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    Saturday, February 13, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Just found out Eivor can have a wash in the stream just next to the Settlement

    Assassin's Creed Just found out Eivor can have a wash in the stream just next to the Settlement

    Just found out Eivor can have a wash in the stream just next to the Settlement

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 04:04 PM PST

    Edward Kenway- Blackflag has to be my favourite AC

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 04:18 AM PST

    I really wish Ubisoft would Enhance previous Games like Unity and Black Flag.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 03:23 PM PST

    900P at 30Fps is absolutely rubbish.

    Knowing it could be 1440P-2160P at 60fps. Would do wonders for that games Even though the game is old everybody loves going back to the previous games and replaying them considering both consoles are backwards compatible.

    submitted by /u/Zecron2
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    (Spoiler) AC Valhalla, by far the easiest and quickest way to fish

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 05:11 PM PST

    Get the horse upgrade where it allows it to swim.

    Take the horse into the water, pull out your preferred bow, and get within maybe 5 feet of the fish.

    Use Odin vision to highlight fish and shoot them one at a time.

    Boats scare fish away and are a pain to control, swimming scares fish away, and the fishing rod takes forever. This seems to be the ONLY method that lets you get super close and doesn't scare the fish a mile away or where they despawn.

    submitted by /u/crwbr
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    I just finished the 100% of Syndicate

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 03:41 PM PST

    Hello everyone !

    I just finished Syndicate , the game was so awsome !

    I bought this game during winter sale and It took me 85 hours , but I finished it ! It's only my 2nd AC (the other one was 3 ,I didn't finish it) .

    Really grindy for some Achievements (Break 5'000 things while driving) & buggy at some times but It was fun ! I just have to do the Jack Dlc , and I think I'll buy the games that came before Syndicate . Because this series seems so Awsome !!

    The Screenshot

    submitted by /u/Destructo_mrs
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    [Spoiler] Valhalla's story is brilliant, but it somehow plays out in a way that left me completely underwhelmed

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 07:56 PM PST

    When I put all the pieces in place in my head, the actual story that is told is brilliant, the visions of the past and how they tie in with Eivors story and also into the Modern Day is absolutely fantastic, the twist with Basim and Aletheia's plot is the most exciting thing thats happened in the modern day for a long long time, but I feel like splitting the story into so many Arcs made it feel like a bit of a mess at times, and pretty hard to follow too. The game seems to go all in with the conquering England arc, and the Basim & Sigurd bits take a bit of a backseat for probably the majority of the game, but it's kind of flipped right at the end, the Norway arc is then supposed to be the "true end" and the rest that remains is considered to be the Epilogue, but no one knows that on their first run through, and I was expecting a big pay off but nothing ever came. The ending to the Norway arc was great but confusing at the time I actually played it, I hadn't completed the Asgard Arc so it made little sense to me, and little sense to Eivor and Sigurd too, them nor me had any idea what Basim was talking about and they just chalked it down to him being a bit tapped, I'd kind of gathered by that point that we had links to the past, but I didn't understand the specifics, that only began to make sense when I did the final Anomaly and completed the Asgard Arc, so maybe I should've completed Asgard first, but I was never instructed too, and I'm kind of glad that I didn't because I would've known who Basim was because he has the same face and voice, and therefore the ending to the Norway arc would've been no surprise at all. It seems like we either complete it in an order that doesn't initially make sense, or in an order that is completely predictable, and it is never addressed in the actual story either, Eivor doesn't know they are Odin, Sigurd doesn't seem to fully understand that he is Tyr, and neither know that Basim is Loki, it's just never explained, Sigurd doesn't explain why he wants to go to the Temple, and doesn't kick up much of a fuss when Eivor wants to leave, so the character of Eivor in the game doesn't really have any idea what any of that was, but they're absolutely fine with it. And finally, the Conquering England and OoTA Arcs fizzled out in the most unsatisfying way, I was sure the whole way through that there would be one big final battle between the Raven Clan with all our Allies and Aelfred's forces in the fields of Hamtunscire somewhere, but nothing happened, we set fire to a little village and Aelfred ran off, and then he reveals himself as the Grand Maegester with no fight, just a peaceful chat, and thats the end, we somehow Conquered England without a single battle, only a few fort attacks. It's just a bit disappointing.

    submitted by /u/DeathBat92
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    [SPOILER] Do you think Ubisoft has lost touch of what Assassins Creed is?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 10:12 AM PST

    I've loved playing Valhalla, but I gotta admit it has confused me a bit in terms of choices the developers made, what is the reason that we aren't an Assassin/Hidden One? I understood with Origins, Bayek being the first one and all that, and even though I didn't really enjoy Odyssey that much I understood why we weren't an Assassin because they didn't even exist, but with Valhalla there were literally no limitations, there was nothing stopping them from making Eivor a Hidden One, they just didn't do it, which I think is such a strange choice, they existed, and were very prominent in the game and the story, we literally lived with them, but we couldn't be one? it's supposed to be Assassins Creed not Assassin's Mates. I was sure while playing that we would become one at some point, in the same way that Edward became one, and we were even offered the chance, but Eivor flat out refuses, developers said they didn't think it suited the character, but they wrote the character...I dont know, just seems like a very strange decision, another one that makes me unsure of their intentions with the series going forward.

    submitted by /u/DeathBat92
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    Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Gameplay Feel and Controls

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 10:40 PM PST

    Hi there everyone. I bought AC Valhalla when I got a PS5 in November. I still haven't clicked with the game, and I feel like it's the controls. For some reason, they just feel like molasses, or soupy. I don't find that the control scheme is refined or precise, or even satisfying. The way the game controls is what is keeping me from truly enjoying it.

    I played Odyssey last year and loved the way it felt. But for some reason, Valhalla feels so frustrating and slow to play, almost like a chore. I'd be curious to hear if anyone else feels the same about the moment-to-moment gameplay as I do.

    submitted by /u/mitchy_116
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    Do you think we could get an Assassins creed game every year?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 11:42 PM PST

    Do you think Ubisoft will release another assassin's creed anytime soon? I remember around the ACO launch they said they didn't plan on Ac being yearly but is kind of following that trend. But now Ubisoft has released a lot of games around the same time and there are talks of a star wars game. I'm not sure and I hope it doesn't happen because that could ruin game franchises but what do you think.

    submitted by /u/TheraputiDemonGoat
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    Assassin's Creed Syndicate is way BETTER than I thought it was

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 09:13 AM PST

    One of the YouTube channels that I follow is Kinda Funny Games.

    I quite like their content and it's just fun to see the same people comment about games and other stuff from time to time. And these aren't people I agree that much with. I even find myself disagreeing with them many many times, especially when it comes to movies. But because I enjoy their passion, it always makes me happy to see more of their content.

    However, there is a certain person that I generally agree with more and that is... Barrett Courtney.

    So, once I saw he made a 2 hour video about all of the Assassin's Creed games, I was quite excited.

    Bear in mind that I am someone who has only played the following Assassin's Creed games:

    -Assassin's Creed

    -Assassin's Creed II (one of my favourite video games of all time)

    -Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (also absolutely love this game)

    -Assassin's Creed Revelations

    -Assassin's Creed III (got through two thirds of it and stopped playing)

    The reason I stopped playing is a simple one: I started to lose interest when each game came out on a yearly basis. I always felt like Assassin's Creed deserved more than that. If it had the same approach as other titles like Red Dead Redemption 2, God Of War and so forth, I genuinely feel like the AC games could have been something truly amazing. Yes, we would have way less, but each one could have been such a unique experience and you could have really felt like the games could have become just as iconic as Assassin's Creed II was when it came out.

    I've heard amazing things about Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag and Assassin's Creed Origins, so I definitely want to try those one day, since they seem game changers for the Assassin's Creed formula. And apart from Odyssey, it does seem like they are taking more time to make the newer games.

    Nevertheless, I just assumed both Unity and Syndicate were not great games at all, especially since Ubisoft changed their approach after Syndicate. But when I was watching the Kinda Funny Games video that Barrett Courtney made, I couldn't help but be immensely surprised when he praised immensely Syndicate saying and I quote (roughly):

    "This is what the original Assassin's Creed gameplay was building up to. Syndicate is 100% the refined version of all of the original ideas they had in the earlier games and makes this one of the best Assassin's Creed games ever"

    I was so surprised by that and had me so intrigued to really see what he was talking about. I went on PS Store and bought it for around 8 pounds. And when I started playing it, I started to see what he meant.

    The Free Run Up and Free Run Down makes for a much better experience doing all of the parkour that I was used to doing in earlier games. I know it was introduced in Unity, but it feels quite solid in Syndicate. And I'm starting to see so many gameplay elements that make it so intriguing. I can approach a situation from so many different angles. Headshots with knives or gunshots gives me more ways to attack a guard. I also like that addition of the Rooks, calling for back up and helping you out. You can even hide in carriages in the streets. And you can steal a carriage and use it (though the driving mechanics suck hard unfortunately). Kidnapping seems like an interesting mechanic too though I've only used it once.

    I'm quite intrigued to see what more the game has to offer, but I'm glad I'm experiencing this under appreciated gem. It goes to show how Ubisoft shouldn't have been releasing Assassin's Creed games yearly. I know they made tons of money by having that previous approach, but the fact that this game came out in 2015 and only now am I playing it, 5 and a half years later, shows how the AC fatigue was a real thing. Especially from me since I haven't played one since AC3.

    I'm like: "Oh yeah, I missed playing an Assassin's Creed game".

    I still find the game to be a bit clunky at times and I can see potential for a lot more if they had more time with it. But at least I get to appreciate what the devs have done with this game. It's definitely one of the most polished AC games I've ever played. Makes me wish there was a remake of AC2 with these gameplay mechanics.

    Though, what will always be difficult for me to accept is that we never got the original Assassin's Creed Trilogy that we had been promised initially.

    I will always have a love / hate relationship with this series, but as of now, I'm finding my love for it again.

    submitted by /u/Kaze_Hebi
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    Does clothing like Altaïr's robes have any link to irl history?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 06:56 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if Altaïr's robes are actually inspired by real life history. Did this type of clothing actually exist at one point in history or is it just made up?

    submitted by /u/kiwip3ons
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    Additional DLC for the older games? A speculative wish-list.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 11:55 PM PST

    I am currently working through Syndicate again, and can't help thinking there is scope for expansion in the setting. We already have the sequence at the Tower, but there are a load of other settings that could work as side trips: Windsor castle; Hampton Court; Hever; maybe Brighton with the Royal Pavilion and the pier; Portsmouth or Chatham for the docks or something involving the Navy.

    Any other suggestions?

    I would buy the expansions.

    submitted by /u/parabolicuk
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    [SPOILERS] Assassin's Creed Valhalla Story and Ending Analysis Part 7

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 09:03 AM PST

    My experience with Valhalla's social stealth

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 08:41 AM PST

    So let me start off by saying while I appreciate its integration here, the social stealth is indeed lacking due to: the very small crowds and inability to blend with them, the rarity of monk groups (seriously, I've only seen like 5 at 100H), and the awkward architecture of most cities. However, I don't get what people say when it straight up "doesn't work".

    Doing a heavy assassin build as I've done in all the RPG games, I can easily enter a distrust or restricted zone with little to no detection and combat. Even on the hardest stealth difficulty the detection rate never seemed that fast or unfair unless I was actually in their line of sight (with some exception, this is Ubisoft). I also really like the addition of the activity stations to blend in and the entire concept of Distrust Zones as they add a different layer of stealth needed that should be implemented into the next game, hoping it's a proper return to form. The 3 cities have been the most fun I've had in the game as I can actually feel somewhat like an assassin, running around more dense areas that provided opportunities to use all of Valhalla's new stealth mechanics to their max. Not saying that they were on par with any other city experience in Old AC, but the best attempts we've had in a long time. So is Valhalla's stealth flawed, oh yeah without a doubt, but it's definitely there and trying.

    submitted by /u/BrothaDahknis
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    My dad has the dragon as his eagle and I'm wondering does it grow

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 10:54 PM PST

    Because in the text of the dragon it says that it will grow but me and him haven't seen it grow yet is it true or is it just a big lie about it?

    submitted by /u/ultimatekillaqueen
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    If Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed are parallel universes, do the Isu exist in the former?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 12:10 PM PST

    Assassin's Creed is a series I love. Watch Dogs is a series that I have tried to like but haven't got there. I fell off WD1 and then WD2 even quicker (and haven't had much time to give to Legion thanks to Valhalla and other games). (I don't like third person shooters).

    I know there are a lot of easter eggs between the two. Aiden kills Olivier in both universes. Blume exists in both, as does Abstergo. There is an Assassin's Brotherhood in both.

    Having never gotten deep into any of Watch Dogs games, have the Isu or pieces of Eden ever been mentioned?

    submitted by /u/leftisthominid
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    Wanting to know how much story I have left in Valhalla (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 08:32 PM PST


    I have about 50 hours sunken into this game so far and have been trying to balance doing my side content evenly with the main story. I've realized truly how much side content is in this game, and I know that like previous games once I beat the story I hardly ever go back and do it so I want to get the pacing right.

    I just got to the part tonight where Ivarr kills Ceolbert (probably spelled wrong lol) and then Eivor killed Ivarr. I reported back to camp and just pledged to Cent, had another rough little chat with Dak who is still busy sucking Sigurds dick despite being ignored by his king who's ass O am going to go save next.

    If you could base how much of the main story I have left in a percentage or in some sort of real time frame I would appreciate it greatly. I am enjoying this game thoroughly and don't want to finish it too fast as we may not have a new one for almost 2 years.

    Thank you to anyone who can help, and...


    I have been perfect avoiding spoils so far so please, don't be a dick and ruin this for me lol.

    submitted by /u/E2A6S
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    [SPOILERS] Valhalla shows the return of

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 11:47 AM PST

    Desmond! We find out that Desmond and now Layla are both in the grey. And my full memories are a bit rough but at the end of Black Flag doesn't John Standish find a way to transfer Juno's consciousness into a physical body but is killed before he can do it. Does that mean the next game could be focused on doing the same to Desmond and Layla and transferring their consciousness into physical bodies again? Of course this means that Desmond would be in a different body though. What are your guys' thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/Ben-Finch
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    Lack of music during Origins gameplay

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 02:33 PM PST

    Hi guys. I played AC syndacate some years ago and i remember loving all the music that played while you ran away from fights or some violin pieces that played after the fights. They were great. Did i do a mess in the music settings or this kind of stuff is not there in AC origins? I find its gameplay a bit... Silent?

    submitted by /u/Blue-Sky_69
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    Please help me love AC Valhalla

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 07:17 AM PST

    I wanna start off by saying, I do not think that my opinion is the universal truth, quite the contrary actually, I'd like you to change my mind and make me finally enjoy the game. So, here are my main gripes with it.

    Let's start with the more petty stuff like the game's clunkiness and bugginess. I thought I'd get used to it by now but after 50 hours of playing, I still can't get over how inconceivably bad are the animations, transition of animations and the cutscenes. It's literally impossible for me to immerse myself in this Viking world if I have a person not even open his mouth when he speaks...

    Now the map... First off it's too big for its own good but I find that to be the least of its problems. More importantly, it's remarkably shallow. I've never found myself wondering about needlessly, urging to see more of this fine world, because there's literally no need to. The moment you go off the "intended" path there's absolutely nothing there. And in a game where you spend like 60% of your total playtime travelling from point A to point B, this is more than noticeable.

    Now let's talk about the other 40% of your playtime, riddles and sidequests. As a completionist, I have never ever in my years of gaming been so bored doing side content. It all feels so mundane and tedious, every chest or an outpost feels the same. And unfortunately, the varyingly good side quests just can't make up for it. Even if I were to go against my ideals and just rush the main story I'd find myself cocked by a progression system that requires you to do all that menial side content to enjoy the game to its maximum.

    And let's not forget about combat. This is probably the most subjective part of this post but maaaan do I hate it. Not only is it forced on you way too often but the animations are repetitive and get dull really fast. I'd like to say that it's different to the old ACs and that it doesn't feel like a button smasher but even after turning the game up to its highest difficulty and intentionally using weaker weapons and only the raven armour I still found myself killing a whole fortress in open combat. Of course, I would be lying if I told you it didn't require at least some brainpower on my part, but it still felt incredibly cheap, I shouldn't be able to do that, plain and simple.

    And last but not least, this game's missing the details that make other games masterpieces. It's missing those little details which add to the immersion and its overall experience, like having the option to HAVE YOUR HOOD UP DURING COMBAT or drawing and sheathing your weapons by the press of a button (and no the attack button doesn't count...)

    Please don't get me wrong, I want to love this game, I adore certain parts of it but I'm not sure whether I can do it without your help. Thank you for all your responses.

    P.S. sorry for any missing commas or any other grammar mistakes

    submitted by /u/Whitey52
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    [Valhalla] It’s audio/dialogue bugs are frequently present on this day?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 05:07 AM PST

    Playing Valhalla on PS4.

    Sometimes it seems like some dialogue voices suffers some kind of delay (subtitle shows up, character mimics the talking, just to start talking and immediately another NPC talks over/interrupts the first character's line), this happen mostly if I skip any dialogue line. I don't know if this is what "lip syncing issues means"

    At the starting days, this was frequent (Day one patch). But for me, it's still present. Am I the only one with this or is it a known issue? (And I don't mean the mouth movement issues, that's another topic...)

    Also, my crew won't sing any song after finished East Anglia arc (stories does fine, I can even hear Eivor ask for a song and then having complete silence)

    submitted by /u/robreras
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    Frustrated at the zealots in Valhalla?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 06:09 AM PST

    Anyone else find it annoying that you're at power level 340, and you're taking on a zealot at 90, and it's like you're a noob with a 20 power level? Like, no matter what combo I try, what block I try, what dodge I try, his low level npc just cuts through me like I'm taking on a boss?

    I mean I get it, it's SUPPOSED to be challenging. But it's frustrating.

    Anyway, rant off.

    submitted by /u/roguetroilus
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