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    Saturday, March 27, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Darby Mcdevitt is leaving Ubisoft.

    Assassin's Creed Darby Mcdevitt is leaving Ubisoft.

    Darby Mcdevitt is leaving Ubisoft.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    **PSA** Do not buy the Gold Edition of Black Flag on Steam. This needs exposure! Ubi is essentially scamming people right now.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 06:25 PM PDT

    I bought the Gold Edition of Black Flag 3 weeks ago to replay the game on PC. I was having fun until I got to the part where the game world really opens up and you have access to your ship and realized that I was missing about half the content that I should've had. The Death Ship, Kraken, Crusader and Florentine, and Freedom Cry were all missing from my game.

    I went to the forums, got in touch with Ubi Support and got to the point where they said "the internal team has been notified and a solution is being worked on." Now there's been a few weeks of radio silence.

    Looking further into this issue, I found that it's been known since August of last year! Yet they continued to sell the Gold Edition and the Season pass without so much of a warning that there's a problem with accessing your content.

    I got fed up with waiting and the absolute silence from the devs/Support that I tried to get a refund, but I can't because I played more than 2 hrs of the game, when it takes ~6-8 hrs to reach the point to even realize your paid-for content is missing in the first place.

    This is borderline, and probably just actually, criminal. They have, and are, knowingly selling a product lacks most the content that you are paying for.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Beaker
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    Darby’s Work Should Be Celebrated By Everyone in Gaming

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    I know we all have our reservations about Valhalla, but let's stop and appreciate the love and hard work this guy had for storytelling in games. His characters are complicated and realistic, his worlds are historically grounded and rewarding to explore, and his engagement with the community has been nothing but exceptional imo- far beyond what most leaders give their audiences.

    This is a stage of a career that I hope people look back on and learn from. The man was passionate about the story his games told and that is a crucial step towards people taking video games more seriously. I'm not saying he should be held up like the dude behind Bioshock, but I think Darby deserves a lot of credit for how big this franchise has become.

    Absolutely going to miss his impact on these games. Truly a great writer.

    submitted by /u/bagofdonutboi
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    In my opinion the bonus River Raids in Valhalla were underwhelming BUT less cause of the copy and paste and more because of the wasted potential.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 03:37 AM PDT

    We got three new mini hubs... full of nothing outside of the Raid locations. They should've properly utilised them with new Viewpoints, Collectibles, World Events etc. I'd have fucking loved that. Just my thoughts.

    Edit; Damn this has gotten way more likes than I expected. 😂😂😂

    submitted by /u/TRITON-K175
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    I’m enjoying Valhalla so much and I think I’m addicted to it.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    So to put a little context on this;

    Since Skyrim, only the Witcher 3 & RDR2 have somewhat held my attention span for single player games. Witcher I actually enjoyed watching my wife play more than me playing and RDR2 was a game I enjoyed sticking on after a long day and unwinding.

    I played most of Origins, but due to a D&D a few times a week & then Apex Legends & Dead by Daylight on consoles, I completely skipped Odyssey due to my time being invested in online Multiplayers & TTRPG's/Board Games.

    My wife got me Valhalla for Xmas and I refused to play it until I got a Series X (I previously had the original Xbox one like 7 years old kinda deal lol) so I only actually started playing it a month at most ago as I wanted to enjoy the full graphics etc that the game could offer.

    Now I must say, the first few times I put it in, I enjoyed it. But it felt like any other game.

    But now oh god am i addicted to it. I don't get to play it as much as I like but damn do I want to play it non stop.

    I've explored all of England, regret not exploring all of the tutorial (at the time like I said I was eager to get the game rolling) and now I'm just getting lost in the map whenever I'm online.

    Now wether this is because I live in England really enjoy reading about the places and exploring, or if it's an amazing game, I personally think for my play style, this is the best AC to date.

    Once I complete it I do intend on playing Odyssey as I know what I just said isn't a fair assumption if I haven't played it but I have watched some videos on it etc.

    submitted by /u/SunShineKid93
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    I went back to AC1 after many years and the dialogue, the atmosphere and that last hour made me remember the AC I loved about 10 years ago.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    I played AC1 first time I think in 2009. English isn't my native language, and at the time I didn't know it very well, so most of the dialogue and story in AC1 flew over my head, especially since AC1 didn't have subtitles. It looked cool back then and I was a fan of Prince of Persia, so i just kept rolling with it - climbing buildings and such. It wasn't until AC2 and Ezio that i got invested in the story - but the tone is the same, and that's what matters. I decided to replay AC1 and some of the older games, but this time my English is considerably better so I could actually pay attention this time to what Altair and others were saying.

    AC1 is also short and very focused, which makes some of it's gameplay faults like repetitive tasks not stick out. I seem to enjoy shorter games more and more recently, ever since i spent a long time playing games like Skyrim or RDR2. Don't know how it all started but nowadays devs seem to think of game length as a quality measurement, instead of quantity. But anyways, back to the main point.

    Paying attention to dialogue made me connect with Altair more, and back when I first played I didn't really pay attention to how he develops through the game - through assassinations of those 9 men. Some of the dialogue is really well written - like Sibrand being afraid of death and clinging onto his life however he can since The Apple showed him that there is no afterlife. Or Jubair burning all the books he can find in Damascus, his reasoning being that it is the holy texts of Christians and Muslims that compel them to fight one another in The Holy Land.

    Speaking of Damascus, they nailed the atmosphere in the cities. You can feel how Damascus is the center for Saracens while walking through that city. And Ubisoft didn't shy away in that game from showing the bleakness of medieval ages, especially in Acre - with all the corpses at the front gate, the smoke, the decrepit buildings in the poor district. And a lot of that atmosphere comes from simple stuff - like different lighting or color palette for different regions.

    And that last mission...Damn. This is where above mentioned atmosphere does it's job when done properly. The moment you return to Masyaf, you can see something is wrong, with darker environment and mind controlled people coming up to you speaking nonsense. Then you reach Al Mualim who displays the abilities of The Apple. And after beating him, the aftermath in the present day and that cliffhanger with eagle vision and blood writings on the wall...Hou, boy, the cliffhanger! I knew everything that was coming, and when all of it ended I thought that people who play this game for the first time, if they paid attention, could seriously get hooked on this story. It's all so very unique and different from anything currently in the gaming industry. I believe Ubisoft had a really good story on their hands, and they chose to neglect it some time after AC3 or AC4.

    How AC1 and first 5-6 games represented Pieces of Eden is how this series should do it all the time. In AC1, most of the game you spend doing believable stuff, assassinating targets, running through dense streets of medieval Holy Land, and then when that last sequence comes around and Al Mualim hits you with The Apples illusions you're like "Holy fuck!" It was used scarcely, and that made it stand out. The moment any piece of Eden lights up, you knew shit was going down - but it never overstayed it's welcome. Same way with Minerva presenting herself in AC2. Or the Apple sequence in Brotherhood. Or Crystal Ball in AC3. And despite it all being sci-fi, it somehow felt grounded and believable - us humans being bio-engineered to respond to POE's signals. As i mentioned before, dialogue in AC1 took me by surprise this time around, and I love this Al Mualim quote:

    That's all it's ever done, this Templar treasure, this Piece of Eden, this word of God. Do you understand now? The Red Sea was never parted, water never turned to wine. It was not the machinations of Eris that spawned the Trojan War, but this! Illusions, all of them!

    I don't know If I have the right words to explain this, I keep saying "unique, unique", but there truly isn't anything like the old AC in both sci-fi or fantasy. But I guess the audience for whatever the writers of first games tried to present wasn't big enough, since the new titles either downplay some of the stuff, or over-represent it at which point it turns into something akin to high fantasy.

    Lastly, I love the conspiracy theory angle in these games. Two secret organizations being behind many major events in history, fighting one another and using the world as their chessboard. Showing us "the history how it really happened", and how some leaders back then weren't exactly who they claimed to be - The Templars in AC1 being atheists and understanding the folly of the Crusades, or Rodrigo in AC2 laughing at the Bible and other religious texts despite being elected as The Pope, etc. Even though we know It's all fiction, it somehow seems real and I could for a moment really immerse myself looking at it through modern lenses, with information nowadays being so accessible and a quite a number of people turning out to be corrupt deviations of who they claim to be in public.

    submitted by /u/Stitious_Philanderer
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    Now that Darby is leaving ubisoft I wonder who will write the next assassins creed

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    I know everyone is upset about Darby leaving ubisoft I was heartbroken too but at least they re good writers out there somewhere I wonder what the future will hold for the franchise

    submitted by /u/Chancey1995
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    Assassin’s creed in WW2 could actually work.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 05:22 AM PDT

    Like instead of being a soldier and shit like that and big fights and all that it could be that you're a spy or double agent, infiltrating the German army and all that. Or maybe as a resistance fighter with guerrilla warfare in Eastern Europe? It could be very cool I think, with a more stealth oriented approach, less fighting. It could bring back the assassin bit in assassins creed.

    submitted by /u/isbit78
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    Possible to turn off the ridiculous weapon resizing?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    I mean, come on, it looks stupid as hell and it has no place in the game. Why does my 2 handed sword turn into an anime weapon whenever i unsheathe it? Why does my spear become a freaking pike?!

    The two handed swords and axes look AMAZING on my back until I unsheathe them, then it's just a straight up faceplam

    I absolutely hate it and it turns me off every single two handed weapon.

    Is it possible to mod that shite away or something?

    submitted by /u/Knoxxius
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    I wish there was a little more to destroying curses in Valhalla.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    I've only gotten one or two with enemies to kill within the cursed area. More would've been cool.

    Also, I feel like there should've been a time limit where desynchronization would occur if you didn't get to the curse in a certain time, regardless of how much rations you have.

    submitted by /u/notthefiveoclocknews
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    Greek Historian Believes Alexander the Great is Buried in Siwa

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 10:08 AM PDT


    So, despite a horrific lack of evidence and not quite getting the Venice theory right, this historian believes Alexander the Great is buried in the Siwa Oasis. Alexander went to Siwa to visit the Oracle at the Temple of Amun, and apparently loved the area.

    My question is, if this admittedly far fetched theory turns out to be true, and Ubi were to make a Bayek sequel, how would you wrap this into the story?

    submitted by /u/Dalecrabtree
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    Have Ubisoft actually confirmed a NG+ for Valhalla?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    I remember a few months ago that a community dev asked if we wanted a NG+/what we'd want from it

    Has it been confirmed as something that they're actively working on?

    submitted by /u/Square_Patient_3777
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    Why the rpg change in the past few games.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    So I've been playing ac games for a few years, I believe I've played through most games except for ac odyssey and origins. I feel like the story is just so confusing, I'm playing through ac Valhalla but its getting a little boring, this is coming from a guy who loves ac 1- ac unity, now I know there has always been some rpg element like the armor stats and so on, from the very beginning but I honestly cant bare grinding for levels just to progress. I've put 100 hours into odyssey and still havent completed the main quest it feels more like an rpg and not the ac games I played before. Honestly I know people have heard this a million times, so I think ill just not play these anmore until a good one comes out.

    submitted by /u/IndianTextsupport
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    So something maybe happening with AC Sydicate on PS5

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 10:50 PM PDT

    AC Syndicate is one of my favourite entry in the franchise, but as so many other I had to put aside because it isn't compatible with the PS5.

    Since the release of the new console I alway look at the official Ubi forum post about the issue. A lot of people asked Ubi to do something about the game and yesterday an Ubisoft employee posted that he passed the request to the relevant team.

    So maybe...just maybe there is hope that one day those who own a PS5 can play Syndicate again without the disturbing flickerings and bugs.

    submitted by /u/HGr4t15
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    How did i get ezios’s outfit?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    I'm playing ac odyssey on my ps4 rn and it finished an update (cus i just got it yesterday) and i somehow got ezios's outfit along with some other goodies after it installed

    I should probably be happy about this but I'm paranoid that this is due to a transaction or some shit

    Any explanation will suffice

    submitted by /u/Routine_Ad_7402
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    Harpoon impalement level 2 cancel

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    Is there anyway that when you already had the ability harpoon level 2 you can still pull the enemy toward but no finisher animation? Sometime I'm able to do that but mostly the finisher always happen.

    submitted by /u/quanzaizai
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    [Spoilers of AC Valhalla & AC III] What happened to the texture of THAT artifact in Assassin's Creed Valhalla?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    I don't know if anyone has talked about it here, but what the hell happened to the texture of the Mohawk artifact? It seems to me that the Crystal Ball had more realistic textures in AC III (2012) than in Valhalla. Which made me even consider it as another Isu artifact at first sight. Now, with the confirmation from the narrative director himself, there is no more doubt, so... in your opinion, why did they decide to change/downgrade SO MUCH the design of this artifact?

    PS: Actually, this is not something exclusive to the Crystal Ball, since even the Isu door of the Grand Temple is slightly different.

    Edit: repost because I unintentionally violated the rules previously, sorry :(




    submitted by /u/gui_heinen
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    Interesting mechanic I found in AC Brotherhood

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    Safety and peace brothers and sisters, I was playing AC Brotherhood the other day and found out something funny. I don't know if any of you knew but, when you jump from a high roof and press ( in playstation) both R1 and the Circle button, Ezio won't take as much damage as he would if you only let him fall, I tested it for a same height jump

    submitted by /u/Florence1476
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    Do you think that the transmog system in Valhalla will be changed?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Do you think that Ubisoft will change the transmog system so that it is available without paying silver and available anywhere so that it is more like Odyssey's?

    submitted by /u/Live_Personality_970
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    Does the daily shop ever bring back items?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    I want to get the hels damnation set and was wondering if piece's appear once them never come back? do I have a week window to build up my opals or will the pieces come back?

    submitted by /u/CrY0g4n1C
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    Is there a decent way to play the Ezio Trilogy with Photosensitivity?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 04:31 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well!

    So, I haven't played the early Assassin's Creed games in years. They were my favorite games and practically shaped my game taste. But around late 2017, I developed really bad photosensitivity. I'm not epileptic to my knowledge but flashing or disruptive light patterns can mess with my head and easily give me a migraine or cause me to go unconscious. I'm sure a lot of you remember the very bright white aesthetics for the early games which I love for a lot of reasons but can't actually enjoy as I causes me physical pain. I tried playing Assassin's Creed II the other month but it was too much, I went unconscious at my desk. I'd say the main problem would be the combat because if you're ever hit the screen briefly flashes and it's too much :/

    I really want to play these games again. I still have them on my Xbox and bought them on Steam as well (which is what I attempted I play them on the other month) and came here to ask you all of you have any suggestions! Maybe there's settings that I don't know about or stuff Ubisoft has that can help. If there isn't anything, I'll live but I'd really miss my favorite games. Thanks guys :)

    submitted by /u/ace-of-twos
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    Can someone help me remember a quote?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    Hey! I know this is probably an odd question but I'm trying to find/remember a quote from Malik Al-Sayf from the first game. Something like "a man's worth is not determine by words" etc etc...

    But I'm not 100% on that;;; help??

    submitted by /u/KitaWarheit
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