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    Assassin's Creed AC2 - Timelapse of Florence

    Assassin's Creed AC2 - Timelapse of Florence

    AC2 - Timelapse of Florence

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:13 PM PST

    MAJOR SPOILERS: There's a massive reference To AC1 hidden throughout AC Valhalla's Story.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:12 AM PST

    throughout AC Valhalla you visit three cities across England, York, London, and Winchester. Each city is being preyed upon by three Ancients. In AC1 you also visit three cities Acre, Damascus, and Jerusalem each of these cities is being preyed upon by three Templars. The similarities do not end there each city correlates one to one in terms of schemes being played out. London mirrors Acre, York Damascus, and Winchester is the mirror of Jerusalem.

    In both London and Acre, there is a mad doctor, a trainer of soldiers, and a commander of a fleet.

    In York / Damascus, there is a book burning religious scholar, a mass poisoner, and a corrupt official controlling the market and its merchants.

    In Winchester / Jerusalem, there's a recruiter, an over zealous judge/executioner, and a high ranking member who fakes a funeral to create a trap.

    here's a chart i made to map it https://i.imgur.com/0RqfNyb.png

    submitted by /u/R_hexagon
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    Do you know how tired I am of choking out Goliaths?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:12 PM PST

    I'm getting pretty close to 100% completion and I am so tired of the choking/neck-breaking cinematic. It's by far the longest and the most boring. If I have to wrap one more Goliath with a flail... Ubisoft please...

    submitted by /u/AustinSink
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    This Trilogy of Games is Blue Balls for AC: Rome

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:27 PM PST

    I just found it really interesting how Roman culture and architecture (Greek in the case of Odyssey but they share many similarities) is present in all three of these games yet we haven't gotten a true Assassins creed game set in Ancient Rome. Origins obviously takes place during the time of Julius Caesar and Romans are heavily involved in the story, but we only get a brief look at Rome itself and Roman culture in Cyrene. Odyssey takes place in Golden Age Greece so the Romans weren't doing much at the time, but the Greek culture and architecture in the game are a precursor for Rome's. Finally, in Valhalla there are Roman ruins scattered about everywhere but they don't do much with it beyond scenery. All of this in these three games just make me really wish Ubisoft would do a proper AC game set in Ancient Rome, but at this point it's looking unlikely at least for a while. There likely would be too many claims of Ubisoft being lazy and reusing assets from the other games and not doing something truly "new" and different. But, hopefully in the near future and maybe on the next iteration of the engine Ubisoft can do Ancient Rome justice at a scale we've never seen in Assassins Creed before.

    submitted by /u/BryceW123
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    LATE GAME SPOILERS VALHALLA : Howling Wolf New Hampshirt t-shirt appreciation thread.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:32 PM PST

    I just want to show my apprecation for Basim's wolf t-shirt. It's typically reserved for only the coolest 5th graders or 45 year old New Hampshire residents who spend all of their free time in a garage, talking about they might forgo getting a new snow blower in favor for that motorcycle they've been talking about getting for the past 30 plus years. Whoever decided to put that thing on Basim, I also appreciate you. I also cannot take Basim seriously in that thing lol

    submitted by /u/Shaq_Bolton
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    I see the bear. I kill the bear. I see the bears fur. But I can't have it. Ever.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:16 PM PST

    It also cool to know that there are rare legendary beasts like reindeer and lynx that I have only seen one of each. I'm 100 hours in and travel EVERYWHERE by foot. If I do see them they're some nasty bandit cage. Still no animal skins.

    I never knew England had a fucking rabbit problem either. If I had a dime for every rabbit I've killed. I'd have shit load of dimes and whole lotta good luck with all these damn rabbit feet.

    submitted by /u/Tontarna
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    [SPOILERS] I am completely disappointed by the ''ending''

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 06:42 PM PST

    And I'm writing ''ending'' because I don't feel it's a real one.

    Yeah, there is the whole arc with Sigurd in Norway which was really great, as much as the Layla's ending and seeing Eivor becoming Jarl.

    But then there is the following Hamstunscire arc, which is after Norway. And I'm ready, I feel like it's going to be the big showdown. But it's... not. You don't really feel the importance of this moment, even with the weight of the multiple deaths.

    OK good, let's go back to Ravensthorpe! There is the marriage and all, and I feel like SOMETHING will happen... But no. No new mission? No ending? No generic? WTF? Even when you finally get the Great Master of the Order (which was a pretty good moment), it's not really the ending.

    So for me, I'm left in front of the game, not satisfied because there is no real ending to Eivor's adventure. There is no big moment to feel that all you did for more than 100+ hours counted.

    And what is even more insulting? Knowing that Eivor ended up in America and you don't know why. And finding out that the plan is to know this with the DLCs... Which means, the REAL ending is in the following DLCs? Not in the 80$ game I just paid? Are you kidding me?

    As much as I liked the game, as much that there were many conclusions (Sigurd's arc, The Order arc, The Asgard arc, etc.), seeing that there is no true ending to Eivor's adventure leave me unsatisfied, and seeing that I will have to pay for the DLCs to ''finish'' the game feels like embarking in a big cash grab.

    So yeah, here is my rant after deciding to finish the game 5 minutes ago.

    submitted by /u/brownnn_
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    Valhalla is so tedious at times

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:13 AM PST

    I wanna start out by saying that I do like the game but there are a few things that just make the experience so damn tedious.

    Trying to find an entrance to a gold map marker that is 5 miles underground. I mean come on, who thought it would be fun running around the map trying to find these things?

    The constant use of keys and barricaded doors in camps, it's cool the first few times but after like the 10th door it just makes me groan with annoyance.

    submitted by /u/JagdpantherV
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    Valhalla: Two new things I've found today (No spoilers)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:11 AM PST

    1. Was spear-fishing on my favorite fishing spot, when I noticed that the place was snowy white.. Weird, wasnt this place usually green? Must have been my imagination. Alright, back there a few hours later and its back to being green. But while I'm fishing, its slowly turning white again! Dynamic snowy ground! Didnt expect that, AC games, as most big games, are usually very static. Maybe next game we can get actual seasons?

    2. I got my first "Avenge the death of another player" mission today, 150 hours in! Didnt even think the feature was working..

    submitted by /u/empty_other
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    Places of Curse are such a missed opportunity for Valhalla

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:16 PM PST

    It is not secret the recent AC games were trying capture the brilliance of the Witcher 3 game. One of the best things about Witcher 3 were the monster contracts. They were isolated from the main story and had it's own beginning and end. You were tasked to play some detective work to figure out what kind of a monster or the curse was, understand what happened which led to the curse and then finally try to undo the curse or solve the monster problem by either killing it or find some other way.

    The first time I came across the place of curse in Valhalla, that memory of Witcher instantly came to my mind and I was excited and on the edge. Then after only a few minutes I realized it was just finding a glowing skull and destroying it to lift the curse.

    I wish it was more involved than that like Witcher 3. With Norse and Saxon as folk source materials, these could have been some memorable and unique moments in the game which lingered in your thoughts hours after solving the mystery.

    submitted by /u/rock1m1
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    Tired of buying 200 iron/leather? Do this at the merchant:

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:25 AM PST

    When buying iron and leather I found you can scroll to 50 and then hit the buy button 4 times. Your count will stay at 50 for each purchase. It's way faster buying 4x 50 than it is 1x 200.
    Just thought I'd share.

    submitted by /u/GTBJMZ
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    70 hours in. Enjoying the game a lot but would love to see some of these changes.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:37 PM PST

    1. I know this has been mentioned a lot but. 1 Handed swords. Its insane that they aren't in the game but a 2 handed sword is. I won't go on aboiut this anymore as there are hundreds of posts about this.
    2. Transmog system. Again this has been brought up a lot so I won't moan about this too long. Such a shame that it isn't in the game by default as honestly, my character looks dumb covered in gold.
    3. Mythical weapon sounds. When you get a weapon to mythical level you have this super loud hit every now and then and it is agony sometimes. I actually just had to close the game because it gave me such a bad headache.
    4. The ability to preview items before we upgrade them or buy them from a shop. I have no idea what any of the ship stuff looks like or the weapon/armour upgrades look like without actully buying them first. I have been saving beforehand then reloading if it looks like ass but still.
    5. Miasma skill murdering civilians causing you to be desynchronized. I love the skill but I am so fed up of randomlt having to load a save because a chain of moron decided to all walk into a giant green cloud that kills them. Should not effect them at all.
    6. Upgrading gear is annoying me a lot at the moment as well. I want to try other builds but all the gear I would use is low quality, so I have to hunt for tungsten and iron until my eyes bleed.

    Love the game so far but after some of the bugs have been fixed me need some QOL changes.

    submitted by /u/MiniBossGael
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    [SPOILERS] After playing Valhalla, I can't help but wonder if Origins squandered the Egyptian gods

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:31 PM PST

    I really enjoyed how Valhalla showed the Isu weren't as homogenous as once thought, and that the Aesir-Vanir and Olympians/Jotunheim were rival factions both trying to find ways to survive the catastrophe.

    Does anyone feel now that the Egyptian gods were shortchanged by Origins though? Anubis, Sobek and Sekhmet got relegated to contextless boss battles in the desert, while the DLC revolved around the Pharaohs' possession of a Piece of Eden. I can't help but think about how the story of Osiris, Isis, Set and Horus unfolded in "reality"? Are we just to assume the stories of the Isu who became the Egyptian gods are lost to history?

    submitted by /u/alientraveller
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    You will absolutely love Immortals Fenyx Rising if you liked Odyssey a lot

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:53 AM PST

    I know there is a pretty solid split on people who like Valhalla or Odyssey better, which is fine people are allowed to have their opinions. Recently I picked up immortals fenyx rising made by the same people who made Odyssey and oh my god it's amazing. The ratings don't do it any justice at all if you look at fan reviews they are actually really incredible. It feels more like odyssey than Valhalla does. Right from the start of the game you can customize your gear, have a ton of different armor sets and weapon options, you have wraiths (bounty hunters) who will try to hunt you down on the island, it's the true odyssey sequel that I wanted maybe even better because it dove head first into Greek mythology. It has an interesting mix between BOTW and AC but if you liked Odyssey as much as I liked Odyssey then I definitely recommend checking it out! Ubisoft put a lot of work into this gem!

    submitted by /u/deliciousdano
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    Are the vikings actually the bad guys in Valhalla?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:31 PM PST

    As I'm playing through the game I can't help but feel that I'm playing as a bad guy and I'm destroying the lives of good people as I'm raiding, taking stuff for myself and murdering people. Story wise we aren't given much as to why the Saxons are bad people. They seem decent to me, and I actually am sympathizing with them, and here I come as a viking to destroy them. Anyone else feel the same way?

    submitted by /u/DayRider1
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    My interpretation of the man on the bench from Assassin’s Creed Embers

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:43 AM PST

    I don't think anyone can argue that he isn't a Templar or a Templar-in-training. He has the symbol on his vambrace, painted in red. Not only that, but I think Ezio sees the symbol before he sits down next to him. It is, after all, right in his line of view. That's probably why Ezio's face shows concern the moment he takes a seat.

    Now, if we look at the man, we see he's almost a mirror image of Ezio, with obvious similarities. They both have a scar on their mouth, but it's on opposite sides. They both have the same eye colour. They both have the same indented cheeks. They're even the exact same height. This means that the man, similar to Ezio in his youth, is, in a sense, Templar Ezio. What Ezio could have become at one point. In essence, he represents the never-ending conflict between the Assassins and Templars, as well as Ezio's inner turmoil, because to him there are only Assassin's and Templars. He has no chance to live an ordinary life, nor does anyone who gets involved with the centuries old war. It's almost heartbreaking, really, because despite everything Ezio's done, the Templars are still a force to be reckoned with, and they never stopped hunting him.

    Now listen to the conversation. The mysterious man says he hates Firenze, and that he'd rather be in Rome, where the women are like "grapes in a fine wine". Ezio owns a grape farm, but as he tells Shao Jun, the grapes aren't ripe yet. This leads me to believe that the man knows where Ezio lives, but he's also saying, in a round about way, that he has no interest in his wife and daughter. They're not "ripe", they're not his targets.

    Ezio doesn't quite understand, but recognises that the man is a Templar. He says, "I don't think Firenze is your problem." This is definitely where his heart attack hits, but if you look closely, you can see he leans towards his blade, as if to say, "I'M your problem." Whether he's reaching for it or simply keeling over is certainly open to interpretation, but it makes the next part more sensible.

    The man stops Ezio and says, "Courage, old man." With this small gesture, he indicates that they don't have to fight. To me, this scene really stings, because it shows that Ezio has been fighting for so long it's become his default. He seems shocked when the man smiles and nods to him. I think he knew Ezio was sick. I think he'd been observing him and waiting for the right moment to strike, but he didn't want to do it callously. After all, Templars and Assassins ultimately want the same thing: peace. Not all of them are wicked and soulless.

    Just before the man leaves, you can hear a metallic sound as he puts his hand on Ezio's shoulder. I replayed it a few times with the volume maxed, and it kind of sounds like a puncture. He tells Ezio to rest, almost like "requiescant in pace", and walks away. I think he might have injected Ezio with a fast-acting poison, which explains why Ezio's pain suddenly vanished. Heart attacks are extremely painful and don't normally kill someone that quickly, but right after the man leaves, Ezio smiles to his family and slips away on the bench. In his final speech, addressed to his wife, he doesn't reveal anything about the Assassins, so we can rest assured they'll be safe. All his life and all throughout the episode that's what he feared, that his past would come back to haunt him.

    But in this final moment, we see that the Templars will leave his family in peace.

    Let me know what do you think!

    submitted by /u/AndyToskovic
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    Ok, but seriously how has baroque Germany/Austria not been a setting so far?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:33 PM PST

    I just feel like it would work, the time is right in the sweetsop of history where we have a lot documented but it's not so close to modern day that swords and flintlock pistols would be in place. Plus think about all the historical figures, Bach, Handel, Leopald I, and Gottfried Leibniz just to name a few off the top of my head. This setting would be my favorite by far even considering how much I love Paris in Unity. I think this along with a removal of rpg elements and addition of good story would make it my favorite AC ever.

    Edit: Come to think of it I would even take a setting in Germany during the catholic protestant reform, I think I saw this one a comment on another post on the sub but one side could be assassin's and one could be templars. Or be neutral and just have take place during all that chaos. Martin Luther could make an appearance. God Germany is just perfect for an AC game lol.

    submitted by /u/FriendlyPolar
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    *SPOILER* Finished the game and like many others I’m confused can anyone explain?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:50 PM PST

    So like the title says I beat the game and got the "good" ending with Sigurd coming back with me and I am now jarl to me that's a good ending leaving me able to explore and do some other stuff I haven't yet. What I'm confused about is how in the animus basim takes over. I don't understand why I'm lost on that part. Maybe I need to play more to get a better understanding but I'm just confused on what happens in the last 1.5 hours of the game. Is anyone able to explain or break it down and tell me in more simple terms? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Arrick14
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    Man, even as tech goes up, certain things go down.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:10 PM PST

    I don't remember the character's name in AC3 but I do remember in the homestead she was a hunter and you could see her skinning a rabbit in exacting detail, and this was on 360/PS3 and even without HD. Now you got Valhalla and Wallace, the camp butcher, is just doing the same canned animations to a dead carcass.

    submitted by /u/kawaiineko333
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    Imagine a League of Assassins... Assassin’s Creed!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:38 PM PST

    This would never happen, but imagine an Assassin's Creed game set in Gotham City, and you play as an Assassin from the League of Assassins. A story made for this concept would probably shed light on the good that the League has done over thousands of years (a history perfect for the Assassin's brotherhood) and it would be set at a time when the Gotham City Police Department was overly corrupt and Batman was a brutal vigilante, still broken over his parents' death. There are so many more aspects that can be built upon with this game idea, but I want to hear your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/ULTRAMATON
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    [Odyssey] They did my boy Alcibiades dirty with this game.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:08 AM PST

    Alcibiades was an absolute lad for knocking the dicks off hermaphroditic statues when drunk one night, and by all accounts he was a right horny bastard, but he was also a great tactician and general... something Odyssey doesn't even hint at. It's the most annoying thing to me while replaying this excellent game.

    submitted by /u/Psychosociety
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    Bayek of Siwa. My latest fan art of this amazing franchise.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:07 AM PST

    How to get settlement level 6?! ��

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:34 PM PST

    So I have completed all the raids, upgraded all the huts/houses but I am still only half way through settlement level 5. How do you gather enough materials to do the multiple upgrades to the cattle/chicken/grain farms? Main story is complete so all the shires are "pacified". Only lacking raw materials as I have an abundance of supplies. Anyone know?!

    submitted by /u/shmecklyshmeck
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    Shoulder pads and cloaks versus feeling light and stealthy.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:20 PM PST

    It might just be me, but I'm really put off by the massive shoulder padding on all of the outfits.

    I do try to play stealthy, and having everything look cumbersome, gold and furry would be fine for lumbering around in a fighting game, but I don't really want to play a fighting game. If I'm fighting, I've probably failed to be sneaky. I was really hoping the Assassin's outfit would be roman themed, but nope, also a big fur collar. There's a certain set of clothes that you're not allowed to keep, which felt pretty light, and I was so happy until I didn't bring them home.

    I had a theory that it's to help the cloak's cloth physics simulation. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Doigsong
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