
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    This song from Einar Selvik has been taken directly from the Havàmal, from the words of the high one.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    I was reading the translation of the Havàmal by Jackson Crawford, when I noticed that some of the lines felt pretty familiar to me. They go as quoted:

    *If you have a good friend, and really trust him, and want good to come of your friendship, you should speak your mind with him, exchange gifts, visit him often.

    If you have another friend, and you mistrust him but want to benefit from him, nonetheless you should speak to him kindly, flatter him, and repay his treachery with your own.*


    Seems familiar? That's because apparently Einar Selvik took inspiration - or directly translated - this stanza of the Havàmal to create his beautiful song Til Vinskapar, anglicised To Friendship.

    submitted by /u/TheMasterSimo
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    How to play Odyssey without getting bored?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 07:20 AM PDT

    I played Odyssey when it came out and never finished it. I just got bored of micromanaging my armor, weapons, and upgrades, running around the map, grinding side quests, attacking repetitive forts, etc.

    Is there a play style to avoid these issues? Also have they added any option to disable the level scaling? Because that shit and the damage-sponge enemies were probably the #1 reason I ditched the game.

    I really want to like this game, I do. But it just wasn't fun. I've reached a point in my life where I don't have the time or patience to dedicate weeks of my life to playing through a game, so if are any "cheats" or "life hacks" to this game that make it more fast-paced I'd love to hear them.

    submitted by /u/Quad_Hop
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    Layla and Animus are annoying and ruining the game flow

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    Wanted to hear if you have the same opinion as me on this matter:

    Whenever the story is interrupted on some shallow scene with Layla and I am going from the historical part to some modern times.. I really dislike it and see no point in it.

    The plot would have been much more simple and better if it would be just the story from the narrative of the historical protagonist.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/favsync
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    Assassin's Creed could Revolutionise the RPG genre

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    I've been thinking about this topic a lot, especially since the community has been so vocal about the shift in identity the franchise has gone through. I hear a lot of people say this is a natural evolution of what AC is, while others say AC should never have become an RPG, and it has no home in the genre. Classic AC fanboy as I am, I do think AC would benefit from being an RPG, but not in the way Ubisoft has done it.

    Consider what AC did for the action-open world genre. The way ac 1 and two revolutionize what it is to interact with the world, a truly open world. They had a third-person parkour system that still hasn't been matched. They had a good concise story and beautiful action pieces. Companies copied Ubisoft game design because Assassin's creed as a trademark, and all its iconography, is a gold mine for innovative game design.

    Now consider how Ubisoft could redefine what it is to role play in a game. All these witcher clones they've put out are a shard of the quality they could come up with, by leaning into harder than ever, the pillars of AC (Social stealth/parkour/hidden blades/grounded history/science fiction/ etc) instead of straying away from it. Imagine if in Skyrim you had dense crowds you could blend in with and use as cover while you wander through cities and reach enemies. Imagine Geralt could run up to a building and start scaling it artfully, jumping from rooftop to rooftop and staying unseen. Imagine that, instead of your traditional enormous map, designed for you to spend hours on end traveling it, there was this one, large city. This one big city that TRULY changed depending on the actions and choices you make. The landscape, the people, the atmosphere, the politics, it all changes depending on the choices you make and it actually impacts the architecture of the game, not just the color of NPC uniforms.

    I truly think AC could stop the trend of having enormous grindy maps, and could make us role play as an assassin the way no one has ever role-played as a fictional character before.

    submitted by /u/Front_Actuary_6554
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    Anybody know the OST in Valhalla when you are looking in your inventory/map?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    I love this melody but I can't quite find it on YouTube. Of course I can record it myself but I wanna see if it is already out on YouTube. Any idea?

    submitted by /u/aresthwg
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