• Breaking News

    Thursday, March 25, 2021

    Assassin's Creed 110 percent confirmed by ubisoft in an interview with jorraptor that one handed swords will be coming to the game!!

    Assassin's Creed 110 percent confirmed by ubisoft in an interview with jorraptor that one handed swords will be coming to the game!!

    110 percent confirmed by ubisoft in an interview with jorraptor that one handed swords will be coming to the game!!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    Our statement about the ongoing subreddit protest

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. The mod team of r/assassinscreed wants to say that we are aware of the current events surrounding many subreddits locking down, and want to express support of their choice to do so. With that said, we feel an obligation to remain open for our community, allowing discussions and newcomers as the DLC launches, updates drop, and rumors fly. We will not be allowing any conversation about the events, as they are not directly related to Assassin's Creed. If you want more information on these events, or would like to express your thoughts and opinions, we encourage you to follow this link which explains everything and has a link to a list of subreddits that locked down. Thank you for understanding.

    submitted by /u/nstav13
    [link] [comments]

    You know Ubi finally adding one handed swords made me come to the realization that there were no shields in a Spartan game

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Like this is honestly insane to me, how was no one talking about this? Like if you're gonna move away from assassins and more towards the warriors of those times you can at least give us their weapons! Like come on no one handed swords in a Viking game and no shields in a spartan game? Come on Ubi step it up!

    submitted by /u/wild-shamen
    [link] [comments]

    [Spoilers] Leaked potential achievement/trophy list for future DLCs (2 new weapon types + Basim outfit) | posted by @xj0nathan on twitter

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    Altair outfit made me play this again

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 12:01 AM PDT

    Jomsviking names aren’t as “random” as we think

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    I brought this up before when the game released, but with the addition of River Raids, a lot more work's been done so this is a new certainty! Having learned my lessons on the Brotherhood and Revelations recruit name round-ups a while back, I'm learning our Jomsvikings are no different: They claim to be randomly generated, but there's only so many names they have to choose from, and in compiling 275 names myself (200 as they came, then 75 only if they had something new), I'm already seeing many repeating First Names and Surnames that are being picked from!

    Below are the unique names I've written down so far, broken down by First Names and Surnames, then the actual list of 275 "random" generations I've come across at the bottom (sorry for the long scroll...)

    With 168 first names and 153 surnames, my thinking is maybe there's 200/200, and it's just getting crazy unlikely that I'll see a new one now?

    If we can drain the rest of the pool from my humble cell/this community (PC players willing to check the game files, I'd be much obliged!), I'll gladly update my "Jomsviking Name Generator" table with all options available! Check my post history if interested in that.

    Care to share yours with the class? Double-check your jomsviking(s) against my list, and if you have a piece I don't, I wanna know!

    • Your Friendly Neighborhood Mentor

    Unique First Names

    • Abjorn
    • Adisa
    • Asta
    • Alfrun
    • Alfvaldr
    • Alvor
    • Asmundr
    • Audgeirr
    • Audr
    • Auga
    • Begga
    • Beni
    • Birna
    • Bjarki
    • Bjorn
    • Botheidr
    • Bramr
    • Brigida
    • Brusi
    • Dageidr
    • Dalkr
    • Dis
    • Djurgeirr
    • Domhildr
    • Drafli
    • Drengi
    • Drifa
    • Dufan
    • Dyrhildr
    • Edny
    • Eilif
    • Eirny
    • Erlingr
    • Evangr
    • Eyja
    • Eykr
    • Eylaug
    • Eyleifr
    • Eyniutr
    • Eyvindr
    • Fastve
    • Fjotra
    • Folkbjorn
    • Folkmarr
    • Freydis
    • Freylaug
    • Fridaelfr
    • Frokn
    • Fundinn
    • Fyl
    • Geirlod
    • Gialli
    • Gjalfver
    • Gloggr
    • Gnupa
    • Gudvor
    • Gunnfardr
    • Halldis
    • Hallvor
    • Halma
    • Haurr
    • Herburt
    • Herdis
    • Herfidr
    • Herleif
    • Holmvidr
    • Hundigeirr
    • Igulbjorn
    • Igulfastr
    • Igull
    • Ingi
    • Ingilborg
    • Ingioy
    • Ingridr
    • Ingunn
    • Isolfr
    • Jarpr
    • Jodurr
    • Jofridr
    • Johanna
    • Jolinn
    • Jon
    • Jor
    • Jora
    • Joreidr
    • Juti
    • Kalfr
    • Kata
    • Ketiley
    • Klintr
    • Knottr
    • Kogir
    • Kolbrun
    • Kolfinna
    • Krinan
    • Lafsi
    • Leifr
    • Leikr
    • Liknve
    • Lina
    • Ljot
    • Lodinn
    • Lofrikr
    • Luta
    • Maer
    • Mani
    • Marina
    • Moda
    • Moeidr
    • Mogr
    • Mundi
    • Myrkjartan
    • Naddoddr
    • Naennir
    • Nefi
    • Nereidr
    • Ofridr
    • Olafr
    • Olaug
    • Oleif
    • Olrun
    • Oneisi
    • Ormulfr
    • Osk
    • Ossurr
    • Osvaldr
    • Radhildr
    • Ragi
    • Rannver
    • Reginleif
    • Rikulata
    • Rodmundr
    • Rongudr
    • Rydingr
    • Sasgerdr
    • Siggi
    • Skirlaug
    • Skjoldr
    • Solva
    • Steinolfr
    • Stynfridr
    • Svafa
    • Sveinaldr
    • Tafaeistr
    • Tassi
    • Tidfridr
    • Tolir
    • Tonna
    • Tora
    • Torfi
    • Tveggi
    • Uffi
    • Uggr
    • Uhtred
    • Ulfhildr
    • Ulfrun
    • Una
    • Vagn
    • Varfeitr
    • Vealfr
    • Vedraldi
    • Verun
    • Vigr
    • Vilgerdr
    • Vreidr
    • Yri
    • Yrr
    • Yrsa

    Unique Surnames

    • Ant-Legged
    • Battle Master
    • Bear-Heart
    • Beast-Killer
    • Berry-Eater
    • Black Armor
    • Black Swan
    • Blood-Axe
    • Bloodbath
    • Blood-Breath
    • Blood-Eagle
    • Blood-Eye
    • Bone-Cracker
    • Bone-Hammer
    • Brain Crusher
    • Broken-Finger
    • Carved Fangs
    • Cloud-Gazer
    • Crow-Eyed
    • Dragon-Hunter
    • Dream-Wisher
    • Fair-Hair
    • Fanatic
    • Fire-Caller
    • Forest-Walker
    • Freyja-Touched
    • Frozen-Hand
    • Fuzzy-Hair
    • Ghost-Face
    • Glint-Eye
    • Gloom-Faced
    • Goat-Hoofed
    • Gold-Tooth
    • Greed-Heart
    • Hairy-Armed
    • Hawk-Winged
    • Honey-Hunter
    • Hugr-Fire
    • Ice-Blood
    • Iron-Shield
    • Jotnar's Bane
    • Leather-Neck
    • Long-Nose
    • Lucky-One
    • Mead Breath
    • Mead-Lover
    • Milk-Drinker
    • Mushroom-Eater
    • Never-Dead
    • Odin-Sighted
    • of the Many-Minds
    • of the Sharp Eye
    • of the Tide-Waters
    • of the Windy Sea
    • Oyster-Breaker
    • Painted-Face
    • Rabbit-Speed
    • Rotten-Fruit
    • Saxon-Slayer
    • Shadow-Walker
    • Sharp-Blade
    • Silent-Pain
    • Silver-Skull
    • Skull-Sniffer
    • Sleep-Soul
    • Sneak-Thief
    • Sneaky-Seax
    • Sour-Face
    • Stone-Foot
    • Stout-Legs
    • Sunken-Face
    • Swamp-Breath
    • Swan-Leg
    • the Ball-Breaker
    • the Baneful
    • the Battle Master
    • the Berserker
    • the Bewildered
    • the Bold
    • the Boneless
    • the Brave
    • the Butcher
    • the Calm
    • the Churlish
    • the Cold-Handed
    • the Cruel
    • the Deep-Minded
    • the Destroyer
    • the Dim
    • the Dreamer
    • the Drunkard
    • the Dullard
    • the Ergi-Impaler
    • the Faithful
    • the Farmer
    • the Fearless
    • the Fierce
    • the Fish
    • the Forester
    • the Frigid
    • the Gambler
    • the Great
    • the Green-Faced
    • the Guardian
    • the Gutless
    • the Guzzler
    • the Heartless
    • the Helmet Smasher
    • the Hopeful
    • the Hurried
    • the Invader
    • the Just
    • the Lawgiver
    • the Lazy
    • the Lord Slayer
    • the Loud
    • the Mad
    • the Musician
    • the Nervous
    • the Overcomer
    • the Rabid Juggler
    • the Ravenous
    • the Reckless
    • the Red
    • the Ribs Smasher
    • the Romantic
    • the Rusty Sword
    • the Selfish
    • the Sickly
    • the Simple-Minded
    • the Skald
    • the Spear-Piercer
    • the Squint-Eyed
    • the Stink-Armed
    • the Strong Fist
    • the Swamp-Walker
    • the Swimmer
    • the Toothless
    • the Tyrant
    • the Undying
    • the Unforgiving
    • the Vain
    • the Victorious
    • the Vigilant
    • the Viper
    • the Wayfarer
    • the Whisper-Wind
    • the White
    • the Wise
    • Thin-Hair
    • Thor-Hammer
    • Wisdom-Slope
    • Wolf-Fanged

    275 "Random" Jomsviking Names

    • Abjorn Leather-Neck
    • Abjorn the Ribs Smasher
    • Adisa the Destroyer
    • Aetna the Just
    • Alfrun the Helmet Smasher
    • Alfvaldr the Skald
    • Alvor Blood-Breath
    • Alvor Silver-Skull
    • Alvor the Dreamer
    • Asmundr Ghost-Face
    • Asmundr the Toothless
    • Audgeirr Mead-Lover
    • Audgeirr Sunken-Face
    • Audgeirr Thor-Hammer
    • Audr Sunken-Face
    • Auga Stone-Foot
    • Begga the Bewildered
    • Beni Rotten-Fruit
    • Beni Skull-Sniffer
    • Beni the Rusty Sword
    • Beni the Vain
    • Birna Fanatic
    • Bjarki Crow-Eyed
    • Bjorn Lucky-One
    • Bjorn Sneaky-Seax
    • Botheidr Berry-Eater
    • Botheidr Blood-Eagle
    • Bramr Glint-Eye
    • Brigida of the Many-Minds
    • Brusi the Butcher
    • Dageidr Rabbit-Speed
    • Dageidr Stone-Foot
    • Dalkr Glint-Eye
    • Dis the Churlish
    • Dis the Ravenous
    • Djurgeirr the Lord Slayer (u/King_Carlos_V)
    • Djurgeirr the Victorious
    • Domhildr Carved Fangs
    • Drafli Bloodbath
    • Drafli the Lazy
    • Drafli the Tyrant
    • Drengi Oyster-Breaker
    • Drifa Dream-Wisher
    • Drifa Iron-Shield
    • Drifa the Cold-Handed
    • Dufan Beast-Killer
    • Dyrhildr the Bold
    • Edny Goat-Hoofed
    • Eilif the Cold-Handed
    • Eilif the Faithful
    • Eirny Ice-Blood
    • Eirny Lucky-One
    • Eirny the Fearless
    • Eirny the Great
    • Erlingr the Ergi-Impaler
    • Evangr the Churlish
    • Eyja Painted-Face
    • Eyja the Fierce
    • Eykr the Fearless
    • Eylaug the Loud
    • Eyleifr the Fierce
    • Eyleifr the Swimmer
    • Eyniutr Battle Master
    • Eyniutr the Calm
    • Eyniutr the Red
    • Eyvindr Brain Crusher
    • Fastve Freyja-Touched
    • Fjotra the Simple-Minded
    • Folkbjorn Blood-Axe
    • Folkbjorn Hairy-Armed
    • Folkbjorn the Undying
    • Folkmarr Dragon-Hunter
    • Folkmarr Fire-Caller
    • Folkmarr the Dullard
    • Freydis Beast-Killer
    • Freydis Bloodbath
    • Freydis Bone-Hammer
    • Freydis the Brave
    • Freydis the Drunkard
    • Freylaug the Dullard
    • Fridaelfr the Berserker
    • Frokn of the Sharp Eye
    • Fundinn the Vain
    • Fyl Crow-Eyed
    • Geirlod Ant-Legged
    • Geirlod Saxon-Slayer
    • Geirlod the Berserker
    • Geirlod the Lazy
    • Gialli the Toothless
    • Gjalfver the Selfish
    • Gloggr Black Swan
    • Gloggr the Bewildered
    • Gnupa of the Sharp Eye
    • Gudvor the Butcher
    • Gudvor the Guzzler
    • Gunnfardr Milk-Drinker
    • Gunnfardr the Spear-Piercer
    • Gunnfardr Wolf-Fanged
    • Halldis Iron-Shield
    • Halldis the Invader
    • Hallvor the Romantic
    • Halma the Skald
    • Haurr the Skald
    • Herburt the Forester
    • Herburt the Green-Faced
    • Herdis Ice-Blood
    • Herfidr Fair-Hair
    • Herfidr Sunken-Face
    • Herleif the Stink-Armed
    • Herleif the Viper
    • Holmvidr Bone-Cracker
    • Hundigeirr the Nervous
    • Igulbjorn the Calm
    • Igulbjorn the Rusty Sword
    • Igulfastr Sharp-Blade
    • Igull Stout-Legs
    • Igull the Calm
    • Ingi the Viper
    • Ingilborg Gold-Tooth
    • Ingioy Ice-Blood
    • Ingridr Rotten-Fruit
    • Ingunn the Rabid Juggler
    • Isolfr Fuzzy-Hair
    • Isolfr the Squint-Eyed
    • Jarpr Berry-Eater
    • Jodurr the Whisper-Wind
    • Jofridr Bear-Heart
    • Jofridr the Calm
    • Johanna Wisdom-Slope
    • Jolinn Broken-Finger
    • Jolinn the Skald
    • Jon Carved Fangs
    • Jon of the Tide-Waters
    • Jon the Heartless
    • Jor of the Windy Sea
    • Jor Swan-Leg
    • Jora the Reckless
    • Jora the Selfish
    • Joreidr the Berserker
    • Juti the Ribs Smasher
    • Kalfr the Viper
    • Kata the Deep-Minded
    • Ketiley Hawk-Winged
    • Ketiley Iron-Shield
    • Ketiley the Strong Fist
    • Klintr Wisdom-Slope
    • Knottr the Berserker
    • Kogir Blood-Eye
    • Kolbrun the Churlish
    • Kolbrun the Guardian
    • Kolbrun the Ravenous
    • Kolfinna Blood-Eye
    • Kolfinna Mushroom-Eater
    • Kolfinna the Musician
    • Krinan the Spear-Piercer
    • Lafsi Blood-Breath
    • Lafsi the Dim
    • Lafsi the Hopeful
    • Leifr Thin-Hair
    • Leikr Jotnar's Bane
    • Leikr the Sickly
    • Liknve the Helmet Smasher
    • Lina the Musician
    • Ljot Sour-Face
    • Ljot the Swimmer
    • Lodinn the Destroyer
    • Lofrikr Shadow-Walker
    • Luta Bloodbath
    • Luta the Farmer
    • Maer Odin-Sighted
    • Maer Painted-Face
    • Mani Blood-Breath
    • Mani Bone-Hammer
    • Mani the Undying
    • Marina the Invader
    • Moda the Bold
    • Moda the Boneless
    • Moda the Lawgiver
    • Moda the Mad
    • Moeidr Gloom-Faced
    • Moeidr Sleep-Soul
    • Mogr the Overcomer
    • Mundi Milk-Drinker
    • Myrkjartan Bear-Heart
    • Myrkjartan the Fierce
    • Myrkjartan the Skald
    • Naddoddr the Unforgiving
    • Naddoddr the Vigilant
    • Naennir Sharp-Blade
    • Naennir Sneak-Thief
    • Naennir the Invader
    • Naennir the Lone Warrior
    • Nefi Sour-Face
    • Nereidr the Baneful
    • Nereidr the Selfish
    • Ofridr Stout-Legs
    • Ofridr the Wise
    • Olafr the Ergi-Impaler
    • Olaug Never-Dead
    • Olaug the Hurried
    • Oleif Blood-Eye
    • Olrun Silent-Pain
    • Olrun the Ball-Breaker
    • Oneisi the Brave
    • Oneisi the Wayfarer
    • Ormulfr the Faithful
    • Osk the Romantic
    • Ossurr Long-Nose
    • Osvaldr Frozen-Hand
    • Osvaldr the Foul
    • Osvaldr the Squint-Eyed
    • Radhildr the Hurried
    • Radhildr Shadow-Walker
    • Ragi Oyster-Breaker
    • Rannver of the Sharp Eye
    • Reginleif the Wise
    • Rikulata Fire-Caller
    • Rikulata Jotnar's Bane
    • Rodmundr Berry-Eater
    • Rongudr Forest-Walker
    • Rongudr Goat-Hoofed
    • Rongudr Greed-Heart
    • Rongudr Mead Breath
    • Rongudr of the Sharp Eye
    • Rongudr the Swamp-Walker
    • Rydingr Freyja-Touched
    • Sasgerdr Honey-Hunter
    • Siggi Black Armor
    • Skirlaug the Ergi-Impaler
    • Skirlaug the Rabid Juggler
    • Skirlaug the Undying
    • Skjoldr the Deep-Minded
    • Solva Jotnar's Bane
    • Solva the Hopeful
    • Steinolfr Ant-Legged
    • Stynfridr the Deep-Minded
    • Svafa the Cruel
    • Sveinaldr the Dim
    • Tafaeistr the Vain
    • Tassi Rotten-Fruit
    • Tidfridr Bear-Heart
    • Tidfridr the Calm
    • Tidfridr the Deep-Minded
    • Tolir Glint-Eye
    • Tonna the Frigid
    • Tonna the Undying
    • Tora the Battle Master
    • Tora the Loud
    • Tora the Victorious
    • Torfi the Fearless
    • Tveggi Bone-Cracker
    • Uffi Brain Crusher
    • Uggr the Gutless
    • Uhtred the Fish
    • Ulfhildr of the Windy Sea
    • Ulfhildr Swamp-Breath
    • Ulfrun Hugr-Fire
    • Una Swamp-Breath
    • Vagn Rotten-Fruit
    • Vagn the Faithful
    • Varfeitr the Hopeful (u/IMHOZen1)
    • Vealfr the Gambler
    • Vealfr the Lord Slayer
    • Vealfr the White
    • Vedraldi Blood-Breath
    • Vedraldi Cloud-Gazer
    • Vedraldi Fanatic
    • Verun Bloodbath
    • Verun the Bold
    • Vigr Battle Master
    • Vigr Black Armor
    • Vilgerdr Sour-Face
    • Vreidr Brain Crusher
    • Vreidr Sharp-Blade
    • Yri the White
    • Yrr the Simple-Minded
    • Yrsa Sour-Face

    Please add yours in the comments, as many as you're willing to list, and please make sure all spellings are correct!

    submitted by /u/IMHOZen1
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    Does ac syndicate have the same notoriety system as ac iii?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 11:59 PM PDT

    hey so i'm thinking of buying ac syndicate just because it's on sale, and i was wondering since i'm bored out of my mind (i literally just bought gta 4 just for fun and idk why, killing people and getting the wanted level is the one), is there any chance that ac syndicate have the same notoriety system as ac iii? as in policemen (or guards) keep coming if you fight them

    submitted by /u/doodftw
    [link] [comments]

    Whats your ideal AC game?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    Have any of you guys thought about your dream AC game. If so tell me about it. how would you want the gameplay to feel like? Would you take it towards a more realistic feel? or would you keep that rpg feel of valhalla, oddesy, and orgins? Where would you like your ideal setting be? you can go as in-depth as you want I'd love to read all about it.

    submitted by /u/NIGGIE_WIT_DA_BLICKY
    [link] [comments]

    Idea for a game/games in Old America

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    You would start out in Polynesia/Micronesia as an assassin in the 15th century, potentially from Indonesia/South-East Asia and would travel, island hopping from place to place spreading the assassin's creed, as leader of a group of assassin's. You could go to places like Fiji, where you have to contend with cannibals, Hawaii, full of volcanoes and beaches and the many island atolls and coral reefs of the Pacific . You would then end up in Peru, during the reign of the Incan empire, further spreading the creed and establishing new bases, becoming a master assassin. You would work with Incan nobles in the cloud forests of Machu Picchu, assassinate targets in the capital of Cusco, deal with Amazonian tribes in villages in the trees, and Navigate the harsh, dry Andes. You decide to head north after hearing rumours of Europeans in the Caribbean, sailing to modern day Mexico at the time of the Mayans and Aztecs, with cities such as the 3 that composed the Aztec Empire. Just as soon as you arrive, The Spanish first set foot in North Mexico. Wanting to see no bloodshed, you send word to the Spanish to call back their troops, but to no avail. The Spanish invade in full force, dividing nations by using revolution from the inside, with help from the templars. You assassinate Spanish templars - Conquistadors such as Herman Cortes, as well as power-hungry natives. Perhaps you end up cooperating with Spanish leaders, after realising their massive military advantage, in order to drive out the templars. Maybe you could have a family in now Spanish Mexico.

    In terms of Gameplay, the parkour would be a mix of Ezio trilogy and unity, where you have the ability to cancel out of climbs to jump to the side like Ezio, but also have the finesse of unity, with high profile and low profile, rewarding smart and talented players to find places to climb down off of buildings quickly. There could be some tree parkour like in AC3, potentially for very large trees in the rainforest as viewpoints perhaps? In terms of rainforest I like the approach AC4 took where it was very dense and there were pathways form each area to the other, however the rainforest itself was not traversable. For combat you would have low health and high damage, and would be able to perform multiple counter kills like brotherhood, based on precise timing. Weapons would be accessed through a weapon wheel, similarly to AC3. Dodging would cost stamina which would be self-refilling. Health would be semi regenerating, with three sections, and would be fully refilled by eating rations obtained through AC3 style hunting with traps, but also with bows. Pelts, which could be used to make special clothing with different perks like faster climbing or stronger defence and perhaps with drawbacks like weight which would decrease running speed, could also be crafted, like in AC4. You would perform finishers on some enemies, but they would not be as long and tedious as Valhalla, and could do moves like the body shield in AC3 and AC4. It would not be hitbox based. Additionally, like Valhalla there would be lots of different enemy types. There would be no levelling system and proper side quests would make a return, with actually good animations. No dialogue options or gender choice either. Hidden blade would be a one hit kill on normal enemy types but on bosses the same time mini-game for assassinating would play. There could be old Olmec tombs in Mexico, along the style of revelations. Gear would be changed and upgraded as you progress through the story, like in the original games, as well as found throughout the world by exploring and completing side quests. You would receive muskets later in the game. After a certain point In the story you could get the ability to call in assassin's during missions, like Brotherhood, and this ability would be on a timer. Assassination missions would be black box style like syndicate.

    As for modern day, potentially there could be none as Ubisoft seems to have lost the plot a bit on that front, however I'm sure a piece of Eden/ISU device thing could work. This idea could be split into 3 games but I think it would work better as just one.

    What are your thoughts? I know it's a bit bare-bones but I'd love to hear what you think about this idea.

    submitted by /u/TheonlyPatrick
    [link] [comments]

    Haytham Ending (AC3 Spoiler)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    So despite Haytham being a bad guy and all, I respect his ending with Connor. The line where he said "Do not expect to me caress your cheek and tell you I was wrong." He died expressing his devotion to his cause and though we may not agree with it, he truly was devoted to it all the to the end. That is something I believe deserves respect, as the Assassins' we play as have the same devotion to their own cause.

    Anyone else like this line?

    submitted by /u/HypatiosApeiros
    [link] [comments]

    I've never played an AC game before, can I start with Valhalla?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    Just a quick question I'm sure you all can answer! I've been trying for a series x for months now and finally have one arriving tomorrow. It's in a bundle with AC Valhalla (and hitman 3 I believe, more excited for ACV though)

    Will I be able to jump right in to ACV and understand what's going on for the most part? If I need to get caught up on some story I'm fine watching a video or something. Thanks for letting me know!

    submitted by /u/SmegmaSmeller
    [link] [comments]

    What would your ideal end to the series be?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 05:56 PM PDT

    Let's face it. At some point in time Ubisoft is just going to run out of settings or ideas to keep the game fresh. There's going to be a final game someday. So what I wanted to know is how do you want this story to end? What happens in the modern day between the Assassins and Templars? What areas get explored? Is it bleak or happily ever after?

    submitted by /u/Spartanwildcats2018
    [link] [comments]

    What major differences am I in for??

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    So I just finished a 130hr play-through of Valhalla and 140hr play-through of Odyssey (with all the DLC), and I'm now just installing Origins. In your opinion, what major differences/surprises am I in for in playing Origins??

    For reference, I liked the stories of both Valhalla and Odyssey (Odyssey moreso), liked the gear/armor system in Valhalla better, HATED the bounty system in Odyssey, liked the combat in Odyssey better (and having no fall damage!), hated the damn barred doors in Valhalla, and found both to be completely addictive.

    Any thoughts?

    (For further reference, i'm a pretty "serious-casual" fan of the franchise. Besides Valhalla and Odyssey, I played and loved Black Flag, Rogue, and ACIII, and played part of Syndicate, but stopped because it got boring after a while.)

    submitted by /u/mattdvs1979
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    Free copy of Assassin's Creed: Origins

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    Already own AC Origins but accidentally bought it anyway, so I now have an extra key of Origins Standard Edition on UPlay. First person to DM me get its. One man's mistake is another's bounty.

    EDIT - code taken. Congrats and enjoy!

    submitted by /u/traslin
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    Thor’s armor worthless as armor?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    Pretty underwhelmed for an end game item set. Has anyone actually upgraded to Mythical to use regularly? Even paired with the hammer it's squishy and doesn't proc enough to do squat.

    What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/GiltCityUSA
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    What if subject 16 never died?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    I was wondering what would have happened if 16 never died cause then desmond had a different story line. But what are your thoughts and ideas on the universe in where 16 never died?

    submitted by /u/JackVerse8
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    Does the story make no sense?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    So, I've beaten the first, second, and fourth game in the series, and I just picked up syndicate which means I skipped unity too. I reasonably thought that my skipping of games was the reason I had no clue what the heck was going on; however, I actually read a summary of the entire plot up until syndicate, and I still can't make sense of it. Now, I'm an English lit student, so reading convoluted, crazy, and sometimes boring literature is my thing, but, everytime I read this summary, it's like I'm reading nonsense haha. Is there anybody here who can explain to me what the story is about (more than just assassin's vs templars), or do most people who play also have no clue what is happening?

    submitted by /u/Harnne
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    Watch Dogs Legion will have a crossover event with Assassin's Creed Valhalla

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    Which skill gets Synin to auto loot range kills?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:56 PM PDT

    I've seen people's streams and when they kill something with an arrow Synin fly's down and auto loots the corpse. I can't for the life of me find this skill on the tree. Someone please point me in the right direction. Tyvm.

    submitted by /u/spudral
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    AC4 Black Flag or AC Unity

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 12:35 AM PDT

    Hi, im still new to the Assassins Creed franchise. The only game I have ever play is Odyssey. I decided to buy another game since its on sale on my PS4. Should I take the AC4 Black Flag or AC Unity. I am fan of all the game but those two game are only my choices and I need to choose one

    submitted by /u/noidhuman
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    Sure would be nice to know if you try to do the marriage quest forge and fire your stuck there..

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:55 PM PDT

    Title... wtf. It shuts the whole village down and can't seem to get out of it. Still have quests and shit I want to do nobody is at their shops...

    submitted by /u/kaijuking87
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    Trying to Push Through Odyssey

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 09:38 PM PDT

    Hey guys!

    So I'm extremely new to the AC series. My first game was Valhalla, which has easily become one of my favorite games of all time... It was the first game in years that basically got me back into rpgs, my favorite genre. So, on my boyfriend's recommendation, I'm trying Odyssey (his favorite).

    I'm struggling. I find combat to be too easy (I rarely fear for my life), the quests are incredibly repetitive, clearing the maps feels grindy, engraving gear feels useless when trying to upgrade a set you like and almost never having enough resources (unless you grind). And BOY do I hate water combat and often just find myself wanting a break from fighting and just doing something softer (like many of the mysteries in Valhalla).

    I am really enjoying the characters and the main story line and I really want to finish it. But the side quests are killing me. Perhaps I'm not approaching this the right way or maybe this isn't the one for me, but does anyone have any tips that made the game more enjoyable for them and feel less repetitive while still leveling up?


    submitted by /u/drekiaa
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    Just finished Rouge glad i only paid a pound for it

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:56 PM PDT

    I really didn't like it... like someone said it should have been about Haytham Kenway, it would have made it 100 times more interesting to me seeing him grow and how he brought into the templar world. Like Shay was okay but I was bored, after playing two games about the Kenway's I would have loved to have finished it out but no it was just kinda a boring story overall, as well i'm just excited to get away from America for a while as well as from sailing, how did the mange to make it seem so meh in rouge when it felt so fun in Black Flag?

    submitted by /u/corblimey-
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    What AC setting you would like the most?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:53 AM PDT

    Ancient China Medieval China

    Ancient Japan Medieval Japan

    Ancient Georgia (A plot with Princess Tamar)


    Sequel of Egypt and Geek (Origins alike)

    Inca\Aztec empire

    If possible rate it from least to most.


    submitted by /u/channelblackring
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