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    Assassin's Creed I painted the Jackdaw sailing through calm waters

    Assassin's Creed I painted the Jackdaw sailing through calm waters

    I painted the Jackdaw sailing through calm waters

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    What is the deal with the seasonal content in AC valhalla? I do not have the game, I really dislike missing out on content by being locked out of timed exclusive content. Also looking for general opinions on ACV as no review vid I have seen can seem to explain what the game is like.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    I normally do not play AC games until a few years after release, mainly because I want to wait for the complete edition, fully patched all DLCs ect Also because the game is incredibly expensive on release. £100 right now for ACV ultimate edition on PSN store (I know I can get it cheaper from ubisoft store)

    Currently I am playing AC odyssey, really enjoying it but barely even scratched the surface of the game despite being 60+ hours in it. I got the ultimate edition, cheap on sale.

    Anyway so what is the gameplay loop in ACV? is it still classic AC like ACO, explore, tick off ? PoIs, enter a camp kill a certain person, do certain things ect. From the vids I have watched it looks completely different but I can't seem to grasp what the gameplay is. One reviewer mentioned that there is no quest markers, it is all dialogue based and that you get XP for doing everything even opening chests give you XP. I am confused as to what the gameplay loop is like.

    I really want to play ACV more than any AC game as it has my home town in ut, a town that has really old roman building that are still standing and should be in the game if they did actual historical research. I will probably grab it after finishing Odyssey and all it's DLC (which is a giant undertaking, the game is huge!), which leads me to my last question.

    What is the seasonal content? I know there was a yule festival at xmas and a new festival going on now. What is it? What do you get as rewards? Is it locked into timed exclusive content?

    I gather ubisoft has not mentioned whether the festivals will return either. Missing out on content really puts me in a disheartened state with games.

    submitted by /u/Durkhadurk
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    Are there any often suggested settings that you really dislike?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    For example, i see people here talking about a WWI or WWII AC game all the time and i'd honestly hate that cause i think it's too modern. This is entirely subjective so i'd like to hear your opinions

    submitted by /u/luccabd
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    What do folks here think of Origins?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    I recently downloaded Origins, and it's my very first Assassin's Creed game. As of now, I'm having a very good time with it, and I'm very much enjoying the combat so far. What do others here think?

    submitted by /u/Ev3rst0rm
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    Would you play a modern Assassin's Creed?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 06:51 PM PDT

    I'm just wondering how many people would play an Assassin's Creed that takes place 100% outside the animus and why / why not? I personally really enjoy the historic settings and to be completely honest hate any sort of outside the animus missions especially in the older games where they were more prominent. Assume there's a game that takes place just on the workings of Abstergo or any other setting you wish that would bring it to modern times.

    submitted by /u/ilikebooty345
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    If you had to rate Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla on a scale of 1-10, who would come out as the best and who would come out as the worst?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    I want to know where everyone ranks these games on their scales and why. Even if the lowest scoring one is good, why did you rank them the way you did?

    submitted by /u/MrCheesecake-
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    AC Valhalla - Jewelry Shop coming?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    Captured this on PS5 while fast traveling to Ravensthorpe. Will we be seeing jewelry coming in a future update? Perhaps even custom jewelry using runes? Link to where I uploaded on YouTube because the original file is a webm video.

    submitted by /u/barryallen2019
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    Valhalla Appreciation and my thoughts on the series.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    First off, I've been a passionate fan of the series since day 1. I played AC1 near release and played every single AC game since then. As a history buff that became bewildered by the "historical tourism" the series provides, I'm happy that the series fostered many people to love history too. Sorry for the long post by-the-by. Just wanted to express myself as a long time lurker on this sub.

    Although AC Odyssey is my favorite entry in the series (huge Classical Greek history lover and I'm a Hellenist), I wanted to show Valhalla some appreciation. Although I love Vikings, and have read several books on the subject, it wasn't my first choice for the next AC game. But they have done well to include this setting and I have enjoyed playing through the same. This was the western European medieval AC game that I wanted (although my pipe dream of being the Byzantine Empire during its fully glory still exists).

    I understand the position of many OG AC fans that absolutely love the Ezio trilogy. As a long time fan, I liked them but they honestly weren't my favorite in the series actually. Sure, the story was perhaps the best (the benefit of having a trilogy doesn't hurt either) but I liked the historical side of those games more than the gameplay.

    It did seem like, even though the new games were more better selling, they still listened to the fans of the earlier games. Fans asked for the "death scenes" for the key assassinations, so the devs brought that back. The fans asked to bring back stealth and crowd-stealth mechanics back, and they give us these features back in the towns (stealth in general is the best from the previous 3 games). The fans liked the "growing the base" feature from Black Flag, and we get the settlement feature. They are clearly listening while still keeping to the current formula (which I love). I prefer the RPG take on AC, especially if different playstyles (e.g. stealth, melee, range, etc.) are fully fleshed out. And having decisions and different endings is awesome too. Having seen one ending made me want to replay Valhalla again to see the other decision outcomes/ending. Just wish the RPG style had a stronger influence on the somewhat lackluster romance system (although they are getting better).

    Sure, there are things I don't enjoy about Valhalla. Aside from the obvious bugs (this is buggiest AC game I played (I didn't play Unity right at launch)), I didn't enjoy the parkour and I felt old-school levels of frustration with climbing. The lack of armors (and weapons to an extent) compared to previous titles was disappointing. And raiding, the quintessential activity of Vikings, felt a bit lackluster and certainly repetitive.

    But overall, I enjoyed Valhalla very much enjoy the gameplay. My first playthrough was a female Eivor shieldmaiden-like warrior with a spear, and eventually, spear and shield. My second time, a male Eivor that is pure stealth focusing on archery and a dagger (my preferred playstyle for AC:V).

    My wish for the future is to have the next time just in Rome as a one-city game (similar to earlier titles). Seeing all the ruins in England just makes me want to see Rom during its peak even more. Although for historical and religious reasons, Odyssey will be my permanent go-to game in the series and my favorite, seeing Rome during the Pax Romana in a fully fleshed out city as a truly next-gen title would be a dream too. If not Rome, then maybe India or China (please not Japan) and I want the protagonist to actually be in the Order during the game as an actual assassin (as fun as these "outside" roles are with Odyssey, Valhalla and Origins to an extent).

    I like how everyone has different titles they love more than others. For me, my favorite are Odyssey, Origins and Unity, and I have a soft spot for AC3 as well. But I wish more OG AC fans appreciate that many serious AC fans like the new games more than Ezio and Black Flag and I wish those of us that prefer the new games appreciate the many cool facets to the older games. In the end, this is just an appreciation thread to a series I love and a recent game that has its obvious flaws but I'm still enjoying playing.

    submitted by /u/Vagabond_Tea
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    Missing the wolf mount? Ac valhalla

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    Just a heads up for those who don't yet own a wolf mount. Careful what you wish for. They howl all day all night & it will ware on you in between mysteries. They are cool looking for sure but man do they cry

    submitted by /u/Hercules408
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    Why modern day character are important to the Assassins creed franchise.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:14 PM PDT

    Assassins creed is a game franchise that tells a new story with a new character every time. But a connecting factor is the modern day. However imo the Desmond saga sort of brings mystery of the story. Like the first game for example we have Desmond who is just kidnapped and is forced to go through his ancestors memory, however it brings a sort of mystery plot line which makes it interesting like why is Desmond kidnapped, what are these strange writings, what is the apple Altair has just found mean.

    We like Desmond are riddled with questions and it brings purpose to each of the ancestors. We could have a new game with no modern day plot but then it will be like why are we doing this. However the whole Layla-Desmond plot brings a purpose on each person they visit, such as how is this random person from a whole history help save the world in the future. And the characters (mostly Desmond) is affected bu this and we see their journey in which they learn each game.

    submitted by /u/IronNinjaAG
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    *SPOILERS For AC Rogue/Valhalla* Purpose of the Seismic Isu Temples

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    Towards the end of Valhalla, Layla Hassan travels to the Yggdrasil to power down the magnetic fields generated by the Isu Temples, preventing a 2nd catastrophe. As Layla descends deeper into the Yggdrasil Temple, Sean suggests that the machinery/technology of the Isu site is powered by the earths tectonic plates. Is it possible that the purpose of the Isu Seismic Temples, located in Portugal, Haiti and the arctic circle (as seen in AC Rogue) is to harness the power from earths seismic activity and transfer the energy into the Global Aurora Borealis Towers that saved the earth from the solar flare in 2012? Perhaps the Seismic Temples were directly built into the tectonic plates and disturbing the star shaped Pieces of Eden held within the sites disrupted the tectonic plates themselves, creating these massive earthquakes?

    submitted by /u/SunGodSupreme21
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    Feeling overwhelmed with Odyssey and I could use some advice.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    I'm about 12 hours in, I'm level 15 and I've done everything in Kephalonia and Megaris, and I'm almost done in Phokis. The problem is there's so much to do... There's the quests, conquest stuff, all the icons on the map, it's crazy. Should I just focus on main + side quests for now? Do the other stuff when I need xp? I want to see where the story goes and the DLC stuff looks awesome, I just don't know if I can do all of it.

    submitted by /u/joe1up
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    Valhalla once again playing my emotions

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    I've noticed this game really tugging the heartstrings, right now I'm in the east of Glowecestrescire looting a small chest by a cabin with a family outside - a man, woman and four kids just sitting around having some family time, the dad's an enemy guard though and you have the option to walk right up and stealth attack him in front of his family. It's like the creators just wanted to throw in a reminder that every guard you've killed has a family and a life of their own, oof

    submitted by /u/MysteriousCompany487
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    Question about the endgame of the Assassin's Creed franchise

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    Back in 2013, the then-creative director Ashraf Ismail said in an interview that an ending for the story of Assassin's Creed had already been planned out.

    In a conversation with Eurogamer, Assassin's Creed 4 game director Ashraf Ismail explained the franchise's bosses had a rough idea of how they wanted the series to finish.

    "We have multiple development teams, then we have the brand team that sits on top and is filled with writers and designers concerned with the series' overall arc," Ismail explained. "So there is an overall arc, and each iteration has its place inside this.

    "We have an idea of where the end is, what the end is. But of course Yves [Guillemot, Ubisoft's overall boss] announced we are a yearly title, we ship one game a year. So depending on the setting, depending on what fans want, we've given ourselves room to fit more in this arc. But there is an end."

    One advantage of having multiple games in development at the same time is different teams are now able to share notes and include hints at future series entries.

    "We're now able to seed stuff earlier and earlier in our games," Ismail continued. "So for example in [AC4] we have Edward, who was seeded in AC3. But there's a lot more stuff in our game that is hinting at other possibilities." (https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-08-05-ubisoft-talks-assassins-creed-series-ending)

    However this was back in 2013, and both the franchise and the management have gone in new directions since then. I think a lot of the plot plans got overhauled after Syndicate, especially with the modern day, and the whole arc with Juno and the Phoenix Project was wrapped up in the comics and barely referenced in the main games.

    In light of this, how much of the ideas for the original endgame do you think still stand? Do you think the Assassin's Creed franchise is still headed for a planned conclusion, even if isn't necessarily the one originally visualized? I'd love to know people's thoughts! (spoilers are fine)

    submitted by /u/halyasgirl
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    The trophy stink eye won’t work Odyssey

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:30 AM PDT

    I have tried and tried so many times to get this achievement in AC Odyssey I have killed thousands of goats and no obsidian eye, any glitches stopping me or something? Help?

    submitted by /u/Bobit28
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    (spoiler) question about eivor, sigurd, basim etc

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 05:02 PM PDT

    So, did odin, loki, tyr and all the other norse isu who were reincarnated have other reincarnation before the ones we see in game. I always just assumed they had lots of reincarnations like aita had many sages but now I'm seeing posts that are making me think otherwise. Like that the norse isu planned to all be reincarnated at the same time period. I just assumed there was a new reincarnation of them after the old one died. Otherwise why would they plan to be reincarnated apart from one another. Yes, a lot of them did get reincarnated near each other in Norway but some didn't like loki. I know he wasn't meant to be reincarnated but whoever ilhe took the place of shod have been born in Norway instead of Central Europe if that's what they were planning. Also I'm pretty sure Ive heard that there were othe r orse isu reincarnated outside of Norway. I don't know and maybe there is a Canon answer but I think there were multiple reincarnations of the norse isu.

    submitted by /u/djmck86
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    [SPOILER] Want to know the modern day story

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:52 PM PDT

    I personally think that Assassin's creed modern day story is messed up. I liked the modern day story from AC1-3. But after that I started to lose interest because I was unable to understand what is happening. And I personally think that the modern day story is pretty complicated (at least for me). So, is anyone there who can sum up the modern day story after AC 3?

    submitted by /u/EzioTheHunter
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    How can Assassins see through the eyes of a Eagle/bird?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:53 PM PDT

    Alright this has been nagging at me. So I have looked all through google and cannot find a reason for how humans and Eagles can have this special connection with each other. Other than it's due to the humans ability of having the 6th sense. I get that every human have Isu DNA. With some having more than others which allows them to use some part of the 6th sense that the Isu say is Knowledge. But here's the thing how can they link with the animal. I mean did Eagles and other animals that exist now coincide with the Isu species and so the Isu had some sort of ability to activate a weird link of genetics since they came from the same planet. Or is it that they experimented with their genes to create the link. I just don't understand how the 6th sense allows us to connect with another living things mind without there being some part of DNA that is the same as all living things on earth. Ether theories or actual answer please would be appreciated to figure out this because who knows figure if this out might unlock more peices of this weird hybreed of living things in the world of Assassin's Creed.

    submitted by /u/HolyOdan
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    Why does Valhalla have two different fire effects that are extremely different in quality?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    Like there's the fire effect from Origins which is animated at 60 fps and looks pretty damn good, but then there's also the sprite version of fire introduced in this game that burns at really low fps and looks dog shit. Why couldn't we just have the good fire effect without the ugly version of it? Like if you look at pyres, you can see the good version at the base and inside the pyre, and the top of it as the shitty version added on to it. When you or alive enemies catch on fire, it's the ugly version, but when they die and places start catching fire naturally like in origins, the good looking fire effect takes over. Why is this a thing?

    submitted by /u/Helios_Ra_Phoebus
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    Special Kinsman Attack Animation?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:40 PM PDT

    Very light spoilers for an enemy type...

    I remember seeing a fairly unique animation of kinsman enemies, one with a sword and shield, the other with a spear, doing an attack where the spear user is launched in the air by the shield user. I can't seem to find any other video about it, but it was sick.

    Looking at promo trailers and reviews, a lot of the combat focus is on the skill's animations for Eivor. In this overview trailer (at 2:09 if the timestamp doesn't work), it says that some enemies work together; using the skirmishers' stab as an example. Also the in game codex on the kinsman says that they're coordinated. I found them in a Hamtunscire fort, I believe.

    Are there any examples or footage of this particular attack, or others?

    submitted by /u/ArmandeChristophe
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    The Úlfhédnar - Wolf Warriors

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    I rewatched a video by Lexars Games on YT where he reveals 3 new ship cosmetics. The most interesting one (I.M.O) is the Wolf set. Now reading through some of the comments someone states that the Gear set that comes with the ship will be a re-skin of the Berserker armour. The interesting fact is that the Úlfhédnar are essentially Wolf Berserkers that stood beside Harald Fairhair and Odin's special warriors. So essentially we could be looking at a re-skin of the Berserker armour but maybe with a Wolf head set instead of a bear.

    submitted by /u/Nemesis-Rex
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