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    Wednesday, January 13, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla's food mechanic feels less real than the older autoheal.

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla's food mechanic feels less real than the older autoheal.

    Valhalla's food mechanic feels less real than the older autoheal.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 07:02 AM PST

    For as long as I can remember video games have equated food with health. A mechanic that reached its ludicrous peak when Skyrim's dragonborn would regularly eat seven wheels of cheese in the middle of a fight. But assassin's Creed has always been a simulation inside of a game. If your character got hurt you didn't die you desynchronized. That's because your ancestor didn't die then but you failed at the simulationbe close enough to what they actually did. So the simulation will correct itself, jump off a tower and miss the hay bale you get hurt badly, but your ancestor hit that hay bale with a perfect leap of faith so the simulation corrects itself to render an ancestor in perfect health. Hunting mushrooms and berries in the middle of a fight seems like more of a disruption to the in game reality.

    submitted by /u/KarmicComic12334
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    My Pitch for an Assassin's Creed Game set during the Unification of Germany (1864 - 1871)

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:36 PM PST

    My Pitch for an Assassin's Creed Game set during the Unification of Germany (1864 - 1871)

    Assassin's Creed Setting Idea - The German Unification

    A Hypothetical Insignia of the German Assassins in the 19th Century

    Historical Background

    The 19th century was an age of European expansionism, conquest, advancement, and constant war. The idea for a united Germany had only truly begun following the disastrous downfall of the German Revolution in 1848, when nationalism was on the rise and a sense of national identity was beginning to blossom. The Kingdom of Prussia was seen as the best candidate for German Unification by many revolutionaries, who even offered to crown King Wilhelm I as Emperor of Germany. However, Wilhelm declined, fearing that the Austrian and Russian Empires could retaliate against a united German state.

    In 1862, Otto von Bismarck became the Prime Minister of Prussia, and his main goal was to unify the German states into an empire supervised by the Hohenzollern kings of Prussia, famously giving a speech before the Prussian parliament that ended with the words, "Iron and Blood!"

    The first step into German unification was to incorporate the region of Schleswig-Holstein, which was under the rule of the Danish Kingdom. Schleswig-Holstein had a large German population, so Bismarck saw it necessary to take the region for Prussia. When the Danish king introduced a new constitution in 1864 that practically incorporated the region into the Danish realm, Austria and Prussia (both of whom were members of the German Confederation) sent an ultimatum for Denmark to revoke the new constitution. The Danish government refused, and the Second Schleswig War had begun.

    Austria joined Prussia in the conflict, and the two would invade the Jutland peninsula at the start of the conflict. One of the most infamous Danish defeats during the war was the Siege of Dybbøl in 1864. After an 11-day siege against the fort town, the Danish troops were defeated by Prussian men and howitzer artillery. With the capital at Copenhagen threatened, Denmark sued for peace, losing Schleswig to Prussia and Holstein to Austria.

    Bismarck understood that Austria would never accept a Prussian-dominated German Empire right on its doorstep, so preparations were made to wage war against the Hapsburgs. In 1866, Prussia invaded Austria's allies in Hanover, Saxony, and Hesse, while the Italian kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont invaded Austrian lands in Lombardy-Venetia. During this time, Sardinia-Piedmont also had aspirations to unite Italy under their rule. Austria was forced to split its forces as Prussia started another invasion into Bohemia. During the famous battle at Königgrätz , the combined Austro-Saxon armies were defeated. Austria was forced to sue for peace, and the following treaties kicked the empire out of the German Confederation, which was replaced with the North German Confederation. Austria's sphere of influence in Bavaria, Baden, and Württemberg was shattered, and Prussia now was the dominant player of German politics.

    The last step in German unification was to provoke a war against France and bring the southern German states into the Prussian fold. That opportunity would come when Spain was undergoing a succession crisis, and the Spanish offered the crown to a Hohenzollern prince named Leopold. King Wilhelm I did not want to provoke France into open conflict, but his hand was forced when Bismarck deceptively altered communications between Spain, Prussia, and France. Napoleon III was angered by these apparent messages meant to take a jab at France, so he and the French parliament openly declared war on Prussia. With France now viewed as an aggressor in German politics, the southern German states joined Prussia in the conflict known as the Franco-Prussian War.

    Even though France had an advantage in numbers, Prussian military minds began prioritizing the use of more advanced equipment and trains, which would sent supplies, orders, and reinforcements to the front lines. At the Battle of Sedan in 1870, an outnumbered Prussian army managed to defeat an enemy force of 130,000 French troops. Napoleon III himself was taken prisoner after the battle, and a new defense government was formed in Paris. By 1871, Paris was suffering from a 130 day siege. With thousands on the verge of starvation, the French Republican government sued for negotiations. Around this time, Versailles was under Prussian occupation, where Wilhelm I was posthumously crowned Kaiser of the German Empire. At last, the war ended with a German victory, with France losing control over Alsace-Lorraine and forced to accept a temporary occupation of Paris by German troops.

    Gameplay and Game World

    A game set during the German Unification would primarily take place in Berlin, Paris, and Vienna between 1864 and 1871. As for parkour, stealth, and combat, it could be a combination of mechanics from AC Unity and AC Syndicate.

    Traversal - During the 19th century, cities like Paris, Vienna, and Berlin continued to evolve into more modern cities, with wide roads, taller buildings, and an integration of technology. Even though the use of the grappling hook by Assassins wouldn't be mainstream until 1868 and the Frye Twin's fight against the London Templars, there is no reason to not alter lore to confirm the invention of the traversal device within Germany, as nations like Prussia, Hanover, and Saxony were heavily industrialized nations.

    Melee combat - Because the combat in AC Syndicate would have been more associated with gang warfare, the combat from AC Unity would be more fit for a game set within Germany, with such weapons like military sabres, daggers, and even a return to hidden blade combat.

    Ranged combat - As 19th century Europe was an age of modern advancements, ranged weapons would be highly advanced and far more deadly. There would be a larger use of pistols, rifles, hand grenades, throwing knives, and even a formal return to the phantom blade from AC Unity.

    Activities and World Events

    With AC Valhalla taking an approach toward world events and side activities, perhaps the same can apply with a game set in the German Unification. Gambling was fairly notorious during the 19th century, so such games like cards, poker, and others would be perfect as side activities. There could even be underground brawls, carriage races, and military practices. Perhaps the best side activity that would be unique to this kind of game is the Prussian war game known as Kriegspiel (just think of the Total War games, but with a chess-like approach). As for world events, they could be bringing criminals to justice, helping civilians with their daily routines, or helping with military deliveries or practice.

    Early Plot

    The game begins in the outskirts of Dybbøl in 1864. Franz, a young soldier in the Prussian army chose to take a nap the night before, but is awoken by the thundering Howitzers, which were constantly striking the Danish entrenchments. It is the 18th of April, and the Prussians prepare for a charge against the Danish troops. After another round of artillery fire, the Prussians push forward, charging downhill at the enemy defenses. After nearly an hour of fighting, the Danish troops are pushed back into the fortress town of Dybbøl. With their defenses considerably more secure, Franz offers to the Prussian commanders that he could sneak in and undermine the morale of the enemy troops. Despite the refusal of this commanders, Franz sneaks off to break into the town on his own.

    Using stealth, Franz eventually breaks into the estate that some of the Danish officers and commanders were using as a place to conduct orders and plans. Not only does Franz steal some documents and military plans, but he even kills one of the commanders, looting a golden cross encrusted with red jewels from the body. With the town now alerted to the assassination of the commander, Franz jumps out of a window and into a hay bale down below. After dealing with a few of the Danish soldiers, Franz escapes Dybbøl and brings the Danish plans to his superiors. At first they were disappointed that Franz entered the city anyway, but they eventually came around after looking into the military plans.

    On the same day, the Danish garrison at Dybbøl surrendered the town to the Prussians, and the war would continue until October. Denmark would lose the conflict, with Prussian and Austria collectively occupying Schleswig-Holstein.

    Franz returns to Berlin in late October, together with the rest of the Prussian army coming home from the war. Franz is then greeted by his betrothed, Emilia, who was standing among the crowd cheering on the marching troops. In the following night, Franz and Emilia would be walking out on the streets of Berlin, and he would be alerted to a commotion in a nearby alleyway. Franz tells Emilia to return back to their apartment. At first, Emilia was reluctant to leave him behind, but Franz told to her again for her safety. She agrees and rushes back to the apartment as Franz delves into the alleyway, where a fellow soldier had been murdered.

    He rushes to check on the body, only to discover that it was his friend. Suddenly, Franz is attacked by Templar thugs, who attempt to cover up their tracks by murdering him as well. He fights back, and after a while, he manages to either kill the thugs or force the others into fleeing into the dark night. Around the same time, Berlin officers heard the commotion and saw Franz wielding a bloodied dagger, standing over a fallen soldier. They immediately attempt to arrest him for murder, but he manages to flee from the alleyway and make his way for the rooftops. After reaching the roof of an apartment far away from the crime scene, Franz decides to take a break, wondering how he would explain himself if he was caught again. All of a sudden, he is knocked out by an unknown assailant.

    Upon waking up, he finds himself in a room surrounded by hooded figures wielding weapons, guns, and hidden blades; these were members of the German Brotherhood of Assassins. After much revelations and newfound knowledge on his origins, Franz eventually chooses to join the Assassin Brotherhood, who have aligned themselves with the German government in hopes of uniting Germany while handling the Templars in the Austrian and French Empires, with figures like Napoleon III serving as grand masters of the Templar Orders.

    Around this time, London was still under the heel of Crawford Starrick, Russia continued to degrade under a Romanov monarchy influenced by the Templars, and the French and Austrian Templars were already attempting to exert their influence in the Americas by invading Mexico as the United States was reeling from Civil War. The last thing the Templars want was a United Germany, as it would both create new problems for European politics, and perhaps even threaten their influence if the Assassins had their way.

    Franz, together with the German Assassins, meet up with King Wilhelm I, Crown Prince Frederick III (the Mentor of the German Brotherhood), and Otto von Bismarck, a grand master in the Templar Order. Bismarck explains that, while the Assassins were his greatest foe, he prioritizes German unification above all. After much discussion, Prussian generals discuss their plans for a future war against Austria, who already had allies in Saxony, Hanover, and Hesse that proved problematic for Prussian ambitions toward a united Germany. The Assassins join in on the planning, explaining that after the war is won, they would help their fellow Austrian Assassins in undermining Templar control in Vienna. In 1866, tensions over Schleswig-Holstein, secretly bolstered by the Assassins, would culminate into the Austro-Prussian War.

    Franz joins the armies under Helmuth von Moltke and Crown Prince Frederick as they march into Bohemia following the invasion of Saxony. An Austro-Saxon army attempts to disperse the Prussian forces, but are pushed back toward the fields of Königgrätz. After a grueling period of fighting, the Austrians retreat from the field, confirming a Prussian victory. During the battle, Franz managed to kill several Templar officers present at the fighting.

    By late July, Austria sued for peace, and Prussia managed to secure victory; Hanover, Saxony, and Hesse would be incorporated into the North German Confederation, Austria was excluded from Germany, and their hold over Bavria, Baden, and Württemberg was completely broken. In 1867, Franz arrives at Vienna to join up with the Austrian Assassins.

    Prior to his visit to Vienna, Franz would be given a task to assassinate Friedrich Wilhelm Eduard Gerhard, a professor at the Berlin University who was discovered to have begun the excavation of an Isu Temple beneath the Prussian capital, specifically underneath the future site of the Reichstag. After battling his way through Templar thugs and soldiers, Franz managed to assassinate the archaeologist, and upon discovering the terrifying power of the Apple of Eden buried within, he brings it back to the Assassin Council, who later decided to bury it in Königsberg.

    Upon arriving in Vienna, Franz meets the members of the Austrian Brotherhood, and begin the process of finding and assassinating targets throughout the Austrian capital.

    After dealing with the majority of the Austrian order, the final Templar target in Vienna was the leader of the Austrian Teutonic Order, Philipp von Stadion und thannhausen. During a banquet at a Viennese palace in January of 1868, the Assassins infiltrated the party, and Franz himself would assassinate the grand master of the Templar Order in the Austrian Empire.

    By 1870, Prussia would provoke the Second French Empire into declaring war, with Franz present at the Siege of Metz and the Battle of Sedan. During the chaos, Napoleon III would be captured along with his remaining 100,000 troops. Franz and a few German Assassins were quick in reaching Paris to join the French Assassins. As the Prussians neared the French capital, several Templar members like French Prime Minister Victor de Broglie would be assassinated. At last, France was forced to surrender as Franz was present in Versailles for the proclamation of the German Empire. Napoleon III would be released, but be forced into exile in Britain.

    By 1873, Franz was now a master assassin within the German Brotherhood, but was given one final task; the assassination of Napoleon III. With the aid of the Frye Twins in London, Franz was able to pinpoint Napoleon III's location in the British Isles, a small village in Kent. After a scuffle with Templar guards, Franz would assassinate the former French Emperor on the 9th of January, 1873. At last, the Templars and their power were diminished , not just in Germany and France, but also in Austria and even Britain, as the Frye Twins had already liberated London from the rule of the Templars back in 1868.

    Epilogue and Possible Lore after German Unification

    Following the proclamation of the German Empire, the balance of power in Europe changed, especially as the Templars lost great influence in Austria, France, Britain, and the former German states. However, this peace created by the Assassins would not last, as both Wilhelm I and Frederick III would die in 1888, leaving the throne in the hands of Wilhelm II, who had been influenced by the Templar doctrines of Bismarck throughout his youth. By 1890, Wilhelm would elevate Templars into the echelons of the German military and aristocracy, as several purges would be instigated against the Assassins within and outside of Berlin. By the outbreak of the First World War, it was now the Templars who ruled over Germany, while the Assassins consolidated their influence in Britain and France. Russia would eventually fall under the Bolshevik banner, Austria-Hungary would fragment, and the shame from the Treaty of Versailles would give rise to an extremist Templar faction within Germany; one that would threaten both Assassins and moderate Templars, and one that would go down in history as the world's worst and most vile regime.

    What are your thoughts on a game set during the Unification of Germany?

    submitted by /u/AncientConqueror
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    Parkour downgrade in later games

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 06:27 PM PST

    I have a question.

    Does anyone else think that ac origins, odyssey and Valhalla have one of worst parkour movement's in ac history.

    I think that its huge downgrade compare to unity movement and I'm questioning myself why developer's scraped old movement witch was smooth and fluid and replace it with new awkward and clunky system.

    submitted by /u/colt586
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    Are all assassins creeds good story games? Loved Valhalla ��

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 06:41 AM PST

    Hi I am new to assassins creed and I only played Valhalla because I'm a fan of Vikings and their history but as I played I really enjoyed the story aspect of the game, all the cutscenes, voice acting, twists and stories just seemed extremely well thought out and illustrated.

    I would even enjoy just reading the zealots stories then going around to them just to see their cut scene lol. And I was just wondering if any/all of the other games were like this because I feel I would be a big fan.

    Either way loved the game and bravo to the story and cutscene crew👍

    submitted by /u/qevahs1
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    Assassin's Creed Valhalla made a critical, idiotic mistake. SPOILERS

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 04:40 PM PST

    If you pay any attention to who the characters are when trying to figure out who is in the order look no further than the order screen. Ubisoft went stupid and puts the characters in it. I already know who the final people in Jorvik because the character models are right there.

    submitted by /u/wbm20
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    The revelation in valhalla opens the door for so many fun stories in the future. [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 04:22 PM PST

    Reincarnation is now not exclusive to Aita but any isu in the franchise. Valhalla has us play as a Reincarnation of an ISU and makes it work but thats far from the only plot point that they could do. As some ideas...

    • Side character in the past storyline reveals to be a sage midway through the game and is pretty open about it to the MP making the main character know more about the ISU than pretty much any other historical character in history.

    • Side character is a Sage but doesn't give in to whoever he's a reincarnation of for a while and when he does he becomes a maniac siding with the villains, forcing you to fight a once friend.

    • We have NO reason to believe humans can't use the Reincarnation devices as well, what if the MP finds an old ISU vault that allows for Reincarnation through some way or another. Than is revealed to have reincarnated into the modern day.

    • Other option main characrer again uses the Reincarnation devices but doesn't reincarnate into the modern day but a different historical period. so we can play in two timeliness separated by centuries as the same character just in a different body. This could happen through separate games.

    • This ones out there and I get if people don't like it but just as an idea, what if people gain the ability to reincarnate into the past, I don't think its to far out of the realm of possibility that the ISU created some device that could do that. This means the modern character doesn't just relive his ancestors memories but actively travels back in time, maybe the modern day assassins need a ISU device that was destroyed in the past but the modern day character sacrifices themselves to travel back in time and find the device, and than store it in safe keeping for the modern day assassins to find it. Again I get if this is to outthere for someone's tastes but I think it could be cool.

    submitted by /u/broji04
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    I think AC series could use another major reboot (no, this isn't an AC hate post!)

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 11:17 AM PST

    So, I liked every single AC game so far. Unity, even Syndicate... I had a great time with all of them. When Ubi broke the annual release cycle and rebooted the series with Origins, I was actually blown away by the game. Many people said it wasn't AC anymore but I thought the setting and the story were 100% AC worthy and I instantly liked the rpg elements. Same goes for Odyssey which is the AC game I probably played most.

    While playing (and recently finishing) Valhalla though, I felt a kind of fatigue when it comes to the "big mighty warrior" AC titles. Despite enjoying every minute of it (minus the two thousand bugs and glitches), I don't think I need more. This was definitely different after I had completed Origins and Odyssey.

    All this made me think how much I'd enjoy another reboot of this series and I think it could be a common thing for Ubi to do this after having released a trilogy or a row of similar titles. Now the speculations and wishes can start, of course. Personally, I'd be pretty happy, if AC abandoned its current trend of having us play as invincible warriors and demigods and instead focused more on stealth, operating in the shadows. Gameplaywise, this would mean a heavy re-conceptualization of combat, abilities, movement (proper parkour, please), etc.

    The "Recover the lost whatever..." quests are a good example. In Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla you can "steal" something by running into an enemy camp, killing everyone and running out again. Or you could run in, get the item and run away until you're not followed anymore. That's something I'd like to see changed. Playing as master thief turned assassin... something like that. And please let us have flaws and character development. The only flaw you have in the last three games is that you're too powerful and above everyone and everything.

    While I wouldn't mind one fixed character as main protagonist, I also like the idea of having a huge, innovative, extensive character creation. This brings me back to the flaws thing. Let us be a smoker, a coffee addict, a weed smoker, depressed, mentally ill, etc with gameplay consequences. I know this has to be done with the highest amout of respect and sensitivity possible so it won't be offensive and in bad taste. But it's only an idea, after all...

    So yeah, any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/VanDraugr
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    Let’s dig into Rig [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 08:17 PM PST

    Rig Reidarasson, the man of over a dozen nicknames, is a fascinating character only delivered to us in the 10 Rigsogur pages scattered across western England.

    Allow me to relay a "brief" summary of each page before we dig into his true importance:

    • Rig is born in a storm on a ship without crying, and as a young boy already sees visions, claiming "I have drunk the mead of Odin", "I have sat ... with all the Aesir ... They all know my name." Rig gets called out in a fight, wins, spares his foe, takes Sklati's horn as a prize and fills it with mead, earning the name "the Horn-Filler".
    • Rig tears a rival clan's leader's head from his shoulders at 12yrs old, keeping the head as a prize. The head "talked" to him, foretelling a betrayal, and Rig continued to use its "advices" to win battles, earning the name "Skull-Talker". Quick side theory: could this have been a "crystal skull" of sorts? I know chances are null, but it's a very odd thing that keeps popping up...
    • Rig fell in love with Solveig, but later on while they were in the woods bangin', Rig's family was slaughtered by Ergon, who teamed up with King Hadon to banish Rig and Solveig for black seidr evidenced by his talking skull. They "complied", then came back and killed Ergon, chopping his leg off to display, and earning the name "the Ghost of Trondheim". Rig and a very pregnant Solveig then left for England, but stayed bangin' in a whale carcass for 9 days avoiding the fuzz, until Solveig had to stop to deliver their first son, Erik Whaleborn. Rig seemed to not take to paternity well, having visions that night, saying "I will drink of the elixir, Father!", "I will find you again on the other side of doom!" The 10th day the fuzz were gone, so Rig aliased as his first son's name for a bit.
    • Rig found a monastery of luminers - people who copied holy words in gold ink for preservation - and decided then to settle down, founding the town Goldness/Goldborough, and starting a gold mine to keep up the ink supply as he learned all he could about the subject of lumining under Brissy the Sage (NOT Aita, that we know of...) However I know of one that IS in Valhalla we never got to lay eyes on, a post for another day! and earned the name "the Converted".
    • Rig was found by King Hadron, who sent ships to Goldness. Rig quickly gathered just 10 men and their horses, covered themselves and the horses in gold ink, and rode into battle at sunset, blinding the enemy into an easy retreat. He named his horse Goldrassil, and earned the name "Gold-Skin".
    • The son of Ergon, Bolli, had allied himself with a rival kingdom and kidnapped Solveig. Rig attempted to take ships to retrieve her, but got stuck in brush. Then he ordered the men to take their ships as cover over the mountain and into the fortress where Solveig was. As they came through the fog, the gold-ink-painted dragons on their ships spooked the guards to scatter, and they razed the kingdom to the ground, saving Solveig and beheading Bolli - which again Rig used to "sing" at feasts for 8 days - and earned the name "Golden Flying Dragon".
    • A voice told Rig "You must ready your queen.", and he crowned Solveig "Queen of the North", to the scorn of other kings. Rig's "lucky skull" says "The gods' fate is determined at the blast of your horn". Rig called the kings to a Witan, and disguised Solveig as a man claiming to be "the King of Goldness", then had her declare the kings owed Goldness tribute, and called his wife "the Only Queen of England". The voice spoke to Rig again, saying "Your father will lead you true, for you are his perfect son. Wait for him in Himinbjorg until the day of battle", and Rig writes an interesting poem: "Better, I see now / To follow those / Who came before / For so dark a dream / Unrealized. Flows / The Dew of Distress / Lost forever."
    • The voice grew louder in Rig's old age, and it distrusted Rig for his conversion to Christianity, saying "You are the son that left Goldness and traveled east." Rig was conflicted with the old gods vs. God and decides to take pilgrimage to the Miklagard to be closer to the voice.
    • Rig consults his "lucky skull" again and has his ship stop off at Constantine, the current name for Miklagard. He's lively for a bit, but the voice tells Rig "he must confront a Man with the Mark in the House of Shadows", and it's kill-or-be-killed. He killed the Man with the Mark Was this another Reborn? Perhaps Aita himself? and claimed "I have come before my time. I was born too early and I am alone, without my father, without my friends." He also voiced intention to "preserve his mind until his father should come again", but was killed before that could happen by Brolli's sister, who killed Rig to avenge her father and brother, but allowed Solveig to give him a proper burial.
    • Rig's body is brought home to a creek where he had painted Odin and a cross in gold ink, and was given a viking's send-off. Brissy claims they believed Rig fully, and said Rig coined the term "Chips of Yggdrasil", leaving the myth that Rig would return as a wave with bones made of mead-marrow when the waves cause "Chips of Yggdrasil" to wear away. He also gets another 5 nicknames in this page I'm not writing out here, we've got the gist...

    So, we know what happened to him, but why?

    My firm belief is that Rig was Baldr reborn.

    A couple more facts to back this, we hear Loki gloat to Aletheia in two of the Animus anomalies: + Loki says he killed Odin's son, saying "The poor boy collapsed so suddenly. Felled by the faintest taste of mistle-berry. With his father standing over him, weeping!" This is obviously a direct reference to Norse mythology, wherein Loki kills Baldr with mistletoe, and Odin finds his son murdered. + Loki then says "The Mad One is away, wandering in lands afar. He searches for a way to resurrect his son. Asking every leaf and stone for answers."

    Now, to connect these two we really only need to read into the odd things Rig says and hears that I pointed above, but here's what I believe happened in between:

    I believe Odin already had the Mead by the time Baldr was killed, and as per instruction was waiting "until the moment of death" to send his and his family's minds forward through the Yggdrasil device.

    But then he witnesses his son dying in front of him, and as any loving father would with the means to do so, I believe he preserved his son's mind as Baldr's life was ending, granting some semblance of hope while he looked for ways to revivify Baldr in the "here-and-now" of the Isu Era.

    By this, he would've then used the Yggdrasil device once, well in advance to the rest of his Trusted Eight, causing Rig/Baldr to be Reborn a bit earlier than the rest of his family, as evidenced by Rig's strange quotes above. In particular how Rig may have named the Mead "The Dew of Distress / Lost forever".

    This was a really fun dive to compile while I was playing, and is just the tip of the iceberg for my upcoming "mini" Codex coming called "AC: Valhalla - Codex Temporized", where I'll do my best to present all the little connections, theories, and lore bits in as chronological a fashion as possible! Look forward to that, and lemme know if you made the connection from Rig to Baldr yourself, or any other wild theories you may have!

    • Your Friendly Neighborhood Mentor
    submitted by /u/IMHOZen1
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    Is there a way to disable kill animations? [PC]

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 07:55 PM PST

    I have been playing for a while now and animations get stale fairly quickly and stop the flow of combat. Is there a way to remove them? I read about the option being in the accessibility menu, although I can't find it anywhere.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Cupcake33
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    Was there extra sequences added to ac2 in the ezio collection

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:12 PM PST

    I played AC2 last year on the original 360 version but I didn't have brotherhood or revelations so I got the ezio collection and now I'm replaying AC2 on the ezio collection and I don't remember these sequences with sforza or returning to Florence.

    submitted by /u/jodlad04
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    [VALHALLA SPOILERS] As a huge fan from of AC, I’ve been dying to see my country represented in the series I love and Valhalla was a punch to the gut.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 06:48 PM PST

    I'm Welsh and I've been following assassins creed since the first instalment, for the longest time I've been so excited seeing so many different countries and cultures explored throughout history. With each new game I always wanted to see my own in this franchise I passionately follow.

    Black Flag is one of my favourite games of all time, Edward Kenway is a fantastic character and his story seriously moved me, his character did Wales proud and the voice actor knocked it out the park, it was awesome to see.

    Playing Valhalla (which for the record I have really enjoyed, a brilliant addition) I was thrilled to see a real Welsh person enter the story through Rhodri the Great, with the famous welsh dragon displayed proudly on his castle and shields, I was so pleased. Then it all went to shit.

    Right off the mark the characters begin to mock the Welsh language and names, I can't remember the exact quote but they ridicule a characters name and spelling - keep in mind these are Norwegian vikings who's names are not exactly "English".

    This comes up again a ton of times with Brigid, every time she speaks Eivor looks so puzzled and confused and at the wedding the entire camp are like "Is this girl an alien or something???". Again, this is really weird considering they are Norwegian vikings, their native tongue is Norwegian, not English. They've managed to learn foreign tongues of Saxons and so on but Welsh is apparently a bizarre concept. (Hell Eivor even goes to America and is completely chill hearing Native American and even tells them a story in Norwegian, why was he so confused about Welsh?)

    I realise this seems quite sensitive but take into account the history of the Welsh language - it has actively been stamped out and silenced in our history, after the English control over the Welsh the language was essential replaced along with many other aspects of our culture, in schools you would even get punished and mocked by teachers if you were caught speaking Welsh, forced to wear a degrading sign and unable to remove it, unless you caught someone else speaking Welsh and ratted them out. It's a major part of our history. It's still an issue today, our schools and government have to make efforts to keep it alive through education, public information etc.

    The final blow was seeing Rhodri the Great brutally tortured and his body left desecrated and openly displayed by Ivarr the boneless. Historically speaking - there is no evidence these two people even met, obviously I know this is a work of fiction and not a history lesson but it's such a rare experience to see a genuine Welsh historical figure portrayed that it really felt like shit to see what they did with him, knowing that for many people Rhodri the Great will now be that guy who's back was ripped open by that Viking bloke - even though this obviously did not happen. I know they wanted us to really hate Ivarr but I think betraying and killing a child did the job.

    I hope I got my message across well, I'm not shitting on the game - I'm still playing it to this day and really enjoy it. I just felt so bummed out that our country was essentially just the butt of a joke when AC usually does a good job portraying cultures.

    There's some awesome parts of wales and the Welsh people Ubisoft could delve into - this example really missed the mark for me.

    TLDR: Wales and the Welsh language was nothing but the butt of a joke in the game, which felt crap after waiting to see representation in a game that usually does an awesome job.

    submitted by /u/heresjoeking
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    What’s the best Hidden Blade prop?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 08:07 PM PST

    Hey all, I'm thinking a lot lately about a project I've wanted to do for a while now. A wall mounted shadow box displaying iconic weapons from all the video game franchises that I've loved over the years. the Bryar Pistol from dark forces, a Batarang from the Arkham series.... you get the idea. So of course I HAVE to include a Hidden Blade in this too! Here's my question:

    Which model of the HB should I "enshrine" in my little memory box project? Which one embodies the franchise best? Looks the best in front of a back light? Is the best quality for the price?

    Thoughts, opinions? Recommendations please?

    submitted by /u/Alpha537
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    Finishing moves with own weapon

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 04:17 PM PST

    EVERYONE is saying all you have to do is stun someone then go behind them and heavy attack but this just flings them away and doesn't trigger any type of animation for me. Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/DnorleTrebor
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    Is You That Isu? [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 09:20 AM PST

    In AC:V, we get the big reveal that the "Norse" Isu essentially cloned themselves, inserting their DNA into the Human genome to allow themselves to one day be "reincarnated" in material form, memories and all.

    Now, obviously not all Isu did this — or were allowed to. This is why Juno spends so long looking for a material body to possess and escape the Grand Temple in New England, this is why Aleithea was embedded in the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus, etc. Obviously, also, not all the gods were "reincarnated" as famous people — Eivor, Sigurd, Basim, and Valka's mother are unknown to us in the "modern day" — but Halfdan Ragnarsson was the reincarnation of Thor.

    Side note: also fun that Kassandra/Alexios ran into the woman who claimed to be Athena in AC:O; this revelation could lend some credence to her claim.

    I wonder which other gods from world mythologies — not necessarily Norse — would you think is an interesting connection to a real-world noteworthy figure in history, if they were reborn Isu?

    This is firmly for fun and speculation, not asking a lore question. We're making our own headcanon-pseudohistory, people!

    Edit: For instance, I'd like to posit that Czernobog, the Slavic god of darkness, death, and misfortune could have reincarnated in Vlad Dracul III of Wallachia, better know as Vlad the Impaler.

    submitted by /u/JayArr_TopTeam
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    What will happen when AC Valhalla season (Free content) ends?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 06:55 PM PST

    Hi assassins, I bought the game in 31 of december, and the Yule festival was going on, but I will only be able to actually play later, because at the moment I am busy with college etc. When the festival is over, will all the resources brought by the seasons be accessible in some way afterwards, or return on some other date, or will I simply lose the opportunity to access those features?

    submitted by /u/Cassio1404
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    False Memory? Just Need Some Confirmation

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 09:34 AM PST

    I know it's been ages, but anyone here remember all the press surrounding the first game? I remember going to sites like gametrailers to watch videos on the first AC which made me think it was a really cool looking period game, and nothing more. Then after popping the disc in my 360 and seeing the loading screen with altair in a holographic infinite white room, I remember thinking wow, that doesn't fit the aesthetic at all. Like I had no idea about the animus or the modern world, or any of that. It was such a wonderful surprise to such an awesome game. After that I got hooked on the lore.

    Was that me not paying attention or missing some information about the game that kept me out of the loop, or was that intentional? I remember being totally confused for a bit, then having it click that an entire studio might have given me the biggest wtf moment in gaming history. It's been 13(?) years but man, it's still incredibly vivid. The female game director - forgot the name now - and that studio, bravo!

    submitted by /u/textro
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    Opinion: Rogue is better than Black Flag.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 11:59 AM PST

    Rogue isn't talked about as much as it should be, and its always forgotten about when discussing "Great Assassin's Creed games." AC Rogue is everything that Black Flag is.. But better. The story is a lot more interesting, and it visually looks amazing. I recently played Black Flag and Rogue back to back (Black Flag first, for timeline and storyline reasons) and I enjoyed Rogue a lot more. Everything that Black Flag has, is done in Rogue but better. Naval fleet missions, naval battles, upgrading, storyline, combat, every aspect. You name it, and it's done better. Kenway was interesting, but the story of an assassin become a well known and badass templar is just astonishing.
    What do you think? I'm curious to see your opinions/responses. (This was also posted onto r/unpopularopinion )

    submitted by /u/quantumdonut69
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    Black Flag Freedom Cry Nintendo switch bug on memory 8

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 06:27 PM PST

    Could not for the life of me complete the 100% synchronization on memory 8 because i could not 'liberate 15 slaves'. Tried looking up how to do it but after following advice i still could not do it. It took me an hour to finally figure it out and decided to share even though this is super duper niche.

    In this mission you are below deck on a sinking ship trying to liberate people in two different rooms. You must free 3 sets of people in the first room before you enter a cut screen. DO NOT SKIP THE CUT SCREEN. If you do your character will go into the loading screen RESETTING the count of people you have liberated making it IMPOSSIBLE to complete the challenge.

    Just liberate the 3 in the first room, watch the cut screen, then 2 in the next and your screen will show the challenge being completed before entering the next cut screen.

    Hope this helps someone!

    submitted by /u/ChodefaceKillah
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    Here's a challenge, make an assassins creed game based off your culture/location

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 10:08 PM PST

    As the title suggests try and envision an assassins creed game based off where you live or your culture, pick a historical period think of some themes and a very rough plot. If you live in the states and still want to do this than Narrow it down to your specific state. if your area had a time period than maybe trace your ancestory back to a different culture that doesnt have one, or just pick a different time period I don't really care. The fun of this is that the more uninteresting your residence is the more difficult it is to think of an interesting idea.

    I'll start. As a Minnesotan my game would follow the 1862 conflict between Dakota Indians and The Minnesota government. You would play as a native American girl who is a direct decadent to conner keyway. The gist of the plot involves The main protagonist struggling with how her stribe is in ruins mostly to government negligence, she harbors hatred for the (Templar) controlled Minnesota government that is headed by governor Alexander Ramsey, the government uses a piece of eden to starve Dakota native American tribes, the reason they're doing this is to lead the tribe to turn to ransacking American settlements to justify a complete purge of Dakota Americans from the state, despite the main characters best efforts they succeed in reducing the starving native Americans to barbaric practices. Despite her anger harbored to the state she's also upset with her tribe in succumbing despite their harsh conditions. It would be a bitter sweet ending as despite losing her entire tribe she does manage to replace Alexander Ramsey with Assassin Henry swift.

    submitted by /u/broji04
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    World history AC games you'd love to see made

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 09:59 AM PST

    What are some world history events you would love to see brought to the AC universe?

    For me, it's Brazil. I want to see a setting involving Quilombo dos Palmares, the defense of the free city against the incursion of Templar-funded bandeirantes and some sick capoeira moves for the assassins!

    submitted by /u/isweariamfromcanada
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    Just finished AC brotherhood and understand NOTHING, SPOILERS

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 08:50 AM PST

    I need help with the story, I was so mixed up when Desmond killed this girl (I forgot her name) I also was mixed up when Ezio killed Cesare, and when Cesare killed this fat king (Borgia?) and when Ezio was killing Cesare why were there 2 armies fighting? And that lady at the end of the game that sounds like a.....smth like a god or anything, who is she, I played AC2, then played only first mission of AC brotherhood and left it for a year, with stupidity I decided to complete it 3 days ago without watching a story recap or anything


    submitted by /u/Gamurforlife
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    best armor combos for assassin's creed Valhalla

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:17 AM PST

    there are many sets of armor and weapons in ac Valhalla, i want to know your opinion of the best combos for armors and weapons.

    P.S: sorry if bad grammar etc, i'm illiterate :/

    submitted by /u/bigboie101
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