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    Sunday, March 28, 2021

    Assassin's Creed An homage to Darby McDevitt. Thanks for the ride.

    Assassin's Creed An homage to Darby McDevitt. Thanks for the ride.

    An homage to Darby McDevitt. Thanks for the ride.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:33 PM PDT

    It really is a shame they didn’t include more little towns from East Anglia in Valhalla. This is Hoxne, which happened 3 years before the game is set.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    Assassin's Creed, Stealth, and Player Expectations

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    It's a funny thing, I recently saw a social media post that made me realize, while stealth is a big part of the AC games the actual hit in the games for various targets has very often been really public in the execution. In fact, pretty much every target in AC 1 was a public kill, and the majority of kills in later games have been public.

    So it made me me wonder why people here harp about Assassins having to be "stealthy", when the games' universe never made that a thing, at all, and would often set up situations that you had to reveal yourself in order to get the kill. It seems that it's not the AC series that has lost its way, but rather the fans and their idea of what an AC game "should be"...

    submitted by /u/Roccondil-s
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    Reskins, Reskins, and more Reskins. What’s going on with Assassins Creed Valhalla. [slight spoiler but not really]

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 09:24 PM PDT

    So what's going on with assassins creed Valhalla and why are people okay with it? All of the post game armor sets so far have just been Reskins. And the only place but that's starting to change is the helix store. Like why did I buy the ultimate to just get a bunch of reskined armor. Like it doesn't make any sense. I've been playing ac one since the original game and I don't understand why in this game it seems like they don't wanna add new armor to the game unless you're paying 15/20 USD for it. I enjoy playing the game but when you pay for extra content you expect what you're getting to be new and not just a Reskin. Like I don't understand why Ubisoft is getting away with just giving us reskins with a few tweeks and color changes. Is there a way for there to be a change. Because I love the game and I love assassins creed I just want to feel like my dollar is valued by Ubisoft.

    submitted by /u/halojustin1
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    Valhalla's stealth really needs to be changed

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    Valhalla doesn't allow for stealth gameplay.

    You get spotted the instant you cross a guard's line of sight. Guards can detect you though walls, bushes and across entire courtyards. I had multiple cases of being spotted the moment I stepped inside a restricted zone. Only in very rare cases the game gives you enough time to get back into cover once the detection meter starts filling up.

    The rules are inconsistent and obscure, which makes it really annoying for anyone trying to figure out how you're supposed to stay undetected. Stealth difficulty seemingly doesn't change anything but the duration of the slow mo cam you get after being spotted.

    What makes this so infuriating is that this could easily be changed with some very minor modifications. Just returning to the Origins/Odyssey detection speed would be fine. Before launch, Ubisoft promised the return of social stealth and the oneshot hidden blade, so they clearly tried to give oldschool fans something to look forward to, so why are they letting everyone down now?

    Shouldn't the idea behind the RPG approach be that everyone gets to decide for themselves, what kind of character they want to play as? Shouldn't I be allowed to play as a stealthy assassin then? Why give us all these different stats, the gear, the abilities if you want us all to play like a viking?

    submitted by /u/veico_cm
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    Along with New Game Plus for AC Valhalla I would also like to see the ability to replay specific story arcs from the Alliance Map

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Basically what the title says. I feel like this along with NG+ would be great way to add replayability to game outside of "endgame" content. I know this isn't gonna happen but a guy can dream.

    submitted by /u/faithalfredfaith
    [link] [comments]

    My Thoughts on Black Flag

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    I finished this game once again last year and my love for it has not reduced even after that many years.

    Honestly to me it is still one of the best games I have ever played, So I went ahead and did a full review of it. Scores and all.

    I hope it is okay to post this here.


    submitted by /u/Wulfrixmw
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    The Eerie Landscapes in AC: Valhalla are Haunted by History

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    Did anyone not play Valhalla because it wasn't historically accurate?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    I was talking with my friend about how Valhalla is actually a descent/good game if you actually play it but my friend said that for him the pull of AC series was the fact that you could explore the past that was historically accurate, whereas, Valhalla is just a fantasy game with historical elements sprinkled in.

    I'm curious if anyone is kinda the same as my friend and didn't pick up Valhalla for that reason.

    submitted by /u/havesoquestions
    [link] [comments]

    How do people know where the isu weapons are?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    How do all these Youtubers know where the isu weapons are? I have seen tons of videos showing me where to get all the isu weapons but how did these people figure it out before they had a video to show them? I stumbled across odins spear from just playing through the story but the others seem to be in random locations you may never visit if you didn't know an isu weapon was there? How did they figure out they were there? Is their clues in the game that lead you in a general direction that I've missed? I'm just curious because I like exploring and solving the clues they give you in game to find stuff and not having to go on YouTube to find it. If anyone has an answer it would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/Dokas11
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    If there was an AC game set in your country, what would you want it to be like?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    If there was an AC game in your country, what would you want it to be like.

    When and where in country would it be set? What would the story be like? Which AC games gameplay do you think would fit the setting best?

    If there already is one set in your country, would you want another? If so, what would I be like?

    submitted by /u/IteluThings
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    Can you beat Black Flag without any upgrades to the Jackdaw?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:25 PM PDT

    I'm curious to know if anyone's attempted to or succeeded at completing Black Flag's main campaign without upgrading the Jackdaw. Are there any pro tips for fighting advanced ships with a bare bones Jackdaw?

    submitted by /u/Mateo_Reyes
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    The Assassin's Creed franchise in a Historian enthusiast perspective (Spoilers for almost every AC

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    I wanted to make an appreciative post about the games in the franchised I played so far (and also some criticism I have). I'll go through my thought process of the games when I played them. (English is not my native language, so there'll be some broken English here and there.)

    Odyssey (2019): I went into this franchise with Odyssey in 2019. I just bought it because it was about the Pelopennesian war, and as someone who's interested in Classical Antiquity this seemed really interesting. I thought this game was just a fiction about the grandson/-daughter of Leonidas.

    The intro may be the only really awesome thing that I remembered from my whole 100hrs of playtime. The story was 'okay', some missions where straight up "Go to Athens and kill the 'bad guy'" and others were good emotional objectives (like the mission where you get a chance to revenge your father on that hill).

    I got the hidden blade DLC from the season pass so I gave it a chance and again I didn't get the importance of 'Order vs Chaos' and what this meant. This came back in the form of the 'Order of the Ancients' an order that wants to hunt down the killer of the Persian king. And I didn't get the 'bloodline' part.

    Then the unexpected happened with Fate of Atlantis that was a lot of Sci-Fi, which I thought was really out of place at the time. The Godly blade of the protagonist was one thing, but introducing literal Gods was weird for someone who doesn't know what Isu's were (can't blame the dirctors, I had clearly a lack of AC knowledge). This DLC didn't make a lot of sense for me.
    (I'll come back to Odyssey later in this post.)

    So after this mess I also played AC3 because it was included in Odyssey's season pass.

    Assassin's Creed 3 (2019): I was really close to not playing this game. because the American Revolution wasn't a part of history I was really interested in. But this is the game that really got me interested in the Assassin's Creed storyline instead of only the historical setting.

    The game had one of the best Antagonist in the whole franchise, Haytham Kenway. It was a side-to-side story switching from Connor to Haytham until sequence 6 where we got to play Connor until the end.
    Connor was a blank character to me, he just wanted to avenge his people by killing the people who burned their village. But there was little to no Altruism. (Correct me if I'm wrong).

    But this game explained the moral philosophy of 'Order vs Chaos' from odyssey, the Chaos being the American Revolution and order being the Templars who want to form peaceful order (in a not peaceful way) in this chaos. But the assassin's seek for freedom, then I realised the main moral of the whole series was Order vs Freedom not the bs Odyssey told me.

    Now I started to get in the AC series, so I looked some things up. And I found out that this franchise was enormous. I starting watching gameplay/reviews of random Assassin's Creed games. And that's how I found one of my favourite games ever...

    Assassin's Creed Black Flag: This game is "Games are art!" at its peak. The story and the writing was so fucking good and I really liked this naval combat (far more than Odyssey). There's not more to say about this masterwork. The world is huge and fun at the same time (can't say the same about Odyssey). Caribbean pirates' golden age was also a really interesting historical setting. The way Edward went from a typical stingy pirate to a merciful assassin was a almost 'natural' flow.

    Assassin's Creed Rogue: The game has every great game mechanic from Black Flag but that doesn't make it stand out. The story was great overall, but like I said it didn't stand out apart from the Lisbon mission which was a great fictional way to explain the eartquake in Lisbon. Cormac seemed like a good developed character. (And of course Haytham is back!!!).

    Assassin's Creed Origins: Again I really like this game to, it had more of the Odyssey elements to it but atleast I can see the connection with Assassins this time lol. This game also explained the baby in Odyssey (Aya), which to my opinion should've got a game, since she had such an importance through Odyssey and reading online also in games haven't played yet. I sure like Bayek far more than her, but they've set up and built up to Aya it seems.
    The story was emotional and impactful, I really felt for Bayek which I rarely do with fictional characters. I am a sucker for Antiquity, so seeing Caeser, Alexandria and even Rome for a bit, made me really enjoy this game.
    Yet have played the DLC's

    Assassin's Creed Unity: I had the luck to play this game after the patches so my experience will be different then the people who played it at launch. I also really liked this game, picking up from the ending of Rogue, I liked the setting the story, I liked Arno as a character, I liked Elise as well.

    submitted by /u/YeZeXe
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    I need help with a fundamental basic of Odyssey

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:22 PM PDT

    How the hell does one find anything in this game? Im trying to do quests but there is no quest markers or anything popping up on the map, on the screen, or even on the compass even though the quest is highlighted and being tracked(some lumberyard quest in the beginning) yet there is no markers or anything to help me. I have 3 hours played just trying to figure out where the hell to go to talk to markos and now im here and the game and google is not helping at all...

    submitted by /u/scottydooooo
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    (AC Rogue) Level 60 Man O’ Wars post game?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    I've looked online and it said that the only way to really spawn a level 60 Man o' War is using the red zone by Anticosti, but I've already beat the game and want to breeze through the naval campaign (which I neglected to do past 20 because I forgot about it) but the highest Man O' War I can find anywhere is level 49

    Is there any other places where Man O' Wars spawn in higher levels? I just can't really find anything past 49, even at the very northeast of the Atlantic

    submitted by /u/RyanWuzHere13
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    Guide Full List: Assassin's Creed Valhalla

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    The game is full of secrets, mysteries, and treasures. Some of them require some puzzle-solving to obtain other you will prefer to skip and take directly what you wish. This is why I making a mini video series that showcases a specific faq, puzzle, or where to find a specific skill or weapon. Here is the list:

    Updated List Here -> https://www.reddit.com/r/HTF_Games_Studio/comments/js4ht0/guide_full_list_assassins_creed_valhalla/

    NEW => River Raids <= NEW

    Main River Raids Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSt3NuulP3Owi8kW5lV3P-Jlf1mL83QNb

    => Get Started

    Tips & Complete Guide - https://youtu.be/xf9zudouUk4

    How to Unlock River Dee - https://youtu.be/HHbc_xo7guA

    How to Upgrade River Raid Cargo - https://youtu.be/zrIm5wL6DgU

    => Map Completion

    Map Clue 1 - River Exe - https://youtu.be/Cf3dYgnTL-0

    Map Clue 1 - River Severn - https://youtu.be/yc1B98xmuuo

    River Exe Map Complete Guide - https://youtu.be/L_pa3umK_BY

    River Severn Map Complete Guide - https://youtu.be/qT2egs4Cu6w

    River Dee Map Complete Guide - https://youtu.be/2wKJJZy6oXY

    Ability Location - Shoulder Bash - https://youtu.be/ffSp1NE1LrA

    Ability Location - Battlecry - https://youtu.be/2JhXZSLTG2U

    Ability Location - Berserker Trap - https://youtu.be/GqVmQVSOrfA

    => Equipment - Saint George SetAll Appearance Superior to Mythical - https://youtu.be/ov3Qw7y56eM

    Full Saint George Set - https://youtu.be/HhMHs_Kt_t4

    Cloak - River Exe - https://youtu.be/q5nMiTRjuys

    Heavy Shield - River Exe - https://youtu.be/CRnusqetFr0

    Pants - River Severn - https://youtu.be/L_yQzdFjs0U

    Bracers - River Severn - https://youtu.be/iE2H9br_D4M

    Helmet - River Dee - https://youtu.be/TyLI9356d_k

    Armor - River Dee - https://youtu.be/q4x6sL-UoiI

    Sword - River Dee - https://youtu.be/ZAlBiAHtXZU

    => Compilation

    All 2 Clues The Legacy of Saint George Quest - https://youtu.be/sRWjt-UT0BY

    All 3 New Ability - https://youtu.be/iKbpuqTsRaU

    All River Exe Gear - https://youtu.be/fVEoxFGwIZA

    All River Severn Gear - https://youtu.be/d9J27lgLq7M

    All River Dee Gear - https://youtu.be/KYuKFsKqWn8

    All 8 River Exe - River Ride Keys - https://youtu.be/nP9wxZ9dWck

    All 8 River Severn - River Ride Keys - https://youtu.be/eWUB58mnFjI

    All 12 River Dee - River Ride Keys - https://youtu.be/WoWw8KZcCLA

    ---- END NEW ----

    Main Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSt3NuulP3OxuASh9UCteNt0GZMtpSqVa

    Beginner FAQ

    How to Get Back to Norway & Fast Travel Between Worlds - https://youtu.be/1GajmatvdOQ

    How to Change Arrows Type - https://youtu.be/ZLoR3ahfS0g

    How to Unlock & Build Shipyard - https://youtu.be/j1nSdJookAE

    How to Raid - https://youtu.be/1ZiSYZdDBAE

    How to Call Longship - https://youtu.be/25vBvkMLzxQ

    How to Equip Tattoos - https://youtu.be/8I8cZYuYNfc

    How to Unlock & Equip Helmet - https://youtu.be/Aic6q3V9Il8

    How to Open Barred Doors - https://youtu.be/gWgmXWIgRiI

    How to Break Stone Walls - https://youtu.be/-KWJttv_eu0

    How to Heal & Use Food Rations - https://youtu.be/EfZU2KszZtM

    How to Upgrade Settlement - https://youtu.be/li2QV1zTOA0

    How to get to England - https://youtu.be/1f-rWlcz8ig

    Unlock Mount - https://youtu.be/euktkZTyN2Y

    Unlock Fishing & Tips - https://youtu.be/PUk0sGAYmBw

    Quest Puzzles

    Who is The Soma Traitor and Why? - https://youtu.be/_CUwy6rjOwg

    A Little Problem - https://youtu.be/k291-7lxcCU

    Boss Fight Guide

    Defeat Loyalskull - Build & Tips - https://youtu.be/KDLA7BG1kIU

    Skill Locations

    Unlock - Throwing Axe Fury - https://youtu.be/RsZSKRTQcGk

    Upgrade - Throwing Axes - https://youtu.be/rs1l3siBIz4

    Unlock - Tranquil Arrows - https://youtu.be/9TYZTAFYgv8

    Unlock - Rage of Helheim - https://youtu.be/1ugSj0fEx2w

    Unlock - Focus of the Nornir - https://youtu.be/9cvfqvF6418

    Unlock - Harpoon Impalement - https://youtu.be/VMOq9zZtQQ8

    Upgrade - Harpoon Impalment - https://youtu.be/zs2JoFBduT8

    Unlock - Piercing Shot - https://youtu.be/mHO0jUaW4B8

    Unlock - Mark of Death - https://youtu.be/Vtj5bMpKRMQ

    Unlock - Raven Distraction - https://youtu.be/e4_aYGyX2kU

    Unlock - Rush and Bash - https://youtu.be/UvHy7T2J-mU

    Unlock - Incendiary Arrow - https://youtu.be/EKo1PKjn2tM

    Unlock - Dive of the Valkiries - https://youtu.be/f67Kt29KrJo

    Upgrade - Dive of the Valkiries - https://youtu.be/x6hjQjJoqlM

    Unlock - Mens Best Friend - https://youtu.be/hRWlLWZwaJs

    Upgrade - Mens Best Friend - https://youtu.be/xnxGojC8IR0

    Unlock - Stealth Invisibility - https://youtu.be/9DJKB4PTVw0

    Unlock - Rush and Bash Upgrade - https://youtu.be/PMNzqcgy1u0

    Unlock - Vengance of Thor - https://youtu.be/UaiTKxFbRu8

    Unlock - Feign Death - https://youtu.be/H6_iLsW5xJg

    Weapon Locations

    Fine Dagger "Yngling Seax" - https://youtu.be/Az64Ue69VgI

    Fine Hammer "War Hammer" - https://youtu.be/3ZCMYbPLuBs

    Predator Bow "Recurve Bow" - https://youtu.be/iWbleNIqpMw

    Dane Axe "Bone-Biter" - https://youtu.be/qyFy52ya5Qc

    Fine Flail "Iron-Star" - https://youtu.be/5z810eO53-0

    Golden Two-Hand Fine Dane Axe "Sepulcher Axe" - https://youtu.be/LhRY4Ub9X-g

    Two-Hand Fine Spear "Feard Spear" - https://youtu.be/oTWfMm216H4

    Fine Light Bow "Skadis Wrath" - https://youtu.be/MWRDNNPpPXc

    Fine Light Shield "Hraft Guard" - https://youtu.be/ycAbVeFNfHM

    Fine Heavy Shield "Kite Shield" - https://youtu.be/TCNIqgp8Xak

    Bearded Axe "Hausecarls Axe" - https://youtu.be/wIaB3qdwdTY

    Fire Light Shield "Bloodwolf" - https://youtu.be/pVvFmLpnSLw

    Two-Hand Spear "Fafnirs Fang" - https://youtu.be/_Dzk9N6jHoc

    Two-Hand Sword "Carolingian Greatsword" - https://youtu.be/XTZikNRKZFE

    Heavy Shield "Plank and Buckler" - https://youtu.be/vGeCnupgMAM

    Armor Locations

    Hidden Ones Outfit #1 Bracers - https://youtu.be/qUUJkdxt6xk

    Huntsman Outfit #1 Cloak - https://youtu.be/iuH7mjdyjcc

    Huntsman Outfit #2 Helmet - https://youtu.be/oLmt2oW56Mg

    Huntsman Outfit #3 Bracers - https://youtu.be/CuBEVVmoGaQ

    Huntsman Outfit #4 Armor - https://youtu.be/HAiQlGn4Wvs

    Huntsman Outfit #5 Pants - https://youtu.be/426E4jv3ies

    Thor Set #1 Pants - https://youtu.be/NlKixe-6e4w

    Magister Outfit #1 Cloak - https://youtu.be/C7TQlu_MH8A

    Magister Outfit #2 Helmet - https://youtu.be/RQuRWLmtEpg

    Carisma - All Flyting Locations

    Stavanger - Rygjafylke - https://youtu.be/XC64l1H59h0

    Fornborg - Rygjafylke - https://youtu.be/9LC3YJIW4Nc

    Repton - Ledecestrescire - https://youtu.be/cMyKqgR0jvE

    Grantebridge - Grantebridgeshire - https://youtu.be/r4y5oGRG10Y

    Northwic - East Anglia - https://youtu.be/HG2X2LxPI9U

    Oxenford - Oxenfordscire - https://youtu.be/7yjlhRicG4Y

    Lunden City - https://youtu.be/alIF38NtJYk

    Quatford - Sciropescire - https://youtu.be/H2yNVjFxIMc

    Canterbury - Cent - https://youtu.be/i0V3mRSgglo

    Thor - Asgard - https://youtu.be/UFOFcC2nxx4

    Colchester - Essex - https://youtu.be/3_4VKkIF6KE

    Jorvik - https://youtu.be/sh6tUEtV5v0

    Pickeringa - Eurvicscire - https://youtu.be/S9kNtTiU_bE

    Hemthorpe - Snotinghamscire - https://youtu.be/aOdRqysIbhk

    Hamtunscire - https://youtu.be/E2vuJhQmBM8

    Jotunheim - https://youtu.be/pc0gOiZQUNI


    Ravensthorpe Waterfall Treasure - https://youtu.be/WQQvm8ZQgzU

    Treasure of Britain Puzzles (Excalibur)

    East Anglia Tablet in Grimes Graves - https://youtu.be/rPiSLgMuaGk

    Puzzle Solutions - Rygjafylke

    Find the Ornirs Chest Key in Deserted Chalet - Wealth - https://youtu.be/DmQh6F6iTI4

    Gate Puzzle in Hallucination Challenge Puzzle - Mysteries - https://youtu.be/xLuNlDXnmgw

    Scorched Paper Puzzle in the Abandoned House - Wealth - https://youtu.be/jZ7eUt-R9Zw

    Underwater Boat Wreckage Chest Location- Wealth - https://youtu.be/AKwipbck0as

    Hoard Map Location #1 - https://youtu.be/2IPS3_jEhcc

    All Stavanger Wealth - https://youtu.be/8BS9lPMY-Eg

    All Gryttisand Wealth - https://youtu.be/jEmTHJ-QYvc

    All Nottfall Wealth - https://youtu.be/-G1zOffoG2Q

    All Kjotves Fortress Wealth - https://youtu.be/s4-Ux_495vE

    All Eikundarsund Wealth - https://youtu.be/0f8VqZtayqc

    All Haervik Shipyard Wealth - https://youtu.be/SDa7XfsYg4g

    All Hoettstrand Wealth - https://youtu.be/_04493MVgc0

    Heillboer Treasure - https://youtu.be/rImzq2LitxQ

    All Hyvlatonna Wealth - https://youtu.be/-0Pzj7Kz1iI

    Where is The Comb of Champions - Mistery - https://youtu.be/V71Mk9VSwkY

    Puzzle Solutions - Ledecestrescire

    All Offchurch Wealth - https://youtu.be/VBkYsYZma-s

    All Ledecestre Wealth - https://youtu.be/CgaM_VCV9kk

    All Templebrough Fort Wealth - https://youtu.be/IgISof3ll8g

    All Venonis Wealth - https://youtu.be/W-AdlODlhLY

    Viper Eggs Locations - Mystery - https://youtu.be/YyjCSEbV-0Y

    Offering Altair - Hare Foot Locations - Mystery - https://youtu.be/c4_G0e3CXhQ

    Ledecestre Cursed Land - https://youtu.be/0JRK-HCSZN8

    Hoard Map Location #2 - https://youtu.be/tiyKz9Hmkck

    Tamworth Fortress - Find the Church Door Key - https://youtu.be/N2j1J-MTwwg

    Venonis Cursed Land - https://youtu.be/7b0n0NAoKuU

    All Tonnastadir Wealth - https://youtu.be/VT08pKXZ3AQ

    Tonnastadir Cursed Land - https://youtu.be/I_HUk6FfqDk

    Elixir of Wealth - https://youtu.be/Kqy9CThQRB0

    Repton - Find the Locked House Key - https://youtu.be/GYCTBd48_GQ

    Repton Old Raiders World Event - https://youtu.be/ut2BD6KZ0m4

    All Repton Underground Wealth - https://youtu.be/I1cFHatT3fQ

    Ledecestrescire Sauce Eel Location - https://youtu.be/lIgNwuFhdpQ

    Puzzle Solutions - Grantebridgescire

    All Besuncen Tor Wealth - https://youtu.be/qw-PO2nXASM

    Besuchen Tor Cursed Land - https://youtu.be/VzipaPS5nLo

    Smelly House - https://youtu.be/FoN1Yi6BaGI

    Hoard Map Location #3 - https://youtu.be/Te9ewQJsNFc

    Steal Clothes - https://youtu.be/prq4nIUNizI

    Wandrie Find the Locked House Key - https://youtu.be/4ziznePmQTQ

    Ravensburg Find the Locked House Key - https://youtu.be/PZJmLGhh8RI

    Lord and Lady Standing Stones Puzzle - https://youtu.be/CtN88eTq7C4

    Ravensburg Cursed Land - https://youtu.be/8RyV_5sQ_C0

    All Black Peak Wealth - https://youtu.be/-gmau4aVaGM

    All Walden Wealth - https://youtu.be/2zTt_oDfLUI

    Deal with Rats in Field - https://youtu.be/dVvN8duWf8A

    Ubtech Chest Key - https://youtu.be/a7vrkP0MfAs

    Middleton Locked House Key - https://youtu.be/t6NOzYbuvxQ

    Middleton Cursed Land - https://youtu.be/gnL2i3X9kTE

    Illuminate the Path into Alfheim - https://youtu.be/pFFNoPp2sqo

    Fly Agaric Brazier Puzzle - https://youtu.be/Jq4k0LmGFz0

    All Isle of Ely Monastery Raid Wealth - https://youtu.be/IcnnQf0edDM

    How to Defeat Goneril - https://youtu.be/2FwTfKEpX34

    Make Monk Angry & Get his Key - https://youtu.be/WwFyqNWcyWM

    Unlock the Great Ouse River Treasure - https://youtu.be/RmoC20umFeA

    How to Find Soma - https://youtu.be/5ZfZDEfWOU8

    Grantebridge Longhouse Treasure - https://youtu.be/zCrF7TW71IA

    Offering Altair - Small Bullhead - https://youtu.be/S_TJdriwq_0

    Puzzle Solutions - East Anglia

    Brisley Farm Wealth Door Key - https://youtu.be/HSsf3E7-I3o

    Brisley Farm Curse - https://youtu.be/iA_OcNvsi0c

    East Anglia Fly Agaric - https://youtu.be/52iIYis8erE

    Swamp Tower Chest Door Key - https://youtu.be/bOSrePgvHzE

    Serpents Landing Key - https://youtu.be/loV_e4amDr8

    East Anglia Standing Stones - https://youtu.be/LJcZdTRFH7Y

    Cursed Symbol #2 - https://youtu.be/N3lkltpaOk4

    Cursed Symbol #3 - https://youtu.be/lx4FiYN4N6c

    All Elmenham Treasure Chests - https://youtu.be/hR0NJ9o-JS4

    Scottish Farm Key - https://youtu.be/ljD-X5mfKIA

    Beteleah Farm Key - https://youtu.be/I-kpV2xhAzQ

    Edmunds Hope Key - https://youtu.be/2NYBSthPQHo

    East Anglia Hoard Map - https://youtu.be/AXmVXwZnShM

    Sutton Hoo Key - https://youtu.be/htXkCLj99g4

    Dunwich Book of Knowledge - https://youtu.be/_QfU7Oz1FbU

    Kingsbury All Wealth - https://youtu.be/k0Q7yDAkseM

    Puzzle Solutions - Lunden

    Lunden Key #1 House Treasure - https://youtu.be/Q0V5vXhdEjU

    Lunden Key #2 Underwater Treasure Chest - https://youtu.be/iUhYinkX9aE

    Lunden Key #3 Temple of Sulis Minerva - https://youtu.be/a7T6cw2gmDU

    Lunden Key #4 Gear - https://youtu.be/k-wlZxpwzT8

    Lunden Key #5 Underwater Wealth Chest - https://youtu.be/Ou5TLxRUoek

    Lunden Key #6 Bodilsburg Garrison Gear - https://youtu.be/sNg-BfZzT1w

    Puzzle Solutions - Oxenefordscire

    Cursed Symbol #1 - https://youtu.be/dMQ_GQ2vCuY

    Cursed Symbol #2 - https://youtu.be/RjbV6zqIUcM

    Cursed Symbol #3 - https://youtu.be/iiXEHoRoK9g

    Evesham Abbey Last Raid Chest Key - https://youtu.be/5lslp9d6FO0

    Oxenforda Church Treasure Key - https://youtu.be/neEPNenxfmk

    Leah Villa Garrison Key - https://youtu.be/t803oq7DBBk

    Hammeham Wealth Key - https://youtu.be/ARsmL1mI65o

    Puzzle Solutions - Sciropescire

    Cursed Symbol #1 - https://youtu.be/8JCiufqL8Y8

    Cursed Symbol #2 - https://youtu.be/o0eod-IzDO4

    Cursed Symbol #3 - https://youtu.be/hy0AGU5epLg

    Puzzle Solutions - Cent

    Cursed Symbol #1 - https://youtu.be/LcKp_NlRQx4

    Cursed Symbol #2 - https://youtu.be/D1aITIPr-cg

    Cursed Symbol #3 - https://youtu.be/KR4-gyixAek

    Cursed Symbol #4 - https://youtu.be/PZ6dPSoWTXQ

    Beamasfield Wealth Keys - https://youtu.be/QcuNt7B4eag

    Dover Fortress Ability Wealth Key - https://youtu.be/MZY_KG9bsK8

    Canterbury Barracks Wealth Key - https://youtu.be/M8j6XEGEaR0

    Canterbury Cathedral Key - https://youtu.be/TbYQUiABD24

    Puzzle Solutions - Lincolnscire

    Cursed Symbol #1 - https://youtu.be/lIxruC80LzA

    Cursed Symbol #2 - Church - https://youtu.be/uvZ_51seWH0

    Cursed Symbol #3 - Island - https://youtu.be/z2m-nlLvsYY

    Locked House Key - https://youtu.be/_nGiRvFlEXA

    Whisby House Key - https://youtu.be/5HSDAxqaNbg

    Skegis Beard Chest Key - https://youtu.be/82KZ5VzI4X4

    Lincoln Church Key - https://youtu.be/ebF0OuIxMfs

    Botolphstone Key - https://youtu.be/I0Tr5_e5xMs

    Beardney Camp Key - https://youtu.be/Px_9tLuRblY

    Puzzle Solutions - Essexe

    Cursed Symbol #1 - https://youtu.be/lAzWD7cygrw

    3 Brentwood Outpost Key - https://youtu.be/0GhKXqT8go0

    Puzzle Solutions - Suthsexe

    Cursed Symbol #1 - Guildford - https://youtu.be/ueB0kKEZRY0

    Cursed Symbol #2 - Monks Lair - https://youtu.be/IuV5JQPBCHw

    Cursed Symbol #3 - Forward Camp - https://youtu.be/Z4ZtffeUdAk

    Puzzle Solutions - Eurviscire

    Cursed Symbol #1 - Ritual Circle - https://youtu.be/fT9ur6IEHx0

    Cursed Symbol #2 - Dalby Forest - https://youtu.be/rnexJx31YZw

    Puzzle Solutions - Jorvik

    3 Key Wealth Chest - https://youtu.be/6JKbw4LnoSc

    Puzzle Solutions - Glowecestrescire

    Cursed Symbol #1 - Cragstone Watchtower - https://youtu.be/LIiUfn7QAMc

    Sabrinas Spring Key - https://youtu.be/RFQngCTFTMw

    Thieves Warren Key - https://youtu.be/-7yMzF-gp30

    Belas Knap 3 Keys Gear - https://youtu.be/GdDByaNVFuI

    Puzzle Solutions - Snotinghamscire

    Cursed Symbol #1 - Minninglow - https://youtu.be/ldHz42PM3Co

    Berserker House Chest Key - https://youtu.be/O-D28LvH2TM

    Puzzle Solutions - Wincestre

    All Winchester Keys - https://youtu.be/yyEE7Gp61aY

    Puzzle Solutions - Hamtunscire

    Lumberjack Chest Key - https://youtu.be/Yi857Um1K6Q

    Puzzle Solutions - Vinland

    Coming Soon...

    Puzzle Solutions - Asgard

    Coming Soon...

    Puzzle Solutions - Jotunheim

    Mine 2 Chest Key - https://youtu.be/eI3w6LD7284

    Hunter House Cage Key - https://youtu.be/hX1hPdX1LBE

    Puzzle Solutions - Hordafylke

    Coming Soon...

    submitted by /u/HTFGamesStudio
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    In AC Origins, does turning on Enemy Auto Level/Level Scaling make higher level loot (weapon/shields) drops?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    For example, I return to siwa, turn on the level scaling for enemies, and kill said enemy level scaled to me or whatever higher level than they were previously, will the items (weapons/shields) they drop be reflective of their increased scaled level to me current level? Will a level 17 scaled enemy (scaled to my current level), in an area that the level is level 1 to 5 without the setting turned on, drop items scaled to his new enemy auto level?

    Or are the drops unaffected and this feature is only to add a challenge?

    submitted by /u/xzanzibarzx
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    Got around to playing the game finally and i have to say i am somewhat disappointed.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:13 PM PDT

    I was really excited to play the game and i finally got to after a whole freakin' month of exams, i thought i would finally experience some viking brutal lore and killing and looting and all of that bloodlust but i have to say i am... disappointed.

    when you think of vikings or norsemen raiders the first thing you will usually think about is the brutality of it all, some of which are probably TOO sensitive to mention but that's what the vikings were and it was exciting to experience that period but so far into the game (did the first two ally missions), i haven't been feeling any of that. gameplay-wise the raiding part feels like a chore and not enough.. i don't know, pace? brutality? blood? burning? I can't even kill civilians and the one time i hit a priest it told me it will stop synchronizing which doesn't make a whole lot of sense, since you know, vikings had a thing for killing and violating the priests and nuns. so far i have been getting this feeling that the game is really trying to force you to be the good guy when... really, the Vikings weren't the good guys at all they were the invaders, occupiers so it just feels... i don't know, off. i keep finding myself getting out of the immersion because of it, i can't enjoy the atmosphere and when i do i just find myself getting pulled out of it.

    and with the return of the original assassin creed (you know who) i thought maybe that would be interesting but AT LEAST so far it's been.. mediocre.

    so all in all AC Valhalla is not bad as a normal video game, definitely a step up from odyssey and origins and i would probably even give it 5 or 6 out of 10 but it fails as an assassin's creed game and as a Vikings game.

    submitted by /u/amr1116
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    Assassin's Creed | A Legacy of Generations

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:15 AM PDT

    Let's talk about fishing in this game and the missing big flatfish/mackerel.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:50 AM PDT

    I must admit, I've been very patient about this bug but it's really starting to get to me that it's still "under investigation."

    I'm annoyed because fishing was fine before but they ruined fishing for the sake of stopping people from grinding silver (via spearfishing) because they sell this virtual currency in the Helix Store; as if silver had many uses to begin with and boy-oh-boy did they patch that quickly. Their initial intention was for fishing to be a fun/relaxing activity that you can do in your downtime, but after they pretty much revamped fish AI altogether, it's been a very stressful activity, completely the opposite of what it's supposed to actually be.

    Fishing is just broken, let's be honest here...

    • You hook one fish and the whole body of water surrounding you will literally be empty; yes they've made it so schools of fish will respawn faster after this happens but does that help? No.
    • Fish can spot you from 2 metres away, you get that close and they will dart off.
    • Flying fish!
    • Several missing fish!
    • Fish swimming under you!
    • Shooting a fish with your bow will cause the fish to drop into the void.
    • Mashing a button to reel in a hooked fish does almost nothing, it will just continue to pull-off to wherever TF it likes...

    ...and no one will ever be able to convince me that all of ^ that is supposed to constitute to a relaxing(?) activity.

    I am 100% certain that people are desperate to do this activity only to complete the challenge and get the swordfish because I genuinely cannot fathom why anybody in their right mind would want to voluntarily go through this level of stress.

    submitted by /u/Slap-A-Chav
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    Are the latest Assassin's Creed consistent with the Lore?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    Hello everybody
    I wanted in your opinion what do you think Ubisoft respect lore of Assassin's Creed since the last three came out ?

    Why I'm asking you this question, I came across hassad on twitter a cosplayer who explains the problem of consistency of Assassin'S Creed since Origins and the consequences of what the series is currently undergoing. Reading his twitlonger I realize that brings up a lot of points that are wrong. Of course that remains his opinion, but I do not agree with him that lore AC is not respected.

    Do you think that his words are correct or that it remains to be debated ? I leave you the link of his twitlonger.


    submitted by /u/Inconnu-dark
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    Jacob does not fit in Syndicate

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    Recently I went back & played Syndicate & it's very obvious Jacob was tacked onto the game at the last minute the story flows much better with Evie she's the only one that cares about being an assassin while Jacob is more busy building up a gang to me Jacob serves no purpose to the story Evie should've been the only protagonist

    submitted by /u/TheOldDarkSoul
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    Assassin's Creed needs better tree climbing.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:06 AM PDT

    The lack of tree climbing has always bothered me in AC, it just seems so obvious to me. Especially in the newer games, where free roam plays a much greater role. Having more climbable tree models would create so many new possibilities for assassination missions and would greatly change the way of approaching for example bandit camps in free roam. I know there are like 3 types of climbable trees in AC:V but those are mostly put there for you to traverse and have only one or two branches you can walk on.

    Of course this would impact the variety of tree models we have, but I would rather have fewer models and the ability to freely climb all of them them. I don't know how hard it would be to develop those models and have the animations look smooth though.

    Just a little thought I had while playing Valhalla, it always disappoints me when all those villages/cities have trees but I can't climb them. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/lederhosnpepe
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