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    Friday, December 4, 2020

    Assassins Creed 4 Did my too much raiding broke the story?

    Assassins Creed 4 Did my too much raiding broke the story?

    Did my too much raiding broke the story?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:30 PM PST

    I just started playing this on the Switch. Made it through Sequence 4 and started Sequence 5, but I took a whole lot of time to explore and pillage and take over forts. This seems to have screwed up my story progression however. When I tried to start S5 by heading to the Tavern in Nassau where the story marker was, I used fast travel and instead of dropping me in the city, it instantly triggered a cutscene with a couple other pirates (whose names I cannot for the life of me remember) and Blackbeard. Then there was nothing. It looks like this was supposed to trigger The Forts mission, but I think my having already taken over the fort screwed that up? Now there's no story marker anywhere on the map and I'm not sure where to go or what to do to progress.

    submitted by /u/making_nonsense
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