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    Saturday, December 5, 2020

    Assassin's Creed In Valhalla, the fact you can't preview items before buying them is insane.

    Assassin's Creed In Valhalla, the fact you can't preview items before buying them is insane.

    In Valhalla, the fact you can't preview items before buying them is insane.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:46 AM PST

    You can't even tell the type of bow you are buying! Let alone seeing any of the cosmetics, you just have to go off a random description.

    Why would they have this? Makes no sense.

    submitted by /u/TheOneSwan
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    Ubisoft, please add in an update a way to revert to an old gear appearance

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:15 AM PST

    I know the dev team for Valhalla really cares about their game and we've seen before that they keep an eye on this sub quite often, so, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we should be able to choose what appearance to have for our gear, especially when you can't even see what the upgraded appearance will look like. I wish I never had upgraded the Mentor's cloak, I hate it now, but I can't go back.

    Please add this is an update

    submitted by /u/ElonTheRocketEngine
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    Adding gold to every outfit/gear piece doesn’t automatically make it good Ubisoft

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:40 AM PST

    Somebody at Ubisoft definitely needs to hear this. They ruined almost every outfit in the game by going stupid with the gold.Almost every outfit or weapon in the game is decent but as you start to upgrade your gear they just put gold, gold, and more gold on it and it's looks ugly as hell. Please Ubisoft if the next ac game has this feature don't just put gold on every outfit thinking it looks good because it just doesn't. You have no idea how many good outfits you ruined because you decided to put gold on everything.

    Rip raven clan armor. It used to be my favorite outfit until fucking ubishit ruined it.

    submitted by /u/MySticxg
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    I read a lot of negative things about Valhalla here, but atmosphere at this game is top tier and maybe the best at series

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:05 PM PST

    REally immersive experience to just wandering around , beautifully crafted world

    IT makes u feel like u are at 9th century England

    I heard a lot of negative things about the game here, but what i seek at the game is atmosphere and Valhalla might have the best one yet ( Atmosphere is a strong point of AC games , AC1, Ezio games, Black Flag or Origins atmosphere was top too)

    submitted by /u/1982mathew
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    Winchester people seems to have obesssion with keys

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:39 PM PST

    Why so many keys in this city alone? Found a chest, need 3 keys. One of the key is behind a locked door, need another key. Found another chest, need another set of 3 keys. Everyone there sure love locking every door and chest and throw their keys around.

    submitted by /u/memphiz88
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    Upgrading gear in Valhalla is so annoying

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:02 PM PST

    Anyone else annoyed by the fact that when you're upgrading gear at the blacksmith it keeps scrolling back to the top?

    If you got like 5 pieces of gear all the way at the bottom that you wanna max out from scratch that means you gotta scroll down like what.....15 different times to get them all???? Thats ridiculous.

    I think the upgrade menu should remember my last known position after each upgrade. Ubisoft make it happen!!!

    submitted by /u/Kagebunshinx1000
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    Awful looking birds in AC Valhalla

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 06:00 PM PST

    I was doing the taken for granted quest, and while the story was great, I could only focus on the vultures flying around. The textures are terrible and the animation so clunky. I know its minor but killed the immersion. Does anyone else have the same problem?

    submitted by /u/Heg_Is_Good
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    Ubisoft, give us Basim's outfit

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:19 AM PST

    I'm personally sick of these capes, I just want an assassins outfit that looks cool and Basim's outfit look dope.

    submitted by /u/Gonzito3420
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    Why does Ubi treat 'difficult' enemies by making them more tedious to fight, instead of more challenging

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:14 PM PST

    Allow me to elaborate. When I encounter a 'harder' enemy in Valhalla, it usually does not mean that the enemy is actually of a higher threat level than the others. No, usually, it simply means that fighting them will just be a tedious endeavor.

    "How do we make enemies more difficult to fight? Oh, I know, let's just give them more unblockable attacks and have the enemy parry 90% of attacks the player uses! That will make it fun for sure!"

    It does not make it more fun, I can tell you that. If anything, it will make a lot of fights very silly to look at.

    Here I am, strong Drengr Eivor, waiting around and running loops around an enemy to make them do a yellow attack that I can actually parry. Any attack that I use they will block, heavy or not.

    Alternatively you can stand at a distance, shooting arrows into an enemy until they fall. Excellent game design.

    I wrote this after hunting down a bunch of Zealots, and getting frustrated whenever I saw one of them was carrying a Heavy Shield. It's not a fun experience, and it does not make you feel like the Viking badass I think Ubi is aiming for.

    submitted by /u/TheLastJudicator
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    Could they not have fixed the physics of clothes when you walk on stairs before releasing Valhalla?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 06:17 PM PST

    Seriously, at first I thought I just got unlucky and encountered some buggy stairs. After a while however, I realized that every single set of stairs and steps causes the physics of clothing, and especially your cloak, to go ballistic. They just didn't feel like fixing this before release?

    submitted by /u/TheLastJudicator
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    Appreciation thread for (spoiler region)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:07 PM PST

    Vinland was honestly one of the most fun regions to play in the game, and I was sad that it was such a short arc and that I was leaving so soon. Arriving in a strange new land as a foreigner was such an amazing experience and made me think to myself "man I'd play an entire game just set in Vinland". This is fairly impressive to me because one of my majors is history with a focus in Anglo-Saxon England, so for Vinland to be my favorite aspect of the game really says a lot to me. I truly hope we get a season two of the season pass with more Vinland content because playing in Vinland was some of the most fun I've had in assassins creed in a while and I already knew Vinland was coming.

    submitted by /u/Hoosier3201
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    Why do they even give you a dialogue option in Valhalla if it doesn’t have any meaning

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:12 AM PST

    I already encountered two instances where I picked a dialogue option but the game took it away from me in the next 5 seconds! Why even make me think about it what could happen if I choose an option when a random NPC decides to take it away from me? WTF

    submitted by /u/awesomehuder
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    Assassins creed II is better than I remember and it has gone up in my eyes since I’ve started replaying it

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:31 AM PST

    I just would like to say this game is an absolute gem. I recently started replaying all the old games. AC1s gameplay is very repetitive and the story is pretty good, but not as good when knowing the twist.

    AC2 on the other hand is incredible. The gameplay, the story, the secondary quests, the glyphs, the setting, the characters. I actually am having more fun than I did the first time. This game has aged like a fine wine. I'm having a blast playing it and can't wait to do every thing I can in this game.

    submitted by /u/Tbandz32
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    Where and when do you want assassins creed to go next?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:47 PM PST

    I thought it would be interesting to see what you guys want from assassins creed. I personally want another Pirate game further back in the golden age of piracy only cus that's my fav period in history.

    submitted by /u/Random_Dude1738
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    Feast Should Fill Rations and Adrenaline.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:50 AM PST

    JMO.. already paying 65 quid or whatever it is.. the assassination dummies are right there in the camp, i know.

    submitted by /u/powfuldragon
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    Lost 100 hours of gameplay

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:32 PM PST

    I had almost completed the game. I had to uninstall valhalla because I was running out of space. I had it installed from UBI Connect. I installed to another drive from EPIC GAMES. Now I see that my "CONTINUE" button is gone. Under LOAD GAME, it shows that all my manual and auto saves are corrupted and I can't load from them. Please, help. I don't know what to do.

    UPDATE: I have the save files back. Thank you to you kind strangers who helped me. Re installing from UBI Connect seemed to work. I can't thank you all enough. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/galactico1333
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    [AC Valhalla] There is a strange cave on the cliff south of Suthsexe with an odd glyph at the entrance, and nothing inside. Anyone knows what it might be ?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:25 AM PST

    The cave is just west of Porcestre and Brimclif Monastery if you follow the coastline down the cliff. There's just this glyph, and a curious vertical opening just behind the wall.

    I have taken pictures as clear as I could. What is this ?


    submitted by /u/cagolebouquet
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    Confusion about the ending [SPOILERS!]

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:26 PM PST

    So, I'm a little confused if this is the ending or if there's more story. Layla is trapped with the Reader (Desmond?), Basim is resurrected and has taken over in the Animus, and Eivor is Jarl.

    Is that.. it? I loved the story of the game, but this feels like a cliffhanger. No follow up about the Basim stuff, nothing beyond "oh haha you're jarl now luv u wolf-kissed"?

    EDIT: After the comments, I'm now just left wondering if we're gonna see Layla and possibly Desmond as well get returned to life. Obviously Basim-Loki (Basil? Lokim?) is a bad guy, and thus will likely be defeated. Will someone like Elijah Miles take up the Staff of Hermes, go back to the temple, and use its restorative powers to heal Layla? Maybe even bring his father back somehow?

    Another part that I should've mentioned: the Miles family has the intensified Isu blood, and Elijah being a sage. Layla successfully lived the memories of the first Hidden One, a nigh-demigoddess, and the reincarnation of a full blooded Isu. I believe it's been confirmed she isn't of blood like the Miles' are, but could her Heir of Memories title mean she's some sort of sage too? Is the term of sage being redefined?

    submitted by /u/TonyTheMage_
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    Just completed all the Cairns. Would much rather watch a wall of paint drying rather than doing all of them.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:30 AM PST

    after doing them i need to question myself was it really worth it? No it was not

    and now i need to buy a new controller

    submitted by /u/Huntardlulz
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    Whoever thought that bringing back the "running away collectible" in Valhalla was a good idea should be demoted.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:33 AM PST

    Not fired, because it's tough to get a job out there especially these days, but that person should be in charge of cleaning toilets and nothing more. There is nothing more annoying in Valhalla than trying to get the same stupid piece of paper and fail constantly, because the parkour mechanics are unreliable. At least in Black Flag you got shanties which were great and added a lot of flavour to simply sailing around. Valhalla just gives you tattoos.

    submitted by /u/antarsan
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    How is everyone else finding the stone stacking mini game in Valhalla?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:28 PM PST

    Someone at Ubisoft actually used time and brainpower to decide that a physics based stacking mini game would be a good idea for Valhalla. My initial reaction of "cool a nice change from combat and exploration" quickly changed upon realising that they didn't care enough about implementing the physics engine, resulting in this kind of puzzle being impossibly infuriating.

    I've experienced first year college student projects with better collision and weight than this stupid stone game. You need to do it in order to complete a zone though.

    The only example of comparison I can think is trying to build a house of cards except someone left the window open and they're kicking the table after each card is placed to see how sturdy it is.

    I've been sat here for an entire game session trying to do this and wanted to vent and know other people's opinions.

    submitted by /u/Sierra645
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    Would I be able to start a place on the alliance map even tho I’m not enough power?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:01 PM PST

    Hey everyone so I'm about 50 hours into the game and am at a point where I need some more power to pledge to a new area but not high enough. I will still let me pledge but I was wondering if anyone else's has done this too or should I do some side stuff like raids and etc.

    submitted by /u/Arrick14
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    [SPOILERS] Connection between the Celtic and Norse Isu?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:48 PM PST

    In the Asgard/Jotunheimr arcs of Valhalla we learn that the Jotnar are actually the Isu of the Greco-Roman pantheon (Suttungr/Jupiter, Hyrrokin/Juno, Gunlodr/Minerva). Since the Isu of a different pantheon are being incorporated by the Norse into their own pantheon by means of Yggdrasil and the Nine Realms, could other pantheons have followed suit?

    We know the Celtic Isu are geographically close to the Norse Isu, as one of their barracks lies beneath Stonehenge in England, which is close to Scandinavia, relatively speaking.

    The Tuatha de Danann are a race of god-like beings in Irish mythology, hailing from Tir na Og or Otherworld, as do fairies, banshees, leprechauns and the like. Fairies are often known for a connection to nature and the primal; as are the Vanir of Norse myth hailing from Vanaheim.

    Could Vanaheim be what the Norse called the home of the Celtic Isu? And if we visited Jotunheimr in Odin's memories, is it possible we may see Vanaheim/Tir na Og in the "Wrath of the Druids" expansion coming this spring?

    submitted by /u/sullivansm2
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