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    Monday, March 8, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Community Fundraiser for Breast Cancer Research - #ACSisterhood and Discord team up for International Women's Day

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Community Fundraiser for Breast Cancer Research - #ACSisterhood and Discord team up for International Women's Day

    Assassin's Creed Community Fundraiser for Breast Cancer Research - #ACSisterhood and Discord team up for International Women's Day

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:56 PM PST

    Assassin's Creed Community Fundraiser for Breast Cancer Research - #ACSisterhood and Discord team up for International Women's Day

    Members of the Assassin's Creed community are participating in a fundraiser for breast cancer research. For International Women's Day the ACSisterhood joins Discord for a joint fundraiser to support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

    There will be streams of people playing the games and crafting projects & works related to Assassin's Creed. This is a weeklong event, March 9 - 16, 2021.

    There are wonderful PRIZES being raffled during the streams, as well as some creative milestones as goals are met! For example, if $5000.00 is raised, Community Developer Manager /u/Ubigabe will read out Assassin's Creed Mean Tweets! All milestones will be a fun & amazing time for everyone!

    All the information can be found here: https://acsisterhood.wordpress.com/2021/03/07/ac-sisterhood-x-bcrf/

    We hope you'll join in the Assassin's Creed community in raising money for such an important and worthy cause. Please come and show your support as ACSisterhood and Discord team up for the BCRF for International Women's Day.

    Donations can be made here: https://tiltify.com/@ac-sisterhood/ac-sisterhood-x-bcrf

    Fundraiser schedule

    Fundraiser milestones


    submitted by /u/WhiteWolfWhispers
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    PETITION / Remove helix store from future AC games

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 11:56 AM PST

    'Throw money' in AC3 to help break chases

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:52 AM PST

    Having the option to throw money (£10) was a good idea.

    It causes NPCs to go crazy


    In 1773 that was worth $22000

    I know I would be knocking down soldiers and getting in the way of law enforcement for those dolla dolla Bill's y'all

    submitted by /u/LingonberryPossible6
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    Top 10 Assassin's Creed by Steam Userscore

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 02:37 AM PST

    1. AC Odyssey 89% of the 83,933

    2. AC IV 88% of the 39,450

    3. AC Brotherhood 88% of the 10,940

    4. AC II 87% of the 26,749

    5. AC Origins 85% of the 57,741

    6. AC Revelations 84% of the 9,029

    7. AC 83% of the 9,689

    8. AC Rogue 83% of the 9,007

    9. AC Syndicate 77% of the 16,189

    10. AC III 74% of the 13,677

    i made this top 10 cus i think that would be interesting, consindering Steam Userscore probably most popular Userscore for Games. also some more info:

    all AC's sorted by the number of user reviews:

    AC Odyssey 89% of the 83,933

    AC Origins 85% of the 57,741

    AC IV 88% of the 39,450

    AC Unity 70% of the 30,219

    AC II 87% of the 26,749

    AC Syndicate 77% of the 16,189

    AC III 74% of the 13,677

    AC Brotherhood 88% of the 10,940

    AC 83% of the 9,689

    AC Revelations 84% of the 9,029

    AC Rogue 83% of the 9,007

    AC III Remastered 52% of the 4,135

    AC Chronicles China 73% of the 2,587

    AC Liberation 56% of the 1,780

    AC Freedom Cry 74% of the 1,404

    AC Chronicles Russia 59% of the 677

    AC Chronicles India 64% of the 581

    places from 11 to 17:

    1. AC Freedom Cry 74%

    2. AC Chronicles China 73%

    3. AC Unity 70%

    4. AC Chronicles India 64%

    5. AC Chronicles Russia 59%

    6. AC Liberation 56%

    7. AC III Remastered 52%

    submitted by /u/Disastrous_Rooster
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    I tried to find the fastest way to do Confession in AC Unity while staying in stealth the entire time. Here's what I came up with

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 07:45 AM PST

    Why Three Egyptologists Are Teaching History Through Assassin’s Creed Origins

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 01:30 AM PST

    Assassins Creed 2 has broken feathers.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 01:31 AM PST

    I've been trying to 100% AC2, however when collecting the feathers I noticed some were broken. It says I have 1 feather to collect in Forlí, however I have double checked each feather location with the help of a guide, but all the spots are empty since I have collected all the feathers. I have attempted restarting the game, and restarting the computer, but I've had no luck with fixing this. Any ideas on what I could do?

    submitted by /u/MRDotted
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    I wanted more Deimos!!! *spoilers-ish*

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:45 PM PST

    Ik this is like one of thousands of posts regarding a critique of Odyssey but this really bugs me. I enjoyed the game, but I admit it has its flaws (not in my top three) and I had a hard time getting really emotionally invested in the game's story.

    Started replaying the game and Deimos is just such a neat character. Never really showed up a LOT in the game, but had such a cool ass commanding presence and a neat backstory.

    I understand that Alexios/Kassandra is a mercenary and plays all sides of the war, but it does urk me, for example, they just show up to Athens after choosing to help Sparta take a shit ton of land and they're like "oh wow... friend." Like I almost wish they just stuck with one side.

    I was kind of hoping that both characters could be playable similar to Syndicate. This could allow the player to look at both sides of the war (Deimos/Athens and protagonist/Sparta) and could create a stronger investment in the story (in regards to the whole reuniting the family and character arcs). I have heard that Ubisoft believes "female leads don't sell" (if this is wrong let me know) so this would be a better cop out (if they stuck with Kassandra as the protagonist and Deimos as Alexios) then allowing players to pick and then being like "oh yeah so like btw the female one is cannon."

    Making both playable sounds fantastic in my mind but it also could be a hot mess and further bloat the game lol. Despite my annoyance with the lack of Deimos, I still enjoyed the game.

    What were your guys opinion on Deimos?

    submitted by /u/GlitteringJaguar4213
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    Assassin's Creed 3 has really grown on me

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:02 PM PST

    I got the remaster last year and never really gave it a shot due to the very long intro. I played it at release and never touched it since. Ignoring the modern-day stuff has made me really enjoy this game. The combat is smooth, cinematic, and brutal I love it. I enjoy Connor as a character, he is a naive boy just looking for everyone to be equal. The templars are great villains, playing as haythem in the intro really built up his character and motives. It might be due to the newer games having less established villains and the game being shorter has made me enjoy it a lot. Having Connor shoehorned into every major revolutionary event is silly but I'm all for it.

    submitted by /u/Sixclynder
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    Ubisoft don’t care about ac anymore and it’s sad

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 03:54 AM PST

    Pretty sure this is obvious and everyone already knows but I'm just really bummed about it. I remember getting into the franchise with revelations and falling in love with the story and characters so I just had to go back and play from 1. I have gotten every game since then at release and I've got to say imo that odyssey and Valhalla (also origins to an extent) are just a dull husk of a former great gaming franchise. Ubisoft's attention to historical accuracy is garbage compared to what it once was, I'm pretty sure at one point in Valhalla, Eivor answers a riddle with the answer of bagpipes even though bagpipes didn't show up in England for at least another few hundred years. It wasn't game breaking but it brought to my attention that Ubisoft just don't put as much effort in anymore, everything they do is always something to do with mythology or micro transactions. They don't have to stick to the same thing every year (If anything, changing the formula every few years is the best way to keep the experience fresh) but they don't have to insult the fans with such unfinished games with dull stories that warp the isu into a different type of society virtually every game. It's getting to the point where I'm embarrassed to be a fan of ac but I know I will keep buying the new games because I live in hope that things will get better.

    Tl;dr Ubisoft just want our money and don't care about the experience.

    submitted by /u/callummuir4
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    Across every single AC game, which in-game mechanic was your favorite?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:09 AM PST

    My personal all-time favorite was the Rope Launcher from Syndicate. Traversing the environment with the speed of 10,000 ravens was the highlight of the entire time. I want them to bring it back in another form.

    submitted by /u/Frijid
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    Is Odyssey just as good as Valhalla?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:55 PM PST

    Valhalla for the PS5 was actually the 1st AC game I've ever played and I really enjoyed it.. I saw that Odyssey is $15 (originally $60) on the PS Store.. Should I consider getting it? Is it pretty similar? I know the graphics won't be as good as the PS5 version of Valhalla, but that doesn't bother me too much..

    submitted by /u/RealShawnShade
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    [Spoilers] What are your thoughts about the lore right now?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 12:08 PM PST

    So, I recently returned to the assassin's creed series and learnt that Ubisoft has made a lot of new additions to the lore and in some ways retconned a lot of information that we got in the pre-rpg games regarding the history of the AC universe. As someone who loves the series and also likes consistency, I took it upon myself to try to make some sense of the new history of the assassins and wanted the community's inputs regarding the new lore.


    Assuming I understood the last few games correctly:

    The Assassin-Templar conflict (in the form of organized groups) no longer stretches all the way back to Adam and Eve but to Ptolemaic Egypt, the setting of Assassin's Creed Origins.

    Every "assassin" that existed before this time period - Darius, Iltani, Wei Yu, etc have been retconned to be proto-assassins.

    The conflict has been assumed to be due to the opposing ideas of order and chaos (or as I prefer, control and free will)


    Keeping this in mind, the new history of assassin's creed (according to me) is as follows:

    After the Toba Catastrophe, a very small group of humans and an even smaller number of the Isu remained. Letting go of their hostilities (The Human-Isu war was going on for a decade before the catastrophe struck) the two groups decide to work together and rebuild.

    (This wouldn't last long as the Isu, due to their much smaller numbers, would soon go extinct. Their legacy would remain however as they would become immortalized in the mythologies of humans around the world)

    Cain and Abel, as the sons of Adam and Eve - the leaders of the human rebellion against the Isu, were seen as natural leaders of the surviving group of humans. Cain believed that the Isu way of ruling over the humans (through ordered control) was the better way (believing that the problem with the original rule and the reason for rebellion was due to the rulers being Isu) while Abel believed that free will of the people was better even if it meant that things would be chaotic. To this end, Abel tries to keep the apple of eden, a powerful piece of eden, away from Cain but Cain kills Abel and takes the apple for himself - the first instance of Assassin-Templar ideological conflict.

    Disillusioned by their leaders fighting over the apple of eden and due to differences in their ideologies, the group disbands and smaller groups of humans disperse around the world.

    They also go on to remember the apple of eden as a sinful object due to the disarray it brought to the group and the pieces of eden as a whole are destroyed, buried or discarded by the surviving humans.

    As time passes and past events are forgotten or remembered as sensational myths, the egalitarian nature of these small tribes around the world prevents the resurgence of the assassin-templar ideological conflict due to their dependance on each other for survival.

    Invention of farming and the birth of sedentary societies brings back the conflict however and it would soon be escalated with the re-discovery of the pieces of eden. People once again start using them to gain power and the age old conflict of Control vs Free Will, Order vs Chaos begins anew.

    The use of the pieces of eden to gain power around this time also explains the massive empires of the ancient world and the ideas of "god" kings that prevailed.

    It is also around this time that Hybrids, humans with Isu DNA, are recognized for their extraordinary abilities and deemed as demigods. This consequently also elevates their influence in societies.

    Seeing these "tainted ones" as threats to their ideals of control and order - due to their extraordinary skills, societal influence, and their ability to not come under the control of the pieces of eden (Hybrids lack the neurotransmitter that allows humans to come under the influence of the pieces of eden), the "first" proto-templar organization, the order of the ancients, is started in Egypt by Smenkhkare to get rid of these tainted ones as well as seek and control pieces of eden.

    Keeping in mind that there are human societies around the world and that the ideas of order vs chaos, control vs free will are universal, it is not wrong to assume that similar organizations might exist in places where large societies have formed (ex - Babylon, China, India, etc) but over centuries, they either die out or get subsumed (ex - Cult of Kosmos in Greece) once the order of the ancients starts spreading to their parts of the world. Hence its importance as the progenitor of the present templar order.

    Similarly, although the Hidden Ones are seen today as the progenitors of the assassins, this is only due to the huge influence they had on the workings of the brotherhood today. Organizations similar to the Hidden Ones did exist in other places (ex - Iltani's Order in Babylon) but were subsumed by the Hidden Ones once the organization expanded.

    We also see this happen as recently as the colonial period with the Assassins absorbing a Maya version of themselves due to shared ideals.


    Now that the retcons until the events of the Crusades have been explained, we can touch upon what we learn from AC Valhalla

    Valhalla's ending makes the Templars a separate organization (not order of ancients renaming themselves) that is founded by Alfred the Great who changes the core values of the organization and also the way the members of the order would go on to operate.

    The Hidden Ones and Assassins could be the result of a similar change.

    Hassan I Sabbah decides to do away with the hidden ones and makes Assassins a public organization for reasons we might learn in the next game (or might just end up have to head canon).


    Bonus theorizing

    Trying to explain why Altair didn't know about the hidden ones and the apparent ancient nature of the assassins:

    -Firstly, he remarks that the assassins might be older than thought - so he did doubt this present incarnation of the order is its first.

    -Remember the lack of books in the past and the continuous burning of libraries by empires? That might've led to the loss of the knowledge of ancient branches of assassins (like Iltani's etc).

    So how does the Italian brotherhood know about the past then?

    Well, with the help of the apple, he learns a lot, tells nicollo and maffo polo about it, gives them scrolls, codexes, bodies of everyone who played a role in the formation of the brotherhood (Darius, Iltani, Wei Yu etc) as it is today and they go on to use of all this to bring the influence of the assassins brotherhood to europe

    This also explains why there are tombs of various ancient assassins scattered all around Italy.

    Well that's about it! What do you think?


    Note: I made a lot of assumptions and have a lot of head canons of mine incorporated into this wall of text so correct me if there's lore that contradicts stuff that I said.

    submitted by /u/MasterTron03
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    How to justify stealing from civilians?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:22 AM PST

    I think in every game (except the first) you can do a variation of stealing/looting. Now I understand looting dead guards because they're the 'bad guys', but what about the other stuff like stealing purses or looting chests in people's homes. Isn't the creed meant to help and benefit the people. How do the Assassins morally justify this?

    submitted by /u/ZadTheLad
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    What are your thoughts on the leaks so far?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 11:05 AM PST

    It's the first quarter of the year so it's ac leaks season lol. Anyway what do you think about the leaks so far? Do you consider any of them to be legitimate? And which leak you wish would be true?

    submitted by /u/Excellent-Access-228
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    Shay Patrick Cormac in AC Unity?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:39 PM PST

    So in the final mission of Rogue you can see little Arno and Elise talking, but can you see Shay while playing Unity?

    submitted by /u/KumpelBlase1998
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    AC1 Steel Box Kit - Questions

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 11:27 PM PST

    While researching some products I wanna get to build my Assassin's Creed Collection. I came across the little comic called Assassin's Creed: Graphic Novel. It's about 16 pages and I'd love to get my hands on one.

    I found a collection with the PC version of the game called Steel Box Kit which came with the PC game and the comic but the only two reviews I saw were in French and I can't seem to find an English version so my questions are as follows:

    Is there an English version of this set?

    If not does anyone know where I could get my hands on a physical copy of the little comic for a decent price? I know I can find it digitally online but I'm a collector so I prefer physical copies :)

    I don't need the PC version of the game as I already have it twice, it was mostly for the book itself. Any help would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/ICyberWolfI
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    I really love how hard unity is and hope games going forward are as hard

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 05:07 PM PST

    Im glad that we not only have a combat system that is hard and give incentives to be stealthy. But also has hard stealth that forces you to make a plan and use all the tools at you disposal. The fact that it's this hard makes it especially satisfying when a plan goes right.

    I can't tell you how satisfying it is for me when I throw money near a guard, hide right in front of them, and then slit their throat right as they turn away. And contrary to what I've heard a lot of people say I like the combat it isn't to clunky to me. So even when I do get caught I have fun dodging shots and beating enemies before I get cut down. Rifle best weapon 😔

    I'm definitely someone who likes my games to be difficult. And unity definitely does that, I can't wait to play odyssey as from what I've heard killing off all the weaker enemies then taking down the main boss 1v1 sounds hard and cool. But that can wait while I enjoy unity.

    submitted by /u/wild-shamen
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    Are the Rogue rope darts meant to be broken?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 07:20 AM PST

    During my playthrough, ive found rope darts to be one of the most broken items in the game, allowing me to one shot alot if things as you can pull them forwards and assassinate them, including bosses...

    submitted by /u/AfterRestaurant2
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    Can you see when someone avenges you?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 01:37 PM PST

    In Valhalla with the avenge quests, does it notify the player you're avenging once the quest is complete? Or if someone avenges you do you get notified?

    submitted by /u/MysteriousCompany487
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    Is co-op ever coming back?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 08:16 AM PST

    Co-op was amazing in AC unity. Just having the legend title and flexing on ur friends. It made the game world so much more fun. AC unity is probably one of the best AC games but its only downfall was the fact that it was rushed. Ubisoft gave up on the entire game to the point that some stuff planned for the game like club fights never made it. Honestly such a shame because they will never attempt making something like this.

    submitted by /u/Last_98
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    How Accurate Is Assassin's Creed II's Depiction Of Medieval Florence?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:39 AM PST

    How do i know if i 100% AC origins, or a region at least?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 11:20 AM PST

    Hello guys, i decided to 100% AC originis but i have no idea if i finished a region for example! how does one know if he completed the game? do you get an achievement? i am playing it on PC

    submitted by /u/amiri86
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    (spoilers?) question about isu armour set in origins

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:52 PM PST

    Just wondering if there are multiple different coloured variants of the isu armour in origins. I know that with some other outfits there are different colours and you only get one random one and am wondering if it's the same for the isu one. I got it with a red hood/neck piece. Also, sorry if it's incorrectly tagged as spoilers.my last post got taken down cus of that and I'm playing it safe

    submitted by /u/djmck86
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