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    Sunday, December 13, 2020

    Assassin's Creed You know, I miss being able to just activate your hidden blade

    Assassin's Creed You know, I miss being able to just activate your hidden blade

    You know, I miss being able to just activate your hidden blade

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 09:18 AM PST

    Title, in the Ezio games especially you could simply just hold a button and Ezio would unsheathe the blade. As long as you didn't let go of the button you could just walk around with it out.

    It served almost no function other than the rule of cool, but god damn did it do it well

    submitted by /u/Isaac02444
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    Parkour Is What Makes Assassin’s Creed Unique, We Want It Back!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 06:52 PM PST

    Parkour in the last three games is more of a means to get to point A to point B rather than an actual gameplay like in Unity or AC2. Like what Jim from The Office said: "The goal (of parkour) is to get from point A to point B As creatively as possible" Parkour in Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla is just boring and uncreative.

    Imagine a parkour system with the freedom of control like AC1-AC Revelation with the stylish animations of an exaggerated swagger of a French revolutionary (i.e. Arno) I know a lot of people dislike the parkour from classic AC or Unity because it's too complicated, but if they gave us stealth and combat difficulty, why not give us "Parkour/Movement Difficulty"?

    P.S: English is not my first language, pardon the grammar.

    submitted by /u/Indubitablyahuman
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    Assassin's Creed Unity is on an 85% sale ! Get it now for £4!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 04:02 AM PST

    Hey all,

    Go grab the game on the Ubisoft store now. Also wanted to say that after playing Unity for a few hours, if polished a little more before release it would have been one of the best AC Games of all time.

    Assassin's Creed® Unity (ubi.com)

    submitted by /u/JeanRedGrey
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    [Spoilers] The Hidden Truth, an Analysis

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 09:48 PM PST

    After finishing Valhalla I have been completely enamored by the Isu/Modern Day storyline in a way I haven't been since Assassin's Creed III. As part of that I decided to transcribe and break down the dialogue lines between Loki and Aletheia that are found in the Animus Anomalies.

    I have attempted to order them in what I believe is chronological order. I will post the full conversation and then my analysis of it.

    • Norway:

    Aletheia - I have spoken with Mother, the Father, the Sacred Voice. They have assured me their success is imminent. Our people will survive the cataclysm.

    Loki - Six times they have tried to save us. Six times they have failed. Forgive me if I have my doubts.

    Aletheia - The Mother is working on a seventh. A bold solution... risky. But she is confident it can work.

    Loki - And what does the Father say? Or the Voice? They are strangely silent these days...

    From what I gather here (and the documents in the game regarding Project Anthropos, the initial creation of humanity) that the Father of Understanding, Mother of Wisdom, and Sacred Voice are titles granted by the Isu High Council to the project leads for research projects done under some form of scientific authority. I believe that in the context of these voice lines that the Father is Jupiter, the Mother is Juno, and the Voice is Minerva. This clearly references what the Triad told Desmond about their efforts to save the world over the course of his Pentalogy.

    • Snotinghamscire:

    Aletheia - Have you heard? The High Council has stripped the Mother of her title. For gifting our tormentor her seventh method of salvation.

    Loki - The seventh method? Is it viable? Why were we not told?

    Aletheia - I've heard whispers and rumors. It seems the seventh requires a human host.

    Loki - A human host? Do you mean... rebirth? As one of them?

    Aletheia - Yes. But it's a small loss for a greater gain. A risk we must be willing to take.

    Here it seems that this is where Juno was cast out and either straight up imprisoned within the Grand Temple or set her on that path. Juno seemingly gave the Aesir (Odin, Tyr, Thor, Freya, etc) Yggdrasil, the Seventh Method of Salvation, the reincarnation machine. This was apparently against the wishes of the Isu High Council. Why she gave them the Yggdrasil and why the High Council disapproved, we don't know yet. Here Loki shows reservations of being reborn as a human but Aletheia doesn't seem phased by it. Maybe the differences between humans and Isu and/or humans perceived lack of potential by the Isu was overstated, maybe for their own peace of mind.

    • Eurviscire:

    Loki - Curse that Mad One, that one-eyed wretch! He has taken our son! Imprisoned him for invented crimes and locked him away!

    Aletheia - As he said he would, love. Do yo unot remember his threats? You should have been more careful.

    Loki - Have we no power to sotp him? To save our son? No recourse?

    Aletheia - What can we say? And to whom? Must the world know about our children? Must your wife learn of us? Is that a risk you want to take?

    Loki - I must do something! Anything!

    Here myth begins to blend with reality. For whatever reason the Mad One (Odin, one of his many many many names) and Loki are enemies. Loki did something that gave Odin cause or an excuse to imprison and torture Loki and Aletheia's son. Whether this is an actual child or some kind of scientific creation we don't know. There must have been major consequences for Loki and Aletheia to need to hide their relationship and their son if they had to let Odin take him. Their son is likely Fenrir.

    • Sciropescire:

    Aletheia - My love, what happened? You are flushed, trembling.

    Loki - An eye for an eye. A son for a son. For it ours must suffer needlessly to the end of his life, so too will his tormentor.

    Aletheia - What... what have you done?

    Loki - The poor boy collapsed so suddenly. Felled by the faintest taste of mistel-berry. With his father standing over him, weeping! (laughs)

    Aletheia - Reckless, foolish! Were you seen? Do they know it was you?

    Loki - (laughs)

    Here it is, the big 'oh shit' moment in Norse mythology. Loki kills Odin's son (more than likely Baldr) with mistletoe. This heralds the beginning of Ragnarok, the end of the world. Loki seems almost broken by his actions here, laughing hysterically.

    • Oxenfordscire:

    Loki - The Mad One is away, wandering lands afar. He searches for a way to resurrect his son. Asking every leaf and stone for answers.

    Aletheia - We can use this to our advantage. To steal the seventh, the serum and its catalyst.

    Loki - It should be ours. For all the suffering he has wrought.

    Aletheia - Our minds are attuned, love. As sympathetic strings.

    Loki - When the time is right, just right, we'll go.

    Here he learn that Odin spent much time wandering the Earth trying to find a way to return his son to life, as he did in myth. We see what are the beginnings of Loki and Aletheia's plan here, to use Yggdrasil for themselves. I assume that the serum is the large vials that go into the backs of the interface chairs as seen in the Hidden Truth video.

    • Ravensthorpe:

    Aletheia - Wake, my love! Soldiers at our door. They've come for you! For us.

    Loki - Let them take me. I have no more fear. Let me air my wrath in the courts.

    Aletheia - They'll kill you before they let you speak!

    Loki - I'll appeal to the Council. They must know what the Mad One has done.

    Aletheia - They're upon us! Now is not the time!

    It seems that Loki's murder of Baldr has caught up with him. Isu authority has arrived to arrest/kill Loki. I assume that they manage to escape, but not without cost.

    • Lincolnshire:

    Aletheia - Ah! Stop... stop! (weakly)

    Loki - Keep still, love. You're injured. Now let me see...

    Aletheia - Ah! No... no more, please. Let me... let me die. Here. Where all is quiet.

    Loki - No! This is... this is NOT your end. There is a way. A Piece of Eden, a staff attuned to this method of transfer. It may work!

    Aletheia - Or I may end up like the outcast's husband. A beating heart without a mind. But do what you must... I see no other way.

    I believe that Aletheia is mortally wounded in the escape from the Isu authorities. Loki devises a way to save her life by transferring her consciousness into the Staff of Hermes. Aletheia is worried that she will end up like Aita, as I assume the Outcast is Juno, and "a beating heart without a mind" does kind of describe the Sages.

    • Needham Lake:

    Loki - Be still, love. And let the current flow. Let it take you.

    Aletheia - Is this...? This is dangerous. It may not work.

    Loki - Until we have the serum, this is all we can manage.

    Aletheia - Will you not ask the Mad One for me? Ask him for the serum. Beg him for it.

    Loki - He would not listen. And I would sooner see our world obliterated before I gave that man a view of me on my knees.

    Loki begins the process of transferring Aletheia to the Staff. She is worried it won't work but Loki knows that without having access to Yggdrasil right now, which there is no way in Hel that Odin would let him have access, that the Staff is the only way to save Aletheia.

    • Suthsexe:

    Loki - My love, are you there? Speak and tell me you live.

    Aletheia - I... I live. If this is living. A mind without a body.

    Loki - And do you feel?

    Aletheia - I feel myself. My sense of being. Nothing more. Nothing less. No pain or... or joy... or passage of time.

    Loki - And yet, you are with me. And I with you. And together we will endure.

    And it works, as we know. Aletheia is preserved within the Staff of Hermes. She is whole but does not feel any external stimuli. She doesn't feel the passage of time so it probably preserves her sanity there. At this point Loki and Aletheia clearly have a plan.

    • Hamstunscire:

    Loki - My love, the time is now. The cataclysm is upon us. The Mad One has gathered his trusted eight to his secret hall.

    Aletheia - Remember the calculations. You must act with precision. Every small step must be accounted for.

    Loki - I'll remember. They are burned into my brain.

    Aletheia - How long till your rebirth?

    Loki - A long time, love. You must wait in your endless present, and I will sail the black sea of nonbeing. But if all goes well, I'll find you again. On the far side of our doom. We'll be together. Again.

    And this is it, Ragnarok. Odin (later reborn as Eivor) takes his Trusted Eight, of which we know of Tyr (Sigurd), Thor (Halfdan), and Freya (Svala), to Yggdrasil where they upload their minds to be reborn as humans. Who the other five members of this Trusted Eight are, I can't say. I assume some big names like Heimdall, but I am not super well versed in the Norse pantheon. Loki and Aletheia used the Calculations to come up with a rather complicated plan to be reunited in a world safe from both the Cataclysm and the Second Catastrophe by engineering and guiding the events of Kassandra's, Eivor's, and Layla's lives to make sure that reality matched the possible future they predicted where they won. As we know it worked perfectly.

    Now we get to The Hidden Truth video. As we see here we can now fully understand the video with the context above. Odin and his Trusted Eight use Yggdrasil to setup their reincarnations as the Great Catastrophe strikes (using video from the Nexus of Time). Loki infiltrates the facility, kills the guards, and kills one of the Eight, taking their place and ensuring his own reincarnation in order to be reunited with Aletheia and take his final revenge on Odin.

    I gotta say I actually can't wait for the next game after this. I was so down on the series and the story after Origins and Odyssey. I am really impressed here. If anyone has any further observations or corrections I'd love to hear them.

    submitted by /u/SG-17
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    Favorite counter kill animation from the franchise?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 01:46 PM PST

    One of my top favorites is the double counter animation while the hidden blade is equipped in AC3. Connor just mercilessly spills the guts of two soldiers on the floor. Brutal

    Another is the stun attack kill animation from Valhalla where you take the longsword and just start hitting the dude with it, ending with a face kick/stomp.

    submitted by /u/The_Flying_Jew
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    What's your favorite region in AC Valhalla?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 02:05 PM PST

    My favorite one is Glowecescire. It just has such a pretty aesthetic and the hills to the north have amazing views. I think they did an incredible job at this games map. What is your favorite place you've visited in the game?

    submitted by /u/ohsinboi
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    [Spoiler] Volume of valhalla's main story was disappointing.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 04:22 PM PST

    I felt like 90% of "story" was Eivor running errands for strangers to form alliances, honestly I found most of them boring and unimportant. I mean, from Eivor's shoes, I get that it's important for her to form alliances with bunch of saxons and danes but there were just too many of them and they take up most of the main questline.

    The actual parts that really mattered like saving Sigurd, going back to norway and finding world tree, Basim's betrayal were only 10% at its best.

    It only feels long because there are so many times where Eivor has to help random dudes to form alliance with them.

    submitted by /u/Baron012
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    How is everyone finding the game compared to previous titles?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 02:10 PM PST

    I'm not looking for story stuff because I may look at buying the game but I was wondering how it compares to previous games and you lot seem like the most reliable source. Thanks

    submitted by /u/crazyboy2548
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    A Norse historian Plays AC Valhalla (Livestream)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 09:08 AM PST

    If you're interested in the history in and around this game, I have an MA in Viking and Medieval Norse studies, and I'm putting that to use in a hopefully fun series reacting to the history in AC: Valhalla, where it goes weird, and the things it does that are actually very cool!

    this is a weekly livestream that started last week at https://twitch.tv/ludohistory . Today, we're gonna finish Norway and actually enter England! Runs for the next 4 hours from this post :) Hope to see some people there and asking questions!

    EDIT 1: Stream's ended, but still feel free to follow, I'll have more AC Valhalla next week!

    EDIT 2: on u/North_South_Side's suggestion, posting in a very brief blurb of my credentials (which I promise is not to brag, simply to show that I have some grounds to be talking): I'm a flaired user on r/AskHistorians in Medieval Norse Culture and Reception. I just had a publication go up on Mittelalter.digital about the historicity of Ragnar Lodbrok. I've spoken at several conferences on the representation of the Vikings in games, including presenting at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds in 2019 about the adaptational practices of the board game A Feast for Odin and in 2021 I will be presenting in the International Saga Conference about the Baltic Sea in Ragnars saga and (hopefully) get my first academic publications sorted out. I specialize in Norse literature, historical climate and environment, and in historical adaptation in videogames. Takk!

    submitted by /u/sagathain
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    So the raven does absolutely.....nothing?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 09:43 PM PST

    Am I doing this right? It always tells me to use the raven to find quest objectives or enemies. Its useless does nothing and I dont understand. This game is lacking srs direction. Indont need my hand held but I need explanation of the mechanics and features. Did I miss something?

    submitted by /u/SilkSatinPanties
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    We should be able to customize our gear’s appearance JUST like our jomsviking.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 03:16 AM PST

    I mean I'm straight up jealous of my jomsvikings sexy ass attire. But anyway, I mean ..

    Like, let the gear stats and everything be whatever we got on(like odyssey), but let us change its look, EXACTLY how we are able to, for our jomsviking... including each and all of the gear's appearance ...before we upgrade it.

    Just a thought .

    submitted by /u/Infinite4life
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    [SPOILERS] A question about two certain characters

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 02:22 PM PST

    I was doing one of the Animus Anomalies and Shaun just comes out and mentions his and Rebecca's wedding night? Y'all think he was trolling or being for real?

    Regardless, that's crazy. A plot development I definitely would not have seen coming lmao, I saw Shaun and Rebecca as just friends.

    submitted by /u/AfroBandit19
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    Am I missing something? - Ledecestreshire Wealth

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 03:09 PM PST

    So, I'm two wealth points away from getting all of them in Ledecestreshire but the map doesn't show me any big yellow dots...

    Is it normal? Do the small dots also count? Or am I f*cked?

    submitted by /u/Dvdpv
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    Valhalla Is Just Too Long

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 07:52 PM PST

    Valhalla was a lot of fun for a while but I'm pretty much done with it now. I've hit the 93 hour mark and I still have several kingdoms left to pledge to and the main storyline is showing no sign of wrapping up.

    The next game needs to be leaner and tell a tighter story, this is just insane.

    submitted by /u/Terminal_Willness
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    What this thing symbolises in Valhalla MASSIVE SPOILERS

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 06:29 PM PST

    If you've finished the game you know that Eivor has the DNA of Odin but at the start of the game there was a reference to this.

    As Eivor was getting their signature Wolf-Kissed scars, two ravens fly to help her by distracting the wolf. Odin has two ravens, this was a reference to Eivors true identity from the start.

    submitted by /u/maahfluhg
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    This mural in Amsterdam has been advertising Ubisoft games since at least 2014

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 11:55 AM PST

    An Assassin's Creed in Sub Saharan Africa.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 09:14 AM PST

    Europe has been done to death and Asia is starting to become explored in different forms of media. Sub Saharan Africa has never been given any attention in the media. Outside of Slavery many people don't know much about the kingdoms of Africa. A game set in Sub Saharan Africa would probably be the most ambitious game in the franchise, but if done right would be a breathe of fresh air for fans like me who are kinda burnt out with Europe and would make headlines everywhere for showing a different side of African history.

    submitted by /u/gabe2401
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    How do mastery levels work (odyssey)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 10:40 PM PST

    Hi, Im still sub-fifty but I want to plan out my skill tree.

    If I was level thirty I would have 29 skill points. When do I stop earning skill points. Are masteries and skill point resources interchangeable? Like if I decide to max out two trees of skill points I can do that by having less masteries?

    Or are the two completely seperate? (Like after lvl x all the skill points must be spent on masteries and not skills).

    submitted by /u/HoneyJasmineGreenTea
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    Valhalla - From Xbox to PS5?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 10:16 PM PST

    UPDATE: I bought the PS5 version and everything transfered over.

    I finally managed to land a PS5 and just fired it up a few minutes ago.

    I have the ultimate edition of Valhalla already for the Xbox One S, so I was wondering how I can transfer all that over to PS5 if it all possible without losing DLC and special content

    I suppose this also includes the question, can I buy the basic game on PS5 or do I need to buy the ultimate edition again?

    submitted by /u/GothamCityDemon
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    DLC price related issue ( AC odyssey)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 10:02 PM PST

    So i bought the game on the ps store for about 20 bucks and in the ubisoft store in the menu of the game,it shows the price of fate of atlantis as 30 bucks.Why would i buy a 30 dollar dlc for a game that I bought for 20,regardless of whether I like it or now.Do the dlcs go on sale on the ps store or is 30 dollars a fixed price for both the dlcs. Also,I have a mission in my quest hub in the fate of Atlantis category with a recommended level of 41.Is that a pre requisite to the dlc or something?

    submitted by /u/TheGamer1049
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    How bad are the bugs in AC Valhalla?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 07:49 PM PST

    Thinking of buying the game for Christmas on ps5 but I also want to wait it out because I've heard it's kinda glitchy. How bad are the bugs? Are they immersion breaking? Do they make the game unplayable?

    submitted by /u/David4082
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    Short summary of Ac1 and AC2

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 09:53 PM PST

    Guys I've recently been playing AC1 and AC2 actually I did completed it but failed to understand the story sl I decided to replay it in order. But still quite didn't understand the story this time as well. So if you don't mind please explain Ac1 and Ac2 story in short here that can enable me to understand Brotherhood and Revelation as I'll play it later. Thanks for your efforts.

    submitted by /u/Son_SPY_102
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    What are your fave AC games and why?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 03:53 PM PST

    What are your fave AC games and why? Personally the Ezio games are my favourite, if for no other reason than pure nostalgia. I remember I was given ac1 by my uncle, and my mum allowed me to play it until I killed a guy (IN GAME) 😂😂 I soon found out where she hid it tho... oh how mad she was when she realised I'd nicked it back.

    Since then idrk my fav...

    I soon got disinterested in origins, odyssey was good but the lack of hidden blade really pissed me off. I'm thinking of getting AC3 remastered, and I today bought an online copy of unity, of which I already completed upon it's release yet sold the disc

    Can't wait for it to download

    I'm pretty sure I've got Valhalla for xmas too wooohoooo

    submitted by /u/leftwing-chemist2003
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    New to AC. So I think im going to play all the AC major titles.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 07:12 PM PST

    I'm new to AC and I just think about when I my friends were playing when I was young I wanted to do bad. I never did. Valhalla just came out and I want to play so I starting from the beginning. Im open to suggestion but this is my list.

    AC, AC2, BH, Rev, AC3, Black Flag, Syndicate, Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla.

    This seems more daunting when I write it out. Just wanted to share before I start my journey.

    Update: Due to recommendation I may be adding Rogue and Unity to the list.

    submitted by /u/ThatMontecore
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